BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CERN//INDICO//EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Become an ARIA Programme Director: Want to direct £50m+ towards a world-changing breakthrough? DTSTART:20240911T130000Z DTEND:20240911T170000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T225534Z DESCRIPTION:ARIA - Advanced Research & Innovation Agency is UK's funding a gecny to fund scientists and engineers to pursue research at the edge of w hat is technologically or scientifically possible.\nARIA was established b y the UK Government in January 2023 with high levels of autonomy and flexi bility. From climate change to AI and bioengineering\, society faces enorm ous challenges and opportunities that can be uniquely addressed by science and technology.\nWith an initial budget of £800m\, ARIA will activate th e UK’s world-class research community to act as a force multiplier for A RIA’s investments and build new communities of practice. ARIA's founding cohort of Programme Directors (PDs) — the scientists shaping and managi ng the R&D ARIA fund — bring a range of industry and academic experience .\nAs of September\, ARIA will be recruiting for our second cohort of PDs –– scientists and engineers with diverse fields of expertise and a ran ge of experience across industry\, academia and government. \nIf you are intrinsically motivated to have an outsized impact on the world and solve a major\, meaningful problem using science and technology\, this could be the role for you.\nWhat will you do if you had to direct £ 50 million (56 million CHF/60 milliion Euro) for breakthrough reseach ? \n\nhttps://ind LOCATION:CERN 222/R-001 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR