Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs) - PR Newswire APAC

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Flow Chart? </div> <div class="faq-card-answer"> <p> <strong>Step 1 - Enquiry</strong><br> Communicate with "PR Newswire Representative". </p> <p> <strong>Step 2 - Account set up and prepayment</strong><br> Fill in account registration form.<br> prepayment is required for first time users.<br> in cases of distribution on behalf of 3rd party, authorization is required. </p> <p> <strong>Step 3 - Press release submission</strong><br> Submit press release online through our <a href="">APAC Portal</a>. </p> <p> <strong>Step 4 - Revision and approval</strong><br> Our editors will format the release before distirbution. </p> <p> <strong>Step 5 - Distribution and reporting</strong><br> You can check the report status on APAC Portal after 2 hours of release distribution. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="faq-sub-con"> <h3 class="h3-large h3-normal-title">Before account set up</h3> <div class="faq-card"> <div class="faq-card-question"> Q. It is my first time to use PR Newswire’s service. What do I need to do? </div> <div class="faq-card-answer"> <p> A: Clients will have to fill out an account registration form to set up an account with us. You can reach out to our account managers or to get the form. </p> </div> </div> <div class="faq-card"> <div class="faq-card-question"> Q. Apart from account registration, what other information should I provide? </div> <div class="faq-card-answer"> <p> A: PR Newswire will need to know the release word count, the distribution circuit(s), and the date and time of distribution. </p> </div> </div> <div class="faq-card"> <div class="faq-card-question"> Q. What is the cost of distribution? </div> <div class="faq-card-answer"> <p> A: Please communicate with your account manager to get the exact quotation. Kindly note that prepayment is required for first time users. </p> </div> </div> <div class="faq-card"> <div class="faq-card-question"> Q. Will there be any reports after release distribution? Is it complimentary? </div> <div class="faq-card-answer"> <p> A: We have included a complimentary report in our release distribution services. Clients can check the report status on our APAC Portal system 2 hours after release distribution. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="faq-sub-con"> <h3 class="h3-large h3-normal-title">Before submitting release</h3> <div class="faq-card"> <div class="faq-card-question"> Q. How do I submit a press release? </div> <div class="faq-card-answer"> <p> A: You can submit press releases online through PR Newswire Asia’s release system - APAC Portal: <a href=""></a> </p> <p class="faq-comment"> Please note: this Asia Portal URL is different from the US client Portal. </p> </div> </div> <div class="faq-card"> <div class="faq-card-question"> Q. How do I register on the APAC Portal? </div> <div class="faq-card-answer"> <p> A: After your account has been set up, you will receive an APAC Portal activation email from our client relations team. You can simply click on the activation link to get on board. </p> </div> </div> <div class="faq-card"> <div class="faq-card-question"> Q. Who can submit press releases to PR Newswire? </div> <div class="faq-card-answer"> <p> A: To protect the privacy of your company and/or your clients, we only accept releases from individuals who have been authorized. We do not accept any releases from individuals who are not listed under your account profile as authorized senders. It is incumbent upon company to keep this list up-to-date. This procedure guarantees the security of your corporate communications. </p> </div> </div> <div class="faq-card"> <div class="faq-card-question"> Q. What are the normal working hours of PR Newswire Asia’s Editorial Team? </div> <div class="faq-card-answer"> <p> A: The editorial team's working hours are from Monday 6:30 AM to Saturday 6:00 AM BJT. </p> </div> </div> <div class="faq-card"> <div class="faq-card-question"> Q. Besides weekdays, can I send out my release during holidays or weekends? </div> <div class="faq-card-answer"> <p> A: Yes, you can. Depending on the distribution region, weekend surcharge may be applied if you need assistance from our stand-by editors during holidays or weekends. This editorial assistance includes processing, revising or distributing a release. Please consult your account manager for details. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="faq-sub-con"> <h3 class="h3-large h3-normal-title">After submitting release</h3> <div class="faq-card"> <div class="faq-card-question"> Q. What are the processes involved after I have submitted a release through the APAC Portal? </div> <div class="faq-card-answer"> <p> <strong>Step 1 - Submitting release on Portal</strong><br> Editors will contact clients for release details after receiving press release. </p> <p> <strong>Step 2 - Receiving Confirmation Email</strong><br> Our editor will start formatting the release. You will receive a confirmation email with reference number. </p> <p> <strong>Step 3 - Review and approve before distribution </strong><br> a. If you choose for <b>“I do NOT need to approve the formatted release before distribution”</b>. <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;No proof will be sent to you, the release will be distributed at the requested time. If there are necessary changes identified by our editorial team, an editor will contact you by phone/email. <br><br> b. If you choose for <b>“I need to approve the formatted release before distribution”</b><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A notification email shall be sent to you when the release proof is ready. You can access the Portal to review and approve the release. </p> </div> </div> <div class="faq-card"> <div class="faq-card-question"> Q. Do I have to approve the news release before distribution? </div> <div class="faq-card-answer"> <p> A: It is optional. You can specify if you need final approval for the formatted release before distribution. </p> </div> </div> <div class="faq-card"> <div class="faq-card-question"> Q. Can I distribute photos and what are the specific requirements if I decide to do so? </div> <div class="faq-card-answer"> <p> A: Yes, you can. Photos should be accompanied by captions of no more than 256 Chinese characters or 512 English characters (including spaces). For the specific requirements, news photos are preferably provided in JPG format with a minimum of 1,024 pixels in one direction, while photos meant for print media will require 2,700 pixels. </p> </div> </div> <div class="faq-card"> <div class="faq-card-question"> Q. Can I indicate any special instructions on APAC Portal? </div> <div class="faq-card-answer"> <p> A: Yes, you can. If there is anything specific that has not been included through the selection on the APAC Portal, you may address it with our editors under the “special instructions” field. Our editor shall follow up with you accordingly. </p> </div> </div> <div class="faq-card"> <div class="faq-card-question"> Q. What is the standard turnaround time for the formatted version(s) of my release(s)? </div> <div class="faq-card-answer"> <p> A: Depending on the complexity of the order, turnaround time of formatted releases may vary. Usually, formatted release(s) will be ready for approval / distribution within 1-2 hours after submission. </p> </div> </div> <div class="faq-card"> <div class="faq-card-question"> Q. What is the standard turnaround time for local language translations? </div> <div class="faq-card-answer"> <p> A: The standard turnaround time for Western Europe and Latin American translations would be 1 business day per 800 words. For other translations, standard turnaround time would be 2 business days per 800 words. If you would like to distribute a release simultaneously in all time zones in their respective local languages, please send the release to our editorial team three days prior to the desired clear time, so that we have adequate time for the multilingual translation. </p> </div> </div> <div class="faq-card"> <div class="faq-card-question"> Q. How long does it take to receive the report after distribution? </div> <div class="faq-card-answer"> <p> A: For APAC distributions, the completed report will be ready 2 business days after the last translated language is distributed. Clients may also check our APAC Portal 2 hours after release distribution for reports that are in progress. </p> <p class="faq-comment"> For U.S. or Europe-bound releases, clients will receive an automated Visibility Report after your release is distributed at the following time intervals: 2 hours, 2 days, 5 days and 30 days. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="faq-con"> <div class="faq-card"> <div class="faq-card-question"> Q. Did you know? </div> <div class="faq-card-answer"> <p> PR Newswire for Journalists was awarded two prestigious CODiE Awards: Best Online News Service and Best Online Business Information Service: non-News. The CODiE Awards, sponsored by the prestigious Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) recognize outstanding products and services in the software, digital content and education technology industries. </p> <p> PR Newswire was the only commercial newswire to be honored by the 2006 CODiE Awards. </p> </div> </div> <div class="faq-card"> <div class="faq-card-question"> Q. Can we pick categories when receiving your press releases? </div> <div class="faq-card-answer"> <p> Yes, you could choose one or more industry categories. </p> </div> </div> <div class="faq-card"> <div class="faq-card-question"> Q. Some of the press releases I received from PR Newswire are not directly related to my interest, why they are being sent to me? </div> <div class="faq-card-answer"> <p> Our press releases are themed according to the overall content. For example, if a press release talks about Interior Design, Building/Construction, Architecture, Property Investment, Household Products, Commercial Real Estate or Residential Real Estate, then the release will be themed & distributed to journalists & media outlets who have subscribed to receive our Property releases. Even though your main focus is merely on Interior Design, you will still receive all the above mentioned topics because you have subscribed to receive our Property releases. </p> </div> </div> <div class="faq-card"> <div class="faq-card-question"> Q. Where do these press releases come from? </div> <div class="faq-card-answer"> <p> Our releases are coming from our clients ranging from multinational corporations, listed companies and some SMEs globally. </p> </div> </div> <div class="faq-card"> <div class="faq-card-question"> Q. If I want to publish PR Newswire’s content onto my website/blog, do I have to pay? </div> <div class="faq-card-answer"> <p> No! </p> </div> </div> <div class="faq-card"> <div class="faq-card-question"> Q. Can I have a customized newsfeed so that I would be able to receive any particular industry, in terms of language and region? </div> <div class="faq-card-answer"> <p> PR Newswire’s RSS feeds are listed <a href="/rss/">here</a>. However, you could also get in touch with <a href="">our team</a> so that we could work with you on the Widget to build a more targeted and customized feed. </p> </div> </div> <div class="faq-card"> <div class="faq-card-question"> Q. How many press releases do we get per day? </div> <div class="faq-card-answer"> <p> This depends on which industry and region you are interested in. Typically, we would have around 30 to 50 English releases in total from the Asia region. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> // tab切换 $('.faq-tab-warp li').on('click', function () { $(this).addClass('active').siblings().removeClass('active'); var index = $('.faq-tab-warp li').index(this); $('.faq-con-wrap .faq-con').eq(index).addClass('active') .siblings().removeClass('active'); footerPosition(); }); // 单个faq打开关闭 $('.faq-card').on('click', function () { if ($(this).hasClass('open')) { $(this).removeClass('open'); $(this).find('.faq-card-answer').slideUp('fast'); footerPosition(); } else { $(this).addClass('open'); $(this).find('.faq-card-answer').slideDown('fast'); footerPosition(); } }); $('.faq-card-answer').on('click', function (ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); }); </script> </div> </section> <!-- enpc_services_fixed_footer ON 2024-10-18 14:27:51 START --> <section class="services-fixed-footer"> <div class="container"> <div class="services-center-btn-wrap"> <a href="" class="services-section-btn">Contact Us</a> <a href="" class="services-section-btn services-section-btn-orange">Send a Release</a> </div> </div> <i class="icon iconfont icon-close services-fixed-footer-close"></i> </section> <script> $(function () { function fixedServicesFooterAction() { if (fixedServicesFooterFlag) { var docHeight = document.documentElement.scrollHeight; 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