Vaduz Castle
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The castle itself is not open to visitors. </p> <div class="mt-[32px] flex md:flex-row flex-col gap-[16px]"> <div id="openxr" class="bg-white hover:bg-[#f0f0f0] transition-all text-[#1C1D22] text-bold cursor-pointer py-[14px] px-[24px] flex items-center justify-center md:justify-start wow fadeInUp" data-wow-delay=".5s" data-modal-target="modal3d"> <svg width="17" height="9" viewBox="0 0 17 9" fill="none" xmlns="" class="object-cover w-[24px] pr-[8px]"> <path d="M12.9168 0.1872L16.9344 4.2048V4.5792L12.9168 8.5824L11.7792 7.4448L14.0832 5.1408L13.0752 5.184L0.648 5.1984V3.5568H13.0752L14.04 3.6L11.7792 1.3392L12.9168 0.1872Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <p class="font-bold text-sm">Discover now</p> </div> <a href="#howItWorks" class="border-white hover:bg-[#f0f0f0] hover:border-[#f0f0f0] hover:text-[#1C1D22] transition-all text-white border text-bold cursor-pointer py-[14px] px-[24px] flex items-center justify-center md:justify-start wow fadeInUp cursor-pointer" data-wow-delay="1s"> 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2.10899 15.454C2.20487 15.6422 2.35785 15.7952 2.54601 15.8911C2.75992 16 3.03995 16 3.6 16H5.33726C5.58185 16 5.70414 16 5.81923 16.0277C5.92127 16.0522 6.01881 16.0926 6.10828 16.1474C6.2092 16.2093 6.29568 16.2957 6.46863 16.4687L9.63431 19.6344C10.0627 20.0627 10.2769 20.2769 10.4608 20.2914C10.6203 20.304 10.7763 20.2394 10.8802 20.1177C11 19.9774 11 19.6745 11 19.0687V4.93142C11 4.3256 11 4.0227 10.8802 3.88243C10.7763 3.76073 10.6203 3.69614 10.4608 3.7087C10.2769 3.72317 10.0627 3.93736 9.63432 4.36573Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Castle Popup Modal --> </section> <section id="activities" class="lg:max-w-[1080px] md:max-w-[944px] m-auto lg:py-[120px] py-[80px] px-[24px] md:px-0"> <p class="font-medium text-[#1C1D22] mb-[24px] font-medium text-sm wow fadeIn"> Activities </p> <h2 class="mb-[40px] text-[#1C1D22] text-[32px] md:text-[40px] font-medium md:max-w-[592px] leading-[120%] wow fadeIn"> Immerse yourself in the princely world of Liechtenstein </h2> <div class="grid md:grid-cols-2 lg:gap-x-[150px] md:gap-x-[140px] lg:gap-y-[16px] md:gap-y-[14px] gap-y-[52px]"> <div class="lg:mt-[104px] md:mt-[100px] wow fadeInLeft"> <img src="../assets/images/city-backstage.jpg" class="w-full md:h-[400px] object-cover mb-[32px] h-[360px] bg-right" alt="" /> <h3 class="text-[#1C1D22] leading-[125%] lg:text-[32px] text-[28px] text-[28px] font-medium"> Princely Theatre </h3> <p class="py-[16px] text-[#64748B]"> The old cinema in Vaduz offers you a cinematic insight into our country. You will learn about the history of the castle and the residence of the princely family and gain exclusive insights behind the scenes of Vaduz Castle. </p> <div class="flex gap-[24px]"> <div class="flex items-center"> <img src="../assets/images/marker.svg" class="object-fit w-[20px] h-[20px] mr-[8px]" alt="" /> <p class="text-[#475569] font-medium">Vaduz</p> </div> <div class="flex items-center"> <img src="../assets/images/clock.svg" class="object-fit w-[20px] h-[20px] mr-[8px]" alt="" /> <p class="text-[#475569] font-medium">20 minutes</p> </div> </div> <a href="" target="_blank" class="flex mt-[24px] text-[#28D2B0] items-center hover:text-[#198973] transition-all"> <svg width="19" height="10" viewBox="0 0 19 10" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M14.256 0.4L18.608 4.752V5.088L14.256 9.44L13.248 8.448L16.112 5.584L14.992 5.616L0.784 5.632V4.192H14.992L16.08 4.224L13.248 1.392L14.256 0.4Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <p class="font-medium ml-[8px]">Find Out More</p> </a> </div> <div class="wow fadeInRight"> <img src="../assets/images/treasure-chamber.jpg" class="w-full md:h-[400px] object-cover mb-[32px] h-[360px] bg-right" alt="" /> <h3 class="text-[#1C1D22] leading-[125%] lg:text-[32px] text-[28px] text-[28px] font-medium"> Liechtenstein TreasureChamber </h3> <p class="py-[16px] text-[#64748B]"> The Liechtenstein TreasureChamber in Vaduz is unique in the Alpine region and displays one-of-a-kind artefacts that are closely associated with Liechtenstein and cannot be found anywhere else in this form or in this compilation. </p> <div class="flex gap-[24px]"> <div class="flex items-center"> <img src="../assets/images/marker.svg" class="object-fit w-[20px] h-[20px] mr-[8px]" alt="" /> <p class="text-[#475569] font-medium">Vaduz</p> </div> <div class="flex items-center"> <img src="../assets/images/clock.svg" class="object-fit w-[20px] h-[20px] mr-[8px]" alt="" /> <p class="text-[#475569] font-medium">30 - 60 minutes</p> </div> </div> <a href="" target="_blank" class="flex mt-[24px] text-[#28D2B0] items-center hover:text-[#198973] transition-all"> <svg width="19" height="10" viewBox="0 0 19 10" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M14.256 0.4L18.608 4.752V5.088L14.256 9.44L13.248 8.448L16.112 5.584L14.992 5.616L0.784 5.632V4.192H14.992L16.08 4.224L13.248 1.392L14.256 0.4Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <p class="font-medium ml-[8px]">Find Out More</p> </a> </div> <div class="lg:mt-[104px] md:mt-[86px] wow fadeInLeft"> <img src="../assets/images/prince-winery.jpg" class="w-full md:h-[400px] object-cover mb-[32px] h-[360px] bg-right" alt="" /> <h3 class="text-[#1C1D22] leading-[125%] lg:text-[32px] text-[28px] text-[28px] font-medium"> The Prince of Liechtenstein Winery </h3> <p class="py-[16px] text-[#64748B]"> Experience the range of fine wines from the Prince of Liechtenstein's court winery. A tasting gives you a detailed insight into the world of princely wine and its history. </p> <div class="flex gap-[24px]"> <div class="flex items-center"> <img src="../assets/images/marker.svg" class="object-fit w-[20px] h-[20px] mr-[8px]" alt="" /> <p class="text-[#475569] font-medium">Vaduz</p> </div> <div class="flex items-center"> <img src="../assets/images/clock.svg" class="object-fit w-[20px] h-[20px] mr-[8px]" alt="" /> <p class="text-[#475569] font-medium">1 - 2 hours</p> </div> </div> <a href="" target="_blank" class="flex mt-[24px] text-[#28D2B0] items-center hover:text-[#198973] transition-all"> <svg width="19" height="10" viewBox="0 0 19 10" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M14.256 0.4L18.608 4.752V5.088L14.256 9.44L13.248 8.448L16.112 5.584L14.992 5.616L0.784 5.632V4.192H14.992L16.08 4.224L13.248 1.392L14.256 0.4Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <p class="font-medium ml-[8px]">Find Out More</p> </a> </div> <div class="wow fadeInRight"> <img src="../assets/images/princely-theatre.jpg" class="w-full md:h-[400px] object-cover mb-[32px] h-[360px] bg-right" alt="" /> <h3 class="text-[#1C1D22] leading-[125%] lg:text-[32px] text-[28px] text-[28px] font-medium"> City Backstage Tour Monarchy & Democracy </h3> <p class="py-[16px] text-[#64748B]"> Take a look behind the scenes of this small princely state. Between direct democracy and monarchy, this system is unique in the world and has been a model of success for 150 years. </p> <div class="flex gap-[24px]"> <div class="flex items-center"> <img src="../assets/images/marker.svg" class="object-fit w-[20px] h-[20px] mr-[8px]" alt="" /> <p class="text-[#475569] font-medium">Vaduz</p> </div> <div class="flex items-center"> <img src="../assets/images/clock.svg" class="object-fit w-[20px] h-[20px] mr-[8px]" alt="" /> <p class="text-[#475569] font-medium">2 hours</p> </div> </div> <a href="" target="_blank" class="flex mt-[24px] text-[#28D2B0] items-center hover:text-[#198973] transition-all"> <svg width="19" height="10" viewBox="0 0 19 10" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M14.256 0.4L18.608 4.752V5.088L14.256 9.44L13.248 8.448L16.112 5.584L14.992 5.616L0.784 5.632V4.192H14.992L16.08 4.224L13.248 1.392L14.256 0.4Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <p class="font-medium ml-[8px]">Find Out More</p> </a> </div> <div class="lg:mt-[104px] md:mt-[86px] wow fadeInLeft"> <img src="../assets/images/citytrain-1.jpg" class="w-full md:h-[400px] object-cover mb-[32px] h-[360px] bg-right" alt="" /> <h3 class="text-[#1C1D22] leading-[125%] lg:text-[32px] text-[28px] text-[28px] font-medium"> City Train – Princes & Treasures </h3> <p class="py-[16px] text-[#64748B]"> Enjoy a round trip on the Citytrain and then visit two museums with a guide and immerse yourself in the centuries-old history of the Princely House of Liechtenstein. </p> <div class="flex gap-[24px]"> <div class="flex items-center"> <img src="../assets/images/marker.svg" class="object-fit w-[20px] h-[20px] mr-[8px]" alt="" /> <p class="text-[#475569] font-medium">Vaduz</p> </div> <div class="flex items-center"> <img src="../assets/images/clock.svg" class="object-fit w-[20px] h-[20px] mr-[8px]" alt="" /> <p class="text-[#475569] font-medium">2 hours</p> </div> </div> <a href="" target="_blank" class="flex mt-[24px] text-[#28D2B0] items-center hover:text-[#198973] transition-all"> <svg width="19" height="10" viewBox="0 0 19 10" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M14.256 0.4L18.608 4.752V5.088L14.256 9.44L13.248 8.448L16.112 5.584L14.992 5.616L0.784 5.632V4.192H14.992L16.08 4.224L13.248 1.392L14.256 0.4Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <p class="font-medium ml-[8px]">Find Out More</p> </a> </div> <div class="wow fadeInRight"> <img src="../assets/images/citytrain-2.jpg" class="w-full md:h-[400px] object-cover mb-[32px] h-[360px] bg-right" alt="" /> <h3 class="text-[#1C1D22] leading-[125%] lg:text-[32px] text-[28px] text-[28px] font-medium"> Liechtenstein NationalMuseum </h3> <p class="py-[16px] text-[#64748B]"> At the Liechtenstein NationalMuseum, you can explore the diversity of the Principality. You will also gain an in-depth insight into the history of the Princely House. </p> <div class="flex gap-[24px]"> <div class="flex items-center"> <img src="../assets/images/marker.svg" class="object-fit w-[20px] h-[20px] mr-[8px]" alt="" /> <p class="text-[#475569] font-medium">Vaduz</p> </div> <div class="flex items-center"> <img src="../assets/images/clock.svg" class="object-fit w-[20px] h-[20px] mr-[8px]" alt="" /> <p class="text-[#475569] font-medium">1 - 2 hours</p> </div> </div> <a href="" target="_blank" class="flex mt-[24px] text-[#28D2B0] items-center hover:text-[#198973] transition-all"> <svg width="19" height="10" viewBox="0 0 19 10" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M14.256 0.4L18.608 4.752V5.088L14.256 9.44L13.248 8.448L16.112 5.584L14.992 5.616L0.784 5.632V4.192H14.992L16.08 4.224L13.248 1.392L14.256 0.4Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <p class="font-medium ml-[8px]">Find Out More</p> </a> </div> </div> </section> <section id="manual" class="overflow-hidden px-[24px] md:px-0"> <div class="lg:max-w-[1280px] md:max-w-[944px] m-auto grid grid-pics"> <div class="py-[60px] md:py-[80px] lg:py-[120px] md:pr-[40px] lg:pr-[80px] relative"> <div class="absolute bg-[#3A3E41] top-0 bottom-0 right-[-24px] md:right-0 left-[-500px]"></div> <div class="relative"> <p class="text-white text-[32px] md:text-[40px] leading-[120%] font-medium mb-[16px]"> The Princely Family <br /> and Vaduz Castle </p> <p class="text-white text-[18px] leading-[155%] "> The Princely House of Liechtenstein spans centuries of history and also gave the Principality of Liechtenstein its name. The House and family members are committed to the country and its people in a variety of ways. </p> <p class="text-white text-[18px] leading-[155%] mt-4"> Vaduz Castle towers around 120 metres above the capital city of Vaduz. It is the landmark of Liechtenstein's capital and can be seen from afar. </p> <div class="lg:mt-[48px] mt-[16px] flex flex-col md:flex-row gap-[16px]"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="bg-[#28D2B0] hover:bg-[#198973] transition-all text-white text-bold cursor-pointer py-[14px] px-[24px] flex items-center justify-center md:justify-start bg-[#28D2B0]"> <svg width="17" height="9" viewBox="0 0 17 9" fill="none" xmlns="" class="object-cover w-[26px] pr-[8px]"> <path d=" M12.558 0.431999L16.464 4.338V4.702L12.558 8.594L11.452 7.488L13.692 5.248L12.712 5.29L0.63 5.304V3.708H12.712L13.65 3.75L11.452 1.552L12.558 0.431999Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <p class="font-bold text-sm">More about Vaduz Castle</p> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="border-[#28D2B0] text-[#28D2B0] hover:border-[#198973] hover:bg-[#198973] hover:text-white transition-all border text-bold cursor-pointer py-[14px] px-[24px] flex items-center justify-center md:justify-start"> <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 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md:leading-[155%] wow fadeInUp"> <p class="h-[315.5px] md:h-auto"> One of the most interesting things is the rich history found in every corner of the castle. The views from the castle tower provide a spectacular panorama, while the rooms inside. </p> <p class="md:mt-[16px] lg:mt-[56px] text-base font-medium leading-[150%]"> Floyd Miles </p> </div> <div class="bg-[#F8F9FB] p-[24px] text-[#1C1D22] text-[18px] md:leading-[155%] wow fadeInUp" data-wow-delay=".3s"> <p class="h-[218px] md:h-auto"> While the rooms inside are filled with antique artefacts and furniture that bring to life the atmosphere of a bygone era. </p> <p class="md:mt-[16px] lg:mt-[56px] text-base font-medium leading-[150%]"> Floyd Miles </p> </div> <div class="bg-[#FDD360] p-[24px] text-[#1C1D22] text-[18px] md:leading-[155%] wow fadeInUp" data-wow-delay=".6s"> <p class="h-[259.5px] md:h-auto"> One of the most interesting things is the rich history found in every corner of the castle. The views from the castle tower provide a spectacular panorama, while the rooms inside. </p> <p class="md:mt-[16px] lg:mt-[56px] text-base font-medium leading-[150%]"> Floyd Miles </p> </div> <div class="bg-[#F8F9FB] p-[24px] text-[#1C1D22] text-[18px] md:leading-[155%] wow fadeInUp" data-wow-delay=".9s"> <p class="h-[218px] md:h-auto"> While the rooms inside are filled with antique artefacts and furniture that bring to life the atmosphere of a bygone era. </p> <p class="md:mt-[16px] lg:mt-[56px] text-base font-medium leading-[150%]"> Floyd Miles </p> </div> </div> <div class="border-t border-[#F1F5F9] lg:my-[56px] my-[40px]"></div> <div class="flex flex-col md:flex-row md:items-center text-left gap-[20px] md:gap-[80px]"> <p class="text-[#1C1D22] text-base text-center md:text-left lg:text-[20px] lg:leading-[180%] flex-1"> Not only that, the tour guides at this castle are very knowledgeable and enthusiastic. They provided in-depth information about the castle's history, interesting stories, and facts that made my visit even more meaningful. I can also feel the elegance and luxury of the noble lifestyle of that era. </p> <div class="text-center md:text-left text-[#1C1D22] font-medium md:leading-[150%] text-[18px] md:w-[114px] border-t border-[#E2E8F0] pt-[20px]"> Floyd Miles </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="py-[80px] border-t border-b border-[#E2E8F0] px-[24px] md:px-0 overflow-x-hidden"> <div class="md:max-w-[792px] mx-auto flex items-center md:justify-between flex-col md:flex-row gap-[64px]"> <div class="flex-1 text-center md:text-left"> <p class="text-[32px] md:text-[40px] text-[#1C1D22] font-medium leading-[120%] md:mb-[24px] mb-[20px]"> Experience the history and culture of Liechtenstein </p> <p class="text-[18px] text-[#1C1D22] leading-[155%] mb-[16px]"> Download the LIstory app for free: </p> <div class="flex md:gap-x-[16px] gap-x-[12px] justify-center md:justify-start"> <img id="apple" src="../assets/images/app-store.png" class="h-[42px] md:h-[48px] object-cover" /> <img id="android" src="../assets/images/google-play.png" class="h-[42px] md:h-[48px] object-cover" /> </div> </div> <img src="../assets/images/iphone.png" class="h-[308px] object-cover mr-[-120px] md:mr-[-156px] order-first md:order-none wow slideInRight" alt="" /> </div> </section> <section class="py-[80px] px-[24px] md:px-0"> <div class="lg:max-w-[1200px] md:max-w-[792px] mx-auto"> <div class="flex flex-col md:flex-row items-center gap-[64px]"> <div class="lg:w-[560px] w-[327px] md:w-[371px] h-[300px] lg:h-[394px] object-cover order-last md:order-none relative"> <img src="../assets/images/register-img1.jpg" class="wow fadeInDown absolute top-0 left-0 object-cover w-[198px] md:w-[225px] h-[222px] lg:w-[339px] lg:h-[292px]" alt=""> <img data-wow-delay=".3s" src="../assets/images/register-img2.jpg" class="wow fadeInUp absolute bottom-0 right-0 object-cover w-[198px] md:w-[225px] h-[222px] lg:w-[339px] lg:h-[292px]" alt=""> </div> <div class="flex-1 lg:pr-[24px]"> <p class="text-[40px] text-[#1C1D22] font-medium leading-[120%] mb-[16px]"> Stay up to date </p> <p class="text-[18px] text-[#1C1D22] leading-[155%] md:mb-[24px] md:h-[100px] mb-[16px] h-[100px] md:h-auto"> Get tips and information about our activities around Vaduz Castle and Liechtenstein. </p> <div class="flex flex-col md:flex-row"> <a href="" target="_blank" id="sendemail" class="bg-[#28D2B0] hover:bg-[#198973] transition-all text-white font-bold cursor-pointer h-[48px] grid place-content-center px-[24px] text-sm"> Register now </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <footer class="bg-[#3A3E41] px-[24px] md:px-0"> <div class="lg:max-w-[1200px] md:max-w-[944px] mx-auto"> <div class="md:py-[80px] lg:pt-[80px] md:pt-[64px] py-[48px] md:flex lg:gap-x-[100px] md:gap-x-[97px]"> <div class="flex-1"> <img src="../assets/images/logo.svg" class="h-[40px] object-cover mb-[40px]" alt="" /> <div class="flex gap-x-[12px]"> <a href="" target="_blank" title="LinkedIn"> <img src="../assets/images/linkedin.svg" class="object-cover w-[32px] h-[32px]" alt="" /> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Facebook"> <img src="../assets/images/facebook.svg" class="object-cover w-[32px] h-[32px]" alt="" /> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Twitter"> <img src="../assets/images/twitter-x.svg" class="object-cover w-[32px] h-[32px]" alt="" /> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Youtube"> <img src="../assets/images/youtube.svg" class="object-cover w-[32px] h-[32px]" alt="" /> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Instagram"> <img src="../assets/images/instagram.svg" class="object-cover w-[32px] h-[32px]" alt="" /> </a> </div> </div> <div class="mt-[48px] md:mt-0"> <p class="text-white font-bold mb-[16px]"> Liechtenstein Marketing </p> <ul class="list-none flex flex-col gap-y-[12px]"> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-white text-base"></a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-white text-base"></a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-white text-base">Liechtenstein Marketing</a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-white text-base">Media Portal</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="lg:mr-[100px] mt-[40px] md:mt-0"> <p class="text-white font-bold mb-[16px]">Contact</p> <ul class="list-none flex flex-col gap-y-[12px]"> <li class="text-white text-base">+423 239 63 63</li> <li class="text-white text-base"></li> <li class="text-white text-base leading-[150%]"> Liechtenstein Marketing <br /> Äulestrasse 30,<br /> 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="lg:pb-[48px] pb-[32px] flex flex-col md:flex-row md:items-center text-white md:justify-between text-xs gap-y-[8px]"> <p id="copyright"></p> <div class="flex gap-x-[24px]"> <a href="./privacypolicy/" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a> <a href="./termsofuse/" target="_blank">Terms of Use</a> </div> </div> </div> </footer> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script> new WOW().init(); 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