sfadb: Terry Carr : Originals
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href=""><div class="menutd">Th-To</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutd">Tr-Ty</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutd">U-V</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutd">Wa</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutd">We</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutd">Wh-Wl</div></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=""><div class="menutd">Wo-Wy</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutd">X-Z</div></a></td> </tr> </table> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="mm"><a href="">Awards</a> <ul> <li class="mm"><div class="menuhdr">— Awards Listings and Indexes —</div></li> <li class="mm"> <table class="mmaw" width="550"><tr> <td><a href=""><div class="menutd">— SF Hall of Fame —</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutd">— SFWA Grand Master —</div></a></td></tr></table> <table class="mmaw" width="550"> <tr> <td> </td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Hugo</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">World Fantasy</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Campbell Memorial</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Philip K. Dick</div></a></td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Nebula</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Bram Stoker</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Chesley</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Shirley Jackson</div></a></td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl"> Andre Norton</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">British Fantasy</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Arthur C. Clarke</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Theodore <b>Sturgeon</b></div></a></td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl"> Ray Bradbury</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">British SF</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">International Fantasy Award</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">James <b>Tiptree</b> Jr</div></a></td> <td> </td> </tr> </table> <table class="mmaw" width="550"><tr> <td><a href=""><div class="menutd">— Locus Poll and Awards —</div></a></td> </tr></table> <table class="mmaw" width="550"><tr> <td> </td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Aurealis</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Aurora</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Ditmar</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Endeavour</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Kitschies</div></a></td><td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Mythopoeic</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Prometheus</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Sidewise</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Spectrum</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Sunburst</div></a></td> <td> </td> </tr></table> <table class="mmaw" width="550"><tr> <td><a href=""><div class="menutd">— — <b><i>complete Awards Directory</i></b> — —</div></a></td> </tr></table> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="mm"><a href="">Citations</a> <ul> <li class="mm"><div class="menuhdr">— Citations Directory —</div></li> <li class="mm"><table class="mmaw" width="200"> <tr><td> </td></tr></table> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="mm"><a href="">Anthologies</a> <ul> <li class="mm"><div class="menuhdr">— Anthologies Directory —</div></li> <li class="mm"><table class="mmaw" width="200"> <tr><td> </td></tr></table> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="mm"><a href="">Rankings</a> <ul> <li class="mm"><table class="mmaw" width="200"> <tr> <td><a href=""><div class="menutd">Intro & Scoring Methodology</div></a></td></tr> <tr> <td><a href=""><div class="menutd">Short Stories</div></a></td></tr> <tr><td><a href=""><div class="menutd">Novelettes</div></a></td></tr> <tr><td><a href=""><div class="menutd">Novellas</div></a></td></tr> </table> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="mm"><a href="">Timeline</a> </li> <li class="mm"><a href="#">More</a> <ul> <li class="mm"><table class="mmaw" width="200"> <tr> <td><a href=""><div class="menutd">Introduction</div></a></td></tr> <tr> <td><a href=""><div class="menutd">FAQS & Stats</div></a></td></tr> <tr><td><a href=""><div class="menutd">Awards Results by Publisher</div></a></td></tr> <tr><td><a href=""><div class="menutd">Awards Results by Periodical</div></a></td></tr> </table> </li> </ul> </li> <!-- <li class="mm"><a href="">FAQs&Stats</a> <ul> <li class="mm"><div class="menuhdr">— FAQs & Stats Directory —</div></li> <li class="mm"><table class="mmaw" width="200"> <tr><td> </td></tr></table> </li> </ul> </li> --> </ul> <br style="clear: left" /> </div> </div></div></div> <div id="wrap"> <div class="floatleft"> <a href="../"> <img src="../graphics/sfadblogo_175x42.jpg" width="175" height="42" border="0"></a></div> <div class="pagetitle"> <div class="citationname"> Terry Carr : Originals </div> </div> <!-- pagetitle --> <br clear="all"> <!-- open left pane --> <div class="floatleft"><div class="leftpane"> <br> science fiction awards database <br> </div> <!-- leftpane --> </div> <!-- floatleft --> <div class="floatright"><div class="pagemain"> <div align="center"> <table class="threadbox" width="90%"> <tr><td class="threadleft"> <a href="DAWYearsHorror">DAW Year's Horror</a></td><td class="threadmid"> <— <a href="Anthologies_Directory">Anthologies</a> —></td> <td class="threadright"> <a href="ReligiousAnths">Religious Anthologies</a></td></tr> </table> </div> <div class="contentblock"> <div class="summarybox"> <img src="../graphics/CarrOriginals.jpg" width="650"><br> </div> <div class="summarybox"> The two major original anthology series after Damon Knight's <b>Orbit</b> were Terry Carr's <b>Universe</b> and Robert Silverberg's <b>New Dimensions</b>, both debuting in 1971. <b>Universe</b> appeared in paperback from Ace Books, where Carr was an editor, and contrasted with other original anthology series in featuring interior illustrations for each story, by Alicia Austin, and cover art that actually illustrated one of the stories in each book. The introduction to the first book states that the contents would be science fiction, with only the occasional fantasy, and no "speculative fiction" at all. <br><br> As Carr left Ace and became a free-lance editor, <b>Universe</b> became a hardcover series, from Random House for three volumes, and then Doubleday for 12 slender volumes (all under 200 pages) until Carr's death in 1987. <br><br> <b>Universe</b> was arguably the best of the big three original anthology series, certainly in terms of awards, with six stories winning a Hugo or a Nebula: Silverberg's "Good News from the Vatican," Wolfe's "The Death of Doctor Island," Eklund & Benford's "If the Stars Are Gods," Waldrop's "The Ugly Chickens," Bishop's "The Quickening," and Ellison's "Paladin of the Lost Hour." (The other two series each had four Hugo or Nebula winning stories.) <br><br> Other notable stories from <b>Universe</b> include Effinger's "All the Last Wars at Once," Rotsler's "Patron of the Arts," Leiber's "A Rite of Spring," Scholz' "The Ninth Symphony of Ludwig van Beethoven and Other Lost Songs," Bishop's "Old Folks at Home" and "Her Habiline Husband," Varley's "Options," Gibson's "The Gernsback Continuum," Robinson's "Venice Drowned" and "The Lucky Strike," Swanwick's "Mummer Kiss," and Sterling's "Cicada Queen." <br><br> Carr did three other original anthologies. <b>An Exaltation of Stars</b> is a three-novella volume of stories about transcendence, highlighted by Robert Silverberg's "The Feast of St. Dionysus" and including a story by Roger Zelazny titled after the speech of a dolphin. <b>Fellowship of the Stars</b> has nine stories about friendship between human and alien beings, and includes Ursula K. Le Guin's "The Author of the Acacia Seeds..." Finally, <b>The Ides of Tomorrow</b>, "original science fiction tales of horror," includes Harlan Ellison's "Seeing" and George R.R. Martin's novella "In the House of the Worm." <br><br> Most author appearances: R.A. Lafferty (7), then Gregory Benford, Gordon Eklund, and Robert Silveberg (6 each). <br clear="all"> <div class="clearFix"></div> </div><!--summarybox--> <br><ul> <li> <b>Universe 1</b>, (Ace, 1971) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Universe 2</b>, (Ace, 1972) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>An Exaltation of Stars</b>, (Simon & Schuster, 1973) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Universe 3</b>, (Random House, 1973) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Fellowship of the Stars</b>, (Simon & Schuster, 1974) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Universe 4</b>, (Random House, 1974) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Universe 5</b>, (Random House, 1974) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Universe 6</b>, (Doubleday, 1976) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>The Ides of Tomorrow</b>, (Little, Brown, 1976) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Universe 7</b>, (Doubleday, 1977) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Universe 8</b>, (Doubleday, 1978) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Universe 9</b>, (Doubleday, 1979) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Universe 10</b>, (Doubleday, 1980) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Universe 11</b>, (Doubleday, 1981) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Universe 12</b>, (Doubleday, 1982) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Universe 13</b>, (Doubleday, 1983) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Universe 14</b>, (Doubleday, 1984) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Universe 15</b>, (Doubleday, 1985) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Universe 16</b>, (Doubleday, 1986) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Universe 17</b>, (Doubleday, 1987) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> </ul> <br><hr><br> <div align="center"> <b>Combined Contents by Author and Title</b></div><br><br> <a href="Brian_W_Aldiss_Titles">Brian W. Aldiss</a> <li> The Dark Soul of the Night -- The Ides of Tomorrow </li> <li> Journey to the Heartland -- Universe 6 </li> <li> My Lady of the Psychiatric Sorrows -- Universe 7 </li> <a href="Hilary_Bailey_Titles">Hilary Bailey</a> <li> The Ramparts -- Universe 5 </li> <a href="Greg_Bear_Titles">Greg Bear</a> <li> Scattershot -- Universe 8 </li> <li> The White Horse Child -- Universe 9 </li> <a href="Gregory_Benford_Titles">Gregory Benford</a> <li> If the Stars Are Gods (by <a href="Gordon_Eklund">Gordon Eklund</a> & GB) -- Universe 4 </li> <li> Me/Days -- Universe 14 </li> <li> Nooncoming -- Universe 8 </li> <li> Time Shards -- Universe 9 </li> <li> West Wind, Falling (by GB & <a href="Gordon_Eklund">Gordon Eklund</a>) -- Universe 1 </li> <li> What Did You Do Last Year? (by <a href="Gordon_Eklund">Gordon Eklund</a> & GB) -- Universe 6 </li> <a href="Bill_Bickel_Titles">Bill Bickel</a> <li> The Widow and the Body Sitter -- Universe 13 </li> <a href="Michael_Bishop_Titles">Michael Bishop</a> <li> Her Habiline Husband -- Universe 13 </li> <li> Old Folks at Home -- Universe 8 </li> <li> The Quickening -- Universe 11 </li> <li> Saving Face -- Universe 10 </li> <a href="Robert_Bloch_Titles">Robert Bloch</a> <li> The Head -- The Ides of Tomorrow </li> <a href="Juleen_Brantiingham_Titles">Juleen Brantiingham</a> <li> Chicken of the Tree -- Universe 9 </li> <li> Giraffe Tuesday -- Universe 15 </li> <a href="Alan_Brennert_Titles">Alan Brennert</a> <li> In This Image -- Fellowship of the Stars </li> <li> Jamie's Smile -- The Ides of Tomorrow </li> <a href="Mildred_Downey_Broxon_Titles">Mildred Downey Broxon</a> <li> The Night Is Cold, the Stars Are Far Away -- Universe 5 </li> <li> The Stones Have Names -- Fellowship of the Stars </li> <a href="John_Brunner_Titles">John Brunner</a> <li> What Friends Are For -- Fellowship of the Stars </li> <a href="Edward_Bryant_Titles">Edward Bryant</a> <li> The Human Side of the Village Monster -- Universe 1 </li> <li> Jade Blue -- Universe 1 </li> <li> The Legend of Cougar Lou Landis -- Universe 3 </li> <a href="F_M_Busby_Titles">F. M. Busby</a> <li> First Person Plural -- Universe 10 </li> <li> If This Is Winnetka, You Must Be Judy -- Universe 5 </li> <a href="Michael_Cassutt_Titles">Michael Cassutt</a> <li> Hunting -- Universe 8 </li> <a href="Glenn_Chang_Titles">Glenn Chang</a> <li> Stars and Darkness -- Universe 6 </li> <a href="Rob_Chilson_Titles">Rob Chilson</a> <li> People Reviews -- Universe 7 </li> <a href="Mona_A_Clee_Titles">Mona A. Clee</a> <li> Encounter on the Ladder -- Universe 15 </li> <a href="Gerard_F_Conway_Titles">Gerard F. Conway</a> <li> Funeral Service -- Universe 2 </li> <li> Mindship -- Universe 1 </li> <a href="Arthur_Jean_Cox_Titles">Arthur Jean Cox</a> <li> Evergreen -- Universe 15 </li> <a href="Ronald_Anthony_Cross_Titles">Ronald Anthony Cross</a> <li> Hotel Mind Slaves -- Universe 16 </li> <a href="Avram_Davidson_Titles">Avram Davidson</a> <li> The Slovo Stove -- Universe 15 </li> <a href="Grania_Davis_Titles">Grania Davis</a> <li> My Head's in a Different Place, Now -- Universe 2 </li> <a href="Gardner_Dozois_Titles">Gardner Dozois</a> <li> The Man Who Waved Hello -- Universe 2 </li> <a href="George_Alec_Effinger_Titles">George Alec Effinger</a> <li> All the Last Wars at Once -- Universe 1 </li> <li> Ashes All My Lust -- Fellowship of the Stars </li> <li> The Ghost Writer -- Universe 3 </li> <li> How It Felt -- Universe 5 </li> <li> Ibid. -- Universe 7 </li> <a href="Gordon_Eklund_Titles">Gordon Eklund</a> <li> Free City Blues -- Universe 3 </li> <li> If the Stars Are Gods (by GE & <a href="Gregory_Benford">Gregory Benford</a>) -- Universe 4 </li> <li> Stalking the Sun -- Universe 2 </li> <li> Vermeer's Window -- Universe 8 </li> <li> West Wind, Falling (by <a href="Gregory_Benford">Gregory Benford</a> & GE) -- Universe 1 </li> <li> What Did You Do Last Year? (by GE & <a href="Gregory_Benford">Gregory Benford</a>) -- Universe 6 </li> <a href="Harlan_Ellison_Titles">Harlan Ellison</a> <li> On the Downhill Side -- Universe 2 </li> <li> Paladin of the Lost Hour -- Universe 15 </li> <li> Seeing -- The Ides of Tomorrow </li> <li> The Wine Has Been Left Open Too Long and the Memory Has Gone Flat -- Universe 6 </li> <a href="Carol_Emshwiller_Titles">Carol Emshwiller</a> <li> The Start of the End of the World -- Universe 11 </li> <a href="Sharon_N_Farber_Titles">Sharon N. Farber</a> <li> Passing as a Flower in the City of the Dead -- Universe 14 </li> <a href="Cynthia_Felice_Titles">Cynthia Felice</a> <li> David and Lindy -- Universe 8 </li> <a href="Alan_Dean_Foster_Titles">Alan Dean Foster</a> <li> Dream Done Green -- Fellowship of the Stars </li> <a href="Leanne_Frahm_Titles">Leanne Frahm</a> <li> A Way Back -- Universe 13 </li> <a href="William_Gibson_Titles">William Gibson</a> <li> The Gernsback Continuum -- Universe 11 </li> <a href="Molly_Gloss_Titles">Molly Gloss</a> <li> Interlocking Pieces -- Universe 14 </li> <a href="Stephen_Goldin_Titles">Stephen Goldin</a> <li> But as a Soldier, For His Country -- Universe 5 </li> <a href="Ron_Goulart_Titles">Ron Goulart</a> <li> The Romance of Dr. Tanner -- Universe 1 </li> <li> Stungun Slim -- Universe 4 </li> <a href="Charlie_Haas_Titles">Charlie Haas</a> <li> Shifting Parameters in Disappearance and Memory -- Universe 6 </li> <a href="Ned_Huston_Titles">Ned Huston</a> <li> Pliny's Commentaries -- Universe 17 </li> <a href="James_Patrick_Kelly_Titles">James Patrick Kelly</a> <li> In Memory of -- Universe 12 </li> <a href="Leigh_Kennedy_Titles">Leigh Kennedy</a> <li> Helen, Whose Face Launched Twenty-Eight Conestoga Hovercraft -- Universe 12 </li> <a href="Lee_Killough_Titles">Lee Killough</a> <li> Bête et Noir -- Universe 10 </li> <a href="Damon_Knight_Titles">Damon Knight</a> <li> O -- Universe 14 </li> <a href="Gary_Konas_Titles">Gary Konas</a> <li> What Genius -- Universe 16 </li> <a href="Nancy_Kress_Titles">Nancy Kress</a> <li> Shadows on the Cave Wall -- Universe 11 </li> <li> Talp Hunt -- Universe 12 </li> <a href="R_A_Lafferty_Titles">R. A. Lafferty</a> <li> And All the Skies Are Full of Fish -- Universe 10 </li> <li> And Read the Flesh Between the Lines -- Universe 4 </li> <li> Brain Fever Season -- Universe 7 </li> <li> Nor Limestone Islands -- Universe 1 </li> <li> Selenium Ghosts of the Eighteen Seventies -- Universe 8 </li> <li> A Special Condition in Summit City -- Universe 2 </li> <li> Thieving Bear Planet -- Universe 12 </li> <a href="Ursula_K_Le_Guin_Titles">Ursula K. Le Guin</a> <li> 'The Author of the Acacia Seeds' and Other Extracts from the Journal of the Association of Therolinguistics -- Fellowship of the Stars </li> <li> Schrödinger's Cat -- Universe 5 </li> <a href="Fritz_Leiber_Titles">Fritz Leiber</a> <li> Do You Know Dave Wenzel? -- Fellowship of the Stars </li> <li> The Eeriest Ruined Dawn World -- The Ides of Tomorrow </li> <li> Mysterious Doings in the Metropolitan Museum -- Universe 5 </li> <li> A Rite of Spring -- Universe 7 </li> <a href="Barry_N_Malzberg_Titles">Barry N. Malzberg</a> <li> Johann Sebastian Brahms -- Universe 15 </li> <li> Notes for a Novel About the First Ship Ever to Venus -- Universe 1 </li> <a href="George_R_R_Martin_Titles">George R. R. Martin</a> <li> In the House of the Worm -- The Ides of Tomorrow </li> <a href="Bruce_McAllister_Titles">Bruce McAllister</a> <li> When the Fathers Go -- Universe 12 </li> <a href="Jack_McDevitt_Titles">Jack McDevitt</a> <li> In the Tower -- Universe 17 </li> <li> Tidal Effects -- Universe 15 </li> <a href="Pat_Murphy_Titles">Pat Murphy</a> <li> Art in the War Zone -- Universe 14 </li> <a href="Kris_Neville_Titles">Kris Neville</a> <li> Survival Problems -- Universe 5 </li> <a href="Paul_David_Novitski_Titles">Paul David Novitski</a> <li> Nuclear Fission -- Universe 9 </li> <a href="Charles_Ott_Titles">Charles Ott</a> <li> The Ecologically Correct House -- Universe 8 </li> <a href="Edgar_Pangborn_Titles">Edgar Pangborn</a> <li> Mount Charity -- Universe 1 </li> <li> My Brother Leopold -- An Exaltation of Stars </li> <li> The Night Wind -- Universe 5 </li> <li> Tiger Boy -- Universe 2 </li> <li> The World Is a Sphere -- Universe 3 </li> <a href="Mary_Pangborn_Titles">Mary Pangborn</a> <li> The Back Road -- Universe 9 </li> <li> The Confession of Hamo -- Universe 10 </li> <li> The Sorcerer's Apprentice -- Universe 12 </li> <a href="Alexei_Panshin_Titles">Alexei Panshin</a> <li> When the Vertical World Becomes Horizontal -- Universe 4 </li> <a href="Frederik_Pohl_Titles">Frederik Pohl</a> <li> Enjoy, Enjoy -- Fellowship of the Stars </li> <a href="Marta_Randall_Titles">Marta Randall</a> <li> The Captain and the Kid -- Universe 9 </li> <li> Lapidary Nights -- Universe 17 </li> <a href="J_Michael_Reaves_Titles">J. Michael Reaves</a> <li> Passion Play -- Universe 5 </li> <a href="Robert_Reed_Titles">Robert Reed</a> <li> Treading in the Afterglow -- Universe 16 </li> <a href="Julian_Reid_Titles">Julian Reid</a> <li> Probability Storm -- Universe 7 </li> <a href="Joel_Richards_Titles">Joel Richards</a> <li> Deadtime -- Universe 14 </li> <li> Mencken Stuff -- Universe 17 </li> <a href="Kim_Stanley_Robinson_Titles">Kim Stanley Robinson</a> <li> Exploring Fossil Canyon -- Universe 12 </li> <li> The Lucky Strike -- Universe 14 </li> <li> Mercurial -- Universe 15 </li> <li> Stone Eggs -- Universe 13 </li> <li> Venice Drowned -- Universe 11 </li> <a href="Ross_Rocklynne_Titles">Ross Rocklynne</a> <li> Randy-Tandy Man -- Universe 3 </li> <a href="Bill_Rotsler_Titles">Bill Rotsler</a> <li> Patron of the Arts -- Universe 2 </li> <a href="J_J_Russ_Titles">J. J. Russ</a> <li> M Is for the Many -- Universe 5 </li> <a href="Joanna_Russ_Titles">Joanna Russ</a> <li> Poor Man, Beggar Man -- Universe 1 </li> <li> Useful Phrases for the Tourist -- Universe 2 </li> <a href="Pamela_Sargent_Titles">Pamela Sargent</a> <li> Desert Places -- Universe 4 </li> <li> Originals -- Universe 15 </li> <li> The Other Perceiver -- Universe 2 </li> <li> Shadows -- Fellowship of the Stars </li> <a href="Josephine_Saxton_Titles">Josephine Saxton</a> <li> The Snake Who Had Read Chomsky -- Universe 11 </li> <a href="Carter_Scholz_Titles">Carter Scholz</a> <li> In Reticulum -- Universe 11 </li> <li> The Johann Sebastian Bach Memorial Barbecue and Nervous Breakdown -- Universe 10 </li> <li> The Menagerie of Babel -- Universe 14 </li> <li> The Ninth Symphony of Ludwig Van Beethoven and Other Lost Songs -- Universe 7 </li> <a href="Bob_Shaw_Titles">Bob Shaw</a> <li> Frost Animals -- Universe 9 </li> <li> Retroactive -- Universe 2 </li> <a href="Rick_Shelley_Titles">Rick Shelley</a> <li> At the Flood -- Universe 16 </li> <a href="Lucius_Shepard_Titles">Lucius Shepard</a> <li> Black Coral -- Universe 14 </li> <li> Mengele -- Universe 15 </li> <li> The Taylorsville Reconstruction -- Universe 13 </li> <li> Voyage South from Thousand Willows -- Universe 16 </li> <a href="John_Shirley_Titles">John Shirley</a> <li> Under the Generator -- Universe 6 </li> <li> Will the Chill -- Universe 9 </li> <a href="Robert_Silverberg_Titles">Robert Silverberg</a> <li> The Feast of St. Dionysus -- An Exaltation of Stars </li> <li> Gate of Horn, Gate of Ivory -- Universe 14 </li> <li> Good News from the Vatican -- Universe 1 </li> <li> Many Mansions -- Universe 3 </li> <li> A Sea of Faces -- Universe 4 </li> <li> When We Went to See the End of the World -- Universe 2 </li> <a href="Martha_Soukup_Titles">Martha Soukup</a> <li> Dress Rehearsal -- Universe 16 </li> <a href="Bruce_Sterling_Titles">Bruce Sterling</a> <li> Cicada Queen -- Universe 13 </li> <a href="Michael_Swanwick_Titles">Michael Swanwick</a> <li> Mummer Kiss -- Universe 11 </li> <a href="Robert_Thurston_Titles">Robert Thurston</a> <li> Was That House There Yesterday? -- Universe 16 </li> <a href="James_Tiptree_Jr_Titles">James Tiptree, Jr.</a> <li> Second Going -- Universe 17 </li> <li> A Source of Innocent Merriment -- Universe 10 </li> <a href="Wilson_Tucker_Titles">Wilson Tucker</a> <li> Time Exposures -- Universe 1 </li> <a href="George_Turner_Titles">George Turner</a> <li> A Pursuit of Miracles -- Universe 12 </li> <a href="Steven_Utley_Titles">Steven Utley</a> <li> Custer's Last Jump (by SU & <a href="Howard_Waldrop">Howard Waldrop</a>) -- Universe 6 </li> <li> Predators -- The Ides of Tomorrow </li> <a href="Jack_Vance_Titles">Jack Vance</a> <li> Assault on a City -- Universe 4 </li> <a href="John_Varley_Titles">John Varley</a> <li> Options -- Universe 9 </li> <a href="Howard_Waldrop_Titles">Howard Waldrop</a> <li> Custer's Last Jump (by <a href="Steven_Utley">Steven Utley</a> & HW) -- Universe 6 </li> <li> God's Hooks! -- Universe 12 </li> <li> My Sweet Lady Jo -- Universe 4 </li> <li> The Ugly Chickens -- Universe 10 </li> <a href="Ian_Watson_Titles">Ian Watson</a> <li> Jean Sandwich, the Sponsor, and I -- Universe 11 </li> <li> The Legend of the Seven Who Found the True Egg of Lightning -- Universe 16 </li> <li> The Width of the World -- Universe 13 </li> <a href="Cherry_Wilder_Titles">Cherry Wilder</a> <li> The Remittance Man -- The Ides of Tomorrow </li> <a href="Cherie_Wilkerson_Titles">Cherie Wilkerson</a> <li> The Man Who Watched the Glaciers Run -- Universe 17 </li> <a href="Gene_Wolfe_Titles">Gene Wolfe</a> <li> The Death of Doctor Island -- Universe 3 </li> <li> The Headless Man -- Universe 2 </li> <li> The Marvelous Brass Chessplaying Automaton -- Universe 7 </li> <li> The Rubber Bend -- Universe 5 </li> <li> When I Was Ming the Merciless -- The Ides of Tomorrow </li> <a href="George_Zebrowski_Titles">George Zebrowski</a> <li> The Idea Trap -- Universe 16 </li> <a href="Roger_Zelazny_Titles">Roger Zelazny</a> <li> 'Kjwalll'kje'k'koothailll'kje'k -- An Exaltation of Stars </div> <!-- contentblock --> </div> <!-- pagemain --> </div> <!-- floatright --> <br clear="all"> <div class="copyrightblock"> Copyright 2012 - 2025 by Mark R. Kelly and the <a class="white" href="">Locus Science Fiction Foundation</a>. All rights reserved. </div> <!-- copyrightblock --> <div class="timestampblock"> This page last updated Thursday 3 Sep 2020 at 10:23 PT </div> <!-- timestampblock --> <br clear="all"> </div> <!-- wrap --> </body></html>