Our Campaigns Poll Edit Page

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Please do not create new ones unless no item in the list is appropriate. Try to use the polling firm itself rather than the news media which purchased the poll if the information is available.<br> Straw Polls may be appropriate for convention or caucus races, but not for elections.<br> <br> The <b>Type</b> pull-down selects the type of poll that was conducted. Most of the time this will either by a Matchup, used for any Race polls, or an Approval poll for Job approvals of Approve, Disapprove and Don't Know. New Types are almost never needed. Please do not create any unless you are sure you need a new one.<br> <br> The <b>Methodology</b> pull-down selects the methodology the polling firm used. The most common are Adults, Registered Voters and Likely Voters. Momentum numbers are only calculated between polls from the same Polling Firm that are conducted with the same methodology. Please do not create new ones unless you are absolutely sure you need them. If the Race itself provides information about the methodology, you do not need to reiterate it here - e.g. if the Race is a Republican Primary you should only need to use Likely Voters and not Likely Republican Voters. Please do not create humorous methodologies. If ones are created, they will be changed to "Something Funny" and the creator may lose poll edit access. If your poll releases more than one methodology with numbers, we prefer Likely Voters to Registered Voters and Registered Voters to Adults. <br> <br> The <b>Margin of Error and Sample Size</b> text fields measure the uncertainty of the poll. Entering one will cause the other to be calculated. If you only have one of the two, enter it in the appropriate box. If you have both, Sample Size is preferred. If you have neither, use 5% MoE and note the lack of data in the Details field.<br> <br> The <b>Poll Start and Poll End</b> date fields are set to the days the poll was conducted. Most polls do not specify time, so these should be left at a default 9am-5pm unless time is specified. If this information is not known, use your best guess and note the lack of information in the Details box.<br> <br> Use the <b>Website</b> field to provide a link to a website or pdf where you found the poll information.<br> <br> The <b>Sponsor(s)</b> field should be used to list the media or other entities who paid for the poll. It should always be used if the poll is an internal campaign poll or a poll sponsored by one of the partisan committees. <br> The <b>Details</b> field allows you to put some extra information about this poll. It should always be used to note if any of the above information is just a guess rather than sourced data. This field can be used to note some other internal information about the poll, but should not be used to provide complete poll internals.<br> <br> The <b>Last Edited</b> area will show the User who last edited this Poll.<br> <br> At the end, each <b>Candidate</b> in the race will be listed along with their Party and a box to enter their Poll result. We prefer results that include leaners if numbers are provided with and without. </td></tr></table> <div align="right"> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> </body> </html>

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