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We accept credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, JCB, and UnionPay) and Apple Pay at this time.</p> <p>Gallup strives to provide as many local payment and currency options as possible, and additional methods will be available soon. </p> <p>For digital products, you will be charged when you place your order. For physical products, you will be charged when your order has been shipped.</p> <p><strong>Delivery</strong></p> <p>Delivery times and costs will be estimated during checkout. Some orders may ship in multiple packages and/or different times. Below are the available shipping methods for your location:</p> <ul> <li>Premium Ground 1-5 business days</li> <li>2<sup>nd</sup> Business Day 2 business days</li> <li>Next Business Day 1 business day</li> </ul> <p>Visit our FAQs for more information on ordering, delivery and completing a return.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <br /> </div> <div class="c-product-info__description"> <div><p>The CliftonStrengths for Leaders report helps leaders at any level learn how to make the most of their own talents, lead others to success and create a thriving culture for their organization. Get your top 10 CliftonStrengths themes, personalized reports, leader-specific strengths insights and more when you complete the CliftonStrengths assessment.</p></div> <a href="" target="_blank">Sample Report</a> <div class="c-product-info__note"> <strong>Please note:</strong> This product is delivered digitally. <a class="c-product-info__orderhelp" href="#orderingModal" data-toggle="modal">Payment & Delivery</a> </div> </div> <form action="create-stripe-checkout" action="post"> <div class="c-quantity"> <label class="c-quantity__label" for="pdp-qty">Qty:</label> <div class="c-quantity__controls"> <button type="button" class="c-quantity__control c-quantity__control--minus" onclick="this.parentElement.querySelector('input').value > 1 ? this.parentElement.querySelector('input').value-- : null;"> <span class="sr-only">Decrease quantity by 1</span> </button> <input aria-labelledby="pdp-qty-sr" id="pdp-qty" type="number" class="c-quantity__input" min="1" step="1" value="1" onclick=";"> <button type="button" class="c-quantity__control c-quantity__control--plus" onclick="this.parentElement.querySelector('input').value++"> <span class="sr-only">Increase quantity by 1</span> </button> </div> </div> <div id="data-qty-warning-min" class="hide"> <div class="c-alert-box c-alert-box--error"> <div><p>You must have a minimum of four participants to purchase a survey.</p></div> </div> </div> <div id="data-qty-warning-max" class="hide"> <div class="c-alert-box c-alert-box--error"> <div><p>This one-time survey product has a maximum order of 500 participants. <a href="">Book a demo with us to learn about the best purchasing options for your needs</a>.</p></div> </div> </div> <button data-sku="15310" data-eventid="" data-cart-add="main" id="pdpcta" type="submit" class="c-cart-add btn"> <span class="c-cart-add__cta">Add to Cart</span> <span class="c-cart-add__done"></span> </button> </form> </div> <div class="c-product-info__aside"> <!-- This is the desktop image grid --> <div class="c-product-info__previews"> <div class="c-product-info__preview"> <!--Todo: Get the Nudge--> <a href="#" data-index="0" class="c-product-picture"> <img loading="eager" width="398" height="298" src="//" alt="Cover page of the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report shows the individual&#x2019;s top 10 themes." srcset="//, // 2x"> </a> <a href="#" data-index="1" class="c-product-picture hide"> <img loading="lazy" width="398" height="298" src="//" alt="Page 2 of the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report describes how to use it." srcset="//, // 2x"> </a> <a href="#" data-index="2" class="c-product-picture hide"> <img loading="lazy" width="398" height="298" src="//" alt="Page 3 of the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report shows the individual&#x2019;s first theme." srcset="//, // 2x"> </a> <a href="#" data-index="3" class="c-product-picture hide"> <img loading="lazy" width="398" height="298" src="//" alt="Page 4 of the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report shows how to apply the individual&#x2019;s first theme." srcset="//, // 2x"> </a> <a href="#" data-index="4" class="c-product-picture hide"> <img loading="lazy" width="398" height="298" src="//" alt="Final page of the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report features the &#x201C;Accomplish Your Goals&#x201D; resource." srcset="//, // 2x"> </a> </div> <div class="c-product-info__thumbnails"> <a href="#" class='c-thumbnail is-current' data-title="Cover page of the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report shows the individual&#x2019;s top 10 themes." data-image="//" data-index="0" role=button> <picture class="c-product-picture"> <img loading="lazy" src="//" srcset="//, // 2x" alt="Click this thumbnail to show image: Cover page of the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report shows the individual’s top 10 themes."> </picture> </a> <a href="#" class='c-thumbnail' data-title="Page 2 of the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report describes how to use it." data-image="//" data-index="1" role=button> <picture class="c-product-picture"> <img loading="lazy" src="//" srcset="//, // 2x" alt="Click this thumbnail to show image: Page 2 of the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report describes how to use it."> </picture> </a> <a href="#" class='c-thumbnail' data-title="Page 3 of the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report shows the individual&#x2019;s first theme." data-image="//" data-index="2" role=button> <picture class="c-product-picture"> <img loading="lazy" src="//" srcset="//, // 2x" alt="Click this thumbnail to show image: Page 3 of the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report shows the individual’s first theme."> </picture> </a> <a href="#" class='c-thumbnail' data-title="Page 4 of the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report shows how to apply the individual&#x2019;s first theme." data-image="//" data-index="3" data-more=1> <picture class="c-product-picture"> <img loading="lazy" src="//" srcset="//, // 2x" alt="Click this thumbnail to show image: Page 4 of the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report shows how to apply the individual’s first theme."> </picture> </a> </div> </div> <!-- This is the desktop image modal --> <div id="imageModal" class="modal modal-image fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-label="CliftonStrengths 34 Images and Videos"> <div class="modal-dialog" role="document"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button> <h4 class="modal-title" id="imageModalTitle">CliftonStrengths for Leaders</h4> <hr> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <div class="c-image-grid"> <div class="c-image-grid__thumbnails"> <a href="#" role="button" class='c-thumbnail is-current' data-title="Cover page of the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report shows the individual&#x2019;s top 10 themes." data-image="//" data-index="0"> <picture class="c-product-picture"> <img loading="lazy" src="//" srcset="//, // 2x" alt="Click this thumbnail to show image: Cover page of the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report shows the individual’s top 10 themes."> </picture> </a> <a href="#" role="button" class='c-thumbnail' data-title="Page 2 of the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report describes how to use it." data-image="//" data-index="1"> <picture class="c-product-picture"> <img loading="lazy" src="//" srcset="//, // 2x" alt="Click this thumbnail to show image: Page 2 of the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report describes how to use it."> </picture> </a> <a href="#" role="button" class='c-thumbnail' data-title="Page 3 of the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report shows the individual&#x2019;s first theme." data-image="//" data-index="2"> <picture class="c-product-picture"> <img loading="lazy" src="//" srcset="//, // 2x" alt="Click this thumbnail to show image: Page 3 of the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report shows the individual’s first theme."> </picture> </a> <a href="#" role="button" class='c-thumbnail' data-title="Page 4 of the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report shows how to apply the individual&#x2019;s first theme." data-image="//" data-index="3"> <picture class="c-product-picture"> <img loading="lazy" src="//" srcset="//, // 2x" alt="Click this thumbnail to show image: Page 4 of the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report shows how to apply the individual’s first theme."> </picture> </a> <a href="#" role="button" class='c-thumbnail' data-title="Final page of the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report features the &#x201C;Accomplish Your Goals&#x201D; resource." data-image="//" data-index="4"> <picture class="c-product-picture"> <img loading="lazy" src="//" srcset="//, // 2x" alt="Click this thumbnail to show image: Final page of the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report features the “Accomplish Your Goals” resource."> </picture> </a> </div> <div class="c-image-grid__main"> <div class="c-product-image c-product-image--zoom b-lazy" data-src="//"></div> <div class="c-image-grid__imgtitle"> Cover page of the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report shows the individual&#x2019;s top 10 themes. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <button id="warningModalShow" href="#warningMessageModal" data-toggle="modal" style="display: none;">hidden warning message</button> <div id="_warningMessageModal"></div> </div> <section class="c-section c-section--bundle c-section--no-border"> <a class="c-section__target" name="bundles" id="bundles"></a> <h2 class="u-text--14-caps u-fw--700 text-center sr-only"> Bundle Products and Save</h2> <div class="c-pdp-bundles" data-top-header="Bundle Products and Save"> <div class="c-pdp-bundle"> <div class="c-pdp-bundle__images"> <div class="c-thumbnail"> <a href="/p/en-us/15310/cliftonstrengths-for-leaders" data-title="CliftonStrengths for Leaders"> <div class="sr-only">&lt;p&gt;The CliftonStrengths for Leaders report helps leaders at any level learn how to make the most of their own talents, lead others to success and create a thriving culture for their organization. Get your top 10 CliftonStrengths themes, personalized reports, leader-specific strengths insights and more when you complete the CliftonStrengths assessment.&lt;/p&gt;</div> <picture class="c-product-picture"> <img loading="lazy" class="img-responsive" width="196" height="147" src="//" alt="" srcset="//, // 2x"> </picture> </a> </div> <div class="c-thumbnail"> <a href="/p/en-us/10003/cliftonstrengths-34" data-title="CliftonStrengths 34"> <div class="sr-only">&lt;p&gt;Discover a complete profile of who you really are and how to maximize your potential by unlocking full access to all 34 of your CliftonStrengths themes.&lt;/p&gt;&#xA;</div> <picture class="c-product-picture"> <img loading="lazy" class="img-responsive" width="196" height="147" src="//" alt="" srcset="//, // 2x"> </picture> </a> </div> </div> <div class="c-pdp-bundle__description"> <div class="c-pdp-bundle__piece"> <a href="/p/en-us/15310/cliftonstrengths-for-leaders" data-title="CliftonStrengths for Leaders" aria-label="&lt;p&gt;The CliftonStrengths for Leaders report helps leaders at any level learn how to make the most of their own talents, lead others to success and create a thriving culture for their organization. Get your top 10 CliftonStrengths themes, personalized reports, leader-specific strengths insights and more when you complete the CliftonStrengths assessment.&lt;/p&gt;"> CliftonStrengths for Leaders - <span class="c-pdp-bundle__price">$49.99</span> </a> </div> <div class="c-pdp-bundle__piece"> <a href="/p/en-us/10003/cliftonstrengths-34" data-title="CliftonStrengths 34" aria-label="&lt;p&gt;Discover a complete profile of who you really are and how to maximize your potential by unlocking full access to all 34 of your CliftonStrengths themes.&lt;/p&gt;&#xA;"> CliftonStrengths 34 - <span class="c-pdp-bundle__price">$59.99</span> </a> </div> <div class="c-pdp-bundle__piece"> Bundle Price - <span class="c-pdp-bundle__savings"> <span class="c-pdp-bundle__price">$89.99</span> (save 18% off retail) </span> </div> </div> <div class="c-pdp-bundle__cta"> <button data-cart-add="bundle" data-sku="15311" data-qty="1" type="button" class="btn btn-primary-ghost">Add Bundle to Cart</button> </div> <div class="c-pdp-bundle__note u-mt--10"> * The same person must redeem all bundled products </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="product-details-section" class="c-section c-section--white c-section--accordion"> <a class="c-section__target" name="details" id="details"></a> <div class="u-text--18 u-fw--700 hidden-md hidden-lg">Product Details</div> <div id="details-collapse" class="collapse in"> <div class="c-product-details"> <div class="c-product-details__aside"> <p><strong>Benefits of CliftonStrengths for Leaders:</strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>Improved awareness of your innate talents from discovering your top 10 themes:</strong> You will learn about how you naturally excel and become more aware of how those themes connect to your role as a leader.</li> <li><strong>Greater understanding of how your strengths show up in your role:</strong> Your role isn’t just about leading others -- it’s about leading yourself confidently with the assurance that your talents are being used.</li> <li><strong>Increased confidence in your leadership style:</strong> Your leadership style comes through in everything you do. It affects the culture around you and shapes your interactions with those you lead. Leaders who know <em>how</em> and <em>why</em> they lead can aim their leadership at greater outcomes.</li> </ul> </div> <div class="c-product-details__main c-product-details__main--simple"> <h2 class="c-section__title">Product Details</h2> <div><p>The CliftonStrengths for Leaders report includes the top 10 themes in your talent profile based on your responses to the <a href="" target="_blank">CliftonStrengths assessment</a>.</p> <p>The report features sections about how your strengths can help you succeed and how they may get in the way of your success. These components of self-discovery are for more than just awareness. You’ll use your strengths to accomplish every goal, guide every interaction and build your organization’s culture to succeed like never before.</p> <p>With tactical action items and reflection questions to help form a stronger awareness of yourself, the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report will be the tool you need to achieve leadership excellence.</p> <p><strong>What Do I Get?</strong></p> <ul> <li>Your top 10 CliftonStrengths themes</li> <li>Instructions for using this report, today and in the future</li> <li>How your strengths contribute to your success</li> <li>How your strengths could get in the way of your success</li> <li>Action items that you can implement immediately</li> <li>A practical outline for achieving your goals</li> </ul> <p>The CliftonStrengths for Leaders report is a tool that you can use to tie your unique strengths to the daily tasks in your role.</p> <p>*The CliftonStrengths for Leaders report is brand new, and its content is unique and differs from our book <em>Strengths Based Leadership</em>.</p></div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="c-section c-section--white c-section--accordion"> <a class="c-section__target" name="includes" id="includes"></a> <a href="#includes-collapse" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="includes" class="c-pdp-accordion">What's Included</a> <div id="includes-collapse" class="collapse"> <div class="c-product-includes"> <h2 class="c-section__title">What's Included</h2> <div class="c-product-includes__intro"> <p>CliftonStrengths for Leaders includes an access code you can use to complete the CliftonStrengths online talent assessment and unlock your personalized reports and other strengths-based development materials, including:</p> </div> <div class="c-product-includes__item"> <div class="c-product-includes__item-image"> <img class="b-lazy" data-src="" alt="Cover of CliftonStrengths for Leaders report."> <a href="" target="_blank">View Sample</a> </div> <div class="c-product-includes__item-details"> <div class="c-product-includes__item-title">CliftonStrengths for Leaders Report</div> <div class="c-product-includes__item-description"> <p>The CliftonStrengths for Leaders report features your top 10 themes and includes leader-specific content and actions you need to put those themes to use and succeed in your role.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-product-includes__item"> <div class="c-product-includes__item-image"> <img class="b-lazy" data-src="" alt="Page 1 of the CliftonStrengths Top 5 Report."> <a href="" target="_blank">View Sample</a> </div> <div class="c-product-includes__item-details"> <div class="c-product-includes__item-title">CliftonStrengths Top 5 Report</div> <div class="c-product-includes__item-description"> <p>Get an in-depth analysis of your top five CliftonStrengths themes. Unique to your CliftonStrengths profile, this report describes who you are in astonishing detail and explains what makes you stand out.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-product-includes__item"> <div class="c-product-includes__item-image"> <img class="b-lazy" data-src="" alt="Cover of Your Signature Themes Report"> <a href="" target="_blank">View Sample</a> </div> <div class="c-product-includes__item-details"> <div class="c-product-includes__item-title">Your Signature Theme Report</div> <div class="c-product-includes__item-description"> <p>This report lists full descriptions of your top five CliftonStrengths themes (your Signature Themes) so you can quickly reference your most dominant talents.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-product-includes__item"> <div class="c-product-includes__item-image"> <img class="b-lazy" data-src="" alt="Cover of Strengths Based Leadership Resource Guide"> </div> <div class="c-product-includes__item-details"> <div class="c-product-includes__item-title">Strengths Based Leadership Resource Guide</div> <div class="c-product-includes__item-description"> <p>Building upon the content from our bestselling book, <em>Strengths Based Leadership</em>, this guide shows how a leader can use their CliftonStrengths to fulfill the four needs of followers: trust, compassion, stability and hope.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="c-section c-section--white c-section--accordion"> <a class="c-section__target" name="howitworks" id="howitworks"></a> <a href="#howitworks-collapse" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="includes" class="c-pdp-accordion">How It Works</a> <div id="howitworks-collapse" class="collapse"> <div class="c-product-hiw"> <h2 class="c-section__title">How It Works</h2> <div class="c-product-hiw__body"> <p><strong>If you’re purchasing the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report for yourself:</strong></p> <ol> <li>Add the product to your cart. When you are done shopping, proceed to checkout.</li> <li>Sign in to your account, or create an account if you don't already have one.</li> <li>After you complete the checkout process, you will receive instructions on how to take the assessment and manage your results, reports and resources on your <a href="" target="_blank">Gallup Access</a> account.</li> <li>Start using your personalized CliftonStrengths reports and other resources to maximize your potential.</li> </ol> <p><strong>If you’re purchasing the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report for others:</strong></p> <ol> <li>Add the number of access codes you want to purchase to your cart. When you are done shopping, proceed to checkout.</li> <li>Sign in to your account, or create an account if you don't already have one.</li> <li>After you complete the checkout process, you will receive instructions on how to manage and distribute your access codes using your <a href="" target="_blank">Gallup Access</a> account.</li> </ol> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="c-section c-section--white c-section--accordion"> <a class="c-section__target" name="faq" id="faq"></a> <a href="#faq-collapse" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="includes" class="c-pdp-accordion">Frequently Asked Questions</a> <div id="faq-collapse" class="collapse"> <div class="c-product-faq"> <h2 class="c-section__title"> Frequently Asked Questions </h2> <details class="c-product-faq__details"> <summary class="c-product-faq__summary"> <span class="c-product-faq__question"> Is there a difference between the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report and the Strengths Based Leadership book? </span> </summary> <p>Yes, these are separate products with different content. The CliftonStrengths for Leaders report is filled with leader-specific statements for each of your top 10 themes. The book <em>Strengths Based Leadership</em> offers a theme-specific approach to our “four needs of followers” framework, which is completely different than what’s found in this new report.</p> </details> <details class="c-product-faq__details"> <summary class="c-product-faq__summary"> <span class="c-product-faq__question"> Who is the report for? </span> </summary> <p>This report is intended for leaders at any level, in any kind of organization. The leader-specific theme content is general enough to be used in any leadership role while still offering detailed insights and opportunities to grow your organization’s culture, communicate a vision and succeed.</p> </details> <details class="c-product-faq__details"> <summary class="c-product-faq__summary"> <span class="c-product-faq__question"> What is the difference between the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report and CliftonStrengths for Managers report? </span> </summary> <p>The theme content in this report is completely different from the manager report. The insights in each report are aimed specifically at the roles of leaders or managers. These two reports will complement each other nicely for coaching or development conversations but are also independent from one another.</p> </details> <details class="c-product-faq__details"> <summary class="c-product-faq__summary"> <span class="c-product-faq__question"> Can I get access to the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report by purchasing the Strengths Based Leadership book? </span> </summary> <p><em>Strengths Based Leadership</em> includes a code at the back of the book that unlocks our standard top five reporting, not a code that unlocks this new CliftonStrengths for Leaders report. While these resources are distinctly different, they work well together as sources for learning and coaching.</p> </details> <details class="c-product-faq__details"> <summary class="c-product-faq__summary"> <span class="c-product-faq__question"> How is CliftonStrengths for Leaders different than CliftonStrengths 34? </span> </summary> <p>The content within the leader report is completely different from the CliftonStrengths 34 report. CliftonStrengths 34 provides personalized insights into your strengths as an individual without anything specific to your role, while the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report content was made for the role of a leader.</p> </details> <details class="c-product-faq__details"> <summary class="c-product-faq__summary"> <span class="c-product-faq__question"> If I already know my strengths, is there a discount for this report? </span> </summary> <p>There is not a discount for the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report if you have already taken the assessment and have access to your top five or CliftonStrengths 34. </p> </details> <details class="c-product-faq__details"> <summary class="c-product-faq__summary"> <span class="c-product-faq__question"> What if I have already taken the CliftonStrengths assessment and have other reports? </span> </summary> <p>You do not need to retake the CliftonStrengths assessment. After you purchase the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report, you will receive a code to redeem, which adds this new report to your existing <a href="" target="_blank">Gallup Access</a> account. Even if you only have your top five, your 10 most dominant themes will be revealed in the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report.</p> </details> <details class="c-product-faq__details"> <summary class="c-product-faq__summary"> <span class="c-product-faq__question"> How long does it take to complete the CliftonStrengths assessment? </span> </summary> <p>The CliftonStrengths assessment takes approximately 45 minutes to complete, on average.</p> </details> <details class="c-product-faq__details"> <summary class="c-product-faq__summary"> <span class="c-product-faq__question"> Is the CliftonStrengths assessment timed? </span> </summary> <p>Yes. The CliftonStrengths assessment is made up of paired statements you’ll respond to based on instinct. For each statement pair, you have 20 seconds to respond. This time limit and your unfamiliarity with the statements ensure the assessment’s accuracy by reducing the likelihood that you will overthink your responses. </p> <p>Individuals with a reading impairment can call Gallup Client Support at 1-888-486-9104 to have the assessment timer disabled.</p> </details> <details class="c-product-faq__details"> <summary class="c-product-faq__summary"> <span class="c-product-faq__question"> What languages is the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report available in? </span> </summary> <p>This report is available in English. The following languages will be available by early 2023: Japanese, Chinese, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Indonesian, Dutch, French, Thai and Polish. </p> </details> <details class="c-product-faq__details"> <summary class="c-product-faq__summary"> <span class="c-product-faq__question"> How do I distribute the CliftonStrengths access codes I purchased for multiple people? </span> </summary> <p>You can <a href="">distribute the access codes you purchased</a> for others in a variety of ways through our platform’s code management dashboard. You can invite individuals to complete their assessment by sending them an email from the system, or you can export a CSV file containing a unique, one-time-use code to send to each individual.</p> </details> </div> </div> </section> <section class="c-section c-section--white c-section--accordion"> <a class="c-section__target" name="specs" id="specs"></a> <a href="#specs-collapse" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="includes" class="c-pdp-accordion">Specifications</a> <div id="specs-collapse" class="collapse"> <div class="c-product-specs"> <h2 class="c-section__title">Specifications</h2> <dl class="c-product-specs__list c-product-specs__list--long"> <div class="c-product-specs__item"> <dt class="c-product-specs__item-title">Format</dt> <dd class="c-product-specs__item-definition">Digital</dd> </div> <div class="c-product-specs__item"> <dt class="c-product-specs__item-title">Delivery method</dt> <dd class="c-product-specs__item-definition">Email</dd> </div> <div class="c-product-specs__item"> <dt class="c-product-specs__item-title">Reports Included</dt> <dd class="c-product-specs__item-definition">CliftonStrengths for Leaders Report, Signature Theme Report, CliftonStrengths Top 5 Report</dd> </div> <div class="c-product-specs__item"> <dt class="c-product-specs__item-title">Other materials included</dt> <dd class="c-product-specs__item-definition">Strengths Based Leadership Resource Guide</dd> </div> </dl> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="c-pdpnav" id="pdpnav"> <div class="c-pdpnav__container"> <div class="c-pdpnav__product"> <div class="c-pdpnav__product-image" style="background-image: url(//"></div> <div class="c-pdpnav__product-title">CliftonStrengths for Leaders</div> <div class="c-pdpnav__product-pricing"> <div class="c-pdpnav__product-price">$49.99</div> </div> </div> <div class="c-pdpnav__cta"> <button data-sku="15310" data-cart-add="nav" class="btn c-cart-add"> <span class="c-cart-add__cta">Add to Cart</span> <span class="c-cart-add__done"></span> </button> <button data-checkout-btn id="pdpnav-checkout" class="btn c-cart-checkout hide">Checkout</button> </div> <ul class="c-pdpnav__nav nav"> <li class="c-pdpnav__item"> <a href="#details" class="c-pdpnav__link">Product Details</a> </li> <li class="c-pdpnav__item"> <a href="#includes" class="c-pdpnav__link">What's Included</a> </li> <li class="c-pdpnav__item"> <a href="#howitworks" class="c-pdpnav__link">How It Works</a> </li> <li class="c-pdpnav__item"> <a href="#faq" class="c-pdpnav__link">FAQs (11)</a> </li> <li class="c-pdpnav__item"> <a href="#specs" class="c-pdpnav__link">Specifications</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div id="stripeModal" class="modal modal-image fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-label="Checkout Modal"> <div class="modal-dialog" role="document"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">Close</span></button> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <div style="max-width: 888px;margin: auto;padding: 0 15px;border-left: 4px solid #009d4e;"> <span class="u-fw--400 u-mr--10 u-text--18">For client, coach or educator pricing, please</span><a class="btn btn-primary-ghost" href="/home/en-us/signin"> Log in</a> </div> <div id="checkout"> <!-- Checkout will insert the payment form here --> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </main> <footer class="stickyfooter footer-default"> <div class="c-sitemap"> <div class="container"> <a href="/" class="c-sitemap__logo"><span class="sr-only">Store</span></a> <div class="c-sitemap__nav"> <nav class="c-sitemap__group"> <div class="nav-title">More From Gallup</div> <ul class=""> <li class="c-sitemap__item"> <a class="c-sitemap__link" href="">CliftonStrengths</a> </li> </ul> </nav> <nav id="nav-sm_contact" class="c-sitemap__group"> <div class="c-sitemap__list-heading">Help</div> <ul class="c-sitemap__list"> <li class="c-sitemap__item"> <a class="c-sitemap__link" href="/help/en-us/faq">FAQ</a> </li> <li class="c-sitemap__item"> <a class="c-sitemap__link" href="/help/en-us/returns">Returns</a> </li> <li class="c-sitemap__item"> <a class="c-sitemap__link" href="/help/en-us/contact-us">Contact Us</a> </li> <li data-navtitle="Facebook" class="c-sitemap__item--icon c-sitemap__item--icon-facebook"> <a href="">Facebook</a> </li> <li data-navtitle="Twitter" class="c-sitemap__item--icon c-sitemap__item--icon-twitter"> <a href="">Twitter</a> </li> <li data-navtitle="LinkedIn" class="c-sitemap__item--icon c-sitemap__item--icon-linkedin"> <a href="">LinkedIn</a> </li> <li data-navtitle="YouTube" class="c-sitemap__item--icon c-sitemap__item--icon-youtube"> <a href="">YouTube</a> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-legal-banner c-legal-banner--dark"> <div class="container"> <div class="hidden-print c-legal-banner__copyright"> Copyright © 2019-2025 Gallup, Inc. 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</script> <!--add to cart scripts(new with upsell logic)--> <script type="text/javascript"> ; (function () { //format parameters function formatParams(params) { return "?" + Object .keys(params) .map(function (key) { return key + "=" + encodeURIComponent(params[key]) }) .join("&") } function showWarningModal(currentPurchaseFlow, targetPurchaseFlow, isCourseCapacityError) { var params = { currentPurchaseFlow: currentPurchaseFlow, targetPurchaseFlow: targetPurchaseFlow, isCourseCapacityError: isCourseCapacityError }; var endpoint = warningEndpoint; var url = endpoint + formatParams(params); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onload = function () { if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300) { // When the item is added, the following can happen $('#_warningMessageModal').replaceWith(xhr.response); //item cannot be added to cart, so display error var warningModal = $('#warningModalShow');; } else { console.log('The request failed!'); } };'POST', url); xhr.send(); } function parseQueryString(queryString) { var query = {}; 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var isMultipleEventError = response['isMultipleEventError']; var isCourseCapacityError = response['isCourseOverCapacity']; showWarningModal(currentPurchaseFlow, targetPurchaseFlow, isCourseCapacityError); var cartbuttons ='[data-cart-add]')); //no item was added so remove temporary styles cartbuttons.forEach(function (btn) { btn.disabled = false; btn.classList.remove("is-added"); btn.classList.remove("is-thinking"); }); // Log the nature of the purchase flow conflict try { if (isMultipleEventError) { ga('send', 'event', 'ecommerce', 'cartAddFail', 'Attempted to add multiple events for a single course sku', sku, { 'nonInteraction': true }); } else if (isCourseCapacityError) { ga('send', 'event', 'ecommerce', 'cartAddFail', 'Course over capacity', sku, { 'nonInteraction': true }); } else { ga('send', 'event', 'ecommerce', 'cartAddFail', 'Flow conflict: ' + currentPurchaseFlow + ' vs ' + targetPurchaseFlow, sku, { 'nonInteraction': true }); } } catch (_) { } } else { // This should presumably never happen? try { ga('send', 'event', 'ecommerce', 'cartAddFail', 'Failure reason unknown', sku, { 'nonInteraction': true }); } catch (_) { } } }); } else { // When the item is added, the following can happen res.text().then(text => { $('#cart-dropdown').replaceWith(text); // TODO: Log the add as an event // ec360.addCartItem(skuInfo, qty); // Inform screen reader $('#srliveregion').text(srSuccessText); // on success generic function if (typeof (sucessFunction) === "function") { setTimeout(sucessFunction, 500); } }) } } else { // Log that the attempt to add to cart failed for non-workflow reasons console.log('The request failed!'); ga('send', 'event', 'ecommerce', 'cartAddFail', 'Failed with status code ' + xhr.status, product.sku, { 'nonInteraction': true }); } }) } window.doATC = addToCart; var buyingInProgress = false; // This function is called when we're ready to actually add something to the cart // The parameters are things DR needs, feel free to add more if they are required function buyProduct(sku, qty, eventid, doneFunction) { if (buyingInProgress) { return; }; buyingInProgress = true; var cartbuttons ='[data-cart-add]')); // Disable add to cart buttons until we get a response cartbuttons.forEach(function (btn) { // If a button is for the sku we're adding, show a spinner if (btn.getAttribute('data-sku') === sku) { btn.classList.add("is-thinking"); } btn.disabled = true; }); // var pdpnavCheckout = document.querySelector('#pdpnav-checkout'); if (pdpnavCheckout) { if (pdpnavCheckout.classList.contains("sr-only")) { document.querySelector('[data-pdp-nav-auth-checkout]').classList.remove('hide'); } else { pdpnavCheckout.classList.remove('hide'); } }; // callback when the product was added function successCallback() { buyingInProgress = false; cartbuttons.forEach(function (btn) { btn.disabled = false; btn.classList.remove("is-thinking"); if (btn.getAttribute('data-sku') === sku) { btn.classList.add("is-added"); setTimeout(function () { btn.classList.remove("is-added"); }, 1500); } }); window.sessionCartUpdated = new Date().toISOString(); window.localStorage.setItem("session-cart", window.sessionCartUpdated); if (!document.body.classList.contains('pdpnav-is-shown')) { document.querySelector('.dropdown-toggle-cart').parentElement.classList.add('open'); } }; addToCart(sku, qty, eventid, successCallback, doneFunction); } window.buyProduct = buyProduct; // btn here refers to the add to cart button that was clicked // this button has a data attribute function onAddToCartClick(btn) { if (buyingInProgress) { return; }; // Test to see if this qualifies for an upsell var qty = parseInt(btn.getAttribute('data-qty') || document.querySelector("#pdp-qty").value, 10); var sku = btn.getAttribute('data-sku'); var eventid = btn.getAttribute('data-eventid'); // For courses, will be null or an emptry string for other products if (!sku) { ga('send', 'event', 'ecommerce', 'cartAddFail', 'Unknown sku on cart button', sku, { 'nonInteraction': true }); throw new Error("Add to Cart button has no sku defined"); } var upsellChoiceMade = false; // We have an upsell modal if (!!document.getElementById("upsellModal")) { // Set up what happens if they choose yes var upsellBtn = document.querySelector("#upsellYes"); var upsellDeclineBtn = document.querySelector("#upsellNo"); // If they choose to upsell upsellBtn.addEventListener("click", function () { upsellChoiceMade = true; // add the upsell item to cart upsellBtn.classList.add('is-thinking'); upsellBtn.disabled = true; var upsellSku = upsellBtn.getAttribute('data-sku'); buyProduct(upsellSku, 1, eventid, function () { upsellBtn.disabled = false; upsellBtn.classList.remove('is-thinking'); $('#upsellModal').modal('hide'); }); }) // Set up what happens if they choose No or close the modal upsellDeclineBtn.addEventListener("click", function () { upsellChoiceMade = true; // add the upsell item to cart upsellBtn.classList.add('is-thinking'); buyProduct(sku, 1, eventid, function () { upsellBtn.disabled = false; upsellBtn.classList.remove('is-thinking'); $('#upsellModal').modal('hide'); }); }); $('#upsellModal').on('', function (e) { // The modal will be closed by other means, so only do this if the user hasnt made a choice if (!upsellChoiceMade) { buyProduct(sku, 1, eventid); } upsellChoiceMade = true; }) } // Conditions for the upsell modal if (qty === 1 && sku == "10108") { // Show the modal $('#upsellModal').modal('show'); return; } if (!upsellChoiceMade) { buyProduct(sku, qty, eventid); } }'[data-cart-add]'), function (el) { el.addEventListener('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); onAddToCartClick(e.currentTarget); }); }); async function addToSessionCart(btn) { const qty = parseInt(btn.getAttribute('data-qty') || document.querySelector("#pdp-qty").value, 10); const sku = btn.getAttribute('data-sku'); const eventid = btn.getAttribute('data-eventid'); // For courses. Will be null or an emptry string for other products btn.classList.add("is-thinking"); const response = await fetch("/cart/add", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ sku, qty, eventid }) }); const partial = await response.text(); const cartEl = document.querySelector('#cart-dropdown'); cartEl.outerHTML = partial; btn.classList.remove("is-thinking"); btn.classList.add("is-added"); setTimeout(function () { btn.classList.remove("is-added"); }, 1500); $(cartEl).dropdown('open'); return; } // Check to see if we need to automatically add to cart function autoAddToCart() { onAddToCartClick(document.querySelector('#pdpcta')); }; var queryParams = parseQueryString(; var urlQty = queryParams['qty']; var minQty = null; if (minQty == null || minQty <= 1) { // Don't auto-add if product has a minimum quantity of > 1. if (urlQty > 0) { document.getElementById('pdp-qty').value = urlQty; autoAddToCart(); delete queryParams['qty']; var search = formatParams(queryParams); var redirectUrl = window.location.protocol + '//' + + window.location.pathname + search + window.location.hash; if (redirectUrl.substring(redirectUrl.length - 1, redirectUrl.length) === '?') { redirectUrl = redirectUrl.substr(0, redirectUrl.length - 1); } window.history.replaceState(null, null, redirectUrl); } } })(); </script> <!--pdp scripts--> <script type="text/javascript"> ; (function () { ec360.pdpView(skuInfo); // Highlights for the pdp nav $('body').scrollspy({ target: '#pdpnav', offset: 50 }); // Scripts for toggling of the pdp nav var cta = document.querySelector("#pdpcta"); var nav = document.querySelector("#pdpnav"); function toggleNav(show) { // 105 pixels is the usual height of the main store nav if (show && window.scrollY > 105) { document.body.classList.add('pdpnav-is-shown'); nav.classList.add('is-shown'); } else { document.body.classList.remove('pdpnav-is-shown'); nav.classList.remove('is-shown'); } } var observer = new IntersectionObserver(function (entry) { toggleNav(!entry[0].isIntersecting); }); if (cta) { observer.observe(cta); }; // Scripts for the image preview and modal var first = document.querySelector('.c-product-info__preview .c-product-picture'); var modalMain = document.querySelector('.c-image-grid__main'); var thumbnails ='.c-thumbnail')); var current = 0; $('#imageModal').on('', function () { // Ensure the iframe is killed when you close the modal modalMain.innerHTML = ""; }); $('#imageModal').on('', function () { if (window.bLazy) { window.bLazy.revalidate(); } }); function zoomImg(e) { if ((!e.offsetX && !e.touches) || (!e.offsetY && !e.touches)) { return; } var zoomer = e.currentTarget; e.offsetX ? 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