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You get all of the basic features of Tripod, including our drag-and-drop site builder. </p> </div> </th>--> <th class="pHeader mPlus mAll planShow"> <div class="plans mPlus planShow"> <div class="planName"> <p class="tHead">Personal</p> <p class="planCostDesc">Monthly:</p> </div> <div class="planPrice"> <sup>$</sup>6.55 </div> <p class="description"> Great for anyone that wants the professional look that comes from removing ads, more sites, and more space, but at a lower price. </p> </div> </th> <th class="pHeader mPro mAll"> <div class="plans mPro"> <div class="planName"> <p class="tHead">Professional</p> <p class="planCostDesc">Monthly:</p> </div> <div class="planPrice"> <sup>$</sup>13.15 </div> <p class="description"> Take your site to the next level with premium templates, ecommerce features, more storage. </p> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tfoot> <tr> <td class="blank"></td> <!--<td class="tAction mFree mAll priceArea"> <a class="button rounded blue freeSignupBtn tblBtn" title="Sign up for Free" href="#free">Free Sign Up</a> </td>--> <td class="tAction mPlus mAll planShow priceArea"> <a class="button rounded blue planGo tblBtn" id="planPlus" title="Sign up for Tripod Personal" href="#plus">Start with Personal</a> </td> <td class="tAction mPro mAll priceArea"> <a class="button rounded blue planGo tblBtn" id="planPro" title="Sign up for Tripod Professional" href="#pro">Start with Professional</a> </td> </tr> </tfoot> <tbody> <tr class="tdOdd row"> <td class="feature mFeature"> <a href="#" title="Advertisements allow us to continue to offer free website plans. For around 17&cent; a day,you can remove these ads by signing up for a Personal account." class="learnMore toggle-btn" id="toggleBtn0"> <strong class="float_left">No Website Ads</strong> <span class="float_right mFeatureIcon noText"></span> </a> </td> <!--<td class="free mFree mAll"> <div class="pad"> <span class="unAvailable noText"></span> </div> </td>--> <td class="plus mPlus mAll planShow"> <div class="pad"> <span class="checkMark noText"></span> </div> </td> <td class="pro mPro mAll"> <div class="pad"> <span class="checkMark noText"></span> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="infoRow"> <td colspan="4" class="txt_left"> <div class="toggle pad" id="toggleSide0"> <p> Advertisements allow us to continue to offer free website plans. For around 17&cent; a day, you can remove these ads by signing up for a Personal account. </p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdEven row"> <td class="feature mFeature"> <a href="#" title="Uploaded items take up most of your website's storage. Upgrade for higher storage to upload more pictures, documents, etc." class="learnMore toggle-btn" id="toggleBtn7"> <strong class="float_left">Website Storage</strong> <span class="float_right mFeatureIcon noText"></span> </a> </td> <!--<td class="free mFree mAll"> <p class="fText pad">20 MB</p> </td>--> <td class="plus mPlus mAll planShow"> <p class="fText pad">1 GB</p> </td> <td class="pro mPro mAll"> <p class="fText pad">5 GB</p> </td> </tr> <tr class="infoRow"> <td colspan="4" class="txt_left"> <div class="toggle pad" id="toggleSide7"> <p> Uploaded items take up most of your website's storage. Upgrade for higher storage to upload more pictures, documents, etc. </p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdOdd row"> <td class="feature mFeature"> <a href="#" title="Use our drag-and-drop website builder to create your site.Upgrade your account to be able to build an unlimited amount of websites and pages." class="learnMore toggle-btn" id="toggleBtn6"> <strong class="float_left">Websites</strong> <span class="float_right mFeatureIcon noText"></span> </a> </td> <!--<td class="free mFree mAll"> <p class="fText pad">1 Website</p> </td>--> <td class="plus mPlus mAll planShow"> <p class="fText pad">3 Websites</p> </td> <td class="pro mPro mAll"> <p class="fText pad">10 Websites</p> </td> </tr> <tr class="infoRow"> <td colspan="4" class="txt_left"> <div class="toggle pad" id="toggleSide6"> <p> Use our drag-and-drop website builder to create your site. Upgrade your account to be able to build an unlimited amount of websites and pages. </p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdEven row"> <td class="feature mFeature"> <a href="#" title="Premium Themes have more unique layout options with tailored content drop-areas to give your website an even more professional look-and-feel." class="learnMore toggle-btn" id="toggleBtn2"> <strong class="float_left">Premium Themes </strong><span class="float_right mFeatureIcon noText"></span> </a> </td> <!--<td class="free mFree mAll"> <p class="fText pad">5 Themes</p> </td>--> <td class="plus mPlus mAll planShow"> <p class="fText pad">26 Themes</p> </td> <td class="pro mPro mAll"> <p class="fText pad">42 Themes</p> </td> </tr> <tr class="infoRow"> <td colspan="4" class="txt_left"> <div class="toggle pad" id="toggleSide2"> <p> Premium Themes have more unique layout options with tailored content drop-areas to give your website an even more professional look-and-feel. </p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdOdd row"> <td class="feature mFeature"> <a href="#" title="Responsive Mobile Websites built with Lycos Publish will automatically fit to your small screen devices. Whether they be smart phones or tablets like the Kindle Fire, your website will adjust to best fit the real estate of the screen." class="learnMore toggle-btn" id="toggleBtn3"> <strong class="float_left">Premium Plugins</strong> <span class="float_right mFeatureIcon noText"></span> </a> </td> <!--<td class="free mFree mAll"> <p class="fText pad">2 Powerful Plugins</p> </td>--> <td class="plus mPlus mAll planShow"> <p class="fText pad">5 Powerful Plugins</p> </td> <td class="pro mPro mAll"> <p class="fText pad">8 Powerful Plugins plus Photo Gallery and Analytics</p> </td> </tr> <tr class="infoRow"> <td colspan="4" class="txt_left"> <div class="toggle pad" id="toggleSide3"> <p> Responsive Mobile Websites built with Lycos Publish will automatically fit to your small screen devices. Whether they be smart phones or tablets like the Kindle Fire, your website will adjust to best fit the real estate of the screen. </p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdOdd row"> <td class="feature mFeature"> <a href="#" title="Upgrade to Professional to get stats and more details on your site's visitors." class="learnMore toggle-btn" id="toggleBtn15"> <strong class="float_left">Traffic Reports &amp; Stats</strong> <span class="float_right mFeatureIcon noText"></span> </a> </td> <!--<td class="free mFree mAll"> <div class="pad"> <span class="unAvailable noText"></span> </div> </td>--> <td class="plus mPlus mAll planShow"> <div class="pad"> <span class="unAvailable noText"></span> </div> </td> <td class="pro mPro mAll"> <div class="pad"> <span class="checkMark noText"></span> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="infoRow"> <td colspan="4" class="txt_left"> <div class="toggle pad" id="toggleSide15"> <p> Upgrade to Professional to get stats and more details on your site's visitors. </p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdOdd row"> <td class="feature mFeature"> <a href="#" title="Upgrade to Personal or Professional to upload files to your Tripod account via FTP." class="learnMore toggle-btn" id="toggleBtn14"> <strong class="float_left">Form Builder Access</strong> <span class="float_right mFeatureIcon noText"></span> </a> </td> <!--<td class="free mFree mAll"> <div class="pad"> <span class="unAvailable noText"></span> </div> </td>--> <td class="plus mPlus mAll planShow"> <div class="pad"> <span class="checkMark noText"></span> </div> </td> <td class="pro mPro mAll"> <div class="pad"> <span class="checkMark noText"></span> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="infoRow"> <td colspan="4" class="txt_left"> <div class="toggle pad" id="toggleSide14"> <p> Upgrade to Personal or Professional to upload files to your Tripod account via FTP. </p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdOdd row"> <!-- <td class="feature mFeature"> <a href="#" title="What is this?" class="learnMore toggle-btn" id="toggleBtn13"> <img src="" alt="Google AdWords" style="max-width:66%" /> <span class="float_right mFeatureIcon noText"></span> </a> </td> <td class="free mFree mAll"> <p class="fText pad">$100 Credit</p> </td> <td class="plus mPlus mAll planShow"> <p class="fText pad">$100 Credit</p> </td> <td class="pro mPro mAll"> <p class="fText pad">$100 Credit</p> </td> </tr> <tr class="infoRow"> <td colspan="4" class="txt_left"> <div class="toggle pad" id="toggleSide13"> <p> Your website is the face of your business. So get help showing it off with a Google AdWords Credit! With Tripod's special partnership, spend $25 with Google AdWords and get and additional $100 credit. </p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdEven row lastRow"> --> <td class="feature mFeature"> <a href="#" title="Have a question? Need to report a bug? All plans have access to our indepth knowledge base and email ticketing system.Need to talk to someone right now? Upgrade to a paid plan to get Live Chat and talk to a live customer service representative right away." class="learnMore toggle-btn" id="toggleBtn5"> <strong class="float_left">Customer Support</strong> <span class="float_right mFeatureIcon noText"></span> </a> </td> <!--<td class="free mFree mAll"> <p class="fText pad">Email Support</p> </td>--> <td class="plus mPlus mAll planShow"> <p class="fText pad">Live Chat &amp; Email Support</p> </td> <td class="pro mPro mAll"> <p class="fText pad">Live Chat &amp; Email Support</p> </td> </tr> <tr class="infoRow"> <td colspan="4" class="txt_left"> <div class="toggle pad" id="toggleSide5"> <p> Have a question? Need to report a bug? All plans have access to our indepth knowledge base and email ticketing system. Need to talk to someone right now? Upgrade to a paid plan to get Live Chat and talk to a live customer service representative right away. </p> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <!-- end #content --> </div> <div id="step2"> <a href="#" id="back" title="exit sign up to pricing chart" class="rounded button blue float_right mb15">Exit</a> <iframe id="windowbox-content" frameborder="0" seamless="seamless" src="/bin/membership/pref_link?to=buy&amp;plan=USA_Tripod_Personal&amp;;view=iframe&amp;m_ORIGIN="></iframe> </div> </section> <!-- end Page --> <div class="pricing-row row cols-2c"> <div class="container"> <script type="text/javascript"> $('#showFree').click(function(){ $('.mAll').removeClass('planShow'); $('.mFree').addClass('planShow'); }); $('#showPlus').click(function(){ $('.mAll').removeClass('planShow'); $('.mPlus').addClass('planShow'); }); $('#showPro').click(function(){ $('.mAll').removeClass('planShow'); $('.mPro').addClass('planShow'); }); </script> <section class="testimonials col1"> <h3 class="alpha">Testimonials</h3> <div class="testimonial test1 hide"> <p class="testArrow"> I love it. I have re-designed [my website] so easily over the years... Every time you give new options for layouts, I see if I can update my site for freshness and it has always been great. <br /><br /> [The] easy to use website builder is why I came to Tripod and why I stay. </p> <p class="txt_right"> - Sue, Stitches by Sue </p> </div> <div class="testimonial test2 hide"> <p class="testArrow"> Excellent way to build a website, I recommend it to everyone. I started out using the templates and from that [I] was able to learn HTML! </p> <p class="txt_right"> - Jonathan, Artist </p> </div> <div class="testimonial test3 hide"> <p class="testArrow"> I love using my Tripod Website, and have had it for many years. <br /><br /> It is easy to upload new webpages, as well a updating my Genealogy website. </p> <p class="txt_right"> - Virginia, Family Genealogist </p> </div> <div class="testimonial test4 hide"> <p class="testArrow"> I have found the tools here to build a fantastic website for free! </p> <p class="txt_right"> - Tod, BBQ Repair </p> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> // Select random testimonials to show var howManyToShow = 2; elementsToShow = $(".testimonial").get().sort( function() { return Math.round(Math.random())-0.5 } ).slice(0,howManyToShow); $(elementsToShow).css('display', 'block'); </script> </section> <section class="planCall col2"> <ul class="footerList vertical"> <li> <a rel="nofollow" title="Lycos Subscription Agreement" href="">Subscription Agreement</a> </li><li> <a rel="nofollow" title="Lycos Network Legal" href="">Terms of Service</a> </li><li> <a rel="nofollow" title="Lycos Privacy Policy" href="">Privacy</a> </li> </ul> </section> </div> </div> <!-- <section class="outro"> <div class="container txt_center"> <a href="/bin/membership/pref_link?to=buy&amp;plan=free&amp;" class="btn green rounded freeSignupBtn" title="Build your free tripod website today">Get Started For Free!</a> </div> </section> --> <footer class="baseFooter"> <section class="container overflow"> <!-- Testing --> <!-- Testing --> <!-- this only displays if it's NOT the home page --> </section><!-- end container --> <ul class="footerList container"> <li><a href="" title="Tripod Features">Features</a></li> <li><a href="" title="Plan Pricing">Pricing</a></li> <li><a href=";task=knowledge" title="Tripod Knowledge Base">Help</a></li> <li><a href="" title="See featured Tripod Member sites">Member Sites</a></li> <li><a href="" title="Tripod Help">Quick Tips</a></li> <li><a href="" title="About Tripod">About</a></li> </ul> <!-- LIVE SUPPORT IF/ELSE --> <!-- SITE-WIDE FOOTER: COPYRIGHT, LEGAL, ETC, SOCIAL --> <section class="bookEnd"> <ul class="overflow bookEndCenter container"> <li> <script> (function(){ var copyright = new Date(); document.write( "&copy; " + copyright.getFullYear() ); })(); </script> <a title="Lycos Inc." href="">Lycos Inc</a>. 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