Partner Detail

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We create and engineer highly relevant experiences that accelerate business growth and fuel brand advocacy for our clients. By combining multi-channel marketing, multi-channel commerce and the technology that binds them, we influence customer behaviour across the spectrum of content, communication and commerce channels, resulting in deeper, more meaningful relationships between customers and brands. SapientNitro services global leaders such as Citi, The Coca-Cola Company, Mars, Singapore Airlines, Target and Vodafone through our operations in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific. For more information, visit or follow us on Twitter @sapientnitro </div> </div> </div> <div class="parbase compbase carousel showcasecarousel"> </div> <div class="TextSmall LayoutRow LayoutBreakAfter"> <div class="LayoutGrid-1-2 LayoutWideColumnBreak"> <div class="parbase compbase companyinfo"> <div class="LayoutRow LayoutCellSides"> <h2 class="TextH3 LayoutSmallRow"> Company Information </h2> </div> <div class="LayoutBigRowBottom LayoutCellSides"> <h2 class="LayoutSmallRow"> 131 Dartmouth Street, 3rd Floor </h2> <h2 class="LayoutSmallRow"> Boston,&nbsp;MA&nbsp;&nbsp;02116&nbsp;&nbsp; US </h2> <h2 class="LayoutSmallRow"> 617-621-0200 </h2> </div> <div class="LayoutBigRowBottom LayoutCellSides"> <h2 class="LayoutSmallRow"> <a href="" title="" target="_blank"></a> </h2> </div> <div class="LayoutBigRowBottom LayoutCellSides"> <h2 class="TextH5 LayoutRowBottom"> Industries Served </h2> <h2 class="LayoutSmallRow"> <ul class="Disc"> <li>Broadcast &amp; Media</li> <li>Financial Services</li> <li>Other</li> </ul> </h2> </div> </div> <div class="parbase compbase regions"> <div> <span class="TextH5 LayoutCellSides">Geographies Served</span> </div> <div id="flashContent"> <p>To experience our site in full, please download and install the latest version of <a href="">Adobe Flash Player</a></p> </div> <div> <script type="text/javascript"> var params = {}; var attributes = {}; var swfobject = function () { var b = "undefined", Q = "object", n = "Shockwave Flash", p = "ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash", P = "application/x-shockwave-flash", m = "SWFObjectExprInst", j = window, K = document, T = navigator, o = [], N = [], i = [], d = [], J, Z = null, M = null, l = null, e = false, A = false; var h = function () { var v = typeof K.getElementById != b && typeof K.getElementsByTagName != b && typeof K.createElement != b, AC = [0, 0, 0], x = null; if (typeof T.plugins != b && typeof T.plugins[n] == Q) { x = T.plugins[n].description; if (x && !(typeof T.mimeTypes != b && T.mimeTypes[P] && !T.mimeTypes[P].enabledPlugin)) { x = x.replace(/^.*\s+(\S+\s+\S+$)/, "$1"); AC[0] = parseInt(x.replace(/^(.*)\..*$/, "$1"), 10); AC[1] = parseInt(x.replace(/^.*\.(.*)\s.*$/, "$1"), 10); AC[2] = /r/.test(x) ? 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"ActiveX" : "PlugIn", q = K.title, r = "MMredirectURL=" + j.location + "&MMplayerType=" + z + "&MMdoctitle=" + q, x =; if ( && && u.readyState != 4) { var t = a("div"); x += "SWFObjectNew"; t.setAttribute("id", x); u.parentNode.insertBefore(t, u); = "none"; var v = function () { u.parentNode.removeChild(u) }; I(j, "onload", v) } U({ data: w.expressInstall, id: m, width: w.width, height: w.height }, { flashvars: r }, x) } } function O(t) { if ( && && t.readyState != 4) { var r = a("div"); t.parentNode.insertBefore(r, t); r.parentNode.replaceChild(G(t), r); = "none"; var q = function () { t.parentNode.removeChild(t) }; I(j, "onload", q) } else { t.parentNode.replaceChild(G(t), t) } } function G(v) { var u = a("div"); if ( && { u.innerHTML = v.innerHTML } else { var r = v.getElementsByTagName(Q)[0]; if (r) { var w = r.childNodes; if (w) { var q = w.length; for (var t = 0; t < q; t++) { if (!(w[t].nodeType == 1 && w[t].nodeName == "PARAM") && !(w[t].nodeType == 8)) { u.appendChild(w[t].cloneNode(true)) } } } } } return u } function U(AG, AE, t) { var q, v = C(t); if (v) { if (typeof == b) { = t } if ( && { var AF = ""; for (var AB in AG) { if (AG[AB] != Object.prototype[AB]) { if (AB.toLowerCase() == "data") { = AG[AB] } else { if (AB.toLowerCase() == "styleclass") { AF += ' class="' + AG[AB] + '"' } else { if (AB.toLowerCase() != "classid") { AF += " " + AB + '="' + AG[AB] + '"' } } } } } var AD = ""; for (var AA in AE) { if (AE[AA] != Object.prototype[AA]) { AD += '<param name="' + AA + '" value="' + AE[AA] + '" />' } } v.outerHTML = '<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"' + AF + ">" + AD + "</object>"; i[i.length] =; q = C( } else { if (h.webkit && h.webkit < 312) { var AC = a("embed"); AC.setAttribute("type", P); for (var z in AG) { if (AG[z] != Object.prototype[z]) { if (z.toLowerCase() == "data") { AC.setAttribute("src", AG[z]) } else { if (z.toLowerCase() == "styleclass") { AC.setAttribute("class", AG[z]) } else { if (z.toLowerCase() != "classid") { AC.setAttribute(z, AG[z]) } } } } } for (var y in AE) { if (AE[y] != Object.prototype[y]) { if (y.toLowerCase() != "movie") { AC.setAttribute(y, AE[y]) } } } v.parentNode.replaceChild(AC, v); q = AC } else { var u = a(Q); u.setAttribute("type", P); for (var x in AG) { if (AG[x] != Object.prototype[x]) { if (x.toLowerCase() == "styleclass") { u.setAttribute("class", AG[x]) } else { if (x.toLowerCase() != "classid") { u.setAttribute(x, AG[x]) } } } } for (var w in AE) { if (AE[w] != Object.prototype[w] && w.toLowerCase() != "movie") { F(u, w, AE[w]) } } v.parentNode.replaceChild(u, v); q = u } } } return q } function F(t, q, r) { var u = a("param"); u.setAttribute("name", q); u.setAttribute("value", r); t.appendChild(u) } function X(r) { var q = C(r); if (q && (q.nodeName == "OBJECT" || q.nodeName == "EMBED")) { if ( && { if (q.readyState == 4) { B(r) } else { j.attachEvent("onload", function () { B(r) }) } } else { q.parentNode.removeChild(q) } } } function B(t) { var r = C(t); if (r) { for (var q in r) { if (typeof r[q] == "function") { r[q] = null } } r.parentNode.removeChild(r) } } function C(t) { var q = null; try { q = K.getElementById(t) } catch (r) {} return q } function a(q) { return K.createElement(q) } function I(t, q, r) { t.attachEvent(q, r); d[d.length] = [t, q, r] } function c(t) { var r = h.pv, q = t.split("."); q[0] = parseInt(q[0], 10); q[1] = parseInt(q[1], 10) || 0; q[2] = parseInt(q[2], 10) || 0; return (r[0] > q[0] || (r[0] == q[0] && r[1] > q[1]) || (r[0] == q[0] && r[1] == q[1] && r[2] >= q[2])) ? true : false } function V(v, r) { if ( && h.mac) { return } var u = K.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], t = a("style"); t.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); t.setAttribute("media", "screen"); if (!( && && typeof K.createTextNode != b) { t.appendChild(K.createTextNode(v + " {" + r + "}")) } u.appendChild(t); if ( && && typeof K.styleSheets != b && K.styleSheets.length > 0) { var q = K.styleSheets[K.styleSheets.length - 1]; if (typeof q.addRule == Q) { q.addRule(v, r) } } } function W(t, q) { var r = q ? "visible" : "hidden"; if (e && C(t)) { C(t).style.visibility = r } else { V("#" + t, "visibility:" + r) } } function g(s) { var r = /[\\\"<>\.;]/; var q = r.exec(s) != null; return q ? encodeURIComponent(s) : s } var D = function () { if ( && { window.attachEvent("onunload", function () { var w = d.length; for (var v = 0; v < w; v++) { d[v][0].detachEvent(d[v][1], d[v][2]) } var t = i.length; for (var u = 0; u < t; u++) { X(i[u]) } for (var r in h) { h[r] = null } h = null; for (var q in swfobject) { swfobject[q] = null } swfobject = null }) } }(); return { registerObject: function (u, q, t) { if (!h.w3cdom || !u || !q) { return } var r = {}; = u; r.swfVersion = q; r.expressInstall = t ? t : false; N[N.length] = r; W(u, false) }, getObjectById: function (v) { var q = null; if (h.w3cdom) { var t = C(v); if (t) { var u = t.getElementsByTagName(Q)[0]; if (!u || (u && typeof t.SetVariable != b)) { q = t } else { if (typeof u.SetVariable != b) { q = u } } } } return q }, embedSWF: function (x, AE, AB, AD, q, w, r, z, AC) { if (!h.w3cdom || !x || !AE || !AB || !AD || !q) { return } AB += ""; AD += ""; if (c(q)) { W(AE, false); var AA = {}; if (AC && typeof AC === Q) { for (var v in AC) { if (AC[v] != Object.prototype[v]) { AA[v] = AC[v] } } } = x; AA.width = AB; AA.height = AD; var y = {}; if (z && typeof z === Q) { for (var u in z) { if (z[u] != Object.prototype[u]) { y[u] = z[u] } } } if (r && typeof r === Q) { for (var t in r) { if (r[t] != Object.prototype[t]) { if (typeof y.flashvars != b) { y.flashvars += "&" + t + "=" + r[t] } else { y.flashvars = t + "=" + r[t] } } } } f(function () { U(AA, y, AE); if ( == AE) { W(AE, true) } }) } else { if (w && !A && c("6.0.65") && ( || h.mac)) { A = true; W(AE, false); f(function () { var AF = {}; = AF.altContentId = AE; AF.width = AB; AF.height = AD; AF.expressInstall = w; k(AF) }) } } }, getFlashPlayerVersion: function () { return { major: h.pv[0], minor: h.pv[1], release: h.pv[2] } }, hasFlashPlayerVersion: c, createSWF: 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