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In MY ReallyRareWares?</b></font><p> The main exhibit in this update is the Ulead MPEG Converter, a quite nice MP1/2 encoder for Win3.1 (actually, the only one to my knowledge so far. There is almost certainly a Xing MP2 encoder for this platform, but I never found it. <a href=about.php>Hit me up</a> if you have cool stuff from Xing!). It is also an MPEG video encoder, but that doesn't really matter here at RRW. <br><br> And I also added a few other goodies to the collection: <ul> <li>Psytel Research's swan song, the MPEG-4 Authoring Tool</li> <li>Old Voxware ACM and DirectShow codecs</li> <li>Wavpack 4.31 for DOS, plus sources</li> <li>Qualcomm PureVoice 2.4 - the last version for Windows</li> </ul> </blockquote></font> <font face="Verdana" size=2 color="6699CC"> <br><div align="justify"><b> 2024-04-09: </b></div><p> </font> <font face="Tahoma" size=2 color="black"><blockquote> <font face="Tahoma" size=2 color="black"><b>LA, ATRAC &amp; more</b></font><p> Today I bring you more abandoned and obsolete tools to please your senses <br><br> It has been more than two decades since the Lossless Audio codec last saw an update. It can be safely considered abandoned at this point, hence, I crated a page to preserve it. <br><br> Then, updates to the SonicStage (ATRAC) page! The in_atrac3 Winamp plugin (courtesy of Zachary Jelesoff), a SoundForge 8/9 ATRAC3 plugin (later versions have the plugin built-in), and codecs from the PlayStation SDKs. I also updated the page text mentioning Sony's apparent abandonment of the format. <br><br> Also, I added: <ul> <li>Foobar2000 v0.666, a "cursed" version contributed by Jason Antony</li> <li>The official MIO encoder. LHA-compressed and sporting a Japanese interface. This one will be really popular here.</li> <li>The Xing and FhG VBR header SDKs to the Xing page because... might come in handy to someone, I guess?</li> </ul> </blockquote></font> <font face="Verdana" size=2 color="6699CC"> <br><div align="justify"><b> 2024-02-03: </b></div><p> </font> <font face="Tahoma" size=2 color="black"><blockquote> <font face="Tahoma" size=2 color="black"><b>Abandonware updates</b></font><p> A new year arrives, so I come back here with some updates that have been abandoned by their own authors (in most cases here: FhG) <br><br> It has been more than 25 years since Fraunhofer released MP3enc (do you feel old yet?). As they probably do not care anymore, I added full licensed versions of it (v 3.0 and 3.1) to the MP3enc page, courtesy of the great F.O.S.I. guys. <br><br> I also created a page for FhG MP3 producer - the source of all those pirated FhG ACM codecs that were floating around in the late 90s which helped MP3 explode in popularity. Again, 25+ years old programs that I suppose FhG already forgot. <br><br> I uploaded to the CoolEdit filters page the two FhG MP3 encoder filters because... why not? <br><br> Since I was already neck-deep in Fraunhofer stuff, I added another ACM codec version to the respective page: v3.3 <br><br> And as we're talking about ACM codecs: I added a new page featuring QDesign's i-Media and ACM MP2 encoders. </blockquote></font> <font face="Verdana" size=2 color="6699CC"> <br><div align="justify"><b> 2023-12-12: </b></div><p> </font> <font face="Tahoma" size=2 color="black"><blockquote> <font face="Tahoma" size=2 color="black"><b>The 20 years celebration!!</b></font><p> SO you thought ReallyRareWares was dead? Not at all! I'm here again to provide you one of our traditional holidays updates and, a little bit late, celebrate 20 years providing <i>really</i> hard to find pieces of software! <br><br> The main attraction of this update is the super obscure NTT DualSpeech voice codec (thanks to William Hobbs). <br><br> Besides, I updated the Fobar2000 page with a few older versions and each version's release dates, both thanks to Benjamin Pahlke. Also, all new releases from version 1.5 up to 2.0.<br> Additionally, I moved all Foobar2000 v0 versions to another page because the main one was becoming too unwieldy. <br><br> See you all in 2024. Or whenever I collect enough goodies to justify another update... </blockquote></font> <font face="Verdana" size=2 color="6699CC"> <br><div align="justify"><b> 2020-10-23: </b></div><p> </font> <font face="Tahoma" size=2 color="black"><blockquote> <font face="Tahoma" size=2 color="black"><b>The holidays update</b></font><p> To close this year, a nice little update to wrap up 2020 and hope for a better 2021: the Liquid Audio encoders and players, what we had to put up with to enjoy a little AAC in the late nineties. <br><br> Big thanks to Max Telkov for contributing these! See you all in 2021. </blockquote></font> <font face="Verdana" size=2 color="6699CC"> <br><div align="justify"><b> 2020-10-20: </b></div><p> </font> <font face="Tahoma" size=2 color="black"><blockquote> <font face="Tahoma" size=2 color="black"><b> Another bunch of goodies </b></font><p> An update with several goodies provided by Martin Wagner and other lovely visitors of ReallyRareWares! <ul> <li>Electronic Cosmo MP3 encoder (thanks to Stefan)</li> <li>EAQUAL objective audio quality measurement tool (thanks to Martin Wagner)</li> <li>WinMusic audio player for Win3.1</li> <li>Several Gogo versions (thanks to Martin Wagner)</li> <li>Tag and Wapet taggers (thanks to includemeout)</li> <li>Psytel AACenc Public Evaluation Versions (thanks to Martin Wagner)</li> </ul> Also, I added information about each lossless compressor's performance, with plans to soon add several formats missing from the list. My so-called "limited tests" consist of compressing Bob Dylan's album <i>The Times They Are A-Changin'</i> and comparing how each compressor performs. </blockquote></font> <font face="Verdana" size=2 color="6699CC"> <br><div align="justify"><b> 2020-08-20: </b></div><p> </font> <font face="Tahoma" size=2 color="black"><blockquote> <font face="Tahoma" size=2 color="black"><b>Another quarantine update</b></font><p> It seems the quarantines here in Brazil will never end (5th month already), so here are a few updates to try and keep spirits high: <ul> <li>Sony SonicStage</li> <li>ACM Station ACM codec frontend</li> <li>EncSpot 0.9 (thanks to includemeout)</li> <li>A handful of very early Apollo versions</li> <li>Nullsoft DOSamp 0.7 + DOSamp Extender</li> <li>CoolEdit 1.30A</li> </ul> </blockquote></font> <font face="Verdana" size=2 color="6699CC"> <br><div align="justify"><b> 2020-06-19: </b></div><p> </font> <font face="Tahoma" size=2 color="black"><blockquote> <font face="Tahoma" size=2 color="black"><b>Just another update</b></font><p> An update with an assortment of new goodies, most of them contributed by the lovely RRW visitors: <ul> <li>Shorten lossless compressor and mkwACT (thanks to Marco Pontello)</li> <li>MP3 Jukebox - a featureful player for Win 3.1 (thanks to Arthurro Ludvicco)</li> <li>MixMP3 line-in recorder (thanks to Zachary Jelesoff)</li> <li>Real Jukebox Plus (thanks (?) to Richard Birch)</li> <li>More versions of Nero AAC Encoder (thanks to Martin Wagner)</li> <li>YAMP 3.2 (thanks to Daniel Kozar)</li> <li>Other versions of Blade for Mac OS Classic</li> </ul> </blockquote></font> <br><br> <center>Please check older news <a href=oldnews.php>here</a>.</center> <br><br> </font> </td></tr> </table> </td></tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table> <p align="center">&copy; Roberto Amorim. This is a sister site of <a href="">RareWares</a></p> </body> </html>

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