PRIVACY POLICY – Tribune Publishing

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class="wp-block-heading has-text-align-left"><strong><em>This Privacy Policy Was Last Updated on March 26, 202</em></strong>5</h3> <p>This Privacy Policy (the “<strong>Privacy Policy</strong>“) explains how Tribune Publishing Company and its Affiliates (“<strong>Tribune</strong>“, “<strong>we</strong>“, “<strong>our</strong>” or “<strong>us</strong>“) collect, use, process, and share information about you when you use our Services or otherwise interact with us or receive a communication from us related to the Services. For certain Services, we may provide you with additional privacy policies and information that supplement this Privacy Policy.<br></p> <p>PLEASE READ THIS PRIVACY POLICY CAREFULLY TO UNDERSTAND HOW WE COLLECT AND HANDLE INFORMATION ABOUT YOU. BY ACCESSING OR USING OUR SERVICES, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT YOU CONSENT TO THE PRACTICES AND POLICIES OUTLINED IN THIS PRIVACY POLICY AND THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS PRIVACY POLICY. THIS PRIVACY POLICY IS ALSO GOVERNED BY OUR <a href="">SUBSCRIBER TERMS AND CONDITIONS</a>, AND <a href="">CENTRAL TERMS OF SERVICE</a>. BY ACCESSING OR USING OUR SERVICES, YOU ALSO ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT YOU CONSENT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN OUR <a href="">SUBSCRIBER TERMS AND CONDITIONS</a> AND <a href="">CENTRAL TERMS OF SERVICE</a> AND THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND OUR <a href="">SUBSCRIBER TERMS AND CONDITIONS</a> AND <a href="">CENTRAL TERMS OF SERVICE</a>.<br></p> <p>If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, do not access or use our Services or interact with any other aspect of our business. This Privacy Policy does not apply to the practices of companies that we do not own or control, or to individuals that we do not employ or manage.<br></p> <p>This Privacy Policy is intended to help you understand:</p> <div class="wp-block-table-of-contents-block-table-of-contents-block"><div class="eb-parent-wrapper eb-parent-eb-toc-aic1x "><div class="eb-toc-container eb-toc-aic1x eb-toc-is-not-sticky eb-toc-not-collapsible eb-toc-initially-not-collapsed eb-toc-scrollToTop style-1 list-style-none" data-scroll-top="false" data-scroll-top-icon="fas fa-angle-up" data-collapsible="false" data-sticky-hide-mobile="false" data-sticky="false" data-scroll-target="scroll_to_toc" data-copy-link="false" data-editor-type="" data-hide-desktop="false" data-hide-tab="false" data-hide-mobile="false" data-itemCollapsed="false"><div class="eb-toc-header"><div class="eb-toc-title"></div></div><div class="eb-toc-wrapper " data-headers="[{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;This Privacy Policy Was Last Updated on March 26, 2025&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;This Privacy Policy Was Last Updated on March 26, 2025&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;this-privacy-policy-was-last-updated-on-march-26-2025&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:2,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;1. Overview: What This Privacy Policy Covers.&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;1. Overview: What This Privacy Policy Covers.&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;1-overview-what-this-privacy-policy-covers&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;1.1 What Does the Term \u201cPersonal Information\u201d Mean in this Privacy Policy?&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;1.1 What Does the Term \u201cPersonal Information\u201d Mean in this Privacy Policy?&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;11-what-does-the-term-personal-information-mean-in-this-privacy-policy&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;1.2 What Does the Term \u201cServices\u201d Mean in This Privacy Policy?&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;1.2 What Does the Term \u201cServices\u201d Mean in This Privacy Policy?&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;12-what-does-the-term-services-mean-in-this-privacy-policy&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;1.3 What do the Terms \u201cAffiliates\u201d, \u201cApplications\u201d \u201cWebsites\u201d, and \u201cPlatform\u201d Mean in This Privacy Policy?&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;1.3 What do the Terms \u201cAffiliates\u201d, \u201cApplications\u201d \u201cWebsites\u201d, and \u201cPlatform\u201d Mean in This Privacy Policy?&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;13-what-do-the-terms-affiliates-applications-websites-and-platform-mean-in-this-privacy-policy&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:2,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;2. Overview: When This Privacy Policy Applies&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;2. Overview: When This Privacy Policy Applies&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;2-overview-when-this-privacy-policy-applies&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:2,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;3. The Information We Collect About You and How We Collect It.&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;3. The Information We Collect About You and How We Collect It.&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;3-the-information-we-collect-about-you-and-how-we-collect-it&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;3.1 Information That You Provide to Us Voluntarily.&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;3.1 Information That You Provide to Us Voluntarily.&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;31-information-that-you-provide-to-us-voluntarily&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;3.1.1 When You Register an Account on our Platform or Use our Services.&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;3.1.1 When You Register an Account on our Platform or Use our Services.&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;311-when-you-register-an-account-on-our-platform-or-use-our-services&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;3.1.2 For Billing &amp; Payment Matters&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;3.1.2 For Billing &amp; Payment Matters&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;312-for-billing-payment-matters&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;3.1.3 Registration for Newsletters, Contests, Sweepstakes, or Promotion Offers&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;3.1.3 Registration for Newsletters, Contests, Sweepstakes, or Promotion Offers&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;313-registration-for-newsletters-contests-sweepstakes-or-promotion-offers&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;3.1.4 For Participating in Voting, Polling, Surveys, or Similar Activities&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;3.1.4 For Participating in Voting, Polling, Surveys, or Similar Activities&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;314-for-participating-in-voting-polling-surveys-or-similar-activities&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;3.1.5 For User-Generated Content.&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;3.1.5 For User-Generated Content.&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;315-for-user-generated-content&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;3.1.6 If You Apply to a Job Posting Offered by Us or Become Our Employee.&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;3.1.6 If You Apply to a Job Posting Offered by Us or Become Our Employee.&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;316-if-you-apply-to-a-job-posting-offered-by-us-or-become-our-employee&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;3.2 Information That We Collect Automatically&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;3.2 Information That We Collect Automatically&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;32-information-that-we-collect-automatically&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;3.2.1 Device\/Usage Information.&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;3.2.1 Device\/Usage Information.&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;321-deviceusage-information&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;3.2.2 Location Information.&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;3.2.2 Location Information.&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;322-location-information&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;3.2.3 Cookies &amp; Other Information Technologies.&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;3.2.3 Cookies &amp; Other Information Technologies.&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;323-cookies-other-information-technologies&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;3.3 Personal Information About You That We Collect from Other Sources&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;3.3 Personal Information About You That We Collect from Other Sources&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;33-personal-information-about-you-that-we-collect-from-other-sources&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;3.4 Collection of Personal Information Across Devices &amp; Applications.&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;3.4 Collection of Personal Information Across Devices &amp; Applications.&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;34-collection-of-personal-information-across-devices-applications&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:2,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;4. How Do We Use the Information We Collect About You?&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;4. How Do We Use the Information We Collect About You?&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;4-how-do-we-use-the-information-we-collect-about-you&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;4.1 To Provide and Manage our Services&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;4.1 To Provide and Manage our Services&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;41-to-provide-and-manage-our-services&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;4.2 To Communicate with You&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;4.2 To Communicate with You&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;42-to-communicate-with-you&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;4.3 To Analyze Usage of the Services&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;4.3 To Analyze Usage of the Services&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;43-to-analyze-usage-of-the-services&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;4.4 Deliver Advertising, Including Interest-Based Advertising&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;4.4 Deliver Advertising, Including Interest-Based Advertising&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;44-deliver-advertising-including-interest-based-advertising&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;4.5 Protect Our Rights and the Rights of Others&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;4.5 Protect Our Rights and the Rights of Others&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;45-protect-our-rights-and-the-rights-of-others&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;4.6 Our Use of Aggregated &amp; De-Identified Information Based on Your Personal Information&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;4.6 Our Use of Aggregated &amp; De-Identified Information Based on Your Personal Information&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;46-our-use-of-aggregated-de-identified-information-based-on-your-personal-information&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:2,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;5. With Whom Do We Share Your Information?&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;5. With Whom Do We Share Your Information?&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;5-with-whom-do-we-share-your-information&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;5.1 With Our Affiliated Businesses&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;5.1 With Our Affiliated Businesses&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;51-with-our-affiliated-businesses&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;5.2 With Our Service Providers&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;5.2 With Our Service Providers&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;52-with-our-service-providers&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;5.3\u00a0 With Social Media Platforms and Third Party Service Providers \u00a0 \u00a0 &quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;5.3\u00a0 With Social Media Platforms and Third Party Service Providers \u00a0 \u00a0 &quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;eb-table-content-30&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;5.4\u00a0 For Advertising Purposes&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;5.4\u00a0 For Advertising Purposes&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;eb-table-content-31&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;5.5 With Other Third Parties&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;5.5 With Other Third Parties&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;55-with-other-third-parties&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;5.6 To Comply with a Legal Obligation or Protect Our Rights&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;5.6 To Comply with a Legal Obligation or Protect Our Rights&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;56-to-comply-with-a-legal-obligation-or-protect-our-rights&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;5.7 In Connection with a Merger or Sale&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;5.7 In Connection with a Merger or Sale&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;57-in-connection-with-a-merger-or-sale&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;5.8 Sharing Non-Personal Information&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;5.8 Sharing Non-Personal Information&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;58-sharing-non-personal-information&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:2,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;6. How Do We Use Online Analytics &amp; Interest-Based Advertising?&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;6. How Do We Use Online Analytics &amp; Interest-Based Advertising?&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;6-how-do-we-use-online-analytics-interest-based-advertising&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;6.1 Our Use of Online Analytics.&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;6.1 Our Use of Online Analytics.&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;61-our-use-of-online-analytics&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;6.2 Our Use of Interest-Based Advertising.&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;6.2 Our Use of Interest-Based Advertising.&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;62-our-use-of-interest-based-advertising&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:2,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;7. Third Parties\u2019 Use of Your Information&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;7. Third Parties\u2019 Use of Your Information&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;7-third-parties-use-of-your-information&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;7.1 How Do Third Parties Collect &amp; Use Your Information Through Our Services?&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;7.1 How Do Third Parties Collect &amp; Use Your Information Through Our Services?&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;71-how-do-third-parties-collect-use-your-information-through-our-services&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;7.2 What About Linked Third-Party Services, Sites, &amp; Advertisements?&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;7.2 What About Linked Third-Party Services, Sites, &amp; Advertisements?&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;72-what-about-linked-third-party-services-sites-advertisements&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:2,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;8. What Are Your Rights &amp; Choices?&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;8. What Are Your Rights &amp; Choices?&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;8-what-are-your-rights-choices&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;8.1 Rights of Access, Correction, and Deletion, of Your Personal Information&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;8.1 Rights of Access, Correction, and Deletion, of Your Personal Information&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;81-rights-of-access-correction-and-deletion-of-your-personal-information&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;8.2 Managing Your Communications from Us&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;8.2 Managing Your Communications from Us&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;82-managing-your-communications-from-us&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;8.3 Managing Cookie Controls &amp; Settings&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;8.3 Managing Cookie Controls &amp; Settings&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;83-managing-cookie-controls-settings&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;8.4 Additional Rights and Choices Related to Online Analytics &amp; Interest-Based Advertising Practices&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;8.4 Additional Rights and Choices Related to Online Analytics &amp; Interest-Based Advertising Practices&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;84-additional-rights-and-choices-related-to-online-analytics-interest-based-advertising-practices&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;8.4.1 Google Analytics Opt-Out&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;8.4.1 Google Analytics Opt-Out&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;841-google-analytics-opt-out&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;8.4.2 Global Privacy Control (GPC)&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;8.4.2 Global Privacy Control (GPC)&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;842-global-privacy-control-gpc&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;8.4.3 Do Not Track (DNT)&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;8.4.3 Do Not Track (DNT)&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;843-do-not-track-dnt&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;8.4.4 Other Controls&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;8.4.4 Other Controls&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;844-other-controls&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:2,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;9. Additional Privacy Rights and Choices of U.S. Residents&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;9. Additional Privacy Rights and Choices of U.S. Residents&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;9-additional-privacy-rights-and-choices-of-us-residents&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;9.1 Your California Privacy Rights&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;9.1 Your California Privacy Rights&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;91-your-california-privacy-rights&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;9.1.1\u00a0 Notice at Collection \u2013 The Personal Information That We Collect&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;9.1.1\u00a0 Notice at Collection \u2013 The Personal Information That We Collect&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;eb-table-content-53&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;9.1.2 Retention of Personal Information&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;9.1.2 Retention of Personal Information&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;912-retention-of-personal-information&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;9.1.3 California Privacy Rights&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;9.1.3 California Privacy Rights&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;913-california-privacy-rights&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;9.1.4 Shine the Light&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;9.1.4 Shine the Light&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;914-shine-the-light&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;9.1.5 California Residents Under Age 18&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;9.1.5 California Residents Under Age 18&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;915-california-residents-under-age-18&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;9.1.6 Notice of Financial Incentive&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;9.1.6 Notice of Financial Incentive&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;916-notice-of-financial-incentive&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;\u00a09.1.7 How to Contact Us&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;\u00a09.1.7 How to Contact Us&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;eb-table-content-59&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;9.2 Additional Rights for Residents of Certain U.S. States&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;9.2 Additional Rights for Residents of Certain U.S. States&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;92-additional-rights-for-residents-of-certain-us-states&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;\u00a09.2.1 \u00a0 Right to Know&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;\u00a09.2.1 \u00a0 Right to Know&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;eb-table-content-61&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;9.2.2 \u00a0 Right to Portability&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;9.2.2 \u00a0 Right to Portability&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;eb-table-content-62&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;9.2.3 \u00a0 Right to Opt-Out of Profiling&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;9.2.3 \u00a0 Right to Opt-Out of Profiling&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;eb-table-content-63&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot; 9.2.4 \u00a0 Right to Opt-Out of the Sale or Use of Your Personal Information for Targeted Advertising&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot; 9.2.4 \u00a0 Right to Opt-Out of the Sale or Use of Your Personal Information for Targeted Advertising&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;eb-table-content-64&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;9.2.5 Right to Consent to Processing of Sensitive Personal Information&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;9.2.5 Right to Consent to Processing of Sensitive Personal Information&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;925-right-to-consent-to-processing-of-sensitive-personal-information&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;9.2.6 \u00a0 Right to Appeal&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;9.2.6 \u00a0 Right to Appeal&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;eb-table-content-66&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:2,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;10. Use of The Services by Users from Outside the United States.&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;10. Use of The Services by Users from Outside the United States.&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;10-use-of-the-services-by-users-from-outside-the-united-states&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;10.1 Your EU, EEA, UK, &amp; Switzerland Rights &amp; Choices.&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;10.1 Your EU, EEA, UK, &amp; Switzerland Rights &amp; Choices.&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;101-your-eu-eea-uk-switzerland-rights-choices&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:3,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;10.2 Processing Personal Information from Other Countries&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;10.2 Processing Personal Information from Other Countries&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;102-processing-personal-information-from-other-countries&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:2,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;11.\u00a0 How Do We Protect Your Personal Information?&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;11.\u00a0 How Do We Protect Your Personal Information?&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;eb-table-content-70&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:2,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;12. How Long Do We Retain Your Personal Information?&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;12. How Long Do We Retain Your Personal Information?&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;12-how-long-do-we-retain-your-personal-information&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:2,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;13. What are the Requirements or Guidelines for the Use of Our Services by Children?&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;13. What are the Requirements or Guidelines for the Use of Our Services by Children?&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;13-what-are-the-requirements-or-guidelines-for-the-use-of-our-services-by-children&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:2,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;14. Changes to This Privacy Policy.&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;14. Changes to This Privacy Policy.&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;14-changes-to-this-privacy-policy&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:2,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;15. No Rights of Third Parties.&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;15. No Rights of Third Parties.&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;15-no-rights-of-third-parties&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:2,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;16. Complaints.&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;16. Complaints.&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;16-complaints&quot;},{&quot;level&quot;:2,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;17. How Can You Contact Us?&quot;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;17. How Can You Contact Us?&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;17-how-can-you-contact-us&quot;}]" data-visible="[true,true,true,true,true,true]" data-delete-headers="[{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;This Privacy Policy Was Last Updated on March 26, 2025&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;this-privacy-policy-was-last-updated-on-march-26-2025&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;1. Overview: What This Privacy Policy Covers.&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;1-overview-what-this-privacy-policy-covers&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;1.1 What Does the Term \u201cPersonal Information\u201d Mean in this Privacy Policy?&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;11-what-does-the-term-personal-information-mean-in-this-privacy-policy&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;1.2 What Does the Term \u201cServices\u201d Mean in This Privacy Policy?&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;12-what-does-the-term-services-mean-in-this-privacy-policy&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;1.3 What do the Terms \u201cAffiliates\u201d, \u201cApplications\u201d \u201cWebsites\u201d, and \u201cPlatform\u201d Mean in This Privacy Policy?&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;13-what-do-the-terms-affiliates-applications-websites-and-platform-mean-in-this-privacy-policy&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;2. Overview: When This Privacy Policy Applies&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;2-overview-when-this-privacy-policy-applies&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;3. The Information We Collect About You and How We Collect It.&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;3-the-information-we-collect-about-you-and-how-we-collect-it&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;3.1 Information That You Provide to Us Voluntarily.&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;31-information-that-you-provide-to-us-voluntarily&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;3.1.1 When You Register an Account on our Platform or Use our Services.&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;311-when-you-register-an-account-on-our-platform-or-use-our-services&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;3.1.2 For Billing &amp; Payment Matters&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;312-for-billing-payment-matters&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;3.1.3 Registration for Newsletters, Contests, Sweepstakes, or Promotion Offers&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;313-registration-for-newsletters-contests-sweepstakes-or-promotion-offers&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;3.1.4 For Participating in Voting, Polling, Surveys, or Similar Activities&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;314-for-participating-in-voting-polling-surveys-or-similar-activities&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;3.1.5 For User-Generated Content.&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;315-for-user-generated-content&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;3.1.6 If You Apply to a Job Posting Offered by Us or Become Our Employee.&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;316-if-you-apply-to-a-job-posting-offered-by-us-or-become-our-employee&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;3.2 Information That We Collect Automatically&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;32-information-that-we-collect-automatically&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;3.2.1 Device\/Usage Information.&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;321-deviceusage-information&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;3.2.2 Location Information.&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;322-location-information&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;3.2.3 Cookies &amp; Other Information Technologies.&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;323-cookies-other-information-technologies&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;3.3 Personal Information About You That We Collect from Other Sources&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;33-personal-information-about-you-that-we-collect-from-other-sources&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;3.4 Collection of Personal Information Across Devices &amp; Applications.&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;34-collection-of-personal-information-across-devices-applications&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;4. How Do We Use the Information We Collect About You?&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;4-how-do-we-use-the-information-we-collect-about-you&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;4.1 To Provide and Manage our Services&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;41-to-provide-and-manage-our-services&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;4.2 To Communicate with You&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;42-to-communicate-with-you&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;4.3 To Analyze Usage of the Services&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;43-to-analyze-usage-of-the-services&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;4.4 Deliver Advertising, Including Interest-Based Advertising&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;44-deliver-advertising-including-interest-based-advertising&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;4.5 Protect Our Rights and the Rights of Others&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;45-protect-our-rights-and-the-rights-of-others&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;4.6 Our Use of Aggregated &amp; De-Identified Information Based on Your Personal Information&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;46-our-use-of-aggregated-de-identified-information-based-on-your-personal-information&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;5. With Whom Do We Share Your Information?&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;5-with-whom-do-we-share-your-information&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;5.1 With Our Affiliated Businesses&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;51-with-our-affiliated-businesses&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;5.2 With Our Service Providers&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;52-with-our-service-providers&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;5.3\u00a0 With Social Media Platforms and Third Party Service Providers \u00a0 \u00a0 &quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;53-with-social-media-platforms-and-third-party-service-providers&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;5.4\u00a0 For Advertising Purposes&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;54-for-advertising-purposes&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;5.5 With Other Third Parties&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;55-with-other-third-parties&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;5.6 To Comply with a Legal Obligation or Protect Our Rights&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;56-to-comply-with-a-legal-obligation-or-protect-our-rights&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;5.7 In Connection with a Merger or Sale&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;57-in-connection-with-a-merger-or-sale&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;5.8 Sharing Non-Personal Information&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;58-sharing-non-personal-information&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;6. How Do We Use Online Analytics &amp; Interest-Based Advertising?&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;6-how-do-we-use-online-analytics-interest-based-advertising&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;6.1 Our Use of Online Analytics.&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;61-our-use-of-online-analytics&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;6.2 Our Use of Interest-Based Advertising.&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;62-our-use-of-interest-based-advertising&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;7. Third Parties\u2019 Use of Your Information&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;7-third-parties-use-of-your-information&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;7.1 How Do Third Parties Collect &amp; Use Your Information Through Our Services?&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;71-how-do-third-parties-collect-use-your-information-through-our-services&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;7.2 What About Linked Third-Party Services, Sites, &amp; Advertisements?&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;72-what-about-linked-third-party-services-sites-advertisements&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;8. What Are Your Rights &amp; Choices?&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;8-what-are-your-rights-choices&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;8.1 Rights of Access, Correction, and Deletion, of Your Personal Information&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;81-rights-of-access-correction-and-deletion-of-your-personal-information&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;8.2 Managing Your Communications from Us&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;82-managing-your-communications-from-us&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;8.3 Managing Cookie Controls &amp; Settings&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;83-managing-cookie-controls-settings&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;8.4 Additional Rights and Choices Related to Online Analytics &amp; Interest-Based Advertising Practices&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;84-additional-rights-and-choices-related-to-online-analytics-interest-based-advertising-practices&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;8.4.1 Google Analytics Opt-Out&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;841-google-analytics-opt-out&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;8.4.2 Global Privacy Control (GPC)&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;842-global-privacy-control-gpc&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;8.4.3 Do Not Track (DNT)&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;843-do-not-track-dnt&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;8.4.4 Other Controls&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;844-other-controls&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;9. Additional Privacy Rights and Choices of U.S. Residents&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;9-additional-privacy-rights-and-choices-of-us-residents&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;9.1 Your California Privacy Rights&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;91-your-california-privacy-rights&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;9.1.1\u00a0 Notice at Collection \u2013 The Personal Information That We Collect&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;911-notice-at-collection-the-personal-information-that-we-collect&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;9.1.2 Retention of Personal Information&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;912-retention-of-personal-information&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;9.1.3 California Privacy Rights&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;913-california-privacy-rights&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;9.1.4 Shine the Light&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;914-shine-the-light&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;9.1.5 California Residents Under Age 18&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;915-california-residents-under-age-18&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;9.1.6 Notice of Financial Incentive&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;916-notice-of-financial-incentive&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;\u00a09.1.7 How to Contact Us&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;917-how-to-contact-us&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;9.2 Additional Rights for Residents of Certain U.S. States&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;92-additional-rights-for-residents-of-certain-us-states&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;\u00a09.2.1 \u00a0 Right to Know&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;921-right-to-know&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;9.2.2 \u00a0 Right to Portability&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;922-right-to-portability&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;9.2.3 \u00a0 Right to Opt-Out of Profiling&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;923-right-to-opt-out-of-profiling&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot; 9.2.4 \u00a0 Right to Opt-Out of the Sale or Use of Your Personal Information for Targeted Advertising&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;924-right-to-opt-out-of-the-sale-or-use-of-your-personal-information-for-targeted-advertising&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;9.2.5 Right to Consent to Processing of Sensitive Personal Information&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;925-right-to-consent-to-processing-of-sensitive-personal-information&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;9.2.6 \u00a0 Right to Appeal&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;926-right-to-appeal&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;10. Use of The Services by Users from Outside the United States.&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;10-use-of-the-services-by-users-from-outside-the-united-states&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;10.1 Your EU, EEA, UK, &amp; Switzerland Rights &amp; Choices.&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;101-your-eu-eea-uk-switzerland-rights-choices&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;10.2 Processing Personal Information from Other Countries&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;102-processing-personal-information-from-other-countries&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;11.\u00a0 How Do We Protect Your Personal Information?&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;11-how-do-we-protect-your-personal-information&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;12. How Long Do We Retain Your Personal Information?&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;12-how-long-do-we-retain-your-personal-information&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;13. What are the Requirements or Guidelines for the Use of Our Services by Children?&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;13-what-are-the-requirements-or-guidelines-for-the-use-of-our-services-by-children&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;14. Changes to This Privacy Policy.&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;14-changes-to-this-privacy-policy&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;15. No Rights of Third Parties.&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;15-no-rights-of-third-parties&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;16. Complaints.&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;16-complaints&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false},{&quot;label&quot;:&quot;17. How Can You Contact Us?&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;17-how-can-you-contact-us&quot;,&quot;isDelete&quot;:false}]" data-smooth="true" data-top-offset=""><div class="eb-toc__list-wrap"><ul class='eb-toc__list'><li><a href="#this-privacy-policy-was-last-updated-on-march-26-2025">This Privacy Policy Was Last Updated on March 26, 2025</a><li><a href="#1-overview-what-this-privacy-policy-covers">1. Overview: What This Privacy Policy Covers.</a><ul class='eb-toc__list'><li><a href="#11-what-does-the-term-personal-information-mean-in-this-privacy-policy">1.1 What Does the Term “Personal Information” Mean in this Privacy Policy?</a><li><a href="#12-what-does-the-term-services-mean-in-this-privacy-policy">1.2 What Does the Term “Services” Mean in This Privacy Policy?</a><li><a href="#13-what-do-the-terms-affiliates-applications-websites-and-platform-mean-in-this-privacy-policy">1.3 What do the Terms “Affiliates”, “Applications” “Websites”, and “Platform” Mean in This Privacy Policy?</a></li></ul><li><a href="#2-overview-when-this-privacy-policy-applies">2. Overview: When This Privacy Policy Applies</a><li><a href="#3-the-information-we-collect-about-you-and-how-we-collect-it">3. The Information We Collect About You and How We Collect It.</a><ul class='eb-toc__list'><li><a href="#31-information-that-you-provide-to-us-voluntarily">3.1 Information That You Provide to Us Voluntarily.</a><li><a href="#311-when-you-register-an-account-on-our-platform-or-use-our-services">3.1.1 When You Register an Account on our Platform or Use our Services.</a><li><a href="#312-for-billing-payment-matters">3.1.2 For Billing &amp; Payment Matters</a><li><a href="#313-registration-for-newsletters-contests-sweepstakes-or-promotion-offers">3.1.3 Registration for Newsletters, Contests, Sweepstakes, or Promotion Offers</a><li><a href="#314-for-participating-in-voting-polling-surveys-or-similar-activities">3.1.4 For Participating in Voting, Polling, Surveys, or Similar Activities</a><li><a href="#315-for-user-generated-content">3.1.5 For User-Generated Content.</a><li><a href="#316-if-you-apply-to-a-job-posting-offered-by-us-or-become-our-employee">3.1.6 If You Apply to a Job Posting Offered by Us or Become Our Employee.</a><li><a href="#32-information-that-we-collect-automatically">3.2 Information That We Collect Automatically</a><li><a href="#321-deviceusage-information">3.2.1 Device/Usage Information.</a><li><a href="#322-location-information">3.2.2 Location Information.</a><li><a href="#323-cookies-other-information-technologies">3.2.3 Cookies &amp; Other Information Technologies.</a><li><a href="#33-personal-information-about-you-that-we-collect-from-other-sources">3.3 Personal Information About You That We Collect from Other Sources</a><li><a href="#34-collection-of-personal-information-across-devices-applications">3.4 Collection of Personal Information Across Devices &amp; Applications.</a></li></ul><li><a href="#4-how-do-we-use-the-information-we-collect-about-you">4. How Do We Use the Information We Collect About You?</a><ul class='eb-toc__list'><li><a href="#41-to-provide-and-manage-our-services">4.1 To Provide and Manage our Services</a><li><a href="#42-to-communicate-with-you">4.2 To Communicate with You</a><li><a href="#43-to-analyze-usage-of-the-services">4.3 To Analyze Usage of the Services</a><li><a href="#44-deliver-advertising-including-interest-based-advertising">4.4 Deliver Advertising, Including Interest-Based Advertising</a><li><a href="#45-protect-our-rights-and-the-rights-of-others">4.5 Protect Our Rights and the Rights of Others</a><li><a href="#46-our-use-of-aggregated-de-identified-information-based-on-your-personal-information">4.6 Our Use of Aggregated &amp; De-Identified Information Based on Your Personal Information</a></li></ul><li><a href="#5-with-whom-do-we-share-your-information">5. With Whom Do We Share Your Information?</a><ul class='eb-toc__list'><li><a href="#51-with-our-affiliated-businesses">5.1 With Our Affiliated Businesses</a><li><a href="#52-with-our-service-providers">5.2 With Our Service Providers</a><li><a href="#eb-table-content-30">5.3  With Social Media Platforms and Third Party Service Providers     </a><li><a href="#eb-table-content-31">5.4  For Advertising Purposes</a><li><a href="#55-with-other-third-parties">5.5 With Other Third Parties</a><li><a href="#56-to-comply-with-a-legal-obligation-or-protect-our-rights">5.6 To Comply with a Legal Obligation or Protect Our Rights</a><li><a href="#57-in-connection-with-a-merger-or-sale">5.7 In Connection with a Merger or Sale</a><li><a href="#58-sharing-non-personal-information">5.8 Sharing Non-Personal Information</a></li></ul><li><a href="#6-how-do-we-use-online-analytics-interest-based-advertising">6. How Do We Use Online Analytics &amp; Interest-Based Advertising?</a><ul class='eb-toc__list'><li><a href="#61-our-use-of-online-analytics">6.1 Our Use of Online Analytics.</a><li><a href="#62-our-use-of-interest-based-advertising">6.2 Our Use of Interest-Based Advertising.</a></li></ul><li><a href="#7-third-parties-use-of-your-information">7. Third Parties’ Use of Your Information</a><ul class='eb-toc__list'><li><a href="#71-how-do-third-parties-collect-use-your-information-through-our-services">7.1 How Do Third Parties Collect &amp; Use Your Information Through Our Services?</a><li><a href="#72-what-about-linked-third-party-services-sites-advertisements">7.2 What About Linked Third-Party Services, Sites, &amp; Advertisements?</a></li></ul><li><a href="#8-what-are-your-rights-choices">8. What Are Your Rights &amp; Choices?</a><ul class='eb-toc__list'><li><a href="#81-rights-of-access-correction-and-deletion-of-your-personal-information">8.1 Rights of Access, Correction, and Deletion, of Your Personal Information</a><li><a href="#82-managing-your-communications-from-us">8.2 Managing Your Communications from Us</a><li><a href="#83-managing-cookie-controls-settings">8.3 Managing Cookie Controls &amp; Settings</a><li><a href="#84-additional-rights-and-choices-related-to-online-analytics-interest-based-advertising-practices">8.4 Additional Rights and Choices Related to Online Analytics &amp; Interest-Based Advertising Practices</a><li><a href="#841-google-analytics-opt-out">8.4.1 Google Analytics Opt-Out</a><li><a href="#842-global-privacy-control-gpc">8.4.2 Global Privacy Control (GPC)</a><li><a href="#843-do-not-track-dnt">8.4.3 Do Not Track (DNT)</a><li><a href="#844-other-controls">8.4.4 Other Controls</a></li></ul><li><a href="#9-additional-privacy-rights-and-choices-of-us-residents">9. Additional Privacy Rights and Choices of U.S. Residents</a><ul class='eb-toc__list'><li><a href="#91-your-california-privacy-rights">9.1 Your California Privacy Rights</a><li><a href="#eb-table-content-53">9.1.1  Notice at Collection – The Personal Information That We Collect</a><li><a href="#912-retention-of-personal-information">9.1.2 Retention of Personal Information</a><li><a href="#913-california-privacy-rights">9.1.3 California Privacy Rights</a><li><a href="#914-shine-the-light">9.1.4 Shine the Light</a><li><a href="#915-california-residents-under-age-18">9.1.5 California Residents Under Age 18</a><li><a href="#916-notice-of-financial-incentive">9.1.6 Notice of Financial Incentive</a><li><a href="#eb-table-content-59"> 9.1.7 How to Contact Us</a><li><a href="#92-additional-rights-for-residents-of-certain-us-states">9.2 Additional Rights for Residents of Certain U.S. States</a><li><a href="#eb-table-content-61"> 9.2.1   Right to Know</a><li><a href="#eb-table-content-62">9.2.2   Right to Portability</a><li><a href="#eb-table-content-63">9.2.3   Right to Opt-Out of Profiling</a><li><a href="#eb-table-content-64"> 9.2.4   Right to Opt-Out of the Sale or Use of Your Personal Information for Targeted Advertising</a><li><a href="#925-right-to-consent-to-processing-of-sensitive-personal-information">9.2.5 Right to Consent to Processing of Sensitive Personal Information</a><li><a href="#eb-table-content-66">9.2.6   Right to Appeal</a></li></ul><li><a href="#10-use-of-the-services-by-users-from-outside-the-united-states">10. Use of The Services by Users from Outside the United States.</a><ul class='eb-toc__list'><li><a href="#101-your-eu-eea-uk-switzerland-rights-choices">10.1 Your EU, EEA, UK, &amp; Switzerland Rights &amp; Choices.</a><li><a href="#102-processing-personal-information-from-other-countries">10.2 Processing Personal Information from Other Countries</a></li></ul><li><a href="#eb-table-content-70">11.  How Do We Protect Your Personal Information?</a><li><a href="#12-how-long-do-we-retain-your-personal-information">12. How Long Do We Retain Your Personal Information?</a><li><a href="#13-what-are-the-requirements-or-guidelines-for-the-use-of-our-services-by-children">13. What are the Requirements or Guidelines for the Use of Our Services by Children?</a><li><a href="#14-changes-to-this-privacy-policy">14. Changes to This Privacy Policy.</a><li><a href="#15-no-rights-of-third-parties">15. No Rights of Third Parties.</a><li><a href="#16-complaints">16. Complaints.</a><li><a href="#17-how-can-you-contact-us">17. How Can You Contact Us?</a></ul></div></div></div></div></div> <p></p> <h2 class="wp-block-heading has-text-align-left" id="what_this_privacy_policy_covers">1. Overview: What This Privacy Policy Covers.</h2> <p>This Privacy Policy sets out how we collect, use, disclose, share, sell, and protect your Personal Information when you use any of our Services. Additionally, this Privacy Policy explains your legal rights and choices that you have with respect to our collection, use, processing, sharing, and protection of your Personal Information. Furthermore, this Privacy Policy explains how you may exercise those legal rights and choices regarding how we use your Personal Information in connection with your receipt of the Services.</p> <p>This Privacy Policy is a separate document from our <a href="http://localhost:10028/subscriber-terms-and-conditions/">Subscriber Terms &amp; Conditions</a> and <a href="http://localhost:10028/central-terms-of-service/">Central Terms of Service</a>. Your use of the Services is also governed by our Subscriber Terms &amp; Conditions and our Central Terms of Service. By using the Services, you also expressly consent and agree to the terms and conditions of our Subscriber Terms &amp; Conditions and our Central Terms of Service.</p> <p>Tribune takes this Privacy Policy and the task of protecting and appropriately handling your information very seriously. We believe strongly in being open and transparent about our privacy-related policies and practices. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, or about exercising privacy-related rights and choices that may apply to you about your use of the Services, please let us know at</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>1.1 What Does the Term “Personal Information” Mean in this Privacy Policy?</strong></h3> <p>In this Privacy Policy, the term “<strong>Personal Information</strong>” means any information about you that can personally identify you, either on its own or when combined with other information.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>1.2 What Does the Term “Services” Mean in This Privacy Policy?</strong></h3> <p>In this Privacy Policy, the term “<strong>Services</strong>” means any of our:</p> <p>(1) Platform;</p> <p>(2) Websites;</p> <p>(3) Applications;</p> <p>(4) Online products and services that link to this Policy;</p> <p>(5) The services that we offer you when you subscribe to a print, digital, electronic, or online subscription to any of our newspaper publications;</p> <p>(6) The services that we offer to you when you sign up to receive any of our newsletters;</p> <p>(7) SMS/Text Alerts and Mobile Web services; and</p> <p>(8) All other services that we provide to you, together with all of the content, functionalities, and advertising services associated with these services.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>1.3 What do the Terms “Affiliates”, “Applications” “Websites”, and “Platform” Mean in This Privacy Policy?</strong></h3> <p>In this Privacy Policy, the following capitalized terms also have the following meanings:<br><strong>“Affiliates”</strong> means Tribune’s subsidiary entities and entities that Tribune or its subsidiaries own or have an ownership interest in, collectively.</p> <p><br><strong>“Application”</strong> or <strong>“Applications”</strong> means any one or more of our mobile or tablet applications through which we may provide you with the Services.</p> <p><strong>“Website”</strong> or <strong>“Websites”</strong> means any one or more of the Internet websites owned by us through which we may provide you with the Services, such as, <a href=""></a>.</p> <p><strong>“Platform”</strong> means, collectively, any of our Applications and/or Websites through which you may receive the Services from us.</p> <h2 class="wp-block-heading">2. Overview: When This Privacy Policy Applies</h2> <p>This Privacy Policy applies when you use or access any of our Services. This Privacy Policy also applies when you submit Personal Information to us. For example, this Privacy Policy would apply when:</p> <p>(1) You use any of our Websites, Applications, or the Platform to view or receive content that we publish or otherwise make available via the Services, regardless of whether or not you are a subscriber;</p> <p>(2) You subscribe to any of our Services;</p> <p>(3) You subscribe to a print, digital, electronic, or online subscription for any of our newspaper publications, or other publications;</p> <p>(4) You subscribe to any of our newsletters or otherwise agree to receive emails from us about our Services;</p> <p>(5) You receive SMS/Text Alerts from us;</p> <p>(6) You interact with us or receive a communication from us related to the Services; or</p> <p>(7) You contact us or any of our third-party service providers to receive customer support or other assistance in connection with the Services we provide you.</p> <p>This Privacy Policy may also apply in other circumstances when you use any of our Services. Some Services and Affiliates may have a specific, separate privacy policy that will govern use of those Services.</p> <h2 class="wp-block-heading">3. The Information We Collect About You and How We Collect It.</h2> <p>In order to make your visits to our Platform and use of the Services as worthwhile as possible, we may ask you to provide your Personal Information to us. Similarly, we may automatically collect your Personal Information when you use or access the Services via the Websites, Applications, or Platform.</p> <p>We also may collect certain information – other than your Personal Information – from your web browser, computer, mobile device, or tablet each time you visit any of our Websites, Applications, or Platform or receive Services, such as, non-user specific, de-identified, or aggregated data about web traffic patterns on our Websites. For more information about non-user specific, de-identified, or aggregated information that we may collect when you use the Services, please see Section 3.2 of this Privacy Policy.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>3.1 Information That You Provide to Us Voluntarily.</strong></h3> <p>We collect Personal Information about you when you provide it to us voluntarily, in order for you to use the Services and during your use of the Services. The types of Personal Information that you may provide to us voluntarily depends on context and how you use the Services. However, examples of the types of Personal Information that you may provide to us voluntarily may include, but are not necessarily limited to:</p> <p><strong>(1) contact information,</strong> such as your name, mailing address, phone number, or email address;</p> <p><strong>(2) payment or transaction information,</strong> such as your credit card or debit card information, bank account information, cardholder data, and other relevant payment or transaction information;</p> <p><strong>(3) account information,</strong> including username, password, or other login credentials; or</p> <p><strong>(4) demographic information,</strong> such as gender, and date of birth.</p> <p>In Sections 3.1.1 – 3.1.6 below, this Privacy Policy describes circumstances where we collect Personal Information about you, which you voluntarily provide to us.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>3.1.1 When You Register an Account on our Platform or Use our Services.</strong></h3> <p>When you set up an account to use our Platform (including a free account) or register for a print, digital, electronic, or online subscription to any of our newspapers or other publications, you will voluntarily provide us with your Personal Information to enable us to set up your account and/or subscription. Once you are registered for a subscription, we will assign you an internal account ID number, which we will use in connection with the Services that we provide to you.</p> <p>We also collect Personal Information in other circumstances when you voluntarily submit it to us. Examples of when you may voluntarily provide Personal Information to us include, but are not limited to, when you:</p> <p>(1) register for our newsletters or alerts</p> <p>(2) download one of our Applications</p> <p>(3) communicate with us about our Services</p> <p>(4) request customer support or other assistance</p> <p>(5) send us an inquiry or communicate with us</p> <p>(6) register to attend an event</p> <p>(7) use or interact with our Services</p> <p>(8) sign-up to receive SMS (text message) notifications or desktop or mobile push notifications</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>3.1.2 For Billing &amp; Payment Matters</strong></h3> <p>To process payments for any of our products or Services, we also will collect and use the payment information that you voluntarily provide to us, which may include, but is not necessarily limited to, your: name, address, telephone number, date of birth, email address, credit card or debit card information, bank account information, and any other relevant Personal Information.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>3.1.3 Registration for Newsletters, Contests, Sweepstakes, or Promotion Offers</strong></h3> <p>When you register to receive any of our newsletters or enter a contest or sweepstakes that we offer, we will also collect Personal Information about you that you voluntarily provide us, which can include, but is not necessarily limited to, your name, email address, date of birth, and telephone number. Please see our Notice of Financial Incentive in Section 9.1 for a description of our incentive program.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>3.1.4 For Participating in Voting, Polling, Surveys, or Similar Activities</strong></h3> <p>We will also collect Personal Information that you voluntarily provided us, if you decide to participate in voting or polling, surveys, or similar activities relating to our Services where users like you are asked to respond to a variety of questions. Please see our Notice of Financial Incentive in Section 9.1 for a description of our incentive program.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>3.1.5 For User-Generated Content.</strong></h3> <p>As part of the Services, you may be able to post or otherwise publish User-Generated Content that other people can read or interact with. In this Privacy Policy, the term <strong>“User-Generated Content”</strong> means your comments or posts on articles or message boards, photos, videos, audio, opinion and editorial content, reviews, feedback, testimonials, and any other content that you submit to us for publication on our Platform, print publications, or otherwise via our Services. We will collect your Personal Information when you voluntarily provide it to us in connection with any User-Generated Content that you submit to us. For example, you may submit information or content to us for editorial purposes, which you may request that we publish in our newspaper publications. Similarly, you may have the ability to post a comment on the Platform in response to a story that we offer as part of the Services. We may use your name and any stories or other User-Generated Content you provide us in articles that we publish online and in print as part of the Services. Your User-Generated Content, such as editorial content or your posts and comments on an article, that you provide us may be attributed to you, and we may include your username and any Personal Information that you provide in an open forum on our Platform to facilitate such attribution. Anyone can collect, use, share, and read any Personal Information that you provide us in connection with the User-Generated Content that you submit to us for publication.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>3.1.6 If You Apply to a Job Posting Offered by Us or Become Our Employee.</strong></h3> <p>If you apply for a job posting offered by Us, or become an employee of Ours, we collect the Personal Information about you that is necessary to process your application or retain you as an employee. Providing us with this Personal Information is required for employment. We may also receive Personal Information about you from other sources . These other sources may include, but are not necessarily limited to, Tribune’s Affiliates, business partners, publicly-available sources, and other third parties. For example, if you submit a job application or become an employee, we may conduct a background check.</p> <p>If you are a California resident and our Employee, independent contractor, or are applying for a job with us, please refer to&nbsp; our <a href="">California Resident Employee Privacy Policy </a>for additional information about your privacy-related legal rights and choices that apply to you under applicable laws.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>3.2 Information That We Collect Automatically</strong></h3> <p>We may automatically collect information about you, including your Personal Information, when you use the Services.</p> <p>In Sections 3.2.1 – 3.2.3 below, this Privacy Policy describes the circumstances where we may automatically collect Personal Information about you when you use the Services.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>3.2.1 Device/Usage Information.</strong></h3> <p>We may automatically collect certain Personal Information about the computer or devices (including mobile devices) you use to access the Services. For example, we may collect automatically and analyze your Personal Information such as: (a) IP addresses, geolocation information (as described in Section 3.2.2 below), unique device and other identifiers including mobile advertising identifiers, and other information about your mobile phone or other mobile device(s), browser types, browser language, operating system, the state or country from which you accessed the Services; and (b) information related to the ways in which you interact with the Services, such as referring and exit pages and URLs, platform type, clicked items, interaction with advertisements, domain names, landing pages, pages and content viewed and the order of those pages, articles read, videos watched, information relating to your interaction with emails we send, the amount of time spent on particular pages, mouse hover data, including location and time spent on each area of the page, the date and time you used the Services, the frequency of your use of the Services, error logs, and other similar information and Personal Information about you. As described further below, we may use third-party analytics providers and technologies, including cookies and similar tools and technologies, to assist in collecting and analyzing this information and Personal Information about you.</p> <p>We may also capture other data, such as search criteria and results. In some cases, we will associate this information with a unique Tribune identifier for our internal use, in which case your Tribune identifier may be considered aggregated and de-identified information in some jurisdictions, our use of which is governed by this Privacy Policy and applicable laws.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>3.2.2 Location Information.</strong></h3> <p>Some of our Applications may have the ability to provide content to you based on your GPS location, if you enable this feature. Your GPS location is your precise location. You choose whether to enable GPS features when you first install the Application. You can edit that setting on your device at any time. If you enable these features, your GPS location will be found by satellite, cellphone tower, or Wi-Fi and used by the Application. If you save a location-based search in your history, that data moves to our service provider’s servers.</p> <p>If you do not enable GPS location-based services, or if a specific Application does not have location-based features, we do not collect your precise GPS location. However, we do collect your IP address, which can establish your approximate location. Ads on our Websites and Applications may be targeted based on this approximate location, but are not targeted based on your GPS location.</p> <p>We may collect different types of information about your location, including general information (e.g., IP address, ZIP code) and more specific information (e.g., GPS-based functionality on mobile devices used to access the Services), and may use that information to customize the Services with location-based information, advertising, and features. For example, if your IP address indicates an origin in a specific U.S. state and city or region, the Services may be customized with information and advertisements relevant to that specific U.S. state, city, or region.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>3.2.3 Cookies &amp; Other Information Technologies.</strong></h3> <p>“Cookies” are small data files that are sent to, and stored by, your web browser software on your computer hard drive, tablet, mobile device, or other device. When you use or access the Services via the Internet, we and our third-party partners may use cookies and similar internet tracking technologies, such as scripts or pixels (also known as web beacons and clear gifs, to do things, such as: (a) store your username and password to your accounts for the Services; (b) monitor and analyze the usage of our&nbsp; Platform and/or Services by collecting the information discussed in Section 3.2 of this Privacy Policy; (c) customize the Services to your explicit and inferred preferences; (d) allow you to share content on social media platforms; and (e) deliver interest-based advertising displayed by the Platform and Services, as well as advertisements that may be displayed on other websites or mobile applications. We may use pixels in emails to determine whether you have opened or interacted with the email message. Please review our <a href="">Cookie Policy</a> to learn about our use – and our third-party service providers’ use – of cookies and similar Internet technologies on our Platform and Services.</p> <p><strong>Additional Notes About Cookies &amp; Your Rights &amp; Choices:</strong></p> <p>1.) Depending on the jurisdiction in which you reside, cookies may constitute your Personal Information under applicable laws.</p> <p>2.) For additional information about how we, and our third-party advertising partners, may use your cookies when you access the Services via the Internet, please refer to the following sections of our Privacy Policy: <a href=";_Interest_Based_Advertising">Section 6 (How Do We Use Online Analytics &amp; Interest-Based Advertising?)</a> and <a href=";_Use_Your_Information_Through_Our_Services">Section 7 (Third Parties’ Use of Your Information)</a>.</p> <p>3.) For additional information about your legal rights and choices regarding our and our third-party advertising partners’ collection and use of your cookies, including how you can opt-out or block the collection and use of your cookies by us and third parties, please refer to <a href=";_Choices">Section 8 (What Are Your Rights &amp; Choices?)</a>, Section 9 (Additional Rights and Choices of U.S. Residents), <a href="">Section 10 (Use of The Services By Users From Outside The United States)</a></p> <p>4.) We may sometimes target ads to you through ‘onboarded’ audiences: to do this, we may share information you have provided to us with service providers, who will de-identify the information and associate it with cookies that enable us to reach you with display media. We may also help these service providers place their own cookies, by deploying a cookie that is associated with a ‘hashed’ value associated with interest-based or demographic data, to permit advertising to be directed to you on other websites, applications, or services.</p> <p>5.) We also may use cookies to collect information about abandoned shopping carts for purchases made by you on our Services. A shopping cart is considered to be abandoned within one hour of inactivity/lack of purchase. For certain services and users, once a cart is considered abandoned, an SMS message or other notification may be sent as a reminder.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>3.3 Personal Information About You That We Collect from Other Sources</strong></h3> <p><em>i. Social Media Networks &amp; Other Third-Party Services</em></p> <p>In this Privacy Policy, <strong>“Social Media”</strong> includes Facebook, and <strong>“Third-Party Services”</strong> include Google and Apple.</p> <p>You can link your Social Media account or other Third-Party Services account to the Services. By linking your Social Media account or other Third-Party Services account to the Services, you authorize us to collect, store, and use any information (including Personal Information about you) that they may give us (e.g., your name and email address). You can disconnect your Social Media account or other Third-Party Services account from the Services at any time. Use of your Personal Information by the Social Media or Third-Party Services is governed by their privacy policies.</p> <p>We also collect information from you when you interact with our pages, groups, accounts, or posts on Social Media platforms. This information may include Personal Information you choose to display on your public profile and posts, and aggregate data on our follows (such as, location, gender, and age), awareness date (such as, number of impressions and reach), and engagement data (such as, likes, comments, reposts, and clicks).</p> <p><em><strong>ii. Private Databases.</strong></em></p> <p>Databases owned by private marketing, data analytics, and Social Media platforms also give us access to a range of information, such as, public data, survey data, and other types of data. Sometimes, the information that we receive from these sources may include your Personal Information, such as, your mailing address, gender, age, household income, or other demographic data. We may combine this information with Personal Information we already hold about you.</p> <p><em><strong>iii. Schools and Workplaces.</strong></em></p> <p>If your school or employer purchases a subscription to the Services that allows all or certain individuals within your organization to use the Services, your school or employer may provide us with your Personal Information to grant you access to the Services as a user (e.g., your name, work or school email address, and username).</p> <p><em><strong>iv. Information from Other Third Parties.</strong></em></p> <p>We may obtain additional Personal Information about you from other third parties, such as, partners, researchers, data services companies (e.g., for data enhancement), and others. We may combine information that we collect from you with information about you that we obtain from such third parties and information derived from any other subscription, product, or Services we provide.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>3.4 Collection of Personal Information Across Devices &amp; Applications.</strong></h3> <p>Sometimes, we (or our service providers) may use the Personal Information we collect about you – for instance, log-in credentials, IP addresses, hashed email addresses, and unique mobile device identifiers – to locate or try to locate the same unique users across multiple browsers or devices (such as smartphones, tablets, or computers), or work with providers that do this, and combine Personal Information about a unique user in order to better tailor content, features, and advertising, and provide you with a seamless experience across the devices you use to access the Services.</p> <h2 class="wp-block-heading">4. How Do We Use the Information We Collect About You?</h2> <p>We use the Personal Information and other information that we collect about you for the following purposes:</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>4.1 To Provide and Manage our Services</strong></h3> <p>We use your Personal Information to provide and manage the Services, such as to provide you with the content and products you request; process your payments or transactions; provide customer service; review your requests or complaints; set up your account with us for the Services and manage your account; administer sweepstakes and contests; administer and troubleshoot the Services; advertise the Services to you; personalize the content and features you see on the Services; allow you to share User-Generated Content and to attribute the User Generated Content that you make available through the Services to you; personalize your experience and recommend content to you; and enable you to link the Services with your Social Media account or other Third-Party Services account, as described above in Section 3.3.i of this Privacy Policy.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>4.2 To Communicate with You</strong></h3> <p>We may use Personal Information to contact you with information that we believe will be of interest to you; notify you about new features of the Services, events, promotions, products, services, and special offers; administer and troubleshoot the Services; send you newsletters, alerts, push notifications, or other communications, including SMS messages or other media or networks; send you information about your relationship or transactions with us; respond to your inquiries, requests, or complaints about the Services; send you messages, notices, emails, phone calls, or other communications about the Services; and notify you of changes to our policies, Platform, or Services.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>4.3 To Analyze Usage of the Services</strong></h3> <p>We may use Personal Information to evaluate use of the Services; perform analytics and research aimed at improving the accuracy, effectiveness, usability, or popularity of the Platform and Services; track trends; generate and review reports and data about our user base and usage patterns of the Services; monitor and improve the content and features of the Services or develop new Services; and understand how users interact with and use our Platform, advertisements, and Services.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>4.4 Deliver Advertising, Including Interest-Based Advertising</strong></h3> <p>We may use Personal Information to customize content, or deliver interest-based advertising across different devices and browsers that you use to access the Platform or Services (for instance, computers, tablets, mobile devices, applications, and websites); and send you personalized offers and advertisements through various channels (which may include, for instance, display, email, direct mail, and TV), whether on our behalf or on behalf of marketing partners with whom we may engage. Please refer to Section 6 of this Privacy Policy for more information on our use of Interest-Based Advertising.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>4.5 Protect Our Rights and the Rights of Others</strong></h3> <p>We may use your Personal Information where we believe necessary to protect and enforce our rights or the rights of others or to comply with a legal obligation, including to monitor for, investigate, and protect against fraud; protect the privacy, safety, and security of our employees, agents, subscribers, and users; enforce our policies, terms, and contracts; protect your Personal Information and comply with your legal privacy rights under applicable laws; and respond to inquiries from legal and regulatory authorities.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>4.6 Our Use of Aggregated &amp; De-Identified Information Based on Your Personal Information</strong></h3> <p>We also may aggregate and de-identify the Personal Information that we collect about you via the Services or other sources, so that the aggregated and de-identified information derived from your Personal Information no longer constitutes Personal Information under applicable laws and could not be used to identify you. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, we may process, share, disclose, and otherwise use any aggregated and/or de-identified information based on your Personal Information in any manner that we see fit in our discretion.</p> <h2 class="wp-block-heading">5. With Whom Do We Share Your Information?</h2> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>5.1 With Our Affiliated Businesses</strong></h3> <p>We may share your information, including your Personal Information, with our employees, agents, and Affiliates, in order to provide you with the Services and for the other purposes described in this Privacy Policy.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>5.2 With Our Service Providers</strong></h3> <p>We may share or otherwise disclose your Personal Information to our service providers that provide services or functions to Us or on Our behalf, such as providing the Services, fulfilling orders, delivery and shipment, billing, sales, data analytics, marketing, customer and technical support, content distribution and management, market research, email distribution, serving advertising, maintaining our Platform, detecting security incidents, debugging to identify and repair errors, fraud detection, and other relevant services. Our services providers are prohibited from using your Personal Information for purposes that are inconsistent with the purpose for which it was shared.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>5.3&nbsp; </strong><strong></strong><strong>With Social Media Platforms and Third Party Service Providers &nbsp; &nbsp; </strong><strong></strong></h3> <p>When you link your account to use the Services with, or share information from the Services to, a Social Media Platform or Third party Service Provider, we will share some Personal Information with the Social Media Platform or Third Party Service Provider. You can control your privacy settings via the relevant Social Media Platform or Third Party Service Provider.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>5.4&nbsp; </strong><strong></strong><strong>For Advertising Purposes</strong></h3> <p>We may share your Personal Information with our marketing partners whose products or services we think may be of interest to you. We also share limited Personal Information for the purpose of serving interest-based ads on our Platform or allowing our advertising partners to serve ads to you on other websites based on your interaction with the Platform, measuring ad performance, and understanding audience segments and behaviors. Please refer to Section 6 of this Privacy Policy and our Cookie Policy for more information about interest-based advertising.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>5.5 With Other Third Parties</strong></h3> <p>We may share your information with non-affiliated third parties with whom we have a contractual relationship, including without limitation our sweepstakes or contest operators, sponsors, and advertisers; event sponsors, if you attend an event; third-party advertisers, co-marketers, and advertising and list brokering networks, for their own and sometimes our own advertising and marketing purposes. Those third parties may combine Personal Information they receive from us with other information about you that they obtained from other sources or directly from you. Use of your Personal Information by those third parties is governed by those third parties’ privacy policies or practices.</p> <p>As described in this Privacy Policy, we may collect and share information about materials you accessed on the Platform, including but not limited to searches you conducted and articles and videos you requested and/or viewed. We may share this information with third parties, including our service providers, advertising networks, and business partners. By accessing these materials on the Platform, you consent to the collection and disclosure of information related to your searches on the Platform and your interaction with articles and videos on the Platform. In some situations, you may be able to limit disclosure of this information to third parties as described in this Policy.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>5.6 To Comply with a Legal Obligation or Protect Our Rights</strong></h3> <p>We may disclose, transfer, and preserve your information when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to:</p> <p>1.) Protect our users and our legal rights, property, privacy, or safety and that of our subsidiaries, Affiliates, employees, agents, contractors, or other individuals, including by enforcing this Privacy Policy, our <a href="">Cookie Policy</a>, our <a href="http://localhost:10028/subscriber-terms-and-conditions/">Subscriber Terms &amp; Conditions</a>, and/or our <a href="http://localhost:10028/central-terms-of-service/">Central Terms of Service</a>;</p> <p>2.) Comply with the law including with subpoenas, search warrants, court orders, and other legal processes; and respond to inquiries or requests from government, regulatory bodies, law enforcement, public authorities, or content protection organizations;</p> <p>3.) Permit us to pursue available remedies, commence, participate in, or defend litigation, or limit the damages that we may sustain; or</p> <p>4.) Enforce this Privacy Policy, our <a href="">Cookie Policy</a>, our <a href="http://localhost:10028/subscriber-terms-and-conditions/">Subscriber Terms &amp; Conditions</a>, and/or our <a href="http://localhost:10028/central-terms-of-service/">Central Terms of Service</a>;</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>5.7 In Connection with a Merger or Sale</strong></h3> <p>We may share your information in connection with any proposed or actual merger, reorganization, transfer of control, a sale of some or all of our assets, or a financing or acquisition of all or a portion of our business by another company.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>5.8 Sharing Non-Personal Information</strong></h3> <p>To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, we may disclose any aggregated and/or de-identified information derived from the Personal Information that we collect about you to any third party for any purpose we deem necessary or appropriate.</p> <h2 class="wp-block-heading">6. How Do We Use Online Analytics &amp; Interest-Based Advertising?</h2> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>6.1 Our Use of Online Analytics.</strong></h3> <p>We may use third-party web analytics services on our Services, such as those provided by Google Analytics, Adobe Omniture, The Trade Desk, and similar providers. These service providers use the sort of technology described in our <a href="">Cookie Policy</a> and <a href=";OtherInformationTechnologiesCookies">Section 3.2.3</a> of this Privacy Policy to help us analyze how users use the Services, including by noting the third-party website from which you arrive. The information (including your IP address) collected by these technologies will be disclosed to or collected directly by these service providers, who use the information to evaluate your use of the Services. We also use Google Analytics for certain purposes related to advertising, as described in <a href="">Section 6.2</a> and <a href=";_Choices">Section 8.4</a> of this Privacy Policy and in our <a href="">Cookie Policy</a>. You can opt-out of Google Analytics as described in Section 8.4 of this Privacy Policy.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>6.2 Our Use of Interest-Based Advertising.</strong></h3> <p>We and our third-party advertising partners engage in interest-based advertising, also known as cross-context or targeted advertising, via the Services. Interest-based advertising is the delivery of ads for products or services personalized to your interests. When you use the Services, we may serve you with ads based on various factors such as the content of the page you are visiting, Personal Information and other information that you provide, such as, your age or gender, your searches, demographic and geographic data, User-Generated Content, and other information that you provide to us or that we or our advertisers collect from you, including through cookies and similar technologies. This information may be collected over time, across multiple websites, and combined to create inferences about your interests and serve you ads based on those perceived interests.</p> <p>We and third parties may use information combined from several sources, including inferences we make about our users’ interests, to create audience segments, find common attributes among members of the audience, and deliver ads we or our third parties believe will be of interest based on those attributes.</p> <p>When you use the Services, we may share information about you, such as a hashed version of your email address, your IP address, and/or information about your device settings with our third-party advertising technology providers.&nbsp; Those advertising technology providers may use that information to assign you a unique ID for the purpose of recognizing you on your devices. We may place this unique ID in our first-party cookie, or use a partner that places a third-party cookie and allows it to be used for online and interest-based ad targeting. Your unique ID may be shared by us or on our behalf with third-party advertisers for interest-based ad targeting.</p> <p>Also, third parties, including without limitation those whose products or services are accessible or advertised via the Services, may place cookies, web beacons or pixel tags, or other similar tracking technologies (such as mobile ‘SDKs,’ which function like a mobile version of a browser cookie and are embedded in mobile applications) on your computer browser, mobile phone applications, or other device to collect information about your use of the Services, including your Personal Information, in order to: (i) inform, optimize, and serve ads based on past visits to our websites and across other sites and mobile applications; and (ii) measure ad performance and report how our ad impressions, other uses of ad services, and interactions with these ad impressions and ad services are related to visits to our Platform and the use of our Services. We also allow other third parties to serve interest-based ads to you via the Services, and to access their own cookies or other tracking technologies on your computer, mobile phone, or other device you use to access the Services so that interest-based ads may be delivered to you when you are using other websites and mobile applications. We also may share with third-party advertisers a hashed version of your email address, your IP address, and/or information about your browser or operating system, which may be identified by a service provider for purposes of delivering interest-based advertising on the Services, other websites, and/or mobile applications. We likewise may work with platform providers who serve advertising across devices. For instance, we may want to reach our web-based customers when they are on their mobile devices. This is done, generally, by correlating common attributes (such as IP addresses, other browser or device information, hashed email addresses, or unique ID) across devices, to infer a common identity across multiple channels.</p> <p>The third parties that use these technologies may offer you a way to opt-out of interest-based ad targeting, as is described in our <a href="">Cookie Policy</a> and in <a href=";_Choices">Section 8</a> of this Privacy Policy. We do not maintain or control these opt-opt mechanisms, which are provided by non-affiliated third parties. Further, we do not control which third parties choose to participate in these opt-out mechanisms. Please note that opting out of interest-based advertising does not mean that you will no longer see advertising on the Services, but these ads may be less relevant to your interests.</p> <p>You can opt-out of targeted or cross-contextual advertising, as those terms are defined in applicable privacy laws, by clicking the Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information link at the bottom of our websites and adjusting the toggle in the “Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information” menu option. For additional information about your legal rights regarding our collection and sharing, selling, or other disclosure of your Personal Information to third parties, please refer to the following Sections of this Privacy Policy: <a href=";_Choices">Section 8 (What Are Your Rights &amp; Choices?)</a>, <a href="">Section 9 (Additional Rights and Choices of U.S. Residents)</a>, <a href="">Section 10 (Use of The Services By Users From Outside The United States)</a></p> <h2 class="wp-block-heading">7. Third Parties’ Use of Your Information</h2> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>7.1 How Do Third Parties Collect &amp; Use Your Information Through Our Services?</strong></h3> <p>As is described elsewhere in this Privacy Policy, for certain advertising, analytics, and other features that appear in the Services or that we provide via the Services, a third party, such as an advertiser, search engine, or other partner may collect your Personal Information, such as, your name, mailing address, identifier, device information, IP address, etc., in accordance with applicable laws. Subject to applicable laws, these third-party entities may use your Personal Information in any way they choose, including to market to you or to share your Personal Information with others. Subject to applicable laws, in those instances, your Personal Information may be covered by those third-party entities’ privacy policies. In some cases, these third-party entities may not have any online presence. Therefore, you should only submit your Personal Information in these cases when you are comfortable doing so given the conditions. If you have questions about the privacy practices of these third-party entities, we encourage you to contact them and review their privacy policies.</p> <p>For additional information about third-party entities that may collect and use your Personal Information in connection with your use of the Services, and the rights and choices you have to control or limit the collection and use of your Personal Information by these third-party entities, please refer to our <a href="">Cookie Policy</a> and the following Sections of this Privacy Policy: <a href=";_Choices">Section 8 (Your Privacy Rights &amp; Choices)</a>, Section 9 (Additional Rights and Choices of U.S. Residents), <a href="">Section 10 (Use of The Services By Users From Outside The United States)</a>.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>7.2 What About Linked Third-Party Services, Sites, &amp; Advertisements?</strong></h3> <p>Some of the Services may sometimes contain links to third-party websites, resources, vendors, advertisers, and other products and services. These are not part of the Services we provide to you. We do not control (and are not responsible for) the privacy practices, websites, content, and goods or services of these third parties.</p> <p>As is discussed elsewhere in this Privacy Policy, these third parties may independently collect and solicit Personal Information about you directly from you. The Personal Information that you provide to them directly is not covered by this Privacy Policy.&nbsp; These third parties have their own privacy policies and practices, which may include what (if any) of your Personal Information they share with us, your privacy rights and choices with respect to their services, and whether they process and store information in the United States or outside of the United States. As such, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with their privacy policies, practices, and terms of use and to contact them if you have any questions, concerns, or want to opt-out or limit how they collect or use your Personal Information.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <h2 class="wp-block-heading">8. What Are Your Rights &amp; Choices?</h2> <p>This Section 8 of the Privacy Policy describes (i) your rights and choices with respect to your Personal Information, and (ii) how you may exercise those rights and choices. We respect your privacy, and we will never discriminate against you for electing to exercise any privacy rights or choices that apply to you.</p> <p>We provide a variety of ways for you to control the Personal Information we maintain about you, including choices about how we collect and use your Personal Information. In some jurisdictions, these controls and choices are enforceable as rights under applicable law. In addition to the privacy rights and choices detailed below in this Section 8 of this Privacy Policy, additional information about jurisdiction-specific privacy rights and choices that may apply to you can be found in the following Sections of this Privacy Policy:</p> <p>If you are a resident of certain U.S. states, you may have additional rights. Please see additional detail below in Section 9 (Additional Privacy Rights and Choices of U.S. Residents) of this Privacy Policy;</p> <p>If you are a resident of the European Union, European Economic Area, the UK, or Switzerland, please see additional detail below in Section 10 of this Privacy Policy (Use of the Services By Users From Outside of The United States);</p> <p>If you are a California resident and (1) an employee of Tribune or an Affiliate, (2) an independent contractor of Tribune or an Affiliate, or (3) are applying for a job with Tribune or an Affiliate, please refer to our<a href=""> California Resident Employee Privacy Policy</a>.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>8.1 Rights of Access, Correction, and Deletion, of Your Personal Information</strong></h3> <p>To exercise any of the rights below, please contact us using<a href=""> this form</a> or by sending an email to with “PRIVACY RIGHTS REQUEST” in the subject line.</p> <p><em><strong>i. Access/Know</strong></em></p> <p>You have the right to know whether we collect or process your Personal Information. If you have an account with Us, you can access Personal Information we have collected about you by logging on to your account.</p> <p><em><strong>ii. Correction</strong></em></p> <p>You have the right to request that we correct or update inaccurate Personal Information we hold about you. You may be able to update some of your Personal Information by logging on to your account.</p> <p><em><strong>iii. Deletion</strong></em></p> <p>You have the right to request that we delete your Personal Information. Please note that, in some circumstances, we will be unable to delete your Personal Information due to legal, technical, regulatory, or contractual obligations.</p> <p><em><strong>iv. Identity verification</strong></em></p> <p>We will need to verify your identity in order to process any of the requests described in this Section 8.1. Authentication into your online account with us (if applicable), government identification, declarations under penalty of perjury or other information may be required. We cannot process your request if we are unable to verify your identity. Please do not send us additional personal information for verification purposes unless we specifically request it.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>8.2 Managing Your Communications from Us</strong></h3> <p><em><strong>i. Email</strong></em></p> <p>As part of the Services, we may offer customers like you a variety of different email newsletters and other commercial emails. The Services are supported by advertising revenue. We may send you commercial emails on behalf of ourselves, our Affiliates, and our third-party advertisers. You can unsubscribe to these emails by either following the instructions in the email for opting-out of receiving future emails, or by calling the official customer service number listed in the “Contact Us” webpage of the Website of the newspaper publication from which you are receiving emails and making a request to no longer receive emails.</p> <p><em><strong>ii. Promotions Via Mail or Telephone</strong></em></p> <p>Sometimes, we may contact you via mail or telephone with promotions for our Services. You can request to opt-out these mail or telephone solicitations. In certain jurisdictions, as is discussed elsewhere in this Privacy Policy, you may also have the right to instruct us to not share your Personal Information with third parties for direct marketing purposes. To opt-out of future mail or telephone solicitations regarding the Services, please call the official customer service number listed in the “Contact Us” webpage of the Website of the newspaper publication from which you are receiving mail or telephone solicitations and make a request to no longer receive them.</p> <p><em><strong>iii. SMS/Text Message Alerts</strong></em></p> <p>If you receive marketing-related SMS/text message alerts from us in connection with the Services, you can opt-out of receiving them by replying “STOP” or any alternate keyword that we have shared with you. We will work to implement your opt-out request quickly and within the timeframes required by applicable laws. However, please note that your opt-out request will not prohibit us from sending you important non-marketing SMS/text message alerts about your account or use of the Services.</p> <p><em><strong>iv. Push Notifications</strong></em></p> <p>You can opt-out of receiving push notifications from us by changing your settings on the device that is sending you push notifications from us, or by uninstalling the Application that is sending you push notifications from us.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>8.3 Managing Cookie Controls &amp; Settings</strong></h3> <p>As is discussed in <a href=";OtherInformationTechnologiesCookies">Section 3.2.3</a> of this Privacy Policy and in our <a href="">Cookie Policy</a>, when you access the Services via the Internet or an Internet-connected device, we or third parties may place or collect “cookies” from your web browser or device, and may use these cookies for various purposes. Depending on the jurisdiction in which you reside, some of these cookies may constitute your Personal Information under applicable law.</p> <p>Most web browsers are set to accept cookies by default. However, you can configure the settings of your web browser to delete or reject cookies. Additionally, the Websites on which we provide the Services offer you the capability to choose certain cookie preferences about whether or not your web browser will accept – or instead will block/reject – certain cookies from our Websites. <strong>To implement your personal cookie preferences on our Websites, please click on the “</strong><strong>Cookie Preferences</strong><strong>” link at the bottom of the webpage of the Website to access the cookie preferences menu.</strong></p> <p>Once you have opened the cookie preferences menu, you can choose whether your web browser will accept or block/reject certain types of cookies from the Website. In the cookie preferences menu, you can also opt-out of certain uses of Personal Information we collect about you via cookies, such as our “sale” or use in targeted advertising. For additional information about opting-out of our “sales” or targeted advertising, please refer to Section 9 of this Privacy Policy.</p> <p>Please review, and be aware of, the following regarding your choice to delete, reject, or otherwise opt-out of cookies in connection with your use of the Services:</p> <p>1.) If you choose to delete or reject cookies on your web browser or device, this could affect certain features or Services that we provide via our Websites and Applications;</p> <p>2.) These cookie-blocking and opt-out mechanisms are unique to your computer, tablet, device, and web browser, which means that you will need to re-implement your cookie-blocking our opt-out preferences on each such computer, tablet, device, and web browser that you use;</p> <p>3.) If you clear or delete your cookies on your device or web browser after opting-out of cookies or configuring our cookie preferences menu to block or reject cookies, this will result in the deletion of the opt-out or blocking cookie on your web browser or device, meaning you will need to opt-out or configure our cookie preferences menu again after clearing or deleting the cookies (this may also apply to “Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information” signals/preferences that you implement via our cookies preferences menu on our Websites); and</p> <p>4.) After you opt-out of cookies or configure your personalized cookie preferences on our Websites to block/reject cookies, you may continue to receive advertising via our Services, but those ads may be less relevant to you.</p> <p>For additional information about cookies, implementing your personalized cookie preferences on our Websites, and how we collect and use cookies, please refer to our <a href="">Cookie Policy</a>.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>8.4 Additional Rights and Choices Related to Online Analytics &amp; Interest-Based Advertising Practices</strong></h3> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>8.4.1 Google Analytics Opt-Out</strong></h3> <p>As is discussed above in Section 6 of this Privacy Policy, we use Google Analytics on our Services for various purposes, including for online analytics and interest-based advertising purposes. To prevent Google Analytics from using your Personal Information for analytics purposes, you may install the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on by <a href="">clicking here</a>. <a href="">Click</a> here for additional information about Google Analytics, and click <a href="">here</a> to view Google’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>8.4.2 Global Privacy Control (GPC)</strong></h3> <p>Some web browsers and browser extensions support the <a href="">Global Privacy Control</a> (“GPC”), which can send a signal to the websites you visit that indicates your choice to opt-out of certain types of uses and disclosures of your Personal Information, including “sales” (as defined in applicable laws) of your Personal Information. For users of the Services in certain jurisdictions, when we detect a GPC signal, we will respect your privacy-related choices that are identified by the GPC signal.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>8.4.3 Do Not Track (DNT)</strong></h3> <p>Some web browsers offer a “Do Not Track” (“DNT”) setting that can send a signal to the websites that you visit, which indicates that you do not wish to be tracked by the websites. However, unlike the GPC signals described above, there is no common understanding of how to interpret such DNT signals. As such, our Websites and Applications <strong>do not</strong> respond to web browser DNT signals. However, you may control the use of tracking technologies as&nbsp; discussed in this Section 8 and in our <a href="">Cookie Policy</a>.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>8.4.4 Other Controls</strong></h3> <p>As is discussed elsewhere in this Privacy Policy and in our <a href="">Cookie Policy</a>, when you access or use our Services on the Internet via any of our Websites or Applications, we use various third-party service providers and technologies to serve you tailored advertising for products, services, and content that we think you might be interested in. This interest-based advertising often uses your Personal Information (such as your cookies, browsing history, or IP address) to serve you relevant ads via our Services. These third parties that provide the interest-based advertising services and technologies we use on our Services may offer you a way to opt-out of interest-based ad targeting. We do not maintain or control these opt-out mechanisms, which are provided and controlled by non-affiliated third parties. Furthermore, we do not control which third parties participate in these opt-out mechanisms. Please note that opting out of interest-based advertising does not mean that you will no longer see advertising on the Services, but these ads may be less relevant to your interests.</p> <p>To maximize the effectiveness of your opt-out for interest-based advertising, you should register your choice through all of these mechanisms and on each web browser and/or mobile device that you use to access the Services:</p> <p><strong>1.) General Third Party Opt-Out Mechanisms (Browser/Cookie-based).</strong></p> <p>If you would like more information about interest-based advertising enabled via cookies and web browsers and how you can generally control cookies from being put on your computer for such advertising, please refer to our <a href="">Cookie Policy</a>. In addition to the steps described above in this Privacy Policy and in our <a href="">Cookie Policy</a>, you may opt out of certain targeted advertising from participating companies and entities as follows:</p> <p><strong>i. US Based Opt-Outs.</strong> For US based opt-outs, you may visit and use the <a href="">Network Advertising Initiative’s Consumer Opt-out link</a> <a href="">(</a>, the <a href=";lang=EN">Digital Advertising Alliance’s Consumer Opt-Out link (;lang=EN)</a>, and <a href="">TrustArc’s Advertising Choices Page (</a></p> <p><strong>ii. Canadian Based Opt-Outs.</strong> For Canadian based opt-outs, you may visit and use the opt-out mechanisms at <a href=""></a>.</p> <p><strong>iii. European Based Opt-Outs.</strong> For European based opt-outs, you may visit and use the opt-out mechanisms at <a href=""></a>.</p> <p><strong>2.) LiveRamp. </strong>To opt-out of data collection, sharing, and use by our partner, LiveRamp, please <a href="">click here</a>.</p> <p><strong>3.) Criteo. </strong>To opt-out of data collection, sharing, and use by our partner, Criteo, <a href="">click here</a>. You can read Criteo’s privacy policy <a href="">here</a>.</p> <p><strong>4.) Connatix.</strong> For information about how to opt-out of data collection, sharing, and use by our partner, Connatix, please visit Connatix’s Privacy Policy <a href="">here</a>.</p> <p><strong>5.) ID5.</strong> For information about how to opt-out of data collection, sharing, and use by our partner, ID5, <a href="">click here</a>. You can read ID5’s privacy policy <a href="">here</a>.</p> <p><strong>6.) The Trade Desk.</strong> To opt-out of data collection, sharing, and use by our partner, The Trade Desk, please click <a href="">here</a>.</p> <p><strong>7.) Facebook.</strong> For information about how to manage interest-based advertising and data collection, sharing, and use by our partner, Facebook, please click <a href="">here</a>.</p> <p><strong>8.) Google Analytics/Google Ads.</strong> If you have a Google account, we may use Google Analytics to serve and display advertising to you. You can opt-out of Google Analytics for display advertising or customize your Google display network ads by visiting the <a href="">Google Ads Settings</a> page. You will need to log in to Google via the Sign In link if you are not already logged in when you visit that page.</p> <p><strong>9.) Microsoft.</strong> Microsoft may also collect or receive your Personal Data to provide targeted advertising to you via the Services. For information about how to manage and control data collection, sharing and use by Microsoft, please refer to the “How to access and control your personal data” section of <a href="">Microsoft’s Privacy Policy</a>. To opt-out of data collection, use, and sharing by Microsoft, please click <a href=";">here</a>. For information about Microsoft’s data collection and interest-based advertising practices, please visit Microsoft’s Privacy Policy.</p> <p><strong>10.) Mobile Device Settings.</strong> Mobile devices running on iOS, Android, and Windows operating systems provide options to limit tracking across other applications and/or reset advertising IDs. For more information about advertising IDs and instructions on how to implement advertising ID controls and choices on your iOS, Android, or Windows mobile device in connection with your use of the Services, please click<a href=""> here</a>. We cannot guarantee that these instructions will not change, or that they will continue to be available, as they are controlled by each mobile platform and not us. For any other devices and/or operating systems, please visit the privacy settings for the applicable device or operating system or contact the applicable platform operator.</p> <p>Please refer to our <a href="">Cookie Policy</a> for important information that you should review before choosing to opt-out, delete, or block cookies.</p> <h2 class="wp-block-heading">9. Additional Privacy Rights and Choices of U.S. Residents</h2> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>9.1 Your California Privacy Rights</strong></h3> <p><strong>Notice For California Residents</strong></p> <p>The California Consumer Privacy Act <strong>(“CCPA”)</strong>, as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act <strong>(“CPRA”)</strong>,<strong> </strong>and all regulations to the CCPA and CPRA) (collectively, the <strong>“California Privacy Laws”</strong>) give California residents certain rights and choices about how we collect, use, and disclose their Personal Information. This Section 9.1 of this Privacy Policy (the <strong>“California Notice”</strong>) describes these additional rights and choices and provides disclosures required by the California Privacy Laws about how we collect, use, and disclose California residents’ Personal Information.</p> <p>This California Notice applies to information of California residents that constitutes “Personal Information” under the California Privacy Laws to the extent that we handle such Personal Information in our capacity as a business under the California Privacy Laws. For purposes of this California Notice Section of this Privacy Policy, the capitalized term “Personal Information” refers to information of California residents that constitutes “personal information” under the California Privacy Laws. This California Notice does not apply to information exempt from, or otherwise not subject to, the requirements of the California Privacy Laws.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>9.1.1&nbsp; Notice at Collection – The Personal Information That We Collect</strong></h3> <p>We currently collect, and within the 12 months prior to the “Last Updated” date of this Privacy Policy have collected, the following categories of Personal Information:</p> <p>Identifiers, such as, a real name, alias, postal address, shipping address, email address, IP address, account name/number, online username, telephone number, device identifier, cookie or tracking identifier, advertising ID, or similar identifier.</p> <p>Characteristics of protected classifications under California or Federal law, such as, age or gender.</p> <p>Commercial and financial information, such as, credit and debit card numbers, bank account numbers, payment information, records of personal property, products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.</p> <p>Internet or other electronic network activity information, such as: browsing history; search history; and information regarding consumers’ interactions with the Services, Platform, and ads served via the Services.</p> <p>Geolocation data.</p> <p><strong>Audio, electronic, visual, or other similar information</strong><strong>.</strong></p> <p>Inferences drawn from Personal Information to create a profile about a consumer.</p> <p>Sensitive Personal Information, such as certain payment account information.</p> <p>We also collect public content that you may provide to us voluntarily, such as, your comments, posts, reviews, survey responses, and User-Generated Content.</p> <p>We collect Personal Information directly from California residents, Social Media or Third-Party Services platforms that customers use to login to and access our Services (i.e., Facebook, Google, and Apple – for additional information, please see Section 3.3 &nbsp;of this Privacy Policy), publicly available sources, public records databases, other uses and subscribers of the Services, our Affiliates, from your browser of device, data analytics providers, consumer data resellers, government entities, and data brokers. Please see Section 3 for more information on the sources from which we obtain Personal Information. We do not collect all categories of Personal Information from all users or from all sources.</p> <p>We currently collect, and have collected within the past 12 months, the above-listed categories of Personal Information for the business or commercial purposes set forth in Section 4 of this Privacy Policy.</p> <p><strong>Sale, Sharing, &amp; Disclosure of Personal Information</strong></p> <p><em>i. Sale or Sharing of Personal Information</em></p> <p>As is discussed in this Privacy Policy, we do not “sell” your Personal Information in the traditional sense (i.e., for money). However, the California Privacy Laws define “sale” and “share” broadly, and our disclosure of Personal Information to third parties to show you advertisements and provide data analytics services for our Platform and Services may constitute a “sale” or “share” under the California Privacy Laws.</p> <p>The table below identifies the categories of Personal Information that we “sold” or “shared” to third parties in the 12 months preceding the “Last Updated” date of this Privacy Policy, and the categories of third parties to whom we sold or shared each identified category of Personal Information:</p> <figure class="wp-block-table"><table class="has-fixed-layout"><tbody><tr><td><strong>Categories of Personal Information</strong></td><td><strong>Categories of Third Parties</strong>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>Unique personal identifiers (device identifiers, cookies, web beacons, pixel tags, mobile identifiers, or similar technology); Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, online identifiers; Geolocation data; Internet or other electronic network activity information (search history; browsing history; and information regarding a consumer’s interaction with any of our Services, Websites, Applications, Platform, or advertisements served to you via the Services, Websites, Applications, or Platform.); inferences drawn from Personal Information to create a profile about a consumer.</td><td>Advertising networks; advertising platforms; advertising technology providers; data analytics providers; Social Media platforms and Third-Party Services providers (e.g., Apple, Google, Facebook); and our Affiliates.</td></tr></tbody></table></figure> <p><em>ii. Disclosure of Personal Information</em></p> <p>The table below identifies the categories of Personal Information that we disclosed to other recipients for a business purpose within the 12 months prior to the “Last Updated” date of this Privacy Policy, and the categories of recipients to whom we disclosed the identified categories of Personal Information:</p> <figure class="wp-block-table"><table class="has-fixed-layout"><tbody><tr><td><strong>Categories of Personal Information</strong></td><td><strong>Categories of Other Recipients</strong>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>Identifiers, such as, a real name, alias, postal address, shipping address, email address, IP address, account name/number, online username, telephone number, an individual’s written or electronic signature, and driver’s license or state identification card number</td><td>Our Affiliates; our newspaper delivery distributors; customer service providers; event sponsors; debt collectors; payment processors; telemarketers; Social Media platforms and Third-Party Services providers (e.g., Apple, Google, Facebook); advertising networks; advertising platforms; advertising technology providers; data analytics providers; list brokering networks; our security, fraud, and legal compliance partners and other individuals, entities, or service providers at your request.&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>Unique personal identifiers (device identifiers, cookies, web beacons, pixel tags, mobile identifiers, or similar technology); Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, online identifiers; Geolocation data; Internet or other electronic network activity information (search history; browsing history; and information regarding a consumer’s interaction with any of our Services, Websites, Applications, Platform, or advertisements served to you via the Services, Websites, Applications, or Platform); inferences drawn from Personal Information to create a profile about a consumer.</td><td>Our Affiliates; Social Media platforms and Third-Party Services providers (e.g., Apple, Google, Facebook); advertising networks; advertising platforms; advertising technology providers; data analytics providers; list brokering networks; IT service providers; our security, fraud, and legal compliance partners; and other individuals, entities, or service providers at your request.&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>Characteristics of protected classifications under California or Federal law, such as, age or gender.</td><td>Our Affiliates; payment processors; debt collectors; customer service providers, telemarketers; our newspaper delivery providers; our contest, sweepstakes, survey, or polling providers; Social Media platforms and Third-Party Services providers (e.g., Apple, Google, Facebook); advertising networks; advertising platforms; data analytics providers; list brokering networks; our security, fraud, and legal compliance partners; and other individuals, entities, or service providers at your request.&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>Commercial and financial information, such as, credit and debit card numbers, bank account numbers, payment information, records of personal property, products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.</td><td>Our Affiliates; payment processors debt collectors; customer service providers; our security, fraud, and legal compliance partners; and other individuals, entities, or service providers at your request.&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>Audio, electronic, visual, or other similar information (such as that included in User-Generated Content that you submit to us via the Services)</td><td>Our Affiliates; our third-party content licensing partners; our security, fraud, and legal compliance partners; and other individuals, entities, or service providers at your request.</td></tr><tr><td>Sensitive Personal Information allowed for under California law, such as a consumer’s debit or credit card numbers.</td><td>Our Affiliates; customer service providers; payment processors; our security, fraud, and legal compliance partners; and other individuals, entities, or service providers at your request.&nbsp;</td></tr></tbody></table></figure> <p>We do not knowingly collect, sell, share, or otherwise disclose Personal Information of consumers under 18 years of age. We currently do not use “Sensitive Personal Information” (as that term is defined by the California Privacy Laws) for purposes other than those the California Privacy Laws allow for.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>9.1.2 Retention of Personal Information</strong></h3> <p>We retain each of the above categories of Personal Information for as long as is necessary to: (1) fulfill the purposes for which we collect it (for example, for as long as is necessary to provide you with the Services that you have requested); and (2) satisfy any legal, accounting, contractual, record keeping, or reporting requirements that apply to us.</p> <p>Please refer to Section 12 (<a href="">How Long Do We Retain Your Personal Information?</a>) of this Privacy Policy for additional information about our Personal Information retention practices.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>9.1.3 California Privacy Rights</strong></h3> <p>In addition to the privacy rights described in Section 8 of this Privacy Policy, California residents have the following rights granted by the California Privacy Laws. These rights are not absolute and are subject to certain exemptions. As such, in certain cases, we may deny your requests regarding these rights as permitted by law.</p> <p><strong>1. </strong><strong>Right to Know</strong><strong>.</strong> You have the right to know what Personal Information we have collected about you, including the categories of Personal Information, the categories of sources from which we collected Personal Information, the business or commercial purpose for collecting, selling or sharing (if applicable), the categories of third parties to whom we sell or share Personal Information (if applicable), and the specific pieces of Personal Information we collected about you;</p> <p><strong>2. </strong><strong>Right to Portability</strong><strong>. </strong>You have the right to obtain a copy of your Personal Information in a portable and readily usable format, to the extent technically feasible</p> <p><strong>3. </strong><strong>Right to Limit use of Sensitive Personal Information</strong>. We only use or disclose Sensitive Personal Information for purposes set forth in the California Privacy Laws. If in the future we use or disclose Sensitive Personal Information for other purposes, we will update this section to provide information as to how you can limit the use of your Sensitive Personal Information.</p> <p><strong>4. </strong><strong>Right to Not Receive Discriminatory Treatment</strong>. You have the right not to receive discriminatory treatment by us for the exercise of the privacy rights the California Privacy Laws confer.</p> <p>You will not receive any discriminatory treatment from us for exercising any of the privacy rights granted to you by the California Privacy Laws. Similarly, we will not retaliate against any of our employees, job applicants, and independent contractors for exercising any privacy right available to them under the California Privacy Laws.</p> <p><strong>5. </strong><strong>Right to Opt-Out of the Sale or “Share” of Your Personal Information</strong><strong>. </strong>You have the right to opt-out of the sale or sharing (as defined in the California Privacy Laws) of your Personal Information, as described in further detail below.</p> <p>&nbsp;We do not sell your Personal Information in the traditional sense (i.e., for money). However, California Privacy Laws define “sale” broadly, and our disclosure of Personal Information to third parties for certain purposes, including to show you advertisements and provide data analytics services for our Platform and Services, may constitute a “sale” under such laws. As described in this Privacy Policy, we provide ads we or our third-party advertising partners think will be of interest to you, referred to as interest-based advertising or cross-context advertising (or a “share,” in the state of California). We provide you the opportunity to opt-out of such use of your Personal Information.</p> <p>For more information about our use of interest-based advertising, please refer to Section 6.2 of this Privacy Policy or our<a href=""> Cookie Policy</a>. To opt-out of any future sale of your Personal Information or use of your Personal Information for interest-based advertising, <strong>please click the “Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information” link on the bottom of the webpage where your Personal Information is being collected</strong> and adjust the toggle in the “Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information” menu option. You can also set your advertising preferences by controlling cookies, as described in Section 8.3.</p> <p>You have the right to designate an authorized agent to submit a request to opt-out on your behalf, including but not limited to the Global Privacy Control (GPC). Please refer to the “Global Privacy Control (GPC)” discussion in Section 8.4 of this Privacy Policy for additional information.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Authorized Agent</strong>. If you are submitting a request on behalf of a California resident, please submit the request through one of the designated methods discussed in this Privacy Policy. After submitting the request, if the request is not subject to an exemption or exception, we will require additional information to verify that you have the authority to act on behalf of the California resident.</p> <p><strong>Methods for submitting requests under the California Privacy Laws</strong></p> <p>(1) For additional information or to submit a California Privacy Laws request, please fill out this <a href="">form</a>.</p> <p>(2) You may also submit a request by sending an email to with “California Privacy Rights” in the subject.</p> <p><strong>Identity verification</strong><strong><br></strong> We will need to verify your identity to process your request and confirm your residency. We may require that you authenticate your account (if applicable), or provide government identification, declarations under penalty of perjury or other information to verify your identity. We cannot process your request if you do not provide us with sufficient detail to allow us to understand and respond to it. Please do not send us additional personal information for verification purposes unless we specifically request it.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>9.1.4 Shine the Light</strong></h3> <p> It is our policy not to disclose Personal Information (as defined in California’s Shine the Light Law, California Civil Code § 1798.83) provided to us by our customers (as defined in the Shine the Light Law) to third parties for their direct marketing purposes if the customer has exercised an option that prevents that information from being disclosed to third parties for those purposes. Such customers may exercise this option by submitting an opt-out request <a href="">here</a>.</p> <p><strong>Accessibility</strong><strong><br></strong> We are committed to ensuring this Privacy Policy is accessible to individuals with disabilities. If you wish to access this Privacy Policy in an alternative format, please contact us as described below.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>9.1.5 California Residents Under Age 18</strong></h3> <p>California residents who are under age 18 and registered users of the Services can request removal of content that they have posted on the Services (including User-Generated Content) by emailing us with your name, email address, and the material that you want removed and information that will help us locate it, with the subject line “California Removal Request”. Your request does not ensure complete removal of the material. For example, materials may be republished or reposted by another user or a third party. Please make all such requests via email to us at</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>9.1.6 Notice of Financial Incentive</strong></h3> <p>We offer programs, benefits, and other offerings to users of the Services related to our collection and use of Personal Information that might be deemed a “financial incentive” or “price service difference” under the California Privacy Laws. These offerings may involve the collection of the following categories of Personal Information from consumers like you that participate: identifiers; customer records; protected class and demographic information; commercial information and preferences; Internet or other electronic network activity information and device information; audio, electronic, visual, and other sensory information; and inferences. We are providing you this information so that you may make an informed decision on whether to participate in our programs. Examples of the programs that we offer as part of the Services include:</p> <p><strong>1. Free Newsletters</strong>. As part of the Services, we may offer users the opportunity to sign up for a free newsletter to our publications and Services. The specific newsletters offered via our Services usually vary based on the specific newspaper publication and Website from which a consumer agrees to receive a newsletter. When a consumer agrees to receive a newsletter from us, we typically provide the newsletter via email. As part of our newsletter program, we may collect and use your Personal Information, such as, your email address, name, Internet or other electronic network activity information and device information, and inferences. No purchase is required to sign up for a free newsletter from us. Participation in our newsletter programs is governed by this Privacy Policy, our <a href="http://localhost:10028/subscriber-terms-and-conditions/">Subscriber Terms &amp; Conditions</a>, our <a href="http://localhost:10028/central-terms-of-service/">Central Terms of Service</a>, and/or our <a href="">Cookie Policy</a> in addition to any additional terms and conditions applicable to our newsletter program. For more information about how to sign up to our free newsletters, please visit our Websites and Applications from which you want to receive newsletters for additional information. You may cancel your subscription to any of our newsletters at any time by either following the instructions provided in the emails that deliver the newsletters to you, or by calling the official customer service number provided in the “Contact Us” webpage of the Website from which you receive emails and making a request to stop receiving the newsletters. Our good-faith estimate of the value of your Personal Information for participating in our newsletter program is the value of the benefit we offer you. We have calculated such value by using the expense related to the benefit.</p> <p><strong>2. Surveys.</strong><strong><br></strong> We may offer users of the Services the opportunity to participate in surveys about the Services. In exchange for your participation in a survey, you may be offered a financial incentive, such as: free products or services; free or discounted Services that we offer; the opportunity to participate in other promotions; and other discounts or coupons. As part of these surveys, we may collect and use your Personal Information, such as, your name, mailing address, email address, telephone number, beliefs, opinions, preferences, inferences, experiences, protected class and demographic information, Internet or other electronic network activity information and device information, and any other information that you provide in response to the survey questions. Participation in any such survey is voluntary and is governed by the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy, our <a href="">Cookie Policy</a>, our <a href="http://localhost:10028/subscriber-terms-and-conditions/">Subscriber Terms &amp; Conditions</a>, and/or our <a href="http://localhost:10028/central-terms-of-service/">Central Terms of Service</a> in addition to the specific terms and conditions applicable to the survey. The specific terms and conditions applicable to the survey will also tell you how to participate in the survey. You can terminate your participation in the survey at any time as will be explained in the specific terms and conditions applicable to the survey or by unsubscribing to our Services. Our good-faith estimate of the value of your Personal Information for participating in our survey programs is the value of the benefit we offer you. We have calculated such value by using the expense related to the benefit.</p> <p><strong>3. Limited Time Promotions, Contests, or Sweepstakes</strong>.<br>From time-to-time, we also may offer you incentives limited to a specific time period, such as, limited-time promotions, contests, or sweepstakes. In exchange for your participation in these programs, you may be offered a financial incentive, such as, a prize or discount to receive the Services. As part of these limited-time programs, we may collect and use your personal information, such as, your name; mailing address; email address; telephone number; beliefs; customer records; opinions; preferences; inferences; experiences; Internet or other electronic network activity information and device information; protected class and demographic information; and audio, electronic, visual, and other sensory information. Participation in any such promotions, contests, or sweepstakes are governed by this Privacy Policy, our <a href="">Cookie Policy</a>, our <a href="http://localhost:10028/subscriber-terms-and-conditions/">Subscriber Terms &amp; Conditions</a>, and/or our <a href="http://localhost:10028/central-terms-of-service/">Central Terms of Service</a> in addition to any specific terms and conditions that apply to any such promotions, contests, or sweepstakes. You can terminate your participation in these promotions, contests, or sweepstakes at any time as will be explained in the specific terms or by unsubscribing to our Services. Our good-faith estimate of the value of your Personal Information for participating in our promotions, contests, and sweepstakes program is the value of the benefit we offer you. We have calculated such value by using the expense related to the benefit.</p> <p><strong>4. Free Internet Browsing of Our Services, Applications, or Websites</strong>.<br>The content of most of our Applications and Websites through which consumers like you can access our Services on the Internet is usually protected by a paywall. This means that, for some content, the paywall will prevent you from accessing the content and Services unless you sign up for a paid subscription. However, some of the Websites and Applications for certain of our newspaper publications may choose to either (1) not implement a paywall for any content on its Website or Application at all, (2) not have the paywall functionality implemented for certain particularly time-sensitive or politically/socially relevant news articles or content, or (3) allow you to view a pre-determined number of free articles before signing up for an account. This means that you may be able to access and browse some of our Services on some of our Websites and Applications for free. This may be deemed a “financial incentive” or “price service difference” under the California Privacy Laws. By accessing and browsing any of our Services on any of our Websites or Applications for free over the Internet where our paywalls do not limit your access or browsing ability, you may be offered a financial incentive, such as, free access over the Internet to select content, Websites, or Applications that we provide as part of our Services to paying customers. In exchange for your access to certain free content, Websites, or Applications that we provide as part of our Services, we may collect and use your Personal Information, such as: email address and other identifiers, IP Address, Internet or other electronic network activity information and device information, and inferences. Participation in our “free access to Services” programs is governed by this Privacy Policy, our <a href="">Cookie Policy</a>,<a href=""> Subscriber Terms &amp; Conditions</a>, and/or our <a href="">Central Terms of Service</a>. You can terminate your participation in these “free access to the Services” programs by not using our Services and opting-out of cookies (see in <a href=";_Choices">Section 8</a> of this Privacy Policy and our <a href="">Cookie Policy</a> for additional information about how to opt-out). Our good-faith estimate of the value of your Personal Information for participating in our “free access to our Services” is the value of the benefit we offer you. We have calculated such value by using the expense related to the benefit.</p> <p><strong>5. SMS/Text Message Alert Programs.</strong></p> <p>We may offer current or potential users of our Services the opportunity to sign up to receive marking-related SMS/Text Message notifications about the Services. As part of these programs, you may receive a financial incentive from us, such as special promotional offers or discounts regarding the Services or subscriptions for the Services. In exchange for your participation in these programs, we may collect your Personal Information, such as your mobile phone number, name, and email address. No purchase is required to sign up for message alerts from us, although standard text messaging rates and fees (as determined by your cellular network provider) may apply.&nbsp; Participation in these programs is governed by this Privacy Policy, our Terms and Conditions, our Cookie Policy, and the terms and conditions of any additional agreements provided to you before you sign up to participate in the program.&nbsp; You may cancel or terminate your participation in these programs at any time by following instructions you receive in the agreements and materials that we provide to you when you sign up to participate in the program, or by calling the official customer service number provided in the “Contact Us” webpage of the Website for our publication that is sending you the SMS/Text Message notification.&nbsp; You may also cancel or terminate your participation in these programs by following the instructions in the SMS/Text Message notifications that you receive from us.&nbsp; Our good-faith estimate of the value of your Personal Information for participating in our SMS/Text Message notification programs is the value of the benefit we offer you. We have calculated such value by using the expense related to the benefit.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading">&nbsp;<strong>9.1.7 How to Contact Us</strong></h3> <p> To contact us for questions or concerns about our privacy policies or practices, please contact us using the contact information in <a href="">Section 1</a>7 of this Policy.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>9.2 Additional Rights for Residents of Certain U.S. States</strong></h3> <p>Some U.S. states have data privacy laws that provide rights and choices in addition to those we already provide to all users, described in Section 8 of this Privacy Policy. If you are a California resident, please refer to Section 9.1 for a description of your rights.</p> <p>You may exercise additional rights described in this Section 9.2 if you are a resident of an applicable jurisdiction listed below. You can exercise your rights described in this Section 9.2 by one of the following methods:</p> <p>(1) Fill out<a href=""> this form</a> to make a request.</p> <p>(2) You may also submit a request by sending an email to with “PRIVACY RIGHTS REQUEST” in the subject.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading">&nbsp;<strong>9.2.1 &nbsp; Right to Know</strong></h3> <p>For a description of the categories of Personal Information we collect about you and the categories of third parties to whom we disclose or “sell” Personal Information, please refer to Section 9.1.1. If you are a resident of Delaware or Oregon, you have the right to request additional details about our processing of your Personal Information, as described in the table below:</p> <figure class="wp-block-table"><table class="has-fixed-layout"><tbody><tr><td><strong>Jurisdiction</strong></td><td><strong>You have the right to know:</strong><strong>&nbsp;</strong></td></tr><tr><td>Delaware</td><td>1. the list of categories of third parties to whom your Personal Information has been disclosed&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>Oregon</td><td>1. categories of Personal Information that we process, and&nbsp;2. list of specific third parties to whom we have disclosed Personal Information&nbsp;</td></tr></tbody></table></figure> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>9.2.2 &nbsp; Right to Portability</strong></h3> <p>If you are a resident of Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Iowa, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Oregon, Texas, Utah, or Virginia, you have the right to obtain a copy of your Personal Information in a portable and readily usable format, to the extent technically feasible. We will need to verify your identity to process your portability request, which may include requiring you to authenticate your account, provide government identification, confirm certain data points we hold about you, or provide declarations under the penalty of perjury. If we are unable to confirm your identity, we will not be able to process your request.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>9.2.3 &nbsp; Right to Opt-Out of Profiling</strong></h3> <p>Certain states provide the right to opt-out of use of Personal Information for profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects. We do not currently use Personal Information in profiling for such decisions. If that changes in the future, we will update this Privacy Policy and provide information on how you can exercise your right to opt-out.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong> 9.2.4 &nbsp; Right to Opt-Out of the Sale or Use of Your Personal Information for Targeted Advertising</strong></h3> <p>If you are a resident of Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Iowa, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Oregon, Texas, Utah, or Virginia, you have the right to opt-out of the sale of your Personal Information or use of your Personal Information for targeted advertising. We do not sell your Personal Information in the traditional sense (i.e., for money). However, some data privacy laws define “sale” broadly, and our disclosure of Personal Information to third parties to show you advertisements and provide data analytics services for our Platform and Services may constitute a “sale” under such laws. As described in this Privacy Policy, we provide ads we or our third-party advertising partners think will be of interest to you, referred to as interest-based advertising or “targeted advertising” in some jurisdictions (also known as cross-context advertising or a “share,” in the state of California). We provide you the opportunity to opt-out of such use of your Personal Information.</p> <p>For more information about our use of interest-based advertising, please refer to Section 6.2 of this Privacy Policy or our<a href=""> Cookie Policy</a>. To opt-out of any future sale of your Personal Information or use of your Personal Information for interest-based advertising, <strong>click the “Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information” link on the bottom of the webpage where your Personal Information is being collected</strong> and adjust the toggle in the “Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information” menu option. You can also set your advertising preferences by controlling cookies, as described in Section 8.3.</p> <p>You have the right to designate an authorized agent to submit a request to opt-out on your behalf, including but not limited to the Global Privacy Control (GPC). Please refer to the “Global Privacy Control (GPC)” discussion in Section 8.4 of this Privacy Policy for additional information.&nbsp;</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>9.2.5 Right to Consent to Processing of Sensitive Personal Information</strong></h3> <p>Depending on the laws in your jurisdiction, sensitive Personal Information may include, but is not limited to, government-issued ID number, racial or ethnic origin, political or religious beliefs, health or biometric data, trade union membership, sexuality (including information about your sex life, sexual orientation, or gender-identity), criminal background, citizenship or immigration status, private communications, payment card information, and/or precise geolocation. We ask that you do not provide us with any sensitive Personal Information. We will only process Personal Information that you voluntarily provide to us, such as when you enable precise geolocation on your mobile device or voluntarily fill out a survey that asks for demographic information. You have the option of not providing us with your sensitive Personal Information. If you have mistakenly provided us with your sensitive Personal Information, please contact us using the contact details in Section 17.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>9.2.6 &nbsp; Right to Appeal</strong></h3> <p>If you are a resident of Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Iowa, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Oregon, Texas, or Virginia, and we refuse your request to exercise your rights granted under applicable data privacy laws, you have the right to appeal our decision by emailing us at Your appeal must include the words “<strong>PRIVACY RIGHTS APPEAL</strong>” in the subject line of the email and the following information: (1) your name, (2) the email address associated with the privacy rights request to us that you are appealing, (3) the right or rights that you initially requested to exercise, (4) the date of your initial request, and (5) a sufficiently detailed explanation of the legal grounds or other reasons as to why we should grant your appeal.&nbsp;</p> <p>If we deny your appeal, you may contact the proper authority online using the links in the table below.</p> <figure class="wp-block-table"><table class="has-fixed-layout"><tbody><tr><td><strong>Jurisdiction</strong></td><td><strong>Who to contact:</strong><strong>&nbsp;</strong></td></tr><tr><td>Colorado</td><td><a href="">Colorado Attorney General</a><em>or by phone</em>: (720) 508-6000&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>Connecticut</td><td><a href="">Connecticut Attorney General</a><em>or by email</em>:;</td></tr><tr><td>Delaware</td><td><a href="">Delaware Attorney General</a><em>or by email:</em>;</td></tr><tr><td>Iowa</td><td><a href="">Iowa Attorney General</a><em>or by email</em>:;</td></tr><tr><td>Montana</td><td><a href="">Montana Attorney General</a><em>or by phone:</em> (800) 481-6896<em>or by email:</em>;</td></tr><tr><td>Nebraska</td><td><a href="">Nebraska Attorney General</a><em>or by phone</em>: (800) 727-6432&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>New Hampshire</td><td><a href="">New Hampshire Attorney General</a><em>or by phone</em>: (603) 271-3658&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>New Jersey</td><td><a href="">New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs</a><em>or by phone</em>: (973) 504-6200<em>or by email</em>:;</td></tr><tr><td>Oregon</td><td><a href="">Oregon Attorney General</a><em>or by phone</em>: (877) 877-9392&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>Texas</td><td><a href="">Texas Attorney General</a><em>or by phone</em>: (800) 621-0508&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>Virginia</td><td><a href="">Virginia Attorney General</a><em>or by phone</em>: (800) 552-9963&nbsp;</td></tr></tbody></table></figure> <h2 class="wp-block-heading">10. Use of The Services by Users from Outside the United States.</h2> <p>For purposes of this Privacy Policy, we are a data controller of your Personal Information. In other words, Tribune is responsible for deciding how to collect, use, and disclose this Personal Information, subject to applicable law. We are headquartered in the United States, where we store and process information relating to the use of the Services, including your Personal Information. If you are located outside of the United States, your Personal Information is collected in your country and then transferred to the United States or another country where we or our service providers process your Personal Information. By providing us with Personal Information, you consent to its transfer as described in this Privacy Policy.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>10.1 Your EU, EEA, UK, &amp; Switzerland Rights &amp; Choices.</strong></h3> <p>We strive to comply with applicable international consumer data privacy laws, such as the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (“<strong>GDPR</strong>”) and the United Kingdom’s General Data Protection Regulation (the “<strong>UK GDPR”).</strong> If we transfer your Personal Information outside of the European Economic Area, we implement at least one of the following safeguards:</p> <p>a) We transfer your Personal Information to countries that the European Commission has determined provide an adequate level of data protection (a full list of these countries can be found <a href="">here</a>).</p> <p>b) We take steps to ensure that the recipient of your Personal Information is bound by contractual obligations, including the EU Standard Contractual Clauses (“<strong>SCCs</strong>”), and the UK Transfer Addendum, if applicable, and additional safeguards to protect your Personal Information (you may access the EU SCCs that came into effect in September 2021 <a href="">here</a> and the UK Transfer Addendum<a href=""> here</a>).</p> <p>The courts, law enforcement agencies, regulatory agencies, or security authorities in these countries may sometimes be entitled to access your Personal Information under applicable laws.</p> <p>If you are a resident of the EU, EEA, UK, or Switzerland, you have certain privacy rights under applicable laws, which include:</p> <p>(1) Your right to access and copy certain Personal Information that we maintain about you;</p> <p>(2) Your right to correct or update Personal Information that we maintain about you information that is incorrect or outdated;</p> <p>(3) Your right to prevent the processing of your Personal Information for direct marketing purposes (including direct marketing processing based on profiling);</p> <p>(4) Your right to delete certain Personal Information that we maintain about you;</p> <p>(5) Your right to transfer the Personal Information that we hold about you to a third-party service provider;</p> <p>(6) Your right to restrict the way we process and disclose certain of your Personal Information; and</p> <p>(7) Your right to revoke your consent to the processing of your Personal Information.</p> <p><strong>Your Additional Marketing &amp; Interest-Based Advertising Choices</strong><strong><br></strong> Our <a href="">Cookie Policy</a> has information about how to manage your cookies and other choices that may be available to you with respect to personalized advertising. Additional information about how to opt-out of cookies and similar technologies that we use on the Services for online analytics and interest-based advertising purposes is also detailed in Section 8.4 of this Privacy Policy.</p> <p>If you reside in the EU, EEA, UK, or Switzerland you may opt-out of (i.e., withdraw your consent to) receiving marketing emails from us by following the instructions in such emails. You may also withdraw your consent to our use of your email to provide you with special offers via email and through certain other means (such as Social Media) by emailing us at</p> <p><strong>What is Our Legal Basis?</strong><strong><br></strong> In certain jurisdictions, like the&nbsp; European Economic Area and the United Kingdom, we may only collect, use, or share Personal Information about you if we have a valid reason (i.e., a “lawful basis”). A valid reason (i.e., a “lawful basis”) is one of the following:</p> <p>(1) You provide us with your consent at the point of collection of your Personal Information;</p> <p>(2) The performance of a contract that we have with you;</p> <p>(3) Our compliance with a legal obligation that we are subject to;</p> <p>(4) Our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of a third party. A “legitimate interest” is a special legal term under international privacy laws, like the GDPR, which essentially means that there are good reasons for the processing of your Personal Information, and that we take measures to minimize the impact on your privacy rights. The term “legitimate interest” can also refer to our use of your Personal Information in ways that you would reasonably expect and that have a minimal impact on your privacy rights.</p> <p>We have legitimate interests in gathering and processing Personal Information. Our legitimate interests include, but are not necessarily limited to: administering and conducting business within Tribune; ensuring that our networks, Services, Platform, and information are secure; conducting our marketing activities; and preventing fraud.</p> <p><strong>EEA and UK Representatives – GDPR Article 27</strong></p> <p>Pursuant to Article 27 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and similar data protection law requirements, we have appointed a representative in the EEA and UK. You may direct any request or inquiry to our representatives using the contact information<a href=""> here</a>.</p> <p><strong>Supervisory Authorities</strong></p> <p>If you are an EEA, UK, or Switzerland resident and you think your rights have been violated, you may make a complaint to the data protection supervisory authority in the country in which you reside or seek a remedy through the local court system. You can locate the contact information for the data protection supervisory authority in your country<a href=""> here</a>, if you are located in the EEA, or<a href=""> here</a>, if you are located in the UK. However, we encourage you to first<a href=""> contact</a> us with any questions or concerns if you feel your rights have been violated so that we may try to resolve the issue.</p> <p>IAB EU Transparency and Consent Framework</p> <p>We participate in the IAB Europe Transparency &amp; Consent Framework and comply with its specifications and policies. We use the consent management platform with the identification number 279.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>10.2</strong><strong> </strong><strong>Processing Personal Information from Other Countries</strong></h3> <p>If you reside in a country other than one of those listed in Section 10.1 above, you may be able to exercise one or more of the rights listed above under applicable laws or request a copy of the applicable contractual clauses, if we transfer your Personal Information internationally.&nbsp; Contact us if you wish to make a request.</p> <h2 class="wp-block-heading">11.&nbsp; How Do We Protect Your Personal Information?</h2> <p>We have endeavored to protect the privacy, security, and integrity of your Personal Information using what we believe to be appropriate administrative, technical, organizational, and physical security controls and measures (collectively, “<strong>Security Measures</strong>”). These Security Measures may vary based on a variety of factors, including, the sensitivity of the Personal Information about you that we process and maintain, the state of technology, and applicable laws.</p> <p>The purpose of our Security Measures is to protect your Personal Information from accidental or unauthorized access, alteration, destruction, disclosure, loss, use, or illegal processing. Although we take maintaining the security and integrity of the Personal Information that we hold about you extremely seriously, we cannot guarantee that our Security Measures will provide your Personal Information with absolute security or that your Personal Information will never be used in a manner that is inconsistent with this Privacy Policy. No data transmission or storage is 100% secure. Unauthorized entry or use, hardware or software failure, and other factors, may compromise the security and integrity of the Personal Information that we maintain about you at any time. In accordance with applicable law, we will notify you electronically, in writing, by telephone, and/or by other means in the event that we become subject to a data breach involving the unauthorized or unlawful use of the Personal Information about you that we maintain. To help limit unauthorized access to your account, you should use a complex password and store it in a secure location.</p> <p><strong>Safeguarding Communications</strong><strong><br></strong> From time to time, via the Services, we may send you emails, text messages, mobile device push notifications, or other communications, which communications may contain your Personal Information or Sensitive Personal Information (such as your name, email address, password to your account for the Services, or billing or payment information). Safeguarding any such Personal Information or Sensitive Personal Information contained in any such communications by us to you is solely your responsibility. We are not responsible for safeguarding any such communications once they are sent to you.</p> <h2 class="wp-block-heading">12. How Long Do We Retain Your Personal Information?</h2> <p>We retain your Personal Information for as long as is necessary to: (1) fulfil the purposes for which we collect it (for example, for as long as is necessary to provide you with the Services that you have requested); and (2) satisfy any legal, accounting, contractual, record keeping, or reporting requirements that apply to us. This means that we might retain your Personal Information even after you close your account with us.</p> <p>After the applicable retention period for your Personal Information, we will either delete or anonymize your Personal Information in accordance with applicable laws. If deletion or anonymization of your Personal Information is not possible, in accordance with applicable laws, we will securely store your information and isolate it from any further use until deletion is possible.</p> <p>If you stop visiting our Websites for at least 13 months, we may mark your account for removal. In that case, your account information will remain for another 12 months and then may be removed.</p> <h2 class="wp-block-heading">13. What are the Requirements or Guidelines for the Use of Our Services by Children?</h2> <p>We are committed to protecting the privacy of children. The Services are not intended to be accessed or used by persons under the age of 18. We will not knowingly or intentionally collect or solicit any Personal Information online from children under the age of 18. By using the Services, you hereby represent that you are at least 18 years of age. If you are under the age of 18, please do not attempt to register for an account or other subscription to the Services from us. Some third parties, such as platform providers like the iTunes Store or Google Play may provide age-based ratings on some of the Services. These ratings shall have no bearing on this limitation. Third parties may also provide content categories on some of the Services. These categories likewise shall have no bearing on this limitation.</p> <p>If you believe that a child under age 18 has provided us with Personal Information, please contact us immediately via email at Once received, we will take appropriate action with respect to that child’s Personal Information in accordance with our obligation under applicable laws.</p> <h2 class="wp-block-heading">14. Changes to This Privacy Policy.</h2> <p>Tribune may update this Privacy Policy at our discretion at any time. Please check this Privacy Policy periodically to review any changes or updates to this Privacy Policy and our privacy-related practices. In the event of any material changes or updates to this Privacy Policy, we will post the updated version here and will update the “Last Updated” date at the top of this Privacy Policy.</p> <h2 class="wp-block-heading">15. No Rights of Third Parties.</h2> <p>This Privacy Policy does not create rights for the benefit of, or enforceable by, any third parties</p> <h2 class="wp-block-heading">16. Complaints.</h2> <p>We take your privacy very seriously. Depending on the jurisdiction in which you reside, if you believe we have violated your privacy rights, you may have the right to lodge a complaint against us with the appropriate data protection supervisory authority in the jurisdiction in which you reside. However, we encourage you to first contact us via email to should you have any questions, concerns, or complaints about our privacy-related practices.</p> <p>Additional information about how to contact us about matters concerning this Privacy Policy and our privacy-related practices is provided in the following Section 17 of this Privacy Policy.</p> <h2 class="wp-block-heading">17. How Can You Contact Us?</h2> <p>If you have any questions or complaints concerning this Privacy Policy, or about exercising privacy-related rights and choices that may apply to you, please do not hesitate to contact us via email to</p> <p>Access our consumer request form <a href="">here</a>.&nbsp;</p> <p>You may also contact us by postal mail at the following address:</p> <p>&nbsp;Tribune Publishing Company<br>1000 Albion Ave.<br>Schaumburg, IL 60193</p> <p>United States of America<br>Attention: Legal Department<br></p> <p></p> </div> <footer class="entry-footer"> </footer> </article> </main> <footer id="colophon" class="site-footer"> <div class="site-info"> <nav id="footer-navigation" class="footer-navigation"> <div class="menu-footer-navigation-container"><ul id="footer-menu" class="menu"><li id="menu-item-188" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-privacy-policy current-menu-item page_item page-item-3 current_page_item menu-item-188"><a rel="privacy-policy" href="" aria-current="page">PRIVACY POLICY</a></li> <li id="menu-item-173" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-173"><a href="">COOKIE POLICY</a></li> <li id="menu-item-1371" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-1371"><a href="">ACCESSIBILITY</a></li> <li id="menu-item-1351" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-1351"><a href="">Terms of Use</a></li> <li id="menu-item-889" class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom current-menu-item menu-item-889"><a href="" aria-current="page">California Notice at Collection</a></li> <li id="menu-item-890" class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom current-menu-item menu-item-890"><a href="" aria-current="page">Notice of Financial Incentive</a></li> <li id="menu-item-1359" class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-1359"><a href="">Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information</a></li> </ul></div> </nav> </div> </footer> </div> <link rel='stylesheet' id='all-css-0' href='' type='text/css' media='all' /> <script id="contact-form-7-js-extra"> var wpcf7 = {"api":{"root":"https:\/\/\/wp-json\/","namespace":"contact-form-7\/v1"}}; </script> <script id="sp-lc-script-js-extra"> var sp_logo_carousel_free_g = {"path":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/plugins\/logo-carousel-free 2\/","loadScript":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/plugins\/logo-carousel-free 2\/public\/assets\/js\/splc-script.min.js","url":"https:\/\/\/wp-admin\/post-new.php?post_type=sp_lc_shortcodes","shortCodeList":[{"id":803,"title":"Home Page Logo Carousel"}]}; </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="" ></script><script id="mng-theme-scripts-js-before"> const MNG = {"ajaxurl":"https:\/\/\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php","current":"privacy-policy","is_production":true,"curr_url":""} </script> <script src="" id="mng-theme-scripts-js"></script> <script src=";badge=bottomleft&amp;ver=3.0" id="google-recaptcha-js"></script> <script id="wpcf7-recaptcha-js-extra"> var wpcf7_recaptcha = {"sitekey":"6LdD66MqAAAAAE7cebJpB_cJRKyahEPmEMSt7IS0","actions":{"homepage":"homepage","contactform":"contactform"}}; </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=",/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/modules/recaptcha/index.js?m=1742994400j" ></script><script id="jetpack-stats-js-before"> _stq = window._stq || []; _stq.push([ "view", JSON.parse("{\"v\":\"ext\",\"blog\":\"210819429\",\"post\":\"3\",\"tz\":\"0\",\"srv\":\"\",\"hp\":\"vip\",\"j\":\"1:14.4.1\"}") ]); _stq.push([ "clickTrackerInit", "210819429", "3" ]); </script> <script src="" id="jetpack-stats-js" defer data-wp-strategy="defer"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="" ></script> </body> </html>

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