Clive's Page
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//SoftQuad//DTD HTML 2.0 + extensions for HoTMetaL Light 3.0 19960703//EN" > <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Clive's Page</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY> <H1>Clive's Page</H1> <H4>Last changed: 2020-12-23</H4> <P>This is Clive Feather's home page.</P> <P>It isn't about work, but about my personal interests.</P> <P>Since I'm a busy man, I don't have a lot of time to work on this page, and it isn't the best example of design in the world. However, here are some links to things I've done.</P> <TABLE> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP"> <P><A HREF="books/Bakerloo.html"><IMG SRC="books/Bakerloo_cover_thumbnail.jpg" ALT="" ALIGN="left"> I've written a book!</A> This is my first book, published in October 2020 by Crowood Press. This page is not an electronic copy of the book that you can read for free; if you want the book, you'll have to buy it. Rather, it contains some details of why and how the book was written, various things that I didn't have space to put in the book or were too detailed for the expected reader, a piece I wrote for Modern Railways, and - regrettably - errata. </P><BR> </TD></TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP"> <P><A HREF="rail/culg/"><IMG SRC="images/culg-s.gif" ALT="" ALIGN="left"> Clive's UndergrounD Line Guides</A> - a line-by-line guide to the features and history of London's Underground. As well as being the oldest such system in the world, the Underground remains one of the largest and most complex.</P><BR> </TD></TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP"> <P><A HREF="rail/"><IMG SRC="rail/raillogo.gif" ALT="" ALIGN="left"> More railway material</A>, including links to other sites. This isn't a trainspotters' site. My main interests are in signalling and safety, and this bias is reflected in the contents of the pages. </P><BR> </TD></TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP"> <P><A HREF="psion/"><IMG SRC="images/psion-s.gif" ALT="" ALIGN="left"> Information about the Psion Series 3, 3a, and 3c</A> pocket computers, including <A HREF="psion/psionics/">The Psionics Files</A>, which provide detailed information for those wanting to do more programming than the OPL manual explains. <I>These pages are no longer being maintained and are retained for historical interest only.</I> </P><BR> </TD></TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP"> <P><A HREF="c/"><IMG SRC="images/icon.across.gif" ALT="" ALIGN="left">C</A> - the language and the Standard. For many years I was a member of the UK panel on C, and took an active part in the development of the 1999 C Standard ("C99"). To this end, I made a number of proposals and wrote a number of other papers. </P><BR> </TD></TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP"> <P><A HREF="phones/"><IMG SRC="images/icon.across.gif" ALT="" ALIGN="LEFT"> Telephones</A> - information about telephones, telephone numbers, and call charging. </P><BR></TD></TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP"> <P><A HREF="presentations/"><IMG SRC="images/icon.across.gif" ALT="" ALIGN="LEFT"> Presentations</A> that I have given. </P><BR></TD></TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP"> <P><A HREF="homeoffice/"><IMG SRC="images/homeoffice-s.gif" ALT="" ALIGN="LEFT"> Notes from a meeting at the Home Office</A> on 1996-01-19 to discuss the issues of regulating "adult material" on the Internet. While the meeting itself reached little or no conclusions, it was the start of quite a lot of activity culminating in the formation of the <A HREF="">Internet Watch Foundation</A>. </P><BR></TD></TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP"> <P><A HREF="llm/"><IMG SRC="images/icon.across.gif" ALT="" ALIGN="left"> My LL.M. essays</A> - the essays and dissertation I wrote between 2007 and 2009 while taking an LL.M. at the University of Edinburgh. </P><BR></TD></TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP"> <P><A HREF="legal/"><IMG SRC="images/icon.across.gif" ALT="" ALIGN="left"> Legal issues</A>, such as the <A HREF="legal/interception.html">interception of email</A>. </P><BR></TD></TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP"> <P><A HREF="romans/"><IMG SRC="images/icon.across.gif" ALT="" ALIGN="left"> The Romans</A> and some oddities about them, such as a <A HREF="romans/legions.html">catalogue of the legions</A>. </P><BR></TD></TR> <TR> <TD> <P><A HREF="science/"><IMG SRC="images/icon.across.gif" ALT="" ALIGN="left">Science and Mathematics</A>; a collection of random articles about things.</P><BR></TD></TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP"> <P><A HREF="Nominet/"><IMG SRC="images/icon.across.gif" ALT="" ALIGN="left"> Nominet and me</A> - Nominet runs the .uk domain space and I had various bits of involvement with it. </P><BR></TD></TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP"> <P><A HREF="misc/"><IMG SRC="images/icon.across.gif" ALT="" ALIGN="left"> Miscellanea</A> that don't deserve their own headings. For example, there is a description of the <A HREF="misc/easter.html">rules for Easter</A>, where they came from, and how to calculate the correct date. </P><BR></TD></TR> <!-- <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP"> <P><A HREF="links.html"><IMG SRC="images/icon.across.gif" ALT="" ALIGN="left"> My useful or interesting links</A>; this page starts with a set of pointers into the main document. I also have <A HREF="olinks.html">a collection of older links</A>. Many of these are probably no longer available; as I get time, they're being merged into the proper links page. </P><BR></TD></TR> --> </TABLE> <HR> <H3>Me</H3> <P>Email from me tends to come from a number of places due to the complexity of my networking arrangements. However, the best place to send mail <I>to</I> me is my home address <A HREF=""><></A>.</P> <P>My <A HREF="pgp.txt">PGP public key block</A> is available. The key can also be found on various public servers, with ID 0xD3159AE1 and fingerprint 07B0 C6FB 06EC 7DA8 549C 8609 BCED 4CD4.</P> <P>A <A HREF="dec-of-interests.html">declaration of interests</A>.</P> <P>And finally there are at least three pages <I>about</I> me. Just click on the pictures:</P> <TABLE WIDTH="100%" ALIGN="CENTER"> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER"><A HREF=""><IMG SRC="images/pressphoto.jpg" ALT="Photo"><BR>(biography on the ICRA site)</A></TD> <TD ALIGN="CENTER"><A HREF=""><IMG SRC="images/usenix95.gif" ALT="Photo"><BR>(page by Jutta Degener)</A></TD> <TD ALIGN="CENTER"><A HREF=""><IMG SRC="images/caricature.gif" ALT="Cartoon"><BR>(page by Mike Bristow)</A></TD></TR></TABLE> <HR> <TABLE ALIGN="CENTER"> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="35%"><A HREF="./"><IMG SRC="images/btn.home.gif" ALT="CDWF" ALIGN="LEFT"></A> This button will always return you to this page.</TD> <TD ALIGN="CENTER" WIDTH="30%"></TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="35%"><A HREF=""><IMG SRC="" ALT="This site is certified 40% EVIL by the Gematriculator" ALIGN="RIGHT" WIDTH="175" HEIGHT="80"></A> (I don't normally do "awards", but I do like this one. I shall have to see about getting a higher score.)</TD></TR></TABLE></BODY></HTML>