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General</strong> <br><br> "Geniebook Student" and "Geniebook Parent" (hereinafter, the "App" or "Apps") are owned and operated by Geniebook Pte Ltd (hereinafter, "Geniebook", "We", "Us", or "The Company"), a company incorporated in Singapore with the company registration number 201604244N. <br><br> You are advised to read and understand these Terms carefully as your use of the Apps or any service in relation to the usage of the Apps or services ("Services") and/or any product ("Products") provided by the Company in relation to the usage of the Apps through any means signifies Your acceptance and agreement ("Agreement") to these Terms and Your agreement to be legally bound by the same. <br><br> These terms of use ("Terms") shall also apply to the Subscriptions with the package of any Product provided by Geniebook. These terms are to be read along with the Privacy Policy and any other policies specified on the Geniebook Website. <br><br> Geniebook holds the sole right to modify these Terms without prior permission from You or providing notice to You. The duty is on You to periodically check these Terms and keep up to date on the Terms. If You continue to use the Apps or avail any of Geniebook's services without registration, following such change, this is deemed as consent by You to the so amended policies. Your continued use of the Website is conditioned upon your compliance with these Terms, including but not limited to compliance with these Terms even after alterations. <br><br><br> <strong>2. Governing Law & Disputes</strong> <br><br> These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Singapore, not including its conflicts of law provisions. Any dispute arising from these Terms shall be resolved in the courts of the Republic of Singapore. <br><br><br> <strong>3. Services and Apps</strong> <br><br> The Apps consist of a platform where users can gain access to materials created with the aim of preparing students for educational assessments. The User can register and gain access to Geniebook's Products such as, but not limited to, education syllabus, online lessons, study plans, worksheets, etc. <br><br><br> <strong>4. Registration</strong> <br><br> To use the Apps and Services provided by Geniebook, it is compulsory to create an account and pay for a subscription. The subscription will be covered by the Subscription Agreement that you have signed with Geniebook. A User may create an account on the Apps which shall collect only Your basic information. To create an account, you need to enter Your phone number for verification purposes and a password. You are solely responsible for the account and for keeping Your registration details current and correct for communications related to purchases from Geniebook. <br><br> At the time of registration, the Company shall collect personally identifiable information about you such as, but not limited to, your email and phone number. Information collected about you is subject to Geniebook's Privacy Policy. <br><br> You are solely responsible for protecting the confidentiality of your log in details and password. As You are responsible for private access to your account it means that any activity under the account will be deemed to have been done by you. <br><br> In the event you provide Us with false/inaccurate details or Geniebook has any reason to believe that You furnished false, inaccurate, or misleading information We hold the right to permanently suspend your account. <br><br><br> <strong>5. Eligibility</strong> <br><br> The App is available to all territories as specified on the App Store. If you are a minor, under the age of 18 years and over the age of 13 years, you may use the Apps under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian who agrees to be bound by these Terms. <br><br><br> <strong>6. Security</strong> <br><br> Transactions on the Apps are secure and protected with as much reasonable protection as the state of the art advises. Any information entered by the User when transacting on the Website is encrypted to protect the User against unintentional disclosure to third parties. The User's payment information (such as credit card details) is not received, stored by or retained by the Company / Apps in any manner. This information is supplied by the User directly to the relevant payment gateway which is authorized to handle the information provided, and is compliant with the regulations and requirements of various banks and institutions and payment franchisees that it is associated with. <br><br><br> <strong>7. License and Access</strong> <br><br> The Company grants you a limited license to access and make personal use of the Apps, but not to download (other than page caching) or modify it, or any portion of it, except with express written consent of the Company. The limited license does not include or permit any resale or commercial use of the Apps or their contents; any collection and use of any product listings, study materials, worksheets, study plans, online lessons, videos, descriptions, prices, or any such information provided by the App that is proprietary to the Company. <br><br> Any derivative use of the App or its contents, such as any downloading or copying of information or any use of data mining, robots, or similar data gathering and extraction tools is strictly prohibited. <br><br> You shall not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any portion or feature of the Site, or any other systems or networks connected to the Site or to any server, computer, network, or to any of the services offered on or through the Site, by hacking, ‘password mining’ or any other illegitimate means. <br><br> Any portion of the Apps may not be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, visited, or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose without express written consent of the Company. You may not frame or utilize framing techniques to enclose any trademark, logo, or other proprietary information (including but not limited to images, text, page layouts, or form) of the Website or of the Company and/or its affiliates without the express written consent of the Company. <br><br><br> You hereby agree and undertake not to host, display, upload, modify, publish, transmit, update or share any information through the Apps which: <br><br> belongs to another person and to which you do not have any rights to; <br> is grossly harmful, harassing, blasphemous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, libellous, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful racially, ethnically objectionable, disparaging, relating or encouraging money laundering or gambling, or otherwise unlawful in your jurisdiction and the jurisdiction of Singapore in any manner whatsoever; <br> harms minors in any way; <br> infringes any patent, trademark, copyright or other proprietary/intellectual property rights; <br> violates any law for the time being in force; <br> deceives or is misleading about the origin of such messages communicates any information which is grossly offensive or menacing in nature; <br> impersonates another person; <br> contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer resource; <br> threatens the unity, integrity, defence, security or sovereignty of Singapore, friendly relations with foreign states, or public order or causes incitement to the commission of any cognizable offence or prevents investigation of any offence or is insulting any other nation; or <br> is misleading or known to be false in any way. <br><br><br> <strong>8. Communications</strong> <br><br> By using the Apps, it is deemed that you have consented to receiving calls, auto-dialled and/or pre-recorded message calls, emails, from Geniebook at any time with the use of the telephone number and email address that has been provided by you for the use of the Apps which are subject to the Privacy Policy. The user can opt out from such communication and/or newsletters either by unsubscribing on the Website itself, or by contacting the customer services team and placing a request for unsubscribing by sending an email to <a href=""></a>. <br><br> The sharing of the information provided by you will be governed by Geniebook's Privacy Policy and We will not give out such contact information of yours to third parties not connected with the Website. <br><br><br> <strong>9. User Obligations</strong> <br><br> You are a restricted user of the Apps. <br><br> You are bound not to cut, copy, distribute, modify, recreate, reverse engineer, distribute, disseminate, post, publish or create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information or software obtained from the Apps. For the removal of doubt, it is clarified that unlimited or wholesale reproduction, copying of the content for commercial or non-commercial purposes and unwarranted modification of data and information within the content of the Apps is strictly not permitted. <br><br> You agree not to access (or attempt to access) the Website and/or the materials or Services by any means other than through the interface that is provided by the Apps. <br><br> The use of deep-link, robot, spider or other automatic device, program, algorithm or methodology, or any similar or equivalent manual process, to access, acquire, copy or monitor any portion of the Apps or Content, or in any way reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or presentation of the Apps, materials or any Content, to obtain or attempt to obtain any materials, documents or information through any means not specifically made available through the Apps. <br><br> You acknowledge and agree that by accessing or using the Apps or Services, You may be exposed to content from other users that You may consider offensive, indecent or otherwise objectionable. We disclaim all liabilities arising in relation to such offensive content on the Apps. Further, You are strongly encouraged to report such offensive content so Geniebook can take appropriate action. <br><br> In places where this website allows you to post or upload data/information, You undertake to ensure that such material is not offensive and in accordance with applicable laws. <br><br> Further, You undertake not to: <br> Abuse, harass, threaten, defame, disillusion, erode, abrogate, demean or otherwise violate the legal rights of others; <br><br> Engage in any activity that interferes with or disrupts access to the Website or the Services (or the servers and networks which are connected to the Apps); <br><br> Impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent Your affiliation with a person or entity; <br><br> Post any file that infringes the copyright, patent or trademark of other legal entities; <br><br> Upload or distribute files that contain viruses, corrupted files, or any other similar software or programs that may damage the operation of the Website or another's computer; Download any file posted by another user that you know, or reasonably should know, cannot be legally distributed in such manner; <br><br> Probe, scan or test the vulnerability of the Apps or any network connected to the Apps, nor breach the security or authentication measures on the Website or any network connected to the Website. You may not reverse look-up, trace or seek to trace any information on any other user, of or visitor to, the Apps, or any other customer of the Apps, including any account not owned by You, to its source, or exploit the Apps or Service or information made available or offered by or through the Apps, in any way whether or not the purpose is to reveal any information, including but not limited to personal identification information, other than Your own information, as provided for by the Website; <br><br> Disrupt or interfere with the security of, or otherwise cause harm to, the Website, system resources, accounts, passwords, servers or networks connected to or accessible through the Website or any affiliated or linked sites; <br><br> Collect or store data about other users in connection with the prohibited conduct and activities set forth in this Section; <br><br> Use the Website or any material or Content for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms, or to solicit the performance of any illegal activity or other activity which infringes the rights of this website or other third parties; <br><br> Violate any code of conduct or other guidelines, which may be applicable for or to any particular Service; <br><br> Violate any applicable laws or regulations for the time being in force within or outside the Republic of Singapore; <br><br> Violate these Terms including but not limited to any applicable additional Terms contained herein or elsewhere such as the Privacy Policy; <br><br> Violate any code of conduct or other guidelines, which may be applicable for or to any particular Service; <br><br> Publish, post, disseminate information that is false, inaccurate or misleading; <br><br> Directly or indirectly, offer, attempt to offer, trade or attempt to trade in any item, the dealing of which is prohibited or restricted in any manner under the provisions of any applicable law, rule, regulation or guideline for the time being in force; <br><br> You shall not engage in advertising to, or in solicitation of, other Users of the Website to buy or sell any products or services, including, but not limited to, products or services related to that being displayed on the Apps or related to us. <br><br> It shall be a violation of these Terms of Service to use any information obtained from the Apps in order to harass, abuse, or harm another person, or in order to contact, advertise to, solicit, or sell to another person other than Us without our prior explicit consent. <br><br> We can (and You hereby expressly authorize Us to) disclose any information about You to law enforcement or other government officials, as we, in our sole discretion, believe it necessary or appropriate in connection with the investigation and/or resolution of possible criminal acts. <br><br> In order to protect Our Users from such advertising or solicitation, We reserve the right to restrict the number of messages or emails which a user may send to other Users in any 24-hour period which We deem appropriate in our sole discretion. You understand that We have the right at all times to disclose any information (including the identity of the persons providing information or materials on the Website) as necessary to satisfy any law, regulation or valid governmental request. This may include, without limitation, disclosure of the information in connection with investigation of alleged illegal activity or solicitation of illegal activity or in response to a lawful court order or subpoena. <br><br> We have no obligation to monitor the materials posted on the Apps. We shall have the right to remove or edit any content that in its sole discretion violates, or is alleged to violate, any applicable law or either the spirit or letter of these Terms. Notwithstanding this right, You remain solely responsible for the content of any materials that you share or post on the Apps, inclusive of private messages. In no event shall We assume or have any responsibility or liability for any content posted or for any claims, damages or losses resulting from the use of Content and/or appearance of Content on the Apps. You hereby represent and warrant that You have all necessary rights in and to all Content which You provide and all information it contains and that such Content shall not infringe any intellectual, proprietary or other rights of third parties or contain any libelous, tortuous, or otherwise unlawful information. <br><br><br> <strong>10. Copyright and Trademark</strong> <br><br> The Company, its suppliers and licensors expressly reserve all intellectual property rights in all text, programs, products, processes, technology, images, content and other materials which appear on the Site. Access to or use of the Apps does not confer and should not be considered as conferring upon anyone any license to the Company or any third party’s intellectual property rights. All rights, including copyright, in and to the Apps are owned by or licensed to the Company. Any use of the Site or its contents, including copying or storing it or them in whole or part is prohibited without the permission of the Company. <br><br> You may not modify, distribute or re-post anything on the Apps for any purpose. The names and logos and all related product and service names, design marks and slogans are the trademarks/service marks of the Company, its affiliates, its partners or its suppliers/service providers. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. No trademark or service mark license is granted in connection with the materials contained in the Apps. Access to or use of the Apps does not authorise anyone to use any name, logo or mark in any manner. References on the Site to any names, marks, products or services of third parties or hypertext links to third party sites or information are provided solely as a convenience to you and do not in any way constitute or imply the Company’s endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation of the third party, the information, its product or services. <br><br> The Company is not responsible for the content of any third party sites and does not make any representations regarding the content or accuracy of material on such sites. If you choose to access a link of any third party websites, you do so entirely at your own risk and expense. <br><br><br> <strong>11. Disclaimer of Warranties and Liabilities</strong> <br><br> You expressly understand and agree that, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law: <br><br> Geniebook shall have no responsibility for any loss or damage caused to The User's devices such as smartphones, tablets or any other hardware used to access the Apps, including loss of data or effect on the processing speed, resulting from Your use of Geniebook's Apps or Services. <br><br> The Apps, any related websites, services and other materials are provided by the Company is on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind, express, implied, statutory or otherwise, including the implied warranties of title, non-infringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Without limiting the foregoing, Geniebook makes no warranty that: <br><br> Your requirements will be met or that services provided will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free; <br> Materials, information and results obtained will be effective, accurate or reliable; <br> Any errors or defects in the Apps, related websites, services or other materials will be corrected. <br> To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, we will have no liability related to user content arising under intellectual property rights, libel, privacy, publicity, obscenity or other laws. Geniebook also disclaims all liability with respect to the misuse, loss, modification or unavailability of any user content. <br><br> The User understands and agrees that any material or data downloaded or otherwise obtained through the website is done entirely at his/her own discretion and risk and he/she will be solely responsible for any damage to their devices or loss of data that results from the download of such material or data. We are not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid coupon. Geniebook accepts no liability for any errors or omissions, with respect to any information provided to you whether on behalf of itself or third parties. <br> We shall not be liable for any third party product or services. Any advertisements available on email, Apps, or websites with respect to the third party website or the products and services are for informational purposes only. <br><br><br> <strong>12. Indemnification and Limitation of Liability</strong> <br><br> You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless this website/company including but not limited to its affiliate vendors, agents and employees from and against any and all losses, liabilities, claims, damages, demands, costs and expenses (including legal fees and disbursements in connection therewith and interest chargeable thereon) asserted against or incurred by us that arise out of, result from, or may be payable by virtue of, any breach or non-performance of any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement made or obligation to be performed by you pursuant to these terms of service. Further, you agree to hold us harmless against any claims made by any third party due to, or arising out of, or in connection with, your use of the website, any claim that your material caused damage to a third party, your violation of the terms of service, or your violation of any rights of another, including any intellectual property rights. <br><br> In no event shall Geniebook, its officers, directors, employees, partners or suppliers be liable to you, the vendor or any third party for any special, incidental, indirect, consequential or punitive damages whatsoever, including those resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether or not foreseeable or whether or not we have been advised of the possibility of such damages, or based on any theory of liability, including breach of contract or warranty, negligence or other tortious action, or any other claim arising out of or in connection with your use of or access to the Website, Products, Services or materials. <br><br> The limitations and exclusions in this section apply to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law. <br><br><br> <strong>13. Third Party Information</strong> <br><br> The Apps may host information provided by third parties. We are in no manner responsible to you for the accuracy, legitimacy and trueness of the information so hosted. We take reasonable care to ensure such accuracy but we are not responsible for the information so furnished. You agree to not hold us liable for the falsification of any such provided information. <br><br><br> <strong>14. Privacy</strong> <br><br> Geniebook encourages you to read the Privacy Policy and to use the information it contains to make informed decisions regarding Your personal information. Please also note that certain information, statements, data and content which You provide on the Website are likely to reveal Your gender, ethnic origin, nationality, age, and/or other personal information about You. You acknowledge and agree that your submission of such information is voluntary on Your part. Further, You acknowledge, consent and agree that we may access, preserve, and disclose information You provide to Us at any stage during Your use of the Website. Disclosures of information to Third Parties are further addressed in Our Privacy Policy. <br><br><br> <strong>15. Representation by Geniebook Education Consultants and Geniebook Employees</strong> <br><br> You agree that Education Consultant from Geniebook, or any Geniebook Employee may create an account on Geniebook on your behalf and access the account for the purposes of, but not limited to, teaching You how to use the Apps and/or troubleshooting any technical problems that might be encountered in the Apps. <br><br><br> <strong>16. Termination and contacting Geniebook</strong> <br><br> Agreement to these Terms is effective until terminated by either you or the Company. You may terminate this User Agreement at any time, provided that you discontinue any further use of the Apps. Refunds and outstanding. Any Sales Agreement that You signed with Geniebook will remain in effect regardless of these Terms. <br><br> Geniebook reserves the right to terminate Your registration at any time, without explanation and without notice if you are found to be in violation of any of the Terms. <br><br> Such termination will be without any liability to the Company. The Company’s right to any Comments and to be indemnified pursuant to the terms hereof, shall survive any termination of this User Agreement. Any such termination of the User Agreement shall not cancel your obligation to pay for product(s) already ordered from the Site or affect any liability that may have arisen under the User Agreement prior to the date of termination. <br><br> If you have any questions about this Agreement, the practices of Geniebook, or your experience with the Apps, you may email us at <a href=""></a>. </div> </div> </div><!-- end id container --> </body> </html>