Re: [Ayatana] Lots of mockups, but what is the problem you're trying to solve?

<!-- MHonArc v2.6.18 --> <!--X-Subject: Re: [Ayatana] Lots of mockups, but what is the problem you're trying to solve? --> <!--X-From-R13: Xbfu Egenjoevqtr <ubylxavtugwbfuhnNtznvy.pbz> --> <!--X-Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2011 01:04:11 +0000 --> <!--X-Message-Id: CAOU=jNggfqBEYJVvaA&#45; --> <!--X-Content-Type: multipart/alternative --> <!--X-Reference: --> <!--X-Reference: --> <!--X-Reference: --> <!--X-Reference: CAN9Nghd26P9jXKKzUYPB01ytxFGHKNAs_ZRNffgrZE+YyT=&#45; --> <!--X-Head-End--> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title>Re: [Ayatana] Lots of mockups, but what is the problem you're trying to solve?</title> </head> <body> <!--X-Body-Begin--> <!--X-User-Header--> <!--X-User-Header-End--> <!--X-TopPNI--> <hr> [<a href="msg07173.html">Date Prev</a>][<a href="msg07175.html">Date Next</a>][<a href="msg07173.html">Thread Prev</a>][<a href="msg07151.html">Thread Next</a>][<a href="maillist.html#07174">Date Index</a>][<a href="threads.html#07174">Thread Index</a>] <!--X-TopPNI-End--> <!--X-MsgBody--> <!--X-Subject-Header-Begin--> <h1>Re: [Ayatana] Lots of mockups, but what is the problem you're trying to solve?</h1> <hr> <!--X-Subject-Header-End--> <!--X-Head-of-Message--> <ul> <li><em>To</em>: <a href="mailto:ayatana@DOMAIN.HIDDEN">ayatana@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</a></li> <li><em>Subject</em>: Re: [Ayatana] Lots of mockups, but what is the problem you're trying to solve?</li> <li><em>From</em>: Josh Strawbridge &lt;<a href="mailto:holyknightjoshua@DOMAIN.HIDDEN">holyknightjoshua@xxxxxxxxx</a>&gt;</li> <li><em>Date</em>: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 19:04:10 -0600</li> <li><em>Dkim-signature</em>: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=gamma; h=mime-version:in-reply-to:references:date:message-id:subject:from:to :content-type; bh=tII/B4wc7PJp2I4WSeU2lmYrc3/bKm01V9qFVLU2fIw=; b=jRZIQuJoc7bQSeq4PmqutaEt6PLN2pAj2pusAXiGZ7CRcJLvjh27DSOBM/Zf43jQ4f qgcsmJIj70frQw+BeA54vgHnE+kOPdchp1/jMvOvB2ikkzoxsF6pJVQ5CmQHEG5AgcjF pyeJY6dTkVHJ/EgysoWE4qtrD/Rm4c5ZQ58N8=</li> <li><em>In-reply-to</em>: &lt;;</li> <li><em>List-archive</em>: &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;</li> <li><em>List-help</em>: &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;</li> <li><em>List-id</em>: &lt;;</li> <li><em>List-owner</em>: &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;</li> <li><em>List-post</em>: &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;</li> <li><em>List-subscribe</em>: &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;</li> <li><em>List-unsubscribe</em>: &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;</li> <li><em>References</em>: &lt;<a href="msg07144.html"></a>&gt; &lt;<a href="msg07145.html"></a>&gt; &lt;<a href="msg07172.html"></a>&gt; &lt;;</li> </ul> <!--X-Head-of-Message-End--> <!--X-Head-Body-Sep-Begin--> <hr> <!--X-Head-Body-Sep-End--> <!--X-Body-of-Message--> <div>i also disagree with your first issue since i also use the dash for files but i do very much agree with the rest of it.</div><div>mouse use is still bad as far as dash use goes. &#xA0;it&#39;s pretty good with the keyboard though. super key, type what you&#39;re looking for and enter.</div> <div>i made a mock up a while ago (late june) that tried to address most of these issues. it kinda fell by the wayside though.</div><div><br></div><div>in my mockup there were still 4 clicks if you went through the apps lens for an app but much less mouse travel between the first 3 as there were and still is and it kept mouse movement to going in the same general direction between the first and third. instead of having to change directions.</div> <div><br> the front page of the dash i imagined to work in a way to that should minimize the times that you actually had to go through the app lens.</div><div>the idea was to put a pinned app section on the dash home for things you use but not enough to want on the launcher, <br> for things that you like but don&#39;t use enough that they would be frequently used&#xA0;or if you just don&#39;t want to use the launcher.&#xA0;</div><div><br></div><div>under that was supposed to be the most frequently used section but i stated that it shouldn&#39;t show things that are on your launcher or pinned section in the dash.</div> <div>so basically you got the apps on your launcher, your pinned apps, and the apps that were used the most outside of those&#xA0;available in either 1 click (launcher) or 2 for the stuff on the first page of the dash.</div><div> that alone should eliminate most forays into the apps lens.</div> <div>under that there was also a recent files section for easy access to whatever you might have been working on.</div><div><br></div><div>it also removed frequently used&#xA0;from the apps lens and turned the available for download category into a button&#xA0;at the bottom of the dash&#xA0;for the software center.</div> <div><br></div><div>if you want to see it here&#39;s the link&#xA0;<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>&#xA0; i may need to warn that it&#39;s a large image size at about 4000x3000 and does cover a bit more than just what&#39;s in the dash. &#xA0;there are also some polish for the launcher and a mockup for a unity config tool showing various options that people seemed to want at the time. &#xA0;also some additional mockups in the downloadable 7zip file for different panel arrangements and what it&#39;d be like if the app menu could be placed in the title bar of non-maximized windows.&#xA0;</div> <div><br></div>-- <br>Josh Strawbridge<br> <!--X-Body-of-Message-End--> <!--X-MsgBody-End--> <!--X-Follow-Ups--> <hr> <!--X-Follow-Ups-End--> <!--X-References--> <ul><li><strong>References</strong>: <ul> <li><strong><a name="07144" href="msg07144.html">[Ayatana] Lots of mockups, but what is the problem you're trying to solve?</a></strong> <ul><li><em>From:</em> Jo-Erlend Schinstad</li></ul></li> <li><strong><a name="07145" href="msg07145.html">Re: [Ayatana] Lots of mockups, but what is the problem you're trying to solve?</a></strong> <ul><li><em>From:</em> Tomasz Sa&#x142;aci&#x144;ski</li></ul></li> <li><strong><a name="07172" href="msg07172.html">Re: [Ayatana] Lots of mockups, but what is the problem you're trying to solve?</a></strong> <ul><li><em>From:</em> Chad M. Germann</li></ul></li> <li><strong><a name="07173" href="msg07173.html">Re: [Ayatana] Lots of mockups, but what is the problem you're trying to solve?</a></strong> <ul><li><em>From:</em> James Jenner</li></ul></li> </ul></li></ul> <!--X-References-End--> <!--X-BotPNI--> <ul> <li>Prev by Date: <strong><a href="msg07173.html">Re: [Ayatana] Lots of mockups, but what is the problem you're trying to solve?</a></strong> </li> <li>Next by Date: <strong><a href="msg07175.html">[Ayatana] The dash should display recent stuff.</a></strong> </li> <li>Previous by thread: <strong><a href="msg07173.html">Re: [Ayatana] Lots of mockups, but what is the problem you're trying to solve?</a></strong> </li> <li>Next by thread: <strong><a href="msg07151.html">Re: [Ayatana] Lots of mockups, but what is the problem you're trying to solve?</a></strong> </li> <li>Index(es): <ul> <li><a href="maillist.html#07174"><strong>Date</strong></a></li> <li><a href="threads.html#07174"><strong>Thread</strong></a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> <!--X-BotPNI-End--> <!--X-User-Footer--> <!--X-User-Footer-End--> </body> </html>

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