About myCommunityFutures - myCommunityFutures
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Grow your network and access professional support for your small business." /> <meta name="keywords" content="myCommunityFutures, my Community Futures, Taking Care of Business, Community Futures, business training program, free business webinars, funding for business training, business support, small business, rural businesses, Northern BC, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, startup" /> <script src="/include/jquery/jquery.js?ver=2.21"></script> <script src="/include/jquery/inc.jquery.common.js?ver=2.212"></script> <link rel="preconnect" href=""> <link rel="preconnect" href="" crossorigin> <link href=";700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body> <div class="HeaderBar"> <div class="HeaderBox"> <div class="MemberBar"><a href="">CFBC <img src="/images/icons/arrowout3.png" width="16" align="bottom"></a></div> <div class="HeaderSocial"> <img src="/images/icons/menu3.png" alt="Menu" class='lnkMobileMenu' id='lnkMobileMenu' /> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/images/layout/facebook2.png" class="imgHeaderSocial" title="Facebook Page" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/images/layout/twitter2.png" class="imgHeaderSocial" title="Twitter Page" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/images/layout/youtube2.png" class="imgHeaderSocial" title="YouTube Page" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/images/layout/linkedin2.png" class="imgHeaderSocial" title="LinkedIn Page" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/images/layout/instagram2.png" class="imgHeaderSocial" title="Instagram Page" /></a> </div> <div class="MemberBar"><a href="" target="_blank">Newsletter Signup</a> </div> <div class="HeaderText"> 1-604-289-4222</div> </div> </div> <div class='HeaderLogoMob'><img src='/images/layout/cfbc_logo_white.png' class='imgHeaderMobile' /></div> <div class='RotateBar'> <div class="RotateBox"> <div class="MenuBar"> <div class="MemberBar"> <ul class="mnuMainTop"> <li><a href="/clients/login.php">MyCF Account</a></li> </ul></div> <ul class='mnuMain'> <li ><a href="/home/">HOME</a></li> <li class='boxMenuActive'><a href="/aboutus/">ABOUT US</a><div class='SubMenu'><ul><li><a href='/aboutus/faqs/'>FAQs</a></li></ul></div></li> <li ><a class="lnkButton">SERVICES</a><div class='SubMenu'><ul><li><a href='/supports/workshops/'>Workshops</a></li><li><a href='/supports/peermasterminds/'>Peer Masterminds</a></li><li><a href='/supports/consulting_list/'>Consulting</a></li><li><a href='/supports/specific_training/'>$5,000 Business Training Reimbursement</a></li></ul></div></li> <li ><a href="/contactus/">CONTACT US</a></li> </ul> </div> <a href="/"><img src='/images/layout/cfbc_logo_white.png' class='imgHeaderLogo' /> </a> <div class="boxClear"></div> </div> <img src='/images/pgi/pagehead3.jpg' class='imgHeaderMain' /><div class='HeaderMemberInfo'><h1>About myCommunityFutures</h1><p><div class='boxButton3'><a href='/supports/workshops/'>WORKSHOPS</a></div><div class='boxButton3'><a href='/supports/peermasterminds/'>PEER MASTERMINDS</a></div><div class='boxButton3'><a href='/supports/consulting_list/'>CONSULTING</a></div><div class='boxButton3'><a href='/supports/specific_training/'>BUSINESS TRAINING REIMBURSEMENT</a></div></p></div></div><div class='BodyBar'> <div class="ContentBar"> <div class="ContentBox ApplyForm"> <div class="boxThreeQuarter boxNoMargin boxNoPadding"> <h2>Who We Are</h2> <p><i>myCommunityFutures</i> (myCF) is an online platform to access services from Community Futures British Columbia. The website provides access to <a href="/supports/workshops/">Workshops</a>, <a href="/supports/peermasterminds/">Peer Masterminds</a>, and <a href="/supports/consulting_list/">Consulting services</a>. For a limited time, eligible account holders can also apply for a <a href="/supports/specific_training/">$5,000 Business Training Reimbursemen</a>t. Clients in 22 regions of BC are eligible to receive one or more free services from <i>myCommunityFuture</i>s, with priority assigned to disaster-impacted businesses.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">READ MEDIA RELEASE </a>Issued February 15, 2024<br /> "New Services for Rural BC Entrepreneurs Through <i>myCommunityFutures</i>" <br /> </p> <h2>History</h2> <p>In 2022 Community Futures British Columbia successfully applied for funding from the federal government to provide supports and services to rural BC businesses and non-for-profits affected by disasters and economic downturns. Services were initially available free of charge in 17 regions across BC under the brand name <i>T</i><i>aking Care of Business</i>. In September 2023, another 3 regions were added, followed by 2 more the following month. In December 2023 <i>Taking Care of Business</i> was re-branded as <i>myCommunityFutures</i> and a new website was launched. The success of the re-brand and increase of clients led to an adjustment of services in Spring 2024. Shortly thereafter, <i>myCF</i> workshops were made available free of charge to all regions of BC excluding metropolitan areas. <br /> </p> <h2>Our Funder</h2> <p>Funding for <i>myCommunityFutures</i>’ free services and the $5,000 Business Training Reimbursement is provided by Pacific Economic Development Canada (PacifiCan). <a href="" target="_blank">Visit PacifiCan</a>. <br /> </p> <h2>Community Futures</h2> <p><i>myCommunityFutures</i> was created by Community Futures British Columbia (CFBC), a provincial Association for a network of 34 members serving rural and remote non-metropolitan communities across BC. CFBC is part of the Community Futures Network of Canada, comprised of 267 not-for-profit offices, each operating independently to serve their respective regions. The Community Futures program was established in 1985 and is the only program mandated by the federal government to deliver business development services in rural and remote non-metropolitan communities. CFBC opened in 1992 and is located in Mission BC. <a href="" target="_blank">Visit CFBC</a>. <br /> </p> </div> </div> <div class='boxClear'></div> </div> </div><div class='ContentBar'><div class='ContentBox boxPadding5 boxFontSmall'><i>Header Photo: Nechako River, northern BC</i></div></div><div class="FooterBar"> <div class="FooterBox"> <div class="FooterBox1" > <h5>CONTACT</h5> Community Futures British Columbia<br /> myCommunityFutures<br /> 33163 2nd Ave<br /> Mission BC V2V 6T8<br /> <img src="/images/layout/phone.png" class="imgFootIcon" /> 1-604-289-4222<br /> <img src="/images/layout/email2.png" class="imgFootIcon" /> <a href=""></a><br /> Mon to Fri: 8:30am to 4:30pm<br /> <br /> <h5>CONNECT</h5> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/images/layout/facebook2.png" class="imgFootIcon" title="Facebook Page" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/images/layout/twitter2.png" class="imgFootIcon" title="Twitter Page" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/images/layout/youtube2.png" class="imgFootIcon" title="YouTube Page" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/images/layout/linkedin2.png" class="imgFootIcon" title="LinkedIn Page" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/images/layout/instagram2.png" class="imgFootIcon" title="Instagram Page" /></a> </div> <div class="FooterBox2"> <h5>ABOUT COMMUNITY FUTURES BRITISH COLUMBIA</h5> CFBC is the provincial association for the Community Futures Development Corporation. Since 1992 we've been fostering entrepreneurship and economic development in rural BC through our 34 member offices. <a href="" target="_blank">Learn More.</a><br /> <br /> <h5>RECONCILIATION STATEMENT</h5>We are grateful to live and work with people from across many traditional and unceded territories, covering all regions of British Columbia. We are honoured to live on this land and are committed to economic development and growing small businesses together. <br /> <div class="boxClear"></div> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src='/images/log/spimg3.png' alt="PacifiCan" class='imgSponsors' /></a><img src='/images/log/spimg7.png' alt="SDE Colombie-Britannique" class='imgSponsors' /> </div> <div class="FooterBox3"> <h2><a href="/"><img src="/images/layout/MyCF-logo-white.png" width="100%" align="right" alt="" /></a></h2> <p> </p> <p style="text-align: right;"><a href="/consultants/">Consultant Area Login</a></p> <p style="text-align: right;"><a href="/presenters/">Presenter Area Login</a></p> <p style="text-align: right;"><a href="/owners/">Owner Area Login</a></p> </div> <div class='boxClear'></div> </div> </div> <div class="FooterText"> 漏 2023 Community Futures British Columbia. <a href="/userfiles/file/myCF%20-%20Conflict%20of%20Interest%20Policy.pdf" target="_blank">Conflict of Interest Policy</a> | <a href="/userfiles/file/myCF%20-%20Privacy%20Policy%20v_Nov%2025%202023.pdf" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a></a> </div> <div class="SignupPopup" id="MemberSignupPopup"><center> <img src='/images/icons/close.png' style="position: absolute; top: 10px; right: 10px;" class='lnkCloseMemberSignup lnkButton' width="24" title="Close" /> <h1>Client Signup</h1> <h3 class='black'>Are you currently operating an existing <i><u>Business</u></i> or <i><u>Not-For-Profit</u></i>?</h2> <p> </p> <div class='boxButton3 boxButtonLarge boxButtonBlue'><a href="/application.php"> Yes </a></div> <div class="boxButton3 boxButtonLarge boxButtonBlue"><a href="/application2.php"> No </a></div> </center></div> <div class='EventsTemp' id='EventsFrame'></div> <div class='LargePopup' id='LargePopup'></div> <div class='ImagePopup' id='ImagePopup'></div> <div class="EventsLoading" id="EventsLoading"><img src="/images/loading1.gif" width="98" alt="......" /><br />Please Wait...<br />Loading...</div> <script src="/include/jquery/inc.jquery.footer.js?ver=1.12" defer></script> </body> </html>