Video Interview Tips: A Job Candidate’s Checklist | Robert Half

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Make sure you’re prepared by following these 8 video interview tips.', employment_type :'fullTime', published_date :'2022\u002D09\u002D18T06:30:00+00:00', page_url :'\/content\/roberthalf\/us\/en\/insights\/landing\u002Djob\/screen\u002Dtime\u002Dhow\u002Dto\u002Dnail\u002Dyour\u002Dnext\u002Dvideo\u002Dinterview', categories :'Landing a job', Article_tag :'Job Interview Tips,Marketing and creative,Career Tips,Administrative and customer support,Legal,Landing a job,Finance and accounting,Job Market,Technology,Article' }; pageObj.__extrasettings__ = { language: 'en', country: 'us' }; </script> <script type="text/javascript"> aemSettings.rh_common.recaptchaEndpoint = 'https:\/\/prd\\/recaptcha\/verify\u002Dtoken'; </script> <script> let readyFn = window.ready; if (!readyFn) { readyFn = function ready(fn) { if (typeof fn !== 'function') { throw new Error('Argument passed to ready should be a function'); } if (document.readyState != 'loading') { fn(); } else if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', fn, { once: true // A boolean value indicating that the listener should be invoked at most once after being added. 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Make sure you’re prepared by following these 8 video interview tips."/> <meta name="title" content="Video Interview Tips: A Job Candidate’s Checklist"/> <meta name="description" content="Video job interviews are becoming a standard part of the recruitment process. Make sure you’re prepared by following these 8 video interview tips."/> <meta property="og:publication_time" content="2023-06-26T17:09:56+0000"/> <script> (function() { window.SM_SPLITSIGNAL = window.SM_SPLITSIGNAL || {ready: false} window.addEventListener( 'splitsignal.initialized', function() { if (!aemSettings.isReactApp) { window.SM_SPLITSIGNAL.ready = true } } ) var script = document.createElement('script') = 'a4a03573-e3f5-4f01-8963-395af304b0b2' script.src = '' script.type = 'module' script.defer = true document.head.appendChild(script) })() </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "WebPage", "name" : "Video Interview Tips: A Job Candidate’s Checklist", "url": "", "isPartOf": { "@type": "WebSite", "name": "Robert Half", "url": "", "publisher": { "type": "Organization", "name": "Robert Half", "legalName": "Robert Half Inc.", "url": "", "@id": "" } }, "mainEntity": [{"@context":"","@type":"BlogPosting","url":"","image":"","articleBody":"Video Interview Tips: A Job Candidate’s Checklist\r\n\r\nTest your technology\r\nCharge it up\r\nDress for success\r\nSet the stage for a distraction-free video interview\r\nBe a well-prepared early bird\r\nMaintain good eye contact and body language\r\nProject and pause\r\nEnd the video interview with appreciation\r\n\r\n\r\nMany of the changes the pandemic brought to the way we work seem likely to stick around, some perhaps permanently. Remote work and virtual recruiting are among them, which means your next job interview may happen via video.\r\nWhether you're an old hand with years of traditional interviewing experience or this is your first time in the job market, a video interview doesn’t have to be a stressor. Yes, there are distinct nuances you need to understand. But along with some practice and the right mindset, following these tips on how to prepare for a video interview can help you shine as easily as you would in a face-to-face interview.\r\nBelow are eight video job interview tips that can help you advance to the next round.\r\nWant more job search tips and career advice? Subscribe to our blog newsletter.\r\nTest your technology\r\nA few days before your interview, do a technology test run to make sure your equipment is working correctly. Download any apps or plugins you’ll need. Whether you’re using Zoom, Microsoft Teams or another video platform, make sure you have a username that’s professional, just as you would with your email address or social media handle. This is a detail that has famously gotten a few people into trouble, but it's an easy mistake to avoid.\r\nCheck to make sure your computer’s camera, microphone and internet connection are working. Do a trial run with a friend or family member, if possible, so you have ample time to adjust if your equipment or software isn’t working properly.\r\n2. Charge it up\r\nIf you’re using a laptop or tablet, make sure it’s fully charged on the day of the interview. And pick a spot that has strong Wi-Fi. If you’re using a tablet, find a way to keep it stationary. Otherwise, the screen may appear shaky if you’re holding the device. Avoid using a smartphone for video interviews if at all possible.\r\n3. Dress for success\r\nDress as you would for an in-person interview — from head to toe. Doing so will make you feel more confident. Don’t try the old newscaster trick of wearing a blazer with sweatpants assuming you’ll only be seen from the waist up (you never know). Also, avoid wearing bright, flashy colors, and choose something that looks neatly pressed while you’re sitting down. Wear your video interview outfit during your trial run so you can get feedback from your friend or family member about how it looks onscreen.\r\nSearch our job openings.\r\n4. Set the stage for a distraction-free video interview\r\nChoose a location that’s free from the distractions of children, roommates or pets. Hang a sign on the door asking mail carriers and package deliverers not to ring the doorbell.\r\nMake sure the background is free from clutter and embarrassing items like laundry piles. Set up lighting that’s bright but not glaring, illuminating your face from the front. Natural light is best.\r\nTurn off email, text and social media alerts, software updates and other notifications that may pop up on the screen during the interview. Turn off programs that might interfere with the webcam, and close browser tabs.\r\n5. Be a well-prepared early bird\r\nBefore you join the interview, make sure you don’t have any filters on that might make you look like a cat or anything other than yourself, and that you don’t have an unprofessional-looking virtual background on.\r\nWhen the time for your interview approaches, log in five or 10 minutes early so you can be calm and centered when the video interview begins. Have your resume handy, along with the job description and any speaking points you want to hit or notes you’ve taken about the company or position. You won’t want to read directly from them, but having everything right there can take away some stress.\r\nExpect to field some common interview questions, including:\r\n\r\nTell me about yourself.\r\nWhy do you want to work here?\r\nWhy are you leaving your current job?\r\nWhat are your weaknesses?\r\nWhat's your expected salary?\r\n\r\n6. Maintain good eye contact and body language\r\nIt’s easier for your eyes to wander when the person you’re talking to isn’t in the room. Maintain virtual eye contact by looking directly into the camera instead of at the screen or at your own photo. Make sure your face is centered and try not to move around too much. Keep good posture, sitting with your back straight, feet on the ground and arms resting in your lap or on the desk.\r\n7. Project and pause\r\nProject your voice. Check your volume controls and speak clearly so the microphone picks up your voice and the interviewer doesn’t have to strain to hear you. And remember that digital connections can sometimes be delayed. To avoid talking over the interviewer or having your first few words cut out, let the interviewer finish the question and then pause for a couple seconds before delivering your answer.\r\nSearching for a new job? Send us your resume.\r\n8. End the video interview with appreciation\r\nJust as you would with any interview, thank the interviewer for the opportunity, and follow up with a post-interview thank-you note within 24 hours. In your note, briefly reinforce why you’re interested in the job and why you’d be a great match for the role and company. Include something that you and the employer discussed while getting to know each other that’ll make the thank-you message more personal. Establishing that kind of rapport with the hiring manager, especially after the video interview, can make all the difference in advancing to the next round.\r\nCheck out the articles below to help you prepare for phone or video interviews, and see how Robert Half can help you find a job that works for you.\r\n\r\n5 Interview Tips to Help You Nail Your Creative Job Interview\r\nPhone Interview Tips for Creative Professionals\r\nDialing In: Phone Interview Tips for Making the Right Impression\r\n\r\n \r\n","keywords":"[Job Interview Tips, Marketing and creative, Career Tips, Administrative and customer support, Legal, Landing a job, Finance and accounting, Job Market, Technology, Article]","articleSection":"Landing a job","dateCreated":"2023-06-26","headline":"Video Interview Tips: A Job Candidate’s Checklist","author":"By Robert Half","datePublished":"2022-09-18T06:30:00+00:00","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Robert Half","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":""},"id":""},"dateModified":"2024-07-11"}], "mainEntityOfPage": "" } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> window.addEventListener("load", () => { try { var articleSchema = document.querySelector("#articleSchema"); var jobpostingSchema = document.querySelector("#jobpostingSchema");//buildoccupationschema? var occupationSchema = document.querySelector("#occupationSchema");// buildOccupationSchema? if (articleSchema) { updateArticleSchema(articleSchema); } if (jobpostingSchema) { updateJobpostingSchema(jobpostingSchema); } if (occupationSchema) { updateOccupationSchema(occupationSchema); } } catch (error) { console.log(error); } }); const updateArticleSchema = (articleSchema) => { const articleSchemaText = articleSchema.text; const articlePlainText = removeTags(articleSchemaText); const articleJsonScript = JSON.parse(articlePlainText); if ( articleJsonScript.articleBody == null || articleJsonScript.articleBody === "" ) { replaceNullAndEmptyAttribute(articleJsonScript, "articleBody"); } if (articleJsonScript.headline == null || articleJsonScript.headline === "") { replaceNullAndEmptyAttribute(articleJsonScript, "headline"); } articleSchema.html(JSON.stringify(articleJsonScript)); }; const updateJobpostingSchema = (jobpostingSchema) => { const jobpostingSchemaText = jobpostingSchema.text; const jobpostingPlainText = removeTags(jobpostingSchemaText); const jobpostingJsonScript = JSON.parse(jobpostingPlainText); if ( jobpostingJsonScript.description == null || jobpostingJsonScript.description == "" ) { replaceNullAndEmptyAttribute(jobpostingJsonScript, "description"); } if (jobpostingJsonScript.title == null || jobpostingJsonScript.title == "") { replaceNullAndEmptyAttribute(jobpostingJsonScript, "title"); } jobpostingSchema.html(JSON.stringify(jobpostingJsonScript)); }; const updateOccupationSchema = (occupationSchema) => { const occupationSchemaText = occupationSchema.text; const occupationPlainText = removeTags(occupationSchemaText); const occupationJsonScript = JSON.parse(occupationPlainText); if ( occupationJsonScript.description == null || occupationJsonScript.description == "" ) { replaceNullAndEmptyAttribute(occupationJsonScript, "description"); } if ( == null || == "") { replaceNullAndEmptyAttribute(occupationJsonScript, "name"); } occupationSchema.html(JSON.stringify(occupationJsonScript)); }; const removeTags = (str) => { if (str === null || str === "") { return false; } else { str = str.toString(); } // Regular expression to identify HTML tags in the input string. 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" aria-hidden="true" width="863" height="346"/> </rhcl-block-full-width-hero> </div> <div class="column-ctrl aem-GridColumn--default--none aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--10 aem-GridColumn--offset--default--1"> <div class="rhcl-content-container"> <section class="aem-Grid aem-Grid--12 container-fluid"> <div class="row column-control-row"> <div class="aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--8 col-md-8"> <div class="aem-Grid aem-Grid--12 aem-Grid--default--12 "> <div class="text aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <main role="main"> <section> <div data-cmp-data-layer="{&#34;text-436d8fbcb3&#34;:{&#34;@type&#34;:&#34;roberthalf/components/text&#34;,&#34;repo:modifyDate&#34;:&#34;2024-07-11T21:01:00Z&#34;,&#34;xdm:text&#34;:&#34;&lt;div class=\&#34;bg-grey p-4 my-md-4 snippet-example-promo-boxes-a\&#34;>&lt;p id=\&#34;TOC\&#34;>&lt;b>Video Interview Tips: A Job Candidate’s Checklist&lt;/b>&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;ul>\r\n&lt;li>&lt;a href=\&#34;#toc1\&#34;>Test your technology&lt;/a>&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>&lt;a href=\&#34;#toc2\&#34;>Charge it up&lt;/a>&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>&lt;a href=\&#34;#toc3\&#34;>Dress for success&lt;/a>&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>&lt;a href=\&#34;#toc4\&#34;>Set the stage for a distraction-free video interview&lt;/a>&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>&lt;a href=\&#34;#toc5\&#34;>Be a well-prepared early bird&lt;/a>&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>&lt;a href=\&#34;#toc6\&#34;>Maintain good eye contact and body language&lt;/a>&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>&lt;a href=\&#34;#toc7\&#34;>Project and pause&lt;/a>&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>&lt;a href=\&#34;#toc8\&#34;>End the video interview with appreciation&lt;/a>&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;/ul>\r\n&lt;/div>\r\n&lt;p>Many of the changes the pandemic brought to the way we work seem likely to stick around, some perhaps permanently. Remote work and virtual recruiting are among them, which means your next job interview may happen via video.&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;p>Whether you&#39;re an old hand with years of traditional interviewing experience or this is your first time in the job market, a video interview doesn’t have to be a stressor. Yes, there are distinct nuances you need to understand. But along with some practice and the right mindset, following these tips on how to prepare for a video interview can help you shine as easily as you would in a face-to-face interview.&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;p>Below are eight video job interview tips that can help you advance to the next round.&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;p>&lt;b>&lt;i>Want more job search tips and career advice? &lt;a href=\&#34;\&#34;>Subscribe to our blog newsletter&lt;/a>.&lt;/i>&lt;/b>&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;h2 class=\&#34;rh-display-2--rich-text\&#34; id=\&#34;toc1\&#34;>Test your technology&lt;/h2>\r\n&lt;p>A few days before your interview, do a technology test run to make sure your equipment is working correctly. Download any apps or plugins you’ll need. Whether you’re using Zoom, Microsoft Teams or another video platform, make sure you have a username that’s professional, just as you would with your email address or social media handle. This is a detail that has famously gotten a few people into trouble, but it&#39;s an easy mistake to avoid.&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;p>Check to make sure your computer’s camera, microphone and internet connection are working. Do a trial run with a friend or family member, if possible, so you have ample time to adjust if your equipment or software isn’t working properly.&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;h2 class=\&#34;rh-display-2--rich-text\&#34; id=\&#34;toc2\&#34;>2. Charge it up&lt;/h2>\r\n&lt;p>If you’re using a laptop or tablet, make sure it’s fully charged on the day of the interview. And pick a spot that has strong Wi-Fi. If you’re using a tablet, find a way to keep it stationary. Otherwise, the screen may appear shaky if you’re holding the device. Avoid using a smartphone for video interviews if at all possible.&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;h2 class=\&#34;rh-display-2--rich-text\&#34; id=\&#34;toc3\&#34;>3. Dress for success&lt;/h2>\r\n&lt;p>Dress as you would for an in-person interview — from head to toe. Doing so will make you feel more confident. Don’t try the old newscaster trick of wearing a blazer with sweatpants assuming you’ll only be seen from the waist up (you never know). Also, avoid wearing bright, flashy colors, and choose something that looks neatly pressed while you’re sitting down. Wear your video interview outfit during your trial run so you can get feedback from your friend or family member about how it looks onscreen.&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;p class=\&#34;text-align-center\&#34;>&lt;a href=\&#34;\&#34; target=\&#34;_self\&#34;>&lt;i>Search our job openings.&lt;/i>&lt;/a>&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;h2 class=\&#34;rh-display-2--rich-text\&#34; id=\&#34;toc4\&#34;>4. Set the stage for a distraction-free video interview&lt;/h2>\r\n&lt;p>Choose a location that’s free from the distractions of children, roommates or pets. Hang a sign on the door asking mail carriers and package deliverers not to ring the doorbell.&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;p>Make sure the background is free from clutter and embarrassing items like laundry piles. Set up lighting that’s bright but not glaring, illuminating your face from the front. Natural light is best.&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;p>Turn off email, text and social media alerts, software updates and other notifications that may pop up on the screen during the interview. Turn off programs that might interfere with the webcam, and close browser tabs.&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;h2 class=\&#34;rh-display-2--rich-text\&#34; id=\&#34;toc5\&#34;>5. Be a well-prepared early bird&lt;/h2>\r\n&lt;p>Before you join the interview, make sure you don’t have any filters on that might make you look like a cat or anything other than yourself, and that you don’t have an unprofessional-looking virtual background on.&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;p>When the time for your interview approaches, log in five or 10 minutes early so you can be calm and centered when the video interview begins. Have your resume handy, along with the job description and any speaking points you want to hit or notes you’ve taken about the company or position. You won’t want to read directly from them, but having everything right there can take away some stress.&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;p>Expect to field some common interview questions, including:&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;ul>\r\n&lt;li>&lt;a href=\&#34;\&#34;>Tell me about yourself&lt;/a>.&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>&lt;a href=\&#34;\&#34;>Why do you want to work here&lt;/a>?&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>&lt;a href=\&#34;\&#34;>Why are you leaving your current job&lt;/a>?&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>&lt;a href=\&#34;\&#34;>What are your weaknesses&lt;/a>?&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>&lt;a href=\&#34;\&#34;>What&#39;s your expected salary&lt;/a>?&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;/ul>\r\n&lt;h2 class=\&#34;rh-display-2--rich-text\&#34; id=\&#34;toc6\&#34;>6. Maintain good eye contact and body language&lt;/h2>\r\n&lt;p>It’s easier for your eyes to wander when the person you’re talking to isn’t in the room. Maintain virtual eye contact by looking directly into the camera instead of at the screen or at your own photo. Make sure your face is centered and try not to move around too much. Keep good posture, sitting with your back straight, feet on the ground and arms resting in your lap or on the desk.&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;h2 class=\&#34;rh-display-2--rich-text\&#34; id=\&#34;toc7\&#34;>7. Project and pause&lt;/h2>\r\n&lt;p>Project your voice. Check your volume controls and speak clearly so the microphone picks up your voice and the interviewer doesn’t have to strain to hear you. And remember that digital connections can sometimes be delayed. To avoid talking over the interviewer or having your first few words cut out, let the interviewer finish the question and then pause for a couple seconds before delivering your answer.&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;p>&lt;i>Searching for a new job? &lt;a href=\&#34;\&#34;>Send us your resume&lt;/a>.&lt;/i>&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;h2 class=\&#34;rh-display-2--rich-text\&#34; id=\&#34;toc8\&#34;>8. End the video interview with appreciation&lt;/h2>\r\n&lt;p>Just as you would with any interview, thank the interviewer for the opportunity, and follow up with a &lt;a href=\&#34;\&#34;>post-interview thank-you note&lt;/a> within 24 hours. In your note, briefly reinforce why you’re interested in the job and why you’d be a great match for the role and company. Include something that you and the employer discussed while getting to know each other that’ll make the thank-you message more personal. Establishing that kind of rapport with the hiring manager, especially after the video interview, can make all the difference in advancing to the next round.&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;p>&lt;i>Check out the articles below to help you prepare for phone or video interviews, and&amp;nbsp;see how &lt;a href=\&#34;\&#34;>Robert Half can help you find a job that works for you&lt;/a>.&lt;/i>&lt;u>&lt;/u>&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;ul>\r\n&lt;li>&lt;a href=\&#34;\&#34;>5 Interview Tips to Help You Nail Your Creative Job Interview&lt;/a>&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>&lt;a href=\&#34;\&#34;>Phone Interview Tips for Creative Professionals&lt;/a>&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>&lt;a href=\&#34;\&#34;>Dialing In: Phone Interview Tips for Making the Right Impression&lt;/a>&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;/ul>\r\n&lt;p class=\&#34;text-align-center\&#34;>&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p>\r\n&#34;}}" id="text-436d8fbcb3" class="container blog-container cmp-text"> <div class="row blog-container-row"> <div class="col-md-11 col-12 blog-container-col content"> <div class="bg-grey p-4 my-md-4 snippet-example-promo-boxes-a"><p id="TOC"><b>Video Interview Tips: A Job Candidate’s Checklist</b></p> <ul><li><a href="#toc1">Test your technology</a></li><li><a href="#toc2">Charge it up</a></li><li><a href="#toc3">Dress for success</a></li><li><a href="#toc4">Set the stage for a distraction-free video interview</a></li><li><a href="#toc5">Be a well-prepared early bird</a></li><li><a href="#toc6">Maintain good eye contact and body language</a></li><li><a href="#toc7">Project and pause</a></li><li><a href="#toc8">End the video interview with appreciation</a></li></ul> </div> <p>Many of the changes the pandemic brought to the way we work seem likely to stick around, some perhaps permanently. Remote work and virtual recruiting are among them, which means your next job interview may happen via video.</p> <p>Whether you&#39;re an old hand with years of traditional interviewing experience or this is your first time in the job market, a video interview doesn’t have to be a stressor. Yes, there are distinct nuances you need to understand. But along with some practice and the right mindset, following these tips on how to prepare for a video interview can help you shine as easily as you would in a face-to-face interview.</p> <p>Below are eight video job interview tips that can help you advance to the next round.</p> <p><b><i>Want more job search tips and career advice? <a href="">Subscribe to our blog newsletter</a>.</i></b></p> <h2 class="rh-display-2--rich-text" id="toc1">Test your technology</h2> <p>A few days before your interview, do a technology test run to make sure your equipment is working correctly. Download any apps or plugins you’ll need. Whether you’re using Zoom, Microsoft Teams or another video platform, make sure you have a username that’s professional, just as you would with your email address or social media handle. This is a detail that has famously gotten a few people into trouble, but it&#39;s an easy mistake to avoid.</p> <p>Check to make sure your computer’s camera, microphone and internet connection are working. Do a trial run with a friend or family member, if possible, so you have ample time to adjust if your equipment or software isn’t working properly.</p> <h2 class="rh-display-2--rich-text" id="toc2">2. Charge it up</h2> <p>If you’re using a laptop or tablet, make sure it’s fully charged on the day of the interview. And pick a spot that has strong Wi-Fi. If you’re using a tablet, find a way to keep it stationary. Otherwise, the screen may appear shaky if you’re holding the device. Avoid using a smartphone for video interviews if at all possible.</p> <h2 class="rh-display-2--rich-text" id="toc3">3. Dress for success</h2> <p>Dress as you would for an in-person interview — from head to toe. Doing so will make you feel more confident. Don’t try the old newscaster trick of wearing a blazer with sweatpants assuming you’ll only be seen from the waist up (you never know). Also, avoid wearing bright, flashy colors, and choose something that looks neatly pressed while you’re sitting down. Wear your video interview outfit during your trial run so you can get feedback from your friend or family member about how it looks onscreen.</p> <p class="text-align-center"><a href="" target="_self" rel="noopener noreferrer"><i>Search our job openings.</i></a></p> <h2 class="rh-display-2--rich-text" id="toc4">4. Set the stage for a distraction-free video interview</h2> <p>Choose a location that’s free from the distractions of children, roommates or pets. Hang a sign on the door asking mail carriers and package deliverers not to ring the doorbell.</p> <p>Make sure the background is free from clutter and embarrassing items like laundry piles. Set up lighting that’s bright but not glaring, illuminating your face from the front. Natural light is best.</p> <p>Turn off email, text and social media alerts, software updates and other notifications that may pop up on the screen during the interview. Turn off programs that might interfere with the webcam, and close browser tabs.</p> <h2 class="rh-display-2--rich-text" id="toc5">5. Be a well-prepared early bird</h2> <p>Before you join the interview, make sure you don’t have any filters on that might make you look like a cat or anything other than yourself, and that you don’t have an unprofessional-looking virtual background on.</p> <p>When the time for your interview approaches, log in five or 10 minutes early so you can be calm and centered when the video interview begins. Have your resume handy, along with the job description and any speaking points you want to hit or notes you’ve taken about the company or position. You won’t want to read directly from them, but having everything right there can take away some stress.</p> <p>Expect to field some common interview questions, including:</p> <ul><li><a href="">Tell me about yourself</a>.</li><li><a href="">Why do you want to work here</a>?</li><li><a href="">Why are you leaving your current job</a>?</li><li><a href="">What are your weaknesses</a>?</li><li><a href="">What&#39;s your expected salary</a>?</li></ul> <h2 class="rh-display-2--rich-text" id="toc6">6. Maintain good eye contact and body language</h2> <p>It’s easier for your eyes to wander when the person you’re talking to isn’t in the room. Maintain virtual eye contact by looking directly into the camera instead of at the screen or at your own photo. Make sure your face is centered and try not to move around too much. Keep good posture, sitting with your back straight, feet on the ground and arms resting in your lap or on the desk.</p> <h2 class="rh-display-2--rich-text" id="toc7">7. Project and pause</h2> <p>Project your voice. Check your volume controls and speak clearly so the microphone picks up your voice and the interviewer doesn’t have to strain to hear you. And remember that digital connections can sometimes be delayed. To avoid talking over the interviewer or having your first few words cut out, let the interviewer finish the question and then pause for a couple seconds before delivering your answer.</p> <p><i>Searching for a new job? <a href="">Send us your resume</a>.</i></p> <h2 class="rh-display-2--rich-text" id="toc8">8. End the video interview with appreciation</h2> <p>Just as you would with any interview, thank the interviewer for the opportunity, and follow up with a <a href="">post-interview thank-you note</a> within 24 hours. In your note, briefly reinforce why you’re interested in the job and why you’d be a great match for the role and company. Include something that you and the employer discussed while getting to know each other that’ll make the thank-you message more personal. Establishing that kind of rapport with the hiring manager, especially after the video interview, can make all the difference in advancing to the next round.</p> <p><i>Check out the articles below to help you prepare for phone or video interviews, and see how <a href="">Robert Half can help you find a job that works for you</a>.</i><u></u></p> <ul><li><a href="">5 Interview Tips to Help You Nail Your Creative Job Interview</a></li><li><a href="">Phone Interview Tips for Creative Professionals</a></li><li><a href="">Dialing In: Phone Interview Tips for Making the Right Impression</a></li></ul> <p class="text-align-center"> </p> </div></div></div> </section> </main></div> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cq-placeholder" data-emptytext="COP Copy Block"></div> <div class="rhcl-content-container"> <rhcl-block-copy variant="cta"> <a slot="primary-cta" href="" target="_self">Get the Salary Guide</a> <rhcl-typography 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<rhcl-article slot="article" destination="/us/en/insights/management-tips/how-to-manage-a-remote-team-when-it-becomes-business-critical"> <a href="/us/en/insights/management-tips/how-to-manage-a-remote-team-when-it-becomes-business-critical" slot="headline">6 Tips for Managing a Remote Team in 2025</a> <img slot="image" loading="lazy" src="$Thumbnail1-1x$&fmt=webp-alpha" alt aria-hidden="true"/> </rhcl-article> <rhcl-article slot="article" destination="/us/en/insights/landing-job/5-tips-for-finding-a-job-after-law-school"> <a href="/us/en/insights/landing-job/5-tips-for-finding-a-job-after-law-school" slot="headline">How to Get a Job After Law School</a> <img slot="image" loading="lazy" src="$Thumbnail1-1x$&fmt=webp-alpha" alt aria-hidden="true"/> </rhcl-article> </rhcl-related-articles> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="column-ctrl aem-GridColumn--default--none aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--10 aem-GridColumn--offset--default--1"> <div 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