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GeSHi - the best syntax highlighter in the world!" /> <style type="text/css"> /** * GeSHi (C) 2004 - 2007 Nigel McNie, 2007 - 2014 Benny Baumann * ( and */ .html4strict {font-family:monospace;font-size: 95%; line-height: 120%; font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;} .html4strict a:link {color: #aad;} .html4strict a:hover {background-color: #d2d2d2;} .html4strict .imp {font-weight: bold; color: red;} .html4strict .kw2 {color: #000000; font-weight: bold;} .html4strict .kw3 {color: #000066;} .html4strict .es0 {color: #000099; font-weight: bold;} .html4strict .br0 {color: #66cc66;} .html4strict .sy0 {color: #66cc66;} .html4strict .st0 {color: #ff0000;} .html4strict .nu0 {color: #cc66cc;} .html4strict .sc-2 {color: #404040;} .html4strict .sc-1 {color: #808080; font-style: italic;} .html4strict .sc0 {color: #00bbdd;} .html4strict .sc1 {color: #ddbb00;} .html4strict .sc2 {color: #009900;} .html4strict span.xtra { display:block; } </style> </head> <body> <div><a id="top"></a></div> <table id="header"> <tr> <td id="top-left"> <a href="./index.php"><img src="./images/geshi.png" alt="GeSHi - Generic Syntax Highlighter for PHP" /></a> </td> <td id="top-right"> <img src="./images/title.png" alt="[GeSHi - syntax colorizer]" /> </td> </tr> </table> <table id="main"> <tr> <td rowspan="2" id="lhs-spacer"> </td> <td rowspan="2" id="lhs"> <table id="left-nav"> <tr> <th>Navigation</th> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="./index.php" title="The GeSHi Home Page">Home</a> <a href="./news.php" title="Find out the latest about GeSHi">News</a> <a href="./examples.php" title="View examples of GeSHi's power">Examples</a> <a href="./demo.php" title="Give GeSHi a test drive for yourself!">Demo</a> <a href="" title="Download GeSHi">Downloads</a> <a href="./faq.php" title="Commonly asked questions about GeSHi">FAQ</a> <a href="./documentation.php" title="Read the GeSHi Documentation">Documentation</a> <a href="./lists.php" title="Discuss GeSHi with others">Mailing Lists</a> <a href="./license.php" title="The GeSHi License">License</a> </td> </tr> </table> <table id="promo"> <tr> <th>Support GeSHi!</th> </tr> <tr> <td> If you're using GeSHi, why not help GeSHi out? You can link to GeSHi with this image:<br /> <img src="./images/powered-by-geshi.png" alt="Powered by GeSHi" /><br /> <a href="./getcode.php" onclick="'./getcode.php', '_getcode', 'height=70,resizable=yes,width=850,scrollbars=yes');return false;">Get the HTML</a><br /><br /> </td> </tr> </table> <table id="lhs-links"> <tr> <th>Donate for GeSHi</th> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=""> <img src="" title="Flattr this" style="border: 0;" alt="Flattr this" /> </a><br /> <a href=""><img src="" alt=" Logo" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Support This Project" /></a><br /> <!-- <table id="hot-scripts" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td> <form action="" method="post"><div> <strong>If you like GeSHi, please rate it!</strong><br /> <input type="hidden" name="ID" value="37114" /> <input type="hidden" name="external" value="1" /> <select name="rate" size="1"> <option value="5" selected="selected">Excellent!</option> <option value="4">Very Good</option> <option value="3">Good</option> <option 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/> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">ASM (x86)</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">ASM (z80)</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">ASP</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">AutoIT</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Backus-Naur form</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Bash</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Basic4GL</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">BlitzBasic</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Brainfuck</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">C</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="#">C for Macs</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">C#</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">C++</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="#">C++ (with QT)</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">CAD DCL</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">CadLisp</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">CFDG</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">CIL / MSIL</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">COBOL</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">ColdFusion</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">CSS</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">D</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Delphi</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Diff File Format</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">DIV</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="#">DOS</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">DOT language</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Eiffel</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Fortran</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">FourJ's Genero</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">FreeBasic</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">GetText</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">glSlang</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">GML</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">gnuplot</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Groovy</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Haskell</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">HQ9+</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">HTML</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">INI (Config Files)</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Inno</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">INTERCAL</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">IO</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Java</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Java 5</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Javascript</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">KiXtart</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">KLone C & C++</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">LaTeX</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Lisp</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">LOLcode</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">LotusScript</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">LScript</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Lua</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Make</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">mIRC</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">MXML</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">MySQL</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">NSIS</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Objective C</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">OCaml</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">OpenOffice BASIC</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Oracle 8 & 11 SQL</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Pascal</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Perl</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">PHP</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Pixel Bender</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">PL/SQL</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">POV-Ray</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">PowerShell</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Progress (OpenEdge ABL)</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Prolog</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">ProvideX</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Python</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Q(uick)BASIC</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">robots.txt</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Ruby</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Ruby on Rails</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">SAS</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Scala</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Scheme</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Scilab</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">SDLBasic</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Smalltalk</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Smarty</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">SQL</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="#">T-SQL</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">TCL</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">thinBasic</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">TypoScript</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Uno IDL</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">VB.NET</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Verilog</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">VHDL</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">VIM Script</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Visual BASIC</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Visual Fox Pro</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Visual Prolog</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Whitespace</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Winbatch</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Windows Registry Files</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">X++</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">XML</a><br /> <img src="./images/nav-default.gif" alt="*" /><a href="">Xorg.conf</a><br /> <br /> GeSHi is the current stable release, with eighteen new languages and bug fixes over the last release.<br /><br /> GeSHi 1.1.2alpha5 is the current latest version from the development branch, with full C support (see the <a href="">GeSHi development website</a>). </td> </tr> </table> <table> <tr> <th>Subscribe</th> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="rss.xml.php"><img src="images/rss2.gif" alt="RSS 2" /></a> <br /> <a href="">Mailing Lists</a> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- <table> <tr> <th>Freshmeat</th> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="">Project Record</a><br /> <strong>Vitality:</strong> <span style="cursor:help;" title="%, rank "></span><br /> <strong>Popularity:</strong> <span style="cursor:help;" title="%, rank "></span><br /> <strong>Rating:</strong> <span style="cursor:help;" title=" votes, rank "></span><br /> <strong>Subscriptions:</strong> </td> </tr> </table> --> </td> <td id="top-nav"> <a href="./index.php" title="The GeSHi Home Page">Home</a><a href="./news.php" title="Find out the latest about GeSHi">News</a><a href="./examples.php" title="View examples of GeSHi's power">Examples</a><a href="./demo.php" title="Give GeSHi a test drive for yourself!">Demo</a><a href="" title="Download GeSHi">Downloads</a><a href="./faq.php" title="Commonly asked questions about GeSHi">FAQ</a><a href="./documentation.php" title="Read the GeSHi Documentation">Documentation</a><a href="./lists.php" title="Discuss GeSHi with others">Mailing Lists</a><a href="./license.php" title="The GeSHi Licence" id="last-link">License</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id="content"> <div id="info-box">11:06 pm GMT</div> <h3>GeSHi - Generic Syntax Highlighter</h3> Welcome to the home of the Generic Syntax Highlighter - <abbr>GeSHi</abbr>. GeSHi started as an idea to create a generic syntax highlighter for the <abbr>phpBB</abbr> forum system, but has been generalised to this project. GeSHi aims to be a simple but powerful highlighting class, with the following goals:<br /> <ul><li>Support for a wide range of popular languages</li><li>Easy to add a new language for highlighting</li><li>Highly customisable output formats</li></ul><br /> GeSHi aims to do this all as quickly as possible. Many customisable features of GeSHi facilitate speed increases, and you can easily find a balance between the amount of highlighting done and the speed in which it is done.<br /> <br /> GeSHi supports PHP5 and Windows, and has even been used to highlight code on ASP pages. Numerous blogs, wikis and forums use GeSHi, including Dokuwiki, Mambo, phpBB and WikkaWiki.<br /> <br /> GeSHi is an <a href="">award winning</a> piece of software - so you know you're using a top quality product. <br /> <hr /> <table> <tr> <td id="index-lhs"> <h4>Latest News</h4> <div class="news-item"> <h6><a href="news.php?id=135">GeSHi Released</a></h6> <span class="news-date">2017/05/13</span><br /> In parallel to the previous release, I'm happy to provide you this release of GeSHi which is the first one targeting PHP7. I has NO new languages as those were all bundled with the previous release already.<br /> <br /> This release includes only bugfixes for proper support of PHP 7. Although it likely runs on PHP 5 there will be no support to PHP versions prior to PHP 7. Some more details can be found in the <a href="CHANGES">changelog</a>.<br /> <br /> As already noted previously there's still the problem with PCRE not working properly with some large sources: As I'm not a developer of PCRE, but a mere user I ask you to report issues with PCRE crashes upstream to them, not me.<br /> <br /> More information on current GeSHi developement can be found in <a href="">the GeSHi corner of my blog</a>.<br /> <br /> Download from the usual place, bug reports to the tracker please etc. etc...<br /> <br /> BenBE.<br /> <br /><br /> </div> <div class="news-item"> <h6><a href="news.php?id=134">GeSHi Released</a></h6> <span class="news-date">2017/05/13</span><br /> After even more has passed I'm happy to finally announce this new release of GeSHi with loads of new languages, some minor parser tweaks and fixes to existing language files. It adds 14 more languages thus making a total of 251 supported languages.<br /> <br /> This release includes two minor bugfixes. It is also the last version to be compatible with PHP 4 and support for PHP 5. Some more details can be found in the <a href="CHANGES">changelog</a>.<br /> <br /> As already noted previously there's still a problem with PCRE not working properly with some large sources: As I'm not a developer of PCRE, but a mere user I ask you to report issues with PCRE crashes upstream to them, not me.<br /> <br /> More information on current GeSHi developement can be found in <a href="">the GeSHi corner of my blog</a>.<br /> <br /> Download from the usual place, bug reports to the tracker please etc. etc...<br /> <br /> BenBE.<br /> <br /><br /> </div> <div class="news-item"> <h6><a href="news.php?id=133">GeSHi Released</a></h6> <span class="news-date">2014/11/03</span><br /> Again quite some time has passed but here it is: the new release of GeSHi with loads of new languages, some minor parser tweaks and fixes to existing language files. It adds 18 more languages thus making a total of 237 supported languages.<br /> <br /> This release includes two minor bugfixes for the contrib scripts shipped with GeSHi which allowed for Cross-Site Scripting. Thus if you have the contrib scripts installed it is strongly advised to update ASAP. Some more details can be found in the <a href="CHANGES">changelog</a>.<br /> <br /> As already noted previously there's still a problem with PCRE not working properly with some large sources: As I'm not a developer of PCRE, but a mere user I ask you to report issues with PCRE crashes upstream to them, not me.<br /> <br /> More information on current GeSHi developement can be found in <a href="">the GeSHi corner of my blog</a>.<br /> <br /> Download from the usual place, bug reports to the tracker please etc. etc...<br /> <br /> BenBE.<br /> <br /><br /> </div> <div class="news-item"> <h6><a href="news.php?id=132">GeSHi on GitHub</a></h6> <span class="news-date">2013/11/16</span><br /> Since this week GeSHi has migrated to use <a href="">Git</a> for version control of the source code. Parallel to this move the source code hosting has moved away from <a href="">SourceForge</a> to <a href="">GitHub</a> Thus the old code at SourceForge is there only for historical reasons and will no longer be updated.<br /> <br /> You can find more details on this change <a href="">in my blog</a>.<br /><br /> </div> <div class="news-item"> <h6><a href="news.php?id=131">GeSHi Website available encrypted</a></h6> <span class="news-date">2012/11/25</span><br /> I recently decided to make the GeSHi website available via SSL as a related project requires use of SSL anyway. Currently I'm not yet forcing SSL, but if you connected successfully via SSL once you'll use it automatically for the next six months due to <a href="">HSTS</a>.<br /> <br /> The reason I'm currently not enforcing is that as the used Certification Authority <a href="">CAcert</a> is not in the trusted store of Mozilla and Internet Explorer (although the second is not relevant to me) you'd probably get alot of confusing warnings. Thus as of now you should make a conscious choice to use the encrypted version of this website. If you do and you get an error "Issuer not trusted" please check the Certificate or verify the <a href="">Root Certificate of CAcert</a> is installed properly.<br /> <br /> This change is available for <a href=""></a> and <a href=""></a>.<br /><br /> </div> <a href="news.php">News Archive</a> </td> <td id="index-rhs"> <h4>Random Screenshot</h4> <a href="images/screenshots/screen1.png"><img src="images/screenshots/small1.png" alt="[small1.png: Click for a larger view]" /></a> <br /><!--<div style="text-align: center;"><a href="gallery.php">More Screenshots</a></div>--> <h4>Demonstration</h4> <form action="php_highlighter.php" method="post"> <div> <textarea name="source" rows="14" cols="50"></textarea><br /> <div id="demo-form"> Language: <select name="language"> <option value="4cs">GADV 4CS</option> <option value="6502acme">MOS 6502 (6510) ACME Cross Assembler format</option> <option value="6502kickass">MOS 6502 (6510) Kick Assembler format</option> <option value="6502tasm">MOS 6502 (6510) TASM/64TASS 1.46 Assembler format</option> <option value="68000devpac">Motorola 68000 - HiSoft Devpac ST 2 Assembler format</option> <option value="abap">ABAP</option> <option value="actionscript">ActionScript</option> <option value="actionscript3">ActionScript 3</option> <option value="ada">Ada</option> <option value="aimms">AIMMS3</option> <option value="algol68">ALGOL 68</option> <option value="apache">Apache configuration</option> <option value="applescript">AppleScript</option> <option value="apt_sources">Apt sources</option> <option value="arm">ARM ASSEMBLER</option> <option value="asm">ASM</option> <option value="asp">ASP</option> <option value="asymptote">asymptote</option> <option value="autoconf">Autoconf</option> <option value="autohotkey">Autohotkey</option> <option value="autoit">AutoIt</option> <option value="avisynth">AviSynth</option> <option value="awk">awk</option> <option value="bascomavr">BASCOM AVR</option> <option value="bash">Bash</option> <option value="basic4gl">Basic4GL</option> <option value="batch">Windows Batch file</option> <option value="bf">Brainfuck</option> <option value="biblatex">BibTeX</option> <option value="bibtex">BibTeX</option> <option value="blitzbasic">BlitzBasic</option> <option value="bnf">bnf</option> <option value="boo">Boo</option> <option value="c">C</option> <option value="c_loadrunner">C (LoadRunner)</option> <option value="c_mac">C (Mac)</option> <option value="c_winapi">C (WinAPI)</option> <option value="caddcl">CAD DCL</option> <option value="cadlisp">CAD Lisp</option> <option value="ceylon">Ceylon</option> <option value="cfdg">CFDG</option> <option value="cfm">ColdFusion</option> <option value="chaiscript">ChaiScript</option> <option value="chapel">Chapel</option> <option value="cil">CIL</option> <option value="clojure">Clojure</option> <option value="cmake">CMake</option> <option value="cobol">COBOL</option> <option value="coffeescript">CoffeeScript</option> <option value="cpp">C++</option> <option value="cpp-qt" class="sublang"> C++ (Qt)</option> <option value="cpp-winapi" class="sublang"> C++ (WinAPI)</option> <option value="csharp">C#</option> <option value="css">CSS</option> <option value="cuesheet">Cuesheet</option> <option value="d">D</option> <option value="dart">Dart</option> <option value="dcl">DCL</option> <option value="dcpu16">DCPU-16 Assembly</option> <option value="dcs">DCS</option> <option value="delphi">Delphi</option> <option value="diff">Diff</option> <option value="div">DIV</option> <option value="dos">DOS</option> <option value="dot">dot</option> <option value="e">E</option> <option value="ecmascript">ECMAScript</option> <option value="eiffel">Eiffel</option> <option value="email">eMail (mbox)</option> <option value="epc">EPC</option> <option value="erlang">Erlang</option> <option value="euphoria">Euphoria</option> <option value="ezt">EZT</option> <option value="f1">Formula One</option> <option value="falcon">Falcon</option> <option value="fo">FO 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