<H2>RePEc Privacy Policy</H2> RePEc respects your privacy. This privacy policy explains how RePEc uses the personal data we collect when you use our websites. We begin by showing what is common among most websites, then we detail specifics for individual websites. <P> <h3>General policy</H3> The RePEc websites are free to use anonymously for anyone. Private coordinates are not needed to use them. Some features can only be useful with a user account and/or by providing an email address, though, and the minumum necessary is collected, stored, and published. Details by sites are provided below. RePEc servers are located in various countries that are mentioned below. We do not publicize individual email addresses unless the user specifically authorized it. We never share email lists. Should you have questions about the privacy policy, contact the respective website owner or <A HREF=""></A>. <h3>Cookies</H3> Some website use cookies to compute general traffic statistics using Google Analytics: IDEAS, EDIRC, RePEc Author Service, RePEc Genealogy, RePEc Input Service, RePEc Biblio, RePEc Plagiarism Committee, EconAcademics. Google Analytics is not enhanced in any way to collect demographic information or tracking across websites. A few websites need cookies to store authentication when needed for personalized features: IDEAS (MyIDEAS), RePEc Genealogy, RePEc Biblio, RePEc Plagiarism Committee. One site uses simple session cookies: CollEc. One site stores user preferences in a cookie: EconPapers. <h3>Email addresses</H3> Only three sites require email addresses for use: <UL> <LI>NEP, so that weekly reports issues can be sent to the subscriber by email. A user can cancel any subscription on the site or with a click at the bottom of a report issue. <LI>MyIDEAS, if the user asked to get weekly updates. The user can stop emails by changing settings on MyIDEAS or deleting the RePEc Author Service account. <LI>RePEc Author Service, as an email address is necessary to create an account. As this creates a public profile that is used on CitEc, Econpapers and IDEAS, the user has the option to make the email address public in that profile. By default, it is not visible to the public. The user can change that setting at any time, and changes are reflected within a day on the other sites. One can also delete the account on the site or by emailing the <A HREF="">administrator</A>. <P> </UL> The metadata provided by publishers may contain email addresses. IDEAS and EconPapers show email addresses that allow to contact publishers for corrections or questions. EconPapers shows author and editor email addresses as provided by publishers. In both cases, publishers control that information. Contact details are listed on each relevant page. <P> EDIRC lists email addresses for some institutions. Changes can be requested on each EDIRC page. <P> IDEAS and EDIRC protect email addresses behind a captcha that will fail with excessive use. <P> RePEc does not provide email addresses beyond what is detailed above. Requests for email lists or for sending emails to users will be declined. <H3>Authentication</H3> If any authentication is required, it is only for some features that would not work without authentication, such as personalized services or access controlled features. Authentication is always occurring via the RePEc Author Service, thus an account there is needed. Account passwords are stored on that site with one-way encryption and individual salt. The following sites leverage such authentication: IDEAS, CitEc, RePEc Genealogy, RePEc Biblio, RePEc Plagiarism Committee. <H3>IP addresses</H3> Website traffic is logged including IP addresses. IP addresses are not linked to cookies, where present. They are used to determine traffic statistics on LogEc. <H3>Server locations</H3> RePEc servers are located in the following countries: <UL> <LI>Finland: <A HREF="">CitEc</A>, <A HREF="">NEP</A>, <A HREF="">CollEc</A>. <LI>Sweden: <A HREF="">EconPapers</A>, <A HREF="">LogEc</A>. <LI>USA: <A HREF="">RePEc</A>, <A HREF="">IDEAS</A>, <A HREF="">EDIRC</A>, <A HREF="">RePEc Author Service</A>, <A HREF="">RePEc Genealogy</A>, <A HREF="">RePEc Input Service</A>, <A HREF="">RePEc Biblio</A>, <A HREF="">RePEc Plagiarism Committee</A>, <A HREF="">EconAcademics</A>, <A HREF="">RePEc API</A>. </UL> <!-- Google tag (gtag.js) --> <script async src=""></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-G63YGSJVZ7'); </script>