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Review the information below for assistance if you do not believe that you have done anything wrong.<div class="paragraphbreak" style="margin-top:0.5em"></div><div class="paragraphbreak" style="margin-top:0.5em"></div> <p>This block affects editing on all Wikimedia wikis. </p><p>The IP address or range has been globally <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Blocking_policy" title="Wikipedia:Blocking policy">blocked</a> by <a href="/wiki/User:Jon_Kolbert" title="User:Jon Kolbert">‪Jon Kolbert‬</a> for the following reason(s): </p> <div style="padding:10px; background:var(--background-color-base, white); color:inherit; border:1px #666 solid;"> <p><a href="" class="extiw" title="m:Special:MyLanguage/NOP">Open proxy/Webhost</a>: See the <a href="" class="extiw" title="m:WM:OP/H">help page</a> if you are affected </p> </div> <p>This block will expire on 15:12, 27 August 2028. Your current IP address is </p> <div class="paragraphbreak" style="margin-top:0.5em"></div><div style="font-size: 16px;"> <p>Even while globally blocked, you will <i>usually</i> still be able to edit pages on <a href="" class="extiw" title="m:">Meta-Wiki</a>. </p> </div> <div class="paragraphbreak" style="margin-top:0.5em"></div><div style="font-size: 16px;"> <p>If you believe you were blocked by mistake, you can find additional information and instructions in the <a href="" class="extiw" title="m:Special:MyLanguage/No open proxies">No open proxies</a> global policy. Otherwise, to discuss the block please <a href="" class="extiw" title="m:Steward requests/Global">post a request for review on Meta-Wiki</a>. 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Carta]] |group2 = [[Act of parliament|Acts of parliament]]s of states preceding&lt;br>the Kingdom of Great Britain |list2 = subgroup |2_group1=Parliament of England |2_list1= * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England, 1225–1267|1225–1267]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England, 1275–1307|1275–1307]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England, 1308–1325|1308–1325]] * [[Statutes of uncertain date|''Temp. incert.'']] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England, 1327–1376|1327–1376]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England, 1377–1397|1377–1397]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England, 1399–1411|1399–1411]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England, 1413–1421|1413–1421]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England, 1422–1460|1422–1460]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1461|1461]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1463|1463]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1464|1464]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1467|1467]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1468|1468]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1472|1472]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1474|1474]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1477|1477]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1482|1482]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1483|1483]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1485|1485]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1487|1487]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1488|1488]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1491|1491]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1495|1495]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1496|1496]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1503|1503]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1509|1509]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1511|1511]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1512|1512]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1513|1513]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1514|1514]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1515|1515]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1523|1523]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1529|1529]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1530|1530]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1531|1531]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1532|1532]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1533|1533]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1534|1534]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1535|1535]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1536|1536]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1539|1539]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1540|1540]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1541|1541]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1542|1542]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1543|1543]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1545|1545]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1546|1546]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1547|1547]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1548|1548]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1549|1549]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1551|1551]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1553|1553]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1554|1554]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1555|1555]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1557|1557]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1558|1558]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1562|1562]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1566|1566]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1571|1571]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1572|1572]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1575|1575]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1580|1580]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1584|1584]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1586|1586]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1588|1588]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1592|1592]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1597|1597]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1601|1601]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1603|1603]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1605|1605]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1606|1606]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1609|1609]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1620|1620]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1623|1623]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1625|1625]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1627|1627]] **[[Petition of Right]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1640|1640]] * ''[[List of ordinances and acts of the Parliament of England, 1642–1660|Interregnum (1642–1660)]]'' * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1660|1660]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1661|1661]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1662|1662]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1663|1663]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1664|1664]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1665|1665]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1666|1666]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1667|1667]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1670|1670]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1672|1672]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1675|1675]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1677|1677]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1678|1678]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1679|1679]] ** [[Habeas Corpus Act 1679|Habeas Corpus Act]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1680|1680]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1685|1685]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1688|1688]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1689|1689]] ** [[Bill of Rights 1689|Bill of Rights]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1690|1690]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1691|1691]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1692|1692]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1693|1693]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1694|1694]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1695|1695]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1696|1696]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1697|1697]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1698|1698]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1700|1700]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1701|1701]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1702|1702]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1703|1703]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1704|1704]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1705|1705]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of England from 1706|1706]] ** [[Acts of Union 1707|Union with Scotland Act]] |2_group2=Parliament of Scotland |2_list2= * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1424|1424]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1425|1425]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1426|1426]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1427|1427]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1428|1428]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1429|1429]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1431|1431]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1432|1432]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1433|1433]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1434|1434]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1436|1436]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1437|1437]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1438|1438]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1440|1440]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1443|1443]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1445|1445]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1449|1449]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1450|1450]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1451|1451]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1452|1452]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1454|1454]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1455|1455]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1456|1456]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1457|1457]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1466|1466]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1467|1467]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1468|1468]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1469|1469]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1471|1471]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1474|1474]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1475|1475]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1476|1476]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1478|1478]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1481|1481]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1482|1482]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1483|1483]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1485|1485]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1486|1486]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1487|1487]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1488|1488]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1489|1489]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1491|1491]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1493|1493]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1496|1496]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1503|1503]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1504|1504]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1509|1509]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1515|1515]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1522|1522]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1524|1524]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1525|1525]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1526|1526]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1528|1528]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1532|1532]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1535|1535]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1540|1540]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1542|1542]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1543|1543]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1545|1545]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1551|1551]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1555|1555]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1557|1557]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1558|1558]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1560|1560]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1563|1563]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1564|1564]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1567|1567]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1571|1571]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1572|1572]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1573|1573]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1578|1578]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1579|1579]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1581|1581]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1584|1584]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1585|1585]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1587|1587]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1592|1592]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1593|1593]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1594|1594]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1597|1597]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1600|1600]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1604|1604]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1606|1606]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1607|1607]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1609|1609]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1612|1612]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1617|1617]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1621|1621]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1633|1633]] * ''[[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland, 1639–1651|Rescinded (1639–1651)]]'' * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1661|1661]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1662|1662]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1663|1663]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1669|1669]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1670|1670]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1672|1672]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1673|1673]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1681|1681]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1685|1685]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1686|1686]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1689|1689]] ** [[Claim of Right 1689|Claim of Right]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1690|1690]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1693|1693]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1695|1695]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1696|1696]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1698|1698]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1700|1700]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1701|1701]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1702|1702]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1703|1703]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1704|1704]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1705|1705]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1706|1706]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1707|1707]] ** [[Acts of Union 1707|Union with England Act]] |group3 = Acts of Parliament of the&lt;br/>[[Kingdom of Great Britain]] |list3 = * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1707|1707]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1708|1708]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1709|1709]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1710|1710]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1711|1711]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1712|1712]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1713|1713]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1714|1714]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1715|1715]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1716|1716]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1717|1717]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1718|1718]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1719|1719]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1720|1720]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1721|1721]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1722|1722]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1723|1723]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1724|1724]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1725|1725]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1726|1726]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1727|1727]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1728|1728]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1729|1729]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1730|1730]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1731|1731]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1732|1732]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1733|1733]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1734|1734]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1735|1735]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1736|1736]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1737|1737]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1738|1738]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1739|1739]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1740|1740]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1741|1741]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1742|1742]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1743|1743]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1744|1744]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1745|1745]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1746|1746]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1747|1747]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1748|1748]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1749|1749]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1750|1750]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1751|1751]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1753|1753]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1754|1754]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1755|1755]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1756|1756]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1757|1757]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1758|1758]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1759|1759]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1760|1760]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1761|1761]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1762|1762]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1763|1763]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1764|1764]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1765|1765]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1766|1766]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1767|1767]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1768|1768]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1769|1769]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1770|1770]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1771|1771]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1772|1772]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1773|1773]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1774|1774]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1775|1775]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1776|1776]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1777|1777]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1778|1778]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1779|1779]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1780|1780]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1781|1781]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1782|1782]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1783|1783]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1784|1784]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1785|1785]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1786|1786]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1787|1787]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1788|1788]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1789|1789]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1790|1790]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1791|1791]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1792|1792]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1793|1793]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1794|1794]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1795|1795]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1796|1796]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1797|1797]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1798|1798]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1799|1799]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1800|1800]] |group4 = Acts of the [[Parliament of Ireland]] |list4 = * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Ireland, 1169–1192|1169–1192]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Ireland, 1200–1299|1200–1299]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Ireland, 1300–1399|1300–1399]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Ireland, 1400–1499|1400–1499]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Ireland, 1500–1599|1500–1599]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Ireland, 1600–1690|1600–1690]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Ireland, 1691–1700|1691–1700]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Ireland, 1701–1710|1701–1710]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Ireland, 1711–1720|1711–1720]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Ireland, 1721–1730|1721–1730]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Ireland, 1731–1740|1731–1740]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Ireland, 1741–1750|1741–1750]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Ireland, 1751–1760|1751–1760]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Ireland, 1761–1770|1761–1770]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Ireland, 1771–1780|1771–1780]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Ireland, 1781–1790|1781–1790]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of Ireland, 1791–1800|1791–1800]] |group5 = [[Act of Parliament (United Kingdom)|Acts of Parliament]] of the United Kingdom of&lt;br/>Great Britain and Ireland and the United&lt;br/>Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |list5 = subgroup |5_list1 = * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1801|1801]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1802|1802]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1803|1803]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1804|1804]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1805|1805]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1806|1806]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1807|1807]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1808|1808]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1809|1809]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1810|1810]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1811|1811]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1812|1812]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1813|1813]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1814|1814]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1815|1815]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1816|1816]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1817|1817]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1818|1818]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1819|1819]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1820|1820]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1821|1821]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1822|1822]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1823|1823]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1824|1824]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1825|1825]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1826|1826]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1827|1827]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1828|1828]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1829|1829]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1830|1830]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1831|1831]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1832|1832]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1833|1833]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1834|1834]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1835|1835]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1836|1836]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1837|1837]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1838|1838]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1839|1839]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1840|1840]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1841|1841]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1842|1842]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1843|1843]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1844|1844]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1845|1845]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1846|1846]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1847|1847]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1848|1848]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1849|1849]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1850|1850]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1851|1851]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1852|1852]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1853|1853]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1854|1854]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1855|1855]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1856|1856]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1857|1857]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1858|1858]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1859|1859]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1860|1860]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1861|1861]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1862|1862]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1863|1863]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1864|1864]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1865|1865]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1866|1866]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1867|1867]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1868|1868]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1869|1869]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1870|1870]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1871|1871]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1872|1872]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1873|1873]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1874|1874]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1875|1875]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1876|1876]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1877|1877]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1878|1878]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1879|1879]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1880|1880]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1881|1881]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1882|1882]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1883|1883]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1884|1884]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1885|1885]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1886|1886]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1887|1887]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1888|1888]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1889|1889]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1890|1890]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1891|1891]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1892|1892]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1893|1893]] * [[List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1894|1894]] * [[List of acts of the 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