ICDM 2025, Industrial Conference on Data Mining

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vertical-align:top; color:#666666;width:18.2981em; height:6.2379em;"> <iframe src=";width=230&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;connections=0&amp;stream=false&amp;header=false&amp;height=85" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:230px; height:85px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe> </div> </div> </div> <div id="content"> <div class="block containingfloat"> <div class="left noborder"> <h1>Checklist for the Authors</h1> <h2>First Submission</h2> <span style = "text-align:justify"> <p>All manuscripts must be prepared according to <a href="" onclick=",'_blank');return false"> LNCS requirements</a> and submitted electronically to the respective conference mangement systems by the deadline in PDF format. Please notice the maximal length of the relevant submission (oral, poster, industry or workshop submission).<p> <p>A paper will be included in the proceedings only if at least one author registers by the author registration deadline (for more Information look to <a href="important_dates.php">Important Dates</a>) and pay the registration fee.</p> <p>If you have any problem with the submission, please contact via email <a href=""></a>. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>Camera-Ready Paper Submission </h2> <p>Please read and follow carefully the steps below.</p> <ol> <li><b>Register for the conference and or the workshop under <a href="registration.php">Registraion</a> and pay the registration fee. </b> <br/>After registering, you get an email with the invoice and the payment details. After we received your money you get an email with the acknowlegdement of payment and the invitation letter, if you have requested it. </li> <li><b>Consider the deadlines for registration and paying of the registration fee for your submission type. For more Information look to <a href="important_dates.php">Important Dates</a></b></li> <li><b>Consider the deadline for sending the camera-ready papers of your submission type. For more Information look to <a href="important_dates.php">Important Dates</a></b></li> <li>Address all reviewer's remarks in the final version of your paper. Make ALL required corrections. If the reviewer has indicated that your paper needs language improvement, ask a native English speaker for help. </li> <li>Follow strictly the LNCS Format. Do not change the spacing between the rows or the font size to make your pages containing more rows. Follow also the format of the references and order the references in alphabetic order. </li> <li>Consider the maximal length of the relevant submission (oral, poster, industry or workshop submission). </li> <li><b>Submissions that ignore the reviewers' remarks, do not meet LNCS standard or are incomplete, may not be included in the proceedings. </b></li> <li>Prepare an entry for the proceedings index and running head for each author name. It should be a simple text file. It should be clear which of the authors' names are first names and which are last names (surnames). If the authors of the paper have more than one last name, we should know under which last name the author wishes to be listed in the author index. Please prepare a file (e.g. author2000.txt) in which the name of all authors are written in the following form:<br/> family name(s), first name(s) </li> <li>If an author has more than one accepted paper, his/her name should be written in both papers in the same way. </li> <li> Submit your electronic version of your camera-ready paper as zip-file through the relevant CMS-system or send the zip-file (e.g. to <a href=""></a>. To make it clear, name your crc-file as paper followed by paper number and zip it. In the subject write "Camera-ready paper "#paper id"". In the body of the message write the title of the paper and the paper ID number. <br/> <b>The zip-file must include:</b> <ul> <li>Word User: doc-file / docx- file and the final PDF-File</li> <li>All final Latex source files (with all the associated style files, special fonts and eps or bib files) and the final PDF-File</li> <li>Copyright Form</li> <li>text file for the author index </li> </ul> </li> <li>If you need a visa letter, please read the instructions for visa letter: <a href="visa.php">more Information</a></li> <ol> </span> </div> <div class="right"> <img class="pic" src="img/156_notiz.jpg" alt="mark &copy; Fotolia" title="mark"/> <img class="pic" src="img/156_marketing.jpg" alt="presentation &copy; Shutterstock" title="presentation"/> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>

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