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Both unique products manufactured in this industrial unit hold significant importance compared to similar products and possess their own special characteristics.</p><h3><strong>Traditional Cookies</strong></h3><p>It has not been long since the product known as "cookie" emerged in our beloved country. In the past years, it was traditionally produced in small workshops by skilled artisans with a unique taste and creativity. Due to the high demand for this product, its production gradually shifted from traditional methods to semi-industrial techniques, leading to changes in the original nature, shape, and quality of cookies, which are now offered by many companies in our country. Our distinction lies in our production method, where we strive to maintain the traditional shape and quality of this product within our industrial production conditions. This distinction is also evident in the design and packaging of our cookies, which have been given a very beautiful and attractive appearance.</p><p>The subsequent steps taken in this regard include obtaining domestic standards and receiving internationally recognized certifications such as ISO 22000, ISO 9001, and HACCP, aimed at further entering domestic and foreign markets and exporting to distant countries like Australia and neighboring countries such as Iraq.</p><h3><strong>Barley Biscuits</strong></h3><p>As it is evident, working with oat flour in the bread and pastry industry presents specific challenges, which makes it less appealing for production units to manufacture oat-based products. The properties and characteristics of oat flour among grains for human consumption significantly increase the need for special attention to this matter. In the production process, the use of whole oat flour in Setak biscuits, which is rich in bran and high in fiber, along with the use of mulberry syrup for sweetness and its beneficial properties, as well as for aroma and flavor, has provided a highly desirable feature for this product.</p><p>Setak Food Industries is the first unit to receive the oat biscuit standard in the country and has made continuous efforts to improve the quality of this product while utilizing the most beautiful packaging for entry into various domestic and foreign markets. We hope to achieve greater satisfaction from our dear consumers.</p><h3><strong>Multi Cereals Biscuits</strong></h3><p>Innovation and the creation of unique products are at the core of Setak Company. Following the various steps taken with oat cookies and biscuits, a new innovation has emerged involving the use of all cereals in the formulation of new biscuits. This not only creates a unique taste and texture for consumers but also results in a product with the highest nutritional value, the highest fiber content (both soluble and insoluble), rich in vitamins and minerals, low in calories, and the best option for snacks, serving as a substitute for traditional biscuits. In the family of multi cereals biscuits, mulberry syrup has been used as a sweetener, ensuring that the health-oriented nature of these products is maintained at the highest level.</p><h3><strong>Multi Cereals Biscuits with Nuts</strong></h3><p>Setak's latest product is simple and cocoa multigrain biscuits with various nuts in their formulation, including hazelnuts, peanuts, sesame, and sunflower seeds, along with figs and mulberry syrup for sweetness and creating an unparalleled texture. These products not only possess the characteristics of multigrain products but are also very delicious and nutritious due to the use of various nuts. These products represent the next generation of snacks, and in a time when health is a priority for all our compatriots, we strive to offer the best products with the most modern formulations and the highest quality.</p></p> <div class="size-wrap d-flex align-items-center flex-wrap mt-4"> <p><b>Information:</b></p> <div class="size-group d-flex flex-wrap"> <p>Country : Iraq</p> <p>City : Zaho</p> <p>Web : </p> </div> </div> <div class="size-wrap d-flex align-items-center flex-wrap mt-4"> <div class="size-group d-flex flex-wrap"> <p>Phone : 9647509333009</p> </div> </div> <!-- <div class="size-wrap d-flex align-items-center flex-wrap mt-4">--> <!----> <!-- <div class="size-group d-flex flex-wrap">--> <!-- <a href="mailto:--><!--"> --><!--</a></p>--> <!----> <!-- </div>--> <!-- </div>--> <div class="details-tag-wrap d-flex flex-column flex-md-row border-0"> <span>Categories / Products:</span> <ul class="sidebar-tag custom-ul d-flex flex-wrap"> <li><a href="#">* Food & Beverages</a></li> <li><a href="#">Biscuits- Chocolate- Confectionery</a></li> <li><a href="#">Cookie</a></li> </ul> <br> </div> <div class="details-tag-wrap d-flex flex-column flex-md-row border-0"> <span class="m-4">&nbsp;</span> <ul class="sidebar-tag custom-ul d-flex flex-wrap"> <li><a class="btn btn-dark" target="_blank" href="" style="top: 50%; 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