Movie Workshop - Creative Commons
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Introduction: I'll say a few words about who I am and what will happen here the next half hour.</p> <p>2. Trailer of "Route 66" (2 min)</p> <p>3. about the movie: I'll talk a few minutes about the movie itself.</p> <p>4. movie clips: I'll show a few clips from the movie; about 8 minutes in total.</p> <p>5. talk about our label, open source filmmaking and cc licensing of the movie & questions (about 10 minutes+) <a rel="nofollow" class="external free" href=",com_frontpage/Itemid,1/lang,en/">,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/lang,en/</a></p> <hr /> <p>Transcript</p> <pre>[16:04] Gonzo Oxberger: I'm gonzo [16:04] Gonzo Oxberger: I bet you like my nice look, today :) [16:05] Gonzo Oxberger: Let me say a few words about how I plan to spend the next half hour: [16:05] Gonzo Oxberger: at first I would like to show you the trailer of a documentary, [16:05] Gonzo Oxberger: that will be released tonight under a CC license. [16:05] Gonzo Oxberger: I'm the producer of this docu, [16:05] Gonzo Oxberger: so I can tell you something more about it after that. [16:05] Gonzo Oxberger: Then I have a few clips of about 2-3 minutes, each. [16:06] Gonzo Oxberger: After that I would like to talk about [16:06] Gonzo Oxberger: the open source film label I founded, [16:06] Gonzo Oxberger: and our experiences with CC licensing our content. Please interupt me any time you have questions! [16:06] Gonzo Oxberger: You can hit play NOW :) [16:07] Bovinity Oxberger: everybody can see it, right? [16:07] Hypatia Callisto: yes :) [16:08] Dexter Aquitaine: yeah looks great [16:08] Zenigma Suntzu: / Nice car :) [16:08] Bovinity Oxberger: awesome [16:08] Mozart Goodspeed: nice music :))) [16:09] Gonzo Oxberger: thats it [16:09] Gonzo Oxberger: the trailer so far [16:09] Gonzo Oxberger: I dont want to talk too much about the movie itself. [16:09] Dexter Aquitaine: woooo hooo [16:09] Zenigma Suntzu: Awesome. [16:09] Dexter Aquitaine: fantastic [16:09] David Zadeh: nice! [16:09] Gonzo Oxberger: I guess most of you are more interested in the concept [16:09] Gonzo Oxberger: of open source filmmaking or the reasons why someone should [16:09] Gonzo Oxberger: CC-license a full length movie. [16:09] Gonzo Oxberger: But at least so much: the trip in this 30 years old convertible [16:09] Gonzo Oxberger: led from Washington DC to Chicago, via Route 66 to Los Angeles [16:10] Gonzo Oxberger: and finally to San Diego. I have been doing road trips like that [16:10] Gonzo Oxberger: in the US a few times and it always was a lot of fun. [16:10] Gonzo Oxberger: I would especially recommend doing it in car like this old caddi! LOL [16:10] Gonzo Oxberger: Lets see some clips... [16:10] Dexter Aquitaine: so tell us why u did CC [16:10] Dexter Aquitaine: or is that later [16:10] Gonzo Oxberger: can you attach clip 1, alex? [16:11] Bovinity Oxberger: loaded. [16:11] Gonzo Oxberger: the cc part comes later :) [16:11] Dexter Aquitaine: k [16:13] Gonzo Oxberger: ok, push the button again, everybody [16:13] Hypatia Callisto: /you're just fine Cyrus [16:14] Bovinity Oxberger: i hope these clips are working for everyone. [16:15] Dexter Aquitaine gave you Dexter's PhD draft outline. [16:16] Zenigma Suntzu: Yes working well [16:16] Cyrus Huffhines: oh is that dc? [16:16] Mozart Goodspeed: yep [16:16] Gonzo Oxberger: this is relative unconventional for a documentary - the movie has a few parts like that [16:17] Gonzo Oxberger: great [16:17] Gonzo Oxberger: next clip [16:18] Cyrus Huffhines: now didn't joe thomas do something on route 66 for pbs a few years back? right [16:18] Gonzo Oxberger: stop [16:18] Dexter Aquitaine: very kool [16:18] Gonzo Oxberger: last clip [16:18] Cyrus Huffhines: love the voice and writing [16:18] Dexter Aquitaine: looking great Gonzo [16:18] Gonzo Oxberger: thanks! [16:18] Gonzo Oxberger: can you put the last clip in, alex? [16:19] Cyrus Huffhines: I loved grapes of wrath and the jodes, if that was their name. Moses and family [16:19] Dexter Aquitaine: hehehe reminds me of the old projectionists [16:19] Bovinity Oxberger: and go! [16:20] Dexter Aquitaine: reminds me of Cannery Row [16:20] Mozart Goodspeed: :))) [16:22] Gonzo Oxberger: so much about the movie itself - you can download it at, if you like [16:22] Gonzo Oxberger: You may have figured, that "Route 66" is not a blockbuster :o> [16:22] Dexter Aquitaine: wooo hooo very kool [16:22] Dexter Aquitaine: well done Gonzon [16:22] Gonzo Oxberger: It's a no budget production, you can also call it a microbudget production. [16:22] Deap Tweak: I liked it [16:23] Gonzo Oxberger: The interesting thing is, that we were able to reach an audience, [16:23] Cyrus Huffhines: have you thought about breaking a piece off for something like This American Life? Great voice and writing would be great to do on radio to support the film. [16:23] Gonzo Oxberger: that we never could have reached with a conventional distribution model. [16:23] Gonzo Oxberger: Without investing a buck in the marketing. [16:23] Adri Saarinen: You can say that about a lot of art these days, Gonzo. :) [16:23] Cyrus Huffhines: [16:23] Dexter Aquitaine: mmm so how do u recoup cost [16:23] Gonzo Oxberger: After the release of the movie in German we counted about 500.000 downloads (+ P2P) [16:24] Gonzo Oxberger: in a few month and spread about 600.000 copies by offering magazines to put it on their DVDs. [16:24] Shaun Altman: So how do you make an open source film pay for itself if you're not working on a microbudget? [16:24] Shaun Altman: donations? [16:24] Gonzo Oxberger: Thats where it starts to get interesting for sponsors or advertising models. [16:24] Dexter Aquitaine: wow [16:24] Gonzo Oxberger: Some magazines payed for the content, others didn't. [16:24] Gonzo Oxberger: Another important point is, that you can build a reputation for producing [16:24] Gonzo Oxberger: a certain type of content, if your coverage is big enough. [16:25] Gonzo Oxberger: In our case that led to a remittance work for a TV station, for instance. [16:25] Gonzo Oxberger: This might be one way of refinancing microbudget film productions: [16:25] Gonzo Oxberger: the cultural goods we create are free, [16:25] Gonzo Oxberger: and they help us to establish a brand in a certain niche, [16:25] Gonzo Oxberger: that we could otherwise only establish investing a lot into marketing. [16:25] Gonzo Oxberger: Since the production and especially the distribution [16:25] Gonzo Oxberger: of music, video or even movies is not longer bound to great amounts of money, [16:25] Gonzo Oxberger: this concept works perfect for teams of creatives, [16:26] Gonzo Oxberger: that are just entering the market. [16:26] Gonzo Oxberger: Our next feature film is already in the postproduction state, [16:26] Gonzo Oxberger: and we decided to go one step further in this concept: [16:26] Gonzo Oxberger: we will put it under a BY-SA license to allow creatives [16:26] Gonzo Oxberger: to make money with our material. [16:26] Gonzo Oxberger: This includes 40 hours of very exclusive material, [16:26] Gonzo Oxberger: recorded in southamerica. [16:27] Gonzo Oxberger: By the way, the Creative Commons licenses, [16:27] Gonzo Oxberger: besides that they helped us with the distribution, [16:27] Gonzo Oxberger: have turned out to be a great marketing tool! [16:27] Gonzo Oxberger: This may lessen as they get more common, but still: [16:27] Gonzo Oxberger: not only the people love them, the press also does :) [16:27] Gonzo Oxberger: is that you experience too? [16:28] Gonzo Oxberger: your [16:28] Dexter Aquitaine: please explain BY-SA license [16:28] David Zadeh: which license type did you use for the film? [16:28] Gonzo Oxberger: by-sa means , that you are allowed to use it commercially [16:28] Gonzo Oxberger: you can remix it and sell it [16:28] Gonzo Oxberger: or you can just take parts like the clip in the subway [16:28] Dexter Aquitaine: ooo k a CC license [16:28] Gonzo Oxberger: and use it for VJing [16:28] Dexter Aquitaine: kool [16:29] Gonzo Oxberger: that makes sense, because you increase the spread of the art [16:29] Dexter Aquitaine: can i ask your budget Gonzo [16:29] Dexter Aquitaine: yes it does [16:29] Gonzo Oxberger: our lates production was $30000 [16:29] Dexter Aquitaine: wow [16:30] Dexter Aquitaine: that doesnt cover beer hehehe [16:30] Cyrus Huffhines: not bad [16:30] Cyrus Huffhines: at all [16:30] Dexter Aquitaine: fantastic [16:30] Gonzo Oxberger: and i'm optimistic, that it pays off [16:30] Gonzo Oxberger: the beer is included [16:30] Dexter Aquitaine: shot on mini DV? [16:30] Gonzo Oxberger: and the pizza was sponsored :) [16:30] Cyrus Huffhines: panasonic? [16:30] Dexter Aquitaine: lol [16:30] Gonzo Oxberger: miniDV, right [16:30] Mozart Goodspeed: i feel hungry LOL [16:30] Dexter Aquitaine: and edited on what [16:31] Gonzo Oxberger: and HD [16:31] Dexter Aquitaine: the new Sony HD format [16:31] Gonzo Oxberger: with sony cams and JVC cams [16:31] Gonzo Oxberger: JVC was the HD cam [16:31] Bovinity Oxberger: what software did you use? [16:31] Gonzo Oxberger: pretty good cam [16:31] Dexter Aquitaine: ok what model [16:31] Cyrus Huffhines: do the jvc's have many breakdown problems? [16:31] Gonzo Oxberger: we mostly used avid for the editing, since our cutter was used to it from work [16:32] Dexter Aquitaine: Media Composer [16:32] Dexter Aquitaine: AVID MC? [16:32] Gonzo Oxberger: right, and express DV [16:32] Dexter Aquitaine: so all that adds up [16:32] Dexter Aquitaine: if though its cheaper [16:32] Dexter Aquitaine: your editor did it for cut rate [16:33] Gonzo Oxberger: cut rate? [16:33] Dexter Aquitaine: lol [16:33] Dexter Aquitaine: low rate [16:33] Gonzo Oxberger: right. it only works in this state if most of the guys do it for extremly low budget [16:33] Dexter Aquitaine: i know this seems beside the point but yeah budget does impact CC [16:34] Dexter Aquitaine: or round the other way hehehe [16:34] Dexter Aquitaine: who bank rolled it [16:34] Gonzo Oxberger: i think you got to reach a certain point [16:34] Dexter Aquitaine: it must have been hard to get the money on a CC idea [16:34] Gonzo Oxberger: point of dispersion [16:34] Dexter Aquitaine: explain [16:35] Gonzo Oxberger: you got to compare to the other chances you have as an independent label [16:35] Gonzo Oxberger: with a budget of lets say 30.000$ for a movie [16:35] Dexter Aquitaine: so its your prod co [16:36] Gonzo Oxberger: if it's a free production, you can sell it in germany for probably 10.000 to a tv station [16:36] Dexter Aquitaine: you dont go back to film then [16:36] Dexter Aquitaine: right [16:36] Multi Gadget v1.48.4 by Timeless Prototype [16:36] Dexter Aquitaine: how do they like the fact that u have already CCd it [16:37] Dexter Aquitaine: so they dont have exclusive [16:37] Gonzo Oxberger: that is certainly a problem [16:37] Gonzo Oxberger: for most tv station [16:37] Gonzo Oxberger: at least if they are funded by the government [16:37] Dexter Aquitaine: mmm [16:37] Gonzo Oxberger: they have very strict ideas about the license of the content [16:38] Dexter Aquitaine: you know the BBC have gone CC for their archive [16:38] Dexter Aquitaine: sure [16:38] Gonzo Oxberger: BBC is pretty much an exception [16:38] Gonzo Oxberger: unfortunately [16:38] Dexter Aquitaine: mmm but i think advanced [16:39] Dexter Aquitaine: so have y got your money back yet [16:39] Dexter Aquitaine: or is it too soon [16:39] Liana Linden: Fantastic stuff. Thanks Gonzo. [16:40] Gonzo Oxberger: lets say it that way round: we got more, than when we would have sold it to a TV station [16:40] Dexter Aquitaine: fantastic [16:40] Gonzo Oxberger: a problem we still have is, that the market is very new [16:41] Gonzo Oxberger: you have to explain a lot, why sponsoring of a movie, [16:41] Gonzo Oxberger: which is distributed in the internet for free, makes sense for the sponsors [16:41] Gonzo Oxberger: they just never heard about things like that, in most cases [16:42] Dexter Aquitaine: well it does make sense to me [16:42] Dexter Aquitaine: i can see that more ppl will see it [16:42] Gonzo Oxberger: if you allow remixing the content, regular ads in front of the movie wont last very long [16:43] Gonzo Oxberger: so you probably have to think about certain kinds of product placement [16:43] Dexter Aquitaine: yeah and they must be entertaining [16:43] Gonzo Oxberger: within the movie [16:43] Dexter Aquitaine: like Chris Anderson wrote about The Long Tail [16:43] Dexter Aquitaine: niche markets [16:43] Gonzo Oxberger: i can imagine , that we will see more of that [16:43] Gonzo Oxberger: thats right [16:44] Dexter Aquitaine: very kool [16:44] Dexter Aquitaine: audiences dont want to see Broadcast its about narrowcast he argues [16:45] Dexter Aquitaine: well its a great success story well done Gonzo [16:45] Gonzo Oxberger: thanks dexter [16:45] Dexter Aquitaine: :) [16:45] Zenigma Suntzu: We could have a showing of the movie here in SL. [16:46] Gonzo Oxberger: i think we are still on the beginng of all that [16:46] Cyrus Huffhines: that would be great [16:46] Dexter Aquitaine: great idea [16:46] Dexter Aquitaine: can i ask on a tech ? [16:46] Zenigma Suntzu: It would be a fun CC event. [16:46] Gonzo Oxberger: sure, i would love the movie to be shown here [16:46] Dexter Aquitaine: how did you compress it for streaming [16:46] Cyrus Huffhines: I think a ton of people would show [16:46] Dexter Aquitaine: yeah [16:46] Gonzo Oxberger: soerenson 3 in quicktime [16:46] Dexter Aquitaine: tks [16:47] Dexter Aquitaine: well it looked good [16:47] You: Gonzo when do you want to do a full length screening? [16:47] Cyrus Huffhines: woohoo! [16:47] Gonzo Oxberger: whenever you like it [16:47] Dexter Aquitaine: koool [16:47] Gonzo Oxberger: alex, do we have an url of the full movie? [16:47] You: So next month we will be having a concert in Menorca [16:47] Bovinity Oxberger: i did all but one of hte clips in H.264 quicktime [16:48] Bovinity Oxberger: so wasnt sure if everyone could see them :) [16:48] Gonzo Oxberger: all right [16:48] Bovinity Oxberger: the full one isnt up online yet [16:48] Dexter Aquitaine: ooo ok Bov did you re encode it [16:48] Bovinity Oxberger: but we can put it up on and legaltorrents [16:48] Zenigma Suntzu: I've seen work well with SL. [16:48] Bovinity Oxberger: yes, except for one that gonzo had already done.. to save time [16:48] Gonzo Oxberger: it is already online - you can download it from [16:49] Dexter Aquitaine: koool [16:49] Cyrus Huffhines: kk [16:49] Zenigma Suntzu: The server would need to be able to stream it simultaneously to all the viewers in SL. [16:49] You: so, if people are interested in having a screening here in SL [16:49] You: let us know [16:50] Dexter Aquitaine: count me in whooo hooo [16:50] Zenigma Suntzu: I think we should do it Gen. We see lots of movies here that are er... grey market. [16:50] Zenigma Suntzu: It would be great to see a CC licensed one. [16:50] Gonzo Oxberger: LOL [16:50] Dexter Aquitaine: yeah [16:50] Bovinity Oxberger: zen: hwo do most people stream them on here? [16:50] You: How about August 31? [16:50] Dexter Aquitaine: plus i would like to tell ppl to come and see [16:50] Dexter Aquitaine: yeah [16:51] You: same time - full length [16:51] Zenigma Suntzu: I think most people just put it up on a web server and use http for movies. [16:51] Dexter Aquitaine: sounds great [16:51] Bovinity Oxberger: like these clips, right. [16:51] Zenigma Suntzu: and yes, they might get unsynced [16:51] Zenigma Suntzu: but it usually works ok. [16:51] Zenigma Suntzu: Just need a server that can handle that bandwidth simultaneously. [16:51] Dexter Aquitaine: so they are not really streaming so to speak zen [16:51] Bovinity Oxberger: we may be able to set up a QT streaming server, if that works better [16:51] Zenigma Suntzu: like could. [16:51] Zenigma Suntzu: I think that keeps everyone together better bo. [16:51] Dexter Aquitaine: hinted movies [16:52] Dexter Aquitaine: QT hinting [16:52] Zenigma Suntzu: But again, requires a pretty good size simultaneous bandwidth. [16:53] Bovinity Oxberger: well, i think we can figure something out to show this film [16:53] Gonzo Oxberger: the quality is pretty impressive, and it renders pretty fast, too [16:53] You: we can reconvene in a couple of weeks [16:53] Zenigma Suntzu: Ok cool. [16:53] Bovinity Oxberger: yeah, it looks good for teh compression settings i used [16:53] Gonzo Oxberger: i was afraid my grafics card would be to slow :) [16:53] You: also look for ads about our September eevent [16:53] Zenigma Suntzu: In hte meantime we could experiment with some showing methods and ask around how people are doing it. [16:53] You: Jonathan Coulton playing at Menorca on Sept 14 [16:54] Zenigma Suntzu: Yes, along with a selection of other artists from SL, and licensed CC! [16:54] Zenigma Suntzu smiles. [16:54] You: hey everyone [16:54] You: i also wanted to let you all know that we have set-up [16:54] You: a public wiki for planning and tracking CC in SL events [16:54] You: we'dd like to invite people who are interested in this subject [16:54] Dexter Aquitaine: kool [16:54] You: to contribute [16:54] You: <a rel="nofollow" class="external free" href=""></a> [16:55] Bovinity Oxberger: tell all your SL buddies. [16:55] Cyrus Huffhines: great [16:55] Cyrus Huffhines: will do [16:55] Dexter Aquitaine: great [16:55] Gonzo Oxberger: all right [16:55] You: i'll be posting this transcript there [16:55] Dexter Aquitaine: big round of applause for Gonzo [16:55] You: we'll also place a sign over at the auditorium [16:55] Gonzo Oxberger: thanks! </pre> <!-- NewPP limit report Cached time: 20240522203202 Cache expiry: 1209600 Dynamic content: false CPU time usage: 0.024 seconds Real time usage: 0.025 seconds Preprocessor visited node count: 1/1000000 Preprocessor generated node count: 4/1000000 Post鈥恊xpand include size: 0/2097152 bytes Template argument size: 0/2097152 bytes Highest expansion depth: 1/40 Expensive parser function count: 0/100 --> <!-- Transclusion expansion time report (%,ms,calls,template) 100.00% 0.000 1 -total --> </div> <!-- Saved in parser cache with key ccwiki:pcache:idhash:1995-0!canonical and timestamp 20240522203202 and revision id 97358 --> </div> <div class="printfooter"> Retrieved from "<a dir="ltr" href=""></a>" </div> <div id="catlinks" class="catlinks" data-mw="interface"><div id="mw-normal-catlinks" class="mw-normal-catlinks"><a href="/wiki/Special:Categories" title="Special:Categories">Categories</a>: <ul><li><a href="/wiki/Category:Second_Life" title="Category:Second Life">Second Life</a></li><li><a href="/wiki/Category:Community" title="Category:Community">Community</a></li><li><a href="/index.php?title=Category:Contribute&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Category:Contribute (page does not exist)">Contribute</a></li><li><a href="/wiki/Category:Project" title="Category:Project">Project</a></li><li><a href="/wiki/Category:Creator" title="Category:Creator">Creator</a></li></ul></div></div> <div class="visualClear"></div> </div> </div> <div id="mw-navigation"> <h2>Navigation menu</h2> <div id="mw-head"> <div id="p-personal" role="navigation" class="" aria-labelledby="p-personal-label"> <h3 id="p-personal-label">Personal tools</h3> <ul> <li id="pt-login"><a href="/index.php?title=Special:UserLogin&returnto=Movie+Workshop" title="You are encouraged to log in; however, it is not mandatory [o]" accesskey="o">Log in</a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="left-navigation"> <div id="p-namespaces" role="navigation" class="vectorTabs" aria-labelledby="p-namespaces-label"> <h3 id="p-namespaces-label">Namespaces</h3> <ul> <li id="ca-nstab-main" class="selected"><span><a href="/wiki/Movie_Workshop" title="View the content page [c]" accesskey="c">Page</a></span></li> <li id="ca-talk" class="new"><span><a href="/index.php?title=Talk:Movie_Workshop&action=edit&redlink=1" rel="discussion" title="Discussion about the content page [t]" accesskey="t">Discussion</a></span></li> </ul> </div> <div id="p-variants" role="navigation" class="vectorMenu emptyPortlet" aria-labelledby="p-variants-label"> <h3 id="p-variants-label"> <span>Variants</span> </h3> <div class="menu"> <ul> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div id="right-navigation"> <div id="p-views" role="navigation" class="vectorTabs" aria-labelledby="p-views-label"> <h3 id="p-views-label">Views</h3> <ul> <li id="ca-view" class="selected"><span><a href="/wiki/Movie_Workshop">Read</a></span></li> <li id="ca-viewsource"><span><a href="/index.php?title=Movie_Workshop&action=edit" title="This page is protected. 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