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Extra!</a></h2> <a href="" rel="bookmark" class="thumb"><img style="float:left;margin:0px 10px 0px 0px;" src="" alt="Organ competition founded by McGill professor celebrates 10th birthday"/></a> <h3 class="primary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Organ competition founded by McGill professor celebrates 10th birthday</a></h3> <p>The Canadian International Organ Competition which began Friday, Oct. 6, and which wraps up Saturday, Oct. 21, with a gala at Maison Symphonique, brings 20 competitors from 14 countries to Montreal for three rounds of competition. Three organ students at McGill’s Schulich School of Music will perform in the competition founded by Professor Emeritus, John Grew.</p> <a href="" class="b_readmore">Read More →</a> <h3 class="secondary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Alumna and breast-cancer survivor Monica Ruffo takes aim at the supplements market</a></h3> <h3 class="secondary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Desautels Faculty of Management signs onto UN’s PRME initiative</a></h3> <b><a class="more-link" href="" rel="bookmark">Read More Posts From This Section »</a></b> </div><!--//Center Section 1--> <!--Begin Center Section 2--> <!--ARTICLE--> <div class="feature-article"> <!--This is where the thumbnails are found for the featured page - note the custom field name for this image is "thumbnail".--> <h2><a href="">News</a></h2> <a href="" rel="bookmark" class="thumb"><img style="float:left;margin:0px 10px 0px 0px;" src="" alt="McGill signs MOU with leading Japanese research institute"/></a> <h3 class="primary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">McGill signs MOU with leading Japanese research institute</a></h3> <p>On Sept. 26, McGill entered into a formal partnership with Japan’s National Institutes of Physiological Sciences (NIPS) with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The signing, which took place at the Faculty Club, marked McGill’s first such agreement with an Asian partner and the first MOU signed by NIPS with a North American institute.</p> <a href="" class="b_readmore">Read More →</a> <h3 class="secondary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">$12-million gift to transform architecture teaching and research</a></h3> <h3 class="secondary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Cundill History Prize longlist spans the globe</a></h3> <b><a class="more-link" href="" rel="bookmark">Read More Posts From This Section »</a></b> </div><!--//Center Section 2--> <!--Begin Center Section 3--> <!--ARTICLE--> <div class="feature-article"> <!--This is where the thumbnails are found for the featured page - note the custom field name for this image is "thumbnail".--> <h2><a href="">Le French side de McGill</a></h2> <a href="" rel="bookmark" class="thumb"><img style="float:left;margin:0px 10px 0px 0px;" src="" alt="De réflexions et de paroles : le séjour d’Alexis Martin, écrivain en résidence du DLLF de McGill"/></a> <h3 class="primary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">De réflexions et de paroles : le séjour d’Alexis Martin, écrivain en résidence du DLLF de McGill</a></h3> <p>Alexis Martin, écrivain en résidence du Département de langue et littérature françaises de l’Université McGill pour l’année 2016-2017, aurait bien aimé prolonger son expérience. « C’est que là je commençais à trouver mes marques un peu, j’aurais pu aller plus loin, être plus efficace. »</p> <a href="" class="b_readmore">Read More →</a> <h3 class="secondary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Alexis Martin closes chapter on term as writer-in-residence </a></h3> <h3 class="secondary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Études transsystémiques à la faculté de droit : Un œil à gauche, sur le français, un œil à droite sur l’anglais</a></h3> <b><a class="more-link" href="" rel="bookmark">Read More Posts From This Section»</a></b> </div><!--//Center Section 3--> <!--Begin Center Section 4--> <!--ARTICLE--> <div class="feature-article"> <!--This is where the thumbnails are found for the featured page - note the custom field name for this image is "thumbnail".--> <h2><a href="">In Focus</a></h2> <a href="" rel="bookmark" class="thumb"><img style="float:left;margin:0px 10px 0px 0px;" src="" alt="McGill-Notman Partnership celebrates one-year anniversary, dozens of start-ups in the making"/></a> <h3 class="primary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">McGill-Notman Partnership celebrates one-year anniversary, dozens of start-ups in the making</a></h3> <p>One year ago, the McGill Innovation Collective announced the McGill-Notman Partnership, a startup-space pilot at Notman House, the historic building turned startup tech hub in the heart of Montreal’s downtown. Fast forward to now: four distinct cohorts – more than 20 start-up companies – have set up shop in the McGill Room at Notman House during their four-month residencies.</p> <a href="" class="b_readmore">Read More →</a> <h3 class="secondary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Snapshots from around the world and around the corner</a></h3> <h3 class="secondary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Desmond Morton: Historian to be feted for setting “aspirational standard for Canadian Studies”</a></h3> <b><a class="more-link" href="" rel="bookmark">Read More Posts From This Section »</a></b> </div><!--//Center Section 4--> <!--Begin Center Section 5--> <!--ARTICLE--> <div class="feature-article"> <!--This is where the thumbnails are found for the featured page - note the custom field name for this image is "thumbnail".--> <h2><a href="">Point of View</a></h2> <a href="" rel="bookmark" class="thumb"><img style="float:left;margin:0px 10px 0px 0px;" src="" alt="How can immigrant scientists give back to their homelands?"/></a> <h3 class="primary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">How can immigrant scientists give back to their homelands?</a></h3> <p>McGill Director of Global Health Dr. Madhukar Pai made the move from India to Canada to pursue his education and career. Here is his advice for practical ways that scientists from developing nations can give back — and enrich — their home countries.</p> <a href="" class="b_readmore">Read More →</a> <h3 class="secondary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">College versus university? A false dichotomy</a></h3> <h3 class="secondary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Simulation for safer health care</a></h3> <b><a class="more-link" href="" rel="bookmark">Read More Posts From This Section »</a></b> </div><!--//Center Section 5--> <!--Begin Center Section 6--> <!--ARTICLE--> <div class="feature-article"> <!--This is where the thumbnails are found for the featured page - note the custom field name for this image is "thumbnail".--> <h2><a href="">Athletics</a></h2> <a href="" rel="bookmark" class="thumb"><img style="float:left;margin:0px 10px 0px 0px;" src="" alt="Baseball Redmen set record with first-ever perfect season"/></a> <h3 class="primary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Baseball Redmen set record with first-ever perfect season</a></h3> <p>Jack Pantalena tossed a complete game two-hitter and every player in the McGill lineup had at least one hit as the Redmen cruised to a 12-2 conquest over Concordia on Oct. 1, to close out the Canadian Collegiate Baseball Association season with a perfect 16-0 record.</p> <a href="" class="b_readmore">Read More →</a> <h3 class="secondary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">McGill lands international superstar to coach women’s rugby</a></h3> <h3 class="secondary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">McGill Sports Hall of Fame induction class for 2017 announced</a></h3> <b><a class="more-link" href="" rel="bookmark">Read More Posts From This Section »</a></b> </div><!--//Center Section 6--> <!--Begin Center Section 7--> <!--ARTICLE--> <div class="feature-article"> <!--This is where the thumbnails are found for the featured page - note the custom field name for this image is "thumbnail".--> <h2><a href="">Four Burning Questions</a></h2> <a href="" rel="bookmark" class="thumb"><img style="float:left;margin:0px 10px 0px 0px;" src="" alt="Dr. Marla Shapiro C.M. to speak at Trottier Public Science Symposium – “Mind Matters: The Body-Mind Connection”"/></a> <h3 class="primary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Dr. Marla Shapiro C.M. to speak at Trottier Public Science Symposium – “Mind Matters: The Body-Mind Connection”</a></h3> <p>Dr. Marla Shapiro is a Canadian medical doctor, best known as a health journalist for CTV News Channel. She is also one of the keynote speakers at this year’s Trottier Public Science Symposium (Oct. 23 – 24). In advance of her Oct. 23 lecture, Dr. Shapiro spoke about the state of medical education in Canada, alternative medicine practitioners vs physicians, and her own battle with breast cancer. </p> <a href="" class="b_readmore">Read More →</a> <h3 class="secondary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Rachel Harding on demolishing barriers to medical breakthrough</a></h3> <h3 class="secondary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Jatinder Mann on the search for a new national identity</a></h3> <b><a class="more-link" href="" rel="bookmark">Read More Posts From This Section »</a></b> </div><!--//Center Section 7--> </div><!--//POST AREA--> </div><!--//CONTENT RIGHT #column-main--> <div id="column-one"> <div class="postarea"> <!--Begin LHS Section 1--> <!--ARTICLE--> <div class="feature-article"> <h2><a href="">Blog</a></h2> <a href="" rel="bookmark" class="thumb"><img style="float:left;margin:0px 10px 0px 0px;" src="" alt="McGill to honour Canadian trailblazers"/></a> <h3 class="primary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">McGill to honour Canadian trailblazers</a></h3> <p>As part of the Fall 2017 convocation ceremonies, McGill will confer honorary doctorates upon Heather Munroe-Blum and Heather Reisman for their dedication to the advancement of education and literacy.</p> <a href="" class="b_readmore">Read More →</a> <a href="" rel="bookmark" class="thumb"><img style="float:left;margin:0px 10px 0px 0px;" src="" alt="Rain holds off for March of the Umbrellas"/></a> <h3 class="primary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Rain holds off for March of the Umbrellas</a></h3> <p>Umbrellas became sunshades on Wednesday as cheery McGillians sporting red and white umbrellas joined the Montreal Centraide campaign’s annual March of Umbrellas in downtown Montreal.</p> <a href="" class="b_readmore">Read More →</a> <a href="" rel="bookmark" class="thumb"><img style="float:left;margin:0px 10px 0px 0px;" src="" alt="McGill Law ranked 13th worldwide"/></a> <h3 class="primary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">McGill Law ranked 13th worldwide</a></h3> <p>McGill’s Faculty of Law has been ranked among the world’s top universities to study law by the Times Higher Education. A ranking by subject released on Oct. 4, declared McGill the 13th best school to study law worldwide.</p> <a href="" class="b_readmore">Read More →</a> <a href="" rel="bookmark" class="thumb"><img style="float:left;margin:0px 10px 0px 0px;" src="" alt="Take a minute to help make McGill more diverse"/></a> <h3 class="primary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Take a minute to help make McGill more diverse</a></h3> <p>McGill is committed to the view that promoting diversity is a matter of fairness and equity. The information gathered in the new University wide survey will help the McGill better understand who we are as a group, and how we are doing in terms of diversity and inclusion. </p> <a href="" class="b_readmore">Read More →</a> <a href="" rel="bookmark" class="thumb"><img style="float:left;margin:0px 10px 0px 0px;" src="" alt="Twitter challenge brings Law student to the PMO"/></a> <h3 class="primary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Twitter challenge brings Law student to the PMO</a></h3> <p>After tweeting a challenge to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, second-year Law student Breanne Lavallée-Heckert will spend an upcoming day shadowing the PM. It’s part of an initiative by Plan International Canada called #GirlsBelongHere to put girls and young women in the seats of executive boardrooms, press rooms, senates, corner offices and courtrooms, in hopes that they will become the decision-makers of tomorrow. </p> <a href="" class="b_readmore">Read More →</a> <a href="" rel="bookmark" class="thumb"><img style="float:left;margin:0px 10px 0px 0px;" src="" alt="McGill alumna named Canada’s Chief Scientist"/></a> <h3 class="primary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">McGill alumna named Canada’s Chief Scientist</a></h3> <p>Mona Nemer (PhD82), a long-time Vice-President of Research at the University of Ottawa, who earned her PhD in Chemistry at McGill, was named Wednesday, Sept. 27, by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (BA92), as Canada’s new Chief Science Advisor.</p> <a href="" class="b_readmore">Read More →</a> <a href="" rel="bookmark" class="thumb"><img style="float:left;margin:0px 10px 0px 0px;" src="" alt="McGill Olympian Labonté retires from women’s hockey"/></a> <h3 class="primary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">McGill Olympian Labonté retires from women’s hockey</a></h3> <p>Four-time Olympic gold medallist Charline Labonté is retiring from the Canadian Women’s Hockey League. Labonté helped guide the McGill Martlets to three Canadian university hockey championships.</p> <a href="" class="b_readmore">Read More →</a> <a href="" rel="bookmark" class="thumb"><img style="float:left;margin:0px 10px 0px 0px;" src="" alt="Is Artificial Intelligence coming for your job?"/></a> <h3 class="primary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Is Artificial Intelligence coming for your job?</a></h3> <p>Today artificial intelligence, machine learning, and autonomous technology are changing most workplaces and shifting the ground beneath jobs that were once considered stable, with repercussions across all economic sectors. On Oct. 11, Yann LeCun, Director of AI at Facebook will reflect on the future of work and careers in the face of advancing technological capabilities.</p> <a href="" class="b_readmore">Read More →</a> <a href="" rel="bookmark" class="thumb"><img style="float:left;margin:0px 10px 0px 0px;" src="" alt="World’s largest Fair Trade Bake Sale"/></a> <h3 class="primary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">World’s largest Fair Trade Bake Sale</a></h3> <p>Satisfy your sweet tooth while supporting fair trade farmers. McGill is joining forces with other Canadian campuses on Sept. 28, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. to help demand a fair deal for disadvantaged farming communities by holding the world’s largest Fair Trade Bake Sale</p> <a href="" class="b_readmore">Read More →</a> <br> <b><a class="more-link" href="" rel="bookmark">Read More Posts From This Section »</a></b> </div><!--//LHS Section 1--> </div><!--//POST AREA--> </div><!--//CONTENT LEFT #column-one--> </div> <div id="column-two"> <!-- begin sidebar --> <div id="sidebar"> <ul id="sidebarwidgeted"> <li id="text-2" class="widget widget_text"> <div class="textwidget"><a href="//!/McGillReporter" target="_blank"><img src="//" alt="Twitter" style="vertical-align:middle" width="28" height="28" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-14984"></a> <a href="//!/McGillReporter" target="_blank">Follow @McGillReporter</a></div> </li> <li id="categories-3" class="widget widget_categories"><h2 class="widgettitle">Search by section</h2> <label class="screen-reader-text" for="cat">Search by section</label><select name="cat" id="cat" class="postform"> <option value="-1">Select Category</option> <option class="level-0" value="58483">Acfas</option> <option class="level-0" value="7089">Blog</option> <option class="level-0" value="7097">Budget Corner</option> <option class="level-0" value="7098">Campus Scenes</option> <option class="level-0" value="7096">Class relocations</option> <option class="level-0" value="20580">Convocation</option> <option class="level-0" value="105">Green corner</option> <option class="level-0" value="55135">Higher Education</option> <option class="level-0" value="55415">Human Resources</option> <option class="level-0" value="7">In Focus</option> <option class="level-0" value="7101">In the Community</option> <option class="level-1" value="3813"> Canada</option> <option class="level-1" value="58803"> International</option> <option class="level-1" value="3821"> Montreal</option> <option class="level-1" value="58801"> Quebec</option> <option class="level-0" value="3746">In the News</option> <option class="level-1" value="4446"> Extra! 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<ul><li><a class="rsswidget" href="">McGill to honour two trailblazing Canadian leaders</a> <span class="rss-date">October 6, 2017</span></li><li><a class="rsswidget" href="">Predicting when a sound will occur relies on the brain’s motor system</a> <span class="rss-date">October 6, 2017</span></li><li><a class="rsswidget" href="">Q&A with Doina Precup</a> <span class="rss-date">October 5, 2017</span></li><li><a class="rsswidget" href="">RI-MUHC scientist takes HIV self-testing global with HIVSmart!™</a> <span class="rss-date">September 26, 2017</span></li></ul></li> <li id="text-4" class="widget widget_text"> <div class="textwidget"><a href=""><img src="" alt="McGill dans la ville. 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Payette follows David Johnston, who was Principal of McGill from 1979 to 1994, and who served as Governor General since 2010.</p> <a href="" class="b_readmore">Read More →</a> <h3 class="secondary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Claudia Mitchell named Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Fellow</a></h3> <h3 class="secondary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">McGill duo honoured by the Royal Society of Canada</a></h3> <b><a class="more-link" href="" rel="bookmark">Read More Posts From This Section »</a></b> </div><!--//RHS Section 2--> <!--Begin RHS Section 3--> <!--ARTICLE--> <div class="feature-article"> <!--This is where the thumbnails are found for the featured page - note the custom field name for this image is "thumbnail".--> <h2><a href="">Profile</a></h2> <a href="" rel="bookmark" class="thumb"><img style="float:left;margin:0px 10px 0px 0px;" src="" alt="A new blueprint for architecture at McGill"/></a> <h3 class="primary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">A new blueprint for architecture at McGill</a></h3> <p>On Sept. 26, Peter Fu, DipMinHous’91, returned to his alma mater to announce a landmark $12-million gift to the School of Architecture. It is a gift that will transform the lives of many architecture students, much like his own path was changed upon his arrival at McGill as a graduate student in 1990. It was Fu’s first time out of China, he didn’t know the language, and he was travelling to a city where he knew no one. “I was very nervous and I kept thinking, if no one picks me up, what will I do?” recalls Fu. </p> <a href="" class="b_readmore">Read More →</a> <h3 class="secondary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Reverend John Weir Foote: The hero of the Dieppe Raid</a></h3> <h3 class="secondary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Helping grad students go the extra mile</a></h3> <b><a class="more-link" href="" rel="bookmark">Read More Posts From This Section »</a></b> </div><!--//RHS Section 3--> <!--Begin RHS Section 4--> <!--ARTICLE--> <div class="feature-article"> <!--This is where the thumbnails are found for the featured page - note the custom field name for this image is "thumbnail".--> <h2><a href="">Around Campus</a></h2> <a href="" rel="bookmark" class="thumb"><img style="float:left;margin:0px 10px 0px 0px;" src="" alt="Planning McGill"/></a> <h3 class="primary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Planning McGill</a></h3> <p>The downtown and Macdonald campuses are two of the University’s prized assets—and they didn’t happen by accident. The Campus Planning and Development Office’s open house (Oct. 11-13) is your opportunity to learn about the thought and vision behind how McGill manages its hundred-plus buildings, verdant grounds and complex infrastructure networks.</p> <a href="" class="b_readmore">Read More →</a> <h3 class="secondary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">MERS shines spotlight on graduate engineering research</a></h3> <h3 class="secondary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Fighting for First Nations children</a></h3> <b><a class="more-link" href="" rel="bookmark">Read More Posts From This Section »</a></b> </div><!--//RHS Section 4--> <!--Begin RHS Section 5--> <!--ARTICLE--> <div class="feature-article"> <!--This is where the thumbnails are found for the featured page - note the custom field name for this image is "thumbnail".--> <h2><a href="">Research</a></h2> <a href="" rel="bookmark" class="thumb"><img style="float:left;margin:0px 10px 0px 0px;" src="" alt="Researcher takes HIV self-testing global"/></a> <h3 class="primary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Researcher takes HIV self-testing global</a></h3> <p>The Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre and Sympact-X have partnered with IAPAC for the implementation of HIVSmart!™ – a software- and cloud-based application that facilitates HIV self-testing, linkages and retention in care – in high HIV burden worldwide.</p> <a href="" class="b_readmore">Read More →</a> <h3 class="secondary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Eating protein three times a day could make seniors stronger</a></h3> <h3 class="secondary"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Pinpointing the origins of autism</a></h3> <b><a class="more-link" href="" rel="bookmark">Read More Posts From This Section »</a></b> </div><!--//RHS Section 5--> </div> </div><!--//CONTENT RIGHT #column-two--> </div> <!-- begin footer --> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div><!--/wrap--> </div><!--/main--> <div id="footerbg"> <div id="footer"> <nav class="footer_col"> <ul> <li id="menu-item-14992" class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-has-children menu-item-14992"><a href="">About McGill</a> <ul class="sub-menu"> <li id="menu-item-14993" class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-14993"><a href="">Administration & Governance</a></li> <li id="menu-item-14994" class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-14994"><a href="">Quick Facts</a></li> <li id="menu-item-14995" class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-14995"><a href="">190 Years of History</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </nav> <nav class="footer_col"> <ul> <li id="menu-item-14996" class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-has-children menu-item-14996"><a href="">Publications</a> <ul class="sub-menu"> <li id="menu-item-14999" class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-14999"><a href="">McGill News</a></li> <li id="menu-item-15000" class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-15000"><a href="">Newsroom</a></li> <li id="menu-item-15001" class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-15001"><a href="">Other publications</a></li> <li id="menu-item-32397" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-32397"><a href="">Ad rates & production</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> </div> <div id="copyright"> <p>© 2017 <a href="">McGill Reporter</a> · <span><a href="">Streamline theme</a> by <a href="">StudioPress</a> · <a href="">Get a Blog</a> · <a href="">WordPress</a> · <a href="">Log in</a> </span></p> <a href="#top" class="b_top b_mobile">▲</a> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> </body> </html><!-- FILE ARCHIVED ON 08:22:52 Oct 07, 2017 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 11:43:40 Jan 26, 2025. 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