Hör mal 'n beten to | - NDR 1 Welle Nord

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<h1> Hör mal 'n beten to</h1> <div class="subline"> <span class="type">Podcast</span> | <a href="#items">92 Folgen</a> </div> <div class="subline podcastauthor"> NDR</div> <div class="longdesc"> <p>Die plattdeutsche Morgenplauderei "Hör mal 'n beten to" gehört seit mehr als 60 Jahren zum Alltag in Norddeutschland. Hier werden die Wunderlichkeiten des Alltags betrachtet. So klingt es, wenn wir Norddeutschen uns selbst auf die Schippe nehmen - liebevoll bis spöttisch, selten mit dem Finger in schmerzenden Wunden, aber immer an Stellen, an denen wir kitzelig sind. Im Radio: werktags um 10.40 Uhr auf NDR 1 Welle Nord, um 13.15 Uhr auf NDR 90,3 und um 11.50 Uhr auf NDR 1 Niedersachsen.</p> <div class="gradient"> <div class="addmore"> <a ><span class="ndricon_chev-down"></span> <span class="addmorelabel">Weiterlesen</span></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="podcastbuttons"> <a class="button exp-header" href="" id="start_podcastabo" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="abolinks">Podcast abonnieren</a> </div> <div class="expanderbox contentbox w100"> <div class="exp-body" id="abolinks" role="region" aria-hidden="true"> <ul class="linkliste_std"> <li><a href="" target="_blank" class="podcast_subscribe theta" title="bei ARD Audiothek abonnieren"><span class="ndricon_extlink"></span>ARD Audiothek</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" title="direkter Link" class="theta" target="_blank"><span class="ndricon_extlink"></span>RSS-Feed</a> </li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" class="podcast_subscribe theta" title="Bei Apple Podcasts abonnieren"><span class="ndricon_extlink"></span>Apple Podcasts</a></li> </ul> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="/resources/js/podcastlinks.js"></script> </div> </header> </div> <section class="w100 podcast"> <a name="items"></a> <h1>FOLGEN</h1> <!-- Standard Player fuer die aktuellste Folge mit Uebergabe Podcast-Id--> <div class="modulepadding"> <!-- Bei Aufruf von einer Podcastseite --> <div class="player audio pod"> <div class="playerloading"><div class="loader"><div></div><div></div></div></div> <img width="184" height="104" src="/ratgeber/verbraucher/smartphone676_v-einspaltig.jpg" alt="Männerhände beim Benutzen eines Smartphones. &copy; 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function c(e) { return (c = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (e) { return typeof e } : function (e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e })(e) } function U(e, t) { (null == t || t > e.length) && (t = e.length); for (var n = 0, r = new Array(t); n < t; n++) r[n] = e[n]; return r } function w(e, t) { var n, r, o, i, a = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && e[Symbol.iterator] || e["@@iterator"]; if (a) return r = !(n = !0), { s: function () { a = }, n: function () { var e =; return n = e.done, e }, e: function (e) { r = !0, o = e }, f: function () { try { n || null == a.return || a.return() } finally { if (r) throw o } } }; if (Array.isArray(e) || (a = function (e, t) { var n; if (e) return "string" == typeof e ? U(e, t) : "Map" === (n = "Object" === (n =, -1)) && e.constructor ? : n) || "Set" === n ? Array.from(e) : "Arguments" === n || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n) ? U(e, t) : void 0 }(e)) || t && e && "number" == typeof e.length) return a && (e = a), i = 0, { s: t = function () { }, n: function () { return i >= e.length ? {done: !0} : {done: !1, value: e[i++]} }, e: function (e) { throw e }, f: t }; throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.") } var D = function e(t, n) { if ("object" !== c(t) || null === t || t instanceof Date) return t; var r, o = new t.constructor; for (r in t) !, r) || void 0 === r || n && void 0 === t[r] || (o[r] = e(t[r])); return o }; var R, B = { post: function (e, t) { var n = !1; !(n = window.navigator && "function" == typeof window.navigator.sendBeacon ? window.navigator.sendBeacon(e, t) : n) && window.fetch && window.fetch(e, { method: "POST", body: t, headers: {"Content-Type": "text/plain;charset=UTF-8"} }) } }, l = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=", V = { encodeURIComponent: window.encodeURIComponent, utf8: { encode: function (e) { e = e.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"); for (var t = "", n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e.charCodeAt(n); r < 128 ? t += String.fromCharCode(r) : t = 127 < r && r < 2048 ? (t += String.fromCharCode(r >> 6 | 192)) + String.fromCharCode(63 & r | 128) : (t = (t += String.fromCharCode(r >> 12 | 224)) + String.fromCharCode(r >> 6 & 63 | 128)) + String.fromCharCode(63 & r | 128) } return t }, decode: function (e) { var t, n, r, o = "", i = 0; for (t = 0; i < e.length;) (r = e.charCodeAt(i)) < 128 ? (o += String.fromCharCode(r), i++) : 191 < r && r < 224 ? (t = e.charCodeAt(i + 1), o += String.fromCharCode((31 & r) << 6 | 63 & t), i += 2) : (t = e.charCodeAt(i + 1), n = e.charCodeAt(i + 2), o += String.fromCharCode((15 & r) << 12 | (63 & t) << 6 | 63 & n), i += 3); return o } }, base64: { encode: function (e) { var t, n, r, o, i, a, u = "", s = 0; for (e = V.utf8.encode(e); s < e.length;) r = (t = e.charCodeAt(s++)) >> 2, o = (3 & t) << 4 | (t = e.charCodeAt(s++)) >> 4, i = (15 & t) << 2 | (n = e.charCodeAt(s++)) >> 6, a = 63 & n, isNaN(t) ? i = a = 64 : isNaN(n) && (a = 64), u = u + l.charAt(r) + l.charAt(o) + l.charAt(i) + l.charAt(a); return u }, decode: function (e) { var t, n, r, o, i, a, u = "", s = 0; for (e = e.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, ""); s < e.length;) r = l.indexOf(e.charAt(s++)), t = (15 & (o = l.indexOf(e.charAt(s++)))) << 4 | (i = l.indexOf(e.charAt(s++))) >> 2, n = (3 & i) << 6 | (a = l.indexOf(e.charAt(s++))), u += String.fromCharCode(r << 2 | o >> 4), 64 != i && (u += String.fromCharCode(t)), 64 != a && (u += String.fromCharCode(n)); return u = V.utf8.decode(u) } } }, K = (R = window.crypto || window.msCrypto, { v4: function () { try { if (null !== R && "object" === c(R)) return ([1e7] + -1e3 + -4e3 + -8e3 + -1e11).replace(/[018]/g, function (e) { return (e ^ R.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(1))[0] & 15 >> e / 4).toString(16) }) } catch (e) { console.error(e) } return "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, function (e) { var t = 16 * Math.random() | 0; return ("x" === e ? t : 3 & t | 8).toString(16) }) } }); function Y(e) { var n = e; function r(e, t) { null !== t && "" !== t && void 0 !== t && (n[e] = t) } return { setConfiguration: r, setConfigurations: function (e) { for (var t in e), t) && r(t, e[t]) }, getConfiguration: function (e) { return void 0 !== n[e] ? D(n[e]) : null }, cloneData: function () { return D(n) }, deleteProperty: function (e) { delete n[e] } } } function q(t) { var n = []; return { push: function (e) { n.push(e), 1 === n.length && t[e[0]].apply(t, e.slice(1)) }, next: function () { var e; n.shift(), 0 < n.length && t[(e = n[0])[0]].apply(t, e.slice(1)) } } } function F(r, e, t) { = D(r._properties), this.setProperty = function (e, t, n) {"isPropAllowed", e) && ([e] = {value: t, options: n || {}}) }, this.hasProperty = function (e) { return, e) }, this.getConfiguration = t.getConfiguration, this.setConfiguration = t.setConfiguration, this.options = e.options || {}, this.visitorId = null, = { url: "", data: {} }, = || [] } function C(e, t, n, r) { !1 !== r && 0 < n.length && "function" == typeof n[0] ? n[0](e, t, n.slice(1)) : } function W(e, t, n) { var r = t.getConfiguration("collectDomain"), o = r.startsWith("https://") || r.startsWith("http://") ? "" : "https://", o = "".concat(o).concat(r, "/").concat(t.getConfiguration("path")), r = "?s=".concat(t.getConfiguration("site")).concat(t.visitorId ? "&idclient=" + t.visitorId : ""); = o + r, = {events:}, C(e, t, n) } function J(e, t, n, r, o) { var i, a = function (e, t, n) { for (var r = {}, o = new RegExp("[&#?]{1}([^&=#?]*)=([^&#]*)?", "g"), i = o.exec(t); null !== i;) 0 === i[1].indexOf(e) && (r[n + i[1].substring(e.length)] = window.decodeURIComponent(i[2])), i = o.exec(t); return r }(r, n, o), u = !1; for (i in a), i) && ![i] && t.setProperty(i, a[i], {persistent: !0}), u = !0; return u } function z(e, t, n) { var r, o = document.location.href, i = w(t.getConfiguration("campaignPrefix")); try { for (i.s(); !(r = i.n()).done;) if (J(0, t, o, r.value, "src_")) break } catch (e) { i.e(e) } finally { i.f() } t.getConfiguration("enableUTMTracking") && J(0, t, o, "utm_", "utm_"), C(e, t, n) } function X(e) { return 0 === e.indexOf('"') && (e = e.slice(1, -1).replace(/\\"/g, '"').replace(/\\\\/g, "\\")), Q(e) } var $, G, Z = function (e) { function t(e) { e && r.setDate(r.getDate() + e) } var n, r = new Date; return e instanceof Date ? r = e : "number" == typeof e ? t(e) : (n = e.days, e = e.minutes, t(n), e && r.setMinutes(r.getMinutes() + e)), r }, Q = function (t) { t = t.replace(/\+/g, " ").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); try { return decodeURIComponent(t) } catch (e) { return t } }, m = ($ = "_cookie_test", G = "https:" === document.location.protocol, { set: te, get: re, getNames: function () { var t = []; return ne(function (e) { t.push(e) }), t }, remove: oe, getTopLevelDomain: function (e) { void 0 === e && (e = []); var t = window.location.hostname.split("."), n = (new Date).getTime().toString(36) + Math.round(2147483647 * Math.random()).toString(36), r = new Date; r.setSeconds(r.getSeconds() + 30); for (var o = 0; o < t.length; o++) try { var i = t.slice(-(o + 1)).join("."); if (!e.includes(i)) { te($, n, {expires: r, path: "/", domain: i, secure: G}); var a = re($) === n; if (oe($, {path: "/", domain: i}), a) return i } } catch (e) { } }, __private__: {_generateCookieString: ee} }); function ee(e, t, n) { var r = (n = void 0 === n ? {} : n).path, o = n.domain, i = n.expires, a =, u = n.samesite, s = n.raw, n = n.priority; return (s ? e : encodeURIComponent(e)) + "=" + (s ? t : encodeURIComponent(t)) + (i ? "; expires=".concat(Z(i).toUTCString()) : "") + (r ? "; path=".concat(r) : "") + (o ? "; domain=".concat(o) : "") + (a ? "; secure" : "") + (u ? "boolean" == typeof u ? "; sameSite" : "; sameSite=".concat(u) : "") + (n ? "; priority=".concat(n) : "") } function te(e, t, n, r) { void 0 === t || void 0 !== r && encodeURI(t).split(/%(?:u[\dA-F]{2})?[\dA-F]{2}|./).length - 1 > r || (document.cookie = ee(e, t, n)) } function ne(e) { for (var t = document.cookie.split(";"), n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n].split("="); if (e(Q(r[0]), r[1] || "")) return } } function re(n) { var r = null, o = {}; return ne(function (e, t) { if (n) return e === n && (r = X(t), 1); o[e] = X(t) }), n ? r : o } function oe(e, t) { te(e, "", Object.assign({}, t, {expires: -1})) } t = "_ls_ttl", ie = function () { try { var e = window.localStorage.getItem(t); return e ? JSON.parse(e) : null } catch (e) { return null } }, ae = function (e) { try { Object.keys(e).length ? window.localStorage.setItem(t, JSON.stringify(e)) : window.localStorage.removeItem(t) } catch (e) { } }, se(); var t, ie, ae, ue = { get: function (e) { var t; se(); try { return null != (t = window.localStorage.getItem(e)) ? t : null } catch (e) { return null } }, set: function (e, t, n) { if (r = e, n = (n = void 0 === n ? {} : n).expires, o = ie(), void 0 === n ? (null != o && o[r] && (delete o[r], ae(o)), !0) : (n = Z(n).getTime()) > && ((o = o || {})[r] = n.toString(36), ae(o), !0)) try { window.localStorage.setItem(e, t) } catch (e) { } var r, o }, getNames: ce, remove: function (e) { try { window.localStorage.removeItem(e) } catch (e) { } se() }, expires: se, __protected__: { get ttlName() { return t } } }; function se() { var n = ce(), r = ie(), o = {}; r && (Object.keys(r).forEach(function (e) { if (n.includes(e)) { var t = r[e] ? parseInt(r[e], 36) : null; if (!(t = t) || t > o[e] = r[e]; else try { window.localStorage.removeItem(e) } catch (e) { } } }), JSON.stringify(r) !== JSON.stringify(o)) && ae(o) } function ce() { try { return Object.keys(window.localStorage) } catch (e) { return [] } } function n(t, e) { return { cookieName: e = void 0 === e ? "_pctx" : e, readonly: !1, init: function (e) { return null != (e = null != e ? e : t) ? e : null }, refresh: function (e) { return e }, update: function (e) { return e }, set: function (e) { return e }, get: function (e) { return e } } } function e(e) { return _(_({}, n(e)), {cookieName: null}) } function le(e) { return null == e } function de() { var t = {}; return { add: function (e) { t[e] = !0 }, values: function () { return d(t) } } } function fe(n, r) { var o, i = NaN, a = NaN; return function (e) { var t = null == r ? void 0 : r(); return e === a && i === t || (i = t, o = n(a = e)), o } } function pe(n) { var r; return function (e) { var t = n(); t !== r && e(r = t) } } function ve(e) { return y(e, function (e) { return "CX" !== (null == e ? void 0 : e.type) }) } function ge(e, t) { return t({protect: !0}), v() } function he(n, r, o) { var e = je().reduce(function (e, t) { t =; return e[t] = o(null == n ? void 0 : n[t], null == r ? void 0 : r[t], t), e }, {}); return Me(e, r) ? r : e } function me(e, t) { return he(e, t, function (e, t, n) { return e || t || Qe()[n] }) } function _e() { return g().consent_modifiers || null } function ye() { return !!g().requireConsent } function be(e, t, n) { return "".concat(e.join(", "), " ").concat(1 < e.length ? n : t) } var we, Ce, ke = { get: function (e) { try { return window.sessionStorage.getItem(e) } catch (e) { return null } }, set: function (e, t) { try { window.sessionStorage.setItem(e, t) } catch (e) { } }, getNames: function () { try { return Object.keys(window.sessionStorage) } catch (e) { return [] } }, remove: function (e) { try { window.sessionStorage.removeItem(e) } catch (e) { } } }, _ = function () { return (_ = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++) for (var o in t = arguments[n]), o) && (e[o] = t[o]); return e }).apply(this, arguments) }, Pe = n("anon"), d = function (e) { return e ? Object.keys(e) : [] }, p = function (e) { return Array.isArray(e) }, Oe = function (e) { return !le(e) }, a = function (e) { return "object" === c(e) }, f = function (e) { return "string" == typeof e }, v = function () { for (var e = (new Date).getTime().toString(36); e.length < 16;) e += Math.round(2147483647 * Math.random()).toString(36); return e.substr(0, 16) }, y = function (n, t) { return n && d(n).filter(function (e) { return t(n[e]) }).reduce(function (e, t) { return _(_({}, e), ((e = {})[t] = n[t], e)) }, {}) }, Ae = function (o, i) { return a(o) ? d(o).reduce(function (e, t) { var n = o[t], r = i[t], r = r && r(n); return void 0 !== r && (e[t] = r), e }, {}) : o }, xe = function (e) { return "true" === e || !0 === e }, o = function t(e, n) { try { return e() } catch (e) { return n ? t(n) : null } }, Se = function (e, t) { return void 0 === t && (t = !1), o(function () { return JSON.parse(e) }, function () { return t ? JSON.parse(window.atob(e)) : null }) || null }, De = function (e, t) { void 0 === t && (t = !1); var n = JSON.stringify(e); return o(function () { return t ? window.btoa(n) : n }) || n }, Me = function (t, n) { var e, r; return t === n || (t && n ? (e = d(t), r = d(n), e.length === r.length && !e.some(function (e) { return t[e] !== n[e] })) : null) }, Ie = _(_({}, n(null)), { init: function (e) { return ve(e || null) }, refresh: ve, set: function (e, t) { return null === e ? null : y(_(_({}, t), e), function (e) { return null !== e }) } }), Ee = "pdl", g = function () { return window[Ee] || {} }, Ne = _(_({}, e()), { init: function (e, t) { return t({protect: !0}), g().pageViewId || v() }, refresh: ge, update: ge, set: function (e, t, n) { return n({protect: !0}), e } }), Te = _(_({}, n(null, "_pcid")), { init: function (e, t) { return t({protect: !0}), e || v() }, update: function (e, t) { return t({protect: !0}), v() }, set: function (e, t, n) { return n({protect: !0}), e } }), i = ["PA", "DMP", "COMPOSER", "ID", "VX", "ESP", "SOCIAL_FLOW", "DL"].map(function (e, t) { return {name: e, id: t} }), h = i.reduce(function (e, t, n) { t =; return _(_({}, e), ((e = {})[t] = n, e[t.toLowerCase()] = n, e)) }, {}), Le = (h["social flow"] = h.SOCIAL_FLOW, h["Social Flow"] = h.SOCIAL_FLOW, pe(function () { var e; return null == (e = At(g().consent)) ? void 0 : e.products })), je = (we = i, function () { return Le(function (t) { we = t ? i.filter(function (e) { return t.includes( || "DL" === }) : i }), we }), He = function (e) { var t = Number(e); return Number.isNaN(t) ? null != (e = h[e.toLowerCase()]) ? e : null : t < i.length ? t : null }, Ue = function (r, o) { return d(r).reduce(function (e, t) { var n = i[Number(t)].name, t = r[t]; return e[n] = o ? o(t, n) : t, e }, {}) }, Re = "opt-in", Be = "essential", Ve = "opt-out", Ke = "custom", Ye = [Re, Be, Ve], qe = Ye.concat(Ke), Fe = qe.reduce(function (e, t, n) { return _(_({}, e), ((e = {})[n] = t, e)) }, {}), We = [Re, Ke, Be, Ve], Je = function (e, t) { e = We.indexOf(e), t = We.indexOf(t); return We[Math.max(e, t)] }, ze = function (e) { return qe.includes(e) }, Xe = function (e) { return Ye.includes(e) }, $e = {AD: ["DMP", "SOCIAL_FLOW"], CP: ["COMPOSER"], AM: ["PA"], PR: ["ESP", "VX", "ID"], DL: ["DL"]}, Ge = d($e).reduce(function (t, n) { return $e[n].forEach(function (e) { e = h[e]; t[e] = n }), t }, {}), Ze = pe(function () { var e; return null == (e = At(g().consent)) ? void 0 : e.defaultPurposes }), Qe = (Ce = _({}, Ge), function () { return Ze(function (n) { Ce = _({}, Ge), n && d(n).forEach(function (e) { var t = h[e]; Ce[t] = null == (t = n[e]) ? void 0 : t.substring(0, 32) }) }), Ce }), r = _(_({}, n(null, "_pprv")), { init: function (e) { return b() ? me(e || null, null) : null }, set: function (e, t) { return b() ? null == e ? t : me(d(r = e).reduce(function (e, t) { var n = He(t), t = ot(r[t]); return null !== n && t !== tt && n !== h.DL && t && (e[n] = t), e }, {}), t) : null; var r } }), b = function () { return "v2" === g().requireConsent }, et = function (e, t) { return e === Ke && !(null != (e = _e()) && e[t]) }, tt = "DL", nt = ["AD", "AM", "CP", "PR", tt].reduce(function (e, t) { return _(_({}, e), ((e = {})[t] = t, e[t.toLowerCase()] = t, e)) }, {}), rt = function (e) { return nt[(null == e ? void 0 : e.toLowerCase()) || ""] || null }, ot = function (e) { return rt(e) || (null == e ? void 0 : e.substring(0, 32)) }, it = "Consent v2 is disabled", at = 'the "DL" purpose is reserved', ut = function (e) { return '"'.concat(e, '" can not be applied for the dl product') }, st = function (e) { return "".concat(e, " is unknown consent mode") }, ct = function (e) { return be(e, "does", "do") + "n't have modifier in the pdl. Custom mode can't be applied" }, lt = "Unknown purpose. Provide a product or define within pdl config", dt = function (e) { return "Custom purpose: " + be(e, "is", "are") + " unknown" }; function ft(u, e, t, n, r) { function o(e, t) { return t = ot(t), nt[t] || Object.values(u || {}).includes(t) ? f(e, t) : d(lt) } var i, a, s, c, l, d = function (e) { return {error: e} }, f = function (r, o, i) { var e, a = []; return ze(r) ? (e = je().reduce(function (e, t) { var n =, t =; return (!o || (null == u ? void 0 : u[n]) === o || null != i && i.includes(n)) && (et(r, t) ? a.push(t) : e[n] = {mode: r}), e }, {}), a.length ? d(ct(a)) : Object.keys(e).length ? {consent: e} : null) : d(st(r)) }; return b() ? r ? (i = n, r = r, c = ot(a = t), r = p(r) ? r : [r], (l = ? c !== tt && l.includes(h.DL) ? {error: ut(c)} : c === tt && l.some(function (e) { return e !== h.DL }) ? d(at) : null != (s = f(i, c, l)) && s.error ? s : (l = l.reduce(function (e, t) { return e[t] = c, e }, {}), { consent: (null == s ? void 0 : s.consent) || null, purposes: l }) : rt(a) ? o(i, a) : d(dt(r))) : n ? o(n, t) : f(t) : d(it) } function pt(t, n) { return function (e) { return n(t + e) } } function vt(e, t) { void 0 === t && (t = kt); var n = h[e.toLowerCase()]; return void 0 !== n ? i[n].name : (t('"'.concat(e, '" is not found')), null) } function gt(o, a) { var e, u; return void 0 === a && (a = kt), o ? (e = {}, o.products && (p(o.products) ? e.products = o.products.reduce(function (e, t) { t = vt(t, pt("consent.products: ", a)); return t && e.push(t), e }, []) : a("consent.products: should be an array")), o.defaultPreset && (e.defaultPreset = d(o.defaultPreset).reduce(function (e, t) { var n = vt(t, pt("consent.defaultPreset: ", a)), r = Pt(o.defaultPreset[t]); return r || a("consent.defaultPreset: " + Ct(t, Ye)), n && r && (e[n] = r), e }, {})), (u = o.defaultPurposes) && (e.defaultPurposes = d(u).reduce(function (e, t) { var n = pt("consent.defaultPurposes: ", a), r = vt(t, n), o = u[t], i = ot(o); return i === tt || "DL" === r ? n('"'.concat(t, ": ").concat(o, '" - invalid config')) : r && i && (e[r] = i), e }, {})), e) : null } function ht(e) { return e.reduce(function (e, t, n) { return _(_({}, e), ((e = {})[n] = {mode: Fe[t]}, e)) }, {}) } function mt(e, t) { return he(e, t, function (e, t, n) { e = (null == e ? void 0 : e.mode) || (null == t ? void 0 : t.mode) || It()[0].preset[n].mode; return e !== (null == t ? void 0 : t.mode) ? {mode: e} : t }) } function _t(e) { var t = Number(e); return Number.isNaN(t) ? String(e) : t } function yt(e) { return p(e) ? e : e.split(",").map(function (e) { return e.trim().replace(/^['"](.+)['"]$/, "$1") }) } function u(e) { return e } var s, bt = function (o, e) { var i; return o ? (i = Ue(e || Ge), je().reduce(function (e, t) { var t =, n = i[t], r = (null == (r = o[t]) ? void 0 : r.mode) || Re; return e[n] ? (e[n].mode = Je(e[n].mode, r), e[n].products.push(t)) : e[n] = {mode: r, products: [t]}, e }, {})) : null }, wt = ["include", "exclude", "obfuscate"], Ct = function (e, t) { return '"'.concat(e, '" should be one of ').concat(t.join(", ")) }, kt = function () { }, Pt = function (e) { return Xe(e) ? e : null }, Ot = function (e, i) { void 0 === i && (i = kt); var t = e.source, e = e.patches || []; return Pt(t) || (i(Ct("source", Ye)), t = Re), p(e) || (i('"patches" should be an array'), e = []), { source: t, patches: e = e.reduce(function (e, t, n) { var r, o; return !a(t) || p(t) ? i("patch[".concat(n, "]: should be type of {action, item, with?}")) : (r = t.action, o = t.item, wt.includes(r) ? o && a(o) && o.key && o.type ? e.push(t) : i("patch[".concat(n, ']: "item" should be type of {key, type}')) : i("patch[".concat(n, "]: ") + Ct("action", wt))), e }, []) } }, At = fe(gt), xt = function (o, i) { return void 0 === i && (i = kt), d(o || {}).reduce(function (e, t) { var n = null == o ? void 0 : o[t], r = vt((null == n ? void 0 : n.source) || "", i); return e[t] = _(_({}, n), {source: r}), e }, {}) }, St = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0], [1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1], [0, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0], [1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1], [2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0], [2, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0], [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 2], [2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0], [2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1], [2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1]], Dt = (e, t) { return {id: t, preset: ht(e)} }), Mt = pe(function () { var e; return null == (e = At(g().consent)) ? void 0 : e.defaultPreset }), It = (s = Dt, function () { return Mt(function (n) { s = Dt.slice(), n && (s[0] = {id: 0, preset: _({}, s[0].preset)}, d(n).forEach(function (e) { var t = n[e], e = h[e]; s[0].preset[e] = {mode: t} })) }), s }), Et = _(_({}, n(null, "_pprv")), { init: function (e) { return ye() && e ? mt(e, null) : null }, set: function (e, t) { var n, r, o; return ye() ? null != e && (n = "number" == typeof e ? (null == (n = It()[e]) ? void 0 : n.preset) || null : p(e) ? (o = null, e.forEach(function (e) { var n = St[e]; !o && n ? o = n : o && n && (o = (e, t) { return Math.min(e, n[t]) })) }), o && ht(o)) : d(r = e).reduce(function (e, t) { var n = r[t], t = He(t); return null !== t && (n = ze(n.mode) ? n.mode : null) && ((e = e || {})[t] = {mode: n}), e }, null)) ? mt(n, t) : t : null }, get: fe(function (e) { return e && Ue(e, function (e, t) { var n, e = _({}, e); return e.mode === Ke && (e.modifier = (null == (n = _e()) ? void 0 : n[t]) || null), e }) }, _e) }), Nt = _(_({}, e()), {init: It, set: It}), Tt = _(_({}, e()), {init: je, set: je}), Lt = _(_({}, e(null)), { readonly: !0, set: function () { return null }, get: _e }), jt = { id: u, type: u, zone: u, createdAt: _t, modifiedAt: _t, authors: yt, section: u, tags: yt, keywords: yt, title: u, description: u, isNative: xe }, Ht = function (e) { return "first" === e }, Ut = function (e) { return "last" === e }; function Rt(e, t) { return void 0 === e && (e = "meta"), Ht(t) ? document.querySelector(e) : (e = document.querySelectorAll(e), Ut(t) ? e[e.length - 1] : Array.from(e)) } function Bt(e) { var r = e.getContent || function (e) { return e.content }; if (e.selector) return (t = Rt(e.selector, e.take || "first")) && r(t) || null; var o = Yt.find(e.attr || ["name"], e.hasContent), t = e.names || [], i = !("all" === e.take), a = Ut(e.take); if (o) for (var n = 0, u = t; n < u.length; n++) { var s = function (e) { var t, n = [], e = o[e]; if (e) { if (i) return t = e[a ? e.length - 1 : 0], {value: r(t) || ""}; e.forEach(function (e) { n = n.concat(r(e) || "") }) } if (n.length) return {value: n} }(u[n]); if ("object" === c(s)) return s.value } return null } function Vt(e) { var t = e.replace(/DAY/g, "(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])").replace(/MONTHLONG/g, "(" + d(Jt).join("|") + ")").replace(/MONTH/g, "(0?[1-9]|1[012])").replace(/YEAR2/g, "([0-9][0-9])").replace(/YEAR/g, "(197[1-9]|19[8-9][0-9]|20[0-9][0-9])").replace(/TIME/g, "([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9])(?:\\.[0-9][0-9][0-9])?([zZ]|[+-][0-9][0-9](?::?[0-9][0-9])?)?"), e = e.replace(/.*?([YMD])(EAR|ONTH|AY).*?/g, "$1").substring(0, 3); return [new RegExp(t), e] } function k(e) { return e && parseInt(e, 10) || 0 } Kt = null; var Kt, Yt = { refresh: function () { (Kt = Rt() || null) && setTimeout(function () { Kt = null }, 0) }, find: function (a, u) { return void 0 === u && (u = !1), Kt ? Kt.reduce(function (e, t) { for (var n = 0, r = a; n < r.length; n++) { var o = r[n], o = (("name" === o ? : t.getAttribute(o)) || "").trim().toLowerCase(), i = t.content; if (o && (!u || i)) { e[o] || (e[o] = []), e[o].push(t); break } } return e }, {}) : null } }, qt = function (e) { for (var t = 0, n = e; t < n.length; t++) { var r = n[t], r = Bt(r); if (r) return r } }, P = function (e, t, n) { var r, o = jt[t]; !Boolean(e[t]) && o && (o = (r = ("function" == typeof n ? n : function () { return (p(n) ? qt : Bt)(n) })()) && o(r)) && (e[t] = o) }, Ft = function (e) { return {attr: ["property"], names: [e]} }, Wt = function (e) { return {names: [e]} }, Jt = { januar: "01", january: "01", jan: "01", februar: "02", february: "02", feb: "02", mars: "03", march: "03", mar: "03", april: "04", apr: "04", mai: "05", may: "05", juni: "06", june: "06", jun: "06", juli: "07", july: "07", jul: "07", august: "08", aug: "08", september: "09", sept: "09", sep: "09", oktober: "10", october: "10", okt: "10", oct: "10", november: "11", nov: "11", desember: "12", december: "12", dec: "12", des: "12" }, zt = ["\\bDAY\\.MONTH\\.YEAR\\b", "\\bDAY\\.?\\s{0,3}MONTHLONG\\.?\\s{1,3}YEAR\\b", "\\bYEAR-MONTH-DAY(?:[tT]|\\b)", "\\bMONTHLONG\\.?\\s{0,3}DAY(?:st|nd|rd|th)?,?\\s{1,3}YEAR\\b", "\\bDAY(?:st|nd|rd|th|\\.)?\\s{0,3}MONTHLONG\\.?,?\\s{1,3}YEAR\\b", "\\bYEAR[/年]MONTH[/月]DAY(?=\\b|日)", "\\bDAY\\.MONTH\\.YEAR2\\b", "\\bDAY/MONTH/YEAR\\b"].map(Vt), Xt = Vt("YEAR-MONTH-DAY[tT]TIME")[0]; function $t(e, t, n, r, o, i, a) { e = new Date(Date.UTC(k(e), k(t) - 1, k(n), k(r), k(o), k(i))), t = (a || "").match(/^([+-][0-9][0-9])(?::?([0-9][0-9])?)$/), t && (e = new Date(e.getTime() - 36e5 * Number(t[1]) - 6e4 * (Number(t[2]) || 0))), n = - e.getTime(); return 0 < n || -n < 1728e5 ? e.toISOString() : null } var Gt = function (e) { return e.replace(/<\/?[^>?]*\/?>/g, " ").replace(/\s+/g, " ").trim() }; function Zt(e) { return Gt((e = void 0 === e ? "" : e).replace(/,(?=\s*(jr|sr)(\.?)\b)/g, " ")) } function Qt(e) { return _(_({}, e), {take: "last"}) } function O(e) { return _(_({}, e), { take: "last", hasContent: !0, getContent: function (e) { return Gt(e.content || "") } }) } function en(e) { P(e, "createdAt", function () { var e = qt(sn); if (!e) return null; var t = e.toLowerCase(), e = (t = t.toLowerCase()).match(Xt); if (e) return $t(e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4], e[5], e[6], e[7]); for (var n = 0, r = zt; n < r.length; n++) { var o = r[n], i = t.match(o[0]); if (i) return $t(2 === (i = "DMY" === o[1] ? ["", i[3], i[2], i[1]] : "MDY" === o[1] ? ["", i[3], i[1], i[2]] : i)[1].length ? (k(i[1]) < 60 ? "20" : "19") + i[1] : i[1], i[2].length <= 2 ? i[2] : Jt[i[2]], i[3]) } }), P(e, "modifiedAt", cn), P(e, "authors", ln), P(e, "keywords", function () { var e = qt(dn); return e && e.length <= 1024 ? e : null }), P(e, "title", pn), P(e, "description", fn) } function tn() { var e, t = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("meta[property^=content]")).reduce(function (e, t) { var n = null == (n = null == t ? void 0 : t.getAttribute("property")) ? void 0 : n.split(":").pop(), r = jt[n]; return r && t && (e[n] = r((null == t ? void 0 : t.getAttribute("content")) || "")), e }, {}); return Yt.refresh(), P(e = t, "type", Ft("og:type")), P(e, "section", Wt("section")), P(e, "id", Wt("id")), P(e, "authors", Wt("author")), en(t), t } function nn(e) { return e.getTime().toString(36) } function rn(e) { return e ? o(function () { return new Date(parseInt(e, 36)) }) : null } function on(e, t, n) { return void 0 === n && (n = !1), { cookieName: e, consent: t = void 0 === t ? yn : t, encode: function (e) { return De(e, n) }, decode: function (e) { return Se(e, !0) } } } function an(e) { function r(e) { return _(_({}, f), y(e || {}, Oe)) } function n(e, t) { var n = e && t; !v() && n && g(), v() && !n && h(), v() && n && !c && g(), a = e, l = t } var o = e.cookieName, t = e.consent, i = m.get(o), a = !!i, u = a, s = mn(i, e), c = !!s.fixedAt, l = a, d = null, f = _({}, hn), p = null, v = function () { return a && l }, g = function (e) { var t, e = r(e), n = d || (p ? s.encode(p, e) : ""); n || (t = m.get(o), n = (t = s.decode(t || "")) ? s.encode(t, e) : ""), n && (c = !0, m.set(o, n, s.bindOptions(e)), u = !0) }, h = function (e) { v() && (u && m.remove(o, r(e)), u = !1) }; return s.onChange(function () { v() && (c = !1, g()) }), { get cookieName() { return o }, get cookieEnabled() { return v() }, get fixedAt() { return s.fixedAt }, get consent() { return t }, set: function (e, t) { p = e, v() && g(t) }, get: function () { return s.decode(m.get(o) || "") }, remove: h, setCookieOptions: function (e) { f = r(e), v() && g() }, setCookieEnabled: function (e, t) { void 0 === t && (t = null), d = e ? t : null, n(e, l) }, lazyActive: function () { n(a, !0) }, setFixedMode: function (e) { s.setMode(e) } } } var un, sn = [Qt({ attr: ["name", "property", "itemprop"], names: ["cxenseparse:publishtime", "cxenseparse:recs:publishtime", "article:published_time", "date", "", "", "dc.terms.issued", "pub_date", "article.published", "datepublished", "og:article:published_time"] }), Qt({ selector: "time.published[datetime],time[pubdate][datetime]", getContent: function (e) { return e.getAttribute("datetime") } }), Qt({ selector: "time[datetime]", getContent: function (e) { return e.getAttribute("datetime") } })], cn = {selector: 'meta[property="article:modified_time"]'}, ln = [{ attr: ["property", "name"], names: ["cxenseparse:author", "og:article:author", "article:author", "og:book:author", "book:author", "author", "dc.creator", ""], take: "all", getContent: function (e) { var t = e.getAttribute("data-separator"), e = e.content; return t ? Zt(e).split(t) : Zt((t = void 0 === (t = e) ? "" : t).replace(/\n+/, ";").replace(/(\<|&lt;)br(\>|&gt;)/, ";").replace(/\b(and|und|og)\b/g, ";")).split(/[,;]/) } }], dn = [O({names: ["cxenseparse:keywords"]}), O({ attr: ["property", "name"], names: ["news_keywords"] }), O({names: ["keywords"]})], fn = [O({names: ["cxenseparse:description"]}), O({ attr: ["property"], names: ["og:description"] }), O({names: ["description"]})], pn = [{names: ["cxenseparse:title"]}, Qt({attr: ["property", "name"], names: ["og:title"]})], vn = _(_({}, e(null)), { init: tn, refresh: function (e) { var t = tn(); return null != e && e._fixed_ && null != e && e._fixed_.forEach(function (e) { delete t[e] }), _(_({}, e), t) }, set: function (n, e) { var t, r; return null === n ? {} : (t = new Set(e && e._fixed_), (r = function (e, t) { d(y(n, e)).forEach(t) })(Oe, function (e) { t.add(e) }), r(le, function (e) { t.delete(e) }), y(_(_(_({}, e), n), {_fixed_: Array.from(t.values())}), Oe)) }, get: fe(function (e) { var t = _({}, e); return delete t._fixed_, e && t }) }), gn = _(_({}, n(null, "_pcus")), { init: function (e) { return (e = void 0 === e ? null : e) && y(e, function (e) { return a(e) && Array.isArray(e.segments) }) } }), Ne = { pageViewId: Ne, browserId: Te, users: Ie, userStatus: Pe, siteId: n(), consent: Et, consentPresets: Nt, products: Tt, consentModifiers: Lt, purposes: r, content: vn, userSegments: gn }, hn = { path: "/", expires: 395, samesite: "lax", secure: "https:" === window.location.protocol, domain: m.getTopLevelDomain(["", "", ""]) }, mn = function (e, t) { function n(e) { return a = a || function (e) { var t = new Date; if (e instanceof Date) t = e; else { if ("number" != typeof e) return null; t.setDate(t.getDate() + e) } return t }(e.expires) } var r = t.encode, o = t.decode, i = !1, a = null, u = null, s = null; (t = null == (t = o(e || "")) ? void 0 : t._t) && (t = t.split("|"), a = rn(t[0]), u = rn(t[1]), i = !!a); return { get fixedAt() { return i ? [u, a] : null }, onChange: function (e) { s = e }, setMode: function (e) { var t = i; (i = e) !== t && (u = a = null) != s && s(i) }, bindOptions: function (e) { return i && (a = n(e)) ? _(_({}, e), {expires: a}) : e }, decode: function (e) { e = o(e); return null != e && e._t && delete e._t, e }, encode: function (e, t) { return i ? (a = n(t)) && (e._t = nn(a) + "|" + nn(u = u || new Date)) : delete e._t, r(e) } } }, _n = "essential", yn = "optional", bn = "mandatory", wn = String.fromCharCode, Cn = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+-$", kn = {}; (un = un || {}).URI = "URI"; function Pn() { function r(r, o, i) { void 0 === i && (i = !1); var a = []; return d(o).forEach(function (e) { var t = o[e], n = !s.has(e) || s.get(e) === r || i; t && n ? s.set(e, r) : !t && n ? s.delete(e) : a.push(e) }), 0 < a.length ? a : null } var i = zn(), a = {}, u = null, o = new Map, s = new Map, c = []; return function (e, t) { var n = v(); return o.set(n, e), t && i.register(t), a = _(_({}, i.get()), a), { getInitCookieData: function () { return a }, getCachedData: function () { return u || Gn }, setProtectionData: function (e) { return r(n, e) }, setProtectionDataUnsafe: function (e) { return r(n, e, !0) }, updateData: function (e) { return n = {}, r = {}, d(t = e).forEach(function (e) { s.has(e) ? n[e] = (null == u ? void 0 : u[e]) || null : r[e] = t[e] }), e = u || a, o = _(_({}, u), r), Me(o, e) || (i.set(o, e), u = o, c.forEach(function (e) { return (0, e[1])(r) })), 0 < d(n).length ? n : null; var t, n, r, o }, onUpdateData: function (e) { c.push([n, e]) }, terminate: function () { var t; t = n, c = c.filter(function (e) { return e[0] !== t }), o.delete(n) }, setCookieOptions: function () { return null }, setCookieEnabled: function () { return null }, get registeredCookiesWrapper() { return i.wrappers } } } } function On(t) { return d(t).filter(Qn).map(function (e) { return er(e, t[e]) }) } function An(e, t) { switch (e) { case Re: return !0; case Be: return t === _n || t === bn; case Ve: return t === bn; default: return !0 } } function xn(e) { function t(e) { return o(function () { return window.localStorage.getItem(e) }) } var n = t(e), r = o(function () { return parseInt(Se(t("_ls_ttl"))[e], 36) }); return r && r <= ? null : n } function Sn(e) { var t = e && e.length; return 16 === t || 36 === t ? e : null } function Dn(o) { var e, i = _(_({}, ir), xt(null == (e = g()) ? void 0 : e.migration)); d(i).forEach(function (e) { var t = o.params.get(e), n = i[e] === ir[e], r = null == (r = i[e]) ? void 0 : r.source, r = r && (null == (r = or[r]) ? void 0 : r[e]) || []; t && r.length && (r = rr(r)) && (t.readonly = !1, o.updateValues(e, r, !0), t.readonly = !n) }) } function Mn() { function n(e) { return Ae(e, { path: String, domain: String, secure: xe, expires: function (e) { return e instanceof Date ? e : Number(e) }, samesite: function (e) { return f(e) ? e : xe(e) } }) } var r = _({}, window[Ee]); return null != r && r.cookies && (r.cookies = d(r.cookies).reduce(function (e, t) { return e[t] = n(r.cookies[t]), e }, {})), null != r && r.cookieDefault && (r.cookieDefault = n(r.cookieDefault)), r } function In(n) { function e(e) { return e || (null == (e = n.get("consent")) ? void 0 : e.DL) || null } function r(e, t) { var r = sr(t), o = null == (t = n.getConnection()) ? void 0 : t.registeredCookiesWrapper; o && (t = d(o).map(function (e) { return o[e].cookieName }), i(t, e).forEach(function (e) { var t =, n = e.allowed, e =, n = n && !r[t]; o[t].setCookieEnabled(n, e || null) })) } var t = d(Jn).reduce(function (e, t) { return e[t] = Jn[t].consent, e }, {}), i = nr({items: t, type: "cookie", getConsent: e}), o = e(), a = (null == (t = n.get("consent")) ? void 0 : t.PA) || null; n.addChangeListener("consent", function (e) { var t = (null == e ? void 0 : e.DL) || null, n = (null == e ? void 0 : e.PA) || null; (null == o ? void 0 : o.mode) === (null === t ? void 0 : t.mode) && (null == a ? void 0 : a.mode) === (null === n ? void 0 : n.mode) || (a = n, r(o = t, e)) }), r(o, n.get("consent")) } function En(n) { function t(o) { var i, e, t = bt(o, n.get("purposes")); t && o && (i = !1, e = d(t).reduce(function (n, e) { var r = t[e].mode; return t[e].products.forEach(function (e) { var t; r !== (null == (t = o[e]) ? void 0 : t.mode) && (et(r, e) ? a[e] || (a[e] = !0, cr(e, r, 1)) : (n[e] = {mode: r}, i = !0, cr(e, r, 2))) }), n }, {}), i) && n.updateValues({consent: e}) } var r = null, a = {}; n.addChangeListener("consent", function (e) { b() && (r && (clearTimeout(r), r = null), r = setTimeout(function () { t(e), r = null }, 200)) }), b() && t(n.get("consent")) } var Nn, Tn, Ln, jn, Hn, Un, A, Rn, x, S, M, Bn, I, E, Vn, Kn, Yn, qn, N, Fn = { URI: { prefix: "{u}", compress: function (e) { if (null == e) return ""; var t = e, n = 6, r = function (e) { return Cn.charAt(e) }; if (null == t) return ""; for (var o, i, a, u, s = {}, c = {}, l = "", d = 2, f = 3, p = 2, v = [], g = 0, h = 0, m = 0; m < t.length; m += 1) if (a = t.charAt(m),, a) || (s[a] = f++, c[a] = !0), u = l + a,, u)) l = u; else { if (, l)) { if (l.charCodeAt(0) < 256) { for (o = 0; o < p; o++) g <<= 1, h == n - 1 ? (h = 0, v.push(r(g)), g = 0) : h++; for (i = l.charCodeAt(0), o = 0; o < 8; o++) g = g << 1 | 1 & i, h == n - 1 ? (h = 0, v.push(r(g)), g = 0) : h++, i >>= 1 } else { for (i = 1, o = 0; o < p; o++) g = g << 1 | i, h == n - 1 ? (h = 0, v.push(r(g)), g = 0) : h++, i = 0; for (i = l.charCodeAt(0), o = 0; o < 16; o++) g = g << 1 | 1 & i, h == n - 1 ? (h = 0, v.push(r(g)), g = 0) : h++, i >>= 1 } 0 == --d && (d = Math.pow(2, p), p++), delete c[l] } else for (i = s[l], o = 0; o < p; o++) g = g << 1 | 1 & i, h == n - 1 ? (h = 0, v.push(r(g)), g = 0) : h++, i >>= 1; 0 == --d && (d = Math.pow(2, p), p++), s[u] = f++, l = String(a) } if ("" !== l) { if (, l)) { if (l.charCodeAt(0) < 256) { for (o = 0; o < p; o++) g <<= 1, h == n - 1 ? (h = 0, v.push(r(g)), g = 0) : h++; for (i = l.charCodeAt(0), o = 0; o < 8; o++) g = g << 1 | 1 & i, h == n - 1 ? (h = 0, v.push(r(g)), g = 0) : h++, i >>= 1 } else { for (i = 1, o = 0; o < p; o++) g = g << 1 | i, h == n - 1 ? (h = 0, v.push(r(g)), g = 0) : h++, i = 0; for (i = l.charCodeAt(0), o = 0; o < 16; o++) g = g << 1 | 1 & i, h == n - 1 ? (h = 0, v.push(r(g)), g = 0) : h++, i >>= 1 } 0 == --d && (d = Math.pow(2, p), p++), delete c[l] } else for (i = s[l], o = 0; o < p; o++) g = g << 1 | 1 & i, h == n - 1 ? (h = 0, v.push(r(g)), g = 0) : h++, i >>= 1; 0 == --d && (d = Math.pow(2, p), p++) } for (i = 2, o = 0; o < p; o++) g = g << 1 | 1 & i, h == n - 1 ? (h = 0, v.push(r(g)), g = 0) : h++, i >>= 1; for (; ;) { if (g <<= 1, h == n - 1) { v.push(r(g)); break } h++ } return v.join("") }, decompress: function (r) { if (null == r) return ""; if ("" == r) return null; for (var e, t, n, o, i, a, u = (r = r.replace(/ /g, "+")).length, s = 32, c = function (e) { var t = Cn, e = r.charAt(e); if (!kn[t]) { kn[t] = {}; for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) kn[t][t.charAt(n)] = n } return kn[t][e] }, l = [], d = 4, f = 4, p = 3, v = "", g = [], h = { val: c(0), position: s, index: 1 }, m = 0; m < 3; m += 1) l[m] = m; for (t = 0, o = Math.pow(2, 2), i = 1; i != o;) n = h.val & h.position, h.position >>= 1, 0 == h.position && (h.position = s, h.val = c(h.index++)), t |= (0 < n ? 1 : 0) * i, i <<= 1; switch (t) { case 0: for (t = 0, o = Math.pow(2, 8), i = 1; i != o;) n = h.val & h.position, h.position >>= 1, 0 == h.position && (h.position = s, h.val = c(h.index++)), t |= (0 < n ? 1 : 0) * i, i <<= 1; a = wn(t); break; case 1: for (t = 0, o = Math.pow(2, 16), i = 1; i != o;) n = h.val & h.position, h.position >>= 1, 0 == h.position && (h.position = s, h.val = c(h.index++)), t |= (0 < n ? 1 : 0) * i, i <<= 1; a = wn(t); break; case 2: return "" } for (e = l[3] = a, g.push(a); ;) { if (u < h.index) return ""; for (t = 0, o = Math.pow(2, p), i = 1; i != o;) n = h.val & h.position, h.position >>= 1, 0 == h.position && (h.position = s, h.val = c(h.index++)), t |= (0 < n ? 1 : 0) * i, i <<= 1; switch (a = t) { case 0: for (t = 0, o = Math.pow(2, 8), i = 1; i != o;) n = h.val & h.position, h.position >>= 1, 0 == h.position && (h.position = s, h.val = c(h.index++)), t |= (0 < n ? 1 : 0) * i, i <<= 1; l[f++] = wn(t), a = f - 1, d--; break; case 1: for (t = 0, o = Math.pow(2, 16), i = 1; i != o;) n = h.val & h.position, h.position >>= 1, 0 == h.position && (h.position = s, h.val = c(h.index++)), t |= (0 < n ? 1 : 0) * i, i <<= 1; l[f++] = wn(t), a = f - 1, d--; break; case 2: return g.join("") } if (0 == d && (d = Math.pow(2, p), p++), l[a]) v = l[a]; else { if (a !== f) return null; v = e + e.charAt(0) } g.push(v), l[f++] = e + v.charAt(0), e = v, 0 == --d && (d = Math.pow(2, p), p++) } } } }, Wn = d(Fn).reduce(function (e, t) { return e[Fn[t].prefix] = Fn[t], e }, {}), Te = { cookieName: "_pctx", consent: bn, encode: function (e, t) { void 0 === t && (t = un.URI); e = JSON.stringify(e), e = Fn[t].compress(e); return Fn[t].prefix + e }, decode: function (e) { e = function (e) { var t = e.slice(0, 3), e = e.slice(3); if (!Wn[t]) return null; t = Wn[t].decompress(e); if (!t) return null; try { return JSON.parse(t) } catch (e) { return null } }(e || ""); return a(e) ? e : null } }, Jn = { _pprv: on("_pprv", bn, !!(null == (Ie = null == (Ie = g().cookies) ? void 0 : Ie._pprv) || !Ie.jsonOnly)), _pcid: on("_pcid", _n), _pcus: on("_pcus", yn, !0), _pctx: Te }, Pe = d(Nn = Jn).reduce(function (e, t) { return e[t] = an(Nn[t]), e }, {}), zn = function () { var a = null, u = null; return { register: function (e) { return a = _(_({}, e.fields), a), u = _(_({}, e.cookieByName), u) }, get wrappers() { return u }, get: function () { var t = {}; return u && d(u).forEach(function (e) { t = _(_({}, t), u[e].get()) }), t }, set: function (r, o) { void 0 === o && (o = null); var i = {}; d(r).forEach(function (e) { var t = r[e], n = null == a ? void 0 : a[e]; n && (i[n] || (i[n] = { wrapper: null == u ? void 0 : u[n], data: {}, update: !1, remove: !0 }), i[n].data[e] = t, i[n].remove = i[n].remove && null === t, o && (i[n].update || t === o[e]) || (i[n].update = !0)) }), d(i).forEach(function (e) { var t = i[e], n = t.wrapper, r = t.update, t = t.remove; t && n.remove(), r && !t && n.set(i[e].data) }) } } }, Xn = "__pctx_connection__", $n = "uvm42pas28m", Gn = {}, Zn = (void 0 === Tn && (Tn = !1), function (e, t) { var n = Pn(); try { Object.defineProperty(window, Xn, { configurable: Tn, set: function (e) { var t = e(); t === $n ? e(n) : "mrlqf5trgho" === t && (n = Pn()) } }) } catch (e) { } return window[Xn] = function (e) { return e && (n = e), $n }, n(e, t) }), Qn = function (e) { return e.includes("*") }, er = function (e, t) { return [new RegExp("^" + e.replace(/\*/g, ".*") + "$"), t] }, tr = function (e, t) { for (var n = 0, r = t; n < r.length; n++) { var o = r[n]; if (o[0].test(e)) return o[1] } return null }, nr = function (c) { function l(e) { return t[e] || tr(e, n) || yn } var t = Object.assign({}, c.items), n = On(t); return function (e, t) { var o, i, n, r = g().requireConsent, a = !p(e), u = a ? [e] : e, e = (n = t || c.getConsent()) ? n.mode === Ke ? (o = function (e, t, n) { t = t && Ot(t, n); if (!t) return null; for (var r = [], o = {}, i = 0, a = t.patches; i < a.length; i++) { var u = a[i], s = u.action, c = u.with, u = u.item; u.type === e && (o[u.key] = s = { action: s, data: void 0 === c ? null : c }, Qn(u.key)) && r.push(er(u.key, s)) } return { source: t.source, getModifier: function (e) { return o[e] || tr(e, r) } } }(c.type, n.modifier, c.log)) ? (i = o.source, (e) { var t = o.getModifier(e), n = (n = null == t ? void 0 : t.action, r = null == t ? void 0 :, "obfuscate" === n ? r : null), r = { name: e, allowed: null != t && t.action ? function (e) { switch (e) { case"include": return !0; case"exclude": return !1; case"obfuscate": return !0 } }(t.action) : An(i, l(e)) }; return null !== n && ( = n), r })) : s() : (e) { return {name: e, allowed: An(n.mode, l(e))} }) : s(); function s() { return (e) { return {name: e, allowed: !r} }) } return a ? e[0] : e } }, Et = Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, createCheckConsentWrapper: nr, createMask: er, getByMask: tr, isMask: Qn, itemsToMask: On }), rr = (Ln = { pa_vid: function (e) { return Sn(Se(e || "", !0) || e) }, atuserid: function (e) { return Sn((null == (e = Se(e || "", !0)) ? void 0 : e.val) || "") } }, function (e) { for (var t = 0, n = e; t < n.length; t++) { var r = function (e) { try { var t = ? xn( || null : (n = m.get(e), Ln[e] && n ? Ln[e](n) : n); if (t) return {value: t} } catch (e) { } var n }(n[t]); if ("object" === c(r)) return r.value } return null }), Nt = [{ls: "_cX_P"}, "cX_P"], or = {PA: {browserId: ["pa_vid", "atuserid"].concat(Nt)}, DMP: {browserId: Nt}}, ir = {browserId: {source: "DMP"}}, Tt = "@@Data-layer/", ar = Tt + "update_value", ur = Tt + "refresh_value", sr = function (e) { e = e, n = g(), t = 1 === (t = (null == (t = n.consent) ? void 0 : t.products) || []).length && "PA" === t[0], e = "opt-out" === (null == (e = null == e ? void 0 : e.PA) ? void 0 : e.mode); var t, n = !!n.requireConsent && t && e; return {_pprv: !g().requireConsent, _pctx: n, _pcid: n, _pcus: n} }, cr = function (e, t, n) { n = 1 === n ? "can not be" : "was"; console.warn('[DL]: Consent v2: the "'.concat(e, '" has a conflicted consent mode, ') + "mode ".concat(n, ' changed to "').concat(t, '"')) }, T = (Hn = function (e) { In(e), Dn(e), En(e) }, Lt = Lt = Pe, Rn = { fields: d(Un = jn = Ne).reduce(function (e, t) { var n = Un[t].cookieName; return null !== n && (e[t] = n), e }, {}), cookieByName: Lt }, x = Zn("data-layer", Rn), S = !1, M = new Map, Bn = new Set, I = new Map, E = function () { if (x) return x; throw new Error("DataLayer can't be connected") }, Vn = function (e) { var t = E().registeredCookiesWrapper; t && e(t) }, Kn = function (e) { Vn(function (t) { e.forEach(function (e) { e = t[e]; e && e.lazyActive() }) }) }, Yn = function () { function t(r) { return d(o).reduce(function (e, t) { var n = o[t]; return void 0 !== n[r] && (e[t] = n[r]), e }, {}) } var o = {}; return { add: function (e, t) { o[e] = t }, call: function () { var e; e = t("protect"), 0 < d(e).length && E().setProtectionData(e), e = t("protectUnsafe"), 0 < d(e).length && E().setProtectionDataUnsafe(e) } } }, qn = function (o, i) { return d(o).reduce(function (e, t) { var n = I.get(t), r = o[t]; return n && (e[t] = i ? i(n, r) : n.get(r)), e }, {}) }, N = function (e, t, n) { void 0 === n && (n = !1); var r, i = e, a = de(), u = (f(e) && ((r = {})[e] = t, i = r), Yn()), s = Yn(), i = d(i).reduce(function (e, t) { var n = i[t], r = I.get(t), o = t; return null != r && r.readonly || (r && r.cookieName && a.add(r.cookieName), r && n !== A[t] && (n === ur ? (e[t] = r.refresh(A[t], function (e) { s.add(o, e) }), e[t] !== A[t] && u.add(o, {protectUnsafe: !1})) : e[t] = n === ar ? r.update(A[t], function (e) { s.add(o, e) }) : r.set(n, A[t], function (e) { s.add(o, e) }))), e }, {}), e = (Kn(a.values()),, E().updateData(i)); return e && n && (t = d(e).reduce(function (e, t) { return _(_({}, e), ((e = {})[t] = !1, e)) }, {}), E().setProtectionDataUnsafe(t), E().updateData(i)),, e && qn(e) }, { init: function (e) { var a, u, o, i, s, c; void 0 === e && (e = {}), S || (x = x || Zn("data-layer", Rn), a = _(_({}, e), Mn()), u = a.cookieDefault, Vn(function (i) { d(i).forEach(function (e) { var t, n, r = i[e].cookieName, o = null == (o = a.cookies) ? void 0 : o[r], r = "fixed" === (null == (r = a.cookies) ? void 0 : r.storageMode); null != (n = (t = i[e]).setFixedMode) &&, r), (u || o) && i[e].setCookieOptions(_(_({}, u), o)) }) }), S = !0, d(jn).forEach(function (e) { var t = jn[e]; M.set(e, new Set), I.set(e, t) }), o = !1, i = E().getInitCookieData(), s = E().getCachedData(), c = Yn(), e = d(jn).reduce(function (e, t) { var n = t, r = jn[t]; return e[t] = (null == s ? void 0 : s[n]) || r.init(null == i ? void 0 : i[n], function (e) { c.add(n, e) }), null != s && s[n] || (o = !0), e }, {}), A = e, o && E().updateData(e),, E().onUpdateData(fr), null != Hn && Hn(dr())) }, set: vr, get: pr, update: function (e) { return gr(e) }, refresh: function () { var n, e; return !E().setProtectionData(((e = {})["@@Data-layer/refresh_locked_key"] = !0, e)) && (n = [], I.forEach(function (e, t) { return n.push(t) }), e = n.reduce(function (e, t) { return e[t] = ur, e }, {}), N(e), !0) }, protect: function (e, t) { return hr(e, t) }, addChangeListener: mr, removeChangeListener: function (t) { Bn.delete(t), M.forEach(function (e) { return e.delete(t) }) }, terminate: function () { null != x && x.terminate(), M.clear(), Bn.clear(), x = null, S = !1, A = {} }, updateMigration: function () { S && Dn(dr()) }, get isReady() { return S }, utils: { validateModifier: Ot, validateConsent: gt, checkConsent: Et, setConsent: function (e, t, n) { if (pr("consent"), e = ft(pr("purposes"), 0, e, t, n)) { if (e.error) return e.error; vr({consent: e.consent, purposes: e.purposes}) } return null }, getConsent: function () { var e = pr(["consent", "purposes"]), t = e.consent, e = e.purposes; return bt(t, e) }, notAcquiredConsent: b() ? d($e).reduce(function (e, t) { return e[t] = {mode: "not-acquired", products: $e[t]}, e }, {}) : null }, get cookies() { return lr() }, get cookieEnabled() { return lr() }, setUnsafe: function (e, t) { N(e, t, !0) }, protectUnsafe: function (e, t) { return hr(e, t, !0) }, updateUnsafe: function (e) { return gr(e, !0) }, setCookieEnabled: function (r) { Vn(function (n) { var e = d(r); e.length ? e.forEach(function (e) { var t = n[e]; t && t.setCookieEnabled(r[e]) }) : d(n).forEach(function (e) { n[e].setCookieEnabled(r) }) }) } }); function lr() { var e = null; return Vn(function (o) { e = d(o).reduce(function (e, t) { var n = o[t].cookieEnabled, r = o[t].fixedAt || null; return e[o[t].cookieName] = n ? {enabled: n, fixedAt: r} : null, e }, {}) }), e } function dr() { return {params: I, getConnection: E, addChangeListener: mr, get: pr, updateValues: N} } function fr(r) { var o = !1; d(r).forEach(function (e) { var t, n = I.get(e); n && (t = r[e], A[e] !== t) && (A[e] = t, o = !0, null != (e = M.get(e))) && e.forEach(function (e) { return e(n.get(t)) }) }), o && Bn.forEach(function (e) { return e(qn(A)) }) } function pr(e) { var n = de(), t = f(e), r = void 0 === e ? A : t ? ((r = {})[e] = A[e], r) : e.reduce(function (e, t) { return I.has(t) && (e[t] = A[t]), e }, {}); return r = qn(r, function (e, t) { return e.cookieName && n.add(e.cookieName), e.get(t) }), Kn(n.values()), t ? r[e] : r } function vr(e, t) { return N(e, t, !1) } function gr(e, t) { void 0 === t && (t = !1); var n = e; return p(e) || (n = [e]), N(n.reduce(function (e, t) { return e[t] = ar, e }, {}), void 0, t) } function hr(e, t, n) { var r, n = (n = void 0 === n ? !1 : n) ? E().setProtectionDataUnsafe : E().setProtectionData, o = e; return f(e) && ((r = {})[e] = t, o = r), n(o) } function mr(e, t) { var n; f(e) ? null != (n = M.get(e)) && n.add(t) : Bn.add(e) } function _r(t, n, r) { n.setProperty("event_collection_platform", "js"), n.setProperty("event_collection_version", n.getConfiguration("version")); var e, o = new Date, i = (n.setProperty("device_timestamp_utc", o.getTime()), n.setProperty("device_local_hour", o.getTime()), n.setProperty("device_hour", o.getHours()), "isManualPageRefresh"), a = "pageview_id", u = "_isNotFirstPageView", s = w(; try { for (s.s(); !(e = s.n()).done;) { var c = e.value; "page.display" === && (null === t.getConfiguration(i) && t.getConfiguration(u) && t.setConfiguration(i, !1), t.getConfiguration("enableAutomaticPageRefresh") && !1 === t.getConfiguration(i) && t.getConfiguration(u) && T.refresh(), t.getConfiguration(u) || t.setConfiguration(u, !0)), yr(a, n, c) &&"isPropAllowed", a) && ([a] = T.get("pageViewId")) } } catch (e) { s.e(e) } finally { s.f() } try { var l, d = new Date(new Date(T.cookies._pcid.fixedAt[0]).setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0)).toISOString(), f = w(; try { for (f.s(); !(l = f.n()).done;) { var p = l.value; yr("cookie_creation_date", n, p) && n.setProperty("cookie_creation_date", d) } } catch (e) { f.e(e) } finally { f.f() } } catch (e) { } var v, g = T.get("content"); for (v in g) if (, v)) { var h, m = "createdAt" === v || "tags" === v ? { createdAt: "content_publication_date", tags: "tags_array" }[v] : "content_".concat(v).replace(/[\w]([A-Z])/g, function (e) { return e[0] + "_" + e[1] }).toLowerCase(), _ = w(; try { for (_.s(); !(h = _.n()).done;) { var y = h.value; yr(m, n, y) &&"isPropAllowed", m) && ([m] = g[v]) } } catch (e) { _.e(e) } finally { _.f() } } n.setProperty("has_access", T.get("userStatus")), n.setProperty("device_screen_width", window.screen.width), n.setProperty("device_screen_height", window.screen.height), n.setProperty("device_display_width", window.innerWidth || document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth ? document.documentElement.clientWidth : ""), n.setProperty("device_display_height", window.innerHeight || document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : ""); var b, o = function (e, t) { var n, r = w(t); try { for (r.s(); !(n = r.n()).done;) { var o, i = n.value; if (-1 < e.indexOf(i)) return [(o = e.split(i))[0], o.slice(1).join(i)] } } catch (e) { r.e(e) } finally { r.f() } return ["", ""] }(window.navigator ? window.navigator.language || window.navigator.userLanguage : "", ["-", "_"]), o = (n.setProperty("browser_language", o[0]), n.setProperty("browser_language_local", o[1]), n.setProperty("previous_url", document.referrer || ""), document.title && n.setProperty("page_title_html", document.title), "true" === n.getConfiguration("addEventURL").toString()); !o && "withoutQS" !== n.getConfiguration("addEventURL") || n.setProperty("event_url_full", o ? window.location.href.split("#")[0] : "".concat(window.location.protocol, "//").concat(; try { t.getConfiguration("allowHighEntropyClientHints") ? window.navigator.userAgentData.getHighEntropyValues(["architecture", "bitness", "brands", "mobile", "model", "platform", "platformVersion", "uaFullVersion", "fullVersionList"]).then(function (e) { wr(n, e) }).finally(function () { C(t, n, r) }) : (b = { brands: window.navigator.userAgentData.brands, platform: window.navigator.userAgentData.platform, mobile: }, wr(n, b), C(t, n, r)) } catch (e) { C(t, n, r) } } function yr(e, t, n) { if (t.hasProperty(e) &&[e] { t =[e]; if (-1 < t.indexOf( return; var r, o = w(t); try { for (o.s(); !(r = o.n()).done;) { var i = r.value; if ("*" === i.charAt(i.length - 1) && 0 ===, i.length - 1))) return } } catch (e) { o.e(e) } finally { o.f() } } return void 0 ===[e] } function br(e) { return void 0 !== e } function wr(e, t) { var n = [{metric: "brands", property: "ch_ua"}, { metric: "architecture", property: "ch_ua_arch" }, {metric: "bitness", property: "ch_ua_bitness"}, { metric: "fullVersionList", property: "ch_ua_full_version_list" }, {metric: "mobile", property: "ch_ua_mobile"}, { metric: "model", property: "ch_ua_model" }, {metric: "platform", property: "ch_ua_platform"}, { metric: "platformVersion", property: "ch_ua_platform_version" }, {metric: "uaFullVersion", property: "ch_ua_full_version"}]; if (br(t)) for (var r = 0; r < n.length; r++) br(t[n[r].metric]) && e.setProperty(n[r].property, t[n[r].metric]) } function Cr(t, n, r) { function e(e) { C(t, n, r, e) } n.options && n.options.onBeforeBuild ? n.options.onBeforeBuild(t, n, e) : e() } function kr(t, n, r) { function e(e) { C(t, n, r, e) } n.options && n.options.onBeforeSend ? n.options.onBeforeSend(t, n, e) : e() } function Pr(e, t, n) {"filterEvents",,"filterProps",; for (var r =, o = 0; o < r.length; o++) {"filterProps", r[o].data, r[o].name); var i, a ="getModeMetadata") || {}; for (i in a), i) && t.setProperty(i, a[i]) } C(e, t, n) } function Or(e, t, n) { var r, o = []; for (r in if (, r)) { var i, a = !1, u = w(; try { for (u.s(); !(i = u.n()).done;) { var s = i.value, c = !1, l =[r]; if (l) if (-1 < l.indexOf( c = !0; else { var d, f = w(l); try { for (f.s(); !(d = f.n()).done;) { var p = d.value; if ("*" === p.charAt(p.length - 1) && 0 ===, p.length - 1))) { c = !0; break } } } catch (e) { f.e(e) } finally { f.f() } } else c = !0; c && ([r] =[r].value, a = !0) } } catch (e) { u.e(e) } finally { u.f() } a && ![r].options.persistent && o.push(r) } for (var v = 0, g = o; v < g.length; v++) delete e._properties[g[v]]; if (!t.getConfiguration("sendEmptyProperties")) { var h, m = w(; try { for (m.s(); !(h = m.n()).done;) { var _, y = h.value; for (_ in !, _) || "" !==[_] && void 0 !==[_] || delete[_] } } catch (e) { m.e(e) } finally { m.f() } } C(e, t, n) } function Ar(e, t, n) { ("getMode") !== e._privacy.modeEnum.OPTOUT ||"getMode") === e._privacy.modeEnum.OPTOUT && t.getConfiguration("sendEventWhenOptout")) && 0 < &&, JSON.stringify(, C(e, t, n) } function xr(n, r, o) { void 0 !== ? C(n, r, o) : n.getUser(function (e) { var t; null !== e && (r.setProperty("user_id",, t = {persistent: !0}), r.setProperty("user_category", e.category, t), r.setProperty("user_recognition", !0, t)), C(n, r, o) }) } function Sr(n, r, o) { n._storage.getItem(r.getConfiguration("storageVisitor"), function (e) { var t; r.getConfiguration("isVisitorClientSide") && (r.visitorId = r.getConfiguration("visitorId") || T.get("browserId"), r.getConfiguration("isLegacyPrivacy") || "opt-out" !== n.consent.getMode() || (r.visitorId = "OPT-OUT"), t = "OPT-OUT" !== r.visitorId && "no-consent" !== r.visitorId && "no-storage" !== r.visitorId && r.visitorId !== r.getConfiguration("visitorId"), r.visitorId !== T.get("browserId")) && t && (r.visitorId = r.visitorId + "-NO"), C(n, r, o) }) } function Dr(o, e, t) { function n(e) { null != (e = i(Lr(t.dataLayer, t.items, o.getNames), e)) && e.forEach(function (e) { e.allowed ? && o.set(, : o.remove( }) } var r = Er(t), i = Tr(t.dataLayer, {items: t.items, type: e, getConsent: r}); return e = void 0 === t.checkConsentOnInit && t.enableAutoRemove, t.enableAutoRemove && Nr(t, n), e && n(r()), Object.assign({}, o, { set: function (e, t, n) { var r = i(e); null != r && r.allowed && (r = null != (r = ? r : t, o.set.apply(null, n ? [e, r, n] : [e, r])) }, check: i }) } function Mr(e, t) { return {check: Tr(t.dataLayer, {items: t.items, type: e, getConsent: Er(t)})} } var Ir = function (o) { this.setItem = function (e, t, n, r) { e = "".concat(e, "=").concat(o.getConfiguration("encodeStorageBase64") ? V.base64.encode(JSON.stringify(t)) : encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(t))), e = (e = (e = (e = (e += ";path=".concat(o.getConfiguration("cookiePath"))) + ";domain=".concat(o.getConfiguration("cookieDomain"))) + (o.getConfiguration("cookieSecure") ? ";secure" : "")) + ";samesite=".concat(o.getConfiguration("cookieSameSite"))) + (n ? ";expires=".concat(n.toUTCString()) : ""); document.cookie = e, r && r() }, this.getItem = function (t, e) { var n = null, t = new RegExp("(?:^| )".concat(t, "=([^;]+)")).exec(document.cookie) || null; if (t) try { n = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(t[1])) } catch (e) { n = JSON.parse(V.base64.decode(t[1])) } e && e(n) }, this.deleteItem = function (e, t) { var n = new Date; n.setTime(n.getTime() - 1e3), this.setItem(e, "", n, t) } }, Er = function (t) { return function () { var e = t.dataLayer.get("consent"); return e && e[t.productName] || null } }, Nr = function (t, n) { function e(e) { (e = (null == e ? void 0 : e[t.productName]) || null) !== r && n(r = e) } var r = null; return t.dataLayer.addChangeListener("consent", e), function () { t.dataLayer.removeChangeListener(e) } }, Tr = function (e, t) { return e.utils.checkConsent.createCheckConsentWrapper(t) }, Lr = function (e, t, n) { var r = e.utils.checkConsent, o = r.itemsToMask(t), i = Object.keys(t).filter(function (e) { return !r.isMask(e) }); return n().filter(function (e) { return i.includes(e) || r.getByMask(e, o) }) }, jr = { createLocalStorage: function (e) { t = e.dataLayer, o = ue.__protected__.ttlName, r = Tr((t = { dataLayer: t, productName: "DL" }).dataLayer, { items: ((n = {})[o] = "mandatory", n), type: "localStorage", getConsent: Er(t) }), i = function () { var e = r(o); return e.allowed && ! }, a = !0, Nr(t, s), s(); var t, n, r, o, i, a, u = function () { return a }; function s() { (a = i()) || ue.remove(o) } var c = Dr(ue, "localStorage", e); return Object.assign({}, c, { set: function (e, t, n) { var r = n; return null != n && n.expires && !u() && delete (r = Object.assign({}, n)).expires, c.set(e, t, r) } }) }, createProperty: function (e) { return Mr("property", e) }, createCookie: function (a) { function e(e) { null != (e = i(Lr(a.dataLayer, l, m.getNames), e)) && e.forEach(function (e) { function t() { return s[] || u.getByMask(, c) || r } e.allowed ? && m.set(,, t()) : m.remove(, t()) }) } var t, u = a.dataLayer.utils.checkConsent, n = Er(a), s = {}, c = [], l = {}, r = {}, i = (Object.keys(a.items).forEach(function (e) { var t, n, r, o, i = a.items[e]; i.type ? (t = i.type, n = i.domain, r = i.path, o = {}, l[e] = t, n && (o.domain = n), r && (o.path = r), u.isMask(e) ? c.push(u.createMask(e, o)) : s[e] = o) : l[e] = i }), Tr(a.dataLayer, {items: l, type: "cookie", getConsent: n})); t = !(void 0 !== a.checkConsentOnInit || !a.enableAutoRemove), a.enableAutoRemove && (r = a.enableAutoRemove, Nr(a, e)), t && e(n()); return Object.assign({}, m, { check: i, set: function (e, t, n, r) { var o = i(e); null != o && o.allowed && m.set(e, null != (e = ? e : t, n, r) } }) }, createSessionStorage: function (e) { return Dr(ke, "sessionStorage", e) }, createEvent: function (e) { return Mr("event", e) } }, Hr = {"*": "optional", pa_vid: "mandatory", pa_privacy: "mandatory", atuserid: "essential"}, Ur = { "click.exit": "mandatory", "click.navigation": "mandatory", "": "mandatory", "click.action": "mandatory", "page.display": "mandatory" }, Rr = { "*": "optional", connection_type: "mandatory", device_timestamp_utc: "mandatory", visitor_privacy_consent: "mandatory", visitor_privacy_mode: "mandatory", ch_ua: "mandatory", ch_ua_arch: "mandatory", ch_ua_bitness: "mandatory", ch_ua_full_version: "mandatory", ch_ua_full_version_list: "mandatory", ch_ua_mobile: "mandatory", ch_ua_model: "mandatory", ch_ua_platform: "mandatory", ch_ua_platform_version: "mandatory", app_crash: "essential", app_crash_class: "essential", app_crash_screen: "essential", app_version: "essential", browser: "essential", browser_cookie_acceptance: "essential", browser_group: "essential", browser_version: "essential", click: "essential", click_chapter1: "essential", click_chapter2: "essential", click_chapter3: "essential", click_full_name: "essential", connection_monitor: "essential", connection_organisation: "essential", cookie_creation_date: "essential", date: "essential", date_day: "essential", date_daynumber: "essential", date_month: "essential", date_monthnumber: "essential", date_week: "essential", date_year: "essential", date_yearofweek: "essential", device_brand: "essential", device_display_height: "essential", device_display_width: "essential", device_name: "essential", device_name_tech: "essential", device_screen_diagonal: "essential", device_screen_height: "essential", device_screen_width: "essential", device_type: "essential", event_collection_platform: "essential", event_collection_version: "essential", event_hour: "essential", event_id: "essential", event_minute: "essential", event_position: "essential", event_second: "essential", event_time: "essential", event_time_utc: "essential", event_url: "essential", event_url_domain: "essential", event_url_full: "essential", exclusion_cause: "essential", exclusion_type: "essential", geo_city: "essential", geo_continent: "essential", geo_country: "essential", geo_metro: "essential", geo_region: "essential", goal_type: "essential", hit_time_utc: "essential", os: "essential", os_group: "essential", os_version: "essential", os_version_name: "essential", page: "essential", page_chapter1: "essential", page_chapter2: "essential", page_chapter3: "essential", page_duration: "essential", page_full_name: "essential", page_position: "essential", page_title_html: "essential", page_url: "essential", pageview_id: "essential", previous_url: "essential", privacy_status: "essential", site: "essential", site_env: "essential", site_id: "essential", site_platform: "essential", src: "essential", src_detail: "essential", src_direct_access: "essential", src_organic: "essential", src_organic_detail: "essential", src_portal_domain: "essential", src_portal_site: "essential", src_portal_site_id: "essential", src_portal_url: "essential", src_referrer_site_domain: "essential", src_referrer_site_url: "essential", src_referrer_url: "essential", src_se: "essential", src_se_category: "essential", src_se_country: "essential", src_type: "essential", src_url: "essential", src_url_domain: "essential", src_webmail: "essential" }; function Br(e, t) { var n; return n = t, window.pdl && window.pdl.consent_items && window.pdl.consent_items.PA && window.pdl.consent_items.PA[n] && Object.assign(e, window.pdl.consent_items.PA[t]), e } function Vr(o) { this.storageKeys = ["pa_vid", "pa_user", "pa_privacy", "atuserid"], this.propertyConsent = {}, this.eventConsent = {}, this.storageConsent = {}, this.consentItems = { propertyItems: {}, eventItems: {}, cookieItems: {} }, this.modeMetadata = { "opt-in": {visitor_privacy_consent: !0, visitor_privacy_mode: "optin"}, "opt-out": { visitor_privacy_consent: !1, visitor_privacy_mode: !0 === o.getConfiguration("enableExtendedOptout") ? "extended-optout" : "optout" }, essential: {visitor_privacy_consent: !1, visitor_privacy_mode: "exempt"}, custom: {visitor_privacy_consent: !1, visitor_privacy_mode: "custom"} }, this.init = function () { this.consentItems = { propertyItems: Br(Rr, "properties"), eventItems: Br(Ur, "events"), cookieItems: Br(Hr, "storages") }, this.propertyConsent = jr.createProperty({ dataLayer: T, productName: "PA", items: this.consentItems.propertyItems }), this.eventConsent = jr.createEvent({ dataLayer: T, productName: "PA", items: this.consentItems.eventItems }), this.storageConsent = jr.createCookie({ dataLayer: T, productName: "PA", items: this.consentItems.cookieItems }), o.getConfiguration("isLegacyPrivacy") || (this.initMode(), this.filterKeys()) }, this.initMode = function () { null === T.get("consent") && (window.pdl.consent && window.pdl.consent.defaultPreset ? T.set("consent", 0) : this.setMode("opt-in")) }, this.setMode = function (e) { T.set("consent", {PA: {mode: e}}), this.filterKeys() }, this.setPresets = function (e) { T.set("consent", e), this.filterKeys() }, this.getMode = function () { var e = "opt-in", t = T.get("consent"); return e = t && t.PA && t.PA.mode ? T.get("consent").PA.mode : e }, this.setCustomModeMetadata = function (e, t) { this.modeMetadata.custom.visitor_privacy_mode = t || "custom", this.modeMetadata.custom.visitor_privacy_consent = e }, this.getModeMetadata = function () { return this.modeMetadata[this.getMode()] || {} }, this.getConsentItems = function () { return this.consentItems }, this.isPropAllowed = function (e) { return !0 === o.getConfiguration("enableExtendedOptout") && "opt-out" === this.getMode() || this.propertyConsent.check(e).allowed }.bind(this), this.isEventAllowed = function (e) { return !0 === o.getConfiguration("enableExtendedOptout") && "opt-out" === this.getMode() || this.eventConsent.check(e).allowed }.bind(this), this.isKeyAllowed = function (e) { return this.storageConsent.check(e).allowed }.bind(this), this.filterProps = function (e) { for (var t in e), t) && !this.isPropAllowed(t) && delete e[t] }, this.filterEvents = function (e) { for (var t = e.length - 1; 0 <= t; t--) this.isEventAllowed(e[t].name) || e.splice(t, 1) }, this.filterKeys = function () { var e, t = w(this.storageKeys); try { for (t.s(); !(e = t.n()).done;) { var n = e.value; this.isKeyAllowed(n) || o._storage.deleteItem(n) } } catch (e) { t.e(e) } finally { t.f() } }, this.setItem = function (e, t, n, r) { this.isKeyAllowed(e) ? o._storage.setItem(e, t, n, r) : r && r() }, this.dl = T, this.init() } function Kr(n, e, t, r) { var o, i = t ? null : n, a = e || [], u = !1, s = !1, c = !1; if (0 < a.length) { for (var l = 0; l < a.length; l++) d(a[l], i); f() } function d(e, t) { try { (function e(t, n, r, o) { var i = t[n[0]]; return void 0 === i || (1 === n.length ? (i.apply(o || t, r), !1) : e(i, n.slice(1), r, o)) })(n, e[0].split("."), e.slice(1), t) ? s = !0 : u = !0 } catch (e) { s = !0 } } function f() { s && u && !c && (console.error("Piano Analytics SDK - window.".concat(r, ' is used for Piano Analytics integration and somewhere else. Please check "queueVarName" configuration if needed.')), c = !0) } t && (o = window[r].push.bind(window[r]), window[r].push = function (e) { d(e), f(), o(e) }) } function Yr(o) { function n(e, t, n, r) { return n = s(t[n].events[e], r), t = s(t["*"].events[e], r), n || t } function r(e, t, n, r, o) { var i, o = o ? (i = c(t[n].properties, e, r, o), c(t["*"].properties, e, r, o)) : (i = l(t[n].properties, e, r), l(t["*"].properties, e, r)); return i || o } function i(e, t, n, r) { return n = d(t[n].storage, e, r), t = d(t["*"].storage, e, r), n || t } var a = o.getConfiguration("privacy"), u = (this.currentMode = "", this.modes = a.modes, this._storageKeys = Object.assign(a.legacyKeys, a.storageKeys), this.init = function () { o.getConfiguration("isLegacyPrivacy") && (window._pac = window._pac || {privacy: []}, Kr(this, window._pac.privacy), o._storage.getItem(a.storageKey, function (e) { this.setMode(e && this.modes[e] ? e : o.getConfiguration("privacyDefaultMode")) }.bind(this))) }, this.setMode = function (t) { t !== this.currentMode && this.modes[t] && (this.currentMode = t, o._storage.getItem(a.storageKey, function (e) { "optout" === t || "no-consent" === t || "no-storage" === t ? o.setConfiguration("visitorId", this.modes[t].visitorId) : "OPT-OUT" !== o.getConfiguration("visitorId") && "no-consent" !== o.getConfiguration("visitorId") && "no-storage" !== o.getConfiguration("visitorId") || o.cfg.deleteProperty("visitorId"), this.filterProps(o._properties), this.filterKeys(), e !== t && ((e = new Date).setTime(e.getTime() + 24 * o.getConfiguration("storageLifetimePrivacy") * 60 * 60 * 1e3), this.setItem(a.storageKey, t, e)) }.bind(this))) }, this.createMode = function (e, t) { var n; this.modes[e] || ((n = D(this.modes.exempt)).name = e, = e, = t, this.modes[e] = n) }, this.getMode = function () { return this.currentMode }, function (e, t, n, r, o, i) { var a = ["*"], u = ["*"], s = "properties", c = r ? "forbidden" : "allowed"; t && (a = "string" == typeof t ? [t] : t), n && (u = "string" == typeof n ? [n] : n), o && (s = "storage"), i && (s = "events"); for (var l = 0; l < a.length; l++) if (void 0 !== this.modes[a[l]]) for (var d = this.modes[a[l]], f = 0; f < u.length; f++) { var p = d[s][c]; void 0 !== p[u[f]] || o || i || (p[u[f]] = {}); for (var v = 0; v < e.length; v++) o || i ? p[e[v]] = !0 : p[u[f]][e[v]] = !0 } }.bind(this)), s = (this.include = { properties: function (e, t, n) { u(e, t, n) }, property: function (e, t, n) { u([e], t, n) }, storageKeys: function (e, t) { u(e, t, null, !1, !0) }, storageKey: function (e, t) { u([e], t, null, !1, !0) }, events: function (e, t) { u(e, t, null, !1, !1, !0) }, event: function (e, t) { u([e], t, null, !1, !1, !0) } }, this.exclude = { properties: function (e, t, n) { u(e, t, n, !0) }, property: function (e, t, n) { u([e], t, n, !0) }, storageKeys: function (e, t) { u(e, t, null, !0, !0) }, storageKey: function (e, t) { u([e], t, null, !0, !0) }, events: function (e, t) { u(e, t, null, !0, !1, !0) }, event: function (e, t) { u([e], t, null, !0, !1, !0) } }, function (e, t) { if (e[t]) return !0; for (var n in e) if (, n) && "*" === n.charAt(n.length - 1) && 0 === t.indexOf(n.substring(0, n.length - 1))) return !0; return !1 }), c = (this.isEventAllowed = function (e) { var t = n("forbidden", this.modes, this.currentMode, e), e = n("allowed", this.modes, this.currentMode, e); return !t && e }, function (e, t, n, r) { var o, i = e[t]; if (i[r] && i[r][n] || i["*"][n]) return !0; for (o in i) if (, o) && "*" === o.charAt(o.length - 1) && 0 === r.indexOf(o.substring(0, o.length - 1)) || o === r) for (var a in i[o]) if ([o], a) && ("*" === a.charAt(a.length - 1) && 0 === n.indexOf(a.substring(0, a.length - 1)) || n === a)) return !0; return !1 }), l = function (e, t, n) { if ("forbidden" === t && e[t]["*"][n]) return !0; for (var r in e[t]) if ([t], r)) { if (e[t][r][n]) return !0; for (var o in e[t][r]) if ("*" === o.charAt(o.length - 1) && 0 === n.indexOf(o.substring(0, o.length - 1))) return !0 } return !1 }, d = (this.isPropAllowed = function (e, t) { var n = r("forbidden", this.modes, this.currentMode, e, t), e = r("allowed", this.modes, this.currentMode, e, t); return !n && e }, function (e, t, n) { var r, o = e[t]; if (o[n]) return !0; for (r in o) if (, r) && "*" === r.charAt(r.length - 1) && 0 === n.indexOf(r.substring(0, r.length - 1))) return !0; return !1 }); this.isKeyAllowed = function (e) { var t = i("forbidden", this.modes, this.currentMode, e), e = i("allowed", this.modes, this.currentMode, e); return !t && e }, this.setItem = function (e, t, n, r) { this.isKeyAllowed(e) ? o._storage.setItem(e, t, n, r) : r && r() }, this.filterProps = function (e, t) { for (var n in e), n) && !this.isPropAllowed(n, t || void 0) && delete e[n] }, this.filterKeys = function () { for (var e in this._storageKeys), e) && !this.isKeyAllowed(e) && o._storage.deleteItem(e) }, this.filterEvents = function (e) { for (var t = e.length - 1; 0 <= t; t--) this.isEventAllowed(e[t].name) || e.splice(t, 1) }, this.getModeMetadata = function () { return this.modes[this.getMode()].properties.include }, this.init() } function qr(i) { this.modeEnum = {OPTOUT: i.getConfiguration("isLegacyPrivacy") ? "optout" : "opt-out"}, = function (e) { for (var t = i.getConfiguration("isLegacyPrivacy") ? "privacy" : "consent", n = arguments.length, r = new Array(1 < n ? n - 1 : 0), o = 1; o < n; o++) r[o - 1] = arguments[o]; return i[t][e].apply(i[t], r) } } function Fr(o) { var i = o.getConfiguration("storageUser"); this.setUser = function (e, t, n) { var r = {id: e, category: t}; o.setProperties({ user_id: e, user_category: t, user_recognition: !1 }, {persistent: !0}), !1 !== n && ((e = new Date).setTime(e.getTime() + 24 * o.getConfiguration("storageLifetimeUser") * 60 * 60 * 1e3),"setItem", i, r, e)) }, this.getUser = function (n) { o._storage.getItem(i, function (e) { var t = e; !e && o._properties.user_id && (t = { id: o._properties.user_id.value, category: o._properties.user_category.value }), n && n(t) }) }, this.deleteUser = function (e) { o.deleteProperty("user_id"), o.deleteProperty("user_category"), o.deleteProperty("user_recognition"), o._storage.deleteItem(i, function () { e && e() }) } } function Wr(w) { function C() { this.debugError = { trigger: "AvInsights:Media:setContentValues:Error", level: "ERROR", messageObject: "Not an object" }, this.processHeartbeatValue = function (e, t) { e = parseInt(e, 10); return e ? Math.max(e, t) : 0 }, this.value2Number = function (e) { var t = 0; return isNaN(Number(e)) || (t = Number(e)), Math.max(t, 0) } } var k = { minHeartbeat: w.getConfiguration("minHeartbeat"), minBufferingHeartbeat: w.getConfiguration("minBufferingHeartbeat") }, P = "_ATVALUE", O = "_ATPREFIX"; function A(e, t) { var n, e = e.length < 2 || ":" !== e[1] ? (n = "", e) : e.length < 4 || ":" !== e[3] ? (n = e.substring(0, 1), e.substring(2, e.length)) : (n = e.substring(0, 3), e.substring(4, e.length)); return t && (n = n.toLowerCase(), e = e.toLowerCase()), {prefix: n, key: e} } function x(e) { return null !== e && "object" === c(e) && !(e instanceof Array) } function S(e, t, n, r, o) { var i, a, u, s = "", c = "", l = "", d = 0; for (u in e) if (, u)) if (s = (i = A(u, o)).prefix || r || "", c = (t ? t + "_" : "") + i.key, x(e[u])) S(e[u], c, n, s, o); else { for (a = c.split("_"), l = "", d = 0; d < a.length; d++) s = (i = A(a[d], o)).prefix || s, l += i.key + (d < a.length - 1 ? "_" : ""); n[c = l || c] = n[c] || {}, n[c][P] = e[u], n[c][O] = s } } w.avInsights = {}, w.avInsights.Media = function (e, t, n) { function r(e) { e ? f.delayBufferingConfiguration = D(f.delayBufferingConfigurationBackup) : f.delayConfiguration = D(f.delayConfigurationBackup) } function o(e, t) { if (t) { h(e); var n, r = {}; for (n in x(t) ? r = t : isNaN(t) ? r = JSON.parse(t) : r[0] = t, r), n) && (e ? f.delayBufferingConfiguration.push({ delay: d.processHeartbeatValue(n, 0), number: 0, timeout: -1, refresh: d.processHeartbeatValue(r[n], k.minBufferingHeartbeat) }) : f.delayConfiguration.push({ delay: d.processHeartbeatValue(n, 0), number: 0, timeout: -1, refresh: d.processHeartbeatValue(r[n], k.minHeartbeat) })); m(e), g(e) } } function i(e, t, n, r) { var o = D(v), t = (o.av_session_id = {}, o.av_session_id[P] = f.sessionId, o.av_session_id[O] = "", t && (y(o), f.previousEvent = e), x(r) && S(r, null, o, null, !0), b(o)); w.sendEvent(e, t, n) } function a() { var e = this, t = 0, n = 0; e.getEventDuration = function () { var e = (new Date).getTime() - t - n; return n += e, e }, e.initBaseTime = function () { 0 === t && (t = (new Date).getTime()) }, e.resetProperties = function () { n = t = 0 }, e.initHeartbeatTimer = function (e, t) { var n = t ? f.delayBufferingConfiguration : f.delayConfiguration; 0 < n.length && (_(t), clearTimeout(n[0].timeout), n[0].timeout = setTimeout(function () { 0 === n[0].number && n.splice(0, 1), e && e() }, 1e3 * n[0].refresh)) }, e.stopHeartbeatTimer = function (e) { for (var t = e ? f.delayBufferingConfiguration : f.delayConfiguration, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) clearTimeout(t[n].timeout), t[n].timeout = -1 } } function u(e, t, n, r, o) { p.initBaseTime(), f.eventDuration = p.getEventDuration(), f.previousCursorPosition = f.currentCursorPosition, f.currentCursorPosition = e ? f.previousCursorPosition + Math.floor(f.playbackSpeed * f.eventDuration) : n, t && p.initHeartbeatTimer(function () { u(!0, !0) }, !1), i("av.heartbeat", !0, r, o) } function s(e, t, n) { p.initBaseTime(), f.eventDuration = p.getEventDuration(), e && p.initHeartbeatTimer(function () { s(!0) }, !0), i("av.buffer.heartbeat", !0, t, n) } function c(e, t, n) { p.initBaseTime(), f.eventDuration = p.getEventDuration(), f.previousCursorPosition = f.currentCursorPosition, e && p.initHeartbeatTimer(function () { c(!0) }, !0), i("av.rebuffer.heartbeat", !0, t, n) } var l = this, d = new C, f = null, p = null, v = null, g = function (e) { e ? f.delayBufferingConfigurationBackup = D(f.delayBufferingConfiguration) : f.delayConfigurationBackup = D(f.delayConfiguration) }, h = function (e) { e ? (f.delayBufferingConfiguration = [], f.delayBufferingConfigurationBackup = []) : (f.delayConfiguration = [], f.delayConfigurationBackup = []) }, m = function (e) { (e ? f.delayBufferingConfiguration : f.delayConfiguration).sort(function (e, t) { return e.delay < t.delay ? -1 : e.delay > t.delay ? 1 : 0 }) }, _ = function (e) { var t, e = e ? f.delayBufferingConfiguration : f.delayConfiguration; void 0 === (t = void 0 !== e[1] ? e[1].delay : t) ? e[0].number = 1 : 0 < e[0].number ? e[0].number-- : "number" == typeof t && (e[0].number = Math.floor(60 * (t - e[0].delay) / e[0].refresh) - 1) }, y = function (e) { e.av_previous_position = {}, e.av_previous_position[P] = f.previousCursorPosition, e.av_previous_position[O] = "", e.av_position = {}, e.av_position[P] = f.currentCursorPosition, e.av_position[O] = "", e.av_duration = {}, e.av_duration[P] = f.eventDuration, e.av_duration[O] = "", e.av_previous_event = {}, e.av_previous_event[P] = f.previousEvent, e.av_previous_event[O] = "" }, b = function (e) { var t, n = {}; for (t in e), t) && ([t], P) ? n[e[t][O] ? "".concat(e[t][O], ":").concat(t) : t] = e[t][P] : n[t] = e[t]); return n }; l.set = function (e, t) { e = A(e, !0); v[e.key] = v[e.key] || {}, v[e.key][P] = t, v[e.key][O] = e.prefix }, l.get = function (e) { var t = null, e = A(e, !0); return t = void 0 !== v[e.key] ? v[e.key][P] : t }, l.del = function (e) { e = A(e, !0); void 0 !== v[e.key] && delete v[e.key] }, l.setProps = function (e) { x(e) && S(e, null, v, null, !0) }, l.getProps = function () { var e, t = null; for (e in v), e) && ((t = t || {})[e] = v[e][P]); return t }, l.delProps = function () { v = {} }; l.setPlaybackSpeed = function (e) { e = d.value2Number(e) || f.playbackSpeed; e !== f.playbackSpeed && (p.stopHeartbeatTimer(!1), f.isPlaying && (u(!0, !1), p.initHeartbeatTimer(function () { u(!0, !0) }, !1)), f.playbackSpeed = e) }, l.getSessionID = function () { return f.sessionId }, l.track = function (e, t, n, r) { var o = t || {}; switch (e) { case"av.heartbeat": l.heartbeat(o.av_position, n, r); break; case"av.buffer.heartbeat": l.bufferHeartbeat(n, r); break; case"av.rebuffer.heartbeat": l.rebufferHeartbeat(n, r); break; case"":, n, r); break; case"av.buffer.start": l.bufferStart(o.av_position, n, r); break; case"av.start": l.playbackStart(o.av_position, n, r); break; case"av.resume": l.playbackResumed(o.av_position, n, r); break; case"av.pause": l.playbackPaused(o.av_position, n, r); break; case"av.stop": l.playbackStopped(o.av_position, n, r); break; case"av.backward": l.seekBackward(o.av_previous_position, o.av_position, n, r); break; case"av.forward": l.seekForward(o.av_previous_position, o.av_position, n, r); break; case"": l.seekStart(o.av_previous_position, n, r); break; case"av.error": l.error(o.av_player_error, n, r); break; default: i(e, !1, n, r) } }, l.heartbeat = function (e, t, n) { var r, o = !0; null != e && 0 <= e && (o = !1, r = d.value2Number(e)), u(o, !1, r, t, n) }, l.bufferHeartbeat = function (e, t) { s(!1, e, t) }, l.rebufferHeartbeat = function (e, t) { c(!1, e, t) }, = function (e, t, n) { p.initBaseTime(); e = d.value2Number(e); f.eventDuration = 0, f.previousCursorPosition = e, f.currentCursorPosition = e, f.isPlaying = !1, f.isPlaybackActivated = !1, p.stopHeartbeatTimer(!1), p.stopHeartbeatTimer(!0), i("", !0, t, n) }, l.bufferStart = function (e, t, n) { p.initBaseTime(); e = d.value2Number(e); f.eventDuration = p.getEventDuration(), f.previousCursorPosition = f.currentCursorPosition, f.currentCursorPosition = e, p.stopHeartbeatTimer(!1), p.stopHeartbeatTimer(!0), f.isPlaybackActivated ? (p.initHeartbeatTimer(function () { c(!0) }, !0), i("av.rebuffer.start", !0, t, n)) : (p.initHeartbeatTimer(function () { s(!0) }, !0), i("av.buffer.start", !0, t, n)) }, l.playbackStart = function (e, t, n) { p.initBaseTime(); e = d.value2Number(e); f.eventDuration = p.getEventDuration(), f.previousCursorPosition = e, f.currentCursorPosition = e, f.isPlaying = !0, f.isPlaybackActivated = !0, p.stopHeartbeatTimer(!1), p.stopHeartbeatTimer(!0), p.initHeartbeatTimer(function () { u(!0, !0) }, !1), i("av.start", !0, t, n) }, l.playbackResumed = function (e, t, n) { p.initBaseTime(); e = d.value2Number(e); f.eventDuration = p.getEventDuration(), f.previousCursorPosition = f.currentCursorPosition, f.currentCursorPosition = e, f.isPlaying = !0, f.isPlaybackActivated = !0, p.stopHeartbeatTimer(!1), p.stopHeartbeatTimer(!0), p.initHeartbeatTimer(function () { u(!0, !0) }, !1), i("av.resume", !0, t, n) }, l.playbackPaused = function (e, t, n) { p.initBaseTime(); e = d.value2Number(e); f.eventDuration = p.getEventDuration(), f.previousCursorPosition = f.currentCursorPosition, f.currentCursorPosition = e, f.isPlaying = !1, f.isPlaybackActivated = !0, p.stopHeartbeatTimer(!1), p.stopHeartbeatTimer(!0), i("av.pause", !0, t, n) }, l.playbackStopped = function (e, t, n) { p.initBaseTime(); e = d.value2Number(e); f.eventDuration = p.getEventDuration(), f.previousCursorPosition = f.currentCursorPosition, f.currentCursorPosition = e, f.isPlaying = !1, f.isPlaybackActivated = !1, p.stopHeartbeatTimer(!1), p.stopHeartbeatTimer(!0), p.resetProperties(), r(!1), r(!0), i("av.stop", !0, t, n), f.previousCursorPosition = 0, f.currentCursorPosition = 0, f.eventDuration = 0, f.previousEvent = "", f.sessionId = K.v4() }, = function (e, t, n, r) { e = d.value2Number(e), t = d.value2Number(t); t < e ? l.seekBackward(e, t, n, r) : l.seekForward(e, t, n, r) }, l.seekBackward = function (e, t, n, r) { l.seekStart(e, null, r), f.eventDuration = 0, f.previousCursorPosition = d.value2Number(e), f.currentCursorPosition = d.value2Number(t), i("av.backward", !0, n, r) }, l.seekForward = function (e, t, n, r) { l.seekStart(e, null, r), f.eventDuration = 0, f.previousCursorPosition = d.value2Number(e), f.currentCursorPosition = d.value2Number(t), i("av.forward", !0, n, r) }, l.seekStart = function (e, t, n) { e = d.value2Number(e); f.previousCursorPosition = f.currentCursorPosition, f.currentCursorPosition = e, f.isPlaying ? f.eventDuration = p.getEventDuration() : f.eventDuration = 0, i("", !0, t, n) }, l.adClick = function (e, t) { i("", !1, e, t) }, l.adSkip = function (e, t) { i("", !1, e, t) }, l.error = function (e, t, n) { var r = {}; (r = x(n) ? n : r).av_player_error = String(e), i("av.error", !1, t, r) }, l.display = function (e, t) { i("av.display", !1, e, t) }, l.close = function (e, t) { i("av.close", !1, e, t) }, l.volume = function (e, t) { i("av.volume", !1, e, t) }, l.subtitleOn = function (e, t) { i("av.subtitle.on", !1, e, t) }, l.subtitleOff = function (e, t) { i("", !1, e, t) }, l.fullscreenOn = function (e, t) { i("av.fullscreen.on", !1, e, t) }, l.fullscreenOff = function (e, t) { i("", !1, e, t) }, l.quality = function (e, t) { i("av.quality", !1, e, t) }, l.speed = function (e, t) { i("av.speed", !1, e, t) }, l.share = function (e, t) { i("av.share", !1, e, t) }, o(!(f = { previousCursorPosition: 0, currentCursorPosition: 0, eventDuration: 0, playbackSpeed: 1, previousEvent: "", isPlaybackActivated: !1, isPlaying: !1, sessionId: "", delayConfiguration: [], delayConfigurationBackup: [], delayBufferingConfiguration: [], delayBufferingConfigurationBackup: [] }), e), o(!0, t), f.sessionId = n || K.v4(), p = new a, e = window, t = "pagehide", n = function () { p.stopHeartbeatTimer(!1), p.stopHeartbeatTimer(!0) }, e.addEventListener ? e.addEventListener(t, n, !1) : e.attachEvent && e.attachEvent("on" + t, n), v = {} } } function L(e) { var t, n = this; for (t in n.cfg = new Y(D(e) || H), n.setConfiguration = n.cfg.setConfiguration, n.setConfigurations = n.cfg.setConfigurations, n.getConfiguration = n.cfg.getConfiguration, window._pac = window._pac || {privacy: []}, window._pac), t) && "privacy" !== t && n.setConfiguration(t, window._pac[t]); this._storage = new Ir(this), this._queue = new q(this), this._properties = {}, this._sendEvent = Jr; var r, e = this; e.setConfiguration("isLegacyPrivacy", !0), void 0 === window.pdl ? window.pdl = { migration: {browserId: {source: "PA"}}, cookies: {storageMode: "fixed"} } : (window.pdl.requireConsent && e.setConfiguration("isLegacyPrivacy", !1), void 0 === window.pdl.cookies ? window.pdl.cookies = {storageMode: "fixed"} : window.pdl.cookies && void 0 === window.pdl.cookies.storageMode && (window.pdl.cookies.storageMode = "fixed")), T.init({ cookieDefault: { domain: e.getConfiguration("cookieDomain"), secure: e.getConfiguration("cookieSecure"), path: e.getConfiguration("cookiePath"), samesite: e.getConfiguration("cookieSameSite") }, cookies: {_pcid: {expires: e.getConfiguration("storageLifetimeVisitor")}} }), e.privacy = new Yr(e), e.consent = new Vr(e), e._privacy = new qr(e), this.user = new Fr(this), Wr(this), r = (e = this).getConfiguration("queueVarName"), window[r] = window[r] || [], Kr(e, window[r], !0, r) } function Jr(e, t) { for (var n = [Pr, Sr, xr, z, _r, Or, Cr, W, kr, Ar], r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { var o = {name: "", data: {}}; if ("string" == typeof e[r]) = e[r]; else { if (void 0 !== e[r].data) continue; = e[r].name } e[r] = o } var i, t = {events: e, options: t}; 0 < n.length && "function" == typeof n[0] && (i = new Y(this.cfg.cloneData()), n[0](this, new F(this, t, i), n.slice(1))) } L.prototype.setProperty = function (e, t, n) {"isPropAllowed", e) && (this._properties[e] = {value: t, options: n || {}}) }, L.prototype.setProperties = function (e, t) { for (var n in e), n) && this.setProperty(n, e[n], t) }, L.prototype.deleteProperty = function (e) { delete this._properties[e] }, L.prototype.sendEvent = function (e, t, n) { this._queue.push(["_sendEvent", [{name: e, data: t}], n]) }, L.prototype.sendEvents = function (e, t) { this._queue.push(["_sendEvent", e, t]) }, L.prototype.getVisitorId = function (e) { var t, n = this.getConfiguration("visitorId") || null; if (n = n || T.get("browserId"), (t = e) && t(n), void 0 === e) return n }, L.prototype.setVisitorId = function (e) { this.setConfiguration("visitorId", e); var t = new Date; t.setTime(t.getTime() + 24 * this.getConfiguration("storageLifetimeVisitor") * 60 * 60 * 1e3),"setItem", this.getConfiguration("storageVisitor"), e, t, function () { T.updateMigration() }) }, L.prototype.setUser = function (e, t, n) { this.user.setUser(e, t, n) }, L.prototype.getUser = function (e) { this.user.getUser(e) }, L.prototype.deleteUser = function () { this.user.deleteUser() }, (L.prototype.PA = L).prototype.refresh = function () { null === this.getConfiguration("isManualPageRefresh") && this.setConfiguration("isManualPageRefresh", !0), this.getConfiguration("isManualPageRefresh") && T.refresh() }, L.prototype.setContentProperty = function (e, t) { var n = {}; "content_publication_date" === e || "tags_array" === e ? n[{ content_publication_date: "createdAt", tags_array: "tags" }[e]] = t : n[e] = t, T.set("content", n) }, L.prototype.setContentProperties = function (e) { for (var t in e), t) && this.setContentProperty(t, e[t]) }; r = new L(H), window && !window[r.getConfiguration("globalVarName")] && (window[r.getConfiguration("globalVarName")] = r); vn = r; return j.pianoAnalytics = vn, Object.defineProperty(j, "__esModule", {value: !0}), j }({}); } var apiUrl = '/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/hoermal3832-podlove_belongsToPodcast-podcast5778_image-74438fbc-095e-450e-b11a-cee02aea58c7.json', playerType = 'aod', broadcastType = 'audio', playerId = '#audioplayer-hoermal38321a431236-77e0-456f-bb00-d4dd27805969', pianoConfig = { "avContent": { "av_auto_mode": false, "av_broadcaster": "ndr1wellenord", "av_broadcasting_type": "Clip", "av_content": "Telefon-Romane", "av_content_duration": 0, "av_content_id": "hoermal3832", "av_content_type": "Audio", "av_jumpmark": "", "av_lra": "NDR", "av_original_air_time": "2025-03-25T10:30:00Z", "av_parent_url": ",hoermal3832.html", "av_player": "", "av_player_mode": "normal", "av_player_version": "", "av_quality": "", "av_publication_date": "2025-03-25T08:19:09Z", "av_show": "Hör mal 'n beten to", "av_show_id": "1074", "av_speed": "1", "av_tracking": "Schleswig-Holstein", "av_tracking_id": "102", "av_url": "", "av_web_only": false, "site": "NDR Online", "site_id": "595937", "site_level2": "", "product_distribution": "Web", "product_login": false, "page": "Telefon-Romane", "page_chapter1": "", "page_chapter2": "", "page_chapter3": "", "page_chapter4": "", "page_lra": "NDR", "page_show": "Hör mal 'n beten to", "page_show_id": "1074", "page_brand": "ndr1wellenord", "page_crossbrand": "", "page_broadcast_reference": "Ja", "page_categories": "plattdeutsch|niederdeutsch|plattdeutsch|niederdeutsch|platt|Hör maln beten to|Erzählung|Schnack|Vertellen|Kolumne|Heiko Kroll|Telefon Romane|Smartphone|Technik", "page_url_full": "", "page_contains_video": false, "page_contains_audio": true, "content_object_type": "audio", "content_content_type": "", "content_tracking": "Schleswig-Holstein", "content_tracking_id": "102", "content_id": "hoermal3832", "content_url_path": "", "content_import_id": "D145D230035011F0778AD4F5EF86AF40", "d:content_publication_time": "2025-03-25T05:30:11Z", "d:content_last_editoral_update": "2025-03-25T08:19:09Z", "content_days_since_publication": "1", "technical_user_agent": "", "technical_previous_url": "", "user_logged_in": false }, "config": { "events": [ "av.speed", "av.jumpmark", "av.playermode", "av.quality", "av.signlanguage", "av.subtitle", "av.share", "", "av.dialog.close" ], "site": "595937" }, "isEnabled": true } , audioDocumentId = 'hoermal3832', audioDocumentUrl = ',hoermal3832.html', primaryType 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<div class="contentbox expanderbox voll"> <h2 class="epsilon">Alle Folgen</h2> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Verfloeken-lohnt-suek-nich,hoermal3830.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Verflöken lohnt sük nich" > Verflöken lohnt sük nich </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">24.03.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Frank Jakobs kennt sich mit Heimatgeschichte(n) besonders gut aus und hat da wieder eine historische Perle entdeckt. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Verflöken lohnt sük nich" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Verfloeken-lohnt-suek-nich,hoermal3830.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-De-Fueerwehr,hoermal3828.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: De Füerwehr" > De Füerwehr </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">21.03.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Jan Graf dient die Freiwillige Feuerwehr in seinem Dorf als Vorbild für mehr politischen Frieden in Deutschland. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: De Füerwehr" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-De-Fueerwehr,hoermal3828.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Karkhoff-Vitamine,hoermal3826.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Karkhoff-Vitamine" > Karkhoff-Vitamine </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">20.03.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Es gibt Ideen, die klingen erstmal abstrus, vor allem dann, wenn sie mit der letzten Ruhestätte zu tun haben. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Karkhoff-Vitamine" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Karkhoff-Vitamine,hoermal3826.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Tulpenpracht-inn-Froehjohrsgorden,hoermal3824.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Tulpenpracht in&#039;n Fröhjohrsgorden" > Tulpenpracht in'n Fröhjohrsgorden </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">19.03.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Thomas Lenz hat vieles geerbt von seinem Großvater, der grüne Daumen aber, der gehört jedoch ganz bestimmt nicht dazu. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Tulpenpracht in'n Fröhjohrsgorden" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Tulpenpracht-inn-Froehjohrsgorden,hoermal3824.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Leevdesloetter,hoermal3822.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Leevdeslötter" > Leevdeslötter </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">18.03.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Clivia Apeldoorn schaut sich die Inschriften von Liebes-Schlößern genauer an und wundert sich darüber, was da alles so verewigt wurde. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Leevdeslötter" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Leevdesloetter,hoermal3822.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Tass-Kaff-oder-Boelkstoff,hoermal3820.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Tass Kaff oder Bölkstoff?" > Tass Kaff oder Bölkstoff? </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">17.03.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> "Werner"-Erfinder Rötger "Brösel" Feldman feiert seinen 75.Geburtstag und Matthias Stührwoldt ist ein großer Fan des Comic-Zeichners. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Tass Kaff oder Bölkstoff?" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Tass-Kaff-oder-Boelkstoff,hoermal3820.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Klock-dree-is-Dag,hoermal3818.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Klock dree is Dag" > Klock dree is Dag </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">14.03.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Heiko Kroll hat Probleme beim Einschlafen und probiert verschiedene Tricks aus, doch nichts will so richtig helfen. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Klock dree is Dag" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Klock-dree-is-Dag,hoermal3818.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Beten-scheef,hoermal3816.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Beten scheef" > Beten scheef </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">13.03.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Wer alles für Andere und vor allem für sich selbst perfekt machen will, hat es manchmal nicht leicht, findet Wolfgang Pauls. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Beten scheef" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Beten-scheef,hoermal3816.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-De-Aanten,hoermal3814.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: De Aanten" > De Aanten </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">12.03.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Jan Graf beschäftigt sich am Gregoriustag mit den zahlreichen Vorboten des Frühlings. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: De Aanten" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-De-Aanten,hoermal3814.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="exp1-body-podcast5778" class="exp-body calculated" role="region" aria-controlledby="exp1-handle-podcast5778" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Socken,hoermal3810.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Socken" > Socken </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">11.03.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Sie werden zu Unrecht stiefmütterlich behandelt, deshalb hält Jördis Weerda ein Plädoyer auf diese Kleidungsstücke. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Socken" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Socken,hoermal3810.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Bedreegt-se-ehr-Smartphone,hoermal3812.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Bedreegt se ehr Smartphone" > Bedreegt se ehr Smartphone </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">10.03.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Clivia Appeldorn trifft sich mit ihrer Freundin beim Italiener – statt Pizzen bekommt sie unfreiwillig erst einmal die Chatverläufe der Tischnachbarn serviert. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Bedreegt se ehr Smartphone" href="/wellenord/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Bedreegt-se-ehr-Smartphone,hoermal3812.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Eenmal-Hund-sien,hoermal3808.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Eenmal Hund sien" > Eenmal Hund sien </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">07.03.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Wie Dr. Doolittle versetzt Gerrit Hoss sich in die Lage seines Haustieres und beginnt mit ihm zu sprechen. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Eenmal Hund sien" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Eenmal-Hund-sien,hoermal3808.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Wischen-un-druecken,hoermal3806.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Wischen un drücken" > Wischen un drücken </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">06.03.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Wolfgang Pauls lernt einen jungen Familienvater mit seiner Tochter kennen und macht eine interessante Erfahrung. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Wischen un drücken" href="/wellenord/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Wischen-un-druecken,hoermal3806.html" class="cta " >1 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-As-een-Delfin,hoermal3802.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: As een Delfin" > As een Delfin </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">05.03.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Matthias Stührwoldt ist ein großer Fan von David Bowie und erzählt dazu eine sehr kuriose Geschichte. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: As een Delfin" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-As-een-Delfin,hoermal3802.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Wo-weer-noch-dien-Naam,hoermal3804.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Wo weer noch dien Naam?" > Wo weer noch dien Naam? </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">04.03.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Es kommt immer wieder vor, dass Menschen Namen falsch aussprechen. Wie Gesche Gloystein damit umgeht, erzählt sie hier. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Wo weer noch dien Naam?" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Wo-weer-noch-dien-Naam,hoermal3804.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Een-Sorg-weniger,hoermal3800.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Een Sorg weniger" > Een Sorg weniger </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">03.03.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Jan Graf erinnert an eine dramatische Antarktisexpedition vor nicht ganz 130 Jahren und findet auch hier wieder etwas zum Lachen. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Een Sorg weniger" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Een-Sorg-weniger,hoermal3800.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Moin,hoermal3790.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Moin" > Moin </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">28.02.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Kerstin Kromminga denkt über den Vokabelreichtum und die Eigenheiten der plattdeutschen Sprache nach. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Moin" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Moin,hoermal3790.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Vun-Hummeln-un-Bloeten,hoermal3792.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Vun Hummeln un Blöten" > Vun Hummeln un Blöten </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">27.02.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Mit den ersten Sonnenstrahlen schießen die Vorboten des Frühlings aus der Erde und Ralf Spreckels beginnt zu träumen. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Vun Hummeln un Blöten" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Vun-Hummeln-un-Bloeten,hoermal3792.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-De-Ton-makt-de-Musik,hoermal3794.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: De Ton makt de Musik" > De Ton makt de Musik </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">26.02.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Thomas Lenz wünscht sich ein wenig mehr Verständnis und Freundlichkeit unter den Menschen. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: De Ton makt de Musik" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-De-Ton-makt-de-Musik,hoermal3794.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Luette-Vertippfehlers,hoermal3796.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Lütte Vertippfehlers" > Lütte Vertippfehlers </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">25.02.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Die Autokorrektur im Handy überrascht Clivia Appeldorn immer wieder mit völlig neuen Wortschöpfungen. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Lütte Vertippfehlers" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Luette-Vertippfehlers,hoermal3796.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Mitnanner,hoermal3798.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Mit&#039;nanner" > Mit'nanner </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">24.02.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Endspurt beim Erzählwettbewerb "Vertell doch mal". Mehr Infos unter Mehr als 5.000 Euro sind zu gewinnen. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Mit'nanner" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Mitnanner,hoermal3798.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Kann-he-nich,hoermal3788.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Kann he nich" > Kann he nich </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">21.02.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Jan Grafs bessere Hälfte ist auf Dienstreise und nun muss er Familie und Haushalt alleine regeln. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Kann he nich" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Kann-he-nich,hoermal3788.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-De-Freetfiend,hoermal3786.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: De Freetfiend" > De Freetfiend </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">20.02.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Ihre natürlichen Fressfeinde sitzen bei Gesche Gloystein gern mal mit am gleichen Tisch. Aber sie hat eine Taktik. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: De Freetfiend" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-De-Freetfiend,hoermal3786.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Kopplicht,hoermal3784.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Kopplicht" > Kopplicht </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">19.02.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> So ein Kopflicht ist eine praktische Sache, aber sie kann auch nerven, meint Henning Kothe. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Kopplicht" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Kopplicht,hoermal3784.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Endli-Ue30,hoermal3782.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Endli Ü30" > Endli Ü30 </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">18.02.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Es gibt Parties für beinahe jede Altersdekade und Carina Dawert war auf einer, die zu ihr passt und berichtet darüber. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Endli Ü30" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Endli-Ue30,hoermal3782.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-In-Gedanken,hoermal3780.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: In Gedanken" > In Gedanken </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">17.02.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Helge Albrecht gehen beim aktuellen Thema unseres Schreibwettbewerbes "Vertell doch mal" tausend Gedanken durch den Kopf... <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: In Gedanken" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-In-Gedanken,hoermal3780.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Geheemnis-vun-en-lange-Ehe,hoermal3778.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Geheemnis vun en lange Ehe" > Geheemnis vun en lange Ehe </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">14.02.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Mit'nanner ist das Thema unseres plattdeutschen Schreibwettbewerbes und mehr als 5.000 Euro sind zu gewinnen. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Geheemnis vun en lange Ehe" href="/wellenord/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Geheemnis-vun-en-lange-Ehe,hoermal3778.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Autofahrerdank,hoermal3776.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Autofahrerdank" > Autofahrerdank </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">13.02.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Im Straßenverkehr geht es häufig sehr emotional zu, da fällt es auch Wolfgang Pauls nicht immer leicht, die Contenance zu bewahren. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Autofahrerdank" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Autofahrerdank,hoermal3776.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Trick-Lampen,hoermal3774.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Trick-Lampen" > Trick-Lampen </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">12.02.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Ines Barber sinniert über die Technik im Auto nach und fängt da bei den Armaturen am Lenkrad an. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Trick-Lampen" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Trick-Lampen,hoermal3774.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Fitnessstudio,hoermal3772.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Fitnessstudio" > Fitnessstudio </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">11.02.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Jördis Weerda trainiert neuerdings im Gym und wird dort mit völlig neuen Begriffen konfrontiert, die ihr seltsam vorkommen. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Fitnessstudio" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Fitnessstudio,hoermal3772.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Django-Co,hoermal3770.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Django &amp; Co" > Django & Co </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">10.02.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Wenn im Kinderzimmer kein Platz mehr ist, sollte aufgeräumt werden. Nicht so einfach bei vielen Kuscheltieren, stellt Kerstin Kromminga fest. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Django & Co" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Django-Co,hoermal3770.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Mitnanner,hoermal3766.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Mit&#039;nanner" > Mit'nanner </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">07.02.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Mehr als 5.000 Euro Preisgeld warten auf die Gewinnerinnen und Gewinner unseres Schreibwettbewerbes. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Mit'nanner" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Mitnanner,hoermal3766.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Megaslaue-Goeren,hoermal3764.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Megaslaue Gören" > Megaslaue Gören </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">06.02.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Jan Graf hat den Schalk im Nacken und macht sich über Zertifikate lustig, die seine Kinder in der Schule erlangen sollen. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Megaslaue Gören" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Megaslaue-Goeren,hoermal3764.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Loff-harken,hoermal3762.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Loff harken" > Loff harken </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">05.02.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Henning Kothe ist wohl nicht der Einzige, dem der monotone Lärm von den Laubbläsern am Straßenrand auf die Nerven geht. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Loff harken" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Loff-harken,hoermal3762.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Cool-kieken,hoermal3760.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Cool kieken" > Cool kieken </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">04.02.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Ines Barber blättert in einem Modemagazin herum und dabei fällt ihr auf, dass die Models fast alle leicht angesäuert aus der Designer-Wäsche gucken. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Cool kieken" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Cool-kieken,hoermal3760.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Buex-full,hoermal3758.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Büx full" > Büx full </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">03.02.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Der gebürtige Lübecker Wolfgang Pauls ist neu im "Hör mal 'n beten to"- Team und ist von Haus aus Psychologe. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Büx full" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Buex-full,hoermal3758.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Achtuntwinnig,hoermal3756.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Achtuntwinnig" > Achtuntwinnig </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">31.01.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Marie Sophie Koop denkt darüber nach, was der 18. Geburtstag ihr früher einmal bedeutet hat. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Achtuntwinnig" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Achtuntwinnig,hoermal3756.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Dat-Leven-is-bunt,hoermal3754.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Dat Leven is bunt" > Dat Leven is bunt </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">30.01.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Clivia Appeldorn bringt die Tochter ihrer Freundin zum Kindergarten und plötzlich fängt die Lütte an zu weinen. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Dat Leven is bunt" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Dat-Leven-is-bunt,hoermal3754.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Quantenphysik,hoermal3752.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Quantenphysik" > Quantenphysik </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">29.01.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Jan Graf berichtet über geschäftstüchtige junge Schüler, die vorgeben, sich als Hundesitter betätigen zu wollen. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Quantenphysik" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Quantenphysik,hoermal3752.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Afscheed,hoermal3750.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Afscheed" > Afscheed </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">28.01.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Gerrit Hoss beschreibt die Trennung von seinem heißgeliebten fahrbaren Untersatz. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Afscheed" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Afscheed,hoermal3750.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Ballermann-maakt-Platt,hoermal3748.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Ballermann maakt Platt" > Ballermann maakt Platt </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">27.01.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Carina Dawert berichtet von ihrem turbulenten Kurzurlaub auf Mallorca und dann fängt sie auch noch an zu singen. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Ballermann maakt Platt" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Ballermann-maakt-Platt,hoermal3748.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Afleggers,hoermal3746.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Afleggers" > Afleggers </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">24.01.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Je grauer es draußen ist, desto wichtiger wird es für Ines Barber, jedenfalls drinnen das bisschen Grün in der Topf-Oase zu pflegen. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Afleggers" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Afleggers,hoermal3746.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-HSV,hoermal3744.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: HSV" > HSV </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">23.01.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Matthias Stührwoldt hält seinem Lieblingsverein seit Jahrzenten die Treue und geht mit ihm durch dick und dünn. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: HSV" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-HSV,hoermal3744.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Woveel-kost-Groenland,hoermal3742.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Woveel kost Grönland?" > Woveel kost Grönland? </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">22.01.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Manchmal bleibt einem nichts anderes übrig, als das Weltgeschen mit Humor zu betrachten. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Woveel kost Grönland?" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Woveel-kost-Groenland,hoermal3742.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Inkoepen,hoermal3740.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Inköpen" > Inköpen </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">21.01.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Jördis Weerda geht entspannt ins Kaufhaus hinein und kommt gestresst wieder heraus. Was ist passiert? <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Inköpen" href="/wellenord/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Inkoepen,hoermal3740.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Mitnanner,hoermal3738.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Mit&#039;nanner" > Mit'nanner </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">20.01.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Der NDR, Radio Bremen und das Ohnsorg-Theater rufen wieder zum Mitmachen beim größten plattdeutschen Schreibwettbewerb auf. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Mit'nanner" href="/wellenord/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Mitnanner,hoermal3738.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Vertell-doch-mal-2025-mit-dem-Motto-Mitnanner,hoermal3736.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: &#034;Vertell doch mal&#034; 2025 mit dem Motto &#034;Mit&#039;nanner&#034;" > "Vertell doch mal" 2025 mit dem Motto "Mit'nanner" </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">17.01.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Der plattdeutsche Schreibwettbewerb von NDR, Radio Bremen und Ohnsorg Theater startet wieder. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: &quot;Vertell doch mal&quot; 2025 mit dem Motto &quot;Mit'nanner&quot;" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Vertell-doch-mal-2025-mit-dem-Motto-Mitnanner,hoermal3736.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Loeoeg-un-Wohrheit,hoermal3734.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Löög un Wohrheit" > Löög un Wohrheit </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">16.01.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Ralf Spreckels erzählt gern Märchen. Auch, weil das bei ihm zu Hause eine gute Verwirrungstaktik ist. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Löög un Wohrheit" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Loeoeg-un-Wohrheit,hoermal3734.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Torechtfinnen,hoermal3732.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Torechtfinnen" > Torechtfinnen </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">15.01.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Viele Menschen laufen planlos durch dir Gegend. Die brauchen ein Navi in der eigenen Nachbarschaft, so wie Marie Sophie Koop. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Torechtfinnen" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Torechtfinnen,hoermal3732.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Tovoeoel,hoermal3730.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Tovööl" > Tovööl </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">14.01.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Das neue Jahr hat schon richtig Anlauf genommen und dabei hinkt Kerstin Kromminga noch dem vergangenen Jahr hinterher. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Tovööl" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Tovoeoel,hoermal3730.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Leevde-analog,hoermal3728.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Leevde analog" > Leevde analog </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">13.01.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Matthias Stührwoldt ist kein Fan von Dating-Portalen. Davon abgesehen, gab es die auch noch gar nicht, als er seine Traumfrau kennenlernte. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Leevde analog" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Leevde-analog,hoermal3728.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Oostfreesland-in-echt-Plattdueuetsk,hoermal3726.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Oostfreesland in echt - Plattdüütsk" > Oostfreesland in echt - Plattdüütsk </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">10.01.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Frank Jakobs ist der ultimative Experte, wenn es um Sitten und Gebräuche in seiner norddeutschen Heimat geht. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Oostfreesland in echt - Plattdüütsk" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Oostfreesland-in-echt-Plattdueuetsk,hoermal3726.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Wat-gifft-dat-to-eten,hoermal3724.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Wat gifft dat to eten?" > Wat gifft dat to eten? </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">09.01.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Gesche Gloystein versucht ihrem Nachwuchs Essmanieren beizubringen. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Wat gifft dat to eten?" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Wat-gifft-dat-to-eten,hoermal3724.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Musiksmack,hoermal3722.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Musiksmack" > Musiksmack </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">08.01.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Jördis Weerda hat einen Musikgeschmack, der für ihre Generation recht untypisch ist. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Musiksmack" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Musiksmack,hoermal3722.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Dumm-Snack,hoermal3720.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Dumm Snack" > Dumm Snack </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">07.01.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Jördis Weerda berichtet von einem sehr plumpen verbalen Annäherungsversuch und darüber, wie sie ihn abgewehrt hat. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Dumm Snack" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Dumm-Snack,hoermal3720.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Footballfan-20,hoermal3718.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Footballfan 2.0" > Footballfan 2.0 </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">06.01.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Wenn es auf dem Fußballfeld hart zur Sache geht, würde Jördis Weerda am liebsten aus ihrem Sitz aufspringen und Sanitäterin spielen. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Footballfan 2.0" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Footballfan-20,hoermal3718.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Laat-uns-gesund-blieven,hoermal3716.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Laat uns gesund blieven" > Laat uns gesund blieven </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">03.01.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Winterzeit ist Erkältungszeit und da wendet sich Heiko Kroll in seiner Ansprache einfach mal direkt an die mikroskopisch kleinen Verursacher. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Laat uns gesund blieven" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Laat-uns-gesund-blieven,hoermal3716.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Opa-sien-Zeddels,hoermal3714.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Opa sien Zeddels" > Opa sien Zeddels </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">02.01.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Clivia Appeldorn hat eine Kiste mit alten Büchern ihres Opas gefunden und macht dann eine interessante Entdeckung. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Opa sien Zeddels" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Opa-sien-Zeddels,hoermal3714.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Dat-waard-mien-Jahr,hoermal3712.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Dat waard mien Jahr!" > Dat waard mien Jahr! </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">01.01.2025 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Frank Jakobs ist voller Zuversicht für das Jahr 2025 und teilt diese gern mit allen seinen Hörern und Hörerinnen. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Dat waard mien Jahr!" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Dat-waard-mien-Jahr,hoermal3712.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Voersaetz,hoermal3710.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Vörsätz" > Vörsätz </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">31.12.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> An Werner Momsen ist ein Philosoph verloren gegangen und natürlich befasst er sich auch mit dem, was sich Menschen an guten Vorsätzen vornehmen. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Vörsätz" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Voersaetz,hoermal3710.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Tschill-mol,hoermal3708.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Tschill mol" > Tschill mol </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">30.12.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Wenn es zu Silvester draußen ballert, dann flüchten einige. Andere werden beruhigt. Ines Barber weiß wie. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Tschill mol" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Tschill-mol,hoermal3708.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Op-Rullen,hoermal3706.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Op Rullen" > Op Rullen </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">27.12.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Ines Barber lässt sich Einrichtungstipps geben und am Ende profitiert sogar ihr kleiner Terrier davon. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Op Rullen" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Op-Rullen,hoermal3706.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Aftoeben-un-Tee-drinken,hoermal3704.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Aftöben un Tee drinken" > Aftöben un Tee drinken </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">26.12.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Clivia Appeldorn hat eine herzerwärmende Liebesgeschichte parat, in der das Happy End garantiert ist. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Aftöben un Tee drinken" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Aftoeben-un-Tee-drinken,hoermal3704.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Besinnliche-Wiehnachten,hoermal3702.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Besinnliche Wiehnachten" > Besinnliche Wiehnachten </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">25.12.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Gerd Spiekerman wünscht sich, wie wohl viele andere auch, nichts sehnlicher als ein entspanntes und besinnliches Weihnachtsfest. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Besinnliche Wiehnachten" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Besinnliche-Wiehnachten,hoermal3702.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Wiehnachten-bi-Momsen,hoermal3700.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Wiehnachten bi Momsen" > Wiehnachten bi Momsen </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">24.12.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Werner Momsen erzählt, wie es bei seinem Schöpfer zuhause unterm Weihnachtsbaum zugeht. Da ist auch nicht alles perfekt. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Wiehnachten bi Momsen" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Wiehnachten-bi-Momsen,hoermal3700.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Wiehnachtslueues,hoermal3698.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Wiehnachtslüüs" > Wiehnachtslüüs </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">23.12.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Weihnachten sollte das Fest der Familie und der Liebe sein, also theoretisch jedenfalls, meint Carina Dawert. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Wiehnachtslüüs" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Wiehnachtslueues,hoermal3698.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Wiehnachtsboom-Geheemnis,hoermal3694.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Wiehnachtsboom-Geheemnis" > Wiehnachtsboom-Geheemnis </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">20.12.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Um Weihnachten gibt es viele mystische Geschichten und Märchen. Eine Geheimnis aus seiner Familie hat Ralf Spreckels erst spät entdeckt. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Wiehnachtsboom-Geheemnis" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Wiehnachtsboom-Geheemnis,hoermal3694.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Geschenketipps,hoermal3692.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Geschenketipps" > Geschenketipps </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">19.12.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Jedes Jahr die gleiche Herausforderung, was schenkt wer wem? Carina Dawert hat eine Idee, wie sie es sich leichter machen könnte. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Geschenketipps" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Geschenketipps,hoermal3692.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Gloehwien-gegen-de-Kuell,hoermal3696.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Glöhwien gegen de Küll?" > Glöhwien gegen de Küll? </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">18.12.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Thomas Lenz sieht kalten Tagen gelassen entgegen, solange es genügend heiße Getränke auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt gibt. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Glöhwien gegen de Küll?" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Gloehwien-gegen-de-Kuell,hoermal3696.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Wintergenussmarkt,hoermal3688.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Wintergenussmarkt" > Wintergenussmarkt </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">17.12.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Jan Graf stolpert über ein neues Wort, das ihm und seiner Familie die vorweihnachtliche Stimmung verhagelt. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Wintergenussmarkt" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Wintergenussmarkt,hoermal3688.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-De-Wiehnachtsboom,hoermal3686.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: De Wiehnachtsboom" > De Wiehnachtsboom </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">16.12.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Der Weihnachtsbaum ist eine unverzichtbare Requisite zum Fest, für die Kerstin Kromminga mit ihrer Familie gern einige Strapazen auf sich nimmt. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: De Wiehnachtsboom" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-De-Wiehnachtsboom,hoermal3686.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-De-Adventskranz,hoermal3682.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: De Adventskranz" > De Adventskranz </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">13.12.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Es gibt viele Traditionen rund um die Advents- und Weihnachtszeit und einige davon schaut sich Werner Momsen genau an. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: De Adventskranz" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-De-Adventskranz,hoermal3682.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Wiehnachtsbreef-1948,hoermal3684.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Wiehnachtsbreef 1948" > Wiehnachtsbreef 1948 </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">12.12.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Ralf Spreckels hat einen alten Weihnachtsbrief von seinem Vater an seine Oma gefunden. Jetzt hat er ihn endlich übersetzt. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Wiehnachtsbreef 1948" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Wiehnachtsbreef-1948,hoermal3684.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Dat-beste-doerfst-nich-toeben-laten,hoermal3678.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Dat Beste dörfst nich töben laten" > Dat Beste dörfst nich töben laten </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">11.12.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Clivia Appeldorn ist ein Genussmensch und legt jede falsche Bescheidenheit ab, wenn es darum geht, auf Leckereien der Kaffeetafel zuzugreifen. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Dat Beste dörfst nich töben laten" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Dat-beste-doerfst-nich-toeben-laten,hoermal3678.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Dat-mutt-funkeln,hoermal3676.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Dat mutt funkeln" > Dat mutt funkeln </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">10.12.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Draußen ist alles grau im norddeutschen Winter. Das kann Ines Barber überhaupt nicht haben! <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Dat mutt funkeln" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Dat-mutt-funkeln,hoermal3676.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Victoria-Station,hoermal3674.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Victoria Station" > Victoria Station </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">09.12.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Matthias Stührwoldt berichtet von einer Reise nach London, die in ihm bis heute starke Gefühle hervorruft, wenn er über sie nachdenkt. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Victoria Station" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Victoria-Station,hoermal3674.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Kiek-ins-wat-is-de-Himmel-so-root,hoermal3672.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Kiek ins, wat is de Himmel so root" > Kiek ins, wat is de Himmel so root </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">06.12.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Mit dem Nikolaustag geht es in großen Schritten auf Weihnachten zu und Lina Martschin kommen adventliche Gedichtzeilen in den Sinn. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Kiek ins, wat is de Himmel so root" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Kiek-ins-wat-is-de-Himmel-so-root,hoermal3672.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-De-Suelvstscannkass,hoermal3670.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: De Sülvstscannkass" > De Sülvstscannkass </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">05.12.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Gesche Gloystein geht einkaufen. Alles läuft gut, doch dann steht sie in der Schlange vor der Kasse und die Stimmung beginnt zu kippen. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: De Sülvstscannkass" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-De-Suelvstscannkass,hoermal3670.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Meal-Prep,hoermal3668.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Meal Prep" > Meal Prep </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">04.12.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Gerrit Hoss beobachtet einen neuen Social Media-Trend, der sich um das Essen dreht und wundert sich. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Meal Prep" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Meal-Prep,hoermal3668.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Wiehnachtsmarktbesoeoek,hoermal3666.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Wiehnachtsmarktbesöök" > Wiehnachtsmarktbesöök </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">03.12.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Für Clivia Appeldorn gehört der Besuch auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt dazu, wie der Weihnachtsengel auf der Tannenbaumspitze. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Wiehnachtsmarktbesöök" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Wiehnachtsmarktbesoeoek,hoermal3666.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Al-wedder-duesse-Tied,hoermal3664.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Al wedder düsse Tied" > Al wedder düsse Tied </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">02.12.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Thomas Lenz wird beim Sinnieren über die Advents- und Weihnachtszeit ganz warm ums Herz. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Al wedder düsse Tied" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Al-wedder-duesse-Tied,hoermal3664.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Buffet-eten,hoermal3662.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Buffet eten" > Buffet eten </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">29.11.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Frank Jakobs hat gerade den plattdeutschen Oskar, den Keerlke Preis gewonnen, unter anderem für seine grandiosen "Hörmal"-Geschichten. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Buffet eten" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Buffet-eten,hoermal3662.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Tosamen-wassen,hoermal3660.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Tosamen wassen" > Tosamen wassen </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">28.11.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Als junge Mutter blickt Gesche Gloystein auf ihr Kind und beobachtet ganz genau, wie es vor ihren staunenden Augen heranwächst. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Tosamen wassen" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Tosamen-wassen,hoermal3660.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Unnuetz-Geschenke,hoermal3658.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Unnütz Geschenke" > Unnütz Geschenke </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">27.11.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Werner Momsen denkt über alle unnützen Geschenke nach, die er in den vergangenen Jahren immer mal wieder geschenkt bekommen hat. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Unnütz Geschenke" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Unnuetz-Geschenke,hoermal3658.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Homeoffice,hoermal3656.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Homeoffice" > Homeoffice </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">26.11.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Kerstin Kromminga hat das Arbeiten in den eigenen vier Wänden in den vergangenen Jahren sehr zu schätzen gelernt und zieht Bilanz. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Homeoffice" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Homeoffice,hoermal3656.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Hola,hoermal3654.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Hola" > Hola </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">25.11.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Ralf Spreckels reist sehr gern und dabei fallen ihm immer wieder interessante Kleinigkeiten auf, gerade dann, wenn es um sprachliche Feinheiten geht. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Hola" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Hola,hoermal3654.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Wat-schoenes,hoermal3652.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Wat schönes" > Wat schönes </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">22.11.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Beim Aufräumen im Haus findet Matthias Stührwoldt einen kleinen Zettel mit einer Nachricht aus seiner Vergangenheit. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Wat schönes" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Wat-schoenes,hoermal3652.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Swienegelhueues,hoermal3648.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Swienegelhüüs" > Swienegelhüüs </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">21.11.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Manche übertreiben es mit der Fürsorge für die Tiere im heimischen Garten, meint Puppenphilosoph Werner Momsen. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Swienegelhüüs" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Swienegelhueues,hoermal3648.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Doodsanzeigen,hoermal3646.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Doodsanzeigen" > Doodsanzeigen </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">20.11.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Frank Jakobs hat ein Alter erreicht, in dem er um die Todesanzeigen in seiner Zeitung keinen Bogen mehr macht. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Doodsanzeigen" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Doodsanzeigen,hoermal3646.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Erinnern,hoermal3644.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Erinnern" > Erinnern </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">19.11.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Das einzig Beständige ist die Veränderung heißt es und wenn Clivia Appeldorn sich in ihrer Heimat umblickt, merkt sie dies besonders stark. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Erinnern" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Erinnern,hoermal3644.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module list w100"> <div class="modulepadding"> <div class="teaser" > <div class="teaserpadding"> <h2> <span class="ndricon_audio-filled"></span> <a href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Billerfloot,hoermal3642.html" title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Billerfloot" > Billerfloot </a> </h2> <div class="teasertext"> <div class="subline date">18.11.2024 10:40 Uhr</div> <p> Gesche Gloystein erkämpft sich einen Weg durch den Bilderdschungel, der sich ihr auf dem Handy präsentiert. <a title="Zum Audiobeitrag: Billerfloot" href="/wellenord/sendungen/hoer_maln_beten_to/Hoer-maln-beten-to-Billerfloot,hoermal3642.html" class="cta " >2 Min</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="addmore"> <a href="#" id="exp1-handle-podcast5778" class="exp-header" role="button" 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