How to find us | Loughborough University London | Loughborough University London

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class="breadcrumbs__container"> <ol class="breadcrumbs__list"> <li class="breadcrumbs__item"> <a href="/"></a></li><li class="breadcrumbs__item"><a href="/about/">About</a></li><li class="breadcrumbs__item"><a href="/about/find-us/">How to find us</a> </li> </ol> </div> </nav> </div> </header> <main class="site-main"> <!-- Banner image --> <!-- Banner content --> <div class="content" id="content"> <div class="container"> <div class="main-content"><div class="content-type content-type--page-heading content-type--h1"> <div class="content-type__container"> <h1 class="page-heading h1">How to find us</h1> </div> </div><div class="content-type content-type--lead-paragraph"> <div class="content-type__container"> <p class="lead-paragraph">Loughborough University London is located within Here East, a technology and culture hub within Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.</p> </div> </div><div class="content-type content-type--main"> <div class="content-type__container"> <div class="editor"> <p>Our London campus is set on the former site of the Press and Media Centre for the 2012 Olympics, in between start-ups, caf&eacute;s, restaurants and the beautiful canalside.</p> <p>We&rsquo;re excellently connected by public transport to major London destinations, and the rest of the world with five international airports nearby. We&rsquo;re located between shopping mecca Stratford, and the trendy East London district of Hackney.</p> <p>We encourage visitors to travel sustainably by walking, cycling and public transport. A <a href="">free shuttle bus service</a> connects our campus at Here East to Stratford International and City Station.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="content-type content-type--heading content-type--h2"> <div class="content-type__container"> <h2 class="heading h2 has-icon"> <span class="icon icon--envelope icon--inline"><svg class="icon__svg" width="41" height="34" viewBox="0 0 41 34"><path d="M36.185 33.457H4.538C2.035 33.457 0 31.34 0 28.735V1.372A1.01 1.01 0 0 1 1.658.596l18.615 15.55L33.387 2.022H6.617a1.01 1.01 0 0 1 0-2.022h29.088a1.01 1.01 0 0 1 .74 1.698L21.102 18.225a1.01 1.01 0 0 1-1.39.088L2.023 3.533v25.202c0 1.49 1.128 2.7 2.516 2.7h31.647c1.388 0 2.516-1.21 2.516-2.7V1.01a1.01 1.01 0 0 1 2.023 0v27.725c0 2.604-2.035 4.722-4.538 4.722"/></svg></span> <span class="heading__text">Loughborough University London address</span> </h2> </div> </div><div class="content-type content-type--main"> <div class="content-type__container"> <div class="editor"> <p>3 Lesney Avenue <br />The Broadcast Centre <br />Here East <br />Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park <br />London <br />E20 3BS</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="callout callout--standout callout--directions"> <h3 class="callout__heading">Get directions</h3> <form class="form form--default" action="" method="get"> <input type="hidden" name="daddr" value="E20 3BS"> <div class="form__components"> <label class="form__label" for="saddr">Enter a starting address or postcode to get directions to Loughborough University London.</label> <input class="form__field" type="text" name="saddr" id="saddr"> <button class="button button--small" type="submit">Get directions</button> </div> </form> </div><div class="content-type content-type--main"> <div class="content-type__container"> <h3 class="subheading h3">Journey times to Loughborough University London</h3> <div class="editor"> <table border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <th scope="col">Location</th> <th scope="col">Journey time</th> </tr> <tr> <td>From Stratford City Station</td> <td>5 minutes by bus</td> </tr> <tr> <td>From St Pancras International</td> <td>15 minutes by train and bus</td> </tr> <tr> <td>From Hackney Wick</td> <td>5 minutes walk</td> </tr> <tr> <td>From Heathrow Airport</td> <td>1 hour by train</td> </tr> <tr> <td>From Gatwick Airport</td> <td>1 hour, 15 minutes by train</td> </tr> <tr> <td>From Stansted Airport</td> <td>37 minutes by car</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>Journey times may vary. Check travel times with your transport provider to ensure you arrive in time.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="content-type content-type--heading content-type--h2"> <div class="content-type__container"> <h2 class="heading h2 has-icon"> <span class="icon icon--marker icon--inline"><svg class="icon__svg" width="40" height="47" viewBox="0 0 40 47"><path d="M19.572 7.29c-5.723 0-10.38 4.657-10.38 10.38 0 5.724 4.657 10.38 10.38 10.38 5.724 0 10.38-4.656 10.38-10.38 0-5.723-4.656-10.38-10.38-10.38m0 22.72c-6.803 0-12.338-5.536-12.338-12.34 0-6.802 5.535-12.337 12.338-12.337 6.804 0 12.338 5.535 12.338 12.338 0 6.804-5.534 12.34-12.338 12.34"/><path d="M19.57 47a.983.983 0 0 1-.72-.317c-.88-.818-11.353-10.66-16.195-19.583-2.787-5.137-4.018-12.978-.485-18.916 2.142-3.6 6.9-7.89 17.4-7.89 10.505 0 15.262 4.29 17.403 7.89 3.533 5.937 2.303 13.78-.484 18.916-3.572 6.583-10.158 13.62-13.765 17.228a.98.98 0 0 1-1.408-.023l-3.54-3.784a.98.98 0 0 1 1.432-1.337l2.843 3.04c3.632-3.692 9.483-10.1 12.715-16.057 2.522-4.65 3.662-11.705.522-16.98-2.698-4.535-8.132-6.933-15.715-6.934-7.59 0-13.023 2.4-15.722 6.933-3.14 5.277-2 12.332.524 16.98 4.72 8.703 15.06 18.39 15.813 0 0 1-.976.98h-.008z"/></svg></span> <span class="heading__text">How to get here</span> </h2> </div> </div><div class="content-type content-type--toggle"> <div class="content-type__container"> <div class="toggle"> <button class="toggle__button button" type="button" aria-expanded="false"> <span class="toggle__button-container"> By shuttle bus </span> </button> <div class="toggle__content"> <div class="toggle__content-container"> <h2 class="visually-hidden">By shuttle bus </h2> <div class="editor"> <p>A <a href="">free shuttle service</a> is available to anyone travelling from Stratford to our campus on Here East and runs every 5-8 minutes from 7am until 11pm. Check their website for updates and weekend timetable information.</p> <p>To find the Here East pick-up point in Stratford, put the following into your map or journey planner:</p> <ul> <li>Stratford International (Bus Stop F). This will take you to Here East, where our campus is located.</li> <li>Stratford City Station (Bus Stop X). The pick-up point is at Stratford, located near Westfield Shopping Centre. The nearest address is 30 Montfichet Road, London, E15 1AZ.</li> <li>The Yard, Here East (Bus stop in The Yard). The pick-up point is located in the Yard, with a dedicated bus stop, so it&rsquo;s easy to spot.</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="content-type content-type--toggle"> <div class="content-type__container"> <div class="toggle"> <button class="toggle__button button" type="button" aria-expanded="false"> <span class="toggle__button-container"> Public transport </span> </button> <div class="toggle__content"> <div class="toggle__content-container"> <h2 class="visually-hidden">Public transport</h2> <div class="editor"> <p>If travelling by public transport, the easiest way to find Loughborough University London is by using <a href="">Google Maps</a>, <a href="">Transport for London</a> or <a href="">Citymapper</a>. Enter &lsquo;Loughborough University London&rsquo; and follow the instructions.</p> <p>The nearest station is <a href="">Hackney Wick Overground Station</a>, which is just minutes from campus.</p> <p>Stratford is the nearest transport hub, with Stratford Bus Station, Stratford Station and Stratford International.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="content-type content-type--toggle"> <div class="content-type__container"> <div class="toggle"> <button class="toggle__button button" type="button" aria-expanded="false"> <span class="toggle__button-container"> Travelling by car </span> </button> <div class="toggle__content"> <div class="toggle__content-container"> <h2 class="visually-hidden">Travelling by car</h2> <div class="editor"> <p>The quickest way to plan your journey here is by using Google Maps, Citymapper or Transport for London (TFL).</p> <p>Loughborough University London has quick links to Central London, as well as the south and east of England. It&rsquo;s easy to reach from Gatwick Airport (1 hour drive), Heathrow (1 hour and five minutes) and Stansted (37 minutes).</p> <p>Getting around is made easy with access to major roads like A11, A12, A13, A102, A406, M11, and M25.</p> <p>At Westfield Stratford City, you'll find around 4,500 parking spaces available across three car parks spanning 15 levels. For convenient access to campus, hop on the free shuttle bus, which operates from Stratford International Station's bus stop E.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="content-type content-type--toggle"> <div class="content-type__container"> <div class="toggle"> <button class="toggle__button button" type="button" aria-expanded="false"> <span class="toggle__button-container"> Walking and cycling </span> </button> <div class="toggle__content"> <div class="toggle__content-container"> <h2 class="visually-hidden">Walking and cycling</h2> <div class="editor"> <h4>Walking to Loughborough University London</h4> <p>Journeying by foot to Loughborough University London is a scenic and eco-friendly option. If you&rsquo;re located nearby Hackney or Stratford, open up your navigation app and follow the instructions. Opt for a riverside stroll if possible, so you can take in the scenic views of the canal.</p> <h4>Cycling to Loughborough University London</h4> <p>Cycling offers a quick and sustainable mode of transport to Loughborough London. Plan your route using cycling-friendly roads and pathways, and don't forget to use designated bike lanes when available. Here East offers bike racks so you can secure your bicycle.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="content-type content-type--heading content-type--h2"> <div class="content-type__container"> <h2 class="heading h2 has-icon"> <span class="icon icon--embed icon--credit-card"><svg class="icon__svg" width="73" height="34" viewBox="0 0 73 34" xmlns=""><path d="M43.318 0a5.473 5.473 0 0 1 5.467 5.466v23.068A5.473 5.473 0 0 1 43.318 34H5.467A5.473 5.473 0 0 1 0 28.534v-8.068a1.246 1.246 0 0 1 2.492 0v8.068a2.978 2.978 0 0 0 2.975 2.974h37.851a2.978 2.978 0 0 0 2.975-2.974V10.806h-43.8V14.9h39.356a1.246 1.246 0 1 1 0 2.492H1.246A1.246 1.246 0 0 1 0 16.146V5.466A5.473 5.473 0 0 1 5.467 0Zm-4.942 19.796a4.875 4.875 0 0 1 4.87 4.869 4.875 4.875 0 0 1-4.87 4.869 1.246 1.246 0 1 1 0-2.492 2.38 2.38 0 0 0 2.377-2.377 2.38 2.38 0 0 0-2.377-2.377c-.685 0-1.339.299-1.792.82-.473.544-1.407.544-1.88 0a2.38 2.38 0 0 0-1.793-.82 2.38 2.38 0 0 0-2.377 2.377 2.38 2.38 0 0 0 2.377 2.377c.685 0 1.339-.3 1.793-.82a1.247 1.247 0 0 1 1.88 1.635 4.87 4.87 0 0 1-3.673 1.677 4.875 4.875 0 0 1-4.87-4.87 4.875 4.875 0 0 1 4.87-4.868c.983 0 1.933.299 2.733.841a4.86 4.86 0 0 1 2.732-.841Zm4.942-17.304H5.467a2.978 2.978 0 0 0-2.975 2.974v2.848h43.801V5.466a2.978 2.978 0 0 0-2.975-2.974Zm22.273 1.653a1.246 1.246 0 0 1 1.763 0A19.148 19.148 0 0 1 73 17.775c0 5.148-2.005 9.988-5.646 13.629a1.242 1.242 0 0 1-1.763 0 1.246 1.246 0 0 1 0-1.762 16.672 16.672 0 0 0 4.917-11.868c0-4.483-1.746-8.697-4.917-11.868a1.246 1.246 0 0 1 0-1.761ZM63.028 8.03a13.689 13.689 0 0 1 4.036 9.743c0 3.68-1.433 7.14-4.036 9.744a1.243 1.243 0 0 1-1.763 0 1.246 1.246 0 0 1 0-1.763 11.212 11.212 0 0 0 3.307-7.98c0-3.016-1.174-5.85-3.307-7.983a1.246 1.246 0 1 1 1.763-1.761Zm-4.176 4.614a7.206 7.206 0 0 1 2.125 5.13 7.206 7.206 0 0 1-2.125 5.128 1.242 1.242 0 0 1-1.762 0 1.245 1.245 0 0 1 0-1.762 4.73 4.73 0 0 0 1.395-3.367 4.73 4.73 0 0 0-1.395-3.367 1.245 1.245 0 1 1 1.762-1.762Z" fill-rule="evenodd" /></svg></span> <span class="heading__text">Student Oyster photocard</span> </h2> </div> </div><div class="content-type content-type--main"> <div class="content-type__container"> <div class="editor"> <p>All full-time postgraduate students aged 18 and over may be eligible for a <a href="">Student Oyster photocard</a>, with a 30% travel discount on most Transport for London services.</p> <p>For help with your Student Oyster photocard, please visit the Student Support Desk located on level 2.</p> <blockquote> <p>A student Oyster is a golden ticket for exploring London! You get 30% off all travel, which really adds up. You can also get a student railcard, which gives you 30% off train travel anywhere in the UK.</p> </blockquote> </div> </div> </div><div class="content-type content-type--callout"> <div class="content-type__container"> <div class="callout callout--default"> <div class="callout__content"> <h2 class="callout__heading">Need help?</h2> <div class="editor"> <p>If you need help travelling to campus, want to send something to our address, or have any questions, please get in touch.</p> </div> <a class="button button--default button--icon-right button--external" href=""> <span class="button__text">Get in touch</span> <span class="icon icon--small icon--inline icon--ui-external"> <svg class="icon__svg" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 9.016a.5.5 0 0 0-.5.5v5.47H1v-11h5.5a.5.5 0 0 0 0-1h-6a.5.5 0 0 0-.5.5v12a.5.5 0 0 0 .5.5h12a.5.5 0 0 0 .5-.5v-5.97a.5.5 0 0 0-.5-.5z"/><path d="M15.5 0h-6a.5.5 0 0 0 0 1h4.793L3.146 12.146a.5.5 0 1 0 .707.707L15 1.707V6.5a.5.5 0 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