Internet History Sourcebooks Project
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I read it a little as a duty, but it tells me nothing that does not either vex or weary me. The quarrels of popes and kings, with wars or pestilences, in every page; the men all so good for nothing, and hardly any women at all -- it is very tiresome:"</span></em></p> <p align="left"> <span class="H_body_text"> Catherine Morland, in <em>Northhangar Abbey</em> (1803), by Jane Austen</span></p> </blockquote> </ul> <ul> <p align="left"><span class="H_body_text">How are historians to remedy the silence about women in many traditional accounts of history? </span></p> <p align="left"><span class="H_body_text">This question has received a number of distinct answers.</span></p> <p align="left"><span class="H_body_text">The first solution was to locate the <strong>great women of the past</strong>, following the lead of much popular historiography that focuses on "great men". The problem here is that just as the "great men" approach to history sidelines and ignores the lives of the mass of people, focusing on great women merely replicates the exclusionary historical approaches of the past.</span></p> <p align="left"><span class="H_body_text">The next solution was to examine and expose the <strong>history of oppression of women</strong>. This approach had the merit of addressing the life histories of the mass of women, but, since it has proved to be possible to find some degree of oppression everywhere, it tended to make women merely subjects of forces that they could not control. On the other hand, historians' focus on oppression revealed that investigating the structures of women's lives was crucial. </span></p> <p align="left"><span class="H_body_text">In recent years, while not denying the history of oppression, historians have begun to focus on the <strong>agency of women</strong>. All human beings are subject to some degree of social forces that limit freedom, but within those limits people are able to exercise greater or lesser degrees of control over their own lives. This insight applies equally to women even in oppressive societies.</span></p> <p align="left"><span class="H_body_text">These various approaches to the history of women are not exclusive. This sourcebook attempts to present online documents and secondary discussions which reflect the various ways of looking at the history of women within broadly defined historical periods and areas. </span></p> <p align="left"><span class="H_body_text"><b>***</b></span></p> <p><span class="H_body_text">This page is a subset of texts derived from the three major online <b>Sourcebooks</b> listed below. </span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../ancient/asbook.asp">Internet Ancient History Sourcebook</a></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../sbook.asp">Internet Medieval Sourcebook</a></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../mod/modsbook.asp">Internet Modern History Sourcebook</a></span><br /> </li> </ul> </ul> <table border="0" width="80%"> <tr> <td width="18%" valign="top" class="H_body_text" align="right"><b>Notes:</b></td> <td width="82%" valign="top" class="H_body_text">In addition to direct links to documents, links are made to a number of other web resources. </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="18%" align="right" valign="top" class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">2ND</font><b><br /> </b></td> <td width="82%" valign="top" class="H_body_text">Link to a secondary article, review or discussion on a given topic. </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="18%" align="right" valign="top"><span class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB<br /> </font></span></td> <td width="82%" valign="top"><span class="H_body_text">Link to a website focused on a specific issue.. These are not links to every site on a given topic, but to sites of serious educational value.</span></td> </tr> </table> <hr /> <p class="H_Subitle"><a name="index" class="H_Subitle" id="index">Contents</a> </p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="#The Historical Study of Women">The Historical Study of Women</a> </span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="#Human Origins">Human Origins</a></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="#Ancient Egypt">Ancient Egypt</a> </span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">General</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Great Women</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Oppression</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Agency</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Gender Construction</span></li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="#Ancient Mesopotamia">Ancient Mesopotamia</a> </span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">General</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Great Women</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Oppression</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Agency</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Gender Construction</span></li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="#Greece">Greece</a> </span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">General</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Great Women</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Oppression</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Agency</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Gender Construction</span></li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="#Rome">Rome</a> </span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">General</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Great Women</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Oppression</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Agency</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Gender Construction</span></li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="#Medieval Europe">Medieval Europe</a> </span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">General</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Great Women</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Oppression</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Agency</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Feminism</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Gender Construction</span></li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="#Early Modern Europe">Early Modern Europe</a> </span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">General</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Great Women</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Oppression</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Agency</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Feminism</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Gender Construction</span></li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="#Modern Europe">Modern Europe</a> </span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">General</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Great Women</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Oppression</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Agency</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Feminism</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Gender Construction</span></li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="#North America">North America</a> </span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">General</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Great Women</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Oppression</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Agency</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women Authors</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Feminism</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Gender Construction</span></li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="#Latin America">Latin America</a> </span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">General</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Great Women</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Oppression</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Agency</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Feminism</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Gender Construction</span></li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="#China">China</a> </span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">General</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Great Women</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Oppression</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Agency</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Feminism</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Gender Construction</span></li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="#Japan">Japan</a> </span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">General</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Great Women</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Oppression</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Agency</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Feminism</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Gender Construction</span></li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="#India">India</a> </span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">General</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Great Women</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Oppression</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Agency</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Feminism</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Gender Construction</span></li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="#South East Asia">South East Asia</a> </span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">General</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Great Women</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Oppression</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Agency</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Feminism</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Gender Construction</span></li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="#Australasia">Australasia</a> </span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">General</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Great Women</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Oppression</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Agency</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Feminism</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Gender Construction</span></li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="#Africa">Africa</a> </span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">General</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Great Women</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Oppression</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Agency</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Feminism</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Gender Construction</span></li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="#The Islamic World">The Islamic World</a> </span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">General</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Great Women</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Oppression</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Women's Agency</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Apologetics</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Feminism</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Gender Construction</span></li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="#Further Resources in Women's History">Further Resources in Women's History</a></span></li> </ul> <hr /> <span class="H_Subitle"><a name="The Historical Study of Women" id="The Historical Study of Women">The Historical Study of Women</a></span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"> Linda Gordon: <a href="">What's New in Womens' History</a> [Was At Virginia, now Internet Archive]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"> Elizabeth Fox-Genovese: <a href="">Between Individualism and Fragmentation: American Culture and the New Literary Studies of Race and Gender</a> 1990 [Was At Montclair, now Internet Archive] </span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Wikipedia: <a href="">Feminist History</a></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Women in the History of Science A Sourcebook</a> edited by Hannah Wills, Sadie Harrison, Erika Jones, Farrah Lawrence-Mackey and Rebecca Martin , 2023 [At UCL] [Local backup version <a href="../science/Women-in-the-History-of-Science.pdf">here</a>]<br /> This is the full text of a sourcebook with 50 documents, and discussion about women in the history of science. At some points the usual definition of "science" is pushed somewhat. [Published w under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International licence (CC BY-NC 4.0). This licence allows you to share and adapt the work for non-commercial use providing attribution is made to the author and publisher (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work)]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Paul Halsall: <a href="../paul-halsall-early-western-civilization-gender.pdf">Early Western Civilization under the Sign of Gender: Europe and the Mediterranean (4000BCE-1400CE)</a> in <em>Blackwell Companion to Gender History</em>, edited by Teresa A Meade and Merry E Wiesner-Hanks, Cambridge: Blackwell, 2005, 285-306. [PDF] </li> </ul> <p class="H_body_text"><a href="#index">Back to Index</a></p> <hr /> <span class="H_Subitle"><a name="Human Origins" id="Human Origins">Human Origins</a></font></span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Lawrence Osborn: <a href="">The Women Warriors</a> [At Lingua Franca] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Gerda Lerner: <a href="">Summary of The Creation of Patriarchy</a> [Was At Sunshine for Women, now Internet Archive]<br /> </span></li> </ul> <p class="H_body_text"><a href="#index">Back to Index</a></p> <hr /> <span class="H_Subitle"><a name="Ancient Egypt" id="Ancient Egypt">Ancient Egypt</a></font></span> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">General</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">See<font color="#D05653"> </font><a href="../ancient/asbook.asp">Internet Ancient History Sourcebook</a> and <a href="../africa/africasbook.asp">Internet African History Sourcebook</a></span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"> <font color="#D05653">2ND</font> <a href="">Status of Women in Egyptian Society</a> by Peter Piccione [At Internet Archive, from NWU]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Hathor's Rage and the Destruction of Mankind</a> [Was At Theology, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Isis and Osiris </span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Isis Receives the True and Hidden Name of Re</a> [At Internet Archive, from an AOL-Wiccan Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Osirian Cycle</a> [Was At Theology, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Debate Between Osiris and the High God</a> Book of the Dead 176 [Was At Eliade, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">A Spell for the Revival of Osiris</a> Coffin Texts 74 [Was At Eliade, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Contention of Horus and Seth</a> [Was At Theology, now Internet Archive]</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Great Women</span></p> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Queens, Noblewomen, Warriors</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Birth of Hatshepsut</a> 18th Dynasty [Was At Creighton, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">2ND</font> Sayed Z. El-Sayed: <a href="">Hatshepsut's Mission to Punt</a> [Was At TAMU, now Internet Archive]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women's Oppression</span></p> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../ancient/2000egypt-love.asp">Egyptian Love Poetry</a> c. 2000 - 1100 BCE [At this Site]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../ancient/2400uha.asp">The Offering of Uha</a> c. 2400 BCE [At this Site]<br /> Male and Female Circumcision in Egypt.</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Princess Ahura: <a href="../ancient/1100egyptmagic.asp">The Magic Book</a> c. 1100 BCE [At this Site]<br /> On the brother-sister marriage of the two children of the King Merneptah.</span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women's Agency</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">For Women: see <span class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB</font></span> <a href="">Diotima: Ward Texts</a> [All now via Internet Acrhive] <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Will of Prince Nikaure, son of King Khafre (ca. 2600 B.C.)</li> <li class="H_body_text">The Wills of Two Brothers and the Inheritance of One Brother's Wife (ca. 1900 B.C.)</li> <li class="H_body_text">Dispute over Property between a Mother and Daughter</li> <li class="H_body_text">Marriage Agreement between a Bridegroom and his Father-in-law</li> <li class="H_body_text">A Wife Wins a Dispute over Her Inheritance</li> <li class="H_body_text">A Woman Charges her Husband with Wife Abuse</li> <li class="H_body_text">A Father's Promise to his Daughter in Case of Divorce</li> <li class="H_body_text">A Woman Asks an Oracle to Settle a dispute over land</li> <li class="H_body_text">The Will of Amonkhau in Favor of His Second Wife (ca. 1100 B.C.)</li> <li class="H_body_text">A Daughter's Double Inheritance of Family Property (13th c. B.C.) </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Gender Construction</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">See <a href="../pwh/index-anc.asp#c2">People With a History: Near East and Egypt</a></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Tale of Two Brothers</a> C 1185 (19th Dynasty) [At Per Ankh] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>] </li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Love Songs of ChesterBeatty Papyrus I</a> [At] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]<br /> A homosexual love poem?<br /> </span></li> </ul> <p class="H_body_text"><a href="#index">Back to Index</a></p> <hr /> <span class="H_Subitle"><span class="H_body_text"><a name="Ancient Mesopotamia" class="H_Subitle" id="Ancient Mesopotamia">Ancient Mesopotamia</a></font></span></span> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">General</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">See <a href="../ancient/asbook.asp">Internet Ancient History Sourcebook</a></span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Great Women</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"></li></ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Queens, Noblewomen, Warriors</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Women in Early Mesopotamian Royal Inscriptions</a> [At ASOR] [Internet Archive backup <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../ancient/greek-babylon.asp">Greek Reports of Babylonia, Chaldea, and Assyria</a> [At this Site]<br /> Includes Herodotus' accounts of the queens, Semiramis and Nitocris.</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"> Herodotus (c.490-c.425 BCE): <a href="../ancient/tomyris.asp">Queen Tomyris of the Massagetai and the Defeat of the Persians under Cyrus</a> [At this Site]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../ancient/300vahatan.asp">The Story of King Vahahran & his Queen</a> c. 300 CE [At this Site]<br /> From Sassanian Persia.</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Herodotus (c.490-c.425 BCE): <a href="../ancient/tomyris.asp">Queen Tomyris of the Massagetai and the Defeat of the Persians under Cyrus</a> [At this Site]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women Writers</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Enheduanna's Hymns</a> (c.2280-2200 BCE)[At Angelfire] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]<br /> The first writings ascribed to an author were ascribed to this woman, a daughter of Sargon. </li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB </font><a href="">Enheduanna Page</a> [At Anglefire] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">2ND</font> <a href="">En hedu'anna, Priestess of the Moon Goddess</a> (c. 2354 BCE)</span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Goddesses</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Inanna Texts</a> [Was At CSUN, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../ancient/1600babylonianprayers.asp">A Collection of Babylonian Prayers</a> c. 1600 BCE [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Ishtar's Descent into the Underworld</a> [Was At Piney, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Descent of Ishtar into the Netherworld</a> [Was At Eliade Site, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Marriage of Nergal and Ereshkigal</a> [Was At Piney, now Internet Archive]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women's Oppression</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../ancient/mesopotamia-contracts.asp">A Collection of Contracts from Mesopotamia</a> c. 2300 - 428 BCE [At this Site]<br /> With texts on marriage and divorce.</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../ancient/1075assyriancode.asp">The Code of the Assyrians</a> c. 1075 BCE [At this Site]<br /> Excerpts on sex and gender matters.</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../ancient/hamcode.asp">Code of Hammarabi</a> c.1780 BCE [This Site][Full Text, with introductions]<br /> Hammurabi (or Hammarapi), r. c. 1792-1750 BCE</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Code of Hammarabi</a> c.1780 BCE [Was At EAWC, now Internet Archive] [Full Text]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Code of Hammarabi</a> c.1780 BCE extracts [Was At WSU, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../ancient/greek-babylon.asp">Greek Reports of Babylonia, Chaldea, and Assyria</a> [At this Site]</span><br /> Also includes a account of ritual prostitution and marriage practices.</span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">New Sumerian divorce settlement</a> 21st c. BC: [At U. Penn] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../ancient/2200akkad-father.asp">The Advice of an Akkadian Father to His Son</a> c. 2200 BCE</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Old Assyrian Marriage Contract</a> 19th Cent. BCE [At U. Penn] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Old Assyrian divorce document</a> [At U. Penn] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Abrogation of a marriage agreement</a> 15th c. BCE [At U. Penn] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Ugaritic: <a href="">Manumission and Marriage contract</a> [At U. Penn] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Mibtahiah's marriage contracts</a> 5th Cen. BC: Aramaic Papyri from Elephantine [At U. Penn] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Manumission and marriage of a female slave</a> 5th c. BC: Aramaic Papyri from Elephantine [At U. Penn] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../ancient/1650nesilim.asp">The Code of the Nesilim</a> c. 1650-1500 BCE <span class="H_body_text"> [At this Site]</span></span><br /> Excerpts on sex and gender matters.</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../ancient/1075assyriancode.asp">The Code of the Assyrians</a> c. 1075 BCE <span class="H_body_text"> [At this Site]</span></span><br /> Excerpts on sex and gender matters.</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Danel's Need for a Son</a> [At]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Biblical Texts Concerning Kinship and Marriage</a> [Was At Creighton, now Internet Archive]</span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women's Agency</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB</font> <a href="">Lilith Stories</a> [At Jewish and Christian Lit] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]<br /> But see Eliezar Segal: <a href="">Looking for Lilith</a> [At U Alberta] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Book of Judith</a> [At Bible Gateway]<br /> The Book of Judith is a kind of novel, and is in the RC and Orthodox Bible, bit not the Jewish or Protestant canons. The book contains an account of conversion to Judaism (<a href="">Judith 14: 6-10</a>)</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Gender Construction</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Domestication of Enkidu</a> [Was At Piney, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Enkidu's Dream</a> [At Internet Archive, from CCNY]</li> <li class="H_body_text"> For Gender variants: See <a href="../pwh/index-anc.asp#c2">People With a History: Near East and Egypt</a></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">2ND</font> Ronald Simkins: <a href="">Gender Construction in J</a> [Was At Creighton, now Internet Archive]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><b>Sex, The <span style="font-style: italic">Song of Songs</span></b><span style="font-style: italic"></span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"></span><font color="#D05653">WEB</font> <a href="">Song of Songs: History of Interpretation</a> [At Jewish and Christian Lit] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"></span><font color="#D05653">WEB</font> <a href="">Sights and Sounds of the Song of Songs</a> [At UPenn] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]<br /> Includes audio files of Ashkenazi, Sephardie and Yemani cantors.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p class="H_body_text"><a href="#index">Back to Index</a></p> <hr /> <span class="H_Subitle"><span class="H_body_text"><a name="Greece" class="H_Subitle" id="Greece">Greece</a></font></span></span> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">General</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">See<font color="#D05653"> </font><a href="../ancient/asbook.asp">Internet Ancient History Sourcebook</a></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"> <font color="#D05653">WEB</font> <a href="">Diotima</a><br /> A resource for information on women, gender, sex, sexualities, race, ethnicity, class, status, masculinity, enslavement, disability, and the intersections among them in the ancient Mediterranean world. [Had had intermittant availability so here we will retain links to the older version at Internet Archive.]</li> <li class="H_body_text">NB: <a href="">"Old" Diotima</a> still available [Internet Archive version]</li> <li class="H_body_text"> <span class="H_body_text"> <font color="#D05653">WEB</font> </span><a href="">Women’s Life in Greece and Rome: Sourcebook in Translation</a> (selections) by Mary Lefkowitz and Maureen Fant [At Diotima]</li> <li class="H_body_text">NB: "Old" version <a href="">Women’s Life in Greece and Rome: Sourcebook in Translation</a> [Was at Old Diotima, now Internet Archive]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Great Women</span></p> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Queens, Noblewomen, Warriors</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Herodotus (c.490-c.425 BCE): <a href="../ancient/480artemisia.asp">Artemisia at Salamis</a> 480 BCE <br /> Artemesia was rule of Halicarnassus.</li> <li class="H_body_text">Wikipedia: <a href="">Aspasia</a></li> <li class="H_body_text">Wikipedia: <a href="">Olympias</a></li> <li class="H_body_text">Wikipedia: <a href="">Arsinoë II</a></li> <li class="H_body_text">Wikipedia: <a href="">Cleopatra VII</a></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women Writers and Intellectuals</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Sappho (c.580 BCE): <a href="">Poems</a> [Was At, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Sappho (c.580 BCE): <a href="">Poems</a> [At UH] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Sappho (c.580 BCE): <a href="">Poems</a> [At Poetry Foundation]<!-- removed-4/2007 or via <a href="gopher://">gopher</a> [At Berkeley] --> </li> <li class="H_body_text">Diogenes Laertius (3rd Cent. CE): <a href="">Life of Hipparchia</a> from Lives, Book VI. 96-98 [Was At Diotima, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Diogenes Laërtius: <a href="../ancient/diogeneslaertius-book6-cynics.asp">The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers Book VI: The Cynics</a> [Antisthenes, Diogenes, Monimus, Onesicritus, Crates, Metrocles, Hipparchia, Menippus, Menedemus.][At this Site]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Goddesses</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Sacrifice to Rhea: the Phrygian Mother-Goddess</a> Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica I:1078-1150 [Was At Eliade, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">To Earth, Mother of All</a> Homeric Hymn xxx [Was At Eliade, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../ancient/7C-hymntodemeter.asp">Hymn to Demeter</a> 7th Cent BCE [At this Site]<br /> The canonical text of the Mysteries.</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Hymn to Demeter</a> Homeric Hymns: To Demeter,11, 185-299, 7th Cent BCE [Was At Eliade, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Eleusinian Mysteries: Various Texts</a> [Was At Eliade, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Plato (427-347 BCE): <a href="">On Initiation</a> Phaedo 69 [Was At Eliade, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Dionysius and the Bacchae</a> Euripides, The Bacchae, 677-775 [Was At Eliade, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Herodotus (c.490-c.425 BCE): <a href="">Zalmoxis: The God of the Gates</a> Histories IV, 93-6 [Was At Eliade, now Internet Archive]<br /> A Thracian mystery God.</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Orphic Hymn to Hekate</a> 5th Cent BCE [At Hermetic Fellowship] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Initiates in the Orphic-Pythagoran Brotherhood Taught the Road to the Lower World</a> The Funerary Gold Plates, Plate from Petelia, South Italy, 4th-3rd century BCE [Was At Eliade, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">St Clement of Alexandria: <a href="../ancient/clement-phalliccultdionysus.asp">The Phallic Cult of Dionysus</a> [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Lucius Apuleius (c. 123-c. 170 CE): <a href="">Metamorphoses</a> or The Golden Ass, trans. Adlington 1566 [Was At Eserver, now Internet Archive] See also <a href="">Latin Text</a> [At Bibliotheca Augustana]<br /> See also the WEB <a href="">Apuleius</a> Website [At Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Lucius Apuleius (c. 123-c. 170 CE): <a href="">Metamorphoses</a> trans. Adlington 1566 [Project Gutenberg]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Lucius Apuleius (c. 123-c. 170 CE): <a href="">Metamorphoses</a> trans. Adlington 1566 [Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Lucius Apuleius (c. 123-c. 170 CE): <a href="">Metamorphoses</a> trans. A. S. Kline 2013 [Poetry in Translation] [Local copy <a href="../ancient/TheGoldenAsspdf.pdf">here</a>]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women's Oppression</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"> <a href="../ancient/700greekwomen.asp">The Lot of the Hellenic Woman</a> c. 700-300 BCE [At this Site]<br /> Collection of comments on women by a number of Greek male writers.</li> <li class="H_body_text">Aristotle (384-323 BCE): <a href="../ancient/greek-wives.asp">On a Good Wife</a> from Oikonomikos, c. 330 BCE [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Aristotle: <a href="../ancient/aristotle-spartanwomen.asp">Spartan Women</a> [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Xenophon (c.428-c.354 BCE): <a href="../ancient/xenophon-genderroles.asp">On Men and Women</a> from Oikonomikos, c. 370 BCE [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Manumission of Female Slaves at Delphi </a>200BCE-1-100CE [At Attalus] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">2ND</font> <a href="">Legal Status of Women in Sparta</a> [Was At Reed, now Internet Archive]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"> <font color="#D05653">WEB</font> <a href="">Greek Costume Through the Centuries</a> [Now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Theocritus: <a href="../ancient/250theocritus15.asp">Fifteenth Idyll</a> c. 250 BCE [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Herondas (aka Herodas) (c.300-250 BCE): <a href="../ancient/herondas.asp">A Mother and Her Truant Son</a> from The Third Mime, c. 3rd Cent. BCE<br /> A text on the rougher side of Greek pedagogy. More realistic than Plato?</li> <li class="H_body_text">Wikipedia: <a href="">Clothing in Ancient Greece</a></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women's Agency</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><b>Sophocles</b> (496-405/6 BCE)<br /> The second of the great tragic poets. He wrote over 100 plays, but only seven complete ones survive. The dates here are likely but not certain. The following have female heros. </span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../ancient/sophocles-antigone1.asp">Antigone</a> 442 BCE [At this Site, formerly ERIS]<br /> See <a href="">Study Guide</a> [Was At Brooklyn College, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"> <a href="">Antigone</a> [At Johnston Texts] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Antigone</a> 442 BCE [Was At Diotima, now Internet Archive]<br /> A much more modern translation, with extensive annotation.</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Antigone</a> translation and notes by Wm. Blake Tyrrell and Larry J. Bennett [At Diotima] [Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><b>Euripides</b> (c.485-406 BCE) </span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Electra</a> [At Johnston Texts] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Alcestis</a> translated by C. A. E. Luschnig [At Diotima]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Andromache</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Bacchae</a> [At Johnston Texts] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../ancient/euripides-bacchant.txt">The Bacchae</a> [At this Site, formerly ERIS] won trilogy competition, posthumously, in c.405 BCE<br /> See 2ND <a href="">Study Guide</a> [At Brooklyn College]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Electra</a> [At Johnston Texts] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Hecuba</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Helen</a> a modern actable translation by Andrew Wilson [At Classics Pages] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Herakleidae (Children of Herakles)</a> [At Johnston Texts] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../ancient/euripides-hippolyt.txt">Hippolytus</a> [At this Site, formerly ERIS] won trilogy competition in 428 BCE.</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../ancient/euripides-hippolyt.txt">Hippolytus</a> [At this Site, formerly ERIS] won trilogy competition in 428 BCE.</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Hippolytus</a> [At Johnston Texts] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Ion</a> translated by C. A. E. Luschnig [At Diotima]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Iphigenia at Aulis won trilogy competition, posthumously, in c.405 BCE</li> <li class="H_body_text">Iphigenia In Tauris</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Medea</a> translated by C. A. E. Luschnig [At Diotima] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Medea</a> [At Johnston Texts] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]<br /> See 2ND <a href="">Study Guide</a> [Was At Brooklyn College, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Phoenissae</a> a modern actable translation by Andrew Wilson [At Classics Pages]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Rhesus</li> <li class="H_body_text">The Suppliants</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Trojan Women</a> translated by C. A. E. Luschnig [At Diotima]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Women of Troy</a> [At Johnston Texts] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><b>Aristophanes</b> (c.445-c.385 BCE) </span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Ecclesiazusae</a> (Women in Politics) [Was At Eserver, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Lysistrata</a> 411 BCE [Was At Eserver, now Internet Archive]<br /> About a sex strike.<br /> See 2ND <a href="">Study Guide</a> [Was At Brooklyn College, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Lysistrata</a> [At Johnston Texts] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Aristophanes (c.445-c.385 BCE): <a href="">Lysistrata</a> extracts, [Was At EAWC, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Thesmophorizusae</a> 411BCE [Was At Eserver, now Internet Archive]</li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><b>Menander</b> (342/1-293/89 BCE)</span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Family Values: Epitrepontes</a> (aka The Arbitrants) [Was At U. Texas, now Internet Archive] [Reconstructed Text]</li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><span style="font-weight: bold"><strong>Herondas</strong></span><strong> (aka Herodas)</strong> (c.300-250 BCE) <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../ancient/herondas.asp">A Mother and Her Truant Son</a> from The Third Mime, c. 3rd Cent. BCE</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Gender Construction</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"> <font color="#D05653">WEB</font> <a href="">The Chicago Homer</a> [Northwestern University]<br /> A multilingual database that uses the search and display capabilities of electronic texts to make the distinctive features of Early Greek epic accessible to readers with and without Greek. Except for fragments, it contains all the texts of these poems in the original Greek. In addition, the Chicago Homer includes English and German translations, in particular Lattimore's Iliad, James Huddleston's Odyssey, Daryl Hine's translations of Hesiod and the Homeric Hymns, and the German translations of the Iliad and Odyssey by Johan Heinrich Voss. </li> <li class="H_body_text"> <a href="../ancient/homer-illiad.asp">The Iliad</a> trans. into prose by Samuel Butler [At this Site, formerly ERIS][Full Text]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Iliad</a> trans. into prose Samuel Bulter [At MIT][Full Text]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Iliad</a> trans. Alexander Pope [Project Gutenberg]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Iliad</a> trans. Andrew Lang [Project Gutenberg]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Iliad</a> trans. William Cowper [Project Gutenberg]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Iliad</a> trans. Edward, Earl of Derby [Project Gutenberg]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Iliads</a> trans. George Chapman [Project Gutenberg] [This is the version that inspired John Keats: <a href="">On First Looking into Chapman's Homer</a>. Keats found the the standard translation by Alexander Pope uninspiring.]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Iliad</a> trans. Theodore Buckley [Project Gutenberg]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Iliad</a> in Ancient Greek [Project Gutenberg]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Iliad</a> trans. Ian Johnston [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Iliad, abridged</a> trans. Ian Johnston [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Iliad</a> trans. Robert Fagles [Internet Archive borrow facility][<strong>Recommended</strong>]<br /> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">See 2ND <a href="">Study Guide</a> [Was At Brooklyn College, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Thersites</li> <li class="H_body_text">Achilles and Hector</li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"> <a href="../ancient/homer-odysseySB.asp">The Odyssey</a> trans. Samuel Butler [At this Site, formerly ERIS][Full Text]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../ancient/odysseyBL.html">The Odyssey</a> trans. Samuel Butcher and A. Lang [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Odyssey</a> trans. Samuel Butcher and A. Lang [At Bartleby][Full Text]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Odyssey</a> trans. Samuel Butler [At MIT][Full Text]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Odyssey</a> trans. Samuel Butcher and A. Lang [Project Gutenberg][Full Text]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Odyssey</a> trans. Samuel Butler [Project Gutenberg][Full Text]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Odyssey</a> trans. William Cowper [Project Gutenberg][Full Text]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Odyssey</a> trans. Alexander Pope [Project Gutenberg][Full Text]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Odyssey</a> in Latin [Project Gutenberg][Full Text]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Odyssey A</a> in Ancient Greek [Project Gutenberg][Full Text]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Odyssey</a> trans. Ian Johnston [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Odyssey</a> abridged trans. Ian Johnston [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Odyssey</a> trans. Robert Fagles [Internet Archive borrow facility][<strong>This Recommended</strong> or recent translation by Emily Wilson]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Homeric Fragments</a> [At OMACL]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Homeric Hymns</a> [At OMACL]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Hesiod: <a href="">Works and Days</a> [At OMACL]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Chariton (2nd Cent CE?): <a href="">Chaireas and Callirhoe</a> [Synopsis of the Plot][Was At Montclair, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Achilles Tatius (2nd Cent CE): <a href="">Clitophon and Leucippe</a> trans S. Gaselee 1917, Full Text. [Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Longus (2nd Century CE): <a href=",%201657.txt">Daphnis and Chloe</a> trans. George Thornley 1657, full text [Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Heliodorus of Emesa (3rd or 4th Centr CE): <a href="">The Aethiopica</a> or Theagenes and Chariclea, trans Thomas Underdowne 1587, rev. F.A. Wright [At Elfinspell] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Heliodorus (fl. 220-250 CE): <a href="">Ethiopian Story</a> [Synopsis of the Plot][At Montclair]</li> <li class="H_body_text"> Thucydides (c.460/-c.399 BCE): <a href="../pwh/thuc6.asp">On Aristogeiton and Harmodius</a> (Book 6) [At PWH]</li> <li class="H_body_text">See <a href="../pwh/index-anc.asp#c3">People with a History: Greece</a> <!-- removed-4/2007 or <a href="../pwh/">here</a> --> </li> <li class="H_body_text"> <font color="#D05653">WEB</font> <a href="">Eroticism in Antiquity</a> [Now at Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"> Plato (427-347 BCE): <a href="">The Symposium</a> [At Project Gutenberg][Full Text]</li> <li class="H_body_text"> Plato (427-347 BCE): <a href="../pwh/symposium.asp">The Symposium</a> [At PWH][Full Text]</li> <li class="H_body_text"> Aeschines (c.389 - c.322 BCE): <a href="../pwh/aeschines.asp">Against Timarchus</a> [At PWH][Full Text]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Athenaeus (2nd Century CE): <a href="../pwh/athenaeus13.asp">Alexander's Homosexuality</a> from <em>The Deipnosophists </em>Book XIII (601-606) [At this Site]<br /> </li> </ul> <p class="H_body_text"><a href="#index">Back to Index</a></p> <hr /> <span class="H_Subitle"><span class="H_body_text"><a name="Rome" class="H_Subitle" id="Rome">Rome</a></font></span></span> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">General</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">See<font color="#D05653"> </font><a href="../ancient/asbook.asp">Internet Ancient History Sourcebook</a></li> <li class="H_body_text"> <font color="#D05653">WEB</font> <a href="">Diotima</a><br /> A resource for information on women, gender, sex, sexualities, race, ethnicity, class, status, masculinity, enslavement, disability, and the intersections among them in the ancient Mediterranean world. [Had had intermittant availability so here we will retain links to the older version at Internet Archive.]</li> <li class="H_body_text">NB: <a href="">"Old" Diotima</a> still available [Internet Archive version]</li> <li class="H_body_text"> <span class="H_body_text"> <font color="#D05653">WEB</font> </span><a href="">Women’s Life in Greece and Rome: Sourcebook in Translation</a> (selections) by Mary Lefkowitz and Maureen Fant [At Diotima]</li> <li class="H_body_text">NB: "Old" version <a href="">Women’s Life in Greece and Rome: Sourcebook in Translation</a> [Was at Old Diotima, now Internet Archive]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Great Women</span></p> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Queens, Noblewomen, Warriors</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Tacitus: (b.56/57-after 117 CE): <a href="">Boudicca </a>(Annals 14: 29-37) [Was at Athena, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Tacitus (b.56/57-after 117 CE): <a href="../ancient/tacitus-14.1-16-murderofagrippina.asp">Murder of Agrippina</a> (Book XIV, 1-16) [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Vopiscus: <a href="../ancient/vopiscus-aurelian1.asp">Aurelian's Conquest of Palmyra</a> 273 CE [At this Site]<br /> Ruled by the Queen of the East, Zenobia. See also <a href="">Latin text</a> [At Latin Library]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women Writers and Intellectuals</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Sulpicia (Late 1st Cent. CE): <a href="">Poems</a> [Was At Diotima, now Internet Archive] or in <a href="">Latin</a> [At Latin Library]<br /> The only surviving Roman female poet.</li> <li class="H_body_text">Sulpicia (Late 1st Cent. CE): <a href="">Poems</a> [At Diotima]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Socrates Scholasticus (c.380-after 439): <a href="../source/hypatia.asp">The Murder of Hypatia</a>.<br /> A leading female philosopher, Hypatia was murdered by a Christian mob in Alexandria, urged on by St. Cyril. See also <a href="">The Hypatia Page</a>. Three historical version's of Hypatia's murder are available, and useful for comparative purposes: <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Damascius: <a href="">The Life of Hypatia</a> from the <em>Life of Isidore</em>, reproduced in <em>The Suda</em>. [Was At, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Socrates Scholasticus (c.380-after 439): <a href="">The Life of Hypatia</a> [Was At, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">John of Nikiu (fl. 680-690): <a href="">The Life of Hypatia</a>. [Was At, now Internet Archive] </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Goddesses</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><b>Demeter and Eleusis</b></span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Story of Persephone</a> [Was At Diotima, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Hymn to Demeter</a> [Was At Ecole, now Internet Archive]<br /> The canonical text of the Mysteries.</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Eleusinian Mysteries: Various Texts</a> [Was At Eliade, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Plutarch (c.46-c.120 CE): <a href="">Death and Initiation into the Mysteries</a> from On the Soul [Was At Eliade, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"> <font color="#D05653">WEB</font> <a href="">Classical Texts on Demeter</a> [Was At UVIC, now Internet Archive]<br /> Links to Perseus Text</li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><span style="font-weight: bold"><strong>Cybele</strong></span><strong></span></strong> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Lucretius (98-c.55 BCE): <a href="../ancient/lucretius-reruma.asp">The Worship of Cybele</a> from The Nature of Things, [This Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Catullus (c.84-c.54 BCE): <a href="">Carmina 63</a> [At Aztriad]<br /> On the self-emasculating Galli.</li> <li class="H_body_text">Prudentius (348-after 405 CE): <a href="">Initiation into the Mysteries of Cybele: The Taurobolium</a> Peristephanon X, 101 1-50 [Was At Eliade, now Internet Archive]</li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><span style="font-weight: bold">Isis</span></span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Lucius Apuleius (c.123-c.170 CE): <a href="../ancient/lucius-assa.asp">Isis, Queen of Heaven</a> from Book 11 of the Golden Ass, [This Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Lucius Apuleius (c.123-c.170 CE): <a href="">Lucius Prays to Isis</a> Book 11 of the Golden Ass, [Was At Eserver, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Lucius Apuleius (c.123-c.170 CE): <a href="">Initiation into the Mysteries of Isis</a> from Book 11 of the Golden Ass, [Was At Eliade, now Internet Archive]</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women's Oppression</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"> Livy (59 BCE-17 CE): <a href="">The Rape of Lucretia</a> from History of Rome, [Was At Clinch Valley College, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Juvenal (c.55-c.130 CE): <a href="">Satire 2</a> excerpts, [Was At Diotima, now Internet Archive]<br /> </li> <li class="H_body_text">Juvenal (c. 55/60-127 CE): <a href="../ancient/juvenal-satvi.asp">Satire 6</a> [On Women][At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Juvenal (c.55-c.130 CE): <a href="../ancient/juvenal6.asp">Satire 6</a> long excerpts [At this Site]<br /> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Early Christian Rulings on Marriage, Family and Related Issues</a> [At Calgary]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"> <a href="">Rules for Administering the "Special Account" of Egypt</a> c. 150/161 CE, [Berlin pap. 1210] [At Diotima]<br /> This link contains those regulations (out of 115) pertaining to women and marriage. The document as a whole shows the Roman exploitation of Egypt. </li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Flamen Dialis and his Wife</a> [At Eliade]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Family Letters of Pansikos</a> late 3rd/early 4th Cent. Egypt [At U Mich]</li> <li class="H_body_text"> <font color="#D05653">2ND</font> Jan Zablocki: <a href="">The image of a Roman family in Noctes Atticae by Aulus Gellius</a> [PDF file][At][Modern Account]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women's Agency</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">The Persecution and Martyrdoms of Lyons in 177 A.D.: <a href="../source/177-lyonsmartyrs.asp">The Letter of the Churches of Vienna and Lyons</a> to the Churches of Asia and Phrygia including the story of the Blessed Blandina.</li> <li class="H_body_text">Perpetua: <a href="../source/perpetua.asp">The Passion of SS. Perpetua and Felicity</a> 203. See also <a href="">Catholic Encyclopedia: Sts. Felicitas and Perpetua</a>; and <a href="">Peter Dronke's Discussion of Perpetua</a> [At Internet Archive, from Millersville]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Perpetua: <a href="../source/perpetua-excerp.asp">The Passion of SS. Perpetua and Felicity</a> 203, excerpts. [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Vibia Perpetua (d. 203 CE): <a href="">Perpetua's Diary in Prison</a> 203 CE [At PBS] [Internet Archive Version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Eusebius: <a href="../source/euseb-domnina.asp"><em>Ecclesiastical History</em>: The Martyrdom of St. Domnina and Her Daughters</a>.</span> . [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">2ND </font>Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza: <a href="">Summary of In Memory of Her</a>: A Feminist Theological Reconstruction of Christian Origins [Was At Sunshine for Women, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><span class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">2ND </font></span> Ross Shepard Kraemer: <a href="">Summary of Her Share of the Blessings</a>: Summary of Women's Religions Among the Pagans, Jews, and Christians in the Greco-Roman World [Was At Sunshine for Women, now Internet Archive]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Gender Construction</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">See <a href="../pwh/index-anc.asp#c4">People with a History: Rome</a></li> <li class="H_body_text">Juvenal (c. 55/60-127 CE): <a href="../ancient/juv-sat2lat.asp">Satire 2 Latin</a> | <a href="../ancient/juv-sat2eng.asp">Satire 2 English</a> | <a href="../ancient/juv-sat2lateng.asp">Satire 2 English/Latin</a></li> <li class="H_body_text">Juvenal (c. 55/60-127 CE): <a href="">Satires</a> 1,2,3,8,9. trans. N. Rudd [Was At Princeton, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Tacitus (b.56/57-after 117 CE): <a href="">The Murder of Pedanius Secundus</a> (Annals 14) [Was At Michigan, now Internet Archive]<br /> On the murder of a slave-owner by his slave, possibly because of homosexual jealousy. The senate addresses whether all the slaves in the house should be killed.</li> <li class="H_body_text">Petronius Arbiter (c.27-66 CE): Satyricon c.61 CE</li> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Satyricon</a> translated by Alfred R. Allinson, 1930. [English translation linked to Latin text][At Sacred Text Archive] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>] Also in <a href="">Latin</a> [At Latin Library].<br /> [Note that most modern teachers would use the Arrowsmith translation (New American Library) which is considered to be very good.]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../ancient/petronius-satyricon-feast.asp">The Banquet of Trimalchio</a> from the Satyricon [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Trimalchio's Feast</a> [Was At Coloraro, now Internet Archive]<br /> excerpt from the Satyricon.</li> <li class="H_body_text"> <font color="#D05653">2ND</font> <a href="">The Satyricon of Petronius</a> [ Was At Southwestern, now Internet Archive]</li> </ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Priapea</a> (collected 5th Cent CE) in Latin [Was At IPA, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Priapea</a> (collected 5th Cent CE) in Latin and Engliosh, trans. Richard Burton [At Sacred Texts] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]<br /> Said by the Oxford Classical Dictionary to be "uniformly obscene".<br /> </font></li> </ul> <p class="H_body_text"><a href="#index">Back to Index</a></p> <hr /> <span class="H_Subitle"><span class="H_body_text"><a name="Medieval Europe" class="H_Subitle" id="Medieval Europe">Medieval Europe</a></font></span></span> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">General</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">See <a href="../sbook.asp">Internet Medieval Sourcebook</a></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Great Women</span></p> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Queens, Noblewomen, Warriors</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Procopius: <a href="../source/procop-wars1.asp">On the Nika Revolt, from The Wars</a> [At this Site]<br /> The Empress Theodora</li> <li class="H_body_text">Procopius (c. 500 – 565): <a href="">The Secret History</a> trans, H.B Dewing. Full text. [Wikisource]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Æthelflæd [Aetheflaed], Lady of the Mercians (d .918): <a href="../source/911anglosaxonchronical-aethelflaed.asp">Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 911-918</a> daughter of Alfred the Great and the only woman to rule Anglo-Saxon England in her own right. <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Cartulary of Saint Trond: Richelinde: <a href="../source/938Giftserf.asp">A Gift of Serfs to Abbey of St. Trond</a> 938 [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Regino of Prüm: <a href="">Canon 19 on Women in Law Courts</a> (early 10th century), trans Charles West. [At Turbulent Priests] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Michael Psellus(1018-after 1078): <a href="../basis/psellus-chronographia.asp">Chronographia</a> full text. [At this Site]<br /> The history of the Roman Empire 976-1078 by one of the liveliest writers of the middle ages. During the period 1028-1056, the rulership of the Empire depended on two empresses - Zoe and Theodora.</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">A notice of an assembly at Varennes where Queen Ermengard of Provence restored the cell of Baume to the abbey of Gigny</a> 890 [At <a href="">Salutemmundo</a>] [Internet Archive backup of index page <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The will of Countess Gersindis of Toulouse</a> (the orthography of whose name I have yet to settle on) 972. [At <a href="">Salutemmundo</a>] [Internet Archive backup of index page <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"> <a href="">A charter of Liutgard of Chartres and her friend Godeleva granting land to the abbey of Saint-Père de Chartres </a> Aug 979 [At <a href="">Salutemmundo</a>] [Internet Archive backup of index page <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Wynflaed (d. c 950/960): <a href="">Will of Wynflæd</a> concerning land at Ebbesborne, Wilts.; Charlton (probably Horethorne, Somerset); Coleshill, Berks.; Inggeneshamme (perhaps Inglesham, Wilts.); Faccombe, Hants; Adderbury, Oxon.; and at Chinnock, Somerset; the beneficiaries including Shaftesbury and Wilton. [At the Electronic Sawyer. Click the "Translation" icon for full translation.] See BL for <a href="">Images of Manuscript</a>. See Wikipedia: <a href="">Wynflaed</a>.</li> <li class="H_body_text">Emma of Normandy (d. 1052): <a href="../source/1053economiumemmareginae.asp">Encomium Emmae Reginae</a> [Encomium of Queen Emma], excerpts, mid 11th Century <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span> <a href="">Complete text</a> at Internet Archive.</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">An Agreement made by the monks of Rochester with the wife of Robert Latimer</a>. c.1100-c.1123[Manuscript, transcription, translation and introduction by Christopher Monk from the <a href="">Textus Roffensis</a> online at Rochester Cathedral]. See also Wikipedia: <a href="">Textus Roffensis</a> (1122-1124)</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Hugh, in agreement with his wife Emma and his sons, grants land at Southgate to St Andrew’s, Rochester</a>. 1114-23 [Manuscript, transcription, translation and introduction by Christopher Monk from the <a href="">Textus Roffensis</a> online at Rochester Cathedral]. See also Wikipedia: <a href="">Textus Roffensis</a> (1122-1124).</li> <li class="H_body_text">Joan, Countess of Flanders: <a href="../source/1224Exmptail.asp">Grant to Weavers of Exemption from the Taille</a> 1224 [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Margaretta, Countess of Flanders & Hainault: <a href="../source/1246Prchtith.asp">A Purchase of Tithes and Remission of a Tax</a> 1246 [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text"> Empress Matilda: <a href="">To Archbishop Anselm</a> c. 1100 [Was At Millersville, now Internet Archive</li> <li class="H_body_text">Peter of Blois: <a href="../source/eleanor.asp">Letter 154, to Queen Eleanor</a> 1173, trans. M. Markowski [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Johann Nider: <a href="../source/nider-stjoan1.asp">on Joan of Arc</a> (d. 1438) See also <a href="">Catholic Encyclopedia: ST. JOAN OF ARC</a></span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Joan of Arc:<a href="../source/joanofarc.asp"> Letter to the King of England, 1429</a></span> [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../basis/joanofarc-trial.asp">Transcript of Trial of Joan of Arc</a> full text [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/1431joantrial.asp">The Trial of Joan of Arc</a> 1431 [excerpts]</span> [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Sieur Louis de Conte: <a href="../basis/conte-joanofarc.asp">Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc</a> [in fact, a fictional account by Mark Twain]</span>[At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Nicolas, Nicholas Harris: <a href="">The Privy Purse Expenses of Elizabeth of York: The Wardrobe Accounts of Edward IV</a> [Internet Archive/R3]<br /> Nicolas's introductory memoirs of Yorkist royalty, with commentary on the Ricardian controversies of the time; the privy purse expenses of Elizabeth of York. To come: the Wardrobe Accounts. A lengthy series of documents, consisting of 24 interlinked files.</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women Writers</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB </font><a href="../med/womenbib.asp">Bibliography of Works by and About Women Writers of the Middle Ages (Robbins Library)</a></li> <li class="H_body_text"><span class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB </font></span> <a href="">Epistolæ: Medieval Women's Letters</a> [At Columbia] [Internet Archive backup <a href="">here</a>]<br /> Epistolæ is a collection of medieval Latin letters to and from women. The letters collected here date from the 4th to the 13th centuries, and they are presented in their original Latin as well as in English translation.</li> <li class="H_body_text">Egeria. <a href="">Description of the Liturgical Year in Jerusalem: Translation</a> [At Oxford]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Egeria (4th Century): <a href="">Journal of the Jerusalem Liturgical Year</a> [Latin and English][At Oxford]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Egeria: <a href="">Description of the Liturgical Year in Jerusalem: Translation</a> 4th Century [At Oxford]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Egeria: <a href="">Travelogue</a> Translated by M.L. McClure, The Pilgrimage of Etheria, (New York, 1915) [Was At Yale, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Egeria: <a href="">The Pilgrimage of Etheria</a> ed. and trans M.L. McClure and C. L. Feltoe, London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1919. [At CCEL]</li> <li class="H_body_text"> Saint Brigid of Ireland (ascribed): <a href="">The Heavenly Banquet</a> [Was At Eircom, now Internet Archive]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Huneberc of Heidenheim: <a href="../basis/willibald.asp">The Hodoeporican of St. Willibald</a> 8th Century</span> [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Huneberc of Heidenheim. <a href="../source/huneberc.asp">Prologue to the Hodoeporicon of St. Willibald</a>. c. 750-75CE. Alternate trans. by Thomas Head <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Hrotsvitha of Gandersheim (b.c 930/40-d.c.1002): <a href="">St. John</a> [Was At Millersville, now Internet Archive]<br /> See also <a href="">Catholic Enclopedia: Hroswitha</a> </span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Hrotsvitha of Gandersheim (c.930/40-c.1002): <a href="../basis/roswitha-toc.asp">The Plays of Roswitha</a> [At this Site]<br /> Including Full texts of <a href="../basis/roswitha-gallicanus.asp">Gallicanus</a> and <a href="../basis/roswitha-dulcitius.asp">Dulcitius</a></span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Anna Comnena (1083-after 1048): <a href="../basis/AnnaComnena-Alexiad.asp">The Alexiad</a>. [Full text] [At this Site]<br /> The account of her father, the Byzantine Emperor Alexius I, by Princess Anna Comnena is perhaps the most important historical work by a woman writer written before the modern period.</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Anna Comnena (1083-after 1048): <a href="../source/comnena-cde.asp">The Alexiad</a> [Books 10 and 11] [At this Site]<br /> See also <a href="">Catholic Encyclopedia: Anna Comnena</a></span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179): <a href="">Lyrics</a> Latin and English. [Was At irupert, now Internet Archive].</li> <li class="H_body_text">Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179): <a href="">Visions from Scivias</a> English. [At Columbia] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>] <br /> See also the <a href="">Hildegard of Bingen</a> page [At Internet Archive, from Millersville]; and the <a href="">Catholic Encyclopedia</a> article.</li> <li class="H_body_text">Constance of Brittany and Gerald of Wales: <a href="../source/hyams-louisvii.asp">On Louis VII of France</a></span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Heloise: <a href="../source/heloise1.asp">Letter to Abelard</a> trans. C.K. Scott Moncrief. The text is also available in <a href="">Latin</a> [At Georgetown]; and <a href="">French</a> [At Internet Archive]<br /> See also <a href="">Photographs of Tomb of Abelard and Heloise</a> Père-Lachaise (Cemetery : Paris, France); and <a href="">Jean Vignaud: Abelard and Heloise Surprised by the Abbot Fulbert (1819)</a></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Hadewijch of Antwerp</a> d.c. 1260. [Wikiquote]<br /> The page contains links to five of her letters and four of her poems.</li> <li class="H_body_text">Blessed Cecilia Cesarine, O.S.B. <a href="">The Legend of St. Dominic</a></span> [Was at OP, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Marguerite Porète: <a href="">The Mirror of Simple Souls</a> (written 1296/1306), Chaps 119-122. PDF [At Colorado] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Marguerite Porète: <a href="">The Mirror of Simple Souls</a> (written 1296/1306), Chaps 1-14. [At Kenyon] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Catherine of Siena (1347-1380): <a href="">Dialogue of the Seraphic Virgin</a> 1370, full text now available [At CCEL].</li> <li class="H_body_text">Angela, of Foligno, 1248?-1309. <a href="">The book of divine consolation of the Blessed Angela of Foligno</a> Translated from the Italian by Mary G. Steegmann. Introd. by Algar Thorold.(London, Chatto and Windus; New York, Duffield & co., 1909) [Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">St. Bridget of Sweden: <a href="../basis/bridget-tractatus.asp">Revelations to the Popes</a> d. 1373, Latin edition by Arne Jönsson, [and <a href="../basis/bridget-tractatus.doc">Microsoft Word</a> Version], </li> <li class="H_body_text">Heliga Birgittas: <a href="">Uppenbarelser</a> [Revelations of St. Bridget], in Swedish [At Göteborg University]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Life and Doctrine of Saint Catherine of Genoa</a> [At CCEL]<br /> Includes a Life, The Spiritual Dialogue, and Treatise on Purgatory, all from a 1874, 1907 English version. It is unclear from the etext if this Life is a translation of the <em>Libro de la vita mirabile e dottrina santa de la beta Caterinetta da Genoa</em>, or a modern work.</li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB</font> <a href="">Christine de Pizan Digital Scriptorium</a> [Johns Hopkins]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Christine de,Pizan (c.1363-c.1431): <a href="">The book of the Duke of true lovers</a>: now first translated from the Middle French of Christine de Pisan ; with an introduction by Alice Kemp-Welch ; the ballads rendered into the original metres by... (London : Chatto and Windus, 1908) [Project Gutenberg]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Christine de Pizan: <a href="">Treasure of the City of Ladies</a> (1405), full text in French [Project Gutenberg]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Christine de Pizan: <a href="">Treasure of the City of Ladies</a> (1405), full text in English [Internet Archive borrow facility] <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">How ladies and young women who live on their manors ought to manage their households and estates</a> [Was At Millersville, now Internet Archive]</li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><!-- removed-3/2007 <a href="">Julian of Norwich: Shewings Chap 51</a> 1371, (lived 1342 - 1443). [At Millersville] <br> --><font color="#D05653">WEB</font> <a href="">Julian of Norwich Page</a>. [At Luminarium]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Julian of Norwich: <em>Shewings</em></a> [Full Text] See also <a href="">Catholic Encycloped-Juliana of Norwich</a></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Book of Margery Kempe</a> [At TEAMS]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB</font> see the <a href="">Luminarium: Margery Kempe Page</a> [with a picture of Margery]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Margery Kempe: <a href="">The Book of Margery Kempe: The Birth of Her First Child and Her First Vision</a>. [At]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Margery Kempe: <a href="">The Book of Margery Kempe: Her Pride and Attempts to Start a Business</a>. [At]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Margery Kempe: <a href="">The Book of Margery Kempe: Margery and Her Husband Reach a Settlement</a>. [At]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Margery Kempe: <a href="">The Book of Margery Kempe: Pilgrimmage to Jerusalem</a>. [At]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Margery Kempe (1413-1415): <a href="">Book of Margery Kempe</a>. (Text--Butler-Bowden translation of Chapter 26-34, 37-41)[At Internet Archive was at Traveling to Jerusalem/U Sth Colorado]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Margery Kempe: <a href="">Treatise of Contemplation</a> from her <em>Book</em> as reprinted in <em>The Cell of Self-Knowledge</em>. [At CCEL]<br /> For many centuries this was the only well-known part of Margery's writing.</li> <li class="H_body_text">Margery Kempe (1413-1415): <a href="">Book of Margery Kempe</a>. (Text--Butler-Bowden translation of Chapter 26-34, 37-41) [At Internet Archive was at Traveling to Jerusalem/U Sth Colorado]</li> <li class="H_body_text"> Marie de France: <a href="">Lays:</a> [At Project Gutenberg]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"> Laura Certa: <a href="">Letter to Bibulus Sempronius</a> 13 January 1488 [Was At CCNY, now Internet Archive] </span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Religious Women: Saints</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/macc4.asp">Fourth Book of Maccabees: The Death of the Maccabees</a> circa. 63 BCE-70CE [RSV] [At this Site]<br /> This book is in an "Appendix" of Greek Orthodox Bibles (although not part of the Latin Church's deuterocanonica). Its account of the persecution the Maccabees influenced later martyrdom accounts in many ways. The Maccabees and their mother were celebrated as saints in Orthodox churches.</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">St. Methodius of Olympus: <a href="../basis/simeon.asp">Oration Concerning Simeon and Anna On The Day That They Met in The Temple</a> translated in St. Pachomius Library</span> [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../basis/thecla.asp">Acts of Paul and Thecla</a> translated in St. Pachomius Library</span> [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Vibia Perpetua: <a href="../source/perpetua.asp">The Passion of SS. Perpetua and Felicity</a>. The <a href="">Latin Original</a> is available [At The Latin Library]. See also <a href="">Catholic Encyclopedia: Sts. Felicitas and Perpetua</a>; and <a href="">Peter Dronke's Discussion of Perpetua</a> [Was At Millersville, now Internet Archive]<br /> This text is composed, in part, of Perpetua's own account of her trial, and of her visions. It is thus among the earliest of all texts ascribed to a Christian woman. According to Thomas Heffernan [Sacred Biography, (New York: Oxford UP, 1988), 190] this text also sees the earliest use of the topos of Christ, the Bridegroom of the saint. Perpetua is "the wife (matrona) of Christ, the beloved of God" (17:2) </span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Eusebius: <a href="../source/euseb-domnina.asp">Ecclesiastical History: Martyrdom of St. Domnina and Daughters</a> [From Ante-Nicene and Nicene Fathers Series]<br /> A text, and a story, which has always been problematic - the saint and her daughters drown themselves rather than submit to rape. </span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../basis/xanthippe.asp">Acts of Xanthippe, Polyxena and Rebecca</a> [From Ante-Nicene and Nicene Fathers Series]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../basis/pelagia.asp">Martyrdom of St. Pelagia of Ceasarea</a> translated from Ge'ez [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text"> Palladius: <a href="../basis/palladius-lausiac.asp">The Lausiac History</a> [extended excerpts] [At this Site]<br /> Includes lives of a number of important Late Roman saintly women, such as Melania the Elder and Melania the Younger.</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Gregory of Nyssa (c.335-d.c.395): <a href="../basis/macrina.asp">Life of Macrina</a> trans. W.K. Lowther Clarke.[At this Site]<br /> One of the most important lives of a female saint. This is an account of Gregory's strongminded sister, Macrina (c.327-379) </span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Gregory of Nyssa (c.335-d.c.395): <a href="">Funeral Oration for the Empress Flaccilla</a> trans Casimir McCambly [At Lectio Divina] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Gregory Nazianzus: <a href="../basis/gregnaz-gorgonia.asp">Oration: On his Sister Gorgonia</a></span> [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../basis/matrona.asp">Life of Matrona of Perge</a> d.c. 510-515, trans Khalifa Ben Nasser, [full text of Metaphrastic Life: selections from Vita Prima] [At this Site]<br /> An example of a "transvestite" saint who was also a historical figure. </span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../basis/irene-chrysobalanton.asp">Life of Irene, Abbess of the Convent of Chrysobalanton</a> trans. Jan Olof Rosenqvist.</span> [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../basis/maryegypt.asp">Life of St. Mary of Egypt</a> from the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete [At this Site] See also <a href="">Catholic Encyclopedia: Saint Mary of Egypt</a></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../basis/maryyounger.asp">Life of Mary the Younger</a> d.c. 903, trans Paul Halsall, [First five chapters, and concluding prayer]</span> [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Holy Women of Byzantium</a>: Ten Saints' Lives in English Translation, ed. Alice-Mary Talbot [At Internet Archive] <strong><br /> </strong>Complete texts of translations of female saints lives. The texts are all in a single PDF for the enitre vook or EPUB form. The former individual PDFs are no longer available. <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Front Matter, General Introduction, Acknowledgemets, List of Abbreviations</li> <li class="H_body_text">A. Nuns Disguised as Monks <ul> <li class="H_body_text">1. Life of St. Mary/Marinos / translated by Nicholas Constas</li> <li class="H_body_text">2. Life of St. Matrona of Perge / Jeffrey Featherstone and Cyril Mango</li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text">B. Female Solitaries <ul> <li class="H_body_text">3. Life of St. Mary of Egypt / Maria Kouli</li> <li class="H_body_text">4. Life of St. Theoktiste of Lesbos / Angela C. Hero</li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text">C. Cenobitic Nuns <ul> <li class="H_body_text">5. Life of St. Elisabeth the Wonderworker / Valerie Karras</li> <li class="H_body_text">6. Life of St. Athanasia of Aegina / Lee Francis Sherry</li> <li class="H_body_text">7. Life of St. Theodora of Thessalonike / Alice-Mary Talbot</li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text">D. Pious Housewives <ul> <li class="H_body_text">8. Life of St. Mary the Younger / Angeliki E. Laiou</li> <li class="H_body_text">9. Life of St. Thomaïs of Lesbos / Paul Halsall</li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text">E. A Saintly Empress <ul> <li class="H_body_text">10. Life of St. Theodora of Arta / Alice-Mary Talbot</li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text">Indexes / 122 k<br /> Index of People and Places; General Index; Index of Notable Greek Words</li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text">Gregory I (DIALOGOS): <a href="../basis/g1-schol1.asp">Second Dialogue (Life of St. Scholastica) [From Ante-Nicene and Nicene Fathers Series]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Rudolf of Fulda: <a href="../basis/leoba.asp">Life of Leoba</a> c. 836</span> [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../basis/liutberga.asp">The Life of Liutberga</a> 9th Century, trans, Jo Ann McNamara.</span> [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">St. Bridget of Sweden (d.1373): <a href="../basis/bridget-tractatus.asp">Revelations to the Popes</a> Latin edition by Arne Jönsson, [and <a href="../basis/bridget-tractatus.doc">Microsoft Word</a> Version]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Ancient Lives of Scottish Saints</a> trans W.M. Metcalfe 1845 [At Internet Archive]<br /> St, Ninian vy Ailred of Rievaux; St Columbia by Cuimine the Fair; St. Columba by Adamnan; St. Sevanus; St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland, by Turgot; St. Magnus</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Heliga Birgittas uppenbarelser</a> Revelations of St. Bridget, in Swedish [At Göteborg University]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"> <a href="">The Life and Doctrine of Saint Catherine of Genoa</a> [At CCEL]<br /> Includes a Life, The Spiritual Dialogue, and Treatise on Purgatory, all from a 1874, 1907 English version. It is unclear from the etext if this Life is a translation of the Libro de la vita mirabile e dottrina santa de la beta Caterinetta da Genoa, or a modern work.</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Catherine of Genoa (1447-1510): <a href="">Treatise on Purgatory</a> full text [At EWTN]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Jacques De Vitry:<a href=""> Life of Mary of Oignies</a> in Latin [At Umilta]<br /> </li> <li class="H_body_text">Jacques De Vitry: <a href="">Life of Mary of Oignies</a> full text in Latin, ed. Margot King [Was At Peregrina Press's Matrologia Latina site now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Thomas de Cantimpré: <a href="">The Life of Christina Mirabilis</a> in Latin, [Was At Peregrina Press's Matrologia Latina site, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Thomas de Cantimpré: <a href="">Vita Lutgardis Virgine in Aquiriae Brabantia</a> in Latin, [At Intratext] and <a href="">Liber I</a> <a href="">Liber II</a> and <a href="">Liber III</a> in Latin [Was At Peregrina Press's Matrologia Latina site now Internet Archive]<br /> Lutgard was born at Tongres in 1182. D, at Aywieres, 1246. Feast. June 16. She was a mystic, and, for the last eleven years of her life, blind. [DOS]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Jacobus de Voragine/William Caxton: <a href="">The Life of Saint Cecilia</a>. trans by Caxton (1483) from Jacobus de Voragine: <em>Golden Legend</em>. [Was at Catholic Forum, now Internet Archive]<br /> Cecilia is the Patron saint of music in the west.</li> <li class="H_body_text">Geoffrey Chaucer: <a href="">The Life of Saint Cecilia (The Second Nun's Tale)</a> c. 1380, [Modernized English, At Internet Archive, from Virginia Tech]. The original <a href="">Middle English</a> is also available [At University of Virginia]. Chaucer's account is based on the Golden Legend.</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><strong>Jacobus de Voragine (1230-1298): The Golden Legend</strong> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Jacobus de Voragine (1230-1298): <a href="../basis/goldenlegend/">The Golden Legend</a> (Aurea Legenda) 1275, As englished by William Caxton, 1483 <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site]</span><br /> The full text of the 7 volume Temple Classics edition, available in large volume files, and individual feast/saint files.</li> <li class="H_body_text">Jacobus de Voragine (1230-1298): <a href="">The Golden Legend</a> (Aurea Legenda) 1275. Same text as previous item, but with individual files for each saint. [Was at Catholic Forum, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Jacobus de Voragine (1230-1298): <a href="../source/voragine1.asp">The Golden Legend: Index</a> <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site]</span><br /> A list of the saints lives contained in collection.</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="" title="">Pieter van Os</a> (September 1, 1490). <a rel="nofollow" href="">Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia</a>.(in Latin and German). Vol. II. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Archived</a></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Jacobus de Voragine</a> [AtWikipedia] </li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><b>Jacobus de Voragine (1230-1298): The Golden Legend</b><br /> Texts in Voragine's order,numbering following William Ryan, (Princeton: 1993) </span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"> 4. <a href="">St. Lucy</a> in Latin [At The Latin Library]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"> 7. <a href="">St. Anastasia</a> in Latin [At The Latin Library]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"> 62. <a href="">A Virgin of Antioch</a> in Latin [At The Latin Library]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"> 84. <a href="">St. Marina</a> in Latin [At The Latin Library]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"> 96. <a href="">St. Mary Magdalene</a> in Latin [At The Latin Library]</span></li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"> <a href="">Life of Markella of Chios</a> (date uncertain) [Was At Demetrios Greek Orthodox, now Internet Archive]<br /> It is unclear if this is a modern or old [how old] life of Markella. The sexual overtones of the text, are, however, intense.</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"> A Legend of the Austrian Tyrol: <a href="../mod/kummernis.asp">St. Kümmernis</a> [At this Site]<br /> A story of a saint who women grows a beard so she can become a bride of Christ.</span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Religious Women: Monasticism</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"> <font color="#D05653">WEB</font> <a href="">Monastic Matrix</a> [At St Andrews]<br /> A collection of resources for the study of women's religious communities, 500-1500. This includes a database of 1146 women's communities and a <a href="">Documents</a> page, with documents from women's communities at Laycock (13th century), San Sisto (13th century), Santa Francesca Romana (15th century).</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Byzantine Monastic Foundation Documents</a> [Was At Dumbarton Oaks, now Internet Archive]<br /> A Complete Translation of the Surviving Founder's Typika and Testaments. Edited by John Thomas and Angela Constantinides Hero with the assistance of Giles Constable. To access chapter files individually see <a href="">here</a></li> <li class="H_body_text"> <font color="#D05653">2ND </font>Jeffrey Conrad, <a href="">Egyptian and Syrian Asceticism in Late Antiquity: A Comparative Study of the Ascetic Idea in the Late Roman Empire during the Fourth and Fifth Centuries</a>. [Was At SFSU, now Internet Archive]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">2ND </font>Nonna Harrison, <a href="">The Feminine Man in Late Antique Ascetic Piety</a> Union Seminary Quarterly Review 48:3-4 [Was At Columbia, now Internet Archive]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">2ND </font>Lina Eckenstein, <a href="">Women Under Monasticism</a> Chapters on Saint-Lore and Convent Life Between A.D. 500 and A.D. 1500. (New York: Russell and Russell, 1963), chaps. 4, 6, 7, 9 [Was At Yale, now Internet Archive]]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">2ND </font>Kevin Corrigan, <a href="">Syncletica and Macrina: Two Early Lives of Women Saints</a> Vox Benedictina 6/3 (1989) 241-256. [Was At Peregrina Press's Matrologia Latina site, now Internet Archive]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"> <font color="#D05653">2ND </font>Onnie Duvall, <a href="">Radegund of Poitiers (ca. 518-587)</a> [Was At ORB, now Internet Archive]. See also Alex Perkins: <a href="">Life of Radegund</a> [Was At Cambridge, now Internet Archive]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"> <font color="#D05653">2ND </font>Margot H. King, <a href="">The Desert Mothers: A Survey of the Feminine Anchoretic Tradition in Western Europe</a>[Was At Peregrina Press's Matrologia Latina site, now Internet Archive]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"> <font color="#D05653">2ND </font>Margot H. King, <a href="">The Desert Mothers Revisited: The Mothers of the Diocese of Liège</a> [Was At Peregrina Press's Matrologia Latina site, now Internet Archive]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"> <font color="#D05653">2ND </font>Abby Stoner, <a href="">Sisters Between: Gender and the Medieval Beguines</a> [Was At, now Internet Archive]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"> <font color="#D05653">2ND </font>Katherine Gill, <a href="">Open Monasteries for Women in Late Medieval and Early Modern Italy: Two Roman Examples</a> [Was at Matrix, now Internet Archive]<br /> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Ancrene Wisse</a> In Middle English, with some Latin. [At Google Books]<br /> A collection of rules and advice for English nuns.</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Rule of the Lady Hospitallers of the Royal Monastery of Sigena</a> 1188, in Latin, [At Internet Archive, from Kansas]<br /> The Royal Monastery of Sigena was an institution of Lady Hospitallers and enjoyed a great deal of independence and influence. It would appear that its Rule was the work of Sancha, Queen of Aragon.</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Election of Avice as the first abbess of Malling</a>. 7th March 1108 See Wikipedia: <a href="">Malling Abbey</a> [Manuscript, transcription, translation and introduction by Christopher Monk from the <a href="">Textus Roffensis</a> online at Rochester Cathedral]. See also Wikipedia: <a href="">Textus Roffensis</a> (1122-1124).</li> <li class="H_body_text">Catherine of Siena (1347-1380) : <a href="">Dialogue 1370</a> [At CCEL] See also <a href="">Catholic Encyclopedia: Catherine of Siena, Saint</a></span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Julian of Norwich (1343-1443): <a href="">Revelations of Divine Love 1371</a> [At CCEL] See also <a href="">Catholic Encyclopedia: JULIANA OF NORWICH</a></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Rule of the Lady Hospitallers of the Royal Monastery of Sigena</a> 1188, in Latin, [At Internet Archive, from Kansas]<br /> The Royal Monastery of Sigena was an institution of Lady Hospitallers and enjoyed a great deal of independence and influence. It would appear that its Rule was the work of Sancha, Queen of Aragon.</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"> Catherine of Genoa (1447-1510): <a href="">Treatise on Purgatory</a> [At EWTN]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Wendy M. Reynolds: <a href="">The Goddess Brighid</a> [Was at Millersville, now Internet Archive]<br /> A paper discussing, and linking to a variety of resources, the idea that St. - Brigit is a Christianization of the Celtic goddess "Brighid". The <a href="">Catholic Encyclopedia Article: Brigid of Ireland</a> is worth reading in conjunction with this site.<span class="H_body_text"> </span></li> </ul> <p> <span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">The Cult of the Virgin Mary</span> </p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Jerome: <a href="">Against Helvidius- the Perpetual Virginity of the Virgin Mary</a> [At CCEL]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">John of Damascus: <a href="../basis/johndamascus-komesis.asp">Three Sermons on the Dormition (<font face="Symbol">koimhsiV</font>) of the Virgin</a> full text [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Sermon Stories: <a href="../source/tales-virgin.asp">Tales of The Virgin</a> 12th-13th Century At this Site] See also <a href="">Catholic Encyclopedia: Devotion to Blessed Virgin Mary</a></span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Conrad of Saxony: <a href="">Mirror of the Blessed Virgin Mary</a> [Full text], often ascribed to St. Bonaventure, but now considered the work of Conrad by many scholars. [At Intratext]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">François Villon: <a href="../source/villon1.asp">Ballade to Our Lady and Epitaph in the form of a Ballade</a> [c.1431-after 1463]</span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women's Oppression</span></p> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Misogyny</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Athanasius: <a href="../basis/vita-antony.asp">Life of Anthony</a> [From Ante-Nicene and Nicene Fathers Series] At this Site]. See also <a href="">Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Anthony</a> or <a href="">Encyclopedia Britannica (9th ed): Athanasius</a><br /> Just as the martyrdom of Polykarp is a model text for many other martyrdom accounts, the Life of Anthony provided a model for accounts of saints - later called confessors whose sanctity was manifested by a holy - usually monastic - life rather than by a heroic death for the faith.</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">2ND </font><a href="">Standard Misquotation Assigned to John Chrysostom</a></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="source/witches1.asp">Witchcraft Documents</a> inc. the Papal Bull of 1484, Johannes Nider on witches, and extracts from the <i>Malleus malificaram</i>.</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Sprenger and Kramer: <a href="">The Malleus M-icarum [The Hammer of Witches]</a> 1484, full text. [At Sacred Texts] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>] </li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Witchcraft Legends</a> Translated and/or edited by D. L. Ashliman. [At Pitt]</span> [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"> Ibn Fadlan. <a href="">Risala</a> 921 CE [At VikingAnswerLady] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]<br /> Ibn Fadlan was an Arab chronicler. In 921 C.E., the Caliph sent Ibn Fadlan with an embassy to the King of the Bulgars of the Middle Volga. Ibn Fadlan wrote an account of his journeys with the embassy, called a <em>Risala</em>. This Risala is of great value as a history, although it is clear in some places that inaccuracies and Ibn Fadlan's own prejudices have slanted the account to some extent. <span class="H_body_text">. It contains an account of a Viking version of suttee.</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Ibn Fadlan and the Rusiyyah</a> trans of the Risala by James E. Montgomery, Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies3 (2000) PDF. [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Courtly Love</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"> Andreas Capellanus: <a href="../source/capellanus.asp">The Art of Courtly Love</a> (btw. 1174-1186) At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Chrétien de Troyes: <a href="../source/1170chretien-lancelot.asp">Lancelot</a> c. 1170, excerpts [At this Site].</span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></p> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Marriage</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><strong>General</strong> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/bible-marr.asp">Selections from the Bible on Marriage</a> <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">New Concern with Geneaologies</a> 10th Century [At After Empire] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB </font> <a href="">The Canterbury Roll Project</a> [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]<br /> A 15th-century English genealogical text. It was created in the late 1420s/ early 1430s </li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><strong>Theology</strong> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">St Augustine: <a href="../source/aug-marr.asp">On Marriage and Concupiscence</a> excerpts [<span class="H_body_text">At this Site]</span><br /> A crucial text for understanding why marriage was such a problem for medieval canonists and theologians.</li> <li class="H_body_text">St Jerome (c. 320-420): <a href="../source/jerome-marriage.asp">On Marriage and Virginity</a> From Letter XXII to Eustochium and from the treatise Against Jovinian [<span class="H_body_text">At this Site]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">St Jerome (c. 320-420): <a href="../source/jerome-songofsongs.asp">On The Song of Songs</a> From the treatise Against Jovinian [<span class="H_body_text">At this Site]</span></li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><strong>Law and Marriage</strong> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/cjc-marriage.asp"><em>Corpus Iuris Civilis</em>: The Digest and Codex on Marriage</a>. See also <a href="">Catholic Encyclopedia: History of Marriage</a> <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Codex Justinianus: <a href="../source/codexVIl-24-i.asp">Protection of Freewomen Married to Servile Husbands</a> c. 530 [Vll.24.i.] <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Codex Justinianus: <a href="../source/codexXl-48-xxi.asp">Children of the Unfree</a> c. 530 [Xl.48.xxi.] <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Codex Justinianus: <a href="../source/codexXl-48-xxiv.asp">Children of Mixed Marriages</a> c. 530 [Xl.48.xxiv.] <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/byz-marr726.asp">The Contract of Marriage, in the <em>Ecloga</em> of Leo III, (726)</a>. <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/endow1.asp">A Husband's Endowment Of His Future Wife On Their Betrothal - Southern Burgundy</a> 994. <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/council.asp">Council Legislation on Marriage</a> <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><span class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/560-975dooms.asp">Anglo Saxon Dooms</a> 560-975</span> <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../images/kind-deg.gif">Tables of Kindred and Degrees</a> - both Roman and German methods of calculation.</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/12peasantobligations-france-rbarton.asp">Peasant Servitude and Obligations: Rulings by Louis VI and Louis VII of France</a> (12th Century), , trans. Richard Barton. <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/1040-1188vendomedisputes-rbarton.asp">Disputing and Dispute Resolution in Monastic Charters from the Vendômois</a> c. 1040-1118, trans. Richard Barton. <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span><br /> 14 documents from the <em>Cartulaire de la Trinité de Vendôme</em> with reference to monastic life, rural life, dispute resolution, duels.</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/1175brusthem.asp">The Law of Brusthem</a> 1175, on a mixed marriage between a slave and a freewoman. <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Gratian: <a href="../source/gratian1.asp">On Marriage</a> <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Innocent III (r.1198-1216): <a href="../source/innIII-marriagewomen.asp">Letters on Marriage, and Women</a> 1203-1204 <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/manor-marr1.asp">Manorial Marriage and Sexual Offense Cases</a> <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Pope Urban IV (1261–1264) or Pope Clement IV (1265–1268): <a href="">De Sinu patris</a> and <a href="">Audi filia et</a> 1260s [Wikisource]<br /> Letters urging an unnamed nobleman to return to his wife, possibly in reference to the Cypriot queen Plaisance of Antioch and her lover John of Jaffa.</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/hyams-xcourts.asp">Church Courts Pursue Adulterers, 1289</a> <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Robert of Flamborough: <a href="../source/hyams-robert.asp">Summa Confessorum: on Luxuria</a>.<span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/cjc-marriage.asp"><em>Corpus Iuris Civilis</em>: The Digest and Codex on Marriage</a> <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span>. See also <a href="">Catholic Encyclopedia: History of Marriage</a></li> <li class="H_body_text">Gratian: <a href="../source/gratian1.asp">On Marriage</a> <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/1175brusthem.asp">The Law of Brusthem</a> 1175, on a mixed marriage between a slave and a freewoman. <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/12peasantobligations-france-rbarton.asp">Peasant Servitude and Obligations: Rulings by Louis VI and Louis VII of France</a> (12th Century), trans. Richard Barton. <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/1040-1188vendomedisputes-rbarton.asp">Disputing and Dispute Resolution in Monastic Charters from the Vendômois</a> c. 1040-1118, trans. Richard Barton. <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span><br /> 14 documents from the <em>Cartulaire de la Trinité de Vendôme</em> with reference to monastic life, rural life, dispute resolution, duels.</li> <li class="H_body_text"><span class="H_body_text"><a href="../french/mar.htm">Novembre 1169</a> : Pactes entre Guilhem de Monpellier et Bernard d'Anduze en vue du mariage de leurs enfants respectifs. In Latin</span></span> <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Innocent III (r.1198-1216): <a href="../source/innIII-marriagewomen.asp">Letters on Marriage, and Women</a> 1203-1204 <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/manor-marr1.asp">Manorial Marriage and Sexual Offense Cases</a>. <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Pope Urban IV (1261–1264) or Pope Clement IV (1265–1268): <a href="">De Sinu patris</a> and <a href="">Audi filia et</a> 1260s [Wikisource]<br /> Letters urging an unnamed nobleman to return to his wife, possibly in reference to the Cypriot queen Plaisance of Antioch and her lover John of Jaffa.</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/hyams-xcourts.asp">Church Courts Pursue Adulterers, 1289</a> <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Oldradus de Ponte: <a href="source/oldradus35.asp">No. 35 (Questio)</a> early 14th century. <br /> The issue here is the validity of a marriage contract made under duress. A woman was kidnapped, held captive and raped over a period of twelve days. During that time, the villain compelled the woman to pronounce the words of a marriage ceremony, after which he endeavored to consummate the marriage.</li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><strong>Married Lives</strong> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/hyams-bestiary.asp">The Crow of the Bestiaries</a> [At this Site].</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/hyams-dausale.asp">Sale of Daughter as a Concubine</a> [At this Site].</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">An Agreement made by the monks of Rochester with the wife of Robert Latimer</a>. c.1100-c.1123[Manuscript, transcription, translation and introduction by Christopher Monk from the <a href="">Textus Roffensis</a> online at Rochester Cathedral]. See also Wikipedia: <a href="">Textus Roffensis</a> (1122-1124).</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Hugh, in agreement with his wife Emma and his sons, grants land at Southgate to St Andrew’s, Rochester</a>. 1114-23 [Manuscript, transcription, translation and introduction by Christopher Monk from the <a href="">Textus Roffensis</a> online at Rochester Cathedral]. See also Wikipedia: <a href="">Textus Roffensis</a> (1122-1124).</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/hyams-wifesues.asp">Wife Sues to Get Husband Back [At this Site].</span></a></li> <li class="H_body_text">Constance of Brittany and Gerald of Wales: <a href="../source/hyams-louisvii.asp">On Louis VII of France</a>. [At this Site].</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/goodman.asp"><em>Le Menagier [or Goodman] of Paris</em>: on ideal marriage</a> [At this Site].</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Peter of Blois: <a href="../source/eleanor.asp">Letter 154, to Queen Eleanor, 1173</a> trans. M. Markowski [At this Site].</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Aquinas: <a href="../source/aquinas-sex.asp">On Sex: Summa Theologiae II-II, 153-154 [At this Site].</span></a></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/1432synod-castile-jews.asp">Synod of Castilian Jews</a> 1432 [At this Site].</span><br /> Ordinances from assembly of the Jews of the kingdom of Castile at Valladolid in 1432 -- includes a discussion on forced marriage.</span></li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Everyday Life</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Michael Psellus (1018-after 1078): <a href=",_Michael_Psellos,_Encomium_of_His_Mother,_EN.pdf">Encomium of His Mother</a> trans Jeffrey Walker, full text. [PDF doc] [At Documenta Catholica] [Internet Archive version <a href=",_Michael_Psellos,_Encomium_of_His_Mother,_EN.pdf">here</a>] </li> <li class="H_body_text">Canute, King of the English: <a href="../source/1035Cnutrelf.html">On Heriots and Reliefs</a> c. 1016-1035 [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text"> Stephen de Bourbon: <a href="../source/guinefort.asp">De Supersticione: On St Guinefort</a> [At this Site].</span><br /> The basis of the film The Sorceress about a sainted dog. Based on the tradition of St. Christopher as being "dog-faced".</li> <li class="H_body_text">Bernardino of Siena: <a href="../source/Bernardino-2sermons.asp">Sermons on Wives and Widows</a> 1427 <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Master Huen's Boke of Gode Cookery</a><br /> A compilation of Medieval recipes from period sources, with modern adaptations for the 20th c. kitchen. With diverse facts on food & feasting in the Middle Ages, and many things related historically. [At SCA site: at] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Everyday Life: Jewish Women</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/jewishwomen-grace.asp">Reciting the Grace after Meals: The Status of Jewish Women</a> from Berakhot, chap. 7, trans. Elka Klein</span> [At this Site].</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Barcelona Jewish Court Documents: <a href="../source/1293belladona.asp">A Daughter's Inheritance</a> 1293, trans. Elka Klein</span> [At this Site].</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Barcelona Jewish Court Documents: <a href="../source/1262cruxia.asp">A Jewish Widow and her Daughter</a> 1261-1262, trans. Elka Klein</span> [At this Site].</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/1432synod-castile-jews.asp">Synod of Castilian Jews</a> 1432 <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span><br /> Ordinances from assembly of the Jews of the kingdom of Castile at Valladolid in 1432 -- includes a discussion of forced marriages.</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women's Agency</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Tacitus: <a href="../source/tacitus1.asp">Germania</a> full text. <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Gregory of Tours: <a href="../source/gregory-clovisconv.asp">The Conversion of Clovis</a> from History of the Franks, Book II <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Gregory of Tours: <a href="../basis/gregory-hist.asp">History of the Franks</a> (6th century) <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span><br /> Complete text of Earnest Brehaut's 1916 abridged translation.</li> <li class="H_body_text">Bede: <a href="../source/614bede-ecchist-hilda.asp">Abbess Hilda of Whitby</a> (d. 679) from Ecclesiastical History <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Æthelflæd [Aetheflaed], Lady of the Mercians (d .918): <a href="../source/911anglosaxonchronical-aethelflaed.asp">Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 911-918</a> daughter of Alfred the Great and the only woman to rule Anglo-Saxon England in her own right. <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Wynflaed (d. c 950/960): <a href="">Will of Wynflæd</a> concerning land at Ebbesborne, Wilts.; Charlton (probably Horethorne, Somerset); Coleshill, Berks.; Inggeneshamme (perhaps Inglesham, Wilts.); Faccombe, Hants; Adderbury, Oxon.; and at Chinnock, Somerset; the beneficiaries including Shaftesbury and Wilton. [At the Electronic Sawyer. Click the "Translation" icon for full translation.] See BL for <a href="">Images of Manuscript</a>. See Wikipedia: <a href="">Wynflaed</a>.</li> <li class="H_body_text">Emma of Normandy (d. 1052): <a href="../source/1053economiumemmareginae.asp">Encomium Emmae Reginae</a> [Encomium of Queen Emma], excerpts, mid 11th Century <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span> <a href="">Complete text</a> at Internet Archive.</li> <li class="H_body_text">Russian Primary Chronicle: <a href="">The Christianisation of Russia (988)</a> [Was At Durham, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../french/fide.htm">1135 </a>: Serment de fidélité prêté par Guillem VI, seigneur de Montpellier, au comte et à la comtesse de Melgueil. In Latin <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../french/gene.htm">12 novembre 1166</a>: Convention et confédération de paix, concorde et commerce entre les consuls de Gênes et l'archevêque Pons, la vicomtesse Ermengarde et le peuple de Narbonne. In Latin <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../french/testam.htm">30 avril 1196</a> : Testament d'Ermengarde, vicomtesse de Narbonne. In Latin <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/naprous.asp">The Case of Na Prous, a beguine</a> 1325 <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Geoffrey Chaucer: <a href="../source/chaucer-prol.txt">Prologue to the Canterbury Tales</a> original language. <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Geoffrey Chaucer: <a href="../source/CT-prolog-bathmod.asp">Canterbury Tales: Prologue to Wife of Bath's Tale [Modern Text] </a>(c.1380) [d.1400] or <a href="../source/CT-prolog-bathpara.asp">Parallel Text Version</a> [using HTML Tables] <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><span class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">2ND</font> Robert Palmer: <a href="">Women and the Law</a>. [Was At Houston, now Internet Archive] <br /> Glanvill on Law as it applies to women in England, 1188.</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/goodman.asp">Le Menagier [or Goodman] of Paris: on ideal marriage</a> <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Bernardino of Siena: <a href="../source/bernardino-2sermons.asp">Sermons on Wives and Widows </a>(1427) <span class="H_body_text">[At this Site].</span></span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Feminism</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Christine de Pizan (1363-1431): <a href="">Treasure of the City of Ladies</a> [Was at Millersville, now Internet Archive] <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">[Book of the City of Ladies]: Whether there was ever a woman who discovered hitherto unknown knowledge</a> [At Internet Archive, from Millersville]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">How elderly ladies ought to conduct themselves toward young ones</a> [Was at Millersville, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">How young women ought to conduct themselves towards their elders</a> [Was at Millersville, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Of the wives of artisans and how they ought to conduct themselves</a> [Was at Millersville, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">How ladies and young women who live on their manors ought to manage their households and estates</a> [Was at Millersville, now Internet Archive] </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Gender Construction</span></p> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Men's Roles</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">To Cry a Joust: Abillement for the Joust</a> 15th Century [Was At Chronique, now Internet Archive]<br /> See <a href="">Knighthood, Chivalry & Tournaments Resource Library</a> [Was At Chronique, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Challenge of John Astley, Squire, to Philip Boyle, Knight of Aragon</a> On the occasion of his knighting, 1442 [Was At Chronique, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">A Joust: Pierre de Masse's Challenge</a> [Was At Chronique, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/12Cduels.asp">Charters relating to Judicial Duels</a> 11th - 12th Century, trans. Richard Barton [At this Site] <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Duel between Engelardus and the monks of Saint-Serge of Angers, c.1100</li> <li class="H_body_text">Abbots Daibert and Otbrannus prevent a battle between their monks, 27 and 28 April, 1064</li> <li class="H_body_text">Trouble between St Martin of Tours and Holy Cross of Talmont leads to a judicial battle, 1098</li> <li class="H_body_text">Abbot Robert of Mont-Saint-Michel seeks the right to determine where duels are held.</li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/1260statute-arms.asp">Statuta Armorum (The Statutes of Arms)</a> c. 1260 [At this Site]<br /> An attempt to forbid jousting, etc.</li> <li class="H_body_text">Peter Abelard: <a href="../source/abelard-sel.asp">History of My Calamities [selections]</a>. [At this Site] The full text is also available in <a href="../basis/abelard-histcal.asp">English translation</a> by Henry Adams Bellows and in <a href="">Latin</a> [At Georgetown]; See also <a href="">Catholic Encyclopedia: PETER ABELARD</a>; and <a href="">Eric Gans: Chronicles of Love and Resentment - Abelard and Heloise</a></span> [Was at UCLA, now Internet Archivee]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Guibert of Nogent (1053-1124): <a href="../basis/guibert-vita.asp">Autobiography</a> full text, trans. C.C. Swinton Bland</span> [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Guibert of Nogent (1053-1124): <a href="../source/nogent-auto.asp">On his childhood</a> Selections from his Autobiography</span> [At this Site]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Sexualities</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">See <a href="../pwh/"> People With A History: An Online Guide to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans* History</a></span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Justinian I: <a href="../pwh/just-novels.asp">Novel 77,</a> [538 CE] and Novel 141, [544 CE] [At this Site]<br /> Includes texts of earlier Roman legislation on homosexuality.</li> <li class="H_body_text">Regino of Prüm (early 10th century): <a href="">Ordo for a Bishop's Visitation of his Diocese</a> (<em>Reginonis Prumiensis Libri Duo de Synodalibus Causis et Disicplinis Ecclesiasticis</em>). [At After Empire] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]<br /> There's a high level of interest in sins related to sex, marriage, divorce and homosexuality.</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/homo-med.asp">Medieval Homoerotic Texts</a></span> [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/2rites.asp">Two Versions of the Rite of Adelphopoiia</a></span> [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Theodore of Studium: <a href="../source/theostud-rules.asp">Reform Rules [d.826]</a> contains interesting references to adelphopoiia and dangers of monastic friendships.</span> [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Peter Damian: <a href="../source/homo-damian1.asp">'The Different Types of Those Who Sin Against Nature', from Liber Gomorrhianus</a> [.c.1048-54]</span> [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Alain of Lille (d. 1203): <a href="../source/alain-sel.asp">The Plaint of Nature, extracts</a>. The <a href="../basis/alain-deplanctu.asp">full text</a> is also available.</span>[At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Aquinas: <a href="../source/aquinas-homo.asp">On Unnatural Sex: Summa Theologiae II-II, 154, 10-11</a> </span>[At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">The Nizámu'l Mulk (?-1092 CE) : <a href="../source/nizam-courtiers.asp">On the Courtiers and Familars of Kings</a> [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Passion of Sergius and Bacchus</a> full text of early passion. [At CMU] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>] </li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/2rites.asp">Two Versions of the Rite of <em>Adelphopoiia</em></a>. [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/1395rykener.asp">The Questioning of Eleanor Rykener (also known as John), a Cross-Dressing Prostitute, 1395</a>. [At this Site]<br /> This is the one a a minute number of texts from legal processes on same-sex and/or transgender issues in late medieval England. The document contains a facsimile of the Roll membrane, a Latin transcription, and a translation.</li> <li class="H_body_text"></span>Robert of Flamborough: <a href="../source/hyams-robert.asp">Summa Confessorum - on Luxuria</a> </span>[At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text"> A Legend of the Austrian Tyrol: <a href="../mod/kummernis.asp">St. Kümmernis</a> [At this Site] [At this Site]<br /> A story of a saint who women grows a beard so she can become a bride of Christ.<br /> </span></li> </ul> <p class="H_body_text"><a href="#index">Back to Index</a></p> <hr /> <span class="H_Subitle"><span class="H_body_text"><a name="Early Modern Europe" id="Early Modern Europe">Early Modern Europe</a></font></span></span> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">General</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">See<font color="#D05653"> </font><a href="../mod/modsbook.asp">Internet Modern History Sourcebook</a></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB </font><a href="">German History in Documents and Images</a> [At GHDI] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]<br /> A vast and invaluable collection of online documents covering German-speaking countries from 1500 to the present. For each historical era there is a broad selection of texts (in English translation), and with each set a section on "Gender and Family."</li> <li class="H_body_text">John Cleland: <a href="">Fanny Hill</a> [Was At Eserver, now Internet Archive][Full Text]</li> <li class="H_body_text">John Cleland: <a href="">Fanny Hill</a> [Project Gutenberg][Full Text]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Great Women</span></p> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Queens, Noblewomen, Political Leaders</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Wikipedia: <a href="">List of Women Monarchs: Europe</a><br /> "Between 1300 and 1800 thirty women acquired official sovereign authority over major European states above the level of duchies." After the death of Catherine the Great of Russia in 1796, although there were reigning queens in constitutional monarchies, no woman held the chief executive power in a European state until Margaret Thatcher became British Prime Minister in 1979. The following list is taken from William Monter, <em>The Rise of Female Kings in Europe</em>, 1300-1800 (2012) <ul> <li class="H_body_text">1. (1328) Jeanne II, sixteen years old and married, is invited to become monarch of Navarre; joint coronation with husband 1329; widowed 1343; dies 1349, succeeded by son. </li> <li class="H_body_text">2. (1343) Joanna I, nineteen, inherits Naples and Provence from grandfather; marries, but joint coronation canceled by husband's murder 1345; joint coronation with second husband 1352; widowed 1362; reigns alone despite two later marriages; deposed 1381; no surviving children; murdered 1382 by first of two adopted heirs. </li> <li class="H_body_text">3. (1377) Maria of Sicily, seventeen, succeeds father; kidnapped by Aragonese, married 1391 to teenage prince; joint coronation 1392; dies childless 1401, succeeded by husband. </li> <li class="H_body_text">4. (1382) Mary of Hungary, twelve, crowned king with mother as regent; deposed 1384, but usurper murdered 1385; mother also murdered 1385; fiancé crowned 1386; joint reign, dies childless 1395, succeeded by husband. </li> <li class="H_body_text">5. (1383) Beatriz of Portugal, ten, succeeds father; married but deposed 1385 by illegitimate half brother; no children; date of death (after 1420) unknown. </li> <li class="H_body_text">6. (1384) Jadwiga of Hungary, twelve, crowned in Poland and married to converted pagan Jagiello of Lithuania; joint reign until she dies 1399, a month after childbirth; succeeded by husband. Canonized 1997. </li> <li class="H_body_text">7. (1386) After her son (b. 1370) dies unmarried, Margaret of Denmark, thirty-three and widowed, is created “husband” or permanent regent of both Denmark (her father's kingdom) and Norway (her husband's kingdom); also becomes regent of Sweden 1396; with the power to name her successor, she adopts and renames a great-nephew who succeeds her in 1412.</li> <li class="H_body_text">8. (1415) Joanna II, forty-five, a childless widow, succeeds brother Ladislas as king of Naples; remarries but removes husband 1419; crowned 1421; dies 1435; succession disputed by two adopted heirs. </li> <li class="H_body_text">9. (1425) Blanca, thirty and remarried, inherits Navarre; joint coronation 1429; dies 1441; husband (who lives until 1479) prevents son (b. 1421) from claiming throne. </li> <li class="H_body_text">10. (1458) Charlotte, fourteen, inherits kingdom of Cyprus; marries 1459, joint coronation; deposed 1460 by illegitimate half brother through an Egyptian <em>jihad</em>; dies at Rome 1487.</li> <li class="H_body_text">11. (1474) Catherine Cornaro, nineteen, king's widow, legally adopted by Venetian Republic; after infant son dies, Venetians proclaim her monarch but depose her 1489; dies in Italy 1510. </li> <li class="H_body_text">12. (1474) Isabel the Catholic of Castile, twenty-three and married, claims brother's kingdom and defeats her thirteen-year-old niece Juana in lengthy civil war; reigns jointly with husband until her death in 1504; succeeded by second daughter (b. 1478). </li> <li class="H_body_text">13. (1477) Mary of Burgundy, nineteen, inherits Europe's most powerful nonroyal state; marries eighteen-year-old heir of emperor; dies in hunting accident 1482, succeeded by son (b. 1478). </li> <li class="H_body_text">14. (1494) Catalina de Foix, twenty-four and married, inherited Navarre from brother 1483; joint coronation with cousin at Pamplona; after kingdom invaded and conquered by Spain 1512, they flee to Béarn; succeeded 1516 by son (b. 1503). </li> <li class="H_body_text">15. (1504) Juana of Aragon, twenty-six, “and her legitimate husband” (the phrase used by her mother in 1474) jointly inherit Castile. Abdicates all responsibilities 1506, immediately widowed; legal status creates confusion for forty-nine years; dies 1555 as her son (b. 1500) abdicates.</li> <li class="H_body_text">16. (1553) Mary Tudor, thirty-six, inherits England, marries younger cousin (already with royal status), who becomes coruler without coronation or defined political responsibilities; dies childless 1558, succeeded by half sister. </li> <li class="H_body_text">17. (1555) Jeanne III, twenty-eight, inherits Navarre; dual coronation with husband; repudiates his authority shortly before his death in 1562; governs alone until her death in 1572; succeeded by son (b. 1553). </li> <li class="H_body_text">18. (1558) Mary Stuart, sixteen, sovereign of Scotland since birth, becomes legal adult by marrying French dauphin, giving him crown matrimonial; both her mother, who had governed her kingdom as regent, and her husband die in 1560; returns to govern Scotland 1561; remarries 1565; husband murdered 1566; remarries again but forced to abdicate in 1567 in favor of son (b. 1566); flees to England; beheaded 1587.</li> <li class="H_body_text">19. (1558) Elizabeth I of England, twenty-five, Europe's first female monarch who never married; dies 1603, succeeded by son of Mary Stuart. </li> <li class="H_body_text">20. (1598) Infanta Isabel Clara Eugenia, thirty-two, and husband jointly created sovereign archdukes of Habsburg Netherlands by her father, Philip II; childless; loses sovereign status after husband's death 1621 but remains as regional governor until her death in 1633. </li> <li class="H_body_text">21. (1644) Christina of Sweden, inherits father's kingdom at the age of six (1632) and governs by presiding over Council of State at eighteen; coronation 1650; refuses to marry but arranges succession before abdicating 1654; becomes Catholic; dies at Rome, 1690. </li> <li class="H_body_text">22. (1689) Mary II, twenty-seven, crowned as joint ruler of England with usurper husband, William III of Orange; dies childless 1694, succeeded by husband. </li> <li class="H_body_text">23. (1702) Anne, thirty-seven, Mary II's younger sister, inherits England; married to first prince consort without royal honors; no surviving children; dies 1714, succeeded by nearest Protestant relative. </li> <li class="H_body_text">24. (1718) Ulrika Eleonora, thirty and married, acquires Swedish throne over nephew; resigns in favor of husband in 1720 after kingdom refuses joint monarchy; childless; husband outlives her. </li> <li class="H_body_text">25. (1725) Catherine, forty-one, widow of Peter I, crowned 1724, Russia's first official female empress; dies 1727, naming stepgrandson (b. 1716) as heir. </li> <li class="H_body_text">26. (1730) Anna, thirty-four, childless widowed niece of Peter the Great, becomes Russian autocrat by tearing up signed constitution; dies 1740, succeeded by infant son of her niece.</li> <li class="H_body_text">27. (1741) Maria Theresa, twenty-four and married, crowned as king of Hungary under Pragmatic Sanction; also crowned king of Bohemia 1743 (husband holds no legal rank in either kingdom); dies 1780, succeeded by son (b. 1740), her official coregent after husband's death in 1765. </li> <li class="H_body_text">28. (1741) Elisabeth, thirty-two, daughter of Peter I and Catherine (see no. 25 above), becomes Russian autocrat after coup d'état; never marries; dies 1762, succeeded by nephew (b. 1728). </li> <li class="H_body_text">29. (1762) Catherine II, thirty-three, becomes Russian autocrat after overthrowing husband in coup d'état; dies 1796, succeeded by son (b. 1754). </li> <li class="H_body_text">30. (1777) Maria I, forty-two, inherits Portuguese throne; husband (her paternal uncle) receives auxiliary coronation; widowed 1786; incapacitated by illness 1792; son (b. 1766) becomes regent 1799; taken to Brazil, where she dies in 1816. </li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text">Christopher Columbus (1451-1506): <a href="../source/columbus2.asp">Letter to King and Queen of Spain</a> prob. 1494 [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Queen Elizabeth I: <a href="../mod/1588elizabeth.asp">Against the Spanish Armada</a> 1588 [At this Site] </span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Queen Elizabeth I of England (b.1533, r. 1558-1603): <a href="../mod/elizabeth1.asp">Selected Writing and Speeches</a> [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../mod/1550sultanavisit.asp">A Visit to the Wife of Suleiman the Magnificent</a> (Translated from a Genoese Letter), c. 1550 [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762): <a href="../mod/1718montague-sultana.asp">Dining With The Sultana</a> 1718 [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Catherine the Great of Russia: <a href="../mod/18catherine.asp">Various Documents on Enlightenment and Government</a> excerpts [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Wikipedia: <a href="">Catherine the Great</a></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../mod/1795Poland-division.asp">The Division of Poland</a> 1772, 1793, 1795 [At this Site]<br /> The very different attitudes of Catherine II and Maria Theresa.</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Luise Gottsched: <a href="../mod/1749gottschen-mariatheresa.asp">Description of the Empress Maria Theresa</a> 1749 [At this Site]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Marie Antoinette: <a href="../mod/1773marieantonette.asp">Letter to Her Mother</a> 1773 [At this Site]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Madame Campan: <a href="../mod/1818marieantoinette.asp">Memoirs of the Private Life of Marie Antoinette</a> 1818 [At this Site]</span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women Writers</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"> Laura Certa, <a href="">Letter to Bibulus Sempronius</a> 13 January 1488 [Was At CCNY, now Internet Archive]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Mary Sidney, Countesse of Pembroke (translator): <a href="">The Tragedie of Antonie</a> by Robert Garnier, 1595 [At Oregon]</span> [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Sister Marianne (17th Century): <a href="">Love Letters to Noel Bouton de Chamilly</a> [Was At Letters Magazine, now Internet Archive]<br /> A very different Counter-Reformation experience is seen in these letters by a 17th-century Portuguese nun "who wrote these letters to her lover, Noel Bouton de Chamilly, a French officer whom she met in about the year 1663".</li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">2ND</font> <a href="">Glueckel of Hameln 1645–1724</a> [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Memoirs of Gluckel of Hameln</a> (1646-1724), excerpts. [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Wikipedia: <a href="">Aphra Benn (1640-1689)</a></li> <li class="H_body_text">Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762): <a href="">Selected Prose and Poetry</a> [At U Oregon] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762): <a href="">Letters</a> [Project Gutenberg UVA]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762): <a href="../mod/montagu-smallpox.asp">Smallpox Vaccination in Turkey</a> [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Madame de Sévigné (1626-1696: <a href="../mod/17CSevigne-letters.asp">Selected Letters</a> [At this Site]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women's Oppression</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/witches1.asp">Witchcraft Documents</a> [At this Site]<br /> inc. the Papal Bull of 1484, Johannes Nider on witches, and extracts from the<em> Malleus malificaram</em> </span></li> <li class="H_body_text">John Knox: <a href="">The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women</a> 1558 [At SWRB] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text">John Knox: <a href="">The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women</a> 1558 [Project Gutenberg]</li> <li class="H_body_text">John Aylmer, Bishop of London: <a href="../mod/1559Alymer-haborowe.asp">An Harborow for Faithful and True Subjects</a> 1559 [At this Site]<br /> A response to John Knox by the Bishop of London, a supporter of Elizabeth I. [See also full text PDF of the <a href="../mod/An%20harborovve%20for%20faithfull%20and%20-%20John%20Aylmer.pdf">Original Edition of 1559</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text">John Knox: <a href="">Letter to the Queen Dowager Regent of Scotland (Augmented Version)</a> 1558 [At SWRB] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Survey of Scottish Witchcraft 1563-1736</a> [At Edinburgh] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]<br /> An electronic resource for the history of witchcraft and witch-hunting in Scotland</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Duc de Saint-Simon: <a href="../mod/17stsimon.asp">The Court of Louis XIV</a> from Memoires [At this Site] </span></li> <li class="H_body_text"> Comte de Saint Simon (1675-1755): <a href="">Memories of of Louis XIV</a> excerpts [Was At Then Again, now Internet Archive] </span></li> <li class="H_body_text">The Duchess of Orleans: <a href="../mod/1704duchess.asp">Versailles Etiquette</a> 1704 [At this Site] </span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-78): <a href="">Emile</a> [Full Text][At Project Gutenberg]</li> <li class="H_body_text">John Jacques Rousseau (1712-78): <a href="">Emile, ou l'education</a> full text, in French and English [Was At Columbia ILT, now Interent Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Daniel Defoe: <a href="../mod/1719defoe-women.asp">On The Education of Women</a> 1719 [At this Site]</span> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><span class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB</font></span> <a href="">German Historical Documents: Family and Gender</a> [At GHDI] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><strong>Marriage</strong></li> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../french/moeurs.htm">Les moeurs villageoises à la fin du XVIe siècle</a> In French</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../french/mariage.htm">Un contrat de mariage (1595)</a> In French</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Katharina Schütz Zell (1497/98-1562): <a href="">Defending Clerical Marriage</a> + <a href="">PDF version</a> [At GHDI] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]<br /> The daughter of a master artisan and magistrate, defends the Protestant side of the debate on celibate life versus clerical marriage.</li> <li class="H_body_text">Wikipedia: <a href="">Western European marriage pattern</a></li> <li class="H_body_text">Wikipedia: <a href="">Hajnal Line</a></li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB</font> John Hajnal:. <a href="">"European marriage pattern in historical perspective"</a>. In Glass, D.V.; Eversley, D.E.C. (eds.). <em>Population in History</em>. London: Arnold, 1965. PDF [At Berkeley] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> </ul> <li class="H_body_text">Wikipedia: <a href="">Early Modern European Cuisine</a></li> <li class="H_body_text">Gervase Markham (1568?-1637): <a href="">Country contentments, or The English huswife.</a> Containing the inward and outward vertues which ought to be in a compleate woman. As her skill in physicke, surgerie, (1623) [Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">J. S. (John Shirley), fl. 1680-1702. <a href=";idno=A93181.0001.001">The accomplished ladies rich closet of rarities</a>: or, The ingenious gentlewoman and servant-maids delightfull companion: Containing many excellent things for the accomplishment of the female sex... To which is added a second part, containing directions for the guidance of a young gentle-woman as to her behaviour & seemly deportment, &c. [At Michigan]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The School of Manners - Rules for Children</a> 4th Ed 1701 [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text">The Duchess of Orleans: <a href="../mod/1704duchess.asp">Versailles Etiquette</a> 1704 [At this Site]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women's Agency</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">John Foxe (1516-1587): <a href="">Book of Martyrs</a> [At CCEL][Full text]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">St. Teresa of Avila</a> (1515-1582)[Information, At CCEL]<br /> See also <a href="">Catholic Encyclopedia: ST. TERESA OF JESUS (TERESA OF AVILA)</a> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">St. Teresa of Avila: <a href="">THE LIFE</a> [At CCEL]</li> <li class="H_body_text">St. Teresa of Avila: <a href="">Way of Perfection</a> [At CCEL]</li> <li class="H_body_text">St. Teresa of Avila: <a href="">The Interior Castle</a> [At CCEL]</li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB</font> <a href="">The Wesleys and Their Times</a> [Was At UMC, now Internet Archive]<br /> A site with many orginal texts.</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../mod/18salons.asp">Paris Salons in the 18th Century</a> [At this Site] <br /> On Enlightenment society hostesses. </span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Feminism</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Statement of the Levellers</a> 1649 [Was At WSU, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../mod/17women.asp">Radical Women During the English Revolution</a> excerpts [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Margaret Fell (1614-1702): <a href="">Women's Speaking Justified</a> 1666 or 1667 [Was At Quaker Historical Texts, now Internet Archive]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Gender Construction</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Baldesar Castiglione (1478-1529): <a href="">The Book of the Courtier</a> translated by Sir Thomas Hoby (1561), full text [Was At Oregon, now Internet Acrhive] [The English is too archaic for classroom use.]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Baldesar Castiglione (1478-1529): <a href="">The Book of the Courtier</a> translated by Leonard Eckstein Opdike (1901), full text PDF [Internet Archive] </li> </ul> <p class="H_body_text"><a href="#index">Back to Index</a></p> <hr /> <span class="H_Subitle"><span class="H_body_text"><a name="Modern Europe" id="Modern Europe">Modern Europe</a></font></span></span> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">General</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">See <a href="../mod/modsbook.asp">Internet Modern History Sourcebook</a></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"> <font color="#D05653">WEB </font><a href="">German History in Documents and Images</a> [At GHDI] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]<br /> A vast and invaluable collection of online documents covering German-speaking countries from 1500 to the present. For each historical era there is a broad selection of texts (in English translation), and with each set a section on "Gender and Family."</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Great Women</span></p> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Queens, Noblewomen, Political Leaders</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Margaret Thatcher: <a href="../mod/1988thatcher.asp">Christianity and Wealth</a> Speech made to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, May 21, 1988 [At this Site] </span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women Writers</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"> <font color="#D05653">WEB </font><a href="">Victorian Women Writers Project Library</a> [Internet Archive back up <a href="">here</a>]<br /> The Victorian Women Writers Project (VWWP) began in 1995 at Indiana University and is primarily concerned with the exposure of lesser-known British women writers of the 19th century. The collection represents an array of genres - poetry, novels, children's books, political pamphlets, religious tracts, histories, and more. VWWP contains scores of authors, both prolific and rare.</li> <li class="H_body_text">Madame de Staël (Anne Louise Germaine Necker) (1766-1817): <a href="../mod/DeStael-romanticism.asp">On Romanticism</a> from <em>Germany</em> [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text"> Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797): <a href="">Maria</a> 1795-97 [At Project Gutenberg] [Full Text] <br /> [The attribution in the text to Mary Shelley must be wrong, since Mary W. died giving birth to Mary Godwin (later Shelley) in 1797.] </li> <li class="H_body_text">Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797): <a href="">Maria</a> 1795-97 [At Project Gutenberg][Full Text]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Mary Shelley (1797-1851): <a href="">Frankenstein</a> 1818 [At Project Gutenberg][Full Text]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB</font> <a href="">The Gaskell Page</a>[At Victorian Studies][Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]<br /> A Comprehensive web page dedicated to the works of Elizabeth Gaskell (1810-65). It includes ALL of Mrs. Gaskell's writings as etexts, as well as a lot of ancillary material about 19th-century England.</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Elizabeth Gaskell: <a href="">North and South</a> 1855, excerpts [Was At Clinch Valley College, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Elizabeth Gaskell: <a href="">Mary Barton - A tale of Manchester life</a> [At Project Gutenberg][Full Text]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Elizabeth Gaskell: <a href="">North and South </a>[At Project Gutenberg][Full Text]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Elizabeth Gaskell: <a href="">Cranford</a> [At Project Gutenberg][Full Text]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Rosa Luxemburg: <a href="">Martinique</a> Written after the May 1902 volcanic eruption at the port of St. Pierre. [At]</li> <li class="H_body_text"> Vera Brittain: <a href="">Testament of Youth</a> excerpts [Was At Virginia, now Internet Archive] </span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women Leaders in Professions</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Florence Nightingale (1820-1910): <a href="../mod/nightingale-rural.asp">Rural Hygiene</a> [At this Site]<br /> Life on the farm was not that much of an improvement over a factory. But, eventually, the social activists turned their eyes on the countryside as well.</li> <li class="H_body_text"> <font color="#D05653">WEB</font> Florence Nightingale: <a href="">Selected Correspondence</a> [Was at KUMC, now Internet Archive version]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Marie Curie (1867-1934): <a href="../mod/curie-radium.asp">On the Discovery of Radium</a> [At this Site]</span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women's Oppression</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Female Genital Mutilation</a> [Was At Religious Tolerance, now Internet Archive][Summary]</li> <li class="H_body_text">UN: <a href="">Elimination of Female Genital Mutilation</a> Resolution adopted by the Human Rights Council on 17 July 2020 [At UN]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">General </span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Anonymous: <a href="">Confessions of a Young Lady Laudanum-Drinker</a> The Journal of Mental Sciences January 1889 [At Drug Library]</span> [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>] [At this Site]</li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text">France </span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB</font> <a href="">Women of the French Revolution: A Resource Guide</a> [Library of Congress]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../french/divorce.htm">La loi sur le divorce (9 octobre 1792)</a> In French</span></li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text">Britain </span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB</font> <a href="">The Plight of Women's Work in the Early Industrial Revolution in England and Wales</a> with documents. [At Women in World History] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB</font> <a href="">Victorian Social History</a> [At Victorian Web] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB</font> <a href="">Domestic Life in 19th Century England</a> [Was At Univ of Washington, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Life of 19th Century Workers In England</a> [At Victorian Web] </span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../mod/1842womenminers.asp">Women Miners in the English Coal Pits</a> 1842 [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Texts on the Physical Effects of Factory Work</a> [At Victorian Web] [At Victorian Web] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"> Edwin Chadwick (1803-1890): <a href="">Report on Sanitary Conditions</a> 1842 [At Victorian Web] </span></li> <li class="H_body_text"> <a href="">Texts on the Physical Effects of Factory Work</a> [At Victorian Web] </span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Caroline Norton (1808-1877): <a href="">English Laws for Women in the Nineteenth Century</a>1854 [Was At Victorian Women Writers Project, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Caroline Norton (1808-1877): <a href="">A Letter to the Queen on Lord Chancellor Cranworth's Marriage and Divorce Bill</a> 1855 [Was At Victorian Women Writers Project, now Internet Archive]</li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text">Russia </span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Sources on Mixed Marriages in the Russian Empire</a> [At SHU] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Mary Antin: <a href="../mod/1890antin.asp">A Little Jewish Girl in the Russian Pale</a> 1890 [At this Site]</span></li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women's Agency</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../mod/1772Scot-immig.asp">Scottish Immigration to the American Colonies</a> 1772 [At this Site]<br /> Includes the reasons why a single women might emigrate.</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Samuel Bamford (1788-1872): <a href="../mod/1819bamford.asp">Passages in the Life of a Radical-on the Peterloo Massacre</a> 1819 [At this Site]<br /> Discusses the part given to women's voices early 19th century English radicalism.</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Ada E Leslie: <a href="">Letters from a Victorian Governess/Companion</a> to Royal families written during the period 1883-1894.</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Baroness M. De Packh: <a href="../mod/1840depakh-siberia.asp">On The March to Siberia</a> c. 1840 [At this Site]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Anne Maier: <a href="../mod/1912maier.asp">Autobiography</a> 1912, excerpts [At this Site] </span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Baroness M. De Packh: <a href="../mod/1840depakh-siberia.asp">On The March to Siberia</a> c. 1840 [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Maria Sukloff: <a href="">The Story of An Assassination</a>extracts [Was At WSU, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Rosa Luxemburg: <a href="">"The War and the Workers"</a>: The Junius Pamphlet, 1916 [Was At H-Net, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Rosa Luxemburg: <a href="../mod/1916luxemburg-junius.asp">"The War and the Workers"</a>-- The Junius Pamphlet, 1916 [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Louise Bryant (1885-1939): <a href="">Six Red Months in Russia: An Observers Account of Russia Before and During the Proletarian Dictatorship</a> 1918, full text [At]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Alexandra Kollontai: <a href="">The Workers' Opposition</a> 1921 [At Marxists.Org]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Alexandra Kollontai: <a href="">Communism and the Family</a> 1920 [At Marxists.Org]</li> <li class="H_body_text"> Julie Heifetz: <a href="">The Confession</a> based on a speech to a - school class 1982 [At RPI] </span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Religious Women</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Bernadette Soubirous: <a href="">My Name is Bernadette</a> 1858, [At EWTN] </span></li> <li class="H_body_text"> <a href="">Bishop's Commission on the - Apparitions of Mary at Lourdes</a> 1858, and <a href="">Final Report</a> [Was At Catholic Online, now Internet Archive]. See also <a href="">Cult Images of Mary</a></li> <li class="H_body_text">Wikipedia: <a href="">Marian Apparitions</a><br /> </li> <li class="H_body_text">Thérèse of Lisieux: <a href="">Modern Account of Her Life</a> [At EWTN]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Thérèse of Lisieux: <a href="">Extracts from her Writings</a> [At EWTN]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Thérèse of Lisieux: <a href="">Pius XI: Homily at the Canonization of St. Thérèse</a> 17 May 1925, [At EWTN]<br /> The file also includes the bull of canonization Vehementer exultamus hodie </span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Congregation for the Causes of Saints: <a href="">Decrees Regarding the Canonization of the servants of God, Jacinta Marto and Francisco Marto</a> 1989 [At EWTN]<br /> The visionaries at Fatima. </span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Dorothy Day: <a href="">Aims and Purposes</a> 1940 [At Catholic Worker] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><span class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB</font></span> <a href="">Dorothy Day Archives</a> [At Catholic Worker] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]<br /> Many more texts by Dorothy Day and other Catholic Worker writers.</li> <li class="H_body_text">Jim Forest: <a href="">Dorothy Day Biography</a> [At Catholic Worker]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><span class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB</font></span> Madame Blavatsky: <a href="">Works</a> [At] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]<br /> Large number of texts from the major figure in Theosophy.</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Feminism</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Olympe de Gouges: <a href="../mod/1791degouge1.asp">Declaration of the Rights of Women</a> 1791, excerpts [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Mary Wollstonecraft : <a href="">Vindication of the Rights of Women</a> excerpts [Was At Baylor, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Mary Wollstonecraft: <a href="../mod/MW-VIND.asp">Vindication of the Rights of Women</a> [Full Text][At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Antifeminism: <a href="../mod/1797novelreading-female.asp">Novel Reading, A Cause of Female Depravity</a> from the <em>Monthly Mirror</em> November 1797 [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">John Stuart Mill (1806-73): <a href="../mod/JSMILL-WOMEN.asp">The Subjection of Women</a> [At this Site][Full Text]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Caroline Norton (1808-1877): <a href="">English Laws for Women in the Nineteenth Century</a> 1854 [Was At Victorian Women Writers Project, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Caroline Norton (1808-1877): <a href="">A Letter to the Queen on Lord Chancellor Cranworth's Marriage and Divorce Bill</a> 1855 [Was At Victorian Women Writers Project, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Helen Taylor (1831-1907): <a href="">The Claim of Englishwomen to the Suffrage Constitutionally Considered</a> 1867 [Was At Victorian Women Writers Project, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928): <a href="../mod/1913pankhurst.asp">Militant Suffragism</a> 1913 [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928): <a href="../mod/1914Pankhurst.asp">My Own Story</a> 1914 [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text"> Long excerpts from the leading British feminist activist.</li> <li class="H_body_text"> New York Times: <a href="../mod/1927Pankhurstastory.asp">Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst Picked as Tories's Candidate. Feb 3 1927</a> 1927 [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Ada E Leslie: <a href="">Letters from a Victorian Governess/Companion</a> to Royal families written during the period 1883-1894 from India/Prussia/Greece [Was At, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Simone de Beauvoir: <a href="">The Second Sex</a> 1949, excerpts [At Marxists]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Gender Construction</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">See <font color="#D05653"> </font><a href="../pwh/">People With a History: Online Guide to LGBT History</a></span></li> </ul> <p class="H_body_text"><a href="#index">Back to Index</a></p> <hr /> <span><a name="North America" class="H_Subitle" id="North America">North America</a></font></span> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">General</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">See <font color="#D05653">WEB</font> <a href="../mod/modsbook.asp">Internet Modern History Sourcebook</a></span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Great Women</span></p> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Political Leaders/ Social Activists</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Angelina E. Grimké: <a href="">Appeal To The Christian Women of the South</a> 1836, full text [Was At Furman, now Internet Archive]<br /> Text of one of the few abolitionist treatises published by a Southern white woman.</li> <li class="H_body_text"> Dorothea Lynde Dix (1802-1887): <a href="">Memorial to the Massachusetts Legislature</a> 1843 [At USInfo] [Internet Archive version here]<br /> On social reform of prisons and facilities for the mentally ill.</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"> <font color="#D05653">2ND</font> <a href="">Lucy Parsons: Woman of Will</a> [Was At IWW, now Internet Archive] [Account of 19th century American woman trade-unionist] </span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Emma Goldman: A Guide to Her Life and Documentary Sources</a> [Was At Berkeley, now Internet Archive] </span></li> <li class="H_body_text"> <font color="#D05653">WEB </font>Dorothy Day: <a href="">Aims and Purposes</a> 1940 [At Catholic Worker] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]<br /> This page has many more texts by Dorothy Day and other Catholic Worker writers. </span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women Writers</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888): <a href="">An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving</a> [At ibiblio] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Emma Lazarus: <a href="">The New Colossus</a> 1883 [At Poetry Foundation] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]<br /> The poem on the Statute of Liberty.</li> <li class="H_body_text">Sylvia Plath (1932-1963): <a href="">Poems</a> [At Poetry Foundation]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Adrienne Rich (1929-2012): <a href="">Poems</a> [At Poetry Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Maya Angelou: <a href="">I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings</a> part of <a href="">Poems</a> [At Poem Hunter]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Maya Angelou: <a href="">A Poem from the Million Man March</a> [At Poem Hunter]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women Leaders in Professions</span></p> <p><span class="H_body_text"><span style="font-weight: bold">Women's Oppression</span></span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"> Samuel Green, ed.: <a href="">Groton - Witchcraft Times</a> c.1671 [At Hanover]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"> <a href="">Bradwell v. Illinois</a> 1873 [At USInfo] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]<br /> The US Supreme Court agreed that women could be banned from the bar.</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">2ND</font> Patricia Cline Cohen: <a href="">The Murder of Helen Jewett The Life and Death of a Prostitute in Nineteenth-Century New York</a> Chapter 1 [At NY Time]</span> [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text">William Graham Sumner (1840-1910): <a href="../mod/1914sumner.asp">The Challenge of Facts</a> pub. 1914 [At this Site]<br /> A prominent American social Darwinist mixes social Darwinism with aspects of a Calvinistic work ethic, provides Darwinist explantion of the family, and attacks Socialism.</span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">General</span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Women's Education Madison, Indiana</a> 1840s [At Hanover]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Sex Ratio Males per 100 Females, United States, 1790-1990</a> animation [At WWU] [Internet Archive backup <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Jacob Riis (1849-1914): <a href="">How the Other Half Lives; Studies Among the Tenements of New York</a> 1890 [Was At Yale, now Internet Archive]</li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text">Work </span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Harret Robinson: <a href="../mod/robinson-lowell.asp">Lowell Mill Girls</a> 1834-1848 [At this Site]</li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text">Marriage Law</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Fashion </span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"> Bruce Bliven: <a href="">"Flapper Jane"</a><em> The New Republic</em>, September 9, 1925 [Was At Pitt State, now Internet Archive]</span></li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women's Agency</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"> Anne Bradstreet: <a href="">A Dialogue Between Old England and New</a> 1630 [At Hanover]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../mod/1772Scot-immig.asp">Scottish Immigration to the American Colonies</a> 1772 [At this Site]<br /> Includes the reasons why a single women might emigrate.</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Elinore Pruitt Stewart: <a href="">Letters of a Woman Homesteader</a> [At UVA][Full Text] </span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Sullivan Ballou: <a href="">Letter to His Wife</a> 1861 [Was At PBS, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Abraham Lincoln: <a href="../mod/1864lincoln-bixby.asp">Letter to Mrs. Bixby</a> 1864 [At this Site]<br /> The letter to a woman who lost all her sons in battle, as used in the film <em>Saving Private Ryan</em>(1998).</li> <li class="H_body_text">DeAnne Blanton: <a href="">Women Soldiers of the Civil War</a> Prologue: Quarterly of the National Archives Spring 1993, vol. 25, no. 1 [At][Modern Text] [Internet Archive backup <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB </font><a href="">The Mary Anne Sadlier Archive</a> [Was At Virginia, now Internet Archive]<br /> Mary Anne Sadlier (1820-1903), an Irish-American immigrant, wrote sixty volumes of work -- from domestic novels to historical romances to children's catechisms.</li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB</font> <a href="">American Life Histories</a> Manuscripts from the Federal Writers's Project, 1936-1940 [At Library of Congress] <br /> Over 2,900 online oral histories from the Depressison era. The site also has image files. </span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Feminism</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">See <a href="">Library of Congress: National Women's Suffrage Association Collection</a> 1848-1921 [At Library of Congress] <br /> Full texts of 167 books and other documents. </span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><strong>First Wave Feminism</strong> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../mod/senecafalls.asp">Seneca Falls Declaration</a> 1848 [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Sojourner Truth (1797-1883): <a href="../mod/sojtruth2.asp">'An't I a Woman?</a> 1851 [At this Site]<br /> A common version, but which presents some problems - see notes.</li> <li class="H_body_text">Sojourner Truth (1797-1883): <a href="../mod/sojtruth-woman.asp">'Ain't I a Woman?'</a> 1851 [At this Site]<br /> Another version in standard English.</li> <li class="H_body_text">Oliver Gilbert: <a href="">Narrative of Sojourner Truth</a> based on information provided by Sojourner Truth, 1850 [At Project Gutenberg]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Woman's Rights Petition to the New York Legislature</a> 1854 [Was At Furman, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Report of the Select Committee [On the Women's Rights Petition]</a> In Assembly, March 27, 1854 [Was At Furman, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Catherine Booth (1829-1890): <a href="">Female Ministry: or, Woman's Right to Preach the Gospel</a> 1859 [Was At Indiana, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906): <a href="../mod/1873anthony.asp">On Women's Right to Vote</a> 1873 [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href=""> Hearing of the Women Suffrage Association</a> before the House Committee on the Judiciary, January 18, 1892 [At Hanover]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Frances E. Willard (1839-1898): <a href="../mod/1891willard.asp">Address to Women's National Council</a> February 22-25, 1891 [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Margaret Sanger (1883-1966): <a href="../mod/sanger1.asp">Autobiography</a> excerpts [At this Site]<br /> On why she became a crusader for birth control.</li> <li class="H_body_text">Margaret Sanger (1883-1966): <a href="">Woman and the New Race</a> 1920 [Full Text][At Project Gutenberg]<br /> Note: this link is to an edition published as an "Eugenics classic" by the "American Life League". The text is intact (Chapter was 8 checked).</li> <li class="H_body_text">Margaret Sanger (1883-1966): <a href="">The Pivot of Civilization</a> full text [At Project Gutenberg]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB</font> <a href="">Suffragists Oral History Project</a> [At Berkeley]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Jane Addams: <a href="../mod/1915janeadams-vote.asp">Why Women Should Vote</a> 1915 [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../mod/1920womensvote.asp">The Passage of the 19th Amendment</a> articles from the <em>New York Times</em>, 1919-1920 [At this Site]</li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><strong>Prohibitionism</strong> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"> <font color="#D05653">WEB </font><a href="">Temperance and Prohibition</a> [At Ohio State] </span>[Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Wikipedia: <a href="">Temperance movement</a></li> <li class="H_body_text">Wikipedia: <a href="">Carrie Nation</a> (1846-1911)</li> <li class="H_body_text">Wikipedia: <a href="">Woman's Christian Temperance Union</a> founded 1873<br /> The Temperance movement, as a moral "crusade" was by far the largest women-led political movement in the 19th century.</li> <li class="H_body_text">Abraham Lincoln: <a href="">Temperance Address</a>: Delivered before the Springfield (Illinois) Washington Temperance Society,22d February, 1842 [At Drug Library] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text">H. H. Kane: <a href="">A Hashish-House in New York</a> Harper's Monthly, Vol. 67 (November, 1883), 944-49. [At Drug Library] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text">F. E. Oliver, M.D. : <a href="">The Use and Abuse of Opium</a> Massachusetts State Board of Health, Third Annual Report (Boston: Wright and Potter, State Printers, 1872), 162-77. [At Drug Library] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Anonymous: <a href="">Confessions of a Young Lady Laudanum-Drinker</a> The Journal of Mental Sciences January 1889 [At Drug Library] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Woman's Crusade of 1873-74</a> [At Drug Library] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]<br /> A high point of anti-liquor/drugs activity.</li> <li class="H_body_text">Woman's Christian Temperance Union: <a href="../mod/WCTU-growth.asp">Growth of Membership and of Local, Auxiliary Unions</a> 1879-1921 [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Carry Amelia Nation: <a href="">The Use and Need of the Life of Carry A. Nation</a> full text 1905 [Project Guteberg]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB</font> <a rel="nofollow" href="">Photos, letters, and other primary sources related to Carry Nation</a> – Kansas Memory, the digital portal of the Kansas Historical Society [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">2ND</font> Richard Hamm: <a href="">American Prohibitionists and Violence, 1865-1920</a> [At Schaffer Drug Library] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><strong>Second Wave Feminism</strong> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB </font> <a href="">Library of Feminist Writers</a> [At Marxists]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB </font> <a href="">Women’s Liberation Movement Print Culture</a> [At Duke]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Betty Freidan: <a href="">The Feminine Mystique: Chapter 5: The Sexual Solipism of Sigmund Freud</a> 1963 [At Marxists]</li> <li class="H_body_text">National Organization of Women: <a href="">Statement of Purpose</a> 1966 [At Hanover] or <a href="">here</a> [At USInfo] [Internet Archive version here]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Wikipedia: <a href="">ERA (Equal Rights Amendment)</a><br /> Includes text.</li> <li class="H_body_text">Wikipedia: <a href="">Liberal Feminism</a></li> <li class="H_body_text">Adrienne Rich: <a href="">Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence</a> 1980 [At Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB </font><a href="">Our Bodies. Ourselves Reading Room, Articles and Speeches</a> [At]</span> [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB </font><a href="">The Andrea Dworkin Online Library</a> [At NSQ] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]<br /> An interesting and generous site which makes many of Dworkin's writings available online.</li> <li class="H_body_text">Andrea Dworkin: <a href="">Intercourse</a> 1987 [At NSQ]<br /> Dworkin rejects the argument that she calls all heterosexual intercourse rape. See <a href="">Interview</a> 1995.</li> <li class="H_body_text">Kate Millett: <a href="">Sexual Politics</a> 1968 [At Marxists]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Are liberation theology, feminism compatible?</a> [At Internet Archive, from UMR] <br /> On a clash between US Feminist and Liberation theologians. </span></li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text"><strong>Culutual Feminism</strong></li> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Wikipedia: <a href="">Michigan Womyn's Music Festival</a></li> <li class="H_body_text">Michfest: <a href="">Festival Letters and Statements to the Community</a> [At Internert Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">YouTube: <a href="">Holly Near: Singing for Our Lives</a></li> </ul> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Gender Construction</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">See<font color="#D05653"> </font><a href="../pwh/">People With a History: Online Guide to LGBT History</a></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">2ND </font>Michael La Regina: <a href="../mod/laregina-gayrights.asp">The Strug-for Gay Rights in America</a> and <a href="../mod/laregina-gayrights.doc">MS Word Format</a> Student paper, [At this Site] </span></li> </ul> <p class="H_body_text"><a href="#index">Back to Index</a></p> <hr /> <p><span class="H_Subitle"><span class="H_body_text"><a name="Latin America" id="Latin America">Latin America</a></font></span></span> </p> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">General</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">See <a href="../mod/modsbook.asp">Internet Modern History Sourcebook</a></span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB</font> <a href="">LANIC Latin American Network Information Center</a> [At UTexas] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]<br /> Perhaps the main guide on the web.</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Great Women</span></p> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women Political Leaders/Social Activists</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Eva Duarte de Perón: <a href="../mod/1950evaspeech.asp">Speech</a> 1950, in Spanish with AI English translateion [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Eva Duarte de Perón: <a href="../mod/1951evaperon.asp">History of Perónism</a> excerpts, 1951 [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Rigoberta Menchú Tum: <a href="">Interview: Five Hundred Years of Sacrifice Before Alien Gods</a> 1992 [At] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> </ul> <span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women Writers</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1648-1695): <a href="">Poems</a> [Was At Sappho, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Silvia Fernández: <a href="">The Needle and the Pen</a> 1913 [Was At WSU, now Internet Archive] </span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Gabriela Mistral: <a href="">Poems</a> 1922 [Was At WSU, now Internet Archive] </span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Juana de Ibarbarou: <a href="">The Hour</a> 1918 [Was At WSU, now Internet Archive] </span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women's Oppression</span></p> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Antonio Valerian: <a href="">Nican Mopohua, (or Huei Tlamahuitzoltica)</a> [At]. [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]<br /> The story of Our Lady of Guadaloupe, who is said to have appeared in 1531. Written in Nahuatl, the Aztec language, around the middle of the sixteenth century. This copy published in Nahuatl by Luis Lasso de la Vega in 1649.</li></ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women's Agency</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"> <font color="#D05653">WEB</font> <a href="">Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo</a> (Grandmothers of May Square)<br /> The Argentinian group against the "disappeared".</span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Feminism</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Maria Eugenia Echenique: <a href="">The Emancipation of Women</a> 1876 [Was At WSU, now Internet Archive] </span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Are liberation theology, feminism compatible?</a> [Was At UMR, now Internet Archive]<br /> On a clash between US Feminist and Liberation theologians.</span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Gender Construction</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">See<font color="#D05653"> WEB</font> <a href="../pwh/">People With a History: Online Guide to LGBT History</a></span></li> </ul> <p class="H_body_text"><a href="#index">Back to Index</a></p> <hr /> <span class="H_Subitle"><span class="H_body_text"><a name="China" id="China">China</a></font></span></span> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">General</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">See<font color="#D05653"> WEB</font> <a href="../eastasia/eastasiasbook.asp">Internet East Asia History Sourcebook</a> </span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Great Women</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../mod/556mulan.asp">The Tale of Mulan, the Maiden Chief</a> c. 502-556 CE [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Image: <a href="../eastasia/images/emprs-wu.jpg">People: The Empress Wu</a></li> <li class="H_body_text">Isaac Taylor Headland, 1859-1942: <a href="../eastasia/headland-courtlife.asp">Court life in China: the capital, its officials and people</a> (New York, F.H. Revell, c1909), full text [At this Site]<br /> Contemporary discussion of reform efforts in late imperial China, with a significant discussion of the lives of elite women, and an extended account of the rule of the Empress Dowger.</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Wikipedial: <a href="">Empress Dowger Cixi</a></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women's Oppression</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Selections from the Analects</a> [Lun Yu], complete, topically arranged selections from the Confucian classic. [Was At BC, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Confucius (5th Century BCE?): <a href="">Analects</a> [Lun Yu] [Was At WSU, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Confucius: <a href="">The Analects</a> [Lun Yu], selections [Was At Internet Archive, from CCNY]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Ban Zhao Pan Chao: <a href="">Lessons for A Woman: The Views of A Female Confucian</a> c. 80 CE [Was At BC, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Ben Zhao Pan Chao (45-115? CE) : <a href="">The Problem of Woman</a> [Was At CCNY, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Fu Xuan: <a href="">Poem on Woman</a> c. 3rd, Century CE [Was At BC, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Marco Polo: <a href="">On Chinese Women</a> 13th century [Was At CCNY, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Mendez Pinto: <a href="../mod/1630pinto.asp">The Woman with the Cross</a> c. 1630 [At this Site]<br /> A Chinese Christian woman.</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Women in China: History and the Present</a> [Was At BC, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Tom Hilditch: <a href="">A Holocaust of Girls</a> from the<em> South China Morning Post</em> Sept 1995 [Was At BC, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Women in Asia: Press Reports</a> [Was At BC, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">NY Times Report on Recent UN Women's Conference</a> [Was At BC, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Modern Marriage in China - Two Texts</a> [Was At BC, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">2ND </font>Marie Vento: <a href="">One Thousand Years of Chinese Footbinding: Its Origins, Popularity and Demise</a> [Was At BC, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Image: <a href="../eastasia/images/bndfeet1.gif">Custom: Picture of Woman With Feet Unbound</a></li> <li class="H_body_text">Image: <a href="../eastasia/images/bndfeet2.gif">Custom: Picture of Unbound Feet Close Up</a><br /> Image: <a href="../eastasia/images/bndfeet3.jpg">Custom: A bound foot - closeup</a></li> <li class="H_body_text">Image: <a href="../eastasia/images/bndfeet2.jpg">Custom: Woman with bound feet</a></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Shih-fu Wang (fl. 1295-1307): <a href="">Romance of the Western Chamber</a> excerpts, [Was At CCNY, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Dream of the Red Chamber</a>. synoposis <span class="H_body_text"> [Was At WSU, now Internet Archive] </span></span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women's Agency</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Legend of Miao-Shan</a> [Was at BC now Internet Archive]<br /> The divinity with perhaps the most devotion in China is Guan Yin. She began as a male bodhisattva, but has now become the Chinese Goddess of Mercy through assimilation of the Buddhist belief with this old Chinese story.</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../mod/556mulan.asp">The Tale of Mulan, the Maiden Chief</a> c. 502-556 CE [At this Site]<br /> A heroic Chinese woman warrior, and a virgin. [Cf. Joan of Arc.]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Ning Lao T'ai Tai: <a href="../basis/Ning%20Lao%20Tai-Tai_%20Ida%20Pruitt%20-%20A%20Daughter%20of%20Han_%20The%20Autobiography%20of%20a%20Chinese%20Working%20Woman-1945-YaleUP-copyrightnotrenewed.pdf">A Daughter of Han: The Autobiography of a Chinese Working Woman</a> by Ida Pruitt, full text. (1945. Copryright not renewed) [At this Site]<br /> And see <a href="">Daughter of Han Reading Guide</a></span> [Was at BC now Internet Archive]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Feminism</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../mod/1947-ccp-statement.asp">Statement of the Central Committee of The Chinese Communist Party</a> February 1, 1947 [At this Site]<br /> Called for equality of women.</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">NY Times Report on 1995 UN Women's Conference</a> [Was at BC, now Internet Archive]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Gender Construction</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">See</font> <a href="../pwh">People With a History: Online Guide to LGBT* History</a></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Homosexual Tradition in China: Selections from Chinese Homosexual Literature</a> [Was At BC, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Four 1990s Press Reports on Gay Life in China</a> [Was At BC, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Manifesto of First Chinese Tongzhi Conference</a> 1996 [Was At HKGAY, now Internet Archive]<br /> Tongzhi is being used in Chinese for Gay. This manifesto directly asserts a historical basis for modern Chinese homosexuals and the differences of Chinese Tongzhi movements with western gay movements.</li> <li class="H_body_text">Mary M. Anderson, <a href="">Hidden Power: The Palace Eunuchs of Imperial China</a> , (Buffalo NY: Prometheus, 1990), 15-18, 307-11 [At Columbia] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Death of the Last Emperor's Last Eunuch</a> 1996 [At Columbia] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Image: <a href="../eastasia/images/eunuch.gif">Custom: A young eunuch exposes effects of castration</a><br /> </span></li> </ul> <p class="H_body_text"><a href="#index">Back to Index</a></p> <hr /> <span class="H_Subitle"><span class="H_body_text"><a name="Japan" id="Japan">Japan</a></font></span></span> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">General</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">See<font color="#D05653"> WEB</font> <a href="../eastasia/eastasiasbook.asp">Internet East Asia History Sourcebook</a> </span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Ruth Benedict: <a href="../eastasia/The%20Chrysanthemum%20and%20the%20Sword:%20Patterns%20of%20Japanese%20Culture">The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture</a> (1946), full text] [At Faded Page] [Internet Archive backup <a href="">here</a>]<br /> The <em>Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture</em> is a 1946 study of Japan by American anthropologist Ruth Benedict. It was written at the invitation of the U.S. Office of War Information in order to understand and predict the behavior of the Japanese in World War II. . . The book was influential in shaping American ideas about Japanese culture during the occupation of Japan, and popularized the distinction between guilt cultures and shame cultures.</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Great Women</span></p> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women's Oppression</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Sir Edwin Arnold: <a href="../mod/1890japandinner.asp">A Japanese Dinner Party</a> 1890</span> [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Alice M. Bacon: <a href="../mod/1890japanladies.asp">How Japanese Ladies Go Shopping</a> 1890</span> [At this Site]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women's Agency</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Sarashina: <a href="">The Diary of Lady Sarashina</a> 1009-1059 CE [At Hanover College] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Kaibara Ekken or Kaibara Token: <a href="">Greater Learning for Women</a> 1762 [Was At WSU, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Diaries of the Court Lades of Old Japan</a> trans. Annie Sheply Omori and Kochi Doi, full text, [At Internet Archive, from CMU]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Feminism</span></p> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Gender Construction</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"> Tsuentomo Yamamoto: <a href="">The Way of the Samauri</a> [Was At CCNY, now Internet Archive] <br /> </span></li> </ul> <p class="H_body_text"><a href="#index">Back to Index</a></p> <hr /> <span class="H_Subitle"><span class="H_body_text"><a name="India" id="India">India</a></font></span></span> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">General</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">See<font color="#D05653"> </font><a href="../india/indiasbook.asp">Internet Indian History Sourcebook</a> </span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Great Women</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Wikipedia: <a href="">Nehru–Gandhi family</a></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">CNN: Assasination of Indira Gandhi</a> [video] [Was At CNN, now Internet Archive]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women's Oppression</span></p> <p><span class="H_body_text">It is important to note that, while I in no way, wish to minimize the implications of the sati/suttee, a number of the readings here must be understood as western colonialist texts, and be addressed from that perspective.</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Duarte Barbosa: <a href="">Sati in Narsyngua</a> [Was At CCNY now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">An Account of Sati from Vikrama's Adventures</a> [Was At CCNY now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Raja Rammohan Roy: <a href="">A Second Conference Between an Advocate for, and An Opponent of the Practice of Burning Widows Alive</a> 1820 [Was At WSU, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Sir William Bentinck: <a href="../mod/1829bentinck.asp">On Ritual Murder in India </a> 1829, excerpts [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Mountstuart Elphinstone: <a href="../india/1840elphinstone.html">Indian Customs and Manners</a> 1840 [At this Site]<br /> Includes graphic account of suttee.</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Kautilya: <a href="../india/kautilya2.asp">The Arthashastra</a> - On Gender Issues, c. 250 BCE [At this Site]</span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women's Agency</span></p> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Feminism</span></p> <p><span class="H_body_text"><span style="font-weight: bold">Gender Construction</span></span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">2ND</font> Richard Burton: <a href="../pwh/burton-te.asp">Terminal Essay</a> from his edition of the <em>Arabian Nights</em>. [At this Site]<br /> Burton' compilation of data on variety of societies was meant to explain some of the stories in <em>The Nights</em>. In doing so, he provided first overview of Islamic homosexuality.<span class="H_body_text"><br /> </span></li> </ul> <hr /> <span class="H_Subitle"><span class="H_body_text"><a name="South East Asia" id="South East Asia">South East Asia</a></font></span></span> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">General</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">See<font color="#D05653"> </font><a href="../eastasia/eastasiasbook.asp">Internet East Asia History Sourcebook</a> </span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB</font> <a href="">Primary Sources: Korea</a> [At <a href="">Asia for Educators-Columbia University</a>] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]<br /> A really good collection of primary sources translated specially for teaching purposes.</li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB</font> <a href="">Primary Sources: Vietnam</a> [At <a href="">Asia for Educators-Columbia University</a>] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]<br /> A really good collection of primary sources translated specially for teaching purposes.</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Great Women</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Excerpts from The Complete Compilation of the Collected Writings about the Departed Spirits of the Viêt Realm: Sovereigns, The Tru'ng Sisters</a> [PDF] [At <a href="">Asia for Educators-Columbia University</a>] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]<br /> Conquest by Chinese Han Dynasty; Revolt of the Tru'ng Sisters ca. 39-43 CE. Chinese control briefly challenged by revolt of the sisters Tru'ng Trac and Tru'ng Nhi</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women's Oppression</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Wôlmyông: <a href="" target="_blank">"Song for a Dead Sister," by Wôlmyông</a> [PDF] 8th Century [At <a href="">Asia for Educators-Columbia University</a>] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Song Siyôl: <a href="">Excerpts from Instructions to My Daughter</a> [PDF] [At <a href="">Asia for Educators-Columbia University</a>] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Oral Histories of the "Comfort Women</a>" [PDF] [At <a href="">Asia for Educators-Columbia University</a>] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></p> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women's Agency</span></p> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Feminism</span></p> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Gender Construction</span></p> <hr /> <span class="H_Subitle"><span class="H_body_text"><a name="Australasia" id="Australasia">Australasia</a></font></span></span> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">General</span></p> <p style="font-weight: bold"><span class="H_body_text">Great Women</span></p> <p style="font-weight: bold"><span class="H_body_text">Women's Oppression</span></p> <p style="font-weight: bold"><span class="H_body_text">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></p> <p style="font-weight: bold"><span class="H_body_text">Women's Agency</span></p> <p style="font-weight: bold"><span class="H_body_text">Feminism</span></p> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Gender Construction</span><span class="H_body_text"><br /> </span></p> <hr /> <span class="H_Subitle"><span class="H_body_text"><a name="Africa" id="Africa">Africa</a></font></span></span> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">General</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">See<font color="#D05653"> </font><a href="../africa/africasbook.asp">Internet African History Sourcebook</a></span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Ibn Battuta (1307-1377 CE): <a href="">Malian Women</a> [Was At CCNY, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">African Proverbs</a> [Was At WSU, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">African Recipes</a> [At Upenn] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Africa Recipes from Ghana</a> [At Upenn] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB </font><a href="">Meanings of Symbols in Adinkara Cloth</a> [At Internet Archive, from Kemet]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"> <font color="#D05653">WEB </font><a href="#">History and Significance of Ghana's Kente Cloth</a> [Was At Manchester, now Internet Archive]<br /> Both the Adinkara and Kente pages are well illustrated.</span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Great Women</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">2ND</font> Tara Kneller: <a href="">Neither Goddesses Nor Doormats: The Role of Women in Nubia</a> [Was At HTA, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">2ND </font>Rita Pankhurst: <a href="">Women of Power in Ethiopian Legend and History</a> [Was At One World, now Internet Archive]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women's Oppression</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">The Issue of Female Circumcision</a> [Was At H-Net, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">Female Genital Mutilation on Trial</a> 1997 [Was At The Atlantic, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Linda Burstyn: <a href="">Female Genital Mutilation Comes to America</a> <em>The Atlantic October</em> 1995 [Was At The Atlantic, now Internet Archive]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB</font> <a href="">African Lives</a> [At Washington Post] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>] <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Part I: <a href="">The Dinka in Sudan</a></li> <li class="H_body_text">Part II: <a href="">Young Urban Kenyans</a></li> <li class="H_body_text">Part III: <a href="">Midwives in Ethiopia</a></li> <li class="H_body_text">Part IV: <a href="">Fishermen of Senegal</a></li> <li class="H_body_text">Part V: <a href="">AIDS in Kenya</a></li> <li class="H_body_text">Part VI: <a href="">Families of Abidjan</a></li> <li class="H_body_text">Part VII: <a href="">Child Brides in Ivory Coast</a></li> <li class="H_body_text">Part VIII: <a href="">Death in Ghana</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women's Agency</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"> Lucie Duff Gordon: <a href="">Letters from the Cape</a> [At Project Gutenberg] . </span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Josephine Elizabeth Grey Butler (1828-1906): <a href="">Native Races and the War</a> 1900 [Was At Indiana Victorian Women Writers, now Internet Archive]</span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Feminism</span></p> <p style="font-weight: bold"><span class="H_body_text">Gender Construction</span></p> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Gender and Sexualities in Modern Africa</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Edward Carpenter (1884-1929): <a href="../pwh/iolaus.asp#c1">Iolaus: An Anthology of Friendship</a> [At this Site]<br /> Discussion of some notices of male homosexuality by missionaries in 19th century Africa.</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">South African Constitution</a> [A ICL]<br /> Section 9.(3) is the first constitutional guarantee of protection for LGBs in the world</li> </ul> <p class="H_body_text"><a href="#index">Back to Index</a></p> <hr /> <p><span class="H_Subitle"><span class="H_body_text"><a name="The Islamic World" id="The Islamic World">The Islamic World</a></font></span></span> </p> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">General</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">See<font color="#D05653"> </font><a href="../islam/islamsbook.asp">Internet Islamic History Sourcebook</a> </span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">WEB</font> <a href=""><font color="#D05653"> </font></a> <a href="">Women in Islam</a> [At Answering Islam]<br /> The website is a site devoted to arguments with Muslims. This web page contains links to explanations, defences, and attacks on the subject of women in Islam.</li> <li class="H_body_text"> The Qur'an: <a href="">The Women</a> [Was At CCNY, now Internet Archive]<br /> From Surah's 2 and 4.</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Ibn Battuta (1307-1377 CE): <a href="">Malian Women</a> [Was At CCNY, now Internet Archive]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Great Women</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="">27 Prominent Medieval Andalusi Women</a> trans Mohammed Ballan [At Ballandalus] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]<br /> Biographies of medieval Andalusi women are drawn from the <em>Kitāb al-Ṣilah</em> of Ibn Bashkuwal (d. 1183), the <em>Takmilat Kitāb al-Ṣilah</em> by Ibn al-Abbar (d. 1260), and the <em>Kitāb Ṣilat al-Ṣila</em> by Ibn al-Zubayr (d. 1308).</li> <li class="H_body_text">Ibn Bashkuwal (d. 1183): <a href="">Prominent Andalusi Muslim Women: A Short List from Kitab al-Silla</a> trans Mohammed Ballan [At Ballandalus] [Internet Archive version <a href="">here</a>]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../mod/1550sultanavisit.asp">A Visit to the Wife of Suleiman the Magnificent</a> (Translated from a Genoese Letter), c. 1550</span> [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Lady Mary Wortley-tagu (1689-1762): <a href="../mod/1718montague-sultana.asp">Dining With The Sultana</a> 1718</span> [At this Site]</li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women's Oppression</span></p> <ul><li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">2ND</font> Anne Hardwick: <a href="">From Muhammad to Present: Islamic Law and Women</a> [At Internet Archive, from Rhodes]<br /> Critical.</li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">2ND</font> Barbara Crossette: <a href="">"A Manual on Rights of Women Under Islam,"</a> New York Times, December 29, 1996 [At Internet Archive, from Mt Holyoke]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">2ND</font> Ghada Barsoum: <a href="">Polemics on the Veil in Egypt</a><br /> Student paper on modern Egyptian debates. [At Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">2ND</font> Douglas Jehl: <a href="">"Egyptian Court Voids Ban on Cutting of Girls' Genitals,"</a> New York Times, June 26, 1997 [At NY Times]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">2ND</font> John F. Burns: <a href="">"Journal: Islamic Police Create a Minefield for Women,"</a> New York Times, August 29, 1997 [At Internet Archive, from Mt Holyoke]</li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">2ND</font> Marelise Simons: <a href="">"Cry of Muslim Women for Equal Rights Is Rising,"</a> New York Times, March 9, 1998 [At Internet Archive, from Mt Holyoke]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Female Circumcision/Female Genital Mutilation <ul> <li class="H_body_text"> <a href="">Female Genital Mutilation on Trial</a> [Was At The Atlantic, now Internet Archive]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Linda Burstyn: <a href="">Female Genital Mutilation Comes to America</a> <em>The Atlantic</em>, October 1995 [Was At The Atlantic, now Internet Archive] </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">The Structure of Women's Lives</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Charles James Wills: <a href="../islam/1885persianwedding.asp">A Persian Wedding,</a> 1885 [At this Site]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Demetra Vaka: <a href="../islam/1888hanoum.asp">Aïshé Hanoum</a> c. 1888 [At this Site]<br /> Life of a Turkish woman.</span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Women's Agency</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../med/1001.asp">The Women and Her Suitors</a> story from the Thousand and One Nights [caution: very rude!]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"> <font color="#D05653">2ND</font> Barbara Crossette: <a href="">"A Manual on Rights of Women Under Islam,"</a> New York Times, December 29, 1996 [At Internet Archive, from Mt Holyoke]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"><a href="../source/turkishpoetry1.asp">The Legends & Poetry of The Turks</a> selections [At this Site]<br /> This file includes selections from the women poets Mirhi (the "Turkish Sappho") and Zeyneb.</span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Apologetics</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">2ND</font> M. Rafiqul-Haqq and P. Newton: <a href="">The Place of Women in Pure Islam</a> [Was At<font color="#D05653"> </font>Venus Project, now Internet Archive]<br /> Decidely critical of Muslim practice, but quotes a large number of sources. </li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">2ND</font> Sherif Abdel Azeem: <a href="">Women In Islam Versus Women In the Judaeo-Christian Tradition</a> [At TWF]<br /> Widely reproduced "defence" of women's role in Islam.</span></li> </ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Feminism</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">2ND</font> Ghada Barsoum: <a href="">Polemics on the Veil in Egypt</a><br /> Student paper on modern Egyptian debates. [At Internet Archive] </li> <li class="H_body_text"><font color="#D05653">2ND</font> Marelise Simons: <a href="">"Cry of Muslim Women for Equal Rights Is Rising,"</a> New York Times, March 9, 1998 [At Internet Archive, from Mt Holyoke]</li></ul> <p><span class="H_body_text" style="font-weight: bold">Gender Construction</span></p> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"> <a href="../pwh/quran-homo.asp">The Qur'an on Homosexuality</a> [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text"> Edward Carpenter (1884-1929): <a href="../pwh/iolaus-islam.asp">Iolaus: An Anthology of Friendship</a> [chapter on Arabia and Persia], with extracts from Rumi, Hafiz and Saadi.</span> [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text"> <a href="../pwh/arabian1.asp">The Tale of Nur Al-Din Ali and his Son Badr Al-Din Hasan</a> [At this Site]<br /> from The Arabian Nights, translated Sir. Richard Francis Burton. </span></li> <li class="H_body_text">Abu Nawas (c.756-810): Poetry</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"> Sadi: <a href="../pwh/sadi.asp">Gulistan</a> 13th Century CE, Full text of Persian prose/poetry text with significant homoerotic content.</span> [At this Site]</li> <li class="H_body_text">Rumi: Poetry</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"> Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq (1522 - 1592): <a href="">Lesbian Love in A Turkish Bath</a> 1560 [Was At Letters Magazine, now Internet Archive]</span></li> <li class="H_body_text"> <font color="#D05653">2ND</font> Richard Burton: <a href="../pwh/burton-te.asp">Terminal Essay</a> from his edition of the Arabian Nights.<br /> Burton' compilation of data on variety of societies was meant to explain some of the stories in The Nights. In doing so, he provided first overview of Islamic homosexuality. </span></li> </ul> <p class="H_body_text"><a href="#index">Back to Index</a></p> <hr /> <span class="H_Subitle"><a name="Further Resources in Women's History" id="Further Resources in Women's History">Further Resources in Women's History</a></span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text">Web Guides </span> <ul> <li class="H_body_text"></li> </ul> </li> <li class="H_body_text">Academic Sites</span></li> </ul> <hr /> <p><span class="H_body_text">© This text is copyright. The specific electronic form, and any notes and questions are copyright. Permission is granted to copy the text, and to print out copies for personal and educational use. No permission is granted for commercial use. </span></p> <p><span class="H_body_text">If any copyright has been infringed, this was unintentional. The possibility of a site such as this, as with other collections of electronic texts, depends on the large availability of public domain material from texts translated before 1927. [In the US, all texts issued before 1927 are now in the public domain. Texts published before 1964 may be in the public domain if copyright was not renewed after 28 years. This site seeks to abide by US copyright law: the copyright status of texts here outside the US may be different.] Efforts have been made to ascertain the copyright status of all texts here, although, occasionally, this has not been possible where older or non-US publishers seem to have ceased existence. Some of the recently translated texts here are copyright to the translators indicated in each document. These translators have in every case given permission for non-commercial reproduction. <b>No representation is made about the copyright status of texts linked off-site</b>. This site is intended for educational use. Notification of copyright infringement will result in the immediate removal of a text until its status is resolved. </span></p> <hr /> <p class="H_body_text">NOTES: </p> <p class="H_body_text">The <i>Internet Women's History Sourcebook </i>is part of the <a href="/halsall">Internet History Sourcebooks Project</a>. The date of inception was 4/8/1998. Links to files at other site are indicated by [At some indication of the site name or location]. <font color="#D05653">WEB</font><font color="#D05653"> </font>indicates a link to one of small number of high quality web sites which provide either more texts or an especially valuable overview. </p> <hr /> <br> <p><span class="H_body_text">The <strong>Internet History Sourcebooks Project</strong> is located at the <a href="">History Department</a> of <a href="">Fordham University</a>, New York. The<b> Internet Medieval Sourcebook</b>, and other medieval components of the project, are located at the <a href="">Fordham University Center for Medieval Studies</a>.The IHSP recognizes the contribution of Fordham University, the Fordham University History Department, and the Fordham Center for Medieval Studies in providing web space and server support for the project. The IHSP is a project independent of Fordham University. Although the IHSP seeks to follow all applicable copyright law, Fordham University is not the institutional owner, and is not liable as the result of any legal action.</span><br /> <br /> <span class="H_body_text"><i> </i>©</span> <span class="H_body_text">Site Concept and Design: <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#2a4342595a6a4c45584e424b47044f4e5f15595f48404f495e1779455f58494f48454541590a7a5845404f495e">Paul Halsall</a></span> <span class="H_body_text"></span><span class="H_body_text"> created 26 Jan 1996: latest revision 15 February 2025 [<a href="/halsall/cv.asp">CV</a>] </span> </p> </p> <p> </p> </td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table> <script data-cfasync="false" src="/cdn-cgi/scripts/5c5dd728/cloudflare-static/email-decode.min.js"></script></body> </html>