Beam-Beam Interactions Tatiana Pieloni (BE-ABP-ICE) Thanks to W. Herr. - ppt download

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Herr."— Presentation transcript:</h2> <style> @media(min-width:801px){#place_14>ins[data-ad-slot="4502451947"]{display:none !important;}} @media(max-width:800px){#place_14>ins:not([data-ad-slot="4502451947"]){display:none !important;}} @media(max-width:800px){#place_14 { width: 250px;}} @media(max-width:500px) {#place_14 { width: 120px;}} </style><div id="place_14" class="ads "> <script async src="//"></script> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-6133583279631137" data-ad-slot="4502451947" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script> <script async src=""></script> <ins class="adsbygoogle" data-ad-client="ca-pub-6133583279631137" style="display:inline-block;width:320px;height:100px" data-ad-slot="2030221560"></ins> <script>(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});</script></div> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Beam-Beam Interactions Tatiana Pieloni (BE-ABP-ICE) Thanks to W. Herr" > 1 </a> </span> Beam-Beam Interactions Tatiana Pieloni (BE-ABP-ICE) Thanks to W. Herr <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Beam-Beam Interactions Tatiana Pieloni (BE-ABP-ICE) Thanks to W. Herr", "description": "Beam-Beam Interactions Tatiana Pieloni (BE-ABP-ICE) Thanks to W. Herr", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Beam-Beam Interactions Tatiana Pieloni (BE-ABP-ICE) Thanks to W. Herr" title="Beam-Beam Interactions Tatiana Pieloni (BE-ABP-ICE) Thanks to W. Herr"> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Hadron Circular Colliders Bunch intensity: Transverse Beam size : Number of bunches Revolution frequency" > 2 </a> </span> Hadron Circular Colliders Bunch intensity: Transverse Beam size : Number of bunches Revolution frequency <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Hadron Circular Colliders Bunch intensity: Transverse Beam size : Number of bunches Revolution frequency", "description": "Hadron Circular Colliders Bunch intensity: Transverse Beam size : Number of bunches Revolution frequency", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Hadron Circular Colliders Bunch intensity: Transverse Beam size : Number of bunches Revolution frequency" title="Hadron Circular Colliders Bunch intensity: Transverse Beam size : Number of bunches Revolution frequency"> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="When do we have beam-beam effects." > 3 </a> </span> When do we have beam-beam effects?  They occur when two beams get closer and collide  Two types  High energy collisions between two particles (wanted)  Distortions of beam by electromagnetic forces (unwanted)  Unfortunately: usually both go together…  0.001% (or less) of particles collide  99.999% (or more) of particles are distorted <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "When do we have beam-beam effects.", "description": "\uf0d8 They occur when two beams get closer and collide \uf0d8 Two types \uf0d8 High energy collisions between two particles (wanted) \uf0d8 Distortions of beam by electromagnetic forces (unwanted) \uf0d8 Unfortunately: usually both go together\u2026 \uf0d8 0.001% (or less) of particles collide \uf0d8 % (or more) of particles are distorted.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="When do we have beam-beam effects." title=" They occur when two beams get closer and collide  Two types  High energy collisions between two particles (wanted)  Distortions of beam by electromagnetic forces (unwanted)  Unfortunately: usually both go together…  0.001% (or less) of particles collide  % (or more) of particles are distorted."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Beam-beam effects: overview  Circular Colliders: interaction occurs at every turn Many effects and problems Try to understand some of them Overview of effects (single particle and multi-particle effects) Qualitative and physical picture of effects Observations from the LHC Mathematical derivations and more info in References or at Beam-beam webpage And CAS Proceedings" > 4 </a> </span> Beam-beam effects: overview  Circular Colliders: interaction occurs at every turn Many effects and problems Try to understand some of them Overview of effects (single particle and multi-particle effects) Qualitative and physical picture of effects Observations from the LHC Mathematical derivations and more info in References or at Beam-beam webpage And CAS Proceedings <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Beam-beam effects: overview \uf0d8 Circular Colliders: interaction occurs at every turn Many effects and problems Try to understand some of them Overview of effects (single particle and multi-particle effects) Qualitative and physical picture of effects Observations from the LHC Mathematical derivations and more info in References or at Beam-beam webpage And CAS Proceedings", "description": "Beam-beam effects: overview \uf0d8 Circular Colliders: interaction occurs at every turn Many effects and problems Try to understand some of them Overview of effects (single particle and multi-particle effects) Qualitative and physical picture of effects Observations from the LHC Mathematical derivations and more info in References or at Beam-beam webpage And CAS Proceedings", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Beam-beam effects: overview  Circular Colliders: interaction occurs at every turn Many effects and problems Try to understand some of them Overview of effects (single particle and multi-particle effects) Qualitative and physical picture of effects Observations from the LHC Mathematical derivations and more info in References or at Beam-beam webpage And CAS Proceedings" title="Beam-beam effects: overview  Circular Colliders: interaction occurs at every turn Many effects and problems Try to understand some of them Overview of effects (single particle and multi-particle effects) Qualitative and physical picture of effects Observations from the LHC Mathematical derivations and more info in References or at Beam-beam webpage And CAS Proceedings"> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="References: [1] [2] V." > 5 </a> </span> References: [1] [2] V. Shiltsev et al, “Beam beam effects in the Tevatron”, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 8, 101001 (2005) [3] Lyn Evans “The beam-beam interaction”, CERN 84-15 (1984) [4] Alex Chao “Lie Algebra Techniques for Nonlinear Dynamics” SLAC-PUB-9574 (2002) [5] J. D. Jackson, “Classical Electrodynamics”, John Wiley &amp; Sons, NY, 1962. [6] H. Grote, F. Schmidt, L. H. A. Leunissen,”LHC Dynamic Aperture at Collision”, LHC-Project-Note 197, (1999). [7] W. Herr,”Features and implications of different LHC crossing schemes”, LHC-Project-Note 628, (2003). [8] A. Hofmann,”Beam-beam modes for two beams with unequal tunes”, CERN-SL-99-039 (AP) (1999) p. 56. [9] Y. Alexahin, ”On the Landau damping and decoherence of transverse dipole oscillations in colliding beams ”, Part. Acc. 59, 43 (1996). …much more on the LHC Beam-beam webpage: <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "References: [1] [2] V.", "description": "Shiltsev et al, Beam beam effects in the Tevatron , Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 8, (2005) [3] Lyn Evans The beam-beam interaction , CERN (1984) [4] Alex Chao Lie Algebra Techniques for Nonlinear Dynamics SLAC-PUB-9574 (2002) [5] J. D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics , John Wiley &amp; Sons, NY, [6] H. Grote, F. Schmidt, L. H. A. Leunissen, LHC Dynamic Aperture at Collision , LHC-Project-Note 197, (1999). [7] W. Herr, Features and implications of different LHC crossing schemes , LHC-Project-Note 628, (2003). [8] A. Hofmann, Beam-beam modes for two beams with unequal tunes , CERN-SL (AP) (1999) p. 56. [9] Y. Alexahin, On the Landau damping and decoherence of transverse dipole oscillations in colliding beams , Part. Acc. 59, 43 (1996). \u2026much more on the LHC Beam-beam webpage:", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="References: [1] [2] V." title="Shiltsev et al, Beam beam effects in the Tevatron , Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 8, (2005) [3] Lyn Evans The beam-beam interaction , CERN (1984) [4] Alex Chao Lie Algebra Techniques for Nonlinear Dynamics SLAC-PUB-9574 (2002) [5] J. D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics , John Wiley &amp; Sons, NY, [6] H. Grote, F. Schmidt, L. H. A. Leunissen, LHC Dynamic Aperture at Collision , LHC-Project-Note 197, (1999). [7] W. Herr, Features and implications of different LHC crossing schemes , LHC-Project-Note 628, (2003). [8] A. Hofmann, Beam-beam modes for two beams with unequal tunes , CERN-SL (AP) (1999) p. 56. [9] Y. Alexahin, On the Landau damping and decoherence of transverse dipole oscillations in colliding beams , Part. Acc. 59, 43 (1996). …much more on the LHC Beam-beam webpage:"> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Beams EM potential  Beam is a collection of charges  Beam is an electromagnetic potential for other charges Force on itself (space charge) and opposing beam (beam-beam effects) Focusing quadrupoleOpposite Beam A beam acts on particles like an electromagnetic lens, but… Single particle motion and whole bunch motion distorted" > 6 </a> </span> Beams EM potential  Beam is a collection of charges  Beam is an electromagnetic potential for other charges Force on itself (space charge) and opposing beam (beam-beam effects) Focusing quadrupoleOpposite Beam A beam acts on particles like an electromagnetic lens, but… Single particle motion and whole bunch motion distorted <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Beams EM potential \uf0d8 Beam is a collection of charges \uf0d8 Beam is an electromagnetic potential for other charges Force on itself (space charge) and opposing beam (beam-beam effects) Focusing quadrupoleOpposite Beam A beam acts on particles like an electromagnetic lens, but\u2026 Single particle motion and whole bunch motion distorted", "description": "Beams EM potential \uf0d8 Beam is a collection of charges \uf0d8 Beam is an electromagnetic potential for other charges Force on itself (space charge) and opposing beam (beam-beam effects) Focusing quadrupoleOpposite Beam A beam acts on particles like an electromagnetic lens, but\u2026 Single particle motion and whole bunch motion distorted", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Beams EM potential  Beam is a collection of charges  Beam is an electromagnetic potential for other charges Force on itself (space charge) and opposing beam (beam-beam effects) Focusing quadrupoleOpposite Beam A beam acts on particles like an electromagnetic lens, but… Single particle motion and whole bunch motion distorted" title="Beams EM potential  Beam is a collection of charges  Beam is an electromagnetic potential for other charges Force on itself (space charge) and opposing beam (beam-beam effects) Focusing quadrupoleOpposite Beam A beam acts on particles like an electromagnetic lens, but… Single particle motion and whole bunch motion distorted"> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Beam-beam Mathematics General approach in electromagnetic problems Reference[5] already applied to beam-beam interactions in Reference[1,3, 4] Derive potential from Poisson equation for charges with distribution  Then compute the fields Solution of Poisson equation From Lorentz force one calculates the force acting on test particle with charge q Making some assumptions we can simplify the problem and derive analytical formula for the force…" > 7 </a> </span> Beam-beam Mathematics General approach in electromagnetic problems Reference[5] already applied to beam-beam interactions in Reference[1,3, 4] Derive potential from Poisson equation for charges with distribution  Then compute the fields Solution of Poisson equation From Lorentz force one calculates the force acting on test particle with charge q Making some assumptions we can simplify the problem and derive analytical formula for the force… <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Beam-beam Mathematics General approach in electromagnetic problems Reference[5] already applied to beam-beam interactions in Reference[1,3, 4] Derive potential from Poisson equation for charges with distribution \uf072 Then compute the fields Solution of Poisson equation From Lorentz force one calculates the force acting on test particle with charge q Making some assumptions we can simplify the problem and derive analytical formula for the force\u2026", "description": "Beam-beam Mathematics General approach in electromagnetic problems Reference[5] already applied to beam-beam interactions in Reference[1,3, 4] Derive potential from Poisson equation for charges with distribution \uf072 Then compute the fields Solution of Poisson equation From Lorentz force one calculates the force acting on test particle with charge q Making some assumptions we can simplify the problem and derive analytical formula for the force\u2026", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Beam-beam Mathematics General approach in electromagnetic problems Reference[5] already applied to beam-beam interactions in Reference[1,3, 4] Derive potential from Poisson equation for charges with distribution  Then compute the fields Solution of Poisson equation From Lorentz force one calculates the force acting on test particle with charge q Making some assumptions we can simplify the problem and derive analytical formula for the force…" title="Beam-beam Mathematics General approach in electromagnetic problems Reference[5] already applied to beam-beam interactions in Reference[1,3, 4] Derive potential from Poisson equation for charges with distribution  Then compute the fields Solution of Poisson equation From Lorentz force one calculates the force acting on test particle with charge q Making some assumptions we can simplify the problem and derive analytical formula for the force…"> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Round Gaussian distributions: Gaussian distribution for charges: Round beams: Very relativistic, Force has only radial component : Beam-beam kick obtained integrating the force over the collision (i.e." > 8 </a> </span> Round Gaussian distributions: Gaussian distribution for charges: Round beams: Very relativistic, Force has only radial component : Beam-beam kick obtained integrating the force over the collision (i.e. time of passage) Only radial component in relativistic case Beam-beam Force How does this force looks like? <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Round Gaussian distributions: Gaussian distribution for charges: Round beams: Very relativistic, Force has only radial component : Beam-beam kick obtained integrating the force over the collision (i.e.", "description": "time of passage) Only radial component in relativistic case Beam-beam Force How does this force looks like .", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Round Gaussian distributions: Gaussian distribution for charges: Round beams: Very relativistic, Force has only radial component : Beam-beam kick obtained integrating the force over the collision (i.e." title="time of passage) Only radial component in relativistic case Beam-beam Force How does this force looks like ."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Beam-beam Force" > 9 </a> </span> Beam-beam Force <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Beam-beam Force", "description": "Beam-beam Force", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Beam-beam Force" title="Beam-beam Force"> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Why do we care. Strongest non-linearity in a collider YOU CANNOT AVOID." > 10 </a> </span> Why do we care? Strongest non-linearity in a collider YOU CANNOT AVOID! Pushing for luminosity means stronger beam-beam effects Physics fill lasts for many hours 10h – 24h Two main questions: What happens to a single particle? What happens to the whole beam? <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Why do we care. Strongest non-linearity in a collider YOU CANNOT AVOID.", "description": "Pushing for luminosity means stronger beam-beam effects Physics fill lasts for many hours 10h \u2013 24h Two main questions: What happens to a single particle. What happens to the whole beam .", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Why do we care. Strongest non-linearity in a collider YOU CANNOT AVOID." title="Pushing for luminosity means stronger beam-beam effects Physics fill lasts for many hours 10h – 24h Two main questions: What happens to a single particle. What happens to the whole beam ."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Beam-Beam Force: single particle… For small amplitudes: linear force For large amplitude: very non-linear The beam will act as a strong non-linear electromagnetic lens." > 11 </a> </span> Beam-Beam Force: single particle… For small amplitudes: linear force For large amplitude: very non-linear The beam will act as a strong non-linear electromagnetic lens! Lattice defocusing quadrupole Beam-beam force Linear force <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Beam-Beam Force: single particle\u2026 For small amplitudes: linear force For large amplitude: very non-linear The beam will act as a strong non-linear electromagnetic lens.", "description": "Lattice defocusing quadrupole Beam-beam force Linear force.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Beam-Beam Force: single particle… For small amplitudes: linear force For large amplitude: very non-linear The beam will act as a strong non-linear electromagnetic lens." title="Lattice defocusing quadrupole Beam-beam force Linear force."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Can we quantify the beam-beam strenght." > 12 </a> </span> Can we quantify the beam-beam strenght? Beam-beam force For small amplitudes: linear force The slope of the force gives you the beam-beam parameter Quantifies the strength of the force but does NOT reflect the nonlinear nature of the force <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Can we quantify the beam-beam strenght.", "description": "Beam-beam force For small amplitudes: linear force The slope of the force gives you the beam-beam parameter Quantifies the strength of the force but does NOT reflect the nonlinear nature of the force.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Can we quantify the beam-beam strenght." title="Beam-beam force For small amplitudes: linear force The slope of the force gives you the beam-beam parameter Quantifies the strength of the force but does NOT reflect the nonlinear nature of the force."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Colliders: For round beams: For non-round beams: Examples:" > 13 </a> </span> Colliders: For round beams: For non-round beams: Examples: <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Colliders: For round beams: For non-round beams: Examples:", "description": "Colliders: For round beams: For non-round beams: Examples:", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Colliders: For round beams: For non-round beams: Examples:" title="Colliders: For round beams: For non-round beams: Examples:"> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Linear Tune shift For small amplitudes beam-beam can be approximated as linear force as a quadrupole Focal length: Beam-beam matrix: Perturbed one turn matrix with perturbed tune  Q and beta function at the IP  *:" > 14 </a> </span> Linear Tune shift For small amplitudes beam-beam can be approximated as linear force as a quadrupole Focal length: Beam-beam matrix: Perturbed one turn matrix with perturbed tune  Q and beta function at the IP  *: <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Linear Tune shift For small amplitudes beam-beam can be approximated as linear force as a quadrupole Focal length: Beam-beam matrix: Perturbed one turn matrix with perturbed tune \uf044 Q and beta function at the IP \uf062 *:", "description": "Linear Tune shift For small amplitudes beam-beam can be approximated as linear force as a quadrupole Focal length: Beam-beam matrix: Perturbed one turn matrix with perturbed tune \uf044 Q and beta function at the IP \uf062 *:", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Linear Tune shift For small amplitudes beam-beam can be approximated as linear force as a quadrupole Focal length: Beam-beam matrix: Perturbed one turn matrix with perturbed tune  Q and beta function at the IP  *:" title="Linear Tune shift For small amplitudes beam-beam can be approximated as linear force as a quadrupole Focal length: Beam-beam matrix: Perturbed one turn matrix with perturbed tune  Q and beta function at the IP  *:"> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Linear tune Solving the one turn matrix one can derive the tune shift  Q and the perturbed beta function at the IP  *: Tune is changed  -function is changed: …how do they change" > 15 </a> </span> Linear tune Solving the one turn matrix one can derive the tune shift  Q and the perturbed beta function at the IP  *: Tune is changed  -function is changed: …how do they change? <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Linear tune Solving the one turn matrix one can derive the tune shift \uf044 Q and the perturbed beta function at the IP \uf062 *: Tune is changed \uf062 -function is changed: \u2026how do they change", "description": "Linear tune Solving the one turn matrix one can derive the tune shift \uf044 Q and the perturbed beta function at the IP \uf062 *: Tune is changed \uf062 -function is changed: \u2026how do they change", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Linear tune Solving the one turn matrix one can derive the tune shift  Q and the perturbed beta function at the IP  *: Tune is changed  -function is changed: …how do they change" title="Linear tune Solving the one turn matrix one can derive the tune shift  Q and the perturbed beta function at the IP  *: Tune is changed  -function is changed: …how do they change"> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Tune dependence of tune shift and dynamic beta Tune shift as a function of tune Larger  Strongest variation with Q" > 16 </a> </span> Tune dependence of tune shift and dynamic beta Tune shift as a function of tune Larger  Strongest variation with Q <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Tune dependence of tune shift and dynamic beta Tune shift as a function of tune Larger \uf078 Strongest variation with Q", "description": "Tune dependence of tune shift and dynamic beta Tune shift as a function of tune Larger \uf078 Strongest variation with Q", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Tune dependence of tune shift and dynamic beta Tune shift as a function of tune Larger  Strongest variation with Q" title="Tune dependence of tune shift and dynamic beta Tune shift as a function of tune Larger  Strongest variation with Q"> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Head-on and Long-range interactions Beam-beam force Head-on Long-range Other beam passing in the center force: HEAD-ON beam-beam interaction Other beam passing at an offset of the force: LONG-RANGE beam-beam interaction" > 17 </a> </span> Head-on and Long-range interactions Beam-beam force Head-on Long-range Other beam passing in the center force: HEAD-ON beam-beam interaction Other beam passing at an offset of the force: LONG-RANGE beam-beam interaction <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Head-on and Long-range interactions Beam-beam force Head-on Long-range Other beam passing in the center force: HEAD-ON beam-beam interaction Other beam passing at an offset of the force: LONG-RANGE beam-beam interaction", "description": "Head-on and Long-range interactions Beam-beam force Head-on Long-range Other beam passing in the center force: HEAD-ON beam-beam interaction Other beam passing at an offset of the force: LONG-RANGE beam-beam interaction", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Head-on and Long-range interactions Beam-beam force Head-on Long-range Other beam passing in the center force: HEAD-ON beam-beam interaction Other beam passing at an offset of the force: LONG-RANGE beam-beam interaction" title="Head-on and Long-range interactions Beam-beam force Head-on Long-range Other beam passing in the center force: HEAD-ON beam-beam interaction Other beam passing at an offset of the force: LONG-RANGE beam-beam interaction"> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Multiple bunch Complications For 25ns case 124 BBIs per turn: 4 HO and 120 LR Num." > 18 </a> </span> Multiple bunch Complications For 25ns case 124 BBIs per turn: 4 HO and 120 LR Num. of bunches: MANY INTERACTIONS Head-On Long range 3.7 m <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Multiple bunch Complications For 25ns case 124 BBIs per turn: 4 HO and 120 LR Num.", "description": "of bunches: MANY INTERACTIONS Head-On Long range 3.7 m.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Multiple bunch Complications For 25ns case 124 BBIs per turn: 4 HO and 120 LR Num." title="of bunches: MANY INTERACTIONS Head-On Long range 3.7 m."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Crossing angle operation High number of bunches in train structures Head-On Long Range LHC, KEKB… colliders 72 bunches …." > 19 </a> </span> Crossing angle operation High number of bunches in train structures Head-On Long Range LHC, KEKB… colliders 72 bunches …. SppSTevatronRHICLHC Number Bunches6361092808 LR interactions9700120/40 Head-on interactions3224 <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Crossing angle operation High number of bunches in train structures Head-On Long Range LHC, KEKB\u2026 colliders 72 bunches \u2026.", "description": "SppSTevatronRHICLHC Number Bunches LR interactions \/40 Head-on interactions3224.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Crossing angle operation High number of bunches in train structures Head-On Long Range LHC, KEKB… colliders 72 bunches …." title="SppSTevatronRHICLHC Number Bunches LR interactions /40 Head-on interactions3224."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="A beam is a collection of particles Beam-beam force Tune shift as a function of amplitude (detuning with amplitude or tune spread) Beam 2 passing in the center of force produce by Beam 1 Particles of Beam 2 will experience different ranges of the beam-beam forces" > 20 </a> </span> A beam is a collection of particles Beam-beam force Tune shift as a function of amplitude (detuning with amplitude or tune spread) Beam 2 passing in the center of force produce by Beam 1 Particles of Beam 2 will experience different ranges of the beam-beam forces <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "A beam is a collection of particles Beam-beam force Tune shift as a function of amplitude (detuning with amplitude or tune spread) Beam 2 passing in the center of force produce by Beam 1 Particles of Beam 2 will experience different ranges of the beam-beam forces", "description": "A beam is a collection of particles Beam-beam force Tune shift as a function of amplitude (detuning with amplitude or tune spread) Beam 2 passing in the center of force produce by Beam 1 Particles of Beam 2 will experience different ranges of the beam-beam forces", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="A beam is a collection of particles Beam-beam force Tune shift as a function of amplitude (detuning with amplitude or tune spread) Beam 2 passing in the center of force produce by Beam 1 Particles of Beam 2 will experience different ranges of the beam-beam forces" title="A beam is a collection of particles Beam-beam force Tune shift as a function of amplitude (detuning with amplitude or tune spread) Beam 2 passing in the center of force produce by Beam 1 Particles of Beam 2 will experience different ranges of the beam-beam forces"> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="A beam will experience all the force range Beam-beam force Different particles will see different force Beam-beam force Second beam passing in the center HEAD-ON beam-beam interaction Second beam displaced offset LONG-RANGE beam-beam interaction" > 21 </a> </span> A beam will experience all the force range Beam-beam force Different particles will see different force Beam-beam force Second beam passing in the center HEAD-ON beam-beam interaction Second beam displaced offset LONG-RANGE beam-beam interaction <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "A beam will experience all the force range Beam-beam force Different particles will see different force Beam-beam force Second beam passing in the center HEAD-ON beam-beam interaction Second beam displaced offset LONG-RANGE beam-beam interaction", "description": "A beam will experience all the force range Beam-beam force Different particles will see different force Beam-beam force Second beam passing in the center HEAD-ON beam-beam interaction Second beam displaced offset LONG-RANGE beam-beam interaction", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="A beam will experience all the force range Beam-beam force Different particles will see different force Beam-beam force Second beam passing in the center HEAD-ON beam-beam interaction Second beam displaced offset LONG-RANGE beam-beam interaction" title="A beam will experience all the force range Beam-beam force Different particles will see different force Beam-beam force Second beam passing in the center HEAD-ON beam-beam interaction Second beam displaced offset LONG-RANGE beam-beam interaction"> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Detuning with Amplitude for head-on Instantaneous tune shift of test particle when it crosses the other beam is related to the derivative of the force with respect to the amplitude For small amplitude test particle linear tune shift" > 22 </a> </span> Detuning with Amplitude for head-on Instantaneous tune shift of test particle when it crosses the other beam is related to the derivative of the force with respect to the amplitude For small amplitude test particle linear tune shift <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Detuning with Amplitude for head-on Instantaneous tune shift of test particle when it crosses the other beam is related to the derivative of the force with respect to the amplitude For small amplitude test particle linear tune shift", "description": "Detuning with Amplitude for head-on Instantaneous tune shift of test particle when it crosses the other beam is related to the derivative of the force with respect to the amplitude For small amplitude test particle linear tune shift", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Detuning with Amplitude for head-on Instantaneous tune shift of test particle when it crosses the other beam is related to the derivative of the force with respect to the amplitude For small amplitude test particle linear tune shift" title="Detuning with Amplitude for head-on Instantaneous tune shift of test particle when it crosses the other beam is related to the derivative of the force with respect to the amplitude For small amplitude test particle linear tune shift"> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Beam with many particles this results in a tune spread Mathematical derivation in Ref [3] using Hamiltonian formalism and in Ref [4] using Lie Algebra Detuning with Amplitude for head-on" > 23 </a> </span> Beam with many particles this results in a tune spread Mathematical derivation in Ref [3] using Hamiltonian formalism and in Ref [4] using Lie Algebra Detuning with Amplitude for head-on <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Beam with many particles this results in a tune spread Mathematical derivation in Ref [3] using Hamiltonian formalism and in Ref [4] using Lie Algebra Detuning with Amplitude for head-on", "description": "Beam with many particles this results in a tune spread Mathematical derivation in Ref [3] using Hamiltonian formalism and in Ref [4] using Lie Algebra Detuning with Amplitude for head-on", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Beam with many particles this results in a tune spread Mathematical derivation in Ref [3] using Hamiltonian formalism and in Ref [4] using Lie Algebra Detuning with Amplitude for head-on" title="Beam with many particles this results in a tune spread Mathematical derivation in Ref [3] using Hamiltonian formalism and in Ref [4] using Lie Algebra Detuning with Amplitude for head-on"> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Head-on detuning with amplitude and footprints 1-D plot of detuning with amplitude And in the other plane." > 24 </a> </span> Head-on detuning with amplitude and footprints 1-D plot of detuning with amplitude And in the other plane? THE SAME DERIVATION same tune spread FOOTPRINT 2-D mapping of the detuning with amplitude of particles <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Head-on detuning with amplitude and footprints 1-D plot of detuning with amplitude And in the other plane.", "description": "THE SAME DERIVATION same tune spread FOOTPRINT 2-D mapping of the detuning with amplitude of particles.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Head-on detuning with amplitude and footprints 1-D plot of detuning with amplitude And in the other plane." title="THE SAME DERIVATION same tune spread FOOTPRINT 2-D mapping of the detuning with amplitude of particles."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="And for long-range interactions. Second beam centered at d (i.e." > 25 </a> </span> And for long-range interactions? Second beam centered at d (i.e. 6  Small amplitude particles positive tune shifts Large amplitude can go to negative tune shifts Long range tune shift scaling for distances <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "And for long-range interactions. Second beam centered at d (i.e.", "description": "6 \uf073\uf029 Small amplitude particles positive tune shifts Large amplitude can go to negative tune shifts Long range tune shift scaling for distances.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="And for long-range interactions. Second beam centered at d (i.e." title="6  Small amplitude particles positive tune shifts Large amplitude can go to negative tune shifts Long range tune shift scaling for distances."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Long-range footprints Separation in vertical plane." > 26 </a> </span> Long-range footprints Separation in vertical plane! And in horizontal plane? The test particle is centered with the opposite beam tune spread more like for head-on at large amplitudes The picture is more complicated now the LARGE amplitude particles see the second beam and have larger tune shift <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Long-range footprints Separation in vertical plane.", "description": "And in horizontal plane. The test particle is centered with the opposite beam tune spread more like for head-on at large amplitudes The picture is more complicated now the LARGE amplitude particles see the second beam and have larger tune shift.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Long-range footprints Separation in vertical plane." title="And in horizontal plane. The test particle is centered with the opposite beam tune spread more like for head-on at large amplitudes The picture is more complicated now the LARGE amplitude particles see the second beam and have larger tune shift."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Beam-beam tune shift and spread Footprints depend on: number of interactions Type (Head-on and long-range) Plane of interaction When long-range effects become important footprint wings appear and alternating crossing important Aim to reduce the area as much as possible." > 27 </a> </span> Beam-beam tune shift and spread Footprints depend on: number of interactions Type (Head-on and long-range) Plane of interaction When long-range effects become important footprint wings appear and alternating crossing important Aim to reduce the area as much as possible! Passive compensation of tune shift Ref[7] QxQx QyQy (0,6) (0,0) (0,6) <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Beam-beam tune shift and spread Footprints depend on: number of interactions Type (Head-on and long-range) Plane of interaction When long-range effects become important footprint wings appear and alternating crossing important Aim to reduce the area as much as possible.", "description": "Passive compensation of tune shift Ref[7] QxQx QyQy (0,6) (0,0) (0,6).", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Beam-beam tune shift and spread Footprints depend on: number of interactions Type (Head-on and long-range) Plane of interaction When long-range effects become important footprint wings appear and alternating crossing important Aim to reduce the area as much as possible." title="Passive compensation of tune shift Ref[7] QxQx QyQy (0,6) (0,0) (0,6)."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Complications Different bunch families: Pacman and Super Pacman Super Pacman: miss head-on BBI IP2 and IP8 depending on filling scheme Pacman: miss long range BBI PACMAN and SUPER PACMAN bunches 72 bunches …." > 28 </a> </span> Complications Different bunch families: Pacman and Super Pacman Super Pacman: miss head-on BBI IP2 and IP8 depending on filling scheme Pacman: miss long range BBI PACMAN and SUPER PACMAN bunches 72 bunches …. <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Complications Different bunch families: Pacman and Super Pacman Super Pacman: miss head-on BBI IP2 and IP8 depending on filling scheme Pacman: miss long range BBI PACMAN and SUPER PACMAN bunches 72 bunches \u2026.", "description": "Complications Different bunch families: Pacman and Super Pacman Super Pacman: miss head-on BBI IP2 and IP8 depending on filling scheme Pacman: miss long range BBI PACMAN and SUPER PACMAN bunches 72 bunches \u2026.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Complications Different bunch families: Pacman and Super Pacman Super Pacman: miss head-on BBI IP2 and IP8 depending on filling scheme Pacman: miss long range BBI PACMAN and SUPER PACMAN bunches 72 bunches …." title="Complications Different bunch families: Pacman and Super Pacman Super Pacman: miss head-on BBI IP2 and IP8 depending on filling scheme Pacman: miss long range BBI PACMAN and SUPER PACMAN bunches 72 bunches …."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="LHC Complications: filling schemes Pacman Bunche: different number of long-range interactions 72 bunches …." > 29 </a> </span> LHC Complications: filling schemes Pacman Bunche: different number of long-range interactions 72 bunches …. Nominal Bunches PACMAN PS extraction kicker SPS extraction kicker Abort Gap <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "LHC Complications: filling schemes Pacman Bunche: different number of long-range interactions 72 bunches \u2026.", "description": "Nominal Bunches PACMAN PS extraction kicker SPS extraction kicker Abort Gap.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="LHC Complications: filling schemes Pacman Bunche: different number of long-range interactions 72 bunches …." title="Nominal Bunches PACMAN PS extraction kicker SPS extraction kicker Abort Gap."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Pacman and Super-pacman LHC ATLAS+CMS+LHCb ATLAS+CMS+LHCb+ALICE(LR) ATLAS+CMS LHCb LHCb+ALICE(LR) …operationally it is even more complicated." > 30 </a> </span> Pacman and Super-pacman LHC ATLAS+CMS+LHCb ATLAS+CMS+LHCb+ALICE(LR) ATLAS+CMS LHCb LHCb+ALICE(LR) …operationally it is even more complicated! …intensities, emittances… <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Pacman and Super-pacman LHC ATLAS+CMS+LHCb ATLAS+CMS+LHCb+ALICE(LR) ATLAS+CMS LHCb LHCb+ALICE(LR) \u2026operationally it is even more complicated.", "description": "\u2026intensities, emittances\u2026.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Pacman and Super-pacman LHC ATLAS+CMS+LHCb ATLAS+CMS+LHCb+ALICE(LR) ATLAS+CMS LHCb LHCb+ALICE(LR) …operationally it is even more complicated." title="…intensities, emittances…."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Particle Losses Dynamic Aperture: area in amplitude space with stable motion Stable area of particles depends on beam intensity and crossing angle Stable area depends on beam-beam interactions therefore the choice of running parameters (crossing angles,  *, intensity) is the result of careful study of different effects." > 31 </a> </span> Particle Losses Dynamic Aperture: area in amplitude space with stable motion Stable area of particles depends on beam intensity and crossing angle Stable area depends on beam-beam interactions therefore the choice of running parameters (crossing angles,  *, intensity) is the result of careful study of different effects! Ref [6] Stable Area (  ) 10-12  separation <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Particle Losses Dynamic Aperture: area in amplitude space with stable motion Stable area of particles depends on beam intensity and crossing angle Stable area depends on beam-beam interactions therefore the choice of running parameters (crossing angles, \uf062 *, intensity) is the result of careful study of different effects.", "description": "Ref [6] Stable Area ( \uf073 ) \uf073 separation.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Particle Losses Dynamic Aperture: area in amplitude space with stable motion Stable area of particles depends on beam intensity and crossing angle Stable area depends on beam-beam interactions therefore the choice of running parameters (crossing angles,  *, intensity) is the result of careful study of different effects." title="Ref [6] Stable Area (  )  separation."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="DO we see the effects of LR in the LHC." > 32 </a> </span> DO we see the effects of LR in the LHC? Particle losses follow number of Long range interactions Nominal LHC will have twice the number of interactions Small crossing angle = small separation If separation of long range too small particles become unstable and get lost Courtesy G. Papotti Courtesy X. Buffat 6  separation <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "DO we see the effects of LR in the LHC.", "description": "Particle losses follow number of Long range interactions Nominal LHC will have twice the number of interactions Small crossing angle = small separation If separation of long range too small particles become unstable and get lost Courtesy G. Papotti Courtesy X. Buffat 6 \uf073 separation.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="DO we see the effects of LR in the LHC." title="Particle losses follow number of Long range interactions Nominal LHC will have twice the number of interactions Small crossing angle = small separation If separation of long range too small particles become unstable and get lost Courtesy G. Papotti Courtesy X. Buffat 6  separation."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Long-range BB and Orbit Effects Long Range Beam-beam interactions lead to orbit effects Orbit can be corrected but we should remember PACMAN effects Long range kick For well separated beams The force has an amplitude independent contribution: ORBIT KICK" > 33 </a> </span> Long-range BB and Orbit Effects Long Range Beam-beam interactions lead to orbit effects Orbit can be corrected but we should remember PACMAN effects Long range kick For well separated beams The force has an amplitude independent contribution: ORBIT KICK <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Long-range BB and Orbit Effects Long Range Beam-beam interactions lead to orbit effects Orbit can be corrected but we should remember PACMAN effects Long range kick For well separated beams The force has an amplitude independent contribution: ORBIT KICK", "description": "Long-range BB and Orbit Effects Long Range Beam-beam interactions lead to orbit effects Orbit can be corrected but we should remember PACMAN effects Long range kick For well separated beams The force has an amplitude independent contribution: ORBIT KICK", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Long-range BB and Orbit Effects Long Range Beam-beam interactions lead to orbit effects Orbit can be corrected but we should remember PACMAN effects Long range kick For well separated beams The force has an amplitude independent contribution: ORBIT KICK" title="Long-range BB and Orbit Effects Long Range Beam-beam interactions lead to orbit effects Orbit can be corrected but we should remember PACMAN effects Long range kick For well separated beams The force has an amplitude independent contribution: ORBIT KICK"> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="LHC orbit effects d = units of beam size Orbit effects different due to Pacman effects and the many long-range add up giving a non negligible effect Ref [7]" > 34 </a> </span> LHC orbit effects d = 0 - 0.4 units of beam size Orbit effects different due to Pacman effects and the many long-range add up giving a non negligible effect Ref [7] <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "LHC orbit effects d = units of beam size Orbit effects different due to Pacman effects and the many long-range add up giving a non negligible effect Ref [7]", "description": "LHC orbit effects d = units of beam size Orbit effects different due to Pacman effects and the many long-range add up giving a non negligible effect Ref [7]", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="LHC orbit effects d = units of beam size Orbit effects different due to Pacman effects and the many long-range add up giving a non negligible effect Ref [7]" title="LHC orbit effects d = units of beam size Orbit effects different due to Pacman effects and the many long-range add up giving a non negligible effect Ref [7]"> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Long range orbit effect Long range interactions leads to orbit offsets at the experiment a direct consequence is deterioration of the luminosity Measurement of the vertex centroid by ATLAS Ref [7] Effect is already visible with reduced number of interactions Courtesy W." > 35 </a> </span> Long range orbit effect Long range interactions leads to orbit offsets at the experiment a direct consequence is deterioration of the luminosity Measurement of the vertex centroid by ATLAS Ref [7] Effect is already visible with reduced number of interactions Courtesy W. Kozanecki Calculations for nominal LHC <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Long range orbit effect Long range interactions leads to orbit offsets at the experiment a direct consequence is deterioration of the luminosity Measurement of the vertex centroid by ATLAS Ref [7] Effect is already visible with reduced number of interactions Courtesy W.", "description": "Kozanecki Calculations for nominal LHC.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Long range orbit effect Long range interactions leads to orbit offsets at the experiment a direct consequence is deterioration of the luminosity Measurement of the vertex centroid by ATLAS Ref [7] Effect is already visible with reduced number of interactions Courtesy W." title="Kozanecki Calculations for nominal LHC."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="IP8IP1IP2IP5IP5 Courtesy T." > 36 </a> </span> IP8IP1IP2IP5IP5 Courtesy T. Baer Vertical oscillation starts when one beam is ejected and dumped Long range orbit effect observations: <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "IP8IP1IP2IP5IP5 Courtesy T.", "description": "Baer Vertical oscillation starts when one beam is ejected and dumped Long range orbit effect observations:.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="IP8IP1IP2IP5IP5 Courtesy T." title="Baer Vertical oscillation starts when one beam is ejected and dumped Long range orbit effect observations:."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Coherent dipolar beam-beam modes Coherent beam-beam effects arise from the forces which an exciting bunch exerts on a whole test bunch during collision We study the collective behaviour of all particles of a bunch Coherent motion requires an organized behaviour of all particles of the bunch Coherent beam-beam force Beam distributions  1 and  2 mutually changed by interaction Interaction depends on distributions Beam 1  1 solution depends on beam 2  2 Beam 2  2 solution depends on beam 1  1 Need a self-consistent solution" > 37 </a> </span> Coherent dipolar beam-beam modes Coherent beam-beam effects arise from the forces which an exciting bunch exerts on a whole test bunch during collision We study the collective behaviour of all particles of a bunch Coherent motion requires an organized behaviour of all particles of the bunch Coherent beam-beam force Beam distributions  1 and  2 mutually changed by interaction Interaction depends on distributions Beam 1  1 solution depends on beam 2  2 Beam 2  2 solution depends on beam 1  1 Need a self-consistent solution <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Coherent dipolar beam-beam modes Coherent beam-beam effects arise from the forces which an exciting bunch exerts on a whole test bunch during collision We study the collective behaviour of all particles of a bunch Coherent motion requires an organized behaviour of all particles of the bunch Coherent beam-beam force Beam distributions \uf059 1 and \uf059 2 mutually changed by interaction Interaction depends on distributions Beam 1 \uf059 1 solution depends on beam 2 \uf059 2 Beam 2 \uf059 2 solution depends on beam 1 \uf059 1 Need a self-consistent solution", "description": "Coherent dipolar beam-beam modes Coherent beam-beam effects arise from the forces which an exciting bunch exerts on a whole test bunch during collision We study the collective behaviour of all particles of a bunch Coherent motion requires an organized behaviour of all particles of the bunch Coherent beam-beam force Beam distributions \uf059 1 and \uf059 2 mutually changed by interaction Interaction depends on distributions Beam 1 \uf059 1 solution depends on beam 2 \uf059 2 Beam 2 \uf059 2 solution depends on beam 1 \uf059 1 Need a self-consistent solution", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Coherent dipolar beam-beam modes Coherent beam-beam effects arise from the forces which an exciting bunch exerts on a whole test bunch during collision We study the collective behaviour of all particles of a bunch Coherent motion requires an organized behaviour of all particles of the bunch Coherent beam-beam force Beam distributions  1 and  2 mutually changed by interaction Interaction depends on distributions Beam 1  1 solution depends on beam 2  2 Beam 2  2 solution depends on beam 1  1 Need a self-consistent solution" title="Coherent dipolar beam-beam modes Coherent beam-beam effects arise from the forces which an exciting bunch exerts on a whole test bunch during collision We study the collective behaviour of all particles of a bunch Coherent motion requires an organized behaviour of all particles of the bunch Coherent beam-beam force Beam distributions  1 and  2 mutually changed by interaction Interaction depends on distributions Beam 1  1 solution depends on beam 2  2 Beam 2  2 solution depends on beam 1  1 Need a self-consistent solution"> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Coherent beam-beam effects Whole bunch sees a kick as an entity (coherent kick) Coherent kick seen by full bunch different from single particle kick Requires integration of individual kick over particle distribution Coherent kick of separated beams can excite coherent dipolar oscillations All bunches couple because each bunch sees many opposing bunches(LR): many coherent modes possible!" > 38 </a> </span> Coherent beam-beam effects Whole bunch sees a kick as an entity (coherent kick) Coherent kick seen by full bunch different from single particle kick Requires integration of individual kick over particle distribution Coherent kick of separated beams can excite coherent dipolar oscillations All bunches couple because each bunch “sees” many opposing bunches(LR): many coherent modes possible! <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Coherent beam-beam effects Whole bunch sees a kick as an entity (coherent kick) Coherent kick seen by full bunch different from single particle kick Requires integration of individual kick over particle distribution Coherent kick of separated beams can excite coherent dipolar oscillations All bunches couple because each bunch sees many opposing bunches(LR): many coherent modes possible!", "description": "Coherent beam-beam effects Whole bunch sees a kick as an entity (coherent kick) Coherent kick seen by full bunch different from single particle kick Requires integration of individual kick over particle distribution Coherent kick of separated beams can excite coherent dipolar oscillations All bunches couple because each bunch sees many opposing bunches(LR): many coherent modes possible!", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Coherent beam-beam effects Whole bunch sees a kick as an entity (coherent kick) Coherent kick seen by full bunch different from single particle kick Requires integration of individual kick over particle distribution Coherent kick of separated beams can excite coherent dipolar oscillations All bunches couple because each bunch sees many opposing bunches(LR): many coherent modes possible!" title="Coherent beam-beam effects Whole bunch sees a kick as an entity (coherent kick) Coherent kick seen by full bunch different from single particle kick Requires integration of individual kick over particle distribution Coherent kick of separated beams can excite coherent dipolar oscillations All bunches couple because each bunch sees many opposing bunches(LR): many coherent modes possible!"> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Static BB force Self-consistent Self-consistent method source of distortion changes as a result of the distortion Perturbative methods static source of distortion: example magnet For a complete understanding of BB effect a self-consistent treatment should be used Coherent effects Self-consistent treatment needed" > 39 </a> </span> Static BB force Self-consistent Self-consistent method source of distortion changes as a result of the distortion Perturbative methods static source of distortion: example magnet For a complete understanding of BB effect a self-consistent treatment should be used Coherent effects Self-consistent treatment needed <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Static BB force Self-consistent Self-consistent method source of distortion changes as a result of the distortion Perturbative methods static source of distortion: example magnet For a complete understanding of BB effect a self-consistent treatment should be used Coherent effects Self-consistent treatment needed", "description": "Static BB force Self-consistent Self-consistent method source of distortion changes as a result of the distortion Perturbative methods static source of distortion: example magnet For a complete understanding of BB effect a self-consistent treatment should be used Coherent effects Self-consistent treatment needed", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Static BB force Self-consistent Self-consistent method source of distortion changes as a result of the distortion Perturbative methods static source of distortion: example magnet For a complete understanding of BB effect a self-consistent treatment should be used Coherent effects Self-consistent treatment needed" title="Static BB force Self-consistent Self-consistent method source of distortion changes as a result of the distortion Perturbative methods static source of distortion: example magnet For a complete understanding of BB effect a self-consistent treatment should be used Coherent effects Self-consistent treatment needed"> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Simple case: one bunch per beam 0-mode  -mode Turn n+1 Turn n Coherent mode: two bunches are locked in a coherent oscillation 0-mode is stable (mode with NO tune shift)  -mode can become unstable (mode with largest tune shift) 0-mode  -mode TuneQ0Q0 QQ 0-mode at unperturbed tune Q 0  -mode is shifted at Q  =  bb Tune spread Incoherent tune spread range [0,-  ]  bb MOVIE" > 40 </a> </span> Simple case: one bunch per beam 0-mode  -mode Turn n+1 Turn n Coherent mode: two bunches are “locked” in a coherent oscillation 0-mode is stable (mode with NO tune shift)  -mode can become unstable (mode with largest tune shift) 0-mode  -mode TuneQ0Q0 QQ 0-mode at unperturbed tune Q 0  -mode is shifted at Q  =1.1-1.3  bb Tune spread Incoherent tune spread range [0,-  ]  bb MOVIE <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Simple case: one bunch per beam 0-mode \uf070 -mode Turn n+1 Turn n Coherent mode: two bunches are locked in a coherent oscillation 0-mode is stable (mode with NO tune shift) \uf070 -mode can become unstable (mode with largest tune shift) 0-mode \uf070 -mode TuneQ0Q0 Q\uf070Q\uf070 0-mode at unperturbed tune Q 0 \uf070 -mode is shifted at Q \uf070 = \uf078 bb Tune spread Incoherent tune spread range [0,- \uf078 ] \uf078 bb MOVIE", "description": "Simple case: one bunch per beam 0-mode \uf070 -mode Turn n+1 Turn n Coherent mode: two bunches are locked in a coherent oscillation 0-mode is stable (mode with NO tune shift) \uf070 -mode can become unstable (mode with largest tune shift) 0-mode \uf070 -mode TuneQ0Q0 Q\uf070Q\uf070 0-mode at unperturbed tune Q 0 \uf070 -mode is shifted at Q \uf070 = \uf078 bb Tune spread Incoherent tune spread range [0,- \uf078 ] \uf078 bb MOVIE", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Simple case: one bunch per beam 0-mode  -mode Turn n+1 Turn n Coherent mode: two bunches are locked in a coherent oscillation 0-mode is stable (mode with NO tune shift)  -mode can become unstable (mode with largest tune shift) 0-mode  -mode TuneQ0Q0 QQ 0-mode at unperturbed tune Q 0  -mode is shifted at Q  =  bb Tune spread Incoherent tune spread range [0,-  ]  bb MOVIE" title="Simple case: one bunch per beam 0-mode  -mode Turn n+1 Turn n Coherent mode: two bunches are locked in a coherent oscillation 0-mode is stable (mode with NO tune shift)  -mode can become unstable (mode with largest tune shift) 0-mode  -mode TuneQ0Q0 QQ 0-mode at unperturbed tune Q 0  -mode is shifted at Q  =  bb Tune spread Incoherent tune spread range [0,-  ]  bb MOVIE"> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Simple case: one bunch per beam and Landau damping  Incoherent tune spread is the Landau damping region any mode with frequency laying in this range should not develop  -mode has frequency out of tune spread (Y) so it is not damped." > 41 </a> </span> Simple case: one bunch per beam and Landau damping  Incoherent tune spread is the Landau damping region any mode with frequency laying in this range should not develop  -mode has frequency out of tune spread (Y) so it is not damped! 0-mode  -mode Tune spread TuneQ0Q0 QQ  bb <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Simple case: one bunch per beam and Landau damping \uf020 Incoherent tune spread is the Landau damping region any mode with frequency laying in this range should not develop \uf020\uf070 -mode has frequency out of tune spread (Y) so it is not damped.", "description": "0-mode \uf070 -mode Tune spread TuneQ0Q0 Q\uf070Q\uf070 \uf078 bb.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Simple case: one bunch per beam and Landau damping  Incoherent tune spread is the Landau damping region any mode with frequency laying in this range should not develop  -mode has frequency out of tune spread (Y) so it is not damped." title="0-mode  -mode Tune spread TuneQ0Q0 QQ  bb."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Coherent modes at RHIC  Tune spectra before collision and in collision two modes visible" > 42 </a> </span> Coherent modes at RHIC  Tune spectra before collision and in collision two modes visible <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Coherent modes at RHIC \uf020 Tune spectra before collision and in collision two modes visible", "description": "Coherent modes at RHIC \uf020 Tune spectra before collision and in collision two modes visible", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Coherent modes at RHIC  Tune spectra before collision and in collision two modes visible" title="Coherent modes at RHIC  Tune spectra before collision and in collision two modes visible"> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Head-on beam-beam coherent mode: LHC qHqH qVqV qHqH qVqV qHqH qVqV qHqH qVqV" > 43 </a> </span> Head-on beam-beam coherent mode: LHC qHqH qVqV qHqH qVqV qHqH qVqV qHqH qVqV <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Head-on beam-beam coherent mode: LHC qHqH qVqV qHqH qVqV qHqH qVqV qHqH qVqV", "description": "Head-on beam-beam coherent mode: LHC qHqH qVqV qHqH qVqV qHqH qVqV qHqH qVqV", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Head-on beam-beam coherent mode: LHC qHqH qVqV qHqH qVqV qHqH qVqV qHqH qVqV" title="Head-on beam-beam coherent mode: LHC qHqH qVqV qHqH qVqV qHqH qVqV qHqH qVqV"> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Beam-beam coherent modes and Landau Damping Pacman effect on coherent modes Single bunch diagnostic so important Family 1 model" > 44 </a> </span> Beam-beam coherent modes and Landau Damping Pacman effect on coherent modes Single bunch diagnostic so important Family 1 model <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Beam-beam coherent modes and Landau Damping Pacman effect on coherent modes Single bunch diagnostic so important Family 1 model", "description": "Beam-beam coherent modes and Landau Damping Pacman effect on coherent modes Single bunch diagnostic so important Family 1 model", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Beam-beam coherent modes and Landau Damping Pacman effect on coherent modes Single bunch diagnostic so important Family 1 model" title="Beam-beam coherent modes and Landau Damping Pacman effect on coherent modes Single bunch diagnostic so important Family 1 model"> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Q-Q 0 /  Different Tunes 0-mode  -mode Tune split breaks symmetry and coherent modes disappear Analytical calculations in Reference [8]" > 45 </a> </span> Q-Q 0 /  Different Tunes 0-mode  -mode Tune split breaks symmetry and coherent modes disappear Analytical calculations in Reference [8] <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Q-Q 0 \/ \uf078 Different Tunes 0-mode \uf070 -mode Tune split breaks symmetry and coherent modes disappear Analytical calculations in Reference [8]", "description": "Q-Q 0 \/ \uf078 Different Tunes 0-mode \uf070 -mode Tune split breaks symmetry and coherent modes disappear Analytical calculations in Reference [8]", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Q-Q 0 /  Different Tunes 0-mode  -mode Tune split breaks symmetry and coherent modes disappear Analytical calculations in Reference [8]" title="Q-Q 0 /  Different Tunes 0-mode  -mode Tune split breaks symmetry and coherent modes disappear Analytical calculations in Reference [8]"> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Different tunes or intensities RHIC running with mirrored tune for years to break coherent oscillations LHC has used a tune split to suppress coherent BB modes 2010 Physics Run" > 46 </a> </span> Different tunes or intensities RHIC running with mirrored tune for years to break coherent oscillations LHC has used a tune split to suppress coherent BB modes 2010 Physics Run <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Different tunes or intensities RHIC running with mirrored tune for years to break coherent oscillations LHC has used a tune split to suppress coherent BB modes 2010 Physics Run", "description": "Different tunes or intensities RHIC running with mirrored tune for years to break coherent oscillations LHC has used a tune split to suppress coherent BB modes 2010 Physics Run", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Different tunes or intensities RHIC running with mirrored tune for years to break coherent oscillations LHC has used a tune split to suppress coherent BB modes 2010 Physics Run" title="Different tunes or intensities RHIC running with mirrored tune for years to break coherent oscillations LHC has used a tune split to suppress coherent BB modes 2010 Physics Run"> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Different bunch intensities For two bunches colliding head-on in one IP the coherent mode disappears if intensity ratio between bunches is 55% Reference[9] We assumed: equal emittances equal tunes NO PACMAN effects (bunches will have different tunes) For coherent modes the key is to break the simmetry in your coupled system…(tunes, intensities, collision patters…)" > 47 </a> </span> Different bunch intensities For two bunches colliding head-on in one IP the coherent mode disappears if intensity ratio between bunches is 55% Reference[9] We assumed: equal emittances equal tunes NO PACMAN effects (bunches will have different tunes) For coherent modes the key is to break the simmetry in your coupled system…(tunes, intensities, collision patters…) <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Different bunch intensities For two bunches colliding head-on in one IP the coherent mode disappears if intensity ratio between bunches is 55% Reference[9] We assumed: equal emittances equal tunes NO PACMAN effects (bunches will have different tunes) For coherent modes the key is to break the simmetry in your coupled system\u2026(tunes, intensities, collision patters\u2026)", "description": "Different bunch intensities For two bunches colliding head-on in one IP the coherent mode disappears if intensity ratio between bunches is 55% Reference[9] We assumed: equal emittances equal tunes NO PACMAN effects (bunches will have different tunes) For coherent modes the key is to break the simmetry in your coupled system\u2026(tunes, intensities, collision patters\u2026)", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Different bunch intensities For two bunches colliding head-on in one IP the coherent mode disappears if intensity ratio between bunches is 55% Reference[9] We assumed: equal emittances equal tunes NO PACMAN effects (bunches will have different tunes) For coherent modes the key is to break the simmetry in your coupled system…(tunes, intensities, collision patters…)" title="Different bunch intensities For two bunches colliding head-on in one IP the coherent mode disappears if intensity ratio between bunches is 55% Reference[9] We assumed: equal emittances equal tunes NO PACMAN effects (bunches will have different tunes) For coherent modes the key is to break the simmetry in your coupled system…(tunes, intensities, collision patters…)"> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Single bunch diagnostic can make the difference Bunch 1 Bunch 3 Each bunch will have different number of modes and tune spectra No Landau damping of long- range coherent modes And Long range interactions" > 48 </a> </span> Single bunch diagnostic can make the difference Bunch 1 Bunch 3 Each bunch will have different number of modes and tune spectra No Landau damping of long- range coherent modes And Long range interactions? <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Single bunch diagnostic can make the difference Bunch 1 Bunch 3 Each bunch will have different number of modes and tune spectra No Landau damping of long- range coherent modes And Long range interactions", "description": "Single bunch diagnostic can make the difference Bunch 1 Bunch 3 Each bunch will have different number of modes and tune spectra No Landau damping of long- range coherent modes And Long range interactions", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Single bunch diagnostic can make the difference Bunch 1 Bunch 3 Each bunch will have different number of modes and tune spectra No Landau damping of long- range coherent modes And Long range interactions" title="Single bunch diagnostic can make the difference Bunch 1 Bunch 3 Each bunch will have different number of modes and tune spectra No Landau damping of long- range coherent modes And Long range interactions"> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Beam-beam compensations: Linear e-lens, suppress shift Non-linear e-lens, suppress tune spread Head-on electron force proton force Bunch intensity in 2012 polarized proton Bch 1 collision bch 2 collisions Past experience: at Tevatron linear and non-linear e-lenses, also hollow… Present: test for half compensation at RHIC with non-linear e-lens" > 49 </a> </span> Beam-beam compensations: Linear e-lens, suppress shift Non-linear e-lens, suppress tune spread Head-on electron force proton force Bunch intensity in 2012 polarized proton Bch 1 collision bch 2 collisions Past experience: at Tevatron linear and non-linear e-lenses, also hollow… Present: test for half compensation at RHIC with non-linear e-lens <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Beam-beam compensations: Linear e-lens, suppress shift Non-linear e-lens, suppress tune spread Head-on electron force proton force Bunch intensity in 2012 polarized proton Bch 1 collision bch 2 collisions Past experience: at Tevatron linear and non-linear e-lenses, also hollow\u2026 Present: test for half compensation at RHIC with non-linear e-lens", "description": "Beam-beam compensations: Linear e-lens, suppress shift Non-linear e-lens, suppress tune spread Head-on electron force proton force Bunch intensity in 2012 polarized proton Bch 1 collision bch 2 collisions Past experience: at Tevatron linear and non-linear e-lenses, also hollow\u2026 Present: test for half compensation at RHIC with non-linear e-lens", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Beam-beam compensations: Linear e-lens, suppress shift Non-linear e-lens, suppress tune spread Head-on electron force proton force Bunch intensity in 2012 polarized proton Bch 1 collision bch 2 collisions Past experience: at Tevatron linear and non-linear e-lenses, also hollow… Present: test for half compensation at RHIC with non-linear e-lens" title="Beam-beam compensations: Linear e-lens, suppress shift Non-linear e-lens, suppress tune spread Head-on electron force proton force Bunch intensity in 2012 polarized proton Bch 1 collision bch 2 collisions Past experience: at Tevatron linear and non-linear e-lenses, also hollow… Present: test for half compensation at RHIC with non-linear e-lens"> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Beam-beam compensations: long-range Beam-beam wire compensation R." > 50 </a> </span> Beam-beam compensations: long-range Beam-beam wire compensation R. Calaga Past experience: at RHIC several tests till 2009… Present: simulation studies on-going for possible use in HL-LHC… <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Beam-beam compensations: long-range Beam-beam wire compensation R.", "description": "Calaga Past experience: at RHIC several tests till 2009\u2026 Present: simulation studies on-going for possible use in HL-LHC\u2026.", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Beam-beam compensations: long-range Beam-beam wire compensation R." title="Calaga Past experience: at RHIC several tests till 2009… Present: simulation studies on-going for possible use in HL-LHC…."> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="…not covered here… Linear colliders special issues Asymmetric beams effects Coasting beams Beamstrahlung Synchrobetatron coupling Beam-beam experiments Beam-beam and impedance …" > 51 </a> </span> …not covered here… Linear colliders special issues Asymmetric beams effects Coasting beams Beamstrahlung Synchrobetatron coupling Beam-beam experiments Beam-beam and impedance … <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "\u2026not covered here\u2026 Linear colliders special issues Asymmetric beams effects Coasting beams Beamstrahlung Synchrobetatron coupling Beam-beam experiments Beam-beam and impedance \u2026", "description": "\u2026not covered here\u2026 Linear colliders special issues Asymmetric beams effects Coasting beams Beamstrahlung Synchrobetatron coupling Beam-beam experiments Beam-beam and impedance \u2026", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="…not covered here… Linear colliders special issues Asymmetric beams effects Coasting beams Beamstrahlung Synchrobetatron coupling Beam-beam experiments Beam-beam and impedance …" title="…not covered here… Linear colliders special issues Asymmetric beams effects Coasting beams Beamstrahlung Synchrobetatron coupling Beam-beam experiments Beam-beam and impedance …"> </noscript> <br /></p> <p class="uk-text-justify uk-nbfc uk-margin "> <span class="uk-badge uk-margin-small-right"> <a class="image_link uk-text-large uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" href="//" target="_blank" title="Thank You!" > 52 </a> </span> Thank You! <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "", "name": "Thank You!", "description": "Thank You!", "width": "800" } </script> <noscript> <img src="//" width="800" align="left" alt="Thank You!" title="Thank You!"> </noscript> <br /></p> </div> <hr class="uk-article-divider"> <div class="uk-article"> <style>@media(max-width:500px) {#place_16>ins[data-ad-slot="4403948519"]{ display:none !important;}} #place_16 > ins[data-ad-slot="5318274008"]{display:none;} @media (max-width: 500px) { #place_16 > ins[data-ad-slot="5318274008"]{display:inline-block;} } </style><div id="place_16" class="ads uk-text-center"> <script async src="//"></script> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-6133583279631137" data-ad-slot="4312927714" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script> <script async src="//"></script> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="width:300px;height:250px" data-ad-client="ca-pub-6133583279631137" data-ad-slot="5318274008" ></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script></div> <div class="uk-article uk-margin-top"> <a href="javascript:;" id="download_pres_btn" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#download-modal" class="uk-margin">Download ppt "Beam-Beam Interactions Tatiana Pieloni (BE-ABP-ICE) Thanks to W. 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Qiang, LBNL Mini-Workshop on Beam-Beam Compensation July 2-4, 2007, SLAC, Menlo Park, California.>" alt="Beam-Beam Simulations for RHIC and LHC J. Qiang, LBNL Mini-Workshop on Beam-Beam Compensation July 2-4, 2007, SLAC, Menlo Park, California."> <a href="/slide/8028563/" title="Beam-Beam Simulations for RHIC and LHC J. Qiang, LBNL Mini-Workshop on Beam-Beam Compensation July 2-4, 2007, SLAC, Menlo Park, California.>" class="uk-overlay-area"> <div class="uk-overlay-area-content"> <p>Beam-Beam Simulations for RHIC and LHC J. Qiang, LBNL Mini-Workshop on Beam-Beam Compensation July 2-4, 2007, SLAC, Menlo Park, California.</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <script> var moreSimilarSlides =[" <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/25\/8201637\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Beam dynamics on damping rings and beam-beam interaction Dec. 28 2004 \ud3ec\ud56d \uac00\uc18d\uae30 \uc5f0\uad6c\uc18c \uae40 \uc740 \uc0b0.>\" alt=\"Beam dynamics on damping rings and beam-beam interaction Dec. 28 2004 \ud3ec\ud56d \uac00\uc18d\uae30 \uc5f0\uad6c\uc18c \uae40 \uc740 \uc0b0.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/8201637\/\" title=\"Beam dynamics on damping rings and beam-beam interaction Dec. 28 2004 \ud3ec\ud56d \uac00\uc18d\uae30 \uc5f0\uad6c\uc18c \uae40 \uc740 \uc0b0.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Beam dynamics on damping rings and beam-beam interaction Dec \ud3ec\ud56d \uac00\uc18d\uae30 \uc5f0\uad6c\uc18c \uae40 \uc740 \uc0b0.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/33\/8245475\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"October 4-5, 2010 1 Electron Lens Beam Physics Overview Yun Luo for RHIC e-lens team October 4-5, 2010 Electron Lens.>\" alt=\"October 4-5, 2010 1 Electron Lens Beam Physics Overview Yun Luo for RHIC e-lens team October 4-5, 2010 Electron Lens.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/8245475\/\" title=\"October 4-5, 2010 1 Electron Lens Beam Physics Overview Yun Luo for RHIC e-lens team October 4-5, 2010 Electron Lens.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>October 4-5, Electron Lens Beam Physics Overview Yun Luo for RHIC e-lens team October 4-5, 2010 Electron Lens.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/26\/8387285\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Simulation of direct space charge in Booster by using MAD program Y.Alexahin, A.Drozhdin, N.Kazarinov.>\" alt=\"Simulation of direct space charge in Booster by using MAD program Y.Alexahin, A.Drozhdin, N.Kazarinov.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/8387285\/\" title=\"Simulation of direct space charge in Booster by using MAD program Y.Alexahin, A.Drozhdin, N.Kazarinov.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Simulation of direct space charge in Booster by using MAD program Y.Alexahin, A.Drozhdin, N.Kazarinov.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/26\/8510815\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Update of the SPS transverse impedance model Benoit for the impedance team.>\" alt=\"Update of the SPS transverse impedance model Benoit for the impedance team.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/8510815\/\" title=\"Update of the SPS transverse impedance model Benoit for the impedance team.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Update of the SPS transverse impedance model Benoit for the impedance team.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/26\/8532295\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Beam-beam studies in the LHC and new projects T. 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Pieloni for the LHC and HL-LHC Beam-Beam Teams ICFA mini-workshop on &quot;Beam-Beam Effects in Hadron Colliders\u201d<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/26\/8583041\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"1 FFAG Role as Muon Accelerators Shinji Machida ASTeC\/STFC\/RAL 15 November, 2007 \/machida\/doc\/othertalks\/machida_20071115.pdf\/machida\/doc\/othertalks\/machida_20071115.pdf.>\" alt=\"1 FFAG Role as Muon Accelerators Shinji Machida ASTeC\/STFC\/RAL 15 November, 2007 \/machida\/doc\/othertalks\/machida_20071115.pdf\/machida\/doc\/othertalks\/machida_20071115.pdf.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/8583041\/\" title=\"1 FFAG Role as Muon Accelerators Shinji Machida ASTeC\/STFC\/RAL 15 November, 2007 \/machida\/doc\/othertalks\/machida_20071115.pdf\/machida\/doc\/othertalks\/machida_20071115.pdf.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>1 FFAG Role as Muon Accelerators Shinji Machida ASTeC\/STFC\/RAL 15 November, \/machida\/doc\/othertalks\/machida_ pdf\/machida\/doc\/othertalks\/machida_ pdf.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/26\/8726850\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Beam-Beam and e-Cloud in RHIC Oct. 6, 2015 Haixin Huang, Xiaofeng Gu, Yun Luo.>\" alt=\"Beam-Beam and e-Cloud in RHIC Oct. 6, 2015 Haixin Huang, Xiaofeng Gu, Yun Luo.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/8726850\/\" title=\"Beam-Beam and e-Cloud in RHIC Oct. 6, 2015 Haixin Huang, Xiaofeng Gu, Yun Luo.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Beam-Beam and e-Cloud in RHIC Oct. 6, 2015 Haixin Huang, Xiaofeng Gu, Yun Luo.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/26\/8781792\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"T. Pieloni Laboratory of Particle Accelerators Physics EPFL Lausanne and CERN - AB - ABP Beam-Beam Tune Spectra in RHIC and LHC In collaboration with:>\" alt=\"T. Pieloni Laboratory of Particle Accelerators Physics EPFL Lausanne and CERN - AB - ABP Beam-Beam Tune Spectra in RHIC and LHC In collaboration with:\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/8781792\/\" title=\"T. Pieloni Laboratory of Particle Accelerators Physics EPFL Lausanne and CERN - AB - ABP Beam-Beam Tune Spectra in RHIC and LHC In collaboration with:>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>T. Pieloni Laboratory of Particle Accelerators Physics EPFL Lausanne and CERN - AB - ABP Beam-Beam Tune Spectra in RHIC and LHC In collaboration with:<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/27\/9017830\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Chromaticity dependence of the vertical effective impedance in the PS Chromaticity dependence of the vertical effective impedance in the PS S. Persichelli.>\" alt=\"Chromaticity dependence of the vertical effective impedance in the PS Chromaticity dependence of the vertical effective impedance in the PS S. Persichelli.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/9017830\/\" title=\"Chromaticity dependence of the vertical effective impedance in the PS Chromaticity dependence of the vertical effective impedance in the PS S. Persichelli.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Chromaticity dependence of the vertical effective impedance in the PS Chromaticity dependence of the vertical effective impedance in the PS S. Persichelli.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/27\/9091438\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Beam-Beam Simulations Ji Qiang US LARP CM12 Collaboration Meeting Napa Valley, April 8-10, 2009 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.>\" alt=\"Beam-Beam Simulations Ji Qiang US LARP CM12 Collaboration Meeting Napa Valley, April 8-10, 2009 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/9091438\/\" title=\"Beam-Beam Simulations Ji Qiang US LARP CM12 Collaboration Meeting Napa Valley, April 8-10, 2009 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Beam-Beam Simulations Ji Qiang US LARP CM12 Collaboration Meeting Napa Valley, April 8-10, 2009 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/28\/9312421\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"1 Experience at CERN with luminosity monitoring and calibration, ISR, SPS proton antiproton collider, LEP, and comments for LHC\u2026 Werner Herr and R\u00fcdiger.>\" alt=\"1 Experience at CERN with luminosity monitoring and calibration, ISR, SPS proton antiproton collider, LEP, and comments for LHC\u2026 Werner Herr and R\u00fcdiger.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/9312421\/\" title=\"1 Experience at CERN with luminosity monitoring and calibration, ISR, SPS proton antiproton collider, LEP, and comments for LHC\u2026 Werner Herr and R\u00fcdiger.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>1 Experience at CERN with luminosity monitoring and calibration, ISR, SPS proton antiproton collider, LEP, and comments for LHC\u2026 Werner Herr and R\u00fcdiger.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/28\/9312441\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Beam-beam deflection during Van der Meer scans>\" alt=\"Beam-beam deflection during Van der Meer scans\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/9312441\/\" title=\"Beam-beam deflection during Van der Meer scans>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Beam-beam deflection during Van der Meer scans<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/29\/9496128\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Beam-Beam effects in MeRHIC and eRHIC Yue Hao Collider-Accelerator Department Brookhaven National Laboratory Jan 10, 2009 EIC Meeting at Stony Brook.>\" alt=\"Beam-Beam effects in MeRHIC and eRHIC Yue Hao Collider-Accelerator Department Brookhaven National Laboratory Jan 10, 2009 EIC Meeting at Stony Brook.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/9496128\/\" title=\"Beam-Beam effects in MeRHIC and eRHIC Yue Hao Collider-Accelerator Department Brookhaven National Laboratory Jan 10, 2009 EIC Meeting at Stony Brook.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Beam-Beam effects in MeRHIC and eRHIC Yue Hao Collider-Accelerator Department Brookhaven National Laboratory Jan 10, 2009 EIC Meeting at Stony Brook.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/30\/9520486\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"INTENSITY LIMITATIONS (Space Charge and Impedance) M. Zobov.>\" alt=\"INTENSITY LIMITATIONS (Space Charge and Impedance) M. Zobov.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/9520486\/\" title=\"INTENSITY LIMITATIONS (Space Charge and Impedance) M. Zobov.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>INTENSITY LIMITATIONS (Space Charge and Impedance) M. Zobov.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/31\/9579956\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"CERN F. Ruggiero Univ. \u201cLa Sapienza\u201d, Rome, 20\u201324 March 2006 Measurements, ideas, curiosities beam diagnostics and fundamental limitations to the performance.>\" alt=\"CERN F. Ruggiero Univ. \u201cLa Sapienza\u201d, Rome, 20\u201324 March 2006 Measurements, ideas, curiosities beam diagnostics and fundamental limitations to the performance.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/9579956\/\" title=\"CERN F. Ruggiero Univ. \u201cLa Sapienza\u201d, Rome, 20\u201324 March 2006 Measurements, ideas, curiosities beam diagnostics and fundamental limitations to the performance.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>CERN F. Ruggiero Univ. \u201cLa Sapienza\u201d, Rome, 20\u201324 March 2006 Measurements, ideas, curiosities beam diagnostics and fundamental limitations to the performance.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/31\/9710269\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"By Verena Kain CERN BE-OP. In the next three lectures we will have a look at the different components of a synchrotron. Today: Controlling particle trajectories.>\" alt=\"By Verena Kain CERN BE-OP. In the next three lectures we will have a look at the different components of a synchrotron. Today: Controlling particle trajectories.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/9710269\/\" title=\"By Verena Kain CERN BE-OP. In the next three lectures we will have a look at the different components of a synchrotron. Today: Controlling particle trajectories.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>By Verena Kain CERN BE-OP. In the next three lectures we will have a look at the different components of a synchrotron. Today: Controlling particle trajectories.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/31\/9749732\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Beam-beam compensation at RHIC LARP Proposal Tanaji Sen, Wolfram Fischer Thanks to Jean-Pierre Koutchouk, Frank Zimmermann.>\" alt=\"Beam-beam compensation at RHIC LARP Proposal Tanaji Sen, Wolfram Fischer Thanks to Jean-Pierre Koutchouk, Frank Zimmermann.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/9749732\/\" title=\"Beam-beam compensation at RHIC LARP Proposal Tanaji Sen, Wolfram Fischer Thanks to Jean-Pierre Koutchouk, Frank Zimmermann.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Beam-beam compensation at RHIC LARP Proposal Tanaji Sen, Wolfram Fischer Thanks to Jean-Pierre Koutchouk, Frank Zimmermann.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/32\/9902241\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Beam-Beam head-on Limit J. Barranco, X. Buffat, T. Pieloni, C. Tambasco, J. Qiang, K. Ohmi, M. Crouch for the Beam-Beam team BI BSRT Team George and Enrico.>\" alt=\"Beam-Beam head-on Limit J. Barranco, X. Buffat, T. Pieloni, C. Tambasco, J. Qiang, K. Ohmi, M. Crouch for the Beam-Beam team BI BSRT Team George and Enrico.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/9902241\/\" title=\"Beam-Beam head-on Limit J. Barranco, X. Buffat, T. Pieloni, C. Tambasco, J. Qiang, K. Ohmi, M. Crouch for the Beam-Beam team BI BSRT Team George and Enrico.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Beam-Beam head-on Limit J. Barranco, X. Buffat, T. Pieloni, C. Tambasco, J. Qiang, K. Ohmi, M. Crouch for the Beam-Beam team BI BSRT Team George and Enrico.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/32\/9921867\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Chaos and Emittance growth due to nonlinear interactions in circular accelerators K. Ohmi (KEK) SAD2006 Sep. 5-7. 2006 at KEK.>\" alt=\"Chaos and Emittance growth due to nonlinear interactions in circular accelerators K. Ohmi (KEK) SAD2006 Sep. 5-7. 2006 at KEK.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/9921867\/\" title=\"Chaos and Emittance growth due to nonlinear interactions in circular accelerators K. Ohmi (KEK) SAD2006 Sep. 5-7. 2006 at KEK.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Chaos and Emittance growth due to nonlinear interactions in circular accelerators K. Ohmi (KEK) SAD2006 Sep at KEK.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/32\/9938705\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Six-dimensional weak-strong simulations of head-on compensation in RHIC Y. Luo, W. Fischer Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA ICFA Mini-workshop on Beam-Beam.>\" alt=\"Six-dimensional weak-strong simulations of head-on compensation in RHIC Y. Luo, W. Fischer Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA ICFA Mini-workshop on Beam-Beam.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/9938705\/\" title=\"Six-dimensional weak-strong simulations of head-on compensation in RHIC Y. Luo, W. Fischer Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA ICFA Mini-workshop on Beam-Beam.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Six-dimensional weak-strong simulations of head-on compensation in RHIC Y. Luo, W. Fischer Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA ICFA Mini-workshop on Beam-Beam.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/32\/9993871\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"INTENSITY LIMITATIONS IN THE LHC INJECTORS Discussion on Landau damping Ibon Santiago Gonz\u00e1lez Summer Student Session 2007.>\" alt=\"INTENSITY LIMITATIONS IN THE LHC INJECTORS Discussion on Landau damping Ibon Santiago Gonz\u00e1lez Summer Student Session 2007.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/9993871\/\" title=\"INTENSITY LIMITATIONS IN THE LHC INJECTORS Discussion on Landau damping Ibon Santiago Gonz\u00e1lez Summer Student Session 2007.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>INTENSITY LIMITATIONS IN THE LHC INJECTORS Discussion on Landau damping Ibon Santiago Gonz\u00e1lez Summer Student Session 2007.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/32\/10028473\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Polarized Proton at RHIC: Status and Future Plan Mei Bai Collider Accelerator Dept. BNL A Special Beam Physics Symposium in Honor of Yaroslav Derbenev's.>\" alt=\"Polarized Proton at RHIC: Status and Future Plan Mei Bai Collider Accelerator Dept. BNL A Special Beam Physics Symposium in Honor of Yaroslav Derbenev's.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/10028473\/\" title=\"Polarized Proton at RHIC: Status and Future Plan Mei Bai Collider Accelerator Dept. BNL A Special Beam Physics Symposium in Honor of Yaroslav Derbenev's.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Polarized Proton at RHIC: Status and Future Plan Mei Bai Collider Accelerator Dept. BNL A Special Beam Physics Symposium in Honor of Yaroslav Derbenev's.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/32\/10040229\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Principle of Wire Compensation Theory and Simulations Simulations and Experiments The Tevatron operates with 36 proton bunches and 36 anti-proton bunches.>\" alt=\"Principle of Wire Compensation Theory and Simulations Simulations and Experiments The Tevatron operates with 36 proton bunches and 36 anti-proton bunches.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/10040229\/\" title=\"Principle of Wire Compensation Theory and Simulations Simulations and Experiments The Tevatron operates with 36 proton bunches and 36 anti-proton bunches.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Principle of Wire Compensation Theory and Simulations Simulations and Experiments The Tevatron operates with 36 proton bunches and 36 anti-proton bunches.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/32\/10048402\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Criteria for dynamic aperture limits and impact of the multipolar errors: summary of the simulations with beam-beam for levelling scenarios at 5 and 7.5x10.>\" alt=\"Criteria for dynamic aperture limits and impact of the multipolar errors: summary of the simulations with beam-beam for levelling scenarios at 5 and 7.5x10.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/10048402\/\" title=\"Criteria for dynamic aperture limits and impact of the multipolar errors: summary of the simulations with beam-beam for levelling scenarios at 5 and 7.5x10.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Criteria for dynamic aperture limits and impact of the multipolar errors: summary of the simulations with beam-beam for levelling scenarios at 5 and 7.5x10.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/32\/10053075\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Beam-beam Simulation at eRHIC Yue Hao Collider-Accelerator Department Brookhaven National Laboratory July 29, 2010 EIC Meeting at The Catholic University.>\" alt=\"Beam-beam Simulation at eRHIC Yue Hao Collider-Accelerator Department Brookhaven National Laboratory July 29, 2010 EIC Meeting at The Catholic University.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/10053075\/\" title=\"Beam-beam Simulation at eRHIC Yue Hao Collider-Accelerator Department Brookhaven National Laboratory July 29, 2010 EIC Meeting at The Catholic University.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Beam-beam Simulation at eRHIC Yue Hao Collider-Accelerator Department Brookhaven National Laboratory July 29, 2010 EIC Meeting at The Catholic University.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/32\/10078470\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Overview of Wire Compensation for the LHC Jean-Pierre Koutchouk CARE-HHH Meeting on beam-beam effects and beam-beam compensation CERN 08\/28\/2008.>\" alt=\"Overview of Wire Compensation for the LHC Jean-Pierre Koutchouk CARE-HHH Meeting on beam-beam effects and beam-beam compensation CERN 08\/28\/2008.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/10078470\/\" title=\"Overview of Wire Compensation for the LHC Jean-Pierre Koutchouk CARE-HHH Meeting on beam-beam effects and beam-beam compensation CERN 08\/28\/2008.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Overview of Wire Compensation for the LHC Jean-Pierre Koutchouk CARE-HHH Meeting on beam-beam effects and beam-beam compensation CERN 08\/28\/2008.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/33\/10125788\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Pushing the space charge limit in the CERN LHC injectors H. Bartosik for the CERN space charge team with contributions from S. Gilardoni, A. Huschauer,>\" alt=\"Pushing the space charge limit in the CERN LHC injectors H. Bartosik for the CERN space charge team with contributions from S. Gilardoni, A. Huschauer,\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/10125788\/\" title=\"Pushing the space charge limit in the CERN LHC injectors H. Bartosik for the CERN space charge team with contributions from S. Gilardoni, A. Huschauer,>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Pushing the space charge limit in the CERN LHC injectors H. Bartosik for the CERN space charge team with contributions from S. Gilardoni, A. Huschauer,<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/33\/10125789\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Eric Prebys, FNAL. USPAS, Knoxville, TN, January 20-31, 2014 Lecture 14 - Collective Effects 2 So far, we have not considered the effect that particles.>\" alt=\"Eric Prebys, FNAL. USPAS, Knoxville, TN, January 20-31, 2014 Lecture 14 - Collective Effects 2 So far, we have not considered the effect that particles.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/10125789\/\" title=\"Eric Prebys, FNAL. USPAS, Knoxville, TN, January 20-31, 2014 Lecture 14 - Collective Effects 2 So far, we have not considered the effect that particles.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Eric Prebys, FNAL. USPAS, Knoxville, TN, January 20-31, 2014 Lecture 14 - Collective Effects 2 So far, we have not considered the effect that particles.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/33\/10125792\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"RHIC Status and E-lens 101 Spin Collaboration Meeting V. Schoefer 2\/6\/2015.>\" alt=\"RHIC Status and E-lens 101 Spin Collaboration Meeting V. Schoefer 2\/6\/2015.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/10125792\/\" title=\"RHIC Status and E-lens 101 Spin Collaboration Meeting V. Schoefer 2\/6\/2015.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>RHIC Status and E-lens 101 Spin Collaboration Meeting V. Schoefer 2\/6\/2015.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/35\/10313202\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Lecture 4 Longitudinal Dynamics I Professor Emmanuel Tsesmelis Directorate Office, CERN Department of Physics, University of Oxford ACAS School for Accelerator.>\" alt=\"Lecture 4 Longitudinal Dynamics I Professor Emmanuel Tsesmelis Directorate Office, CERN Department of Physics, University of Oxford ACAS School for Accelerator.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/10313202\/\" title=\"Lecture 4 Longitudinal Dynamics I Professor Emmanuel Tsesmelis Directorate Office, CERN Department of Physics, University of Oxford ACAS School for Accelerator.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Lecture 4 Longitudinal Dynamics I Professor Emmanuel Tsesmelis Directorate Office, CERN Department of Physics, University of Oxford ACAS School for Accelerator.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/35\/10465056\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Paul G\u00f6rgen TEMF \/ GSI. Overview 1.Introduction to Beam-Beam 2.The code used and simulation of BTF 3.Demonstration of different beam beam simulations.>\" alt=\"Paul G\u00f6rgen TEMF \/ GSI. Overview 1.Introduction to Beam-Beam 2.The code used and simulation of BTF 3.Demonstration of different beam beam simulations.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/10465056\/\" title=\"Paul G\u00f6rgen TEMF \/ GSI. Overview 1.Introduction to Beam-Beam 2.The code used and simulation of BTF 3.Demonstration of different beam beam simulations.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Paul G\u00f6rgen TEMF \/ GSI. Overview 1.Introduction to Beam-Beam 2.The code used and simulation of BTF 3.Demonstration of different beam beam simulations.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/35\/10509024\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Crossing Schemes Considerations and Beam-Beam Work plan T. Pieloni, J. Barranco, X. Buffat, W. Herr.>\" alt=\"Crossing Schemes Considerations and Beam-Beam Work plan T. Pieloni, J. Barranco, X. Buffat, W. Herr.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/10509024\/\" title=\"Crossing Schemes Considerations and Beam-Beam Work plan T. Pieloni, J. Barranco, X. Buffat, W. Herr.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Crossing Schemes Considerations and Beam-Beam Work plan T. Pieloni, J. Barranco, X. Buffat, W. Herr.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/38\/10777322\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Numerical Simulations for IOTA Dmitry Shatilov BINP & FNAL IOTA Meeting, FNAL, 23 February 2012.>\" alt=\"Numerical Simulations for IOTA Dmitry Shatilov BINP & FNAL IOTA Meeting, FNAL, 23 February 2012.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/10777322\/\" title=\"Numerical Simulations for IOTA Dmitry Shatilov BINP & FNAL IOTA Meeting, FNAL, 23 February 2012.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Numerical Simulations for IOTA Dmitry Shatilov BINP &amp; FNAL IOTA Meeting, FNAL, 23 February 2012.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/39\/10863382\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"R. Bartolini, John Adams Institute, 27 January 20161\/23 HT Lecture on Nonlinear beam dynamics (I) Motivations: nonlinear magnetic multipoles Phenomenology.>\" alt=\"R. Bartolini, John Adams Institute, 27 January 20161\/23 HT Lecture on Nonlinear beam dynamics (I) Motivations: nonlinear magnetic multipoles Phenomenology.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/10863382\/\" title=\"R. Bartolini, John Adams Institute, 27 January 20161\/23 HT Lecture on Nonlinear beam dynamics (I) Motivations: nonlinear magnetic multipoles Phenomenology.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>R. Bartolini, John Adams Institute, 27 January 20161\/23 HT Lecture on Nonlinear beam dynamics (I) Motivations: nonlinear magnetic multipoles Phenomenology.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/43\/10954938\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"1 Strong-Strong Beam-Beam Simulations Ji Qiang Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 3 rd JLEIC Collaboration Meeting March 31 st, Jlab 2016.>\" alt=\"1 Strong-Strong Beam-Beam Simulations Ji Qiang Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 3 rd JLEIC Collaboration Meeting March 31 st, Jlab 2016.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/10954938\/\" title=\"1 Strong-Strong Beam-Beam Simulations Ji Qiang Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 3 rd JLEIC Collaboration Meeting March 31 st, Jlab 2016.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>1 Strong-Strong Beam-Beam Simulations Ji Qiang Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 3 rd JLEIC Collaboration Meeting March 31 st, Jlab 2016.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/39\/11017351\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Elias M\u00e9tral, CERN-GSI bi-lateral working meeting on Collective Effects \u2013 Coordination of Theory and Experiments, GSI, 30-31\/03\/06 1\/15 TRANSVERSE LANDAU.>\" alt=\"Elias M\u00e9tral, CERN-GSI bi-lateral working meeting on Collective Effects \u2013 Coordination of Theory and Experiments, GSI, 30-31\/03\/06 1\/15 TRANSVERSE LANDAU.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/11017351\/\" title=\"Elias M\u00e9tral, CERN-GSI bi-lateral working meeting on Collective Effects \u2013 Coordination of Theory and Experiments, GSI, 30-31\/03\/06 1\/15 TRANSVERSE LANDAU.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Elias M\u00e9tral, CERN-GSI bi-lateral working meeting on Collective Effects \u2013 Coordination of Theory and Experiments, GSI, 30-31\/03\/06 1\/15 TRANSVERSE LANDAU.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/42\/11559882\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Collective Effect II Giuliano Franchetti, GSI CERN Accelerator \u2013 School Prague 11\/9\/14G. Franchetti1.>\" alt=\"Collective Effect II Giuliano Franchetti, GSI CERN Accelerator \u2013 School Prague 11\/9\/14G. Franchetti1.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/11559882\/\" title=\"Collective Effect II Giuliano Franchetti, GSI CERN Accelerator \u2013 School Prague 11\/9\/14G. Franchetti1.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Collective Effect II Giuliano Franchetti, GSI CERN Accelerator \u2013 School Prague 11\/9\/14G. Franchetti1.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/77\/12763990\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Y.Papaphilippou Thanks to>\" alt=\"Y.Papaphilippou Thanks to\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/12763990\/\" title=\"Y.Papaphilippou Thanks to>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Y.Papaphilippou Thanks to<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/82\/13564370\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Large Booster and Collider Ring>\" alt=\"Large Booster and Collider Ring\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/13564370\/\" title=\"Large Booster and Collider Ring>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Large Booster and Collider Ring<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/84\/13691084\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Beam-beam Effects in Hadron Colliders>\" alt=\"Beam-beam Effects in Hadron Colliders\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/13691084\/\" title=\"Beam-beam Effects in Hadron Colliders>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Beam-beam Effects in Hadron Colliders<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/85\/13752850\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Gear Changing Issues for MEIC: Outline>\" alt=\"Gear Changing Issues for MEIC: Outline\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/13752850\/\" title=\"Gear Changing Issues for MEIC: Outline>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Gear Changing Issues for MEIC: Outline<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/90\/14420003\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Laboratoire de L\u2019Acc\u00e9l\u00e9rateur Lin\u00e9aire>\" alt=\"Laboratoire de L\u2019Acc\u00e9l\u00e9rateur Lin\u00e9aire\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/14420003\/\" title=\"Laboratoire de L\u2019Acc\u00e9l\u00e9rateur Lin\u00e9aire>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Laboratoire de L\u2019Acc\u00e9l\u00e9rateur Lin\u00e9aire<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/90\/14496411\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Beam-beam R&D for eRHIC Linac-Ring Option>\" alt=\"Beam-beam R&D for eRHIC Linac-Ring Option\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/14496411\/\" title=\"Beam-beam R&D for eRHIC Linac-Ring Option>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Beam-beam R&amp;D for eRHIC Linac-Ring Option<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/90\/14676603\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Beam-beam effects in SPPC and future hadron colliders>\" alt=\"Beam-beam effects in SPPC and future hadron colliders\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/14676603\/\" title=\"Beam-beam effects in SPPC and future hadron colliders>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Beam-beam effects in SPPC and future hadron colliders<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/90\/14795143\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Wednesday 1.8. - Morning 8:42 - 11:30 end of fill study - octupole polarity inversion (Elias, Tatiana, Alexey, Georges, \u2026): Goal: study the effect of the.>\" alt=\"Wednesday 1.8. - Morning 8:42 - 11:30 end of fill study - octupole polarity inversion (Elias, Tatiana, Alexey, Georges, \u2026): Goal: study the effect of the.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/14795143\/\" title=\"Wednesday 1.8. - Morning 8:42 - 11:30 end of fill study - octupole polarity inversion (Elias, Tatiana, Alexey, Georges, \u2026): Goal: study the effect of the.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Wednesday Morning 8: :30 end of fill study - octupole polarity inversion (Elias, Tatiana, Alexey, Georges, \u2026): Goal: study the effect of the.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/93\/15512302\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Beam-Beam Interaction in Linac-Ring Colliders>\" alt=\"Beam-Beam Interaction in Linac-Ring Colliders\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/15512302\/\" title=\"Beam-Beam Interaction in Linac-Ring Colliders>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Beam-Beam Interaction in Linac-Ring Colliders<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/88\/15875391\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Electron Rings Eduard Pozdeyev.>\" alt=\"Electron Rings Eduard Pozdeyev.\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/15875391\/\" title=\"Electron Rings Eduard Pozdeyev.>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Electron Rings Eduard Pozdeyev.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/97\/16732185\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Beam-Beam Effects in High-Energy Colliders:>\" alt=\"Beam-Beam Effects in High-Energy Colliders:\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/16732185\/\" title=\"Beam-Beam Effects in High-Energy Colliders:>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Beam-Beam Effects in High-Energy Colliders:<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"," <div class=\"sidebar-item\">\n <div class=\"similar-wrapper\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay uk-margin-bottom\">\n <img src=\"\/101\/17394334\/big_thumb.jpg\" title=\"Alejandro Castilla CASA\/CAS-ODU>\" alt=\"Alejandro Castilla CASA\/CAS-ODU\">\n <a href=\"\/slide\/17394334\/\" title=\"Alejandro Castilla CASA\/CAS-ODU>\" class=\"uk-overlay-area\">\n <div class=\"uk-overlay-area-content\">\n <p>Alejandro Castilla CASA\/CAS-ODU<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>"]; </script> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-4-4" id="bot-similar-bl"> <div class="uk-margin-bottom uk-panel uk-panel-box uk-panel-box-secondary"> <div id="bottom-similars" class="uk-grid"> <div class="heading uk-margin-bottom"> <p class="tm-text-dark uk-h3"> <span class="uk-icon-list uk-margin-small-right"></span>Similar presentations </p> <hr> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div><!-- .assets --> <script type="text/javascript"> var embed_template = '<div style="width:{width}px"> <strong style="display:block;margin:12px 0 4px"><a href="'+(document.location.toString().replace(/(\?|\#).*$/, ''))+'" title="Beam-Beam Interactions Tatiana Pieloni (BE-ABP-ICE) Thanks to W. 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