
<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html><head> <title>GLAMorgan</title> <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/magnustools/resources/css/common.css"> <script src='//'></script> <script src='//'></script> <script src='//'></script> <script src="/magnustools/resources/js/common.js"></script> <style type="text/css"></style> <script type='text/javascript'></script> <!--header_misc--> <script type='text/javascript'> function bootstrap4_compatability () { $('input[type=text]').addClass('form-control') ; $('input[type=number]').addClass('form-control') ; // $('input[type=select]').addClass('form-control') ; // $('input[type=radio]').css({'padding-left':'20px'}) ; // $('input[type=checkbox]').css({'padding-left':'20px'}) ; $('textarea').addClass('form-control') ; } $(document).ready ( function () { bootstrap4_compatability() ; } ) ; </script> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <header class="navbar navbar-light navbar-static-top bd-navbar" role="banner"> <div class="clearfix"><button class="navbar-toggler pull-xs-right hidden-sm-up" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#bd-main-nav">☰</button></div> <div class="collapse navbar-toggleable-xs" id="bd-main-nav"> <nav class="nav navbar-nav"> <a id='toolname' class="navbar-brand nav-item nav-link active" href="?">GLAMorgan</a> <div class='pull-sm-right'> <a target='_blank' class="nav-item nav-link l_manual" href="/magnustools">Tools</a> <a target='_blank' class="nav-item nav-link l_manual" href="//">Git</a> <a id="discuss_link" target='_blank' class="nav-item nav-link l_manual" href="//">Talk</a> <a style="margin:0px;padding:0px;margin-top:4px;margin-left:10px;" href="/"><img src="//" title="Powered by Wikimedia Labs" border="0" width="32px"></a> </div> </nav> </header> </div> <div class="container"> <div class='row'> <div style='float:right'><a target='_blank' href=''><img border=0 title='Location of Glamorgan in Wales' src='' /></a></div> <p class="lead">This tool is a variant of <a href='baglama2'>baGLAMa2</a>. It can show the view number of pages that include files from a specific Commons category. Human views only, article namespace only. 30K files max in category tree. This tool is run "live", so it may take a while to run.</p> </div> <form id='theform' class='form'> <div class='row'> <div class='col-sm-2'>Commons category:</div> <div class='col-sm-4'><input type='text' id='category' class='form-control' value='' /></div> <div class='col-sm-1'>Depth:</div> <div class='col-sm-3'><input class='form-control' style='width:60px' type='number' id='depth' value='12' /></div> </div><div class='row'> <div class='col-sm-2'>Year/month:</div> <div class='col-sm-2'><input style='width:100px' type='number' class='form-control' id='year' value='2016' /></div> <div class='col-sm-2'><input class='form-control' style='width:60px' type='number' id='month' value='1' /></div> </div><div class='row'> <input type='submit' value='Get file usage data' class='btn btn-primary' /> [<a href='#' id='demo'>demo</a>] <div id='status'></div> </div> </form> <div id='output'> </div> </div><!-- /.container --> <style> td.num { font-family:Courier; text-align:right; } table.secondary { font-size:8pt; width:100%; } table.secondary tr:hover{ background-color:#ccc; } table.secondary td { padding:1px; } div.secondary_wrapper { max-height:300px; width:400px; overflow:auto; } </style> <script src="resources/js/jquery/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script> <script src="resources/dist3/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script src="resources/js/common.js"></script> <script src="resources/js/FileSaver.js"></script> <script> var max_tries = 2 ; var max_running = 10 ; var initial_top_view = 25 ; var params = {} ; var files = {} ; var pages = {} ; var day1 = '' ; var day2 = '' ; var failed_pages = [] ; function daysInMonth ( year , month ) { return 32 - new Date(year, month-1, 32).getDate(); } function loadFileUsage ( category , depth , callback ) { $.getJSON ( '//' , { lang:'commons', project:'wikimedia', cats:category, ns:6, depth:depth, max:30000, start:0, format:'json', giu:1, doit:1, redirects:0 } , function ( d ) { files = d.pages ; callback () ; } ) ; } function wiki2project ( wiki ) { if ( wiki == 'commonswiki' ) return 'commons.wikimedia' ; if ( wiki == 'wikidatawiki' ) return '' ; if ( wiki == 'metawiki' ) return 'meta.wikimedia' ; // ? if ( wiki == 'outreachwiki' ) return 'outreach.wikimedia' ; // ? if ( wiki == 'specieswiki' ) return 'species.wikimedia' ; var m = wiki.match ( /^(.+)(wik.+)$/ ) ; if ( m.length != 3 ) { console.log ( "Can not parse wiki" , wiki ) ; return '' ; } if ( m[2] == 'wiki' ) m[2] = 'wikipedia' ; return m[1] + '.' + m[2] ; } function loadPageViews ( callback ) { var todo = [] ; $.each ( pages , function ( key , v ) { todo.push ( key ) } ) ; var running = 0 ; var called = 0 ; failed_pages = [] ; function loadNextPage () { $('#status').html("Loading page view data, "+todo.length+" pages to go...") ; if ( todo.length == 0 ) { if ( called ) return ; if ( running == 0 ) callback() ; return ; } if ( running >= max_running ) return ; running++ ; var key = todo[0] ; todo.shift() ; function tryAPI ( key , countdown ) { var page = pages[key] ; var project = wiki2project ( ) ; if ( project == '' ) return ; var url = ''+project+'/all-access/user/'+encodeURIComponent('/daily/'+day1+'/'+day2 ; $.get ( url , function ( d ) { running-- ; var total = 0 ; $.each ( (d.items||[]) , function ( k , v ) { total += v.views } ) ; pages[key].views = total ; loadNextPage() ; } , 'json' ) . fail ( function () { if ( countdown > 0 ) { setTimeout ( function () { tryAPI ( key , countdown-1 ) ; } , 500 ) ; return ; } running-- ; failed_pages.push ( key ) ; loadNextPage() ; } ) ; } tryAPI ( key , max_tries ) ; loadNextPage() ; } loadNextPage() ; } var stats = {} ; function computeStats() { stats = { viewed_files:0, used_files:0, used_by_wiki:{} } ; // Views per file $.each ( files , function ( k , file ) { file.views = 0 ; var used = false ; var had_wiki = {} ; $.each ( file.pages , function ( dummy , page_key ) { used = true ; file.views += (pages[page_key].views||0) * 1 ; // Used per wiki var wiki = pages[page_key].wiki ; if ( had_wiki[wiki] ) return ; had_wiki[wiki] = true ; if ( typeof stats.used_by_wiki[wiki] == 'undefined' ) stats.used_by_wiki[wiki] = 0 ; stats.used_by_wiki[wiki]++ ; } ) ; if ( file.views > 0 ) stats.viewed_files++ ; if ( used ) stats.used_files++ ; } ) ; } function getWikiLink ( wiki , page ) { var server = wiki.replace(/^(.+)(wik.+)$/,'$1.$2' ) ; if ( wiki == 'wikidatawiki' ) server = 'www.wikidata' ; else if ( wiki == 'commonswiki' ) server = 'commons.wikimedia' ; else if ( server.match(/wiki$/) ) server += 'pedia' ; var url = "https://"+server+".org/wiki/"+escattr(encodeURIComponent(page.replace(/ /g,'_'))) ; var h = "<a href='"+url+"' target='_blank'>" ; h += page.replace(/_/g,' ').replace(/^File:/,'') ; h += "</a>" ; return h ; } function showViewsPerFile ( max ) { var tmp = [] ; $.each ( files , function ( id , dummy ) { tmp.push ( id ) } ) ; tmp = tmp.sort ( function ( a , b ) { return files[b].views - files[a].views ; } ) ; var footer = "" ; if ( typeof max != 'undefined' ) { if ( tmp.length > max ) footer = "<div>Showing only the top "+max+" files; <a href='#' onclick='showViewsPerFile();return false'>show all</a>.</div>" ; while ( tmp.length > max ) tmp.pop() ; } var to_load = [] ; var h = '' ; h += "<table class='table table-striped'>" ; h += "<thead><tr><th style='min-width:130px'>Image</th><th>Image title</th><th>Views</th><th>Used on pages</th></tr></thead><tbody>" ; $.each ( tmp , function ( dummy , file_key ) { var file = files[file_key] ; var id = sanitizeID ( file_key ) ; h += "<tr>" ; h += "<td style='text-align:center'><img src='' id='"+id+"' /></td>" ; to_load.push ( [ id , file.page_title ] ) ; h += "<td>"+getWikiLink('commonswiki','File:'+file.page_title)+"</td>" ; h += "<td class='num'>"+prettyNumber(file.views)+"</td>" ; h += "<td>" ; if ( file.pages.length > 0 ) { var tmp2 = [] ; $.each ( file.pages , function ( k2 , v2 ) { tmp2.push ( k2 ) } ) ; tmp2 = tmp2.sort ( function ( a , b ) { return pages[file.pages[b]].views - pages[file.pages[a]].views ; } ) ; h += "<div class='secondary_wrapper'>" ; h += "<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 class='secondary'><tbody>" ; $.each ( tmp2 , function ( dummy2 , subkey ) { var page_key = file.pages[subkey] ; // $.each ( file.pages , function ( dummy2 , page_key ) { var page = pages[page_key] ; h += "<tr>" ; h += "<td style='width:60px;'>" + + "</td>" ; h += "<td style='width:100%'>" + getWikiLink(, + "</td>" ; h += "<td class='num' width='70px'>" + prettyNumber(page.views) + "</td>" ; h += "</tr>" ; } ) ; h += "<tbody></table>" ; h += "</div>" ; } h += "</td>" ; h += "</tr>" ; } ) ; h += "</tbody></table>" ; h += footer ; $('#views_per_file').html ( h ) ; $.each ( to_load , function ( k , v ) { var id = v[0] ; var file = v[1] ; $.getJSON ( '' , { action:'query', titles:'File:'+file, prop:'imageinfo', iiprop:'url', iiurlwidth:120, iiurlheight:120, format:'json' } , function ( d ) { $.each ( ((d.query||[]).pages||[]) , function ( k1 , v1 ) { $('#'+id).attr('src',v1.imageinfo[0].thumburl) ; } ) ; } ) ; } ) ; } function showResults () { computeStats() ; var h = "" ; h += "<div style='float:right'>" ; h += "<a href='?" ; $.each ( params , function ( k , v ) { h += "&"+k+"="+encodeURIComponent(v) ; } ) ; h += "' id='permalink'>Permalink</a>" ; h += "</div>" ; h += "<h3>Overview</h3>" ; h += "<div>" + prettyNumber(object_length(files)) + " files in category tree.</div>" ; h += "<div>" + prettyNumber(stats.viewed_files) + " files were viewed, out of " + prettyNumber(stats.used_files) + " used.</div>" ; h += "<div>" + prettyNumber(object_length(pages)) + " pages on " + prettyNumber(object_length(stats.used_by_wiki)) + " wikis use those files.</div>" ; var total = 0 ; $.each ( files , function ( k , v ) { total += v.views } ) ; h += "<div>" + prettyNumber(total) + " file views in " + day1.replace(/^(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)..$/,'$1-$2') + ".</div>" ; if ( failed_pages.length > 0 ) { h += "<div>Data for " + failed_pages.length + " pages could not be loaded from the WMF pageview API (404 error).</div>" ; // h += '<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">'+prettyNumber(failed_pages.length)+' pages could not be checked for view data in the <a href="" target="_blank">pageview API</a>.</div>' ; } h += "<div style='margin-top:20px'><h3>Views per file</h3><div id='views_per_file'></div></div>" ; // Usage per wiki h += "<h3>Use per wiki</h3>" ; h += "<table class='table-condensed table-striped table-sm'><thead>" ; h += "<tr><th>Wiki</th><th>Images used</th></tr>" ; h += "</thead><tbody>" ; var tmp = [] ; $.each ( stats.used_by_wiki , function ( k , v ) { tmp.push ( k ) } ) ; tmp.sort ( function ( a , b ) { return stats.used_by_wiki[b]*1 - stats.used_by_wiki[a]*1 } ) ; $.each ( tmp , function ( dummy , wiki ) { h += "<tr>" ; h += "<td>" + wiki + "</td>" ; h += "<td class='num'>" + prettyNumber(stats.used_by_wiki[wiki]) + "</td>" ; h += "</tr>" ; } ) ; h += "</tbody></table>" ; // Download try { var isFileSaverSupported = !!new Blob; } catch (e) {} if ( isFileSaverSupported ) { h += "<h3>Downloads</h3>" ; h += "<p>Download " ; h += "<a href='#' id='download_all'>files,pages,pageviews, and file usage</a> | " ; h += "<a href='#' id='download_files'>files, and file usage</a>" ; h += "</p>" ; } $('#output').html ( h ) ; showViewsPerFile ( initial_top_view ) ; $('#download_all').click ( function () { var out = [ "file\tpage_wiki\tpage_title\tpage_views\tfile_views\n" ] ; $.each ( files , function ( k , file ) { if ( file.pages.length == 0 ) { out.push ( file.page_title+"\n" ) ; } else { $.each ( file.pages , function ( dummy , page_key ) { out.push ( file.page_title + "\t" + pages[page_key].wiki + "\t" + pages[page_key].page + "\t" + (pages[page_key].views||0) + "\t" + file.views + "\n" ) ; } ) ; } } ) ; var blob = new Blob(out, {type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8"}); saveAs(blob, day1+".txt"); return false ; } ) ; $('#download_files').click ( function () { var out = [ "file\tpages\tfile_views\n" ] ; $.each ( files , function ( k , file ) { out.push ( file.page_title + "\t" + file.pages.length + "\t" + file.views + "\n" ) ; } ) ; var blob = new Blob(out, {type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8"}); saveAs(blob, day1+".txt"); return false ; } ) ; } $(document).ready ( function () { $('#category').focus() ; $('#demo').click ( function () { $('#category').val ( 'Europeana 1989' ) ; $('#theform').submit() ; return false ; } ) ; $('#theform').submit ( function () { var category = $('#category').val() ; var depth = $('#depth').val()*1 ; var year = $('#year').val()*1 ; var month = $('#month').val()*1 ; var s_month = (month<10?'0':'')+month ; params = { category:category, depth:depth, year:year, month:month } ; if ( year < 2015 || ( year == 2015 && month < 8 ) ) { h += '<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">The <a href="" target="_blank">pageview API</a> does not currently contain data before 2015-08.</div>' ; return false ; } day1 = ''+year+s_month+'01' ; day2 = ''+year+s_month+daysInMonth(year,month) ; pages = {} ; files = {} ; $('#output').html ( '' ) ; $('#status').html("Loading file usage data...") ; $('#status').show() ; loadFileUsage ( category , depth , function () { // Generate page list $.each ( files , function ( file_id , file ) { file.pages = [] ; $.each ( (file.giu||[]) , function ( dummy , page ) { if ( page.ns != 0 ) return ; page.key =':' ; if ( typeof pages[page.key] == 'undefined' ) { pages[page.key] = page ; pages[page.key].files = [] ; pages[page.key].views = 0 ; } pages[page.key].files.push ( ''+file_id ) ; file.pages.push ( page.key ) ; } ) ; } ) ; loadPageViews ( function () { $('#status').hide() ; showResults() ; } ) ; } ) ; // Logging $.getJSON ( '' , function(j){} ) ; return false ; } ) ; var date = new Date(); var year = date.getFullYear() ; var last_month = date.getMonth() - 1 ; if ( last_month < 0 ) { last_month = 11 ; year-- ; } params = getUrlVars() ; if ( params.month == 'last' ) { params.year = ''+year ; params.month = ''+(last_month+1) ; // 1-based month } var possible = ['category','depth','year','month'] ; var cnt = 0 ; $.each ( possible , function ( k , v ) { if ( typeof params[v] == 'undefined' ) return ; $('#'+v).val ( params[v] ) ; cnt++ ; } ) ; if ( cnt == possible.length ) $('#theform').submit() ; } ) ; </script> </body> </html>

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