egov -- The Official Web Site of the President's E-Government Initiative
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This website provides an overview of the program, the Presidential E-Government Initiatives and the Federal Enterprise Architecture. Please discover the many ways Federal employees are serving citizens, businesses and local communities via E-Government.</h2> <!-- START: highlights --> <div class="highlights"> <div class="highlightsList"> <ul> <li><a href="g-9-budget_highlights.html">FY09 Budget Highlights <span>Information Technology plays a critical role in protecting the homeland and supporting the War on Terror.</span></a></li> <li><a href="g-10-Benefits_Report.html">FY08 Report to Congress on the Benefits of the E-Government Initiatives<span>The Office of Management and Budget released the third annual report detailing benefits provided by the E-Government Initiatives.</span></a></li> <li><a href="c-7-index.html">E-Gov Performance Management <span>OMB, in conjunction with the E-Gov Initiative Program Managers, has recently concluded an effort to refine and upgrade performance measures in three key dimensions.</span></a></li> <li><a href="./vue-it/index.html">Visualization to Understand Expenditures in Information Technology <span> VUE-IT is a tool for better understanding the annual Federal Government Information Technology investments made through the President抯 Budget. VUE-IT organizes IT investments by agency and bureau, as well as by the Federal Enterprise Architecture抯 (FEA) service groupings. </span></a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- END: highlights --> </div> <!-- END: pmm --> </div> <!-- END: mainContent --> <div class="clear"> </div> </div> <!-- END: j2 --> <!-- START: fa2 --> <div id="fa2"> <!-- <img src="images/sealPresidentofUS01.gif" alt="Seal of the President of the United States, George W. 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