Criminal Defense Attorney - St. Petersburg, FL | Hanlon Law
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data-src="/images/badges/01/06.png" width="90" height="90" style="height: 90px;" alt="The National Trial Lawyers Top 100"></picture> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> <div id="main"> <div class="mwrap"> <div class="tcfrags"> </div> <div id="content"> <div id="breadcrumbs"> <div class="wrapper"> </div> </div> <!-- Content --> <div class="sidebar primary-sidebar"> </div> <div class="cfrags"> </div> <!-- Content --> </div> <!-- SideBar left --> <div class="sidebar secondary-sidebar"> </div> <!-- End SideBar left --> </div> <div class="stpr"></div> </div> <!-- Stripes --> <div class="stripes"> <div id="stripe-01" class="stripe stripe-01"> <div class="stripewrap"> <div class="widget text-container" id="text-container-01"> <div class="description"><h1 class="tcenter no-margin">St. Pete Criminal Defense Attorney</h1><div class="widget-title tcenter">The Hanlon Law Firm</div><div class="content"><div class="columns"><div class="column -w-4-in-lvl3"><img class="lazyload amp-include" data-src="photos/will-hanlon-picture.jpg" alt="St. Petersburg Criminal Defense Lawyer The Hanlon Law Firm" amp-position="center" width="250" height="250"></div><div class="column -w-8-in-lvl3"><strong class="heading2">Criminal Defense Attorney In St. Petersburg, FL</strong><p>Having represented defendants in state and federal courts for over two decades, criminal lawyer Will Hanlon has the legal knowledge and the courtroom skills to aggressively defend the rights of people who have been accused of a wide range of offenses under Florida and federal laws.</p><p>When Hanlon Law accepts a case, we devote ourselves to exploring every possible way to protect a client’s future. Based in the St. Petersburg area, criminal defense lawyer Will Hanlon knows how frightening it is to be accused of a crime, and he understands that a conviction may have consequences beyond any specific penalty that is imposed.</p><p>Even after a sentence has been served, a criminal conviction may affect the defendant’s ability to hold a job, get an educational degree, or exercise rights like owning a firearm. If you need a <a href="sex-crimes-lawyer-st-petersburg-fl.html">sex crime</a> lawyer or are facing charges related to drug crimes, acts of domestic violence or other violent crimes, theft offenses, white collar crimes, or more, we are ready to fight for you to the fullest extent of the law.</p></div></div><div id="text-container-01-details" class="expandable-content -lvl1 -collapsed"><div class="expandable-content"><strong class="heading4"><a href="criminal-defense.html">Criminal Defense</a></strong><p>All criminal charges need to be established beyond a reasonable doubt. Although this is a tough standard, it is critical to retain an experienced attorney who can look at your situation and determine a strong defense strategy. The strategy may address procedural and constitutional issues and involve motions to suppress evidence. However, in some cases, a substantive defense might work better, such as a self-defense argument when the charges involve battery. Prosecutors do not need to offer you a plea deal, which makes it even more important to hire a skillful criminal defense attorney in the St. Petersburg area.</p><strong class="heading4"> <a href="drug-crimes-attorney-st-petersburg-fl.html">Drug Crimes</a> </strong><p>Drug crimes can be charged in connection with the possession, distribution, sale, importing, and manufacturing of controlled substances. Prohibited controlled substances include cocaine, ecstasy, heroin, marijuana, GHB, and Fentanyl. You may be surprised to learn that drug trafficking can be charged even if you have no connections to the criminal underworld. The critical issue is whether you had a threshold amount of a prohibited controlled substance. A drug trafficking conviction will result in a mandatory minimum sentence that depends on the amount of a controlled substance that was found.</p><strong class="heading4"> <a href="sex-crimes-lawyer-st-petersburg-fl.html">Sex Crimes</a> </strong><p>Sex crimes are taken seriously by Florida prosecutors. Sex crimes include sexual battery, lewd and lascivious crimes against minors, child pornography, and prostitution. If you are convicted of certain sex crimes, you may be required to register as a sex offender for the rest of your life. That means that you will need to meet certain formal requirements, and people whom you know may find out that you are a sex offender. You may find it very difficult to find a job or secure a place to live, although there are limited circumstances under which you can petition to have this requirement removed. A St. Petersburg criminal defense attorney can help you fight sex crime charges vigorously to avoid or minimize the potential consequences.</p><strong class="heading4"> <a href="violent-crimes-attorney-st-petersburg-fl.html">Violent Crimes</a> </strong><p>In Florida, a violent crime conviction can carry a harsh sentence of incarceration and substantial fines. Violent crimes that carry significant penalties include rape, aggravated battery, murder, aggravated assault, and robbery. Each crime is prohibited by a different statute. Each element set forth by a statute must be established beyond a reasonable doubt. Moreover, there may be substantive defenses that apply in certain situations, such as self-defense or a Stand Your Ground defense.</p><strong class="heading4"> <a href="theft-attorney-st-petersburg-fl.html">Theft</a> </strong><p>Under Florida Statute section 812.014, there are two categories of theft: petit theft and grand theft. You can be charged with either crime, depending on the value of what was allegedly taken. There are three degrees of grand theft. Generally, the value of what was taken must be at least $300 in order to be charged with grand theft. In either case, the prosecutor usually will need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you knowingly took or used someone else's property, and you intended to benefit from it or keep the victim from benefiting from its use. Additionally, if you are charged with grand theft, the prosecutor must prove the value of the property beyond a reasonable doubt.</p><strong class="heading4"> <a href="white-collar-crimes-attorney-st-petersburg-fl.html">White Collar Crimes</a> </strong><p>Most white collar crimes do not involve violence. Instead, they involve an intent to deceive for financial gain. White collar crimes include bribery, counterfeiting, pyramid schemes, and embezzling. You should retain a criminal defense lawyer in the St. Petersburg area to help you fight these complex charges. Florida has enacted special protections against white collar crimes with the White Collar Crime Victim Protection Act (Florida Statute section 775.0844). This law provides for enhanced penalties under certain circumstances. For example, you can be charged with a first-degree felony if you perpetrate an aggravated white collar crime in which 10 or more elderly people are victims.</p><strong class="heading4"> <a href="dui-lawyer-st-petersburg-fl.html">DUI</a> </strong><p>Drunk driving is a criminal charge. The prosecutor must show either that your blood alcohol content was at least .08% or that you were impaired by drinking or doing drugs. For a first-offense DUI, you may face multiple penalties. These may include jail time, fines, a suspended license, and the requirement that you install an ignition interlock device. The more offenses that you accrue during a lookback period, the harsher are the penalties that you may face.</p><strong class="heading4"> <a href="domestic-violence-attorney-st-petersburg-fl.html">Domestic Violence</a> </strong><p>Domestic violence is charged if a crime is committed in which the perpetrator has a family or household relationship with the victim. Family or household relationships exist between people who are married, ex-spouses, or blood or marriage relatives, or people who live like family or lived like family before and people who are co-parenting. Generally, household members and family members need to be currently living together or have lived together in the past in a single dwelling unit. Crimes that can support a domestic violence charge include battery, assault, sexual assault, stalking, aggravated stalking, kidnapping, or false imprisonment.</p><strong class="heading4"> <a href="child-injury-lawyer-st-petersburg-fl.html">Child Abuse</a> </strong><p>Child abuse is a serious charge. As a St. Petersburg criminal defense lawyer can explain, you can be charged with child abuse even if you are not a parent of the child whom you assaulted or otherwise abused. Anybody who commits an intentional injurious act against a minor may be charged with child abuse. This charge would be elevated to aggravated child abuse, a first-degree felony, if the prosecutor can show beyond a reasonable doubt that you committed an aggravated battery against a child. For a first-degree felony aggravated child abuse conviction, you might face a maximum of 30 years’ incarceration, plus a fine of $10,000.</p><strong class="heading4"> <a href="probation-violation-attorney-st-petersburg-fl.html">Probation Violations</a> </strong><p>Probation is also called community supervision. It allows a defendant to avoid going to jail as long as they meet specific conditions. These conditions can include regularly meeting with a probation officer or abiding by a particular curfew. Often, there are multiple conditions that a probationer must meet. If you fail to meet a condition, this is considered a technical violation of probation. However, if you commit a new crime, this is a substantive violation, and you may face going back to jail.</p><strong class="heading4"> Consult a Skillful Criminal Defense Attorney in St. Petersburg </strong><p>The stakes are very high when criminal charges are involved. The course of your life may be changed by the outcome. However, you should not despair or assume that a conviction is assured. It is crucial to obtain legal representation from an experienced attorney with a strong reputation. Call Will Hanlon at Hanlon Law at 727.289.0222 or complete our <a href="contact-us.html">online form</a>.</p></div></div><div class="btn-container amp-exclude"><a href="#text-container-01" class="btn -ghost expander" data-target="text-container-01-details">Learn More</a></div></div></div> </div> <div class="widget amp-include" id="icon-boxes"> <div class="description"><div class="columns"><div class="column -w-4-in-lvl2"><div class="bx"><div class="bx-desc"><div class="icon-wrapper"><img data-src="/images/icons/01.png" class="lazyload" alt="Hourglass"></div><strong class="heading4 bx-title">Time is Of The Essence</strong><p>Hanlon Law knows that time is of the essence, we move quickly to protect your future.</p></div><div class="btn-container"><a href="" target="_blank" class="btn -box-ghost popup-video">watch video</a></div></div></div><div class="column -w-4-in-lvl2"><div class="bx"><div class="bx-desc"><div class="icon-wrapper"><img data-src="/images/icons/02.png" class="lazyload" 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"postalCode":"33701", "addressCountry":"US", "telephone":["727.289.0222"], "priceRange": "" }, "logo": "", "image": "" }, "reviewBody": "As a practicing attorney, I was shocked to hear that a family member of mine was alleged to have committed a sex crime. Knowing full well the consequences this type of allegation can have on anyone and their future, I immediately reached out to William Hanlon for help. I had every confidence that Mr. Hanlon had the knowledge, expertise, and experience to handle this problem. Approximately 4 weeks from an initial conference with Mr. Hanlon, we received a call with the news that a letter of release was being issued and the case was being dropped. Now my family member can finally exhale, take a deep breath, and go on with his life. Thank you, William!", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Jerry" }, "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "worstRating": 1, "bestRating": 5, "ratingValue": 5 } } </script> <div class="w-cycler-wrapper"> <div class="w-cycler-wrapper-items"> <div class="review-item w-cycler-item"> <div class="review-rating"> <span>★★★★★</span> </div> <span class="review-description"> As a practicing attorney, I was shocked to hear that a family member of mine was alleged to have committed a sex crime. Knowing full well the consequences this type of allegation can have on anyone and their future, I immediately reached out to William Hanlon for help. I had every confidence that Mr. Hanlon had the knowledge, expertise, and experience to handle this problem. Approximately 4 weeks from an initial conference with Mr. Hanlon, we received a call with the news that a letter of release was being issued and the case was being dropped. Now my family member can finally exhale, take a deep breath, and go on with his life. Thank you, William! </span> <span class="review-author"> <span>Jerry</span> </span> </div> <div class="review-item w-cycler-item"> <div class="review-rating"> <span>★★★★★</span> </div> <span class="review-description"> Was on the ball. Remembered names, events, places, situations. Never need to re explain the situation. Keeps in touch through out the entire experience and keeps you feeling safe, comforted and protected. Fights hard. Worth every single penny. Would never settle for anything less than Will. </span> <span class="review-author"> <span>Carrie</span> </span> </div> <div class="review-item w-cycler-item"> <div class="review-rating"> <span>★★★★★</span> </div> <span class="review-description"> I was facing a charge that if convicted would carry two years in prison minimally. Not only was he empathetic and listening to what I had to say but he arranged with the prosecutor for my charges not to be filed under terms of a pre trial investigation. Would highly recommend. </span> <span class="review-author"> <span>Alec</span> </span> </div> <div class="review-item w-cycler-item"> <div class="review-rating"> <span>★★★★★</span> </div> <span class="review-description"> I am very happy for what he did for me. Always there when I needed him. Explained everything well. He Fights for his clients. He got me what I needed. Hes an excellent lawyer. </span> <span class="review-author"> <span>Mutaz</span> </span> </div> <div class="review-item w-cycler-item"> <div class="review-rating"> <span>★★★★★</span> </div> <span class="review-description"> Mr. Hanlon did what no other lawyer could do. Not only did he turn my criminal history into a thing of the past so I could move on, he was a loyal associate. No matter how bad the situation is, he has miraculously cleared me on every charge since he became my lawyer 5 years ago. I have the best lawyer that the legal system has to offer. I have had other really good lawyers try to get my business, but I know that no one can do a better job than William Hanlon. </span> <span class="review-author"> <span>Jesse</span> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-cycler-paginate-wrapper"> <div class="w-cycler-paginate"> <a class="w-cycler-arrows w-cycler-prev"></a> <div class="w-cycler-pager"></div> <a class="w-cycler-arrows w-cycler-next"></a> </div> </div> <div class="btn-container"><a href="testimonials.html" class="btn -ghost">View More</a></div> <div class="jw-w-cycler-crosslink-wrapper btn-container"> <a href="submit-a-law-firm-review-testimonial.html">Submit a Law Firm Client Review</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="widget text-container" id="text-container-02"> <div class="description"><strong class="heading2">Aggravated Assault Charges Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>If you have been charged with <a href="aggravated-assault.html">aggravated assault</a> in St. Petersburg, Florida, you need a skilled and experienced criminal defense lawyer on your side. At our law firm, we have years of experience defending clients against these serious <a href="" target="_blank">aggravated assault charges</a>. We will work tirelessly to investigate the evidence against you and mount a strong defense to protect your rights and freedoms. Our legal team has a deep understanding of Florida's complex criminal justice system, and we know how to negotiate with prosecutors, seek reduced charges or plea agreements, and advocate aggressively on your behalf in court. Don't hesitate to contact us to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you achieve a positive outcome in your case.</p><strong class="heading2">Arson Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>At our law firm in St. Petersburg, Florida, we understand that facing <a href="arson.html">arson charges</a> can be a frightening and overwhelming experience. That's why we're dedicated to guiding our clients through each step of the legal process, from building a strong defense to fighting for their rights in court. We have years of experience representing clients <a href="" target="_blank">charged with arson</a>, and we know the tactics and strategies necessary to achieve a successful outcome. Our team is committed to helping our clients receive fair treatment under the law and protecting their rights to the fullest extent possible. If you're facing arson charges, contact us today to schedule a consultation and start building your defense.</p><strong class="heading2">Boating Under the Influence Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p><a href="boating-under-the-influence.html">Boating Under the Influence (BUI)</a> is a severe offense in St. Petersburg, Florida. If you have been charged with BUI, it is crucial to seek the help of an experienced attorney who can guide you through the legal process. At our law firm, we understand the consequences of a <a href="" target="_blank">BUI conviction in Florida</a> and are here to fight for your rights. Our legal team will thoroughly investigate the circumstances of your case and work tirelessly to obtain the best possible outcome. With a wealth of expertise in BUI cases, we are confident in our ability to provide you with top-notch representation. Don't let a BUI charge ruin your life; call us today to schedule a consultation.</p><strong class="heading2">Child Neglect Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>Welcome to our <a href="child-neglect.html">Child Neglect lawyer</a> website in St. Petersburg, Florida. As a responsible attorney firm providing legal services related to child neglect cases in St. Petersburg, we understand the sensitivity and the gravity of this issue. <a href="" target="_blank">Child neglect</a> refers to the failure of parents or guardians to provide adequate care, supervision, and nourishment to their children. The consequences of child neglect can lead to severe physical and mental health problems, developmental delays, and even death. We approach each case with the utmost care and compassion while protecting the rights of the child. Our experienced and knowledgeable lawyers work with clients to understand the facts thoroughly and provide tailored strategies to hold perpetrators accountable. We strive to ensure that children are protected from abuse and neglect, and we work tirelessly to advocate for their well-being. Contact us to schedule an initial consultation and learn more about how we can help protect the rights of your children.</p><strong class="heading2">Contribute to the Delinquency of a Minor Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>As a lawyer who specializes in <a href="contribute-to-the-delinquency-of-a-minor.html">Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor</a> cases, I understand how important it is to have a strong defense team on your side. In St. Petersburg, Florida, this type of charge can have severe consequences, including damaging your reputation and affecting your employment opportunities. I am dedicated to protecting your rights and minimizing the impact of these charges on your life. With years of experience in the criminal justice system, I have the knowledge and expertise needed to defend you against <a href="" target="_blank">Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor charges</a>, no matter how complex your case may be. Contact my office today to schedule a consultation and begin building your defense strategy.</p><strong class="heading2">Criminal Mischief Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>At our St. Petersburg <a href="criminal-mischief.html">criminal mischief</a> law firm, we understand that being charged with a crime can be a confusing, stressful and overwhelming experience. For this reason, our experienced team of criminal defense attorneys are dedicated to providing you with the high-quality legal representation you need to navigate the criminal justice system effectively. With our extensive background in criminal defense, we have a proven track record of achieving favorable outcomes for our clients, and we fight tirelessly to protect your rights, freedoms and future. Whether you are facing minor vandalism charges or more serious allegations of property damage, our <a href="" target="_blank">criminal mischief attorneys</a> will work diligently to develop an effective defense strategy that best meets your unique needs and goals. If you want to learn more about how our experienced attorneys can help with your criminal mischief case in St. Petersburg, contact us today for a free consultation.</p><strong class="heading2">Diversion Programs Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>As a reputable <a href="diversion-programs.html">diversion programs lawyer</a> in St. Petersburg, Florida, we understand the importance of finding alternatives to traditional criminal prosecution. We believe that rehabilitation and personal growth should be prioritized in criminal cases where appropriate. Our legal team recognizes that every client requires individualized attention to their unique case. We provide customized support to our clients to create a plan that fits their specific needs. Our approach to the <a href="" target="_blank">diversion programs process</a> is based on a non-judgmental attitude and an intimate understanding of the difficulties involved in navigating the criminal justice system. As your experienced lawyer, we are committed to helping you achieve a positive outcome in your case by guiding you through the diversion programs process.</p><strong class="heading2">Domestic Violence Attorney in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>If you are facing charges for <a href="domestic-violence-attorney-st-petersburg-fl.html">domestic violence</a> in St. Petersburg, Florida, it is essential to have a competent and experienced domestic violence attorney by your side. At our law firm, we understand the sensitive and emotional nature of <a href="" target="_blank">domestic violence cases</a> and the far-reaching implications that they can have on your life. Our attorneys are skilled in defending clients against domestic violence charges and will work tirelessly to protect your rights and defend your interests. We will conduct a thorough investigation of the allegations against you, build a strong defense strategy, and aggressively advocate for your case in court. Our goal is to obtain the best possible outcome for you, whether that means negotiating a plea bargain or taking your case to trial. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with a domestic violence attorney in St. Petersburg, Florida.</p><strong class="heading2">Drug Crime Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>As a trusted <a href="drug-crimes-attorney-st-petersburg-fl.html">Drug Crime lawyer</a> in St. Petersburg, Florida, our team at Hanlon Law understands the serious nature of these charges and the potential consequences they can have on your life. We have worked with countless clients facing <a href="" target="_blank">drug-related offenses</a> and are equipped with the experience and knowledge necessary to fight for your rights and secure the best possible outcome for your case. We know that each case is unique and we work tirelessly to develop personalized strategies tailored to your specific circumstances. Whether you are dealing with possession or trafficking charges, we are here to defend your rights and provide you with the best possible legal representation. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and let us fight for you.</p><strong class="heading2">DUI Attorney in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>If you've been charged with a <a href="dui-lawyer-st-petersburg-fl.html">DUI</a> in St. Petersburg, Florida, you need an attorney who knows the local court system and understands the intricacies of <a href="" target="_blank">Florida DUI law</a>. At our law firm, we have experience defending clients against DUI charges and helping them achieve the best possible outcome for their case. We understand the severity of a DUI conviction and the impact it can have on your life. That's why we work tirelessly to build a strong defense strategy, analyzing every detail of your case to find any potential weaknesses in the prosecution's case against you. With our expertise and guidance, we'll fight for your rights and work to get your charges reduced or even dismissed altogether. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help you through this difficult time.</p><strong class="heading2">Engaging in Contracting Without a License Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p><a href="engaging-in-contracting-without-a-license.html">Engaging in contracting without a license</a> can result in serious legal consequences. In Florida, performing certain types of construction work without the proper license is considered a crime, which can lead to hefty fines and even imprisonment. Therefore, it is essential to consult with a knowledgeable and experienced lawyer in St. Petersburg before taking on any contracting work. At our law firm, we understand the complexities of <a href="" target="_blank">Florida’s contractor laws</a> and regulations and can help you navigate the legal system to ensure that you are operating within the bounds of the law. Our team of attorneys will work tirelessly to protect your rights and guide you through the process to avoid any legal complications that may arise. We strive to ensure that our clients are fully informed of their legal obligations and rights as contractors, and we are committed to providing exceptional legal representation. Contact us today for a consultation to discuss your contracting needs.</p><strong class="heading2">Entrapment Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>As an <a href="entrapment.html">entrapment lawyer</a> in St. Petersburg, Florida, I understand the importance of protecting my clients from wrongful accusations brought on by law enforcement. <a href="" target="_blank">Entrapment</a> can occur when law enforcement induces an individual to commit a crime that they would not have committed otherwise. This can happen in a variety of ways, including through persuasion or coercion. As a highly experienced criminal defense attorney, I am dedicated to fighting for my clients' rights and ensuring that they receive a fair trial. I am committed to providing quality legal representation and will work tirelessly to ensure that your case is resolved with the best possible outcome. If you have been accused of a crime due to entrapment, do not hesitate to contact me for a free consultation.</p><strong class="heading2">Escape Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>If you have been arrested or charged with a crime in St. Petersburg or the surrounding areas, you need an experienced <a href="escape.html">escape lawyer</a> on your side. Whether you are facing minor charges or serious felony charges like <a href="" target="_blank">fleeing and eluding</a>, we are here to help you navigate the criminal justice system and fight for your rights. Our team of skilled attorneys will analyze every aspect of your case and create a strategic defense to help you achieve the best possible outcome. We are committed to providing personalized attention to each client and will work tirelessly to ensure that you receive a fair trial. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn how we can help you defend yourself against criminal charges.</p><strong class="heading2">Failure to Register as a Career Criminal Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>If you've been charged with <a href="failure-to-register-as-a-career-criminal.html">Failure to Register as a Career Criminal</a> in St. Petersburg, Florida, you need a strong defense attorney on your side. At our law firm, we understand the severe penalties and long-term consequences that can come with a conviction for this offense. Our experienced attorneys have a deep understanding of <a href="" target="_blank">Florida's criminal justice system</a> and will work tirelessly to protect your rights and fight for your freedom. We will thoroughly investigate the charges against you, looking for any weaknesses in the prosecution's case and exploring all available legal options to help you get the best possible outcome. With our experienced representation, you can be confident that you have a strong advocate on your side, fighting for your rights every step of the way.</p><strong class="heading2">False Imprisonment Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>If you or a loved one has been falsely imprisoned, you need an experienced <a href="false-report-of-a-crime.html">False Imprisonment lawyer</a> in St. Petersburg, Florida on your side. At our law firm, we understand the devastating impact that a false imprisonment can have on your life. Whether it was due to a mistake or intentional misconduct, being wrongfully imprisoned can cause emotional distress, financial hardship, and can tarnish your reputation. We are dedicated to upholding the rights of those who have been <a href="" target="_blank">falsely imprisoned</a> and holding those responsible accountable for their actions. Our attorneys will work tirelessly to ensure that you receive the justice and compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a consultation.</p><strong class="heading2">False Report of a Crime Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>At our <a href="false-report-of-a-crime.html">False report of a crime lawyer</a> website in St. Petersburg, Florida, we understand the serious repercussions that can come from making false statements about criminal activity. We are here to offer our legal expertise and guidance to individuals who have been accused of <a href="" target="_blank">making false reports to authorities</a>. Our team of experienced attorneys will thoroughly investigate your case, gather evidence, and craft a strong defense strategy to ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive a fair outcome. We will work tirelessly on your behalf to achieve the best possible outcome for your case. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and begin planning your defense.</p><strong class="heading2">Fleeing or Attempting to Elude Law Enforcement Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>If you've been charged with <a href="fleeing-or-attempting-to-elude-a-law-enforcement-officer.html">fleeing or attempting to elude law enforcement</a> in St. Petersburg, Florida, you need an experienced lawyer on your side to navigate the legal system and help you achieve the best possible outcome. This type of charge of <a href="" target="_blank">fleeing and eluding police officers</a> can result in serious consequences, including imprisonment, fines, and a criminal record that could impact your future opportunities. At our law firm, we have the knowledge and skill to mount a strong defense on your behalf, challenging evidence and building a case that protects your rights and interests. Whether you are facing a misdemeanor or a felony charge, we will work tirelessly to protect you and help you move forward. Contact us today to discuss your case and learn more about our services.</p><strong class="heading2">Gun Violence Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>At our law firm, we are dedicated to fighting against <a href="gun-violence-attorney-st-petersburg-fl.html">gun violence</a> in St. Petersburg, Florida. We believe that no one should have to live in fear of gun violence, and we work tirelessly to hold those responsible accountable for their actions. Our experienced team of lawyers understands the complexities of <a href="" target="_blank">Florida’s gun laws</a>, and we use our knowledge and expertise to help victims of gun violence seek justice. We also work with lawmakers to promote sensible gun laws that keep our community safe. If you or a loved one has been impacted by gun violence, we are here to help. Contact us today for a free consultation.</p><strong class="heading2">Kidnapping Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>Are you or a loved one facing charges for <a href="kidnapping.html">kidnapping</a> in St. Petersburg, Florida? Our experienced kidnapping lawyers are here to help. We understand the serious nature of these charges and how they can impact your life. Whether you are facing charges for a minor or major <a href="" target="_blank">kidnapping offense</a>, we are committed to building a strong defense for you. We will work tirelessly to investigate the allegations against you, interview witnesses, and collect evidence to build a strong case. With our knowledge and expertise in the courtroom, we will fight for your rights and ensure you receive a fair trial. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and start building your defense.</p><strong class="heading2">Leaving the Scene of an Accident Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>If you're facing charges for <a href="leaving-the-scene-of-an-accident.html">leaving the scene of an accident</a> in St. Petersburg, Florida, it's important to work with an experienced attorney who can help you navigate the legal system and advocate for your rights. At our law firm, we specialize in representing clients who have been <a href="" target="_blank">accused of hit-and-run offenses</a>, and we understand the complexities of these cases. Whether you were involved in a minor fender bender or a more serious collision, we can help you build a strong defense and fight for the best possible outcome. We offer personalized attention and responsive communication throughout the process, so you can feel confident that your case is in good hands. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and start working towards a resolution.</p><strong class="heading2">Necessity and Duress Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>We are the premium <a href="necessity-and-duress.html">necessity and duress lawyers</a> in St. Petersburg, Florida, our team of experienced attorneys specializes in defending individuals who have <a href="" target="_blank">committed crimes under duress or necessity</a>. We understand that sometimes individuals are forced to make decisions that may not align with the law due to the circumstances they find themselves in. Whether you were forced to commit a crime to protect yourself or someone else, or you were threatened into a situation that led to a criminal act, our team is here to protect your legal rights and defend your case effectively in court. We will work tirelessly to ensure that your side of the story is heard and that you receive the justice you deserve. Contact us today for a consultation to discuss your case.</p><strong class="heading2">Perjury Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>At our <a href="perjury.html">perjury lawyer</a> firm in St. Petersburg, Florida, we have years of experience fighting for our clients who have been accused of lying under oath. <a href="" target="_blank">Perjury charges</a> can result in serious consequences like hefty fines, jail time, and a criminal record that can affect your future. Our Perjury lawyers are compassionate but aggressive in their approach, ensuring that each case is fought with a strategy tailored to the unique circumstances of your case. We understand the intricacies of perjury law and can help guide you through the legal process, keeping you informed every step of the way. Our goal is to minimize the impact of the charges against you, and we are committed to protecting your rights and your future. Contact us today for dedicated legal representation.</p><strong class="heading2">Prison Releasee Reoffender Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>At our law firm in St. Petersburg, Florida, we understand the challenges that come with trying to reintegrate into society after being released from prison. Unfortunately, many <a href="prison-releasee-reoffender.html">released prisoners</a> end up reoffending due to a lack of resources and support. That's where we come in - our team of experienced lawyers is dedicated to helping individuals who are struggling to overcome the difficulties of reentry. We work tirelessly to provide legal representation and guidance to our clients, ensuring they have the best chance possible to stay out of prison and create a new life for themselves. Whether you need assistance with parole, probation, or any other legal matter related to your <a href="" target="_blank">reentry process</a>, we are here to help. Contact our law firm today to learn more about how we can assist you.</p><strong class="heading2">Probation Violations Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>At our firm, we specialize in defending individuals facing <a href="probation-violation-attorney-st-petersburg-fl.html">probation violations</a> in St. Petersburg, Florida. Probation can be a life-changing opportunity for individuals to avoid jail time and rebuild their lives, and our firm is dedicated to ensuring that our clients are able to take full advantage of this opportunity. When a client faces an alleged violation of their probation, it is critical that they have a skilled and experienced defense attorney on their side who can aggressively advocate for their rights and fight to keep them out of jail. With our extensive knowledge of <a href="" target="_blank">Florida probation law</a> and our proven track record of success in defending against probation violations, we are here to help our clients every step of the way. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you fight your probation violation charges in St. Petersburg.</p><strong class="heading2">Sealing and Expungement Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>At our law firm in St. Petersburg, Florida, we focus on helping individuals navigate the complex legal process of <a href="sealing-and-expungment.html">sealing or expunging</a> their criminal records. Our experienced attorneys understand the challenges and obstacles that come with a criminal record, and we are here to provide you with the guidance and support you need to move on with your life. Whether you're looking to <a href="" target="_blank">seal or expunge a conviction</a>, our team can help you understand your options, gather the necessary documentation, and file your petition with the court. We believe that everyone deserves a second chance, and we are committed to helping you achieve a clean slate and a fresh start. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help.</p><strong class="heading2">Sex Crimes Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>Our <a href="sex-crimes-lawyer-st-petersburg-fl.html">sex crimes lawyers</a> in St. Petersburg, Florida are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality legal representation. We have extensive experience defending individuals who have been <a href="" target="_blank">charged with sex offenses</a> such as sexual battery, sexual assault, and child exploitation. We understand that these types of charges can be devastating and have serious consequences for your future. That’s why we take the time to thoroughly investigate the allegations against you and develop a strategic defense that protects your rights and interests. With our legal expertise, we can help you navigate the complex legal process, minimize the impact of the charges, and achieve the best possible outcome for your case. Contact us today for a confidential consultation.</p><strong class="heading2">Stalking Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>When it comes to protecting yourself against unwanted contact, <a href="stalking.html">stalking</a>, or harassment, it's important to work with experienced legal professionals who are intimately familiar with state and federal laws regarding these issues. At our St. Petersburg-based law firm, we specialize in <a href="" target="_blank">helping clients obtain restraining orders</a>, file police reports, and take other legal measures to keep themselves safe from stalking behaviors. Our team of skilled attorneys will work with you to understand your unique situation, identify applicable laws and regulations, and develop a comprehensive plan of action designed to achieve the best possible outcome for you. No matter how complex your case may be, we're here to provide the expert legal guidance you need to defend your rights and protect your safety.</p><strong class="heading2">State of Emergency Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>At Hanlon Law, our <a href="state-of-emergency.html">state of emergency lawyers in St. Petersburg, Florida</a>, understand that emergencies can happen at any time and are often unexpected. That is why our team of experienced lawyers is here to provide legal assistance and representation during and after a <a href="" target="_blank">state of emergency situation</a>. We specialize in handling cases related to hurricane damage, floods, fires, and other emergencies that can impact your property and livelihood. Our lawyers are knowledgeable about the laws and regulations surrounding emergencies, and we work tirelessly to ensure that our clients receive the compensation they deserve. Contact us today for a consultation to discuss your case and your legal options.</p><strong class="heading2">Statute of Limitations Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>At our St. Petersburg, Florida law firm, we specialize in helping clients navigate the complex world of <a href="statute-of-limitations.html">statute of limitations</a> laws. These laws can be tricky and vary from state to state, which is why it is important to have an experienced attorney on your side. We understand that dealing with legal matters can be stressful, and we strive to make the process as seamless as possible for our clients. Our team of knowledgeable attorneys has years of experience handling a variety of cases, and we work tirelessly to ensure our clients' rights are protected. Don't let time run out on your <a href="" target="_blank">statute of limitations claim</a>, contact us today to schedule a consultation.</p><strong class="heading2">Tampering With Evidence Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>Our <a href="tampering-with-evidence.html">tampering with evidence</a> lawyer practice in St. Petersburg, Florida, is dedicated to protecting the rights of our clients who have been accused of tampering with evidence. We understand that criminal charges can be overwhelming, but our experienced lawyers have the knowledge and expertise to provide you with the best possible defense. <a href="" target="_blank">Tampering with evidence</a> is a serious crime that can result in severe penalties, including imprisonment and fines. Our team of lawyers has decades of combined experience in handling cases related to tampering with evidence. We work tirelessly to defend our clients, ensuring that their rights are protected throughout the legal process. Our lawyers have a proven track record of success in defending clients accused of tampering with evidence, and we are here to assist you in every way possible.</p><strong class="heading2">The Criminal Process Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>If you're <a href="" target="_blank">facing criminal charges in St. Petersburg, Florida</a>, you need an experienced criminal defense lawyer who can help protect your rights and your freedom. <a href="the-criminal-process.html">The criminal process</a> can be overwhelming and stressful, but our team of lawyers is dedicated to guiding you through every step of the process. We specialize in criminal defense and have a deep understanding of the St. Petersburg court system, which allows us to provide the highest level of representation for our clients. From the moment you contact us, we will begin working on a strategy to defend your case and achieve the most favorable outcome possible. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and get the legal representation you deserve.</p><strong class="heading2">Theft Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>If you have been charged with <a href="theft-attorney-st-petersburg-fl.html">theft</a> in St. Petersburg, Florida, you need a knowledgeable and experienced theft lawyer by your side. At our law firm, we are dedicated to defending the rights of individuals who have been <a href="" target="_blank">accused of theft</a>. Our attorneys have years of experience representing clients in cases involving shoplifting, employee theft, and other theft-related crimes. We work tirelessly to investigate every aspect of your case, including the evidence presented against you, to determine the best legal strategy for your defense. Our goal is to help you avoid the potentially life-altering consequences of a theft conviction, including imprisonment, fines, and a criminal record. Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your case and learn how we can help you fight your theft charges.</p><strong class="heading2">Traffic Offenses Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>As a <a href="traffic-offenses.html">Traffic Offenses lawyer</a> in St. Petersburg, Florida, I understand the importance of protecting your driving privileges. A traffic violation can have serious consequences, including fines, points on your license, and even <a href="" target="_blank">license suspension</a>. My team and I are dedicated to providing aggressive representation to those facing traffic offenses. We work tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome for our clients, whether that means negotiating a plea deal or taking a case to court. Whether you are dealing with a speeding ticket or a DUI charge, we are here to help you navigate the legal system and defend your rights. Contact us today for a consultation.</p><strong class="heading2">Trespassing Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>At Hanlon Law, our <a href="trespass.html">trespassing lawyer</a> is proud to serve St. Petersburg, Florida. Trespassing is a serious offense that can result in steep fines, jail time, and a criminal record. If you have been accused of trespassing, it is important to seek the guidance of an experienced lawyer who understands the nuances of <a href="" target="_blank">Florida trespassing laws</a>. Our attorneys are dedicated to helping clients achieve the best possible outcome in their trespassing cases. We specialize in providing personalized and focused legal services to ensure that our clients receive the best representation possible. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and to learn more about how we can assist you with your trespassing case.</p><strong class="heading2">Understanding Your Constitutional Rights Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>Our legal team at Hanlon Law is prepared for <a href="understanding-your-constitutional-rights.html">Understanding your Constitutional rights</a>, we believe that every citizen has the right to know their <a href="" target="_blank">constitutional rights</a> in order to protect themselves from any violations. Our experienced lawyers in St. Petersburg, Florida are dedicated to guiding our clients through the complexities of the law and ensuring that they understand the full extent of their constitutional rights. Whether you have been accused of a crime or are facing a legal issue, our team of attorneys is committed to providing you with the legal representation and guidance necessary to protect your rights. We strive to provide our clients with comprehensive and personalized guidance, ensuring that they are able to fully understand their constitutional rights and pursue justice in their case. Contact our St. Petersburg office today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you protect your constitutional rights.</p><strong class="heading2">Violent Crimes Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>Are you facing charges for a <a href="violent-crimes-attorney-st-petersburg-fl.html">violent crime</a> in St. Petersburg, Florida? It's essential that you work with an experienced and qualified criminal defense attorney who has a deep understanding of state and federal laws, and will fight tirelessly to protect your rights and freedoms. At our law firm, we represent clients who have been <a href="" target="_blank">accused of violent crimes</a> ranging from assault and battery, to domestic violence, homicide, and more. We understand the serious nature of these charges and will work with you every step of the way to build a strong defense, negotiate with prosecutors, or fight for your rights in court. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn how we can help you navigate the legal system and achieve the best possible outcome in your case.</p><strong class="heading2">White Collar Crimes Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>Our <a href="white-collar-crimes-attorney-st-petersburg-fl.html">white collar crimes lawyers</a> in St. Petersburg, Florida are highly experienced and dedicated to defending individuals facing white collar crime charges. <a href="" target="_blank">White collar crimes</a> are non-violent offenses, typically associated with individuals who hold positions of power or trust in a company or organization. These crimes include fraud, embezzlement, money laundering, insider trading, and more. Our lawyers have a reputation for aggressively defending clients against these charges and using our extensive knowledge of state and federal laws to achieve the best possible outcomes. If you or a loved one has been charged with a white collar crime, contact us today for a confidential consultation.</p><strong class="heading2">Disorderly Intoxication Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>If you've been charged with <a href="disorderly-intoxication.html">disorderly intoxication</a> in St. Petersburg, you need an experienced disorderly intoxication lawyer who can help you navigate the legal process and protect your rights. <a href="" target="_blank">Disorderly intoxication is a serious charge</a> that can have significant consequences, including fines, probation, and possible jail time. At our firm, we have extensive experience defending individuals charged with disorderly intoxication and we have a deep understanding of the legal system in St. Petersburg. We will work diligently to build a strong defense on your behalf, and to mitigate the potential penalties associated with a conviction. With our help, you can rest assured that your case is being handled by a skilled and knowledgeable legal team.</p><strong class="heading2">University Student Lawyer in St. Petersburg, Florida</strong><p>As a <a href="university-student.html">university student lawyer</a> in St. Petersburg, Florida, our goal is to provide accessible, affordable and effective legal services to our clients. We offer legal representation in a wide range of practice areas, including family law, criminal defense, personal injury, and employment law. We understand the unique needs and concerns of <a href="" target="_blank">university students</a>, and we strive to deliver personalized legal strategies that best suit your situation. Our team of experienced attorneys will work with you every step of the way to help you achieve the desired outcome. We pride ourselves on our commitment to providing exceptional legal services to our clients, and we are dedicated to obtaining the best possible results for you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and let us help you navigate the legal system.</p></div> </div> <div class="widget rss-feed" id="rss-feed-01"> <strong class="heading4 widget-title"><a href="" >St. Petersburg Criminal Lawyer Blog</a></strong> <div class="fragcontent"> <div class="rss_items jwfeeds jwfeeds-length-150 jwfeeds-has-description jwfeeds-no-dates jwfeeds-count-3 jwfeeds-order-desc" id="jwfeeds-feed-6028" itemscope itemtype=""> <span itemprop="description" content="St. Petersburg Criminal Lawyer Blog | Published by St. Petersburg Criminal Lawyer Attorney — Hanlon Law"></span> <span itemprop="name" content="St. Petersburg Criminal Lawyer Blog"></span> <ul class="rss_items"> <li class="rss_item jwfeed-post" id="jwfeeds-item-78443" itemprop="dataFeedElement" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta name="dateCreated" content="January 20, 2025" itemprop="dateCreated"> <strong> <a href="" target="_self" rel="bookmark" itemprop="url"><span class="entry-title" itemprop="name">Florida 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