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id="main-content"></a> <div class="region region-content"> <div data-drupal-messages-fallback class="hidden"></div> <h1 class="page-header"> <span>CiNii Books - Metadata and API - CiNii Books OpenSearch for Authors</span> </h1> <article about="/en/cib/api/b_opensearch_auth" class="help full clearfix"> <div class="content"> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field--item"> <div class="section_of_content"> <h2>Contents</h2> <ul> <li><a href="#query">Query Specification</a></li> <li><a href="#response">Response Specification</a> <ul> <li><a href="#rss">RSS1.0 Response Format Specification</a></li> <li><a href="#atom">Atom1.0 Response Format Specification</a></li> <li><a href="#json-ld">JSON-LD Response Format Specification</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="#revision_history">Revision History</a></li> </ul> </div> <!--end of div.section_of_content--> <div class="section_of_content"> <a name="query" id="query" style="margin-top:-37px; padding-top:37px;"> </a> <h2>Query Specification</h2> <p>CiNii Books OpenSearch query for Authors is as follows.<br /> (parameter=value)&…&(parameter=value)</p> <p>Each parameter that comprises the query is as follows. Parameters other than this table is disregarded.</p> <table class="datatable" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <th align="center">No.</th> <th align="center">Item Name</th> <th align="center">Parameter Name</th> <th align="center">Availability of Boolean expression</th> <th align="center" colspan="2">Remarks</th> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>Author Name</td> <td>name</td> <td>Possible(AND)</td> <td>Partial match or exact match of Author Name ID. Required</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>Output format</td> <td>format</td> <td>Impossible</td> <td>atom:ATOM format (default), rss: RSS format, json: JSON-LD format, html:HTML format</td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td>Sort Order</td> <td>sortorder</td> <td>Impossible</td> <td>1: Sorts by relevance in descending order(default), 2: Sorts by name in ascending order of character code (A to Z), 3: Sorts by name in descending order of character code (Z to A), 4: Sorts by number of books with the lowest number at the top, 5: Sorts by number of books with the highest number at the top</td> </tr> <tr> <td >4</td> <td>Search Page Number</td> <td>p</td> <td>Impossible</td> <td>The first page is 1.</td> </tr> <tr> <td >5</td> <td>Number of outcome per one page</td> <td>count</td> <td>Impossible</td> <td>Default is 20</td> </tr> <tr> <td >6</td> <td>Application ID</td> <td>appid</td> <td>Impossible</td> <td>Required</td> </tr> </table> <ul> <li>In the fields which accept a Boolean expression, you can specify relation by <b>AND</b>, <b>OR</b>, <b>NOT</b>, operator (in capital letters) and parenthesis ("(", ")"). </li> <li>Between AND, OR, NOT and words, blank is required. When you put words without operator, a default relation (operator written with parenthesis in the table) is used.</li> </div> <!--end of div#section_of_content--> <div class="section_of_content"> <a name="response" id="response" style="margin-top:-37px; padding-top:37px;"> </a> <h2>Response Specification</h2> <p>You can choose the response format with query from RSS, Atom, JSON-LD and HTML.</p> <p>"Access-Control-Allow-Origin" is required on http header for response, and it is available to use asynchronous communication between cross domains.</p> <a name="rss" id="rss" style="margin-top:-37px; padding-top:37px;"> </a> <div class="subsection_of_content"> <h3>RSS1.0 Response Format Specification</h3> <table border="2"> <tr> <th rowspan="2">No.</th> <th colspan="6">Tag name</th> <th rowspan="2">Required</th> <th rowspan="2">Content</th> <th rowspan="2">Remarks</th> </tr> <tr> <th>First level</th> <th>Second level</th> <th>Third level</th> <th>Fourth level</th> <th>Fifth level</th> <th>Attribute</th> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>xml</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>Declare as XML document</td> <td><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="8">2</td> <td rowspan="8">rdf:RDF</td> <td rowspan="8"> </td> <td rowspan="8"> </td> <td rowspan="8"> </td> <td rowspan="8"> </td> <td> </td> <td rowspan="8">Required</td> <td rowspan="8">Document route element</td> <td>Language code of the response will appear at xml:lang attribute. Other attributes are as follows.</td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td><rdf:RDF</td> </tr> <tr> <td>xmlns</td> <td>xmlns=""</td> </tr> <tr> <td>xmlns:rdf</td> <td>xmlns:rdf=""</td> </tr> <tr> <td>xmlns:rdfs</td> <td>xmlns:rdfs=""</td> </tr> <tr> <td>xmlns:dc</td> <td>xmlns:dc=""</td> </tr> <tr> <td>xmlns:opensearch</td> <td>xmlns:opensearch=""</td> </tr> <tr> <td>xml:lang</td> <td>xml:lang=”ja”></td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> </td> <td>channel</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>rdf:about</td> <td>Required</td> <td>Requested URI</td> <td>This is a search request URI. URL-encorded query is output with "variable identifier=value" format. Connects with "&amp;" ,and "appid" will be removed from parameter.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>title</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>Title</td> <td>Concatenation with query to "CiNii Books Author -" .<br/>Example:<br/><title>CiNii Books Author - 大向</title></td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>description</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>Title</td> <td>Same as the above</td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>link</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>Requested URI</td> <td>This is a search request URI. URL-encorded query is output with "variable identifier=value" format. Connects with "&amp;", and "appid" will be removed from parameter.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>dc:date</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>Date when search was executed</td> <td>W3CDTF format</td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>opensearch:totalResults</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>Total search results</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>opensearch:startIndex</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>Start number</td> <td>Indicates from which record number among the search results the data is being described.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>opensearch:itemsPerPage</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>Results per page</td> <td>Indicates how many search results are included in the response.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>11</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>items</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>12</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>rdf:Seq</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>13</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>rdf:li</td> <td>rdf:resource</td> <td>Required</td> <td>URI of Bibliography Details Page</td> <td>Indicates how many search results are included in the response. Repeated at most until the number of opensearch:itemsPerPage.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>14</td> <td> </td> <td>item</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>rdf:about</td> <td>Required</td> <td>Author information</td> <td>Repeated at most until the number of opensearch:itemsPerPage. The permalink is described in rdf:about.<br/><item rdf:about=""></td> </tr> <tr> <td>15</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>title</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>Author name</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>16</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>link</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>URI of Author Details Page</td> <td>Indicates the permalink in Author details page.<br/><link></link></td> </tr> <tr> <td>17</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>rdfs:seeAlso</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>rdf:resource</td> <td>Required</td> <td>URI of Author RDF</td> <td>Indicates the URI of Author RDF (except parameter of appid)<br/><rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource="" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>18</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>description</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Author name transcription</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>19</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>dc:date</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>Date of update</td> <td>Date when the search was executed.</td> </tr> </table> </div> <!--end of div.subsection_of_content--> <div class="subsection_of_content"> <a name="atom" id="atom" style="margin-top:-37px; padding-top:37px;"> </a> <h3>Atom1.0 Response Format Specification</h3> <table border="2"> <tr> <td rowspan="2">No.</td> <td colspan="5">Tag name</td> <td rowspan="2">Required</td> <td rowspan="2">Content</td> <td rowspan="2">Remarks</td> </tr> <tr> <td>First level</td> <td>Second level</td> <td>Third level</td> <td>Fourth level</td> <td>Attribute</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>xml</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>Declare as XML document</td> <td><?xml version="1.0"encoding="UTF-8" ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="5">2</td> <td rowspan="5">feed</td> <td rowspan="5"> </td> <td rowspan="5"> </td> <td rowspan="5"> </td> <td> </td> <td rowspan="5">Required</td> <td rowspan="5">Document route element</td> <td>Language code of the response will appear at xml:lang attribute. Other attributes are as follows.</td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td><feed</td> </tr> <tr> <td>xmlns</td> <td>xmlns=""</td> </tr> <tr> <td>xmlns:opensearch</td> <td>xmlns:opensearch=""</td> </tr> <tr> <td>xml:lang</td> <td>xml:lang=”ja”></td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> </td> <td>title</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>Feed title</td> <td>Concatenation with query to "CiNii Books Author-".<br/>例:<br/><title>CiNii Books Author - 大向</title><</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> </td> <td>link</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>href</td> <td>Required</td> <td>Query URL</td> <td>URL of Equivalent search with HTML. URL-encorded query is output with "variable identifier=value" format. Connects with "&amp;" and "appid" will be removed from parameter.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> </td> <td>link</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>rel</td> <td>Required</td> <td>Relation with reference at linked page</td> <td>Fixed: "self"</td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>type</td> <td>Required</td> <td>MIME type of reference at linked page</td> <td>Fixed: "application/atom+xml"</td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>href</td> <td>Required</td> <td>Requested URI</td> <td>This is a search request URI. URL-encorded query is output with "variable identifier=value" format. Connects with "&amp;" and "appid" will be removed from parameter.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> </td> <td>id</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>Requested URI</td> <td>Same as the link element.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> </td> <td>updated</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>Date when search was executed</td> <td>W3CDTF format</td> </tr> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> </td> <td>opensearch:totalResults</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>Total search results</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>11</td> <td> </td> <td>opensearch:startIndex</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>Start number</td> <td>Indicates from which record number among the search results the data is being described.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>12</td> <td> </td> <td>opensearch:itemsPerPage</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>Results per page</td> <td>Indicates how many search results are included in the response.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>13</td> <td> </td> <td>entry</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Container that stores information on author search results.</td> <td>Repeated at most until the number of opensearch:itemsPerPage.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>14</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>title</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>Author name</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>15</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>link</td> <td> </td> <td>href</td> <td>Required</td> <td>URI of Author Details Page</td> <td>Indicates the permalink in Author details page.<br /><link href=""/></td> </tr> <tr> <td>16</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>link</td> <td> </td> <td>rel</td> <td>Required</td> <td>Relation with reference at linked page</td> <td>Fixed: "alternate"</td> </tr> <tr> <td>17</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>type</td> <td>Required</td> <td>MIME type of reference at linked page</td> <td>Fixed: "application/rdf+xml"</td> </tr> <tr> <td>18</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>href</td> <td>Required</td> <td>URI of Author RDF</td> <td>Indicates the URI of Author RDF (except parameter of appid)<br />href=""</td> </tr> <tr> <td>19</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>id</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>URI of Author Details Page</td> <td>Indicates the permalink in Author details page.<br /><id></id></td> </tr> <tr> <td>20</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>content</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Author name transcription</td> <td>Example:<br/><content type="text">オオムカイ, イッキ</content></td> </tr> <tr> <td>21</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>type</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Fixed: "text"</td> </tr> <tr> <td>22</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>updated</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>Date of update</td> <td>Date when search performed</td> </tr> </table> </div> <!--end of div.subsection_of_content--> <div class="subsection_of_content"> <a name="json-ld" id="json-ld" style="margin-top:-37px; padding-top:37px;"> </a> <h3>JSON-LD Response Format Specification</h3> <table border="2"> <tbody> <tr> <th rowspan="2">No.</th> <th colspan="5">Tag Name</th> <th rowspan="2">Type</th> <th rowspan="2">Required</th> <th rowspan="2">Contents</th> <th rowspan="2">Remarks</th> </tr> <tr> <th>First level</th> <th>Second level</th> <th>Third level</th> <th>Fourth level</th> <th>Fifth level</th> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>@context</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Object</td> <td>Required</td> <td>Document route element</td> <td>"@context": {<br/> "dc": "",<br/> "rdf": "",<br/> "opensearch": "",<br/> "rdfs": "",<br/> "@vocab": ""<br/> },</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> </td> <td>@vocab</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td> </td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> </td> <td>dc</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td> </td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> </td> <td>rdf</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td> </td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> </td> <td>opensearch</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td> </td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> </td> <td>rdfs</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td> </td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td>@id</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>Requested URI</td> <td>This is a search request URI. URL-encorded query is output with "variable identifier=value" format. "appid" will be removed from parameter.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td>@graph</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Array</td> <td>Required</td> <td> </td> <td>Element count of array is 1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> </td> <td>@id</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>Requested URI</td> <td>This is a search request URI. URL-encorded query is output with "variable identifier=value" format. "appid" will be removed from parameter.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> </td> <td>@type</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td> </td> <td>Fixed: "channel"</td> </tr> <tr> <td>11</td> <td> </td> <td>title</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>Title</td> <td>Concatenation with query to "CiNii Books Author"<br/>Example:<br/>"title":"CiNii Books Author - 大向",</td> </tr> <tr> <td>12</td> <td> </td> <td>description</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>Title</td> <td>Same as the above</td> </tr> <tr> <td>13</td> <td> </td> <td>link</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Object</td> <td>Required</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>14</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>@id</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>Requested URI</td> <td>This is a search request URI. URL-encorded query is output with "variable identifier=value" format. "appid" will be removed from parameter.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>15</td> <td> </td> <td>dc:date</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>Date when search was executed</td> <td>W3CDTF format</td> </tr> <tr> <td>16</td> <td> </td> <td>opensearch:totalResults</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>Total search results</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>17</td> <td> </td> <td>opensearch:startIndex</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>Start number</td> <td>Indicates from which record number among the search results the data is being described.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>18</td> <td> </td> <td>opensearch:itemsPerPage</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>Results per page</td> <td>Indicates how many search results are included in the response.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>19</td> <td> </td> <td>items</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Array</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>20</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>@id</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>URI of Author Details Page</td> <td>Indicates the permalink in Author Details Page</td> </tr> <tr> <td>21</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>@type</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td> </td> <td>Fixed: "item"</td> </tr> <tr> <td>22</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>title</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>Author name</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>23</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>link</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Object</td> <td>Required</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>24</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>@id</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>URI of Author Details Page</td> <td>Indicates the permalink in Author Details Page.<br/>"link": {"@id":""},</td> </tr> <tr> <td>25</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>rdfs:seeAlso</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Object</td> <td>Required</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>26</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>@id</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>URI of Author JSON-LD</td> <td>Indicate the URI of Author JSON-LD (except parameter of appid)<br/>"rdfs:seeAlso":{"@id":""},</td> </tr> <tr> <td>27</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>description</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Author name transcription</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>28</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>dc:date</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Required</td> <td>Date of update</td> <td>Date when search performed</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <!--end of div.subsection_of_content--> </div> <!--end of div.section_of_content--> <div class="section_of_content"> <a name="revision_history" id="revision_history" style="margin-top:-37px; padding-top:37px;"> </a> <h2>Revision History</h2> <p>You can check revision history of CiNii Articles JSON-LD API for Articles later April, 2013.</p> <h3>March 13, 2015</h3> <p>JSON-LD response format has been partly changed. The details are as follows;</p> <ul> <li>Type of "items" tag has changed from "Object" to "Array".</li> <li>"rdf:Seq" and "rdf:li" tags have not been used.</li> <li>CiNii Web APIs by JSON-LD has become official version.</li> </ul> <h3>October 11, 2013</h3> <ul> <li>JSON-LD Format (json) has added to output format for Query Specification.</li> <li>JSON-LD (Beta version) has added to Response Format Specification.</li> <li>It has been available to use asynchronous communication between cross domains.</li> </ul> </div> <!--end of div.section_of_content--></div> </div> </article> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> <!-- .wrap-content --> <footer class="footer" role="contentinfo"> <div class="container"> <div class="region region-footer"> <section id="block-footer-content" class="block block-fixed-block-content block-fixed-block-contentfooter-content clearfix"> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field--item"><div class="footer-linkblock ftb-help col-sm-4"> <h4 class="ft-heading">About NII Scholarly Services</h4> <ul class="ft-group list-unstyled"> <li><a href="/cinii/terms">Terms of use & Privacy Policy</a></li> <li><a href="">About NII</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="footer-linkblock ftb-service col-sm-8"> <h4 class="ft-heading">List of Services</h4> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6"> <ul class="ft-group list-unstyled"> <li><a href="">CiNii Research</a></li> <li><a href="">CiNii Articles</a></li> <li><a href="">CiNii Books</a></li> <li><a href="">CiNii Dissertations</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-sm-6"> <ul class="ft-group list-unstyled"> <li><a href="">KAKEN</a></li> <li><a href="">IRDB</a></li> <li><a href="">NII-REO</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </footer> </div> <script type="application/json" data-drupal-selector="drupal-settings-json">{"path":{"baseUrl":"\/","pathPrefix":"en\/","currentPath":"node\/65","currentPathIsAdmin":false,"isFront":false,"currentLanguage":"en"},"pluralDelimiter":"\u0003","suppressDeprecationErrors":true,"ajaxPageState":{"libraries":"eJxdyNEKgzAMRuEXquaRJNrYdcT-oYk6335ssA12c-B8MxAenY0MhkN6mr8SgEa1n0w3UaMVLTwt6EK578Y65sqKMvKdH6kARWXixnpFXZz-ISm3MuUOyzgbvW743LCib8kvD9loZpd0VDmd3h035F3lCb9URlM","theme":"bootstrap_help","theme_token":null},"ajaxTrustedUrl":{"form_action_p_pvdeGsVG5zNF_XLGPTvYSKCf43t8qZYSwcfZl2uzM":true},"google_analytics":{"account":"G-SNXQ8RHRV5","trackOutbound":true,"trackMailto":true,"trackTel":true,"trackDownload":true,"trackDownloadExtensions":"7z|aac|arc|arj|asf|asx|avi|bin|csv|doc(x|m)?|dot(x|m)?|exe|flv|gif|gz|gzip|hqx|jar|jpe?g|js|mp(2|3|4|e?g)|mov(ie)?|msi|msp|pdf|phps|png|ppt(x|m)?|pot(x|m)?|pps(x|m)?|ppam|sld(x|m)?|thmx|qtm?|ra(m|r)?|sea|sit|tar|tgz|torrent|txt|wav|wma|wmv|wpd|xls(x|m|b)?|xlt(x|m)|xlam|xml|z|zip"},"bootstrap":{"forms_has_error_value_toggle":1,"modal_animation":1,"modal_backdrop":"true","modal_focus_input":1,"modal_keyboard":1,"modal_select_text":1,"modal_show":1,"modal_size":"","popover_enabled":1,"popover_animation":1,"popover_auto_close":1,"popover_container":"body","popover_content":"","popover_delay":"0","popover_html":0,"popover_placement":"right","popover_selector":"","popover_title":"","popover_trigger":"click","tooltip_enabled":1,"tooltip_animation":1,"tooltip_container":"body","tooltip_delay":"0","tooltip_html":0,"tooltip_placement":"auto left","tooltip_selector":"","tooltip_trigger":"hover"},"lang_dropdown":{"lang-dropdown-form":{"key":"lang-dropdown-form"}},"user":{"uid":0,"permissionsHash":"636094ab1ca551064016f31d8c93b5cb3fbbe0c22ecc48538e2b81a3189606b8"}}</script> <script src="/sites/default/files/js/js_uydufnjA9EwmAbNKHwc2WFloXTpTOEFqGz8JhGYYP1M.js?scope=footer&delta=0&language=en&theme=bootstrap_help&include=eJxdyEsKgDAMBcALVXskiW0NldgXYvzdXlwI4nKGAZYyUCO5vKY18i_CCPjqRhoVir3YZxwQrxoSrMRsm5L0uZKAe5rpDEKNh2zQjKPFR92rboItN33JMeI"></script> <script src="" integrity="sha256-nuL8/2cJ5NDSSwnKD8VqreErSWHtnEP9E7AySL+1ev4=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script src="/sites/default/files/js/js_N8xMW_xOcpexNR2fYhwaiLpuW2JitC4bmImg0Y7_ouM.js?scope=footer&delta=2&language=en&theme=bootstrap_help&include=eJxdyEsKgDAMBcALVXskiW0NldgXYvzdXlwI4nKGAZYyUCO5vKY18i_CCPjqRhoVir3YZxwQrxoSrMRsm5L0uZKAe5rpDEKNh2zQjKPFR92rboItN33JMeI"></script> </body> </html>