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It provides in-depth coverage of recent developments in the field of optics and offers busy professionals the tools they need to succeed in the optics industry, as well as informative pieces on a variety of topics such as science and society, education, technology and business. OPN strives to make the various facets of this diverse field accessible to researchers, engineers, businesspeople and students. Contributors include scientists and journalists who specialize in the field of optics. We welcome your submissions.</p> <h2><a id="manuscript" name="manuscript"></a>Subscribe</h2> <p>Subscriptions to OPN and OPN Online are exclusive Optica membership benefits. You&rsquo;re invited to initiate your subscriptions by <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>joining</strong></a> Optica&rsquo;s global network of science and business leaders. 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To find out more about manuscript guidelines, the submission and review process, and deadlines for submission, please visit <strong><a href="/year-in-optics">our Year in Optics information page</a>.</strong></p> <h2><a id="references" name="references"></a>Reprints</h2> <p>OPN offers high-quality, custom reprints to fit your marketing or educational needs. Reprints are available from two pages and up, in increments of 100, and may be ordered as black-and-white or four-color. For prompt service, submit your order directly to Sheridan Press using the <a href=";UNDO=1&amp;PUID=10377&amp;SERVICE=2" target="_blank">Sheridan Electronic Order Center</a>. Single copies of OPN are also available for $15/issue. Please contact customer service to place a single copy order.</p> <h2><a id="visuals" name="visuals"></a>Letters to the Editor</h2> <p>Would you like to comment on an article you&rsquo;ve read in OPN? We encourage reader feedback. Please e-mail your letter to <a href=""></a> and include your name, affiliation and e-mail address. You can also add comments directly to online articles by clicking the &quot;View/Add Comment&quot; function following each article.</p> <h2><a id="deadlines" name="deadlines"></a>Submit Your Optics Image</h2> <p>OPN is always on the lookout for exciting, high-resolution photos of optics phenomena for our online <a href="/home/gallery/image_of_the_week/">Image of the Week</a> gallery and/or publication in our print magazine. Please use the <a href="/home/gallery/submit_images/">electronic image submission form</a> to upload/submit your image in the form of a TIFF, EPS or JPEG. Images for print should be 300 dpi or greater.</p> <h2><a id="contact" name="contact"></a>Contact Us</h2> <p>For questions or requests concerning your subscription, including address changes and mailing removal requests, please contact <a href="" target="_blank">Optica Customer Service</a>.</p> <p>For questions about OPN advertising, including current rates and a media kit, please visit the <a href="/home/advertiser/">advertising portion of this site</a> or contact <a href="">Optica&rsquo;s advertising sales department</a>.</p> <p>Please forward article ideas, submissions and editorial questions to OPN at <a href=""></a>.</p> <p>To join Optica or renew your Optica membership, call +1 202.416.1907 (outside the U.S.) or +1 800.766.4672 (U.S.), or visit Optica&rsquo;s <a href="" target="_blank">Join/Renew</a> page.</p> </article> <aside id="ArticleOnlySidebar" class="col-md-4"> <div class="card-body"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="caption caption_fullpage"> <img alt="OPN covers" src="$web/opn/media/images/articles/2025/0225/departments/202502-cover-web.jpg?ext=.jpg" alt="Getty Images" class="img-responsive" align="center" /><br /> <p>Getty Images</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <br/> <div class="card-body"> <div class="fr-view"> <div class="well"><h5>MASTHEAD</h5><p>SENIOR EDITOR<br>&amp; CONTENT DIRECTOR<br>Bibiana Campos Seijo</p><p>CREATIVE DIRECTOR<br>Alessia Hawes Kirkland</p><p>MANAGING EDITOR<br>Hannah Lanford</p><p>ASSOCIATE EDITOR<br>Rachel Sender</p><p>EDITORIAL &amp; SPECIAL<br>PROJECTS COORDINATOR<br id="isPasted">Cassandra Travers</p><hr><p>CHIEF PUBLISHING OFFICER<br id="isPasted">Alison Taylor</p><p>OPTICA SENIOR PRODUCTION MANAGER<br>Stu Griffith</p><p>OPTICA PRODUCTION MANAGER<br>Carlos X. Izurieta</p><p>ADVERTISING SALES<br>Christina M. Sandoval<br>+1.202.416.1988<br><a href=""></a></p><hr><p><strong>EDITORIAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE</strong></p><p>Mihaela Dinu, Chair<br><em>LGS Labs - CACI, USA</em></p><p>Anderson S.L. Gomes,<br><em>Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil</em></p><p>Antigone Marino<br><em>Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy</em></p><p>Anne Matsuura<br><em>Intel Corp., USA</em></p><p>Jelena Pesic<br><em>Nokia Bell Labs, France</em></p><p>Mahmoud Rasras<br><em>New York University Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates</em></p><p>Anca L. Sala<br><em>Kettering University, USA</em></p><p>Thomas A. Searles<br><em>University of Illinois Chicago, USA</em></p><p>Susanna Thon<br><em>Johns Hopkins University, USA</em></p><p>Deepa Venkitesh,<br><em>IIT Madras, India</em></p><hr><p><strong>CONTRIBUTING EDITORS</strong>&nbsp;</p><p>Jason Adams<br><em>TechnoTeam Vision, USA</em></p><p>Alvaro Casas Bedoya<br><em>University of Sydney, Australia</em></p><p>Groot Gregory<br><em>Synopsys Inc., USA</em></p></div> </div> </div> </aside> </div> </div> </main> <!-- Mobile Navigation Menu --> <div class="modal bg-black d-lg-none fade" id="mobileNavMenu" data-keyboard="false" data-backdrop="false" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="mobileNavMenuLabel" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog h-100 mw-100 m-0"> <div class="modal-header text-uppercase justify-content-center"> <strong class="modal-title" id="mobileNavMenuLabel">Menu</strong> </div> <div class="modal-content h-100 bg-transparent"> <div class="modal-body h-100 d-flex flex-column px-1 py-0 pb-4"> <div class="navbar accordion 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