Ultra Design meets Ultimate Performance - Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra – Design Samsung
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Discover the Galaxy Watch Ultra design story bridging both daily life and outdoor lifestyles through enjoyable, convenient activity experiences."> <meta name="keywords" content="Galaxy Watch, GalaxyWatch, Galaxy Watch Ultra, Galaxy WatchUlatra, Watch Space, WatchSpace, Watch, WatchStrap’s, Ultra, Band, Geomertic, Outdoor, Ultra Analog Watch Face, Simple Analog Watch Face, PeakForm Band, Trail Band, Marine Band"> <link rel="image_src" href=""> <!-- Share for Facebook --> <meta property="og:title" content="Ultra Design meets Ultimate Performance - Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra – Design Samsung"> <meta property="og:description" content="The perfect combination of design and functionality sets a new standard for outdoor activities. 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Discover the Galaxy Watch Ultra design story bridging both daily life and outdoor lifestyles through enjoyable, convenient activity experiences."> <meta name="twitter:image" content=""> <!-- CSS --> <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../assets/css/common_module_rn2022_v1.css">--> <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../assets/css/contents_components_rn2022_v1.css">--> <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../assets/css/components_rn2022_v2.css">--> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../assets/css/common_module_rn2023_v1.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../assets/css/components_rn2022_v2.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/page.css"> <!--JS--> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../assets/js/vendor/jquery-1.11.0.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../assets/js/vendor/jquery.easing.1.3.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../assets/js/vendor/modernizr-2.6.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../assets/js/vendor/detectizr.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../assets/js/vendor/detect.js"></script> </head> <body class="components"> <div id="skip-navi"> <a href="#container">SKIP NAVIGATION</a> </div> <div id="wrap" class="minify"> <!--컨텐츠 페이지 디폴트--> <!--HEADER : S--> <div class="header_wrap"></div> <!--HEADER : E--> <div id="container"> <div id="content"> <section class="sec-txt" id="section-txt"> <div class="cols-container"> <div class="rn2022-cols-2 rn2022-ml-2-col"> <div class="txt-holder space-pt-150 space-pb-100"> <em class="rn2022-txt-small-en">July 23, 2024</em> <h2 class="rn2022-txt-kv-tit-shp rn2022-mt-50">Ultra Design <br>meets Ultimate <br>Performance</h2> <span class="rn2022-txt-kv-sub-tit rn2022-mt-30">Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra Design Story</span> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div class="content-wrap"> <section class="sec-kv" id="section-kv"> <div class="cols-container"> <div class="img-container motion" motion-pos="0.5"> <div class="img-box img-1 cont-video01"> <figure class="img-1"> <video class="video" muted playsinline poster="" aria-label="The outline of the Galaxy Watch Ultra face emerges have light from the blackness. The four edges are curved, with a circular border around them. Slowly, the watch face is revealed in darkness."> <source src="" type="video/mp4"> </video> </figure> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="sec-intro" id="section-intro"> <div class="cols-container"> <div class="rn2022-cols-2 rn2022-ml-2-col"> <div class="txt-holder rn2022-mt-300"> <p class="rn2022-txt-big slide-in-up motion" motion-pos="0.5"> Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra has been refined through countless iterations to bring diverse functional and aesthetic elements to the wrist. Let’s take a close look at the Galaxy Watch Ultra design’s evolution to the Ultra model, a new lineup bridging both daily life and outdoor styles. </p> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="sec-1" id="section-1"> <div class="cols-container rn2022-mt-300"> <div class="content-2"> <div> <div class="cont2-motion"> <div class="sticky-wrap" id="content2-slide"> <ul class="sticky-box" id="content2-sticky-box"> <li class="sticky-item item1 active"> <figure class="motion slide-in-up" motion-pos="0.5"> <img class="d-block-pc" src="img/samsung-x2-sec1-img1-1.jpg" alt="Front view of the Galaxy Gear. It has a square body with an orange strap and a rectangular display in the center. The time is displayed in orange and the temperature and weather in white underneath."> <img class="d-block-m" src="img/samsung-x2-sec1-img1-1-m.jpg" alt="Front view of the Galaxy Gear. It has a square body with an orange strap and a rectangular display in the center. The time is displayed in orange and the temperature and weather in white underneath."> </figure> <p class="blind" motion-pos="0.5">2013 Galaxy Gear</p> </li> <li class="sticky-item item2"> <figure class="motion slide-in-up" motion-pos="0.5"> <img class="d-block-pc" src="img/samsung-x2-sec1-img1-2.jpg" alt="Front view of the Galaxy Gear Sport. The rounded circular bezel has small cog-like bumps around the edges. The center circular display has a graphic of a circular ring that displays heart rate and incline."> <img class="d-block-m" src="img/samsung-x2-sec1-img1-2-m.jpg" alt="Front view of the Galaxy Gear Sport. The rounded circular bezel has small cog-like bumps around the edges. The center circular display has a graphic of a circular ring that displays heart rate and incline."> </figure> <p class="blind">2017 Gear Sport</p> </li> <li class="sticky-item item3"> <figure class="motion slide-in-up" motion-pos="0.5"> <img class="d-block-pc" src="img/samsung-x2-sec1-img1-3.jpg" alt="Front view of the Galaxy Watch Ultra with the orange strap (marine band). The four corners are rounded and curved (a new sculptural design for the Ultra Watch called a cushion), and within the circular border are twelve graduations of orange dots aligned with the hour positions. The hands on the inner watch face point to the eight o'clock position, and the second hand with orange dots is at six o'clock."> <img class="d-block-m" src="img/samsung-x2-sec1-img1-3-m.jpg" alt="Front view of the Galaxy Watch Ultra with the orange strap (marine band). The four corners are rounded and curved (a new sculptural design for the Ultra Watch called a cushion), and within the circular border are twelve graduations of orange dots aligned with the hour positions. The hands on the inner watch face point to the eight o'clock position, and the second hand with orange dots is at six o'clock."> </figure> <p class="blind">2024 Galaxy Watch Ultra</p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <ul class="rn2022-mt-150"> <li class="text-wrap rn2022-ml-1-col rn2022-cols-4 motion slide-in-up" motion-pos="0.5"> <h4 class="rn2022-txt-tit-bold-shp">New Shape, New Impression</h4> <p class="rn2022-txt-small-en rn2022-mt-20 rn2022-mt-30-mob-only">Galaxy Watch Ultra has evolved with a new cushion design, reimagining the history of the Galaxy Watch. Retaining its original circular identity, the combination of the circular bezel and expanded cushion-shaped body allows for high-performance hardware specifications. It’s optimized for outdoor performance yet wrapped in a sophisticated design.</p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cols-container"> <div class="content-3"> <div class="rn2022-mt-200"> <div class="rn2022-cols-2 rn2022-ml-1-col img-area motion fade-in" motion-pos="0.6"> <figure class=""> <img class="motion zoom-in" motion-pos="0.7" src="img/samsung-x2-sec1-img3-1.jpg" alt="A circular border sits on top of a Galaxy Watch Ultra the cushion sculpture with four curved angles. The image is angled slightly below eye level, making the circular border appear oval. Notice the orange scale on the circular border and the orange quick buttons on the right side."> </figure> </div> <div class="rn2022-cols-2 rn2022-mt-20 rn2022-mt-100-mob-only"> <h4 class="rn2022-txt-tit-bold-shp motion slide-in-left" motion-pos="0.7">Embracing the Heritage of the Circle Bezel</h4> <p class="rn2022-txt-small-en rn2022-mt-20 rn2022-mt-30-mob-only motion slide-in-up" motion-pos="0.7">Galaxy Watch Ultra also features the circle bezel, the signature design element of Galaxy Watch and a key part of the Galaxy Watch identity. This detail doubles up as a way of protecting the display when outdoors.</p> </div> </div> <div class="rn2022-mt-200"> <div class="rn2022-cols-2 rn2022-ml-1-col img-area d-block-m motion fade-in" motion-pos="0.7"> <figure class=""> <img class="motion zoom-in" motion-pos="0.7" src="img/samsung-x2-sec1-img3-2.jpg" alt="The quick button area on the right side of the Galaxy Watch Ultra has been enlarged. A gray circular shape with a slightly smaller diameter has been added to the orange button. "> </figure> </div> <div class="rn2022-cols-2 rn2022-ml-1-col rn2022-mt-20 rn2022-mt-100-mob-only"> <h4 class="rn2022-txt-tit-bold-shp motion slide-in-right" motion-pos="0.7">Customizable Quick Button</h4> <p class="rn2022-txt-small-en rn2022-mt-20 rn2022-mt-30-mob-only motion slide-in-up" motion-pos="0.7">The Quick Button, designed for quick and easy use in various outdoor environments, is a new functional design element added to Galaxy Watch Ultra. It’s extremely practical and easy to control—users can select a workout then start, stop, and pause it all with one button.</p> </div> <div class="rn2022-cols-2 img-area d-block-pc motion fade-in" motion-pos="0.7"> <figure class="d-block-pc"> <img class="motion zoom-in" motion-pos="0.7" src="img/samsung-x2-sec1-img3-2.jpg" alt="The quick button area on the right side of the Galaxy Watch Ultra has been enlarged. A gray circular shape with a slightly smaller diameter has been added to the orange button."> </figure> </div> </div> <div class="rn2022-mt-200"> <div class="rn2022-cols-2 rn2022-ml-1-col img-area motion fade-in" motion-pos="0.6"> <figure class=""> <video class="video motion zoom-in" motion-pos="0.5" muted playsinline poster="img/samsung-x2-sec1-img3-3.jpg" aria-label="The Galaxy Watch Ultra body has a groove at the bottom of the rim where the band snaps into place. On the back of the body where the groove is located, there is a small button for fastening."> <source type="video/mp4" src="video/samsung-x2-sec1-video3-3.mp4"> </video> </figure> </div> <div class="rn2022-cols-2 rn2022-mt-20 rn2022-mt-100-mob-only"> <h4 class="rn2022-txt-tit-bold-shp motion slide-in-left" motion-pos="0.7">Easy Fasten, Comfy Fit</h4> <p class="rn2022-txt-small-en rn2022-mt-20 rn2022-mt-30-mob-only motion slide-in-up" motion-pos="0.7">The fastening structure has also been updated. The Dynamic Lug System, in which the band is fastened inside the body, fits closer to the wrist for enhanced comfort and makes it easier to change bands for maximum user comfort.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cols-container rn2022-mt-200 rn2022-mt-300-mob-only"> <div class="content-4"> <div class="watch-wrap motion fade-in" motion-pos="0.5"> <figure class=""> <img class="" src="img/samsung-x2-sec1-img4-2.jpg" alt="A row of Galaxy Watch Ultra with bands (straps) connected and stretched out on either side. In order, they are the orange Marine Band, the white PeakForm Band, and the Dark gray Trail Band. Unlike the other bands, which have two separate buckles, the Trail Band is connected by a single buckle called the Easy Buckle, which connects the bands together on the right side, rather than on either side."/> </figure> <figure> <img class="" src="img/samsung-x2-sec1-img4-1.jpg" alt=""/> </figure> <figure> <img class="" src="img/samsung-x2-sec1-img4-3.jpg" alt=""/> </figure> </div> <div class="text-wrap rn2022-cols-4 rn2022-ml-1-col rn2022-mt-150 motion slide-in-up" motion-pos="0.5"> <h4 class="rn2022-txt-tit-bold-shp">Tailored for Outdoor</h4> <p class="rn2022-txt-small-en rn2022-mt-20 rn2022-mt-30-mob-only">The Galaxy Watch Ultra band has been redesigned for a variety of outdoor and sports environments. The standard Marine band optimizes water drainage, making it suitable for underwater sports. The PeakForm band uses a hybrid type of fabric and HNBR (Hydrogenated Nitrile Butadiene Rubber), making it comfortable for outdoor activities and everyday use. Finally, the Trail band features an easy-fastening buckle system and lightweight fabric material to enhance usability, allowing stable use even in extreme conditions. <small class="rn2022-mt-20 rn2022-mt-30-mob-only"> * The product’s color, size, and model may differ based on country or region. </small> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cols-container rn2022-mt-300"> <div class="content-5"> <div class="img-area"> <figure class="rn2022-cols-3 motion slide-in-right" motion-pos="0.5"> <img class="d-block-pc" src="img/samsung-x2-sec1-img5-1.jpg" alt="An image of eight watch faces, four of each, with the Ultra Analog watch face on the left and the Simple Ultra watch face on the right. The Ultra Analog watch faces have a gray, green, black, and dark brown background color. The scale and numerals are each point color being dark gray, white, light blue, red accents. Simple Ultra has a dark gray, blue, orange, and black background with white accents, and the black background is accented with fluorescent lime green."/> <img class="d-block-m" src="img/samsung-x2-sec1-img5-1-m.jpg" alt="An image of eight watch faces, four of each, with the Ultra Analog watch face on the left and the Simple Ultra watch face on the right. The Ultra Analog watch faces have a gray, green, black, and dark brown background color. The scale and numerals are each point color being dark gray, white, light blue, red accents. Simple Ultra has a dark gray, blue, orange, and black background with white accents, and the black background is accented with fluorescent lime green."/> <figcaption class="rn2022-txt-small-bold-shp rn2022-mt-40">Ultra Analog</figcaption> </figure> <figure class="rn2022-cols-3 rn2022-mt-80-mob-only motion slide-in-left" motion-pos="0.5"> <img class="d-block-pc" src="img/samsung-x2-sec1-img5-2.jpg" alt=""/> <img class="d-block-m" src="img/samsung-x2-sec1-img5-2-m.jpg" alt=""/> <figcaption class="rn2022-txt-small-bold-shp rn2022-mt-40">Simple Ultra</figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="text-wrap rn2022-cols-4 rn2022-ml-1-col rn2022-mt-80 motion slide-in-up" motion-pos="0.5"> <h4 class="rn2022-txt-tit-bold-shp">Exclusive Watch Faces</h4> <p class="rn2022-txt-small-en rn2022-mt-20 rn2022-mt-30-mob-only">Galaxy Watch Ultra is completed by watch face designs that achieve perfect harmony with geometric design. The first is the Ultra Analog, showcasing high-performance capabilities with up to 9 complications, like heart rate and step count. These can be optimized to align with the user’s workout patterns, thereby more effectively assisting in achieving fitness goals. The second is the Simple Ultra which maintains a classic look while focusing on the essence of luxury watches, in line with modern tastes and lifestyles. Express your individual style with the right watch face for the right occasion. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cols-container rn2022-mt-300 preview"> <article class="content-6 motion slide-in-up" motion-pos="0.5"> <img src="img/samsung-x2-sec1-6-poster.jpg" alt="Design film footage of the Galaxy Watch Ultra."/> <div class="btn-wrap"> <button class="d-block-pc btn-play btn-play-pc"> <span class="blind">play</span> </button> <button class="d-block-m btn-play btn-play-mo"> <span class="blind">play</span> </button> </div> </article> </div> </section> <!-- outro --> <section class="section-outro rn2022-mt-300"> <div class="cols-container"> <div class="img-wrap motion fade-in" motion-pos="0.5"> <figure class="motion test-transition d-block-pc" motion-pos="0.5"> <img src="img/samsung-x2-outro.jpg" alt="Three Galaxy Watch Ultra locations with marine straps attached. From left to right, white, orange, and dark gray." /> </figure> <figure class="motion test-transition d-block-m" motion-pos="0.5"> <img src="img/samsung-x2-outro-m.jpg" alt="Three Galaxy Watch Ultra locations with marine straps attached. From left to right, white, orange, and dark gray." /> </figure> </div> <div class="txt-holder rn2022-cols-2 rn2022-ml-2-col"> <p class="slide-in-up rn2022-txt-big motion" motion-pos="0.5"> Galaxy Watch Ultra sets a new standard for outdoor activities, as a smartwatch achieving a blend of design and function. Users will enjoy more comfortable activities with Galaxy Watch Ultra anytime, anywhere. Going beyond a smart watch, look forward to Galaxy Watch Ultra as a companion for your outdoor life. </p> <a href="" class="link motion slide-in-up rn2022-txt-big-shp rn2022-mt-50" motion-pos="0.5" target="_blank"></a> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Share --> <div class="share-btn-container rn2022-mt-150 no-link"></div> <!-- Related Stories --> <div class="related-stories-wrap"></div> <!-- video popup :s --> <div class="video-popup"> <a href="#" class="btn-close"><span>close</span></a> </div> <!-- video popup :e --> <!--FOOTER 공통 :s--> <div class="footer_wrap"></div> <!--FOOTER 공통 :e--> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../assets/js/common/header.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../assets/js/common/footer.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../assets/rn_2022/js/common/related_stories.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../assets/rn_2022/js/common/share_btn.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/motion.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/page.js"></script> <!-- Google Analytics --> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="../../js/google_code_eng.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> googlePageTagging( 'OURSTORIES:galaxy-watch-ultra' ); </script> <!-- SiteCatalyst code version: H.24. 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