Blackfoot River ranch on market for $15M - CNBC

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return dataObj; } function g_initTranscriptData(){return "00:00:00,140 # 00:00:01,060 # reporter: it is the mega-home ## 00:00:01,060 # 00:00:02,810 # version of a log cabin in the ## 00:00:02,810 # 00:00:03,540 # mountains. ## 00:00:03,680 # 00:00:05,540 # the big black foot riv ranch ## 00:00:05,540 # 00:00:06,960 # in montana has jus come on the ## 00:00:06,960 # 00:00:07,400 # market. ## 00:00:07,499 # 00:00:09,429 # it has five buildings allp done ## 00:00:09,429 # 00:00:11,319 # in rustic chic, woodl and stone. ## 00:00:11,319 # 00:00:14,629 # the main house is 5,400 square ## 00:00:14,629 # 00:00:14,949 # feet. ## 00:00:15,299 # 00:00:16,759 # fo bedrooms with massive ## 00:00:16,759 # 00:00:18,899 # fireplaces, built-in rbecue, ## 00:00:18,929 # 00:00:20,779 # ho tubs, and med center. ## 00:00:20,929 # 00:00:22,829 # the clubhouse is over 4,000 ## 00:00:22,829 # 00:00:24,609 # sqre feet, built with giant ## 00:00:24,609 # 00:00:26,159 # timbers from british columbia ## 00:00:26,329 # 00:00:28,629 # and stones the size of cars. ## 00:00:29,119 # 00:00:31,139 # it has hand-carved bar, pool ## 00:00:31,139 # 00:00:33,329 # table, and an exercise area. ## 00:00:33,329 # 00:00:35,229 # the property also has a historic ## 00:00:35,229 # 00:00:36,769 # barn with a stage for ## 00:00:36,839 # 00:00:37,254 # performances. ## 00:00:37,254 # 00:00:40,149 # a stable for six horses and a ## 00:00:40,149 # 00:00:41,859 # river pavilion for having a ## 00:00:41,859 # 00:00:43,249 # drink and looking out over the ## 00:00:43,309 # 00:00:44,929 # property&#39;s central feature -- ## 00:00:44,929 # 00:00:45,949 # the black foot river. ## 00:00:46,189 # 00:00:47,729 # black foot was made famous by ## 00:00:47,729 # 00:00:49,569 # brad pitt in the film river ## 00:00:49,569 # 00:00:50,429 # runs through it. ## 00:00:50,539 # 00:00:51,549 # the river still has a special ## 00:00:51,549 # 00:00:53,239 # place in the hearts of fly ## 00:00:53,239 # 00:00:53,329 # fishers. ## 00:00:53,329 # 00:00:56,639 # the property stretches over 612 ## 00:00:56,639 # 00:00:58,539 # acres and joins national parks ## 00:00:58,539 # 00:01:00,059 # so you get miles and miles of ## 00:01:00,099 # 00:01:01,629 # trails and wilderness to ## 00:01:01,629 # 00:01:02,149 # explore. ## 00:01:02,589 # 00:01:04,639 # price tag -- $15 million. ## 00:01:05,139 # 00:01:06,609 # fly fishing rod is not included. ##";} function g_getVideoVars(){ return { flashVars: { /*get these urls form backend*/ settings_url: "", data_feed_url: "", next_video_timer: 5, cache_bust_key: 1241241, core_ads_enabled: true, /* disable ads from backend */ auto_play_list: true, show_feature_bar: false, show_info_bar_timer: false, keyboard_control_modes: "true, true, false", subclip_selector_enabled: true, volume: 50, subclip_presentation_mode:"spmContext", js_callback: "CNBC_Player.callPage", js_workflow_callback: "CNBC_Player.checkForJSON", auto_advance_callback:"CNBC_Player.getNextVideo", auto_play:true, branded_player : window.activeBrandedPlayer, branded_site_section: window.activePartnerCoBrand } ,flashParams:{ allowFullScreen: 'true' ,allowScriptAccess: 'always' ,wmode: 'opaque' } }; 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