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Software</li> </ul> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="why-fo-free"> <a data-modal="#why-fo-free" title="Why FO is free" href="#"> Why is FinancesOnline free <img src="" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1x, 2x" alt="Why FO is free" class="lazyload"> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div id="fo-category-tabs" class="page-category__tabs dynamic-tabs"> <div class="main-container"> <a class="page-category__tab active big-tab" href="/c/enterprise-social-networking/" data-target="#top20-tab" data-term="52" data-nojs="true" data-small-cat="true" > <h1>Best Enterprise Social Networking Software in 2024</h1> </a> <a class="page-category__tab " href="/c/enterprise-social-networking/?top10" data-target="#top10-tab" data-term="52">Product Comparisons</a> </div> </div> <div id="dynamic-tab-content"> <div id="cat-top20" class="page-category__tab-content"> <div id="category-top20" class="category category--white flex-order" data-cat="52"> <div id="category-what-is" class="main-container order-2 content-visibility"> <div class="category__sections no-border"> <h3><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--what-is"></span>What is Enterprise Social Networking Software?</h3> <p>Project team members can use enterprise social networking software to work closely together on group activities and tasks. The system can keep all users updated on the latest developments. The main advantage is you can store all project materials and files in a secure hub and share access to users as required. The software can help team members to communicate effectively and you can spot potential issues early and nip them in the bud. <a href="#" class="show-more-js">Show more</a><span class="show-more-hidden"> Enterprise social networking software is ideal for teams with members in multiple geographical locations as they can utilize the solution to communicate and collaborate seamlessly from wherever they are based. To know more about this type of software, we suggest you read about the top rated apps in this category, and pay special attention to the current front-runner <a href=''>Slack</a>. <a href="#" class="show-less-js">Show less</a></span></p> <h3 id="category-how"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--ranking"></span>How was this ranking made?</h3> <p>To come up with this ranking of best Enterprise Social Networking Software we have analyzed 119 popular tools currently present on the market, contrasting their features, ease-of-use, client service, available integrations and mobile device support with our patented <a href="/scoring-methodology/" title="Scoring Methodology">SmartScore<sup>TM</sup></a> rating algorithm. This list has been created by Nestor Gilbert, our SaaS authority dedicated to the Enterprise Social Networking Software category.</p> </div> </div> <div class="main-container order-1"> <div class="col col--75 col--sm"> <div class="cats-tabs tabs"> <div class="cats-tabs__content"> <div id="cats-0" class="cats-tabs__content-inner tabs-content active"> <div class="category__rank"> <div class="category__rank-head"> <h3>List of Top 12 Enterprise Social Networking Software</h3> <div class="category__rank-sort"> <a data-modal="#why-fo-free" title="Why FO is free" href="#"> <img src="" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1x, 2x" alt="Why FO is free" class="lazyload"> </a> Order by: <div class="category__rank-dd nice-dropdown" data-ajax="" data-term="52" data-size="small_business" data-count="12" data-taxonomy="category_apps"> <span>Sponsored</span> <ul> <li data-sort="sponsored">Sponsored</li> <li data-sort="score">Score</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div id="small_business_box"> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL3NsYWNrLyNjYXRlZ29yeT1lbnRlcnByaXNlLXNvY2lhbC1uZXR3b3JraW5n"> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Slack reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-15134" data-id="15134" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-15134">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="Slack"> <span>1. </span> Slack </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">9.3</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">96%</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>A communication software that unifies all your channels in one searchable and easily accessible online location. Completely mobile-ready, it supports real-time messaging, voice, and video calling, and allows file sharing and archiving within the platform. It also integrates with over 1,500 external apps, making it highly flexible.</p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL3lhbW1lci8jY2F0ZWdvcnk9ZW50ZXJwcmlzZS1zb2NpYWwtbmV0d29ya2luZw=="> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Yammer reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-27927" data-id="27927" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-27927">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="Yammer"> <span>2. </span> Yammer </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">9.1</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">93%</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>Yammer is a software tool that manages internal corporate communication and networks with external partners. Dubbed as the "Business Facebook" due to its intuitive and user-friendly interface that's similar to its counterpart. To maintain the exclusivity, only employees with an existing corporate email address can be allowed to register and join.</p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL2NsYXJpemVuLyNjYXRlZ29yeT1lbnRlcnByaXNlLXNvY2lhbC1uZXR3b3JraW5n"> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Clarizen reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-14599" data-id="14599" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-14599">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="Clarizen"> <span>3. </span> Clarizen </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">9.1</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">100%</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>A social collaboration and project management tool that improves team productivity. It facilitates efficient workflows, connecting social context with tasks and projects. Workflow automation also helps save time on administrative tasks and focus on high-value goals. Meanwhile, security features and user permissions minimize risks.</p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL3dvcmtwbGFjZS1ieS1mYWNlYm9vay8jY2F0ZWdvcnk9ZW50ZXJwcmlzZS1zb2NpYWwtbmV0d29ya2luZw=="> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Workplace by Facebook reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-112458" data-id="112458" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-112458">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="Workplace by Facebook"> <span>4. </span> Workplace by Facebook </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">9.0</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">92%</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>A private social network for businesses that leverages the interface of the most widely-used social media worldwide. With this, employees can create and join work and project groups, post announcements, share files and data, and organize corporate events.</p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL3ppbWJyYS8jY2F0ZWdvcnk9ZW50ZXJwcmlzZS1zb2NpYWwtbmV0d29ya2luZw=="> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Zimbra reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-30306" data-id="30306" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-30306">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="Zimbra"> <span>5. </span> Zimbra </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">8.8</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">99%</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>A software platform that lets you share files and folders securely and communicate with team members. It provides social tools that let users create blogs, microblogs, wikis, and forums. Zimbra also streamlines content creation and editing, with support for media galleries, video embedding, and tagging.</p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL3Ztd2FyZS1zb2NpYWxjYXN0LyNjYXRlZ29yeT1lbnRlcnByaXNlLXNvY2lhbC1uZXR3b3JraW5n"> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="93" height="48" class="lazyload" alt="VMware Socialcast reviews" data-src="" src="" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-27916" data-id="27916" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-27916">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="VMware Socialcast"> <span>6. </span> VMware Socialcast </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">8.8</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">99%</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>A virtualization and communication system that offers a set of social integration capabilities that help companies deliver social media benefits to business systems. The integration engine consists of three components: Reach integration tool, Community App Manager Solution, and a set of development REST APIs.</p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL3hveG9kYXktZW1wdWxzLyNjYXRlZ29yeT1lbnRlcnByaXNlLXNvY2lhbC1uZXR3b3JraW5n"> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Xoxoday Empuls reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-198281" data-id="198281" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-198281">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="Xoxoday Empuls"> <span>7. </span> Xoxoday Empuls </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">8.7</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">96%</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>A collaboration software that can help organizations manage worker participation and facilitate easier communication among teams. The platform comes with built-in features for group chats and personal messages, centralizing communication channels for easier information sharing and documentation. </p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL2V4by1wbGF0Zm9ybS8jY2F0ZWdvcnk9ZW50ZXJwcmlzZS1zb2NpYWwtbmV0d29ya2luZw=="> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="eXo Platform reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-15131" data-id="15131" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-15131">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="eXo Platform"> <span>8. </span> eXo Platform </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">8.6</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">N/A</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>An open-source social networking solution built as a collaboration tool. It features an intuitive UI and a social-media friendly design that lets you view and comment on posts, share docs, create groups, and more. With its tools uniquely integrated around a social layer, eXo generates spontaneous engagement among its users.</p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL3RhbGtzcGlyaXQvI2NhdGVnb3J5PWVudGVycHJpc2Utc29jaWFsLW5ldHdvcmtpbmc="> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="talkSpirit reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-51482" data-id="51482" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-51482">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="talkSpirit"> <span>9. </span> talkSpirit </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">8.5</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">N/A</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>talkSpirit is an enterprise-grade communication and social networking platform that connects all of your team members and departments in a modern collaborative environment. It simplifies communication and provides a venue to easily discuss ideas, share thoughts and solutions, and work together toward set goals</p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL2lnbG9vLXNvZnR3YXJlLyNjYXRlZ29yeT1lbnRlcnByaXNlLXNvY2lhbC1uZXR3b3JraW5n"> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Igloo Software reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-15132" data-id="15132" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-15132">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="Igloo Software"> <span>10. </span> Igloo Software </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">8.5</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">100%</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>A next-generation intranet that enables remote teams, departments, or business units to collaborate in a secure, digital workplace. Includes essential intranet features such as file sharing, team calendars, email, file manager, permissions, etc. Integrates with most business platforms and uses RESTful API for integration of other tools and apps. </p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL2libS1jb25uZWN0aW9ucy8jY2F0ZWdvcnk9ZW50ZXJwcmlzZS1zb2NpYWwtbmV0d29ya2luZw=="> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="93" height="48" class="lazyload" alt="IBM Connections reviews" data-src="" src="" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-27922" data-id="27922" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-27922">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="IBM Connections"> <span>11. </span> IBM Connections </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">8.2</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">99%</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>IBM Connections is a collaborative software that facilitates refined business interactions. As a hub for sharing ideas, it allows registered users to access corporate information. It encourages users to contribute to conversations and makes sure that a team's knowledge base is highly accessible and well-organized.</p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL2pvc3RsZS8jY2F0ZWdvcnk9ZW50ZXJwcmlzZS1zb2NpYWwtbmV0d29ya2luZw=="> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Jostle reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-39559" data-id="39559" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-39559">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="Jostle"> <span>12. </span> Jostle </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">8.2</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">95%</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>Jostle's intranet software makes it easy to inform and connect employees to get work done. It is easy to share news, align teams, recognize contributions, and invite participation.</p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-sort category__rank-sort--mobile-show"> <a data-modal="#why-fo-free" title="Why FO is free" href="#"> <img src="" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1x, 2x" alt="Why FO is free" class="lazyload"> </a> Order by: <div class="category__rank-dd nice-dropdown" data-ajax="" data-term="52" data-size="small_business" data-count="12" data-taxonomy="category_apps"> <span>Sponsored</span> <ul> <li data-sort="sponsored">Sponsored</li> <li data-sort="score">Score</li> <li data-sort="user-reviews">User Score</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="category__sidebar col col--25 col--sm content-visibility"> <div class="category__categories mini-hide"> <h4>Similar Categories:</h4> <p>In the event you didn't find just the solution you were looking for here's a list of various categories similar to Enterprise Social Networking Software that you might want to browse through:</p> <ul> <li><a href="/c/collaboration-software/" title="Collaboration Software">Collaboration Software</a><li><a href="/c/collaboration-tools/" title="Collaboration Tools">Collaboration Tools</a><li><a href="/c/document-management-systems/" title="Document Management Systems">Document Management Systems</a><li><a href="/c/collaboration-software/free/" title="Free Collaboration Software">Free Collaboration Software</a><li><a href="/c/collaboration-tools/free/" title="Free Collaboration Tools">Free Collaboration Tools</a><li><a href="/c/document-management-systems/free/" title="Free Document Management Systems">Free Document Management Systems</a><li><a href="/c/online-community-platforms/" title="Online Community Platforms">Online Community Platforms</a><li><a href="/c/online-document-management-systems/" title="Online Document Management Systems">Online Document Management Systems</a><li><a href="/c/productivity-suite/" title="Productivity Suite Software">Productivity Suite Software</a><li><a href="/c/project-collaboration-tools/" title="Project Collaboration Tools">Project Collaboration Tools</a><li><a href="/c/social-collaboration-tools/" title="Social Collaboration Tools">Social Collaboration Tools</a><li><a href="/c/web-collaboration-tools/" title="Web Collaboration Tools">Web Collaboration Tools</a> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="order-3 content-visibility"> <div class="main-container"> <div class="col col--75 col--sm"> <div class="category__content"> <img width="1000" height="483" src="" class="lazyload toc-img" alt="Enterprise Social Networking Software Guide" sizes="(max-width: 1000px) 100vw, 1000px" data-srcset=" 1000w, 300w, 768w, 93w" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="main-container"> <div class="col col--75 col--sm"> <h3 class="toc-header margin">Table of contents</h3> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="main-container"> <div class="col col--75 col--sm"> <div class="category__sections toggle"> <div class="article-section"> <div class="article-section__text"> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Enterprise social networking has given employees in the business world a whole new dimension, as it has inspired them to use a new skill for business purposes: social networking. The phenomenon has gone all the way from entertaining to irreplaceable, and has prescribed social media platforms with a new role to keep organizations and customers connected. This being said, Facebook and Twitter are no longer your after-work activities: they are the core of your online business processes.</span></p> </div> </div><div class="article-section"> <h3 id="what-is-enterprise-social-networking-software"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--default"></span>What Is Enterprise Social Networking Software?</h3> <div class="article-section__text"> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The process of introducing the best enterprise social networking tools in the office is gaining steam outside consumer space, and the rationale ought to be prescribed both for its internal and external connecting power. Internally, social tools enable employees to collaborate and get access to knowledge and materials, while externally it improves business connections both with customers and potential partners in the ecosystem. Eventually, every company will have to implement the best enterprise social networking tools for enterprises and SMBs in order to benefit from communication opportunities.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Enterprise Social Networking refers to taking advantage of social relations between people with similar business activities/interests. It is either an external business networking service which modifies companies’ intranets, or an integrated part of their classic communication and project management platforms.</span></p> </div> </div><div class="article-section"> <h3 id="how-to-choose-the-best-enterprise-social-networking-system"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--default"></span>How to Choose the Best Enterprise Social Networking System</h3> <div class="article-section__text"> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Regardless of whether you’re thinking to invest in such a system for the first time or to upgrade </span><span style="line-height: 1.5;">your current one, there will be a variety of amazing platforms to choose from. While having the right to choose is usually a good circumstance, it can be equally confusing for business owners who didn’t prepare to look for one. So, how should you prepare?</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The core of your preparation should be to consider the size of your company. Each platform out there caters to a different type of business, meaning that large international corporations can’t use one that is suitable for startups with less than 30 people. In addition, you should prepare a list of essential requirements and expectations, and settle for nothing less than a platform that can respond to them.</span></p> </div> </div><div class="article-section"> <h3 id="get-to-know-each-product-with-free-trial"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--free-trial"></span>Get to know each product with free trial</h3> <div class="article-section__text"> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">We recommend you start by registering for the free trial plans or demo offered by leading enterprise social networking software providers to get a chance to try out the features at no cost. This will help you to do a comparison and learn about the strengths and drawbacks of each individual software. Here is a list of the apps that have received impressive SmartScore rankings and Customer Satisfaction Rating in our enterprise social networking software reviews:</span> <a href="">Clarizen reviews</a>, <a href="">eXo Platform</a>, <a href="">Slack</a>, <a href="">Noodle Intranet</a>, <a href="">Zoho Connect</a>, and<a href=""> Igloo Software</a>.</p> </div> </div><div class="article-section"> <h3 id="targeted-businesses"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--targeted-businesses"></span>Targeted Businesses</h3> <div class="article-section__text"> <ul> <li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Small businesses use the software to help employees collaborate across locations and departments.</span></li> <li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Medium-sized companies connect, compete, and achieve using the solution.</span></li> <li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Large enterprises like DHL, Shell, Capgemini, and 7-Eleven are also major users of the software.</span></li> </ul> </div> </div><div class="article-section"> <h3 id="what-are-examples-of-enterprise-social-networking-software"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--examples"></span>What are Examples of Enterprise Social Networking Software?</h3> <div class="article-section__text"> <ul> <li><a href=""><b>Clarizen:</b></a> <span style="font-weight: 400;">Clarizen combines robust project management with quality social collaboration to enable your team to execute ideas productively.</span></li> <li><a href=""><b>eXo Platform:</b></a> <span style="font-weight: 400;">eXo Platform offers a wide range of collaboration tools integrated around a social layer.</span></li> <li><a href=""><b>Slack:</b></a> <span style="font-weight: 400;"> Slack is a messaging application that brings all your communication together in one place. It offers real-time messaging, search, and archiving for modern teams.</span></li> <li><a href=""><b>Zoho Connect:</b></a> <span style="font-weight: 400;">Zoho Connect offers an enterprise social network that enables users to connect with their colleagues and share ideas.</span></li> <li><a href=""><b>Igloo Software:</b></a><b> </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">Igloo Software provides a web-based intranet solution for small business that helps teams manage their projects, workflows, and resources.</span></li> <li><strong><a href="">Yammer:</a></strong> Yammer is an ESN software that is often described as “Facebook for businesses.” It helps manage both internal and external corporate communication via a social portal.</li> </ul> </div> </div><div class="article-section"> <h3 id="types-of-enterprise-social-networking-software"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--types"></span>Types of Enterprise Social Networking Software</h3> <div class="article-section__text"> <ul> <li><b>Enterprise microblogging</b><span style="font-weight: 400;"> – Users can start conversations, create polls, share news, files, and links, and view and reply to posts from colleagues.</span></li> <li><b>Mobile apps</b><span style="font-weight: 400;"> – Full-featured apps for Android, iOS, Windows Phone, and Blackberry with real-time updates and notifications.</span></li> <li><b>Instant messaging and group chat</b><span style="font-weight: 400;"> – You can chat 1-to-1 with a team member or group chat will all the project members at once.</span></li> <li><b>Blogs, Wikis, and Posts</b><span style="font-weight: 400;"> – You can create and collaboratively edit web pages using a WYSIWYG editor.</span></li> <li><b>Video conferencing – </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">You can</span> <span style="font-weight: 400;">participate</span> <span style="font-weight: 400;">in a video conference using your computer’s webcam and microphone.</span></li> </ul> </div> </div><div class="article-section"> <h3 id="key-features-of-enterprise-social-networking-software"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--key-features"></span>Key Features of Enterprise Social Networking Software</h3> <div class="article-section__text"> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The truth is that almost every company needs a different set of features depending on its scale or industry, but there is still something we could wrap up as being the ‘compulsory package’ for every business:</span></p> <p><b>Social Dashboards: </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">Dashboards are the cornerstone of your intranet communication, being the start up page from where you get to contact all team members, share files, and discuss different topics. The crisp interface organizes information in a comprehensive way, resembling a social newsfeed where you get to follow all updates that matter to you.</span></p> <p><b>The ‘People’ section: </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">This section plays the role of a contact book where information regarding internal/eternal parties of interest is synchronized straight from social networks. You will be able to see personal data, skills, history of social activities, group participation, and many other hints available to the social community.</span></p> <p><b>Content creation: </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">A good ESNS lets you create content on dot – an invaluable feature for teams that used to switch between channels to create pages and share spreadsheets. Information is visible and regularly updated, instead of staying hidden in private inboxes.</span></p> <p><b>Comments and tagging support: </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">To start, you should be able to follow tags and comments, and add one of yours straight from your ESN app. A search filter for capturing particular comments and tags could be even more handy.</span></p> <p><b>Integration and mobile-friendliness: </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">An ESNS has to function in harmony with your existing social infrastructure, meaning that you won’t have any trouble integrating it with your CRM, HR, ERP, or other system. Advanced platforms even offer out-of-the-box integrations, such as the one with or Microsoft SharePoint.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">At the same time, you have to look for a tool that can be accessed and used from multiple devices, in order to contact peers, share information, and follow updates wherever you are.</span></p> <p><b>Performance improvement features: </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">The presence and quality of these features depends on the creativity of developers, and it is exactly where ESNSs start being different from each other, and how they focus on a particular industry. Depending on the needs of your business, you can look for a program with multi-selection activities, idea voting, talent mentoring, local development support, etc.</span></p> </div> </div><div class="article-section"> <h3 id="benefits-of-enterprise-social-networking-software"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--benefits"></span>Benefits of Enterprise Social Networking Software</h3> <div class="article-section__text"> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">For the sake of truth, enterprise social networking software tools are not exactly affordable, and you have to use a large portion of your marketing budget to cover the expense of getting one. Still, if you sit down and re-evaluate the goals of your business, you will most probably conclude that using an ESNS with its full potential is a good fit for your growth, profitability, and quality relationships. What we’re trying to say here is that a good ESNS is more likely to save your money, than to waste it.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Our detailed comparisons reveal the following compelling benefits:</span></p> <p><b>Cost-effectiveness: </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">As we already pointed out, an enterprise social networking system is supposed to be cost effective. There will be a certain portion of your budget that has to be invested in the tool, but the tool itself will open an endless sea of possibilities to enhance your relationships: instead of wandering across platforms to see who contacted you or where you’ve been mentioned, you’ll have a virtual organizer to take the workload off your shoulder.</span></p> <p><b>Developing optimization: </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">Social networks are growing and developing, and so is your need to keep up with latest trends and obtain competitive advantage. It is an area where you’re just not allowed to relax, and where thereof ESNSs become the most handy.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As a business holder nowadays, you’re not only supposed to respond to customers’ </span><span style="line-height: 1.5;">expectations, but to exceed them repeatedly. The entire machinery of developing social networks, competing companies, and eager-to-know customers shapes the more and more demanding list of optimization expectations. Being completely honest, your role has nothing to do with creating trends any more – you need to learn how to be influential in the market.</span></p> <p><b>A whole new level of customer support: </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">Social networking software is usually packed with well-built and fine-tuned support, meaning that you get to consult experienced and knowledge-loaded professionals when building a social networking strategy. In fact, the best among them will stay agile and anticipate issues to contact you when necessary. Reaching out to them should be as simple as possible, such as live chat or a 24/7 phone line.</span></p> <p><b>Improved relationship with customers: </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">As you already know from personal experience, the mere fact of being there and providing services on multiple platforms can do miracles for your reputation and trustworthiness. Customers find the experience of being able to contact you invaluable, and it is usually the fact that you’re featured on multiple locations that convinces them to use your services. Reaching out to the audience is good for building potential partnerships, attracting investors, and other parties that may be interested in what you’re doing.</span></p> <p><b>Improved internal communication: </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">Purchasing an internal communication system means providing employees with a full-featured collaboration platform where they won’t be distracted by out-of-schedule activities. As an admin, you will be able to monitor that communication and to discover critical issues before they even happen.</span></p> <p><b>A variety of great features: </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">ESNSs are robust with advanced features for managing your brand, most of them related to processing quality, improved productivity, reliability, and daily processes you need to take care of.</span></p> </div> </div><div class="article-section"> <h3 id="typical-pricing"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--examples"></span>Typical Pricing</h3> <div class="article-section__text"> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As we already indicated, ESN software are a meaningful investment, and just until recently businesses were required to spend tens of thousands each month to cover licensing fees. It was mostly because ESN software were available only on SaaS basis (and therefore hosted by the vendor). Nowadays, many producers have moved to the cloud and simplified plug-in connections and data storage, which has had an important role in lowering their head-spinning prices.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Licenses are usually associated with the number of users you want to include in the system, the same as the volume of social networking you’re planning to follow, the location, and the expectations of your business. Vendors usually offer monthly licenses, or an annual contract which can save costs in the long run.</span></p> <p>With bigger groups come bigger requirements. As such, ESNs typically offer an enterprise package that significantly costs more per person, but packs even more features than usual. This may include premium support lines so you can get priority help when trying to resolve issues, more stringent security protocols, backup services, and bigger storage allowances per user. To offset the costs, providers usually require a minimum number of users in order to qualify for enterprise packages.</p> </div> </div><div class="article-section"> <h3 id="potential-issues"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--potential-issues"></span>Potential Issues</h3> <div class="article-section__text"> <ul> <li><strong>Low engagement rates.</strong> Enterprise Social Networks may seem like the smart choice to keep communication lines open within the company, but implementing it often requires a lot of effort and requires change management intervention.</li> <li><strong>Transparency.</strong> While the goal is to promote collaboration by sharing ideas and files, there will always be information deemed too sensitive or confidential to share across the company. Consequently, some bosses or departments might find it hard to share information for fear of leakage.</li> <li><strong>Image perception.</strong> Some hardliners may find the idea of social media usage in an office setting as either too casual or even unprofessional and best left outside the office.</li> </ul> </div> </div><div class="article-section"> <h3 id="the-bottom-line"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--benefits"></span>The Bottom Line</h3> <div class="article-section__text"> <p>Over the past two decades, social media networks have exploded into the scene, and it would be hard to find actual areas that are not covered by this global phenomenon. Acknowledging the reach of social media, plus its ability to influence users all over, business have not only advertised heavily in this medium, but invested in creating their own closed network for their own corporate needs.</p> <p>Businesses, notably the larger ones, accept that staying connected is a requirement to maintain the lines of communication among employees. Replicating the success of Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites in a corporate environment is a huge step toward keeping workers engaged, and ensuring that shoptalk remains within the shop. Big Brother isn’t watching you anymore, he’s chatting with you.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> <div class="category category--white order-5 content-visibility"> <div class="main-container"> <div class="category__content category__content--margin col col--75 col--sm"> <h3>List of Enterprise Social Networking Software Companies</h3> <div class="soft__list"> <div class="pull-right"> <p>Order by:</p> <div id="soft-dd" class="soft__list__dd" data-ajax="" data-term="52" data-count="15" data-taxonomy="category_apps"> <span>Newest</span> <ul> <li data-sort="newest">Newest</li> <li data-sort="score">Score</li> <li data-sort="user-reviews">User Score</li> </ul> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div id="soft-table" class="soft__table"> <div class="soft__head"> <div class="col col--33 s-name"> Product name: </div> <div class="col col--20 s-cat"> Category: </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> Smart Score: </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> Price: </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> User Satisf. </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> User reviews: </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div id="soft-table-products"> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="Empuls" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Empuls reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>Empuls</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Enterprise Social Networking Software </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.9 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> $2.50 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 100% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>1 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="GreenOrbit" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="GreenOrbit reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>GreenOrbit</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Enterprise Social Networking Software </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.0 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> $6.50 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 96% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>0 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="Xoxoday Empuls" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Xoxoday Empuls reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>Xoxoday Empuls</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Enterprise Social Networking Software </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.7 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> $3 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 96% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>0 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="Troop Messenger" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Troop Messenger reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>Troop Messenger</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Enterprise Social Networking Software </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.0 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> $2.50 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 86% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> </span> <span>42 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="Workplace by Facebook" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Workplace by Facebook reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>Workplace by Facebook</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Enterprise Social Networking Software </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 9.0 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> free </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 92% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>34 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="Blink" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Blink reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>Blink</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Enterprise Social Networking Software </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.7 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> $1.87 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 98% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>0 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="Areitos" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Areitos reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>Areitos</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Enterprise Social Networking Software </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.0 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> By quote </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 67% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>0 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="Creative Social Intranet" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Creative Social Intranet reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>Creative Social Intranet</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Enterprise Social Networking Software </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.0 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> by quote </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 96% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>1 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="QuickReviewer" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="QuickReviewer reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>QuickReviewer</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Enterprise Social Networking Software </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.0 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> $10 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> - </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>0 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="Passageways OnSemble" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Passageways OnSemble reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>Passageways OnSemble</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Enterprise Social Networking Software </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 6.9 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> by quote </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> - </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>0 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="Directorpoint" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Directorpoint reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>Directorpoint</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Enterprise Social Networking Software </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.0 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> $15 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 100% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>0 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="Klasmic" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" class="lazyload" alt="Klasmic reviews" data-src="" src="" /> </div> <p>Klasmic</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Enterprise Social Networking Software </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.0 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> $5 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 100% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>0 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="talkSpirit" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="talkSpirit reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>talkSpirit</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Enterprise Social Networking Software </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.5 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> €3 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> - </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>0 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt=" reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p></p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Enterprise Social Networking Software </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.0 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> by quote </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> - </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>0 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="XWiki" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="XWiki reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>XWiki</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Enterprise Social Networking Software </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.0 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> €10 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 98% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> </span> <span>4 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="pagination" class="fot-pagination"><div class="fot-pagination__inner"><span class="mini-hide">Page 1 of 4</span><span class="fot-pagination__item fot-pagination__item--disabled">1</span><a class="fot-pagination__item" href="?page=2">2</a><a class="fot-pagination__item" href="?page=3">3</a><a class="fot-pagination__item" href="?page=4">4</a><a class="fot-pagination__item fot-pagination__item--last" href="?page=4">Last »</a><div class="clearfix"></div></div></div> <h3>Things to consider when you invest in a SaaS</h3> <p>To pick a suitable SaaS system for your organization, start by asking the following questions:</p> <p>· Is this cloud platform the best product—economically and features-wise?<br /> · Will it be uncomplicated to do long-term business with the cloud vendor?<br /> · Is the app easy to use and does it simplify technology?<br /> · Can the platform help your organization to manage compliance, security, and operational risks?</p> <p>Find out if other firms have successfully deployed the software. Get proof about the vendor being able to provide the desired business value and ROI. Read case studies to learn about the user experiences of other customers. Get references from the vendor and find out about the caliber of the software and service provided.</p> <p>Another important factor to consider is the free trial. Before you make such a critical decision and shell out your hard-earned money, be certain if the software actually fits your requirements. You can do this by registering for the free trial and checking out the system’s tools. Also, find out if the vendor can help you to pilot the solution. You may need to pay for the implementation of the pilot, but the fee is worth it as it will give you results and proof points to consider before you make an important investment. </p> <div class="fot-faq"> <h3><span class="icon icon--faq"></span>Frequently asked questions about Enterprise Social Networking Software</h3> <div class="fot-faq__item"> <a href="#">What is the best enterprise social networking software? <span class="icon icon--arrow-down"></span></a> <div class="fot-faq__answer" id="faq-q1"> <p><a href="">Slack</a> proved to be the best social networking software among the programs we reviewed. The combination of chat, voice call, video conference, and file sharing made it easier to collaborate with team members in a single channel.</p> <p>As Slack integrates with over a thousand applications, it extends the functionality of your existing software and makes your tools even more productive.</p> <p>Available in Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and as a web-based app, Slack helps keep you connected to your team no matter what location you’re at.</p> </div> </div> <div class="fot-faq__item"> <a href="#">What are the benefits of enterprise social networking software? <span class="icon icon--arrow-down"></span></a> <div class="fot-faq__answer" id="faq-q2"> <p><b>Cost-effectiveness: </b>It may take some investment to implement an enterprise social networking system. However, the payoff, in terms of enhancing communication and collaboration within your organization is too good of an opportunity to pass up.</p> <p><b>Developing optimization: </b>Social networks are here to stay and keeping up with the latest trends is a must. Maintaining an ESN to keep your employees up-to-date makes them better equipped to deal with the competition.</p> <p><b>A whole new level of customer support: </b>Social networking software is usually packed with well-built and fine-tuned support, including access to well-informed customer support. Reaching out for assistance should be as convenient, like live chat or a 24/7 support line.</p> <p><b>Improved relationship with customers: </b>Being accessible to customers is invaluable, and can be the difference between a loyal one and a former one.</p> <p><b>Improved internal communication: </b>An internal communication system centralizes work discussions in an environment where they won’t be distracted by external noise. Administrators can also monitor channels and spot critical issues before they blow up.</p> <p><b>A variety of great features: </b>Enterprise social networking software are equipped to help manage your brand and accomplish tasks that enhance quality, productivity, and reliability.</p> </div> </div> <div class="fot-faq__item"> <a href="#">What are the features of enterprise social networking software? <span class="icon icon--arrow-down"></span></a> <div class="fot-faq__answer" id="faq-q3"> <p><b>Social Dashboards: </b>Dashboards organize information in a comprehensive way, resembling a social newsfeed where you get to follow all updates and view active members.</p> <p><b>The ‘People’ section: </b>This section, which displays information regarding internal/external parties of interest, is synchronized straight from social networks. This includes personal data, skills, history of social activities, group participation, and other relevant information.</p> <p><b>Content creation: </b>A good ESN tool lets you create content within the app. Information becomes visible and continually updated, as opposed to being ignored in private inboxes.</p> <p><b>Comments and tagging support: </b>Tags and comments let you follow topics and conversations. A built-in search filter for capturing particular comments and tags helps find content faster.</p> <p><b>Integration and mobile-friendliness: </b>An ESN platform has to work with existing social infrastructure. Meaning, you shouldn’t have any trouble integrating it with your CRM, HR, ERP, or other systems. Ideally, the ESN tool can be accessed and used from multiple devices.</p> <p><b>Performance improvement features: </b>Depending on your business needs, you can utilize a program with multi-selection activities, idea voting, talent mentoring, local development support, etc.</p> </div> </div> <div class="fot-faq__item"> <a href="#">What is an easy enterprise social networking software to use? <span class="icon icon--arrow-down"></span></a> <div class="fot-faq__answer" id="faq-q4"> <p><a href="">Slack</a> is ready to use upon installation and features a very intuitive interface that even novice users can follow. You can log in via web browsers or through apps available in Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android.</p> <p><a href="">Yammer</a> offers a Facebook-like interface that makes it easy even for novice users to start posting messages and images. This reduces the learning curve to almost negligible levels.</p> <p><a href="">Clarizen</a> is similarly very intuitive and looks like a typical social media account. However, the resemblance ends with the appearance, as Clarizen can be highly customized to fit your company’s needs.</p> </div> </div> <div class="fot-faq__item"> <a href="#">What is a good free enterprise social networking software? <span class="icon icon--arrow-down"></span></a> <div class="fot-faq__answer" id="faq-q5"> <p>While most of the enterprise social networking software reviewed have free trial versions, only <a href="">Workplace by Facebook</a> offers a totally free version. This includes communication features, live video streaming, voice and video calls, workplace and Work Chat apps, and unlimited media storage.</p> </div> </div> </div> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [ { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is the best enterprise social networking software? ", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "@id": "#faq-q1", "text": "<p><a href=\"\">Slack</a> proved to be the best social networking software among the programs we reviewed. The combination of chat, voice call,\u00a0 video conference, and file sharing made it easier to collaborate with team members in a single channel.</p>\n<p>As Slack integrates with over a thousand applications, it extends the functionality of your existing software and makes your tools even more productive.</p>\n<p>Available in Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and as a web-based app, Slack helps keep you connected to your team no matter what location you’re at.</p>\n" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What are the benefits of enterprise social networking software?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "@id": "#faq-q2", "text": "<p><b>Cost-effectiveness: </b>It may take some investment to implement an enterprise social networking system. However, the payoff, in terms of enhancing communication and collaboration within your organization is too good of an opportunity to pass up.</p>\n<p><b>Developing optimization:\u00a0</b>Social networks are here to stay and keeping up with the latest trends is a must. Maintaining an ESN to keep your employees up-to-date makes them better equipped to deal with the competition.</p>\n<p><b>A whole new level of customer support:\u00a0</b>Social networking software is usually packed with well-built and fine-tuned support, including access to well-informed customer support. Reaching out for assistance should be as convenient, like live chat or a 24/7 support line.</p>\n<p><b>Improved relationship with customers: </b>Being accessible to customers is invaluable, and can be the difference between a loyal one and a former one.</p>\n<p><b>Improved internal communication:\u00a0</b>An internal communication system centralizes work discussions in an environment where they won\u2019t be distracted by external noise. Administrators can also monitor channels and spot critical issues before they blow up.</p>\n<p><b>A variety of great features:\u00a0</b>Enterprise social networking software are equipped to help manage your brand and accomplish tasks that enhance quality, productivity, and reliability.</p>\n" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What are the features of enterprise social networking software?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "@id": "#faq-q3", "text": "<p><b>Social Dashboards:\u00a0</b>Dashboards organize information in a comprehensive way, resembling a social newsfeed where you get to follow all updates and view active members.</p>\n<p><b>The \u2018People\u2019 section:\u00a0</b>This section, which displays information regarding internal/external parties of interest, is synchronized straight from social networks. This includes personal data, skills, history of social activities, group participation, and other relevant information.</p>\n<p><b>Content creation:\u00a0</b>A good ESN tool lets you create content within the app. Information becomes visible and continually updated, as opposed to being ignored in private inboxes.</p>\n<p><b>Comments and tagging support: </b>Tags and comments let you follow topics and conversations. A built-in search filter for capturing particular comments and tags helps find content faster.</p>\n<p><b>Integration and mobile-friendliness:\u00a0</b>An ESN platform has to work with existing social infrastructure. Meaning, you shouldn’t have any trouble integrating it with your CRM, HR, ERP, or other systems. Ideally, the ESN tool can be accessed and used from multiple devices.</p>\n<p><b>Performance improvement features: </b>Depending on your business needs, you can utilize a program with multi-selection activities, idea voting, talent mentoring, local development support, etc.</p>\n" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is an easy enterprise social networking software to use? ", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "@id": "#faq-q4", "text": "<p><a href=\"\">Slack</a> is ready to use upon installation and features a very intuitive interface that even novice users can follow. You can log in via web browsers or through apps available in Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android.</p>\n<p><a href=\"\">Yammer</a> offers a Facebook-like interface that makes it easy even for novice users to start posting messages and images. This reduces the learning curve to almost negligible levels.</p>\n<p><a href=\"\">Clarizen</a> is similarly very intuitive and looks like a typical social media account. However, the resemblance ends with the appearance, as Clarizen can be highly customized to fit your company’s needs.</p>\n" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is a good free enterprise social networking software? ", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "@id": "#faq-q5", "text": "<p>While most of the enterprise social networking software reviewed have free trial versions, only <a href=\"\">Workplace by Facebook</a> offers a totally free version. This includes\u00a0communication features, live video streaming, voice and video calls, workplace and Work Chat apps, and unlimited media storage.</p>\n" } } ] }</script> <div class="category__author" style="display: flex;"> <div class="category__avatar"> <img src="" data-src="" alt="Nestor Gilbert" class="lazyload"> </div> <div class="category__author__desc"> <h4>By <a href="/author/nestor/" title="Nestor Gilbert">Nestor Gilbert</a></h4> <p>Nestor Gilbert is a senior B2B and SaaS analyst and a core contributor at FinancesOnline for over 5 years. With his experience in software development and extensive knowledge of SaaS management, he writes mostly about emerging B2B technologies and their impact on the current business landscape. However, he also provides in-depth reviews on a wide range of software solutions to help businesses find suitable options for them. Through his work, he aims to help companies develop a more tech-forward approach to their operations and overcome their SaaS-related challenges.</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <p class="updated">Updated <time datetime="2024-11-16T20:57:44+00:00" title="2024-11-16T20:57:44+00:00">November 16, 2024</time></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Why FO Free Modal --> <div id="why-fo-free" class="fot-modal why-fo-free-modal"> <div class="fot-modal__close"><span></span><span></span></div> <h3> <img width="30" height="30" class="why_fo_free_modal_img" alt="Why is FinancesOnline free?" srcset=" 1x, 2x" src=""> Why is FinancesOnline free? </h3> <p>FinancesOnline is available for free for all business professionals interested in an efficient way to find top-notch SaaS solutions. 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