Managed firewall | Jisc

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enquiries contact:</p> <ul> <li class="c-contact-panel__contact-details-item"> <a class="c-contact-panel__contact-details-link" href="tel:03003002212"><i aria-hidden="true" class="fas fa-phone c-contact-panel__contact-details-link-icon"></i> <span class="c-contact-panel__contact-details-link-text">0300 300 2212</span></a> </li> <li class="c-contact-panel__contact-details-item"> <a class="c-contact-panel__contact-details-link" href="" itemprop="email"><i aria-hidden="true" class="fas fa-envelope c-contact-panel__contact-details-link-icon"></i> <span class="c-contact-panel__contact-details-link-text"></span></a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <!--/ .contact-panel --> </div> <!--/ .col --> </div> <!--/ .row --> <div class="row break-contact-panel article-full"> <div class="article-full__body"> <div class="product-service-body col span-9"> <div class="field field-type-text-long"> <h2>About</h2><p>Firewalls are fundamental to protecting your network, but keeping ahead of the current threats and abreast of best practice is time consuming. Having your firewall proactively maintained, patched and configured by cyber experts will help strengthen your security posture and keep your organisation safe.</p><p>Furthermore Jisc’s position as the operators of the <a href="">Janet Network</a> affords us the ability to view threats across all our connected community gaining earlier insights to support proactive mitigation.</p><p>In providing this service Jisc has brought together key strengths of two organisations; Jisc’s understanding of the sector as trusted advisors with the experience of a proven managed security service provider (MSSP) with a solid vendor relationship to deliver a quality, tailored and responsive service at scale.</p><h2>Features</h2><p>The solution is based on an on-premises CPE firewall, remotely managed as part of a Janet Network connected community by an operational management system. </p><p>Features include:</p><ul><li>Next generation firewalls that detect and prevent network-based threats</li><li>Firewalls are centrally managed by technical experts</li><li>Maintenance, patching and configuration of firewalls according to best practise</li><li>24/7 proactive mitigation</li><li>Rigorous change control process according to ITIL standards</li><li>Monthly allowance of customer instigated configuration change requests, with changes bought into effect according to an SLA and change control board appropriate to each request</li><li>Reports and dashboards to inform both IT managers and strategic leaders on their security posture</li></ul><h2>Benefits</h2><p>The solution is tailored to the needs of the Janet-connected community; <span class="lexicon-term has-tooltip" title="further education"><abbr title="further education">FE</abbr></span>, <span class="lexicon-term has-tooltip" title="higher education"><abbr title="higher education">HE</abbr></span>, research, sector bodies, public sector and charities.</p><p>Benefits include:</p><ul><li>Removes the need for the local management of firewall by IT staff</li><li>Utilises wide-ranging threat intelligence to protect customers</li><li>Advice on the most cost-effective firewall to fit organisational needs and need to scale</li><li>Reduces the financial and resource overheads for an organisation</li><li>Enhances security and helps to maintain business continuity</li></ul><h2>Core service offering</h2><p>The service offers two firewall solutions with one gold standard configuration. One is sized to meet the capacity and capabilities likely found in smaller organisations with 1 Gbits/s connectivity. The other is likely to match large organisations with 10 Gbits/s connectivity and above. Both options are available as single units or as a high availability pair working in active failover.</p><p>This managed service covers the maintenance of both the firewall hardware, the overall solution, its core configuration and mitigations. The service is built upon a configuration devised from firewall best practice and updated by the service as the threat landscape changes.</p><p>Customers can request service rule and configuration changes to tailor the service to meet their needs. See the section on customer change requests in the service description below</p><div class="signpost--highlight article-full__body" style="border: 2px solid #006938;"><p> <figure class="media media-element media--left file-default"> <div class="media__inner"> <img alt="Crown Commercial Service Supplier logo" style="width: 130px; height: 105px;" data-delta="4" typeof="foaf:Image" src="" title=""/> </div> </figure> </p><p>Jisc is a supplier on Crown Commercial Service’s G-Cloud framework. <a href="">Purchasing services through the framework</a> can offer significant savings.</p></div><h2>Service options</h2><h3>Additional setup options</h3><ul><li>The firewalls are available as single units or as a high availability pair working in active failover and failback. This not only avoids loss of availability due to faults, but also service down time caused by maintenance updates.</li><li>The service uses zero touch provisioning. However if the service onboarding is part of a more complex infrastructure delivery plan you may prefer to make use of an on-site installation option.</li></ul><h3>Additional mitigations packages</h3><p>In addition to the core configuration and its mitigation, some customers may want to take up additional mitigation options. The following options are available. Many rely on the customer’s LAN configuration and the network’s identity strategy being configured to support and make best use of the mitigation offered by each package.</p><p>Additional charges, licences, and professional service charges may be required for each package.</p><ul><li>User visibility &amp; control package</li><li>On demand remote access package</li><li>Always-on remote access package</li><li>Advanced reporting package</li><li>Site-2-site <span class="lexicon-term has-tooltip" title="virtual private network"><abbr title="virtual private network">VPN</abbr></span> package</li><li>Policy control package</li></ul><p>As the service evolves to address the changing threat landscape, additional configuration options may become part of the core configuration and its mitigation. Similarly over time, the additional mitigations packages may well change with new options being offered.</p><h2>Find out more</h2><p>Are you interested in exploring the benefits of managed firewall? Get in touch with your <a href="">relationship manager</a>.</p><section class="is-collapsible is-collapsible--blue user-created "><h3 class="cx_collapsibles__trigger"><a id="service-description" name="service-description"></a>Service level description</h3><div class="cx_collapsibles__target"><h3>Administration of services</h3><p>The service onboarding group administer the procedures for approval and commissioning of this service and are available during the business day on 01235 822308 or by emailing <a href=""></a><br/>The team are able to quote, fulfil your order, issue contracts and triggering invoicing.</p><h3>Eligibility and service prerequisites</h3><p>Organisations wishing to use the service must be connected to the Janet Network, typically through a Janet IP connection or a Janet Cloud connection. Eligibility for organisations wishing to connect to the Janet Network is covered in the <a href="">Janet Network Connection Policy</a>.</p><h3>Service on-boarding</h3><p>Following an initial discussion and capture of the customer’s requirements, led by your Jisc relationship manager, a quote can be issued and if acceptable to the customer an order placed. Once an order is placed service on-boarding will begin. Service on-boarding covers the agreement of the scope of works for the proposed solution, contracting and order fulfilment. Working with the customer to agree a suitable date the team will deploy the firewall solution to the customer site with the required configuration so that the firewall CPE can be bought under the management of the centralised operational management system.</p><h3>Target availability</h3><p>The target availability for the service is 99.9% (8 hours 45 minutes loss of availability per year).</p><p>This is the availability of the firewall to process and forward traffic such that there is no loss of service to the customer. This measurement would exclude the failure of a high-availability firewall, if the remaining firewall was still providing service. The measurement would also exclude any agreed scheduled upgrades, hardware replacements within SLA, or waiting on an action by the customer.</p><p>This measurement will be made available in the customer’s monthly reports for their service.</p><h3>Service delivery time</h3><p>On receipt of the signed service agreement and any other information that we may reasonably require from you the order will be placed with the operating partner. Installation will be arranged and notified by email once the operating partner has received the equipment subject to availability. The service will not commence until in the opinion of JSL adequate and satisfactory testing has been concluded. When we have received all necessary information from you, we will email you a target date when your service will commence, keeping you informed of any changes to this target date.  Once the service is configured and tested satisfactorily, we will confirm your actual service commencement date by email.</p><p>Cancellation of services will be implemented within 30 business days of our confirming the request unless the cancellation is prevented by reasons beyond our control.</p><h3>Service management</h3><p>Jisc provides support via our experienced service desk which acts as your first point of contact for any service-related issues or queries that you may have. Service desk support is provided between 07:00 and 23:59 Monday to Friday, excluding UK public holidays. </p><p>Outside of these hours call are managed by our operating partner for the service KHIPU who ensure customer incidents are recorded and on-call engineers are available to investigate urgent service effecting issues.</p><p>Jisc is a proven network and service management specialist with extensive experience of service management implementation, network operation, security and continual service improvement. All our operational processes are aligned with ITIL v3 and managed within our ISO 9001 QMS. Information assurance is provided through our ISO 27001 certification. The service is jointly operated by our operating partners KHIPU. KHIPU Networks is a fully certified company to the following quality standards:</p><ul><li>ISO9001 Quality Management</li><li>ISO27001 Security Management</li><li>ISO14001 Environmental Management</li><li>ISO45001 Occupational Health and Safety Standard</li><li>Cyber Essentials</li></ul><h3>Customer change requests</h3><p>The service can action bespoke configurations changes at the request of the customer. Each change will be categorised under the ITIL standard as ‘Normal’, ‘Standard’ or ‘Emergency’.<br/>Each change type has a Change Advisory Board (CAB) and SLA appropriate to the change type.</p><h4>‘Standard’ changes</h4><p>Configuration changes, which are agreed with Jisc in advance and as such are preauthorised, so do not require further CAB approval. They are changes, which are considered to have little to no risk associated and follow a documented process. Standard change requests need to be requested via support so they can be logged and tracked. The service team will only apply changes requested by designated authorised users pre supplied by the customer.</p><p>Request should be made by email.</p><p>Examples include (but not limited to):</p><ul><li>Adding, removing, or changing a new object to the existing policy (address object, user id, group ID, application or service)</li><li>Adding an exception (allow or block) to the URL profile.</li><li>Adding additional IP range for <span class="lexicon-term has-tooltip" title="virtual private network"><abbr title="virtual private network">VPN</abbr></span> users</li><li>Creating and scheduling report</li><li>Changing details of AD / Syslog / email servers</li><li>Add/change the description on the rule</li><li>Disable or deletion of rules not used for over 60 days</li><li>Optimise the existing rule – change it to App-ID rule based on traffic hits</li></ul><p>Requests logged will be responded to within 1 hour. Once details of the required change are confirmed, Standard Changes will be applied within 2 hours.</p><p>Allowance: 15 standard change requests per calendar month with the option of carrying forward up to 15 unused changes giving a theoretical maximum of 30 standard changes in a single month.</p><p>Acknowledgement and response: One hour acknowledgement and two hour response</p><h4>‘Normal’ changes</h4><p>Non-emergency proposed configuration changes, which need to be reviewed by change management so require approval by the CAB. Normal Changes need to be requested via support so they can be logged and tracked and require a change request form to be completed and approved by the customer. The service team will only apply proposed changes requested by designated authorised callers pre supplied by the customer.</p><p>Request should be made by email.</p><p>Examples include (but are not limited to):</p><ul><li>Add new Security Nat rule + necessary objects required</li><li>Add new admin user</li><li>Change authentication source for users/admins</li><li>Add new subnet, firewall interface, zone</li><li>Change network details, network interfaces/routing</li><li>Change management IP address of the firewall</li><li>Delete/disable rules not used for over 30 days</li></ul><p>Logged requests will be responded to within one hour. Normal change requests require customer authorisation. The service team will either help complete or complete the change request form to be submitted for authorisation. Once authorised, the service team will apply the change within two hours.</p><p>Allowance: 15 normal change requests per calendar month with the option of carrying forward up to 15 unused changes giving a theoretical maximum of 30 normal changes in a single month.</p><p>Acknowledgement and response: One hour acknowledgement and two hour response</p><h4>Short notice user requests to the IT manager</h4><p>It is likely that IT managers will on occasion receive short notice requests to block or allow specific URLs.  Such as an education resource that a tutor needs to give a class of students access to for use later that day or the next day (business days only).</p><p>The service team would review the change request to ensure it can be applied safely. If during the evaluation of a temporary change a potential issue is identified, such as concern about permitting access to a high-risk URL, then this will be raised with the IT manager. Provided there are no concerns, the change will be applied as a standard change and the customer updated.</p><p>Temporary changes will be treated as standard changes as they are authorised by the IT manager and do not require additional CAB approval. Once authorised by the IT manager the change will be applied within two hours.</p><p>Temporary changes will be reverted after two days, and the original request submitted as a normal change request for review by CAB. </p><h4>‘Emergency change’</h4><p>An urgent change that may present high risk if not addressed promptly, such as a security incident or is required to resolve a P1 type incident such as ‘network down’.</p><p>For emergency changes, it may be appropriate for the customer to give verbal approval to apply the change rather than wait for written approval, but this must be followed up with a retrospective written change control form via support.</p><p>The service team will only apply changes requested by designated authorised callers pre supplied by the customer.</p><p>Request can be made by telephone or else email, with retrospective confirmed via email.</p><p>Examples include:</p><ul><li>Stopping an active security incident</li><li>Something not working and multiple users affected, a change is required to fix the issue</li><li>Applying emergency patches to prevent imminent threat</li></ul><p>The service will not limit the number of emergency change requests if responding to active security incidents.</p><p>For other emergency change requests, an average of one emergency change request per month (i.e. 12 per annum). For example, to restore service where changes have been made elsewhere on the network resulting in a P1 type incident such as ‘network down’.</p><p>Emergency change requests which are required as a direct result of unscheduled changes elsewhere on the network, poor planning, or failure to act on recommendations may be chargeable.</p><p>Change requests can be placed by the customers but can also be advised and proposed by Jisc.</p><p>Service requests are managed 24x7x365.</p><p>If the change allowances are insufficient, the customer can pay to either increase their monthly limit or buy a block of additional changes, which are separate to the monthly allowance but will expire at the end of the contract. This flexible approach accommodates customers with a higher volume of project work or during busy periods when more changes are required.</p><h3>Fault management and escalation</h3><p>The Jisc managed firewall service will follow ITIL incident management process guidelines to log, assign and diagnose incidents and to restore service operation as quickly as possible with the minimum disruption, in line with the agreed hours of service.</p><p>Our support design can diagnose and resolve connectivity, routing and firewall issues for your organisation.</p><p>Our volume of incidents is not sufficiently large to warrant distinct priority levels. The timings below indicate the target time to respond to an incident.</p><h4>Service incident response targets</h4><p>Our response target is the same for all service incidents.<br/><br/>For urgent incidents: incidents involving service component failing or severely impaired, resulting in serious business-wide impact or multiple users/services impacted.</p><h4>Business hours</h4><p>JSD Help Desk<br/>0300 300 2212<br/><a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Monday-Friday:<br/>07:00-23:59<br/>Weekends:  09:00-19:00</p><p>Phone calls: answered in six rings<br/>Email/ticket requests: response within one hour</p><h4>Non-business hours</h4><p>Incident Management by KHIPU<br/>0345 272 0910<br/><br/>All incident outside of JSD hours<br/>Phone calls: answered by staff from our operating partner KHIPU<br/><br/>For urgent incidents:<br/>Issues must be reported by phone.<br/>Engineers will raise a ticket and begin investigations aiming to respond within one hour of the call.</p><p>Incidents are managed 24 x365.</p><p>Note: Incident resolution targets do not apply in cases where the incident is outside of Jisc’s control, e.g. local connectivity problems within a customer data centre, or where the customer is not on-site to affect incident resolution.</p><p>If you are experiencing an issue with the service and wish to escalate the issue, please contact us via the service desk details above.</p><h3>Firewall ownership</h3><p>The firewall, customer premises equipment (CPE) used to deliver this service, and the licenses used will remain the property of Jisc Services Limited.</p><h3>Customer responsibilities</h3><p>Organisations have the following responsibilities in relation to the service:</p><ul><li>They must provide accurate contact and payment details on managed firewall service registration.</li><li>They must follow designated procedures for logging incidents and change requests</li><li>They must provide all relevant site information as requested</li><li>They must provision and maintain their own internal network and facilities in order to utilise the service</li><li>They must provide suitable contact details of a representative from within their organisation</li><li>They must adhere to <a href="">our ‘reasonable care’ requirement for customer premises equipment (CPE) owned by Jisc</a></li><li>They must ensure that the Janet Network is used according to the <a href="">Acceptable Use Policy</a></li><li>They must ensure they understand and adhere to the <a href="">Janet security policy</a></li><li>They must adhere to the <a href="">Janet Network connection policy</a></li></ul><h3>Processing locations</h3><p>The managed firewall service is only available to UK customers who are connected to the Janet Network. All network and security operation functions and external connection locations are based in the UK.</p><h3>Information assurance</h3><p>Jisc is an ISO27001 certified organisation and will utilise, as required, appropriately certified management infrastructure, network connectivity, staff security clearance and processes to deliver the service.</p><h3>Price changes</h3><p>We have a standardised timeline for the rollout of pricing changes on existing live services. To our very best endeavours, we will issue price change notifications in January. Ahead of their application in the August invoicing of that same year. We understand that this better aligns with HE and FE budget setting cycles and gives a notification period which is more helpful to members. This will also exceed the three months’ notice stipulated in our terms.</p><p>Typically, service price change notifications will be issued via email to the relevant organisational contacts. We will not email you if are not affected by a price change; for example if the change does not apply to your service or sector.</p><h3>End of contract</h3><p>Customers will be notified as they approach the end of the initial term contract period to allow time to re-procure. The customer may cease use of the service at any time. There is a fixed fee, per service instance, for supported off-boarding from the service. </p><h3>Service off-boarding</h3><p>Service termination is defined as end of contract, without transfer of services to a new provider or customer function. In this case, on service termination Jisc will remove the firewall solution from the customer site.</p><p>Cancellation of services will be implemented within 30 business days of written notice, and confirmation of the request, unless the cancellation is prevented by reasons beyond our control.</p><p>The customer may cease use of the service at any time. There is a fixed fee, per service instance, for supported off-boarding from the service.  Supported off-boarding offers that the customer’s firewall configuration, held by the service, be made available to customer.</p></div></section> </div> </div> </div> </div> </header> <!--/ .service-header --> </div> <!--/ .l-centre-offset --> </div> <!--/ --> </div> <!--/ .inner.l-pull-left.featured --> <div class="inner l-pull-left"> <div class="l-centre-offset"> <aside class="article-full__related l-gutter--top"> </aside> </div> </div> <!--/ .t-products-and-services --> </section> </main><!--/page--> <footer role="contentinfo"> <div class="inner l-pull-left light l-gutter--top"> <div class="l-centre-offset row"> </div> <!--/ /-centre-offset.row --> <div class="l-centre-offset row"> </div> <!--/ /-centre-offset.row --> </div> <div class="inner l-pull-left medium"> <div class="l-centre-offset"> <div class="region region--4-up"> </div> </div> <!--/ .l-centre-offset.region --> </div> <!-- main site 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