The Voice UK accidentally axed all of its singers before the blind auditions - The Voice News - Reality TV - Digital Spy
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Voice UK accidentally axed all of its singers before the blind auditions</h1> <span class="author">By <a rel="author" href="/web/20150820233603/">Catriona Wightman</a></span> <time itemprop="dateCreated" datetime="2015-08-20:11:55 BST">Thursday, Aug 20 2015, 11:55 BST</time> </hgroup></div><div class="social-sharing"><div class="social-count channel heading"><span class="count js-share-count"></span><span class="js-share-label"></span></div> <button class="facebook" title="Share on Facebook" onclick="AWESM.share.facebook_share({'url':'','title': 'The Voice UK accidentally axed all of its singers before the blind auditions'})">Share on Facebook</button> <button class="twitter" title="Share on Twitter" onclick="AWESM.share.twitter({'url':'','text': 'The Voice UK accidentally axed all of its singers before the blind auditions'})">Share on Twitter</button> <button class="google" title="Share on Google+" onclick="AWESM.share.googleplus({'url':''})">Share on Google+</button></div> </header><div class="article_content"><div class="content"><em>The Voice UK</em> accidentally axed all of its singers before the blind auditions had even started.<br/><br/>According to <em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">The Sun</a></em>, the mother of all email errors on Monday led to 200 hopefuls believing they'd been dropped from the show after four rounds of meeting producers.<br/><br/><div id="articleimage" class=" centerimgfloat "><div class="image" style="width: 618px"> <img src="" alt=" on The Voice" width="618" height="412"/><div class="imgcaption imgcaption_large"><p>© BBC</p></div></div></div> <br/><strong><a href="/web/20150820233603/">8 reasons we're absolutely gutted Sir Tom Jones has left The Voice</a></strong><br/><br/>It apparently took hours before the BBC's IT employees realised the mistake and producers had to call the acts to tell them that they actually were still going to make it to the blind auditions.<br/><br/>"We can confirm this unfortunate incident was caused by a technical glitch and was rectified immediately," a spokesperson for the show said.<br/><br/><div id="articleimage" class=" centerimgfloat "><div class="image" style="width: 618px"> <img src="" alt="Sir Tom Jones on The Voice" width="618" height="646"/><div class="imgcaption imgcaption_large"><p>© BBC</p></div></div></div> <br/>The email nightmare comes just days after Sir Tom Jones called out <em>The Voice UK</em> for <a href="/web/20150820233603/">"substandard behaviour"</a> surrounding the way he was dropped from the series.<br/><br/>Boy George will <a href="/web/20150820233603/">take his place</a> on the coaching panel, while new <em>X Factor</em> judge Rita Ora is being replaced by Paloma Faith.<br/><br/><em>The Voice UK</em> will return in January 2016, and filming for the blind auditions will kick off next month.<div id="adtext"> <script>googletag.display('adtext');</script> </div><div class="padding-top-5 padding-bottom-5"><br/><a href="/web/20150820233603/" title="It could be an awkward first day on set for the singer..."><strong>Boy George dissed The Voice back in 2013: 'It's nothing to do with creativity or growing'</strong></a><br/><a href="/web/20150820233603/" title="Singer clearly didn't want to hurt Sir Tom."><strong>Boy George sounds off on Tom Jones's departure from The Voice UK: "The man is an absolute legend"</strong></a><br/><a href="/web/20150820233603/" title="Singer says he was dropped with "no consultation or conversation of any kind"."><strong>Tom Jones says he was only told of Voice UK departure yesterday: 'Sub-standard behaviour is disappointing'</strong></a><br/><a href="/web/20150820233603/" title=""I've yet to meet a man who won't laugh at a picture of cock and balls.""><strong>8 reasons we're absolutely gutted Sir Tom Jones has left The Voice</strong></a></div></div><div class="social-sharing"><div class="social-count channel heading"><span class="count js-share-count"></span><span 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But where's ginger emoji?" onclick="_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-29653245-1'],['_trackEvent', 'L2', 'click', '38\x20new\x20emoji\x20are\x20coming\x20your\x20way']);"> <span class="img"> <img src="" alt="Fist bump, bacon and selfie are among 38 new emoji being prepped for launch" width="141" height="106"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> 38 new emoji are coming your way </span> </span> </a></li><li> <a class="component" href="/web/20150820233603/" title="What do you mean we've got to wait another two weeks for more details?" onclick="_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-29653245-1'],['_trackEvent', 'L2', 'click', 'Samsung\x20teases\x20the\x20Gear\x20S2\x20smartwatch\x20again']);"> <span class="img"> <img src="" alt="Samsung has teased the Apple Watch-rivalling Gear S2 again ahead of next month's release" width="141" height="106"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Samsung teases the Gear S2 smartwatch again </span> </span> </a></li></ul></div> <a class="close_sub_nav" title="Close Sub Navigation">X</a></div></div></div> <script type="text/javascript">$;</script> <script type="text/javascript">var AWESM = AWESM || {}; AWESM.api_key = "d15b2a7162f168b3fae957a6a2e7abd24102104249a8c7ecdaa568a4c018cedb"; AWESM.shares = {}; // global shares object AWESM.addressbar = true; (function() { var js = document.createElement('script'); js.type = 'text/javascript'; js.async = true; js.src = '//' + AWESM.api_key + '&async=true'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(js,s); })();</script> <script>(function(){ var compiledTemplate0 = ''; var compiledTemplate1 = ''; var section = $('body').data('section'); window.NATIVEADS = window.NATIVEADS || {}; window.NATIVEADS.injectedAt = new Date().getTime(); window.NATIVEADS.onReady = function(ads) { ads.setPropertyID("NA-DIGICOM-11236127"); ads.setSecondaryPageURL("/polar/"); ads.logging.enable(); ads.insertPreview({ label: "Polar L2", unit: {"server":"dfp","id":"/3229/digitalspy.hdn" + googletag_slot_name,"size":"5x5","targets":{"polar":"lhs","SCTN":section}}, location: "#polar_l2 .component:eq(3)", infoText: "", infoButtonText: null, template: compiledTemplate0, onRender: function($element) { $; }, onFill: function(data) { }, onError: function(error) { } }); ads.injectCSS("", "head"); ads.insertPreview({ label: "Most Popular", unit: {"server":"dfp","id":"/3229/digitalspy.hdn" + googletag_slot_name,"size":"5x4","targets":{"polar":"rhs","SCTN":section}}, location: "#popular_tab_0 li:eq(8)", infoText: "", infoButtonText: null, template: compiledTemplate1, onRender: function($element) { $; }, onFill: function(data) { }, onError: function(error) { } }); ads.injectCSS("", "head"); ads.configureSecondaryPage({ binding: { sponsor: { link: "#sponsor-link", logo: "#sponsor-logo", name: "#sponsor-name" }, title: ".article_title", summary: "", content: ".article_content", author: "#article_author", pubDate: "#article_date", image: { href: "#article_image", caption: "#article_image_caption", credits: "" } }, onFill: function(data) { }, onRender: function() { }, onError: function(error) { }, track: function() { } }); }; /* This function represents a pre-compiled Handlebars template. 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