Roadmap | Innovation for Cool Earth Forum (ICEF)
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Roadmaps consider industrial, academic and governmental perspectives to identify a realistic, fact-based pathway and meaningfully inform the work of all stakeholders. </p> <p>ICEF roadmaps are collaborative documents developed from the concurrent sessions in our annual conference and refined by reviews and suggestions from specialists. </p> <p class="last-p"> Innovation for Cool Earth Forum (ICEF) publishes innovation roadmaps for carbon dioxide utilization and energy storage and other technologies with the potential to contribute significantly to long-term Net Zero Emissions.</p> </section> <section class="first reports-area section-block"> <h3 class="mb30">You may be interested in</h3> <ul></ul> <li><a href="">Interpol lawyers</a></li> <li><a href="">Interpol Red Notice</a></li> <li><a href="">Interpol Blue Notice</a></li> <li><a href="">International arrest warrant</a></li> <li><a href="">Interpol Wanted List</a></li> <li><a href="">How to Check Red Notice</a></li> <li><a href="">Red Notice Removal</a></li> <li><a href="">Request for Access to Interpol</a></li> <li><a href="">Preventive Request to Interpol</a></li> <li><a href="">Extradition Lawyers</a></li> <li><a href="">Extradition in Thailand</a></li> <li><a href="">Extradition in Canada</a></li> <li><a href="">Extradition in Dubai</a></li> <li><a href="">Extradition in Mexico</a></li> <li><a href="">Extradition in US</a></li> </ul> </section> <section class="section-block" id="bicrs"> <h3 class="mb30">ICEF 2020 Roadmap Project on “Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage (BiCRS)” (Draft for comment)</h3> <div class="clearfix mt30"> <p>A draft of the Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage (BiCRS) Roadmap was released at ICEF 2020.<br> Public comments on the ICEF 2020 Draft of Roadmap have concluded.</p> <div class="mt40"> <div class="flL_pc taC blockC"> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage (BiCRS) (Draft)"><img src="../../images/roadmap/roadmap_2020.jpg" alt="Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage (BiCRS) (Draft)" class="roadmap_flier"></a> <div class="m0_auto"><strong>Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage (BiCRS) (Draft)</strong></div> <div class="pdfsizu m0_auto"> <a href="" target="_blank">PDF (4,444KB)<img src="../../images/common/pdficon_small.png" alt="PDF" class="vaM ml30"/></a> </div> </div> <div class="flR_pc w60per sp-mt30"> <p>This roadmap explores ways to use biomass to remove CO2 from the atmosphere and store that CO2 underground or in durable products.<br> We introduce a new term -- biomass carbon removal and storage (BiCRS) – which we believe better describes this topic than the traditional term -- bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS).<br> The roadmap explores questions including:</p> <ul class="hai_list"> <li>What is the technical potential for carbon removal and storage using biomass?</li> <li>How can these processes avoid harming – and ideally promote -- food security, rural livelihoods, biodiversity conservation and other important values?</li> <li>What standards and policies would help BiCRS processes achieve their full potential?</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="reports-area section-block"> <h3 class="mb30">ICEF 2019 Roadmap: Industrial Heat Decarbonization</h3> <div class="par clearfix mt30"> <div class="flL_pc"> <div class="taC wFull"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="../../images/roadmap/icef_roadmap_201912.jpg" alt="ICEF2019 Roadmap Project" class="roadmap_flier"></a> </div> <div class="taC wFull"> <div class="m0_auto"><strong>Industrial Heat Decarbonization Roadmap</strong></div> <div class="pdfsizu m0_auto"><a href="" target="_blank">PDF (10,428KB)<img src="../../images/common/pdficon_small.png" alt="PDF" class="vaM ml30" border="0"></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flR_pc w60per taL sp-mt30"> <h4>Background</h4> <p>Roughly 10% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions come from the production of heat for industrial processes - more than GHG emissions from cars and planes combined. Decarbonizing industrial heat production will be essential to meeting the goals set forth in the Paris Agreement, including achieving net zero emissions in the second half of this century, yet technological approaches for decarbonizing industrial heat production are far from maturity. This topic has received far less attention than decarbonization of the power, transport and building sectors.</p> <h4>Focus Areas</h4> <p>This Roadmap explores the challenge of industrial heat decarbonization. After providing general background, we discuss four technological approaches for providing low-carbon industrial heat: hydrogen; biomass; electrification; and CCUS. We next examine decarbonizing heat production in the cement, iron and steel, and chemical industries. We then turn to policy options and an innovation agenda. We close with findings and recommendations.</p> </div> </div> </section> <section class="reports-area section-block"> <h3 class="mb30">ICEF 2018 Roadmap: <span class="nowrap">Direct Air Capture of </span><span class="nowrap">Carbon Dioxide</span></h3> <div class="par clearfix mt30"> <div class="flL_pc"> <div class="taC wFull"><a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="../../images/roadmap/ICEF2018_DAC_Roadmap_December_2018.jpg" alt="ICEF2018 Roadmap: Direct Air Capture of Carbon Dioxide (definitive)" title="ICEF2018 Roadmap: Direct Air Capture of Carbon Dioxide (definitive)" class="roadmap_flier"> </a></div> <div class="taC wFull"> <div class="m0_auto"><strong>Direct Air Capture of Carbon Dioxide<br> Roadmap</strong></div> <div class="pdfsizu m0_auto"><a href="" target="_blank">PDF (5,718KB)<img src="../../images/common/pdficon_small.png" alt="PDF" class="vaM ml30" border="0"></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="flR_pc w60per taL sp-mt30"> <h4>Background</h4> <p class="last-p">The IPCC<sup>(*) </sup> and many scholars agree that achieving a 2 degree C climate stabilization target will be extremely challenging through mitigation efforts alone and will likely require removal of CO<sub>2</sub> from the atmosphere at the scale of many gigatons. This number is daunting, but many approaches have been proposed for Negative Emission Technologies (NETs), including land-use techniques, re- and afforestation, bioenergy with carbon capture and sequestration and direct air capture (DAC). The technological status of DAC is very early-stage, with no significant dedicated research, development and deployment (RD&D) programs and only a handful of pilot-scale facilities currently operating. <br> <span class="font-small"><sup>*</sup>Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change</span></p> <h4>Focus Areas</h4> <p class="last-p">This roadmap will explore the portfolio of NETs in under 2 degree C scenarios, DAC technologies and their status, long-term goals for DAC (e.g. economic viability, ensuring net CO<sub>2</sub> removal from the use of DAC and CO<sub>2</sub> utilization, role of renewable electricity, RD&D targets) and policy support.</p> </div> </div> </section> <section class="reports-area section-block"> <h3 class="spNone-740 mb50">ICEF 2017 Roadmaps: CO2 Utilization 2.0 and Energy Storage</h3> <h3 class="pcNone">ICEF 2017 Roadmaps:<br>CO2 Utilization 2.0 and Energy Storage</h3> <div class="par clearfix mt30"> <div class="taC cap_one_half"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="../../images/roadmap/btn_roadmap_2017_01.jpg" alt="ICEF2017 Roadmaps: CO2 Utilization 2.0" title="ICEF2017 Roadmaps: CO2 Utilization 2.0" class="roadmap_flier"></a><br> <div class="subject">CO2 Utilization 2.0 Roadmap</div> <div class="pdfsizu"><a href="" target="_blank">PDF (3,230 KB)<img src="../../images/common/pdficon_small.png" alt="PDF" class="vaM ml30"/></a></div> <p>This roadmap builds on ICEF’s previous work to fill the gap on the viability of the potentially high-impact CO2U technology, stressing the need for life-cycle analysis and exploring effective policies to promote CO2U. <br> It focuses on concrete & carbonate materials (near-term market), commodity chemicals (near- and medium- term market) and durable carbon materials (small market today but potential large long-term market).</p> </div> <div class="section"></div> <div class="taC cap_one_half second"><a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="../../images/roadmap/btn_roadmap_2017_02.jpg" alt="ICEF2017 Roadmaps: Energy Storage" title="ICEF2017 Roadmaps: Energy Storage" class="roadmap_flier"> </a><br> <div class="subject">Energy Storage Roadmap</div> <div class="pdfsizu"><a href="" target="_blank">PDF (3,751 KB)<img src="../../images/common/pdficon_small.png" alt="PDF" class="vaM ml30"/></a></div> <p>This study examines the current statuses and timelines of three potentially attractive areas of energy storage that can have a high impact on energy system transformation.<br> These are: stationary electric energy storage to ensure power system flexibility, mobility electric energy storage as key to the transportation electrification, and stationary thermal energy storage storing renewable or environmental heat.</p> </div> </div> <div class="clear h0p"> </div> </section> <!--セッション終了--> <section class="reports-area section-block"> <h3 class="spNone-740 mb50">ICEF 2016 Roadmaps: CO2 Utilization and ZEB/ZEH</h3> <h3 class="pcNone">ICEF 2016 Roadmaps:<br>CO2 Utilization and ZEB/ZEH</h3> <div class="par clearfix mt30"> <div class="taC cap_one_half"><a href="" target="_blank" title="CO2 Utilization Roadmap"> <img src="../../images/roadmap/btn_roadmap_2016_01.jpg" alt="ICEF2016 Roadmaps: CO2 Utilization" title="ICEF2016 Roadmaps: CO2 Utilization" class="roadmap_flier"> </a><br> <div class="subject subject-for-2line">CO2 Utilization Roadmap</div> <div class="pdfsizu"><a href="" target="_blank">PDF (3,487 KB)<img src="../../images/common/pdficon_small.png" alt="PDF" class="vaM ml30"/></a></div> <p>A recent study found carbon dioxide utilization (CO2U) technologies have the potential to reduce global carbon emissions over 10% by 2030. This study presents a roadmap for the commercialization of carbon dioxide CO2U technologies through 2030 by assessing almost 180 global technology developers.</p> </div> <div class="section"></div> <div class="taC cap_one_half second"><a href="" target="_blank" title="ZEB/ZEH Roadmap"> <img src="../../images/roadmap/btn_roadmap_2016_02.jpg" alt="ICEF2016 Roadmaps: ZEB/ZEH" title="ICEF2016 Roadmaps: ZEB/ZEH" class="roadmap_flier"> </a><br> <div class="subject">Net Zero Energy Building/<br> Net Zero Energy House (ZEB/ZEH) Roadmap</div> <div class="pdfsizu"><a href="" target="_blank" title="ZEB/ZEH Roadmap">PDF (7,943 KB)<img src="../../images/common/pdficon_small.png" alt="PDF" class="vaM ml30"/></a></div> <p>This presents a ZEB/ZEH roadmap for different climate zones taking into account the neglected factor of humidity in air conditioning, especially in humid areas in Asia where energy demand is set to increase substantially. Four technology categories are proposed with timescales: passive (building envelope), active (equipment), renewable energy integration and energy management.</p> </div> </div> <div class="clear h0p"> </div> </section> <!--セッション終了--> <section class="reports-area section-block" style="padding-bottom:0 !important;"> <h3 class="spNone-740 mb50">ICEF 2015 Roadmap: Distributed Solar and Storage</h3> <h3 class="pcNone">ICEF2015 Roadmap:<br>Distributed Solar and Storage</h3> <div class="par clearfix mt30"> <div class="taC cap_one_half"><a href="" target="_blank" title="Distributed Solar and Storage Roadmap"> <img src="../../images/roadmap/btn_roadmap_2015_01.jpg" alt="ICEF2015 Roadmap: Distributed Solar and Storage" title="ICEF2015 Roadmap: Distributed Solar and Storage" class="roadmap_flier"> </a><br> <div class="subject">Distributed Solar and Storage Roadmap</div> <div class="pdfsizu"><a href="" target="_blank" title="Distributed Solar and Storage Roadmap">PDF (5,280 KB)<img src="../../images/common/pdficon_small.png" alt="PDF" class="vaM ml30"/></a></div> <p class="body5">This study examines the potential and difficulties of deploying distributed solar and storage technologies together and provides roadmaps for Japan, Germany, the USA, China and India for taking advantage of the opportunities solar and storage offer.</p> </div> </div> </section> <!--セッション終了--> <p class="pagetop-btn clear mt30"><a href="#top" title="Page top">Page top ▲</a></p> </div><!-- container ends here --> <footer> <address> <div id="footer"> <div class="foot_inner"> <div class="jimu clearfix"> <div class="jimu_left"><p>Contact</p></div> <div class="jimu_right"> <p><span class="f_bold">ICEF Secretariat</span><br> c/o Congrès Inc. 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