Collateral Management Services - Warrants & CMA - Control Union Argentina
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1-1.17l5.92-.54a8.7 8.7 0 0 1 8.58-8.24 8.5 8.5 0 0 1 2.35.35l2.5-5.36a1 1 0 0 1 .71-.57h.17.15a1 1 0 0 1 .41.08l.71.32a1.07 1.07 0 0 1 .49 1.42l-2.51 5.4a8.92 8.92 0 0 1 1.12 13.44l3.35 4.82a1 1 0 0 1 -.2 1.48z"/></svg> </span> <a class="list_link flex-sm flex-vert" href="" title="Collateral Management" target="_blank"> <span class="link_text"> Collateral Management </span> </a> </li> <li class="list_item flex-sm"> <span class="list_icon background-primary-dark"> <svg id="activity-5" class="icon-svg white" viewBox="0 0 95 44.9" xmlns=""><path d="m63 37.7a21.74 21.74 0 0 0 0-30.51c9 2.69 17.69 7.81 25.9 15.26-8.21 7.48-16.9 12.55-25.9 15.25m-31-30.51a21.73 21.73 0 0 0 0 30.51c-9-2.7-17.69-7.77-25.9-15.25 8.21-7.45 16.9-12.57 25.9-15.26m15.5 32.09a16.83 16.83 0 1 1 16.83-16.83 16.85 16.85 0 0 1 -16.83 16.83m46.74-18.61c-14.24-13.67-29.85-20.67-46.42-20.67h-.64c-16.57 0-32.18 7-46.42 20.67a2.48 2.48 0 0 0 0 3.57c14.24 13.7 29.85 20.66 46.42 20.66h.64c16.57 0 32.19-7 46.42-20.66a2.48 2.48 0 0 0 0-3.57"/><path d="m47.5 27.5a5 5 0 1 1 5.05-5.05 5.06 5.06 0 0 1 -5.05 5.05m0-15.05a10 10 0 1 0 10 10 10 10 0 0 0 -10-10"/></svg> </span> <a class="list_link flex-sm flex-vert" href="" title="Commodity Inspections" target="_blank"> <span class="link_text"> Commodity Inspections </span> </a> </li> <li class="list_item flex-sm"> <span class="list_icon background-primary-dark"> <svg id="activity-1" class="icon-svg white" viewBox="0 0 95 56.18" xmlns=""><path d="m11.7 0a11.57 11.57 0 0 0 -11.7 11.43 10.63 10.63 0 0 0 2.75 7.27l7.46 9.4c1.37 1.74 1.6 1.92 3 0l7.46-9.39a10.63 10.63 0 0 0 2.76-7.28 11.57 11.57 0 0 0 -11.73-11.43zm0 19.5a8.17 8.17 0 0 1 -8.26-8.07 8.17 8.17 0 0 1 8.26-8.07 8.17 8.17 0 0 1 8.3 8.07 8.17 8.17 0 0 1 -8.3 8.07z"/><path d="m73.39 1.76a21.36 21.36 0 0 0 -21.6 21.11c0 5.58 1.71 9.18 5.08 13.42l13.78 17.36c2.53 3.21 3 3.55 5.5 0l13.76-17.34c3.37-4.25 5.09-7.84 5.09-13.44a21.36 21.36 0 0 0 -21.61-21.11zm0 36a15.09 15.09 0 0 1 -15.26-14.89 15.26 15.26 0 0 1 30.52 0 15.09 15.09 0 0 1 -15.26 14.91z"/><path d="m29.6 27.23 14.25 28.93h25.54l-8.23-10.41h-12.75l-14.26-26.11h-11.29l-6.07 7.59z"/><path d="m10.7 11.91h2.67a32 32 0 0 0 -1.32-4.25 31 31 0 0 0 -1.36 4.25m-3.16 3.73a53.57 53.57 0 0 1 3.16-9.58h2.83a54.64 54.64 0 0 1 3.18 9.58v.1h-2.4l-.49-2.08h-3.56l-.49 2.08h-2.23z"/><path d="m73.63 29.25c1.72 0 2.62-.55 2.62-2.27s-1-2.2-2.7-2.2h-2.8v4.48zm-.08-7.6a2.17 2.17 0 0 0 2.33-2.3c0-1.48-.88-2.05-2.33-2.05h-2.8v4.35zm-7.2-7.75h8.23c3.65 0 5.68 1.58 5.68 4.93a4.41 4.41 0 0 1 -2.4 4.05 4.16 4.16 0 0 1 2.78 4.18c0 3.85-2.2 5.6-6.05 5.6h-8.24z"/></svg> </span> <a class="list_link flex-sm flex-vert" href="" title="Commodity Logistics" target="_blank"> <span class="link_text"> Commodity Logistics </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-sm-6"> <ul class="no-list global_activities"> <li class="list_item flex-sm"> <span class="list_icon background-primary-dark"> <svg id="activity-2" class="icon-svg white" viewBox="0 0 95 74.59" xmlns=""><path 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14.69v5l-.34-.33c-.22.24-.44.45-.66.66a8 8 0 0 1 -5 2.35h-.15a8 8 0 0 1 -5-2.33c-.23-.21-.45-.44-.68-.68-.33.33-.66.63-1 .91v-5.58zm-11.77-33.89h-4l2-2.73zm-3.75-8.34h3.45l-1.7 2.38zm4.95 10.26-3.19 3-3.19-3zm1.26 9.87h-8.9l4.45-4.22zm.13 1.92-4.52 4.28-4.52-4.28zm-4.52 6.91 5 4.74h-10zm5.74 2.8-4.35-4.13 4.35-4.12zm-.23-13.2-4.18-3.93 3.06-2.9zm-1.81-11.05-2.58-3.52 1.64-2.23zm-5.56-14h3.78v3.89h-3.78zm-.87 8.47 1.48 2-2.33 3.18zm-1.64 9.87 2.91 2.78-4 3.77zm-1.33 11.72 4.33 4.06-4.33 4.1zm4.83 18.66v6.71a6.6 6.6 0 0 1 -3.15.95c-1.92 0-3.85-1.07-5.77-3-.23.25-.46.47-.69.69a10.12 10.12 0 0 1 -2.8 1.82v-7.17zm-13.42-16.89h2.8v2.2h-2.8zm-3.93 0h2.8v2.2h-2.8zm-3.92 2.2v-2.2h2.77v2.2z"/><path d="m64.77 3h-1.34c-2.06 0-4.64 2.74-6.23 4.89-1.26 1.7-1.54 1.93-1.5 3.21s1.12 2.4 3.54 2.4h2.35l-.23.44-.2.38-.8 1.43-.13.24h-.5a18.92 18.92 0 0 1 -2-.32l-.93-.19-.08.37-. 19.71 0 0 0 2.06.33 20 20 0 0 0 2.08.1h5.29a20 20 0 0 0 2.08-.1 19.72 19.72 0 0 0 2.06-.33l.86-.21v-.37l-.08-.37-.93.19a18.9 18.9 0 0 1 -1.99.35h-.46l-.13-.35-.51-1.25a7 7 0 0 0 -.41-.92c2-.15 3.13-.65 3.79-1.33 1.37-1.4 3.08-1.81 5-2.12l5.14-.83c2.16-.17 3.4-5.45 2.83-5.48-.09 0-1.39-.15-1.53.07-.8 1.29-.73 2.71-3.16 2.63l-3.85-.13h-.13c-4.14-.14-3.05.13-4-1.65-.85-1.64-3.79-1.64-4.58-1.64h-1.49v-1.62l15.13-.63v-.75l-4.64.19-10.49.44v-.26h-.75v.26l-7.41-.31-7.68-.32v.75l15.12.63zm-5.09 6.45c-2.31 0 1-4.39 3.42-4.86a1.71 1.71 0 0 1 .32 0h1.09a.22.22 0 0 1 .21.21v4.4a.26.26 0 0 1 -.26.26h-4.78zm5.92-4.65a.26.26 0 0 1 .26-.26h2.46a.26.26 0 0 1 .26.26v4.4a.26.26 0 0 1 -.26.26h-2.47a.26.26 0 0 1 -.26-.26zm.5 8.73h.52a4.68 4.68 0 0 1 .58 1.14l.39 1 .14.38h-6.68l.16-.3.59-1.06.21-.4a6.47 6.47 0 0 1 .46-.78z"/><path d="m74.33 55.65 5.92 12.2a1.11 1.11 0 0 0 1.49-1.05 1.71 1.71 0 1 1 3.41 0 1.12 1.12 0 0 0 1.54 1l5.91-12.18-8.3-5.08v4.7a.84.84 0 1 1 -1.68 0v-4.7z"/><path d="m81.79 42.2v4.1h-1.68v2.61h-3.92v2.97l7.28-4.48 7.26 4.47v-2.96h-3.91v-2.61h-1.67v-4.1z"/></svg> </span> <a class="list_link flex-sm flex-vert" 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<section class="widget widget-header header-small" style="background-image: url(/storage/configurations/argentinacontrolunioncom/images/header_images/cropped-iowa-1731553_1920/1660x230-iowa-1731553_1920-5d39d8ba49cd4.jpg);"></section> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-8 col-sm-push-4 main pull-up"> <div class="widget-content page_title background-title page_intro color-light nudge-30-to-left"> <h1 class="t-uc m-0"> Collateral Management Services - Warrants & CMA </h1> </div> <div class="page_content pt-20 pt-sm-40 pl-md-20 mb-xs-20 mb-60"> <div class="page_intro mb-20 mb-sm-40 t-bold"> Our goal is to offer to our clients a comprehensive solution for the origination, control, monitoring and recovery of your financial and commercial lines of credit. </div> <div class="mb-20 mb-sm-40 item_content"> The collateral management area was developed in order to offer a complete service to banks, financial entities, trading companies, insurance companies, and companies in general. Thanks to our network of specialized inspectors located throughout the country, we are prepared to offer tailor-made solutions wherever they are needed.<br /><br />The CMA (Collateral Management Agreement) is a private contract, with at least three parties, in which the general conditions of a specific credit and/or guarantee operation are expressed.<br /><br />In Argentina, the Warrant and Certificate of Deposit (Law 9643) is the legal instrument that we use as a basis (although not exclusively) for the design and structuring of our CMA guarantee schemes.<br /><br />Control Union is authorized as a company that issues warrants and certificates of deposit and has been operating in Argentina with said instruments since 1994, being the market leader in Argentina and the entire LATAM region.<br /><br /><strong>Parties included in a CMA contract:</strong><br /><br /> <ul> <li><strong>Depositing debtor:</strong> It is the owner of the merchandise offered as collateral.</li> </ul> <ul> <li><strong>Creditor:</strong> Banks, Funds, Traders, Insurance Companies, Suppliers of Products or Services.</li> </ul> <ul> <li><strong>Collateral Manager (Control Union):</strong> Is the one who assumes full responsibility for the merchandise granted as collateral in the operation. Control Union inspects, monitors, custody and reports on the merchandise given in guarantee, under pre-established conditions depending on the type of guarantee and the obligations established.</li> </ul> <ul> <li><strong>Owner of the warehouse (possible)</strong>: Is the person who eventually gives the warehouse to Control Union for the purpose of acquiring the exclusive use and legal control of the same during the entire term of the operation (it is not always an additional party within the the operation given that the depositing debtor many times is in turn the one who has the property and/or control of the deposit and is consequently the one who assigns it in favor of Control Union) Likewise, their participation is not necessary in those cases where it operates in Control Union's own warehouses.</li> </ul> There are 4 main elements within a CMA contract:<br /> <ol> <li>Type of guarantee/merchandise;</li> <li>Merchandise storage place;</li> <li>Term contract;</li> <li>Parties Obligations.</li> </ol> <strong>What is a Warrant?</strong><br /><br />We invite you to watch this 2-minute video that explains the main benefits of this instrument.<br /><br /> <div class="tiny-no-edit embed-responsively"><img class="hidden" src="//" /><iframe width="560" height="315" class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" data-mce-fragment="1"></iframe></div> <p> </p> In short, the warrant is an instrument by which a company can use its merchandise as collateral to obtain financing from third parties (both commercial - from suppliers or customers - and financial).<br /><br />The use of this tool has various advantages for both the depositor and the creditor.<br /><br /><strong>Main advantages for the depositor</strong><br /><br />It allows greater access to credit, under preferential rates and higher credit limits and terms, also benefiting from an outsourced monitoring service for your merchandise.<br /><br />You benefit from taking out first-line insurance with coverage for all operational risks.<br /><br />You can wait for the right moment (best price) to sell your production and/or use the financing obtained to adapt to markets with marked commercial/logistic seasonality that cause significant imbalances in the cycles of income and expenditure of funds of the companies.<br /><br /><strong>Main advantages for the creditor</strong><br /><br />It has a real guarantee of extrajudicial liquidation backed by a law with more than 100 years of existence and jurisprudence (Law 9643 – Year 1914), whose execution (in case of non-compliance) is not suspended due to death, incapacity, bankruptcy or preventive bankruptcy of the debtor.<br /><br />Certain warrants (issued on fungible goods that have a normal and habitual price in local or international markets, widely distributed and easily accessible to the public) allow financial entities to classify them as Preferred Guarantee "A" according to BCRA regulations.<br /><br />The merchandise under warrant is insured and remains in the custody of a company specialized in storage and administration of merchandise under guarantee.<br /><br /><img class="img-responsive" src="/storage/configurations/argentinacontrolunioncom/images/diapositiva2.jpg" alt="" /><br /><strong>Main products we work with:<br /><img class="img-responsive" src="/storage/configurations/argentinacontrolunioncom/images/products_eng.png" alt="" width="1095" height="611" /><br /></strong> </div> </div> <div class="grid-stack grid-stack-6 clearfix" id="grid-content" data-blocks="6"> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-4 col-sm-pull-8 sidebar pull-up fill-left"> <div class="widget widget-navigation side-navigation"> <div class="navigation_title hidden-xs"></div> </div> <div class="grid-stack grid-stack-1 clearfix" id="grid-sidebar" data-blocks="1"> <div class="grid-stack-item" id="widget-1" data-gs-x="0" data-gs-y="0" data-gs-width="1" data-gs-height="1"> <div class="widget widget-text widget-grey p-small "> <h3 class="mb-20 mt-0 title-underlined t-uc mt-0">Collateral Services</h3> <div class="t-bold"> <a href="/en/about-the-service">About the service - Warrants & CMA</a><br /><a href="/en/monitoring-and-verification">Monitoring and Verification - SMA Services</a><br /><a href="/en/other-services">Other services</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-stack-item" id="widget-2" data-gs-x="0" data-gs-y="1" data-gs-width="1" data-gs-height="1"> <div class="widget widget-contact widget-primary p-small clearfix"> <h4 class="title-underlined t-uc mb-30 mt-0">Can we help you?</h4> <div class="clearfix"> <span class="contact_info pull-left"> <span class="b-b t-bold">Control Union - Gesti贸n de Garant铆as - Buenos Aires</span> <span class="b-b small mb-20"></span> <span class="email b-b small t-bold"><i class="pcu pcu-envelop pcu-2x"></i><a href="">Send an email</a></span> </span> </div> <div class="call-me border-top border-bottom mt-30 pointer"> <span class="call_me_title t-uc b-b has-icon arrow-down 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>Ireland</option> <option value="104" >Isle of Man</option> <option value="103" >Israel</option> <option value="110" >Italy</option> <option value="44" >Ivory Coast</option> <option value="112" >Jamaica</option> <option value="114" >Japan</option> <option value="111" >Jersey</option> <option value="113" >Jordan</option> <option value="125" >Kazakhstan</option> <option value="115" >Kenya</option> <option value="118" >Kiribati</option> <option value="245" >Kosovo</option> <option value="123" >Kuwait</option> <option value="116" >Kyrgyzstan</option> <option value="126" >Laos</option> <option value="135" >Latvia</option> <option value="127" >Lebanon</option> <option value="132" >Lesotho</option> <option value="131" >Liberia</option> <option value="136" >Libya</option> <option value="129" >Liechtenstein</option> <option value="133" >Lithuania</option> <option value="134" >Luxembourg</option> <option value="148" >Macao SAR</option> <option value="144" >Macedonia</option> <option value="142" >Madagascar</option> <option value="156" >Malawi</option> <option value="158" >Malaysia</option> <option value="155" >Maldives</option> <option value="145" >Mali</option> <option value="153" >Malta</option> <option value="143" >Marshall Islands</option> <option value="150" >Martinique</option> <option value="151" >Mauritania</option> <option value="154" >Mauritius</option> <option value="247" >Mayotte</option> <option value="157" >Mexico</option> <option value="73" >Micronesia</option> <option value="139" >Moldova</option> <option value="138" >Monaco</option> <option value="147" >Mongolia</option> <option value="140" >Montenegro</option> <option value="152" >Montserrat</option> <option value="137" >Morocco</option> <option value="159" >Mozambique</option> <option value="146" >Myanmar</option> <option value="160" >Namibia</option> <option value="169" >Nauru</option> <option value="168" >Nepal</option> <option value="166" >Netherlands</option> <option value="161" >New Caledonia</option> <option value="171" >New Zealand</option> <option value="165" >Nicaragua</option> <option value="162" >Niger</option> <option value="164" >Nigeria</option> <option value="170" >Niue</option> <option value="163" >Norfolk Island</option> <option value="121" >North Korea</option> <option value="149" >Northern Mariana Islands</option> <option value="167" >Norway</option> <option value="172" >Oman</option> <option value="178" >Pakistan</option> <option value="185" >Palau</option> <option value="183" >Palestine</option> <option value="173" >Panama</option> <option value="176" >Papua New Guinea</option> <option value="186" >Paraguay</option> <option value="174" >Peru</option> <option value="177" >Philippines</option> <option value="181" >Pitcairn Islands</option> <option value="179" >Poland</option> <option value="184" >Portugal</option> <option value="182" >Puerto Rico</option> <option value="187" >Qatar</option> <option value="42" >Republic of the Congo</option> <option value="189" >Romania</option> <option value="191" >Russia</option> <option value="192" >Rwanda</option> <option value="188" >R茅union</option> <option value="26" >Saint Barth茅lemy</option> <option value="199" >Saint Helena</option> <option value="120" >Saint Kitts and Nevis</option> <option value="128" >Saint Lucia</option> <option value="141" >Saint Martin</option> <option value="180" >Saint Pierre and Miquelon</option> <option value="237" >Saint Vincent and the Grenadines</option> <option value="244" >Samoa</option> <option value="204" >San Marino</option> <option value="193" >Saudi Arabia</option> <option value="205" >Senegal</option> <option value="190" >Serbia</option> <option value="195" >Seychelles</option> <option value="203" >Sierra Leone</option> <option value="198" >Singapore</option> <option value="211" >Sint Maarten</option> <option value="202" >Slovakia</option> <option value="200" >Slovenia</option> <option value="194" >Solomon Islands</option> <option value="206" >Somalia</option> 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