All Beverages articles | Packaging Europe

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id="columns" class="container"> <div id="colwrapper" class="inner-sleeve"> <div id="colmain" role="main"> <div id="content"> <div id="content_sleeve"> <div class="contentWrapper"> <div class="searchDetails"><h1>All Beverages articles</h1></div> <div class="listBlocks"> <ul> <li class=""> <a href="" class="image"> <img alt="MPE and EA" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width:767px) 100px, (max-width: 1179px) 220px, 280px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 172w, 220w, 280w" width="100" height="67" class="lazyloaded" /> </a> <div class="storyDetails"> <a href="" class="storyType">Article</a> <h3> <a href="">Report states ‘record’ 580,000 tonnes of aluminium recycled from beverage cans</a> </h3> <p class="meta"> <span class="date" data-date-timezone="{&quot;publishdate&quot;: &quot;2025-02-14T13:14:00Z&quot;}">2025-02-14T13:14:00Z</span> </p> <p>The latest report by Metal Packaging Europe and European Aluminium shows the overall recycling rate for aluminium beverage cans in the European Union, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Norway and Iceland was 74.6%, and despite a 1% drop, the total amount of aluminium recycled from cans has increased to a ‘record level’ of 580,000 tonnes.</p> </div> </li> <li class=""> <a href="" class="image"> <img alt="pe_alpla_openingthailand_480460" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width:767px) 100px, (max-width: 1179px) 220px, 280px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 172w, 220w, 280w" width="100" height="67" class="lazyloaded" /> </a> <div class="storyDetails"> <a href="" class="storyType">Article</a> <h3> <a href="">New ALPLA plant brings design, development, and production to Thai customers</a> </h3> <p class="meta"> <span class="date" data-date-timezone="{&quot;publishdate&quot;: &quot;2025-02-13T10:13:00Z&quot;}">2025-02-13T10:13:00Z</span> </p> <p>At its new plant in Thailand, ALPLA will collaborate with customers to design and develop packaging products, utilizing one-step injection stretch-blow and injection moulding to produce plastic bottles, preforms, matching closures, and more.</p> </div> </li> <li class=""> <a href="" class="image"> <img alt="PE_EU_Flag" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width:767px) 100px, (max-width: 1179px) 220px, 280px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 172w, 220w, 280w" width="100" height="67" class="lazyloaded" /> </a> <div class="storyDetails"> <a href="" class="storyType">Article</a> <h3> <a href="">Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation: the deadlines you need to know</a> </h3> <p class="meta"> <span class="date" data-date-timezone="{&quot;publishdate&quot;: &quot;2025-02-11T15:44:00Z&quot;}">2025-02-11T15:44:00Z</span> </p> <p>As the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation enters into force, we have compiled all its essential deadlines into one list, starting with this year’s expectations and looking all the way out to 2040.</p> </div> </li> <li class=""> <a href="" class="image"> <img alt="City to Sea" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width:767px) 100px, (max-width: 1179px) 220px, 280px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 172w, 220w, 280w" width="100" height="67" class="lazyloaded" /> </a> <div class="storyDetails"> <a href="" class="storyType">Article</a> <h3> <a href="">69% of consumers want legally binding reuse and refill targets, research suggests</a> </h3> <p class="meta"> <span class="date" data-date-timezone="{&quot;publishdate&quot;: &quot;2025-02-11T14:53:00Z&quot;}">2025-02-11T14:53:00Z</span> </p> <p>Research from environmental charity City to Sea suggests that 69% of UK consumers hold the government responsible for setting legally binding reuse and refill targets in order to tackle single-use packaging waste.</p> </div> </li> <li class=""> <a href="" class="image"> <img alt="PE_Trump (3)" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width:767px) 100px, (max-width: 1179px) 220px, 280px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 172w, 220w, 280w" width="100" height="67" class="lazyloaded" /> </a> <div class="storyDetails"> <a href="" class="storyType">Article</a> <h3> <a href="">Trump wages war on paper straws by rescinding federal plastics phase-out</a> </h3> <p class="meta"> <span class="date" data-date-timezone="{&quot;publishdate&quot;: &quot;2025-02-10T11:35:00Z&quot;}">2025-02-10T11:35:00Z</span> </p> <p>Donald Trump is overriding plans to phase out single-use plastics across the US federal government in retaliation to paper straws – but his “back to plastic” approach will exacerbate pollution and fails to consider alternative materials, critics claim.</p> </div> </li> <li class=""> <a href="" class="image"> <img alt="PE_Surrey_Pulpex" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width:767px) 100px, (max-width: 1179px) 220px, 280px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 172w, 220w, 280w" width="100" height="67" class="lazyloaded" /> </a> <div class="storyDetails"> <a href="" class="storyType">Article</a> <h3> <a href="">Project employs AI to correct imperfect barrier coatings for fibre-based bottles</a> </h3> <p class="meta"> <span class="date" data-date-timezone="{&quot;publishdate&quot;: &quot;2025-02-10T09:06:00Z&quot;}">2025-02-10T09:06:00Z</span> </p> <p>Pulpex and the University of Surrey are using AI-powered computer vision to identify and address imperfections while applying barrier coatings to fibre-based bottles for liquids – a move hoped to save energy and water while optimizing packaging performance.<strong> </strong></p> </div> </li> <li class=""> <a href="" class="image"> <img alt="InnoPET Blomax Series V" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width:767px) 100px, (max-width: 1179px) 220px, 280px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 172w, 220w, 280w" width="100" height="67" class="lazyloaded" /> </a> <div class="storyDetails"> <a href="" class="storyType">Article</a> <h3> <a href="">CCEP manufactures bottles using KHS’ stretch blow moulding technology</a> </h3> <p class="meta"> <span class="date" data-date-timezone="{&quot;publishdate&quot;: &quot;2025-02-05T13:24:00Z&quot;}">2025-02-05T13:24:00Z</span> </p> <p>Coca-Cola Europacific Partners (CCEP) has collaborated with KHS to manufacture bottles using the company’s stretch blow moulding technology and Double Gate heating concept in a bid to save energy, water and materials.</p> </div> </li> <li class=""> <a href="" class="image"> <img alt="Denali" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width:767px) 100px, (max-width: 1179px) 220px, 280px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 172w, 220w, 280w" width="100" height="67" class="lazyloaded" /> </a> <div class="storyDetails"> <a href="" class="storyType">Article</a> <h3> <a href="">Denali’s compost in ‘de-packable’ bags launches in Walmart stores</a> </h3> <p class="meta"> <span class="date" data-date-timezone="{&quot;publishdate&quot;: &quot;2025-02-04T14:00:00Z&quot;}">2025-02-04T14:00:00Z</span> </p> <p>Organic recycling company Denali has announced that ReCirculate –&nbsp;its compost product sold in bags that can be ‘de-packaged’ – is available for purchase at over 100 Walmart locations across eight southern states in the US.</p> </div> </li> <li class=""> <a href="" class="image"> <img alt="PE_Starbucks_Cup_Handwriting" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width:767px) 100px, (max-width: 1179px) 220px, 280px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 172w, 220w, 280w" width="100" height="67" class="lazyloaded" /> </a> <div class="storyDetails"> <a href="" class="storyType">Article</a> <h3> <a href="">Starbucks revives handwriting on to-go coffee and refillable ceramic cups</a> </h3> <p class="meta"> <span class="date" data-date-timezone="{&quot;publishdate&quot;: &quot;2025-02-03T08:28:00Z&quot;}">2025-02-03T08:28:00Z</span> </p> <p>Hoping to entice consumers back to stores and improve their on-site experience,&nbsp;Starbucks&nbsp;now allows baristas to handwrite messages on to-go coffee cups, serves ‘for here’ beverages in ceramic cups, and offers free refills in its cafés.</p> </div> </li> <li class=""> <a href="" class="image"> <img alt="Nissha and TetraPak" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width:767px) 100px, (max-width: 1179px) 220px, 280px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 172w, 220w, 280w" width="100" height="67" class="lazyloaded" /> </a> <div class="storyDetails"> <a href="" class="storyType">Article</a> <h3> <a href="">Nissha and Tetra Pak develop aseptic milk carton with paper-based barrier</a> </h3> <p class="meta"> <span class="date" data-date-timezone="{&quot;publishdate&quot;: &quot;2025-01-31T16:06:00Z&quot;}">2025-01-31T16:06:00Z</span> </p> <p>Nissha Metallizing Solutions (NMS) and Tetra Pak have collaborated to create an aseptic beverage carton with a paper-based barrier, featuring paper from FSC-certified sources.</p> </div> </li> <li class=""> <a href="" class="image"> <img alt="Sidel bottle base purple" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width:767px) 100px, (max-width: 1179px) 220px, 280px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 172w, 220w, 280w" width="100" height="67" class="lazyloaded" /> </a> <div class="storyDetails"> <a href="" class="storyType">Article</a> <h3> <a href="">Sidel seeks up to 20% blowing pressure reduction with new bottle base</a> </h3> <p class="meta"> <span class="date" data-date-timezone="{&quot;publishdate&quot;: &quot;2025-01-31T12:55:00Z&quot;}">2025-01-31T12:55:00Z</span> </p> <p>Sidel has unveiled its StarLITE-R STILL bottle base aiming to ensure reduced blowing pressure, 100% recycled PET (rPET) integration and high-speed production for water, juices, milk, and edible oil from 0.25L up to 2.5L.</p> </div> </li> <li class=""> <a href="" class="image"> <img alt="Dow 30.01.25" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width:767px) 100px, (max-width: 1179px) 220px, 280px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 172w, 220w, 280w" width="100" height="67" class="lazyloaded" /> </a> <div class="storyDetails"> <a href="" class="storyType">Article</a> <h3> <a href="">Dow, Brivaplast and TecnoGi collaborate on circular materials solution for luxury goods</a> </h3> <p class="meta"> <span class="date" data-date-timezone="{&quot;publishdate&quot;: &quot;2025-01-30T13:35:00Z&quot;}">2025-01-30T13:35:00Z</span> </p> <p>Dow has announced a collaboration with Brivaplast and TecnoGi to reprocess imperfect perfume caps for use in luxury footwear and leather goods, aiming to advance circularity by keeping high-quality materials in the loop for longer.</p> </div> </li> <li class=""> <a href="" class="image"> <img alt="16284_ppg_905708" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width:767px) 100px, (max-width: 1179px) 220px, 280px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 172w, 220w, 280w" width="100" height="67" class="lazyloaded" /> </a> <div class="storyDetails"> <a href="" class="storyType">Article</a> <h3> <a href="">PPG expands non-BPA HOBA coatings for aluminium bottles</a> </h3> <p class="meta"> <span class="date" data-date-timezone="{&quot;publishdate&quot;: &quot;2025-01-29T10:56:00Z&quot;}">2025-01-29T10:56:00Z</span> </p> <p>PPG has announced the expansion of its non-bisphenol A (BPA) HOBA internal coatings line with its PPG Hoba Pro 2848 coating, aiming to meet growing demand to package water, wine and other drinks in aluminum bottles.</p> </div> </li> <li class=""> <a href="" class="image"> <img alt="DS Smith 29.01.25" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width:767px) 100px, (max-width: 1179px) 220px, 280px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 172w, 220w, 280w" width="100" height="67" class="lazyloaded" /> </a> <div class="storyDetails"> <a href="" class="storyType">Article</a> <h3> <a href="">DS Smith teams up with V. Roubis for fibre-based e-commerce solution</a> </h3> <p class="meta"> <span class="date" data-date-timezone="{&quot;publishdate&quot;: &quot;2025-01-28T17:04:00Z&quot;}">2025-01-28T17:04:00Z</span> </p> <p>DS Smith has partnered with V. Roubis, creator of bfresh spitiko, to develop fibre-based e-commerce packaging for three sets of existing juice products produced in glass bottles.</p> </div> </li> <li class=""> <a href="" class="image"> <img alt="WeighPack Systems" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width:767px) 100px, (max-width: 1179px) 220px, 280px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 172w, 220w, 280w" width="100" height="67" class="lazyloaded" /> </a> <div class="storyDetails"> <a href="" class="storyType">Article</a> <h3> <a href="">WeighPack Systems seeks improved productivity with new pouch bagging machine</a> </h3> <p class="meta"> <span class="date" data-date-timezone="{&quot;publishdate&quot;: &quot;2025-01-27T15:45:00Z&quot;}">2025-01-27T15:45:00Z</span> </p> <p>WeighPack Systems has announced the release of its Swifty Bagger S-3600 Duplex Servo machine designed to maximize productivity, flexibility, and ease of use for pouch bagging.</p> </div> </li> <li class=""> <a href="" class="image"> <img alt="Borrow Cup" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width:767px) 100px, (max-width: 1179px) 220px, 280px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 172w, 220w, 280w" width="100" height="67" class="lazyloaded" /> </a> <div class="storyDetails"> <a href="" class="storyType">Article</a> <h3> <a href="">Major brands collaborate on returnable cup initiative in Glasgow</a> </h3> <p class="meta"> <span class="date" data-date-timezone="{&quot;publishdate&quot;: &quot;2025-01-27T12:28:00Z&quot;}">2025-01-27T12:28:00Z</span> </p> <p>The&nbsp;Borrow Cup&nbsp;project - a returnable cup initiative between multiple national brands - launches in Glasgow today, including&nbsp;Costa Coffee,&nbsp;Caffè Nero&nbsp;and&nbsp;Burger King UK and aiming to reduce the reported 388.7 million single-use cups used in Scotland each year.</p> </div> </li> <li class=""> <a href="" class="image"> <img alt="PE_Seda_EcoFit_Lid" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width:767px) 100px, (max-width: 1179px) 220px, 280px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 172w, 220w, 280w" width="100" height="67" class="lazyloaded" /> </a> <div class="storyDetails"> <a href="" class="storyType">Article</a> <h3> <a href="">Fibre-based drinks lid from Seda aspires for less plastic, water and CO2</a> </h3> <p class="meta"> <span class="date" data-date-timezone="{&quot;publishdate&quot;: &quot;2025-01-27T08:33:00Z&quot;}">2025-01-27T08:33:00Z</span> </p> <p>Seda International has revealed its fibre-based EcoFit Lid for hot and cold beverages, set to save CO2, water, and 400 tons of plastic for every 100 million lids.<strong> </strong></p> </div> </li> <li class=""> <a href="" class="image"> <img alt="ASDA and Podback" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width:767px) 100px, (max-width: 1179px) 220px, 280px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 172w, 220w, 280w" width="100" height="67" class="lazyloaded" /> </a> <div class="storyDetails"> <a href="" class="storyType">Article</a> <h3> <a href="">ASDA partners with Podback for in-store coffee pod recycling</a> </h3> <p class="meta"> <span class="date" data-date-timezone="{&quot;publishdate&quot;: &quot;2025-01-23T13:14:00Z&quot;}">2025-01-23T13:14:00Z</span> </p> <p>ASDA has partnered with coffee pod recycling service Podback to offer consumers the option to recycle their used coffee pods in over 600 of its stores.</p> </div> </li> <li class=""> <a href="" class="image"> <img alt="PE_PTI_DePoly" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width:767px) 100px, (max-width: 1179px) 220px, 280px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 172w, 220w, 280w" width="100" height="67" class="lazyloaded" /> </a> <div class="storyDetails"> <a href="" class="storyType">Article</a> <h3> <a href="">DePoly and PTI convert PET and polyester waste into food-contact rPET bottle</a> </h3> <p class="meta"> <span class="date" data-date-timezone="{&quot;publishdate&quot;: &quot;2025-01-23T09:04:00Z&quot;}">2025-01-23T09:04:00Z</span> </p> <p>Utilizing a ‘broad spectrum’ of PET and polyester feedstock, DePoly and Plastic Technologies Inc.&nbsp;have produced a ‘closed-loop’ recycled PET bottle suitable for food contact and long-term storage.</p> </div> </li> <li class=""> <a href="" class="image"> <img alt="Aarhus" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width:767px) 100px, (max-width: 1179px) 220px, 280px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 172w, 220w, 280w" width="100" height="67" class="lazyloaded" /> </a> <div class="storyDetails"> <a href="" class="storyType">Article</a> <h3> <a href="">Danish city reveals first year of data from reusable packaging pilot</a> </h3> <p class="meta"> <span class="date" data-date-timezone="{&quot;publishdate&quot;: &quot;2025-01-22T17:03:00Z&quot;}">2025-01-22T17:03:00Z</span> </p> <p>In January 2024, the city of Aarhus in Denmark launched a three-year pilot project for reusable takeaway packaging, seeking to establish a proof-of-concept to demonstrate the feasibility and benefits of shifting from single-use to reusable takeaway packaging, and the requirements for large scale development.</p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="paging"> <div 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