Article 6

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Except in specified cases (<a href="pages/main/art_8.html#Art8.1">Art. 8.1</a>, <a href="pages/main/art_9.html#Art9.4">9.4(a)</a>, <a href="pages/main/art_9.html#Art9.22">9.22</a>, <a href="pages/main/art_9.html#Rec9A.3">Rec. 9A.3</a>, and <a href="pages/main/art_40.html#Art40.7">Art. 40.7</a>), text and illustrations<span style="font-size:7.33pt; "><sup>1</sup></span> must be effectively published to be taken into account for the purposes of this <em>Code</em>. </p> <p class="Footnote"> [footnote]<span style="font-size:6pt; "><sup>1</sup></span> Here and elsewhere in this <em>Code,</em> the term “illustration” designates a work of art or a photograph depicting a feature or features of an organism, e.g. a drawing, a picture of a herbarium specimen, or a scanning electron micrograph. </p> <p class="Article" id="Art6.2"> <strong><em>6.2.</em></strong> Valid publication of names is publication in accordance with the relevant provisions of <a href="pages/main/art_32.html">Art. 32</a>–<a href="pages/main/art_45.html">45</a>, <a href="pages/main/art_f4.html">F.4</a>, <a href="pages/main/art_f5.html#artF.5.1">F.5.1</a>, <a href="pages/main/art_f5.html#artF.5.2">F.5.2</a>, and <a href="pages/main/art_h9.html">H.9</a> (see also <a href="pages/main/art_61.html">Art. 61</a>). </p> <p class="Note"> <strong><em>Note</em></strong><strong><em>&#xa0;</em></strong><strong><em>1.</em></strong> For nomenclatural purposes, valid publication creates a name, and sometimes also an autonym (<a href="pages/main/art_22.html#Art22.1">Art. 22.1 </a>and <a href="pages/main/art_26.html#Art26.1">26.1</a>), but does not itself imply any taxonomic circumscription beyond inclusion of the type of the name (<a href="pages/main/art_7.html#Art7.1">Art. 7.1</a>). </p> <p class="Article" id="Art6.3"> <strong><em>6.3.</em></strong> In this <em>Code,</em> unless otherwise indicated, the word “name” means a name that has been validly published, whether it is legitimate or illegitimate (see <a href="pages/main/art_12.html">Art. 12</a>; but see <a href="pages/main/art_14.html#Art14.9">Art. 14.9 </a>and <a href="pages/main/art_14.html#Art14.14">14.14</a>). </p> <p class="Note"> <strong><em>Note</em></strong><strong><em>&#xa0;</em></strong><strong><em>2.</em></strong> When the same name, based on the same type, has been published independently at different times, perhaps by different authors, then only the earliest of these “isonyms” has nomenclatural status. The name is always to be cited from its original place of valid publication, and later isonyms may be disregarded (but see <a href="pages/main/art_14.html#Art14.14">Art. 14.14</a>). </p> <p class="Example"> <strong><em>Ex.</em></strong><strong><em>&#xa0;</em></strong><strong><em>1.</em></strong> Baker (Summary New Ferns: 9. 1892) and Christensen (Index Filic.: 44. 1905) independently published the name <em>Alsophila kalbreyeri</em> as a replacement for <em>A.</em><em>&#xa0;</em><em>podophylla</em> Baker (in J. Bot. 19: 202. 1881) non Hook. (in Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 9: 334. 1857). As published by Christensen,<em> A.</em><em>&#xa0;</em><em>kalbreyeri</em> is a later isonym of <em>A.</em><em>&#xa0;</em><em>kalbreyeri</em> Baker without nomenclatural status (see also <a href="pages/main/art_41.html">Art. 41 Ex. 24</a>). </p> <p class="Example"> <strong><em>Ex.</em></strong><strong><em>&#xa0;</em></strong><strong><em>2.</em></strong> In publishing “<em>Canarium pimela</em> Leenh. nom. nov.”, Leenhouts (in Blumea 9: 406. 1959) re-used the illegitimate <em>C.</em><em>&#xa0;</em><em>pimela</em> K.&#xa0;D.&#xa0;Koenig (in Ann. Bot. (König &amp; Sims) 1: 361. 1805), attributing it to himself and basing it on the same type. He thereby created a later isonym without nomenclatural status. </p> <p class="Example"> <strong><em>Ex.</em></strong><strong><em>&#xa0;</em></strong><strong><em>3.</em></strong> The name <em>Dalbergia brownei</em> (Jacq.) Schinz (in Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 731. 1898) was nomenclaturally superfluous when published because Schinz cited the legitimate name <em>Hedysarum ecastaphyllum</em> L. (Syst. Nat., ed. 10: 1169. 1759) as a synonym. Because <em>D. brownei</em> has a basionym (<em>Amerimnon brownei</em> Jacq.), it is nevertheless legitimate (<a href="pages/main/art_52.html#Art52.4">Art. 52.4</a>). On excluding <em>H. ecastaphyllum,</em> Urban (Symb. Antill. 4: 295. 1905) published “<em>D. Brownei </em>Urb.” as a replacement name. This is a later isonym that has no nomenclatural status. </p> <p class="Article" id="Art6.4"> <strong><em>6.4.</em></strong> An illegitimate name is one that is designated as such in <a href="pages/main/art_18.html#Art18.3">Art. 18.3</a>, <a href="pages/main/art_19.html#Art19.6">19.6</a>, <a href="pages/main/art_52.html">52</a>–<a href="pages/main/art_54.html">54</a>, <a href="pages/main/art_f3.html#artF.3.3">F.3.3</a>, or <a href="pages/main/art_f6.html#artF.6.1">F.6.1</a> (see also <a href="pages/main/art_21.html">Art. 21 Note 1 </a>and <a href="pages/main/art_24.html">Art. 24 Note 2</a>). A name that according to this <em>Code</em> was illegitimate when published cannot become legitimate later unless <a href="pages/main/art_18.html#Art18.3">Art. 18.3 </a>or <a href="pages/main/art_19.html#Art19.6">19.6</a> so provide; unless it is conserved (<a href="pages/main/art_14.html">Art. 14</a>), protected (<a href="pages/main/art_f2.html">Art. F.2</a>), or sanctioned (<a href="pages/main/art_f3.html">Art. F.3</a>); or unless the name is superfluous under <a href="pages/main/art_52.html">Art. 52</a> and its intended basionym is conserved or protected. </p> <p class="Example"> <strong><em>Ex.</em></strong><strong><em>&#xa0;</em></strong><strong><em>4.</em></strong> <em>Skeletonemopsis</em> P.&#xa0;A.&#xa0;Sims (in Diatom Res. 9: 389. 1995) was illegitimate when published because it included the original type of <em>Skeletonema</em> Grev. (in Trans. Microscop. Soc. London, n.s., 13: 43. 1865). When <em>Skeletonema</em> was conserved with a different type, <em>Skeletonemopsis</em> nevertheless remained illegitimate and had to be conserved in order to be available for use (see <a href = "" target="_blank">App. III</a>). </p> <p class="Article" id="Art6.5"> <strong><em>6.5.</em></strong> A legitimate name is one that is in accordance with the rules, i.e. one that is not illegitimate as defined in <a href="pages/main/art_6.html#Art6.4">Art. 6.4</a>. </p> <p class="Article" id="Art6.6"> <strong><em>6.6.</em></strong> At the rank of family or below, the correct name of a taxon with a particular circumscription, position, and rank is the legitimate name that must be adopted for it under the rules (see <a href="pages/main/art_11.html">Art. 11</a>). </p> <p class="Example"> <strong><em>Ex.</em></strong><strong><em>&#xa0;</em></strong><strong><em>5.</em></strong> The generic name <em>Vexillifera</em> Ducke (in Arch. Jard. Bot. Rio de Janeiro 3: 140. 1922), based on the single species <em>V.</em><em>&#xa0;</em><em>micranthera</em> Ducke, is legitimate. The same is true of the generic name <em>Dussia</em> Krug &amp; Urb. ex Taub. (in Engler &amp; Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 3(3): 193. 1892), based on the single species <em>D.</em><em>&#xa0;</em><em>martinicensis</em> Krug &amp; Urb. ex Taub<em>.</em> Both generic names are correct when the genera are thought to be separate. Harms (in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 19: 291. 1924), however, united <em>Vexillifera</em> and <em>Dussia</em> in a single genus; the latter is the correct name for the genus with that particular circumscription. The legitimate name <em>Vexillifera</em> may therefore be correct or incorrect according to different taxonomic concepts. </p> <p class="Article" id="Art6.7"> <strong><em>6.7.</em></strong> The name of a taxon below the rank of genus, consisting of the name of a genus combined with one or two epithets, is termed a combination (see <a href="pages/main/art_21.html">Art. 21</a>, <a href="pages/main/art_23.html">23</a>, and <a href="pages/main/art_24.html">24</a>). </p> <p class="Example"> <strong><em>Ex.</em></strong><strong><em>&#xa0;</em></strong><strong><em>6.</em></strong> Combinations: <em>Mouriri</em> subg. <em>Pericrene</em> Morley (in Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 26: 280. 1953), <em>Arytera</em> sect. <em>Mischarytera</em> Radlk. (in Engler, Pflanzenr. IV. 165 (Heft 98f): 1271. 1933), <em>Gentiana lutea</em> L. (Sp. Pl.: 227. 1753), <em>Gentiana tenella</em> var. <em>occidentalis</em> J. Rousseau &amp; Raymond (in Naturaliste Canad. 79(2): 77. 1952), <em>Equisetum palustre</em> var. <em>americanum</em> Vict. (in Contr. Lab. Bot. Univ. Montréal 9: 51. 1927), <em>Equisetum palustre</em> f. <em>fluitans</em> Vict. (l.c.: 60. 1927). </p> <p class="Article" id="Art6.8"> <strong><em>6.8.</em></strong> Autonyms are names that are established automatically under <a href="pages/main/art_22.html#Art22.3">Art. 22.3 </a>and <a href="pages/main/art_26.html#Art26.3">26.3</a>, whether or not they actually appear in the publication in which they are created (see <a href="pages/main/art_32.html#Art32.3">Art. 32.3</a>, <a href="pages/main/art_22.html#Rec22B.1">Rec. 22B.1 </a>and <a href="pages/main/art_26.html#Rec26B.1">26B.1</a>). </p> <p class="Article" id="Art6.9"> <strong><em>6.9.</em></strong> The name of a new taxon (e.g. genus novum, gen. nov., species nova, sp. nov.) is a name validly published in its own right, i.e. one not based on a previously validly published name; it is not a new combination, a name at new rank, or a replacement name. </p> <p class="Example"> <strong><em>Ex.</em></strong><strong><em>&#xa0;</em></strong><strong><em>7.</em></strong> <em>Cannaceae</em> Juss. (Gen. Pl.: 62. 1789), <em>Canna</em> L. (Sp. Pl.: 1. 1753), <em>Canna indica</em> L. (l.c. 1753), <em>Heterotrichum pulchellum</em> Fisch. (in Mém. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 3: 71. 1812), <em>Poa sibirica</em> Roshev. (in Izv. Imp. S.-Peterburgsk. Bot. Sada 12: 121. 1912), <em>Solanum umtuma</em> Voronts. &amp; S.&#xa0;Knapp (in PhytoKeys 8: 4. 2012). </p> <p class="Article" id="Art6.10"> <strong><em>6.10.</em></strong> A new combination (combinatio nova, comb. nov.) or name at new rank (status novus, stat. nov.) is a new name based on a legitimate, previously published name, which is its basionym. The basionym does not itself have a basionym; it<strong> </strong>provides the final epithet<span style="font-size:7.33pt; "><sup>1</sup></span>, name, or stem of the new combination or name at new rank. (See also <a href="pages/main/art_41.html#Art41.2">Art. 41.2</a>). </p> <p class="Footnote"> [footnote]<span style="font-size:6pt; "><sup>1</sup></span> Here and elsewhere in this <em>Code,</em> the phrase “final epithet” refers to the last epithet in sequence in any particular name, whether of a subdivision of a genus, a species, or an infraspecific taxon. </p> <p class="Example"> <strong><em>Ex.</em></strong><strong><em>&#xa0;</em></strong><strong><em>8.</em></strong> The basionym of <em>Centaurea benedicta</em> (L.) L. (Sp. Pl., ed. 2: 1296. 1763) is <em>Cnicus benedictus</em> L. (Sp. Pl.: 826. 1753), the name that provides the epithet. </p> <p class="Example"> <strong><em>Ex.</em></strong><strong><em>&#xa0;</em></strong><strong><em>9.</em></strong> The basionym of <em>Crupina</em> (Pers.) DC. (in Ann. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. 16: 157. 1810) is <em>Centaurea</em> subg. <em>Crupina</em> Pers. (Syn. Pl. 2: 488. 1807), the epithet of which name provides the generic name; it is not <em>Centaurea crupina </em>L. (Sp. Pl.: 909. 1753) (see <a href="pages/main/art_41.html#Art41.2">Art. 41.2(b)</a>). </p> <p class="Example"> <strong><em>Ex.</em></strong><strong><em>&#xa0;</em></strong><strong><em>10.</em></strong> The basionym of <em>Anthemis</em> subg. <em>Ammanthus</em> (Boiss. &amp; Heldr.) R.&#xa0;Fern. (in Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 70: 16. 1975) is <em>Ammanthus</em> Boiss. &amp; Heldr. (in Boissier, Diagn. Pl. Orient., ser. 1, 11: 18. 1849), the name that provides the epithet. </p> <p class="Example"> <strong><em>Ex.</em></strong><strong><em>&#xa0;</em></strong><strong><em>11.</em></strong> The basionym of <em>Ricinocarpaceae</em> Hurus. (in J.&#xa0;Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Sect. 3, Bot. 6: 224. 1954) is <em>Ricinocarpeae</em> Müll. Arg. (in Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 22: 324. 1864), but not <em>Ricinocarpos</em> Desf. (in Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat. 3: 459. 1817) (see <a href="pages/main/art_41.html#Art41.2">Art. 41.2(a)</a>; see also <a href="pages/main/art_49.html#Art49.2">Art. 49.2</a>), from which the names of both family and tribe are formed. </p> <p class="Note"> <strong><em>Note</em></strong><strong><em>&#xa0;</em></strong><strong><em>3.</em></strong> A descriptive name (<a href="pages/main/art_16.html#Art16.1">Art. 16.1(b)</a>) used at a rank different from that at which it was first validly published is not a name at new rank because descriptive names may be used unchanged at different ranks. </p> <p class="Note"> <strong><em>Note</em></strong><strong><em>&#xa0;</em></strong><strong><em>4.</em></strong> The phrase “nomenclatural novelty”, as used in this <em>Code,</em> refers to any or all of the categories: name of a new taxon, new combination, name at new rank, and replacement name. </p> <p class="Note"> <strong><em>Note</em></strong><strong><em>&#xa0;</em></strong><strong><em>5.</em></strong> A new combination can at the same time be a name at new rank (comb. &amp; stat. nov.); a nomenclatural novelty with a basionym need not be either of these. </p> <p class="Example"> <strong><em>Ex.</em></strong><strong><em>&#xa0;</em></strong><strong><em>12.</em></strong> <em>Aloe vera</em> (L.) Burm. f. (Fl. Indica: 83. 1768), based on <em>A.</em><em>&#xa0;</em><em>perfoliata</em> var. <em>vera</em> L. (Sp. Pl.: 320. 1753), is both a new combination and a name at new rank. </p> <p class="Example"> <strong><em>Ex.</em></strong><strong><em>&#xa0;</em></strong><strong><em>13.</em></strong> <em>Centaurea jacea </em>subsp. <em>weldeniana </em>(Rchb.) Greuter, “comb. in stat. nov.” (in Willdenowia 33: 55. 2003), based on <em>C.</em><em>&#xa0;</em><em>weldeniana </em>Rchb. (Fl. Germ. Excurs.: 213. 1831), was not a new combination because <em>C.</em><em>&#xa0;</em><em>jacea </em>var. <em>weldeniana </em>(Rchb.) Briq. (Monogr. Centaurées Alpes Marit.: 69. 1902) had been published previously; nor was it a name at new rank, due to the existence of <em>C.</em><em>&#xa0;</em><em>amara </em>subsp. <em>weldeniana </em>(Rchb.) Kušan (in Prir. Istraž. Kral. Jugoslavije 20: 29. 1936); it was nevertheless a nomenclatural novelty. </p> <p class="Article" id="Art6.11"> <strong><em>6.11.</em></strong> A replacement name (nomen novum, nom. nov.) is a new name published as an explicit substitute (avowed substitute) for<strong> </strong>a legitimate or illegitimate, previously published name, which is its replaced synonym. The replaced synonym, when legitimate, does not provide the final epithet, name, or stem of the replacement name (see also <a href="pages/main/art_41.html#Art41.2">Art. 41.2 </a>and <a href="pages/main/art_58.html#Art58.1">58.1</a>). </p> <p class="Example"> <strong><em>Ex.</em></strong><strong><em>&#xa0;</em></strong><strong><em>14.</em></strong> Gussone (Fl. Sicul. Syn. 2: 468. 1844) described plants from the Eolie Islands near Sicily under the name <em>Helichrysum litoreum</em> Guss., citing in synonymy <em>Gnaphalium angustifolium</em> Lam. (Encycl. 2: 746. 1788), but without indication that the existing<em> H. angustifolium</em> (Lam.) DC. (in Candolle &amp; Lamarck, Fl. Franç., ed. 3, 6: 467. 1815) was an illegitimate later homonym of <em>H. angustifolium</em> Pers. (in Syn. Pl. 2: 415. 1807) that needed replacement. At the end of the protologue, Gussone wrote: “nomen mutavi confusionis vitendi gratia [I changed the name to avoid confusion]”. This makes explicit Gussone’s intent to propose <em>H. litoreum</em> as a replacement name based on the type of <em>G. angustifolium</em> (from Posillipo near Naples), not on the material he described and cited in the protologue. </p> <p class="Example"> <strong><em>Ex.</em></strong><strong><em>&#xa0;</em></strong><strong><em>15.</em></strong> <em>Mycena coccineoides </em>Grgur. (in Fungal Diversity Res. Ser. 9: 287. 2003) was published as an explicit substitute (“nom. nov.”) for <em>Omphalina coccinea </em>Murrill (in Britton, N. Amer. Fl. 9: 350. 1916) because <em>M. coccinea</em> (Murrill) Singer (in Sydowia 15: 65. 1962) is an illegitimate later homonym of <em>M. coccinea</em> (Sowerby) Quél. (in Bull. Soc. Amis Sci. Nat. Rouen, ser. 2, 15: 155. 1880). </p> <p class="Example"> <strong><em>Ex.</em></strong><strong><em>&#xa0;</em></strong><strong><em>16.</em></strong> <em>Centaurea chartolepis</em> Greuter (in Willdenowia 33: 54. 2003) was published as an explicit substitute (“nom. nov.”) for the legitimate name <em>Chartolepis intermedia</em> Boiss. (Diagn. Pl. Orient., ser. 2, 3: 64. 1856) because the epithet <em>intermedia</em> was unavailable in <em>Centaurea</em> due to<em> Centaurea intermedia</em> Mutel (in Rev. Bot. Recueil Mens. 1: 400. 1846). </p> <p class="Article" id="Art6.12"> <strong><em>6.12.</em></strong> A name not explicitly proposed as a substitute for an earlier name is nevertheless a replacement name either <em>(a) </em>if it is validated solely by reference to that earlier name or <em>(b) </em>under the provisions of <a href="pages/main/art_7.html#Art7.5">Art. 7.5</a>. </p> <p class="Article" id="Art6.13"> <strong><em>6.13.</em></strong> A name not explicitly proposed as a substitute for an earlier name and not covered by <a href="pages/main/art_6.html#Art6.12">Art. 6.12</a> may be treated either as a replacement name or as the name of a new taxon if in the protologue<span style="font-size:7.33pt; "><sup>1</sup></span> both <em>(a)</em> a potential replaced synonym is cited and <em>(b)</em> all requirements for valid publication of the name of a new taxon are independently met. Decision on the status of such a name is to be based on predominant usage and is to be effected by means of appropriate type designation (<a href="pages/main/art_9.html">Art. 9 </a>and <a href="pages/main/art_10.html">10</a>). </p> <p class="Footnote"> [footnote]<span style="font-size:6pt; "><sup>1</sup></span> Protologue (from Greek πρώτος, protos, first; λόγος, logos, discourse): everything associated with a name at its valid publication, e.g. description, diagnosis, illustrations, references, synonymy, geographical data, citation of specimens, discussion, and comments. </p> <p class="Example"> <strong><em>Ex.</em></strong><strong><em>&#xa0;</em></strong><strong><em>17.</em></strong> When describing <em>Astragalus penduliflorus</em> Lam. (Fl. Franç. 2: 636. 1779) using material from the French Alps, Lamarck also cited in synonymy <em>Phaca alpina</em> L. (Sp. Pl.: 755. 1753) [non <em>Astragalus alpinus</em> L., Sp. Pl.: 760. 1753], described from Siberia. It is questionable whether Linnaeus’s and Lamarck’s plants belong to the same species. Greuter (in Candollea 23: 265. 1969) designated different types for the two names, so that, in conformity with predominant usage, <em>A. penduliflorus</em> is treated as the name of a new, European species. </p> <p class="Article" id="Art6.14"> <strong><em>6.14.</em></strong> A factually incorrect statement of a name’s status, as defined in <a href="pages/main/art_6.html#Art6.9">Art. 6.9</a>–<a href="pages/main/art_6.html#Art6.11">6.11</a>, does not preclude valid publication of that name with a different status; it is treated as a correctable error (see also <a href="pages/main/art_41.html#Art41.4">Art. 41.4 </a>and <a href="pages/main/art_41.html#Art41.8">41.8</a>). </p> <p class="Example"> <strong><em>Ex.</em></strong><strong><em>&#xa0;</em></strong><strong><em>18.</em></strong> <em>Racosperma nelsonii</em> was published by Pedley (in Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 92: 249. 1986) as a new combination (“comb. nova”) citing <em>Acacia nelsonii</em> Maslin (in J. Adelaide Bot. Gard. 2: 314. 1980) as “basionym”. However, <em>A. nelsonii</em> Maslin is illegitimate under <a href="pages/main/art_53.html#Art53.1">Art. 53.1</a> because it is a later homonym of <em>A. nelsonii</em> Saff. (in J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 4: 363. 1914). <em>Racosperma nelsonii</em> Pedley is therefore validly published as a replacement name (<a href="pages/main/art_6.html#Art6.11">Art. 6.11</a>), with <em>A. nelsonii</em> Maslin its replaced synonym, and Pedley’s statement is treated as a correctable error. </p> <div id="button-previousnextbottom"></div> </div> </div><script src=""></script><script src=""></script><script src="lib/site.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="highlight.js"></script></body> </html>

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