Oracle VirtualBox

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Discuss and solve problems in the forums, access test builds, and more. </p> <img src="/graphics/community.png" alt="Community icon"> </a> <a href="wiki/Documentation" class="dark box"> <li>Documentation</li> <p>Learn from a variety of resources including user manuals, end-user and technical documentation, the source code repository timeline, or the changelog.</p> <img src="/graphics/user-manual.png" alt="Documentation icon"> </a> <a href="" target="”_blank”" class="dark box"> <li>Training</li> <p>Access labs, tutorials, and videos to learn how to use VirtualBox. Quizzes are available to test your learning.</p> <img src="/graphics/training.png" alt="Training icon"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="flexboxes" id="updates"> <div class="intro"> Join the VirtualBox community <p>Millions of users actively use VirtualBox</p> <p>VirtualBox is a community effort backed by Oracle. Everyone is encouraged to contribute. Oracle helps ensure the product meets professional quality criteria and offers support resources for users.</p> <div id="contributors"> <div class="contributor"> <a href="wiki/Contributor_information" class="button">How to Contribute</a> </div> <div class="contributor"> <a href="wiki/Contributions" class="button">Past Contributions</a> </div> <div class="contributor"> <a href=",P6_PROD_HIER_ID:114347640102492137513432,4510278280861805728469" class="button" target="”_blank”">Oracle Support</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="newsflash"> <h3>Recent releases</h3> <ul> <li> <b><span style="background: #B00; color: #ffd; font-family: WarpSans, Arial; padding: 1px 3px">New</span> January 21st, 2025<br>VirtualBox 7.1.6</b><br> Oracle today released a 7.1 maintenance release which improves stability and fixes regressions. See the <a href="">Changelog</a> for details. </li> <li> <b><span style="background: #B00; color: #ffd; font-family: WarpSans, Arial; padding: 1px 3px">New</span> January 21st, 2025<br>VirtualBox 7.0.24</b><br> Oracle today released a 7.0 maintenance release which improves stability and fixes regressions. See the <a href="">Changelog</a> for details. </li> <li> <b><span style="background: #B00; color: #ffd; font-family: WarpSans, Arial; padding: 1px 3px">New</span> October 15th, 2024<br>VirtualBox 7.1.4</b><br> Oracle today released a 7.1 maintenance release which improves stability and fixes regressions. See the <a href="">Changelog</a> for details. </li> <li> <b><span style="background: #B00; color: #ffd; font-family: WarpSans, Arial; padding: 1px 3px">New</span> October 15th, 2024<br>VirtualBox 7.0.22</b><br> Oracle today released a 7.0 maintenance release which improves stability and fixes regressions. See the <a href="">Changelog</a> for details. </li> <li> <b><span style="background: #B00; color: #ffd; font-family: WarpSans, Arial; padding: 1px 3px">New</span> September 27th, 2024<br>VirtualBox 7.1.2</b><br> Oracle today released a 7.1 maintenance release which improves stability and fixes regressions. See the <a href="">Changelog</a> for details. </li> <li> <b><span style="background: #B00; color: #ffd; font-family: WarpSans, Arial; padding: 1px 3px">New</span> September 11th, 2024<br>VirtualBox 7.1.0</b><br> Oracle today released a significant new version of Oracle VirtualBox, its high performance, cross-platform virtualization software. See the <a href="">Changelog</a> for details. </li> <li> <b><span style="background: #B00; color: #ffd; font-family: WarpSans, Arial; padding: 1px 3px">New</span> July 16th, 2024<br>VirtualBox 7.0.20</b><br> Oracle today released a 7.0 maintenance release which improves stability and fixes regressions. See the <a href="">Changelog</a> for details. </li> <li> <b><span style="background: #B00; color: #ffd; font-family: WarpSans, Arial; padding: 1px 3px">New</span> May 3rd, 2024<br>VirtualBox 7.0.18</b><br> Oracle today released a 7.0 maintenance release which improves stability and fixes regressions. See the <a href="">Changelog</a> for details. </li> <li> <b><span style="background: #B00; color: #ffd; font-family: WarpSans, Arial; padding: 1px 3px">New</span> April 16th, 2024<br>VirtualBox 7.0.16</b><br> Oracle today released a 7.0 maintenance release which improves stability and fixes regressions. See the <a href="">Changelog</a> for details. </li> </ul> <a href="/wiki/News" class="button">Read More</a> </div> </div> <div class="trac-modifiedby"> <span> <a href="/wiki/WikiStart?action=diff&amp;version=496" title="Version 496 by galitsyn">Last modified</a> <a class="timeline" href="/timeline?from=2025-01-21T18%3A17%3A45Z&amp;precision=second" title="See timeline at Jan 21, 2025 6:17:45 PM">2 months ago</a> </span> <span class="trac-print"> Last modified on Jan 21, 2025 6:17:45 PM </span> </div> </div> <div class="trac-help"> <strong>Note:</strong> See <a href="/wiki/TracWiki">TracWiki</a> for help on using the wiki. </div> </div> <!-- # block content (content inherited from layout.html) --> <div id="altlinks"> <h3>Download in other formats:</h3> <ul> <li class="last first"> <a rel="nofollow" href="/wiki/WikiStart?format=txt" class=""> Plain Text</a> </li> </ul> </div> <!-- # endblock content (content inherited from layout.html) --> <!-- # endblock content (placeholder in theme.html) --> </div> <div id="footer"><hr/> <a id="tracpowered" href="" ><img src="/chrome/common/trac_logo_mini.png" height="30" width="107" alt="Trac Powered"/></a> <p class="left"> Powered by <a href="/about"><strong>Trac</strong></a> <br /> By <a href="">Edgewall Software</a> . </p> <p class="right"></p> </div> <!-- # include 'site_footer.html' (theme.html) --> </div><!-- center --> <div id="vboxfooter"> <p style="text-align:center"> <a href=""><span style="background-image: url(/graphics/oracle-logo-new.svg); width: 100px; height: 24px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 0 11px; background-size: 100% 100%; display: inline-block"></span> &copy; 2025 Oracle</a> <a href="">Support</a> <a href="">Privacy </a> / <a href=""> Do Not Sell My Info</a> <a href="">Terms of Use</a> <a href="">Trademark Policy</a> <a href="/wiki/AutomatedAccessEtiquette">Automated Access Etiquette</a> </p> </div> <!-- end of site_footer.html --> <!-- # endblock body (content inherited from theme.html) --> </body> </html>

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