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<img width="598" height="337" src="" class="attachment-large size-large wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 598w, 298w, 112w, 768w, 797w" sizes="(max-width: 598px) 100vw, 598px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">Fractious COP29 lands $300bn climate finance goal, dashing hopes of the poorest</a></h2> <small class="text" style="color:#8C8D8E"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-time"></span> <time class="time" datetime="2024-11-23T23:40:19+00:00">23 November 2024</time></small> <p>After fiery talks, a new post-2025 goal was adopted but some developing nations dismissed it as too small to meet their needs amid growing climate stress</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-2"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="274" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 274w, 549w, 768w, 1536w, 2016w" sizes="(max-width: 274px) 100vw, 274px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">COP29 Bulletin Day 12: Carbon market rules adopted after walkout delays finance talks</a></h2> <small class="text" style="color:#8C8D8E"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-time"></span> <time class="time" datetime="2024-11-23T08:39:22+00:00">23 November 2024</time></small> <p>COP29 approved a long-awaited rulebook for carbon markets as vulnerable countries pushed for a bigger slice of a new finance goal, disrupting talks</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="block-1"> <div class="item-3"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="296" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 296w, 594w, 112w, 768w, 795w" sizes="(max-width: 296px) 100vw, 296px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">COP29 Bulletin Day 10: Draft finance text missing numbers, more effort sought on emissions-cutting</a></h2> <small class="text" style="color:#8C8D8E"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-time"></span> <time class="time" datetime="2024-11-21T05:41:36+00:00">21 November 2024</time></small> <p>The draft text outlines two very different options on the post-2025 goal for finance for developing nations, leaving out amounts</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-4"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="252" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="Workers load coal on a truck near an open-cast mine, on the outskirts of Dhanbad." decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 252w, 505w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w" sizes="(max-width: 252px) 100vw, 252px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">India, donor countries give up on Just Energy Transition Partnership – German official</a></h2> <small class="text" style="color:#8C8D8E"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-time"></span> <time class="time" datetime="2024-11-20T15:02:09+00:00">20 November 2024</time></small> <p>Germany officials confirmed India and donor countries dropped a deal to accelerate the phase-out of fossil fuels in the South Asian country</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-5"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="297" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 297w, 596w, 112w, 768w, 797w" sizes="(max-width: 297px) 100vw, 297px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">COP29 Bulletin Day 9: Developing nations deride “$200bn” finance rumour</a></h2> <small class="text" style="color:#8C8D8E"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-time"></span> <time class="time" datetime="2024-11-20T09:06:59+00:00">20 November 2024</time></small> <p>Emerging economies reject an informal number being floated for government provision under the new goal and say they won’t join the donor pool</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-6"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 112w, 768w, 600w, 798w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">Can climate funders overcome fear to tread in conflict zones? </a></h2> <small class="text" style="color:#8C8D8E"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-time"></span> <time class="time" datetime="2024-11-19T13:26:34+00:00">19 November 2024</time></small> <p>At COP29, fragile climate-vulnerable countries launched a network aimed at securing the climate finance they say has been slow to come as their needs surge</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-7"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="252" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 252w, 505w, 768w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 252px) 100vw, 252px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">As climate-vulnerable countries, we know what kind of finance we need</a></h2> <small class="text" style="color:#8C8D8E"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-time"></span> <time class="time" datetime="2024-11-19T07:20:29+00:00">19 November 2024</time></small> <p>COP29 negotiators must agree a new climate finance goal that genuinely works for debt-strapped developing nations</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-8"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 600w, 112w, 768w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">COP29 Bulletin Day 8: G20 backs new climate finance goal but ignores fossil fuels</a></h2> <small class="text" style="color:#8C8D8E"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-time"></span> <time class="time" datetime="2024-11-19T05:17:13+00:00">19 November 2024</time></small> <p>G20 leaders “commit to successful negotiations in Baku”, including on climate finance, but promise little else to unblock fraught talks </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-9"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 600w, 112w, 768w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">New UN carbon market standards are a step change in protecting people and planet</a></h2> <small class="text" style="color:#8C8D8E"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-time"></span> <time class="time" datetime="2024-11-18T14:20:48+00:00">18 November 2024</time></small> <p>Rules finalised at COP29 will make sure carbon credits enable more ambitious climate goals while delivering benefits to local communities</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-10"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="252" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="Gender equality cannot be last on the agenda at COP29" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 252w, 506w, 768w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 252px) 100vw, 252px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">Gender equality cannot be last on the agenda at COP29 climate talks</a></h2> <small class="text" style="color:#8C8D8E"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-time"></span> <time class="time" datetime="2024-11-18T04:09:08+00:00">18 November 2024</time></small> <p>Climate action initiatives will only achieve their potential if women get more decision-making power and access to finance</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Button --> <a href="" class="btn" role="button">Finance</a> </div> <aside class="sidebar visible-lg"> <div class="row"> <div 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to boost the fund’s impact and position it to secure more resources </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-2"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="Mafalda Duarte sets out vision green climate fund" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 600w, 112w, 768w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">In Somalia, Green Climate Fund tests new approach for left-out communities</a></h2> <p>GCF head Mafalda Duarte promises a more proactive plan to bring cash to the most vulnerable countries struggling with climate impacts</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="block-1"> <div class="item-3"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="green climate fund nicaragua human rights" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 600w, 112w, 768w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">UN climate fund axes Nicaragua forest project over human rights concerns</a></h2> <p>In its first such move, the Green Climate Fund has pulled out of a project after developers failed to address environmental and social compliance issues </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-4"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="298" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="Green Climate Fund pledges put its ambition at risk" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 298w, 112w, 768w, 598w, 799w" sizes="(max-width: 298px) 100vw, 298px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">Green Climate Fund ambition at risk after ‘disappointing’ pledges</a></h2> <p>The UN’s flagship climate finance initiative can barely sustain its existing portfolio after a lackluster fundraising conference on Thursday</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="block-2"> <div class="item-5"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="An agriculture worker in Nicaragua's Caribbean region, where a GCF project is under a complaint. Funding Stagnation Puts Green Climate Fund Ambition at Risk" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 600w, 112w, 768w, 804w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">Green Climate Fund may have to curb ambition as funding stagnates</a></h2> <p>The UN’s flagship global climate fund looks likely to have to rein in its ambition, after France announced just a 4% boost in its contribution.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-6"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="Trees and the Bosawas Reserve in Nicaragua. UN climate fund suspends project in the country over human rights concerns" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 600w, 112w, 768w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">UN climate fund suspends project in Nicaragua over human rights concerns</a></h2> <p>The Green Climate Fund suspended a $117 million forest conservation project in Nicaragua over escalating violence against indigenous people.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-7"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 112w, 768w, 600w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">After “sleepless nights”, governments strike deal on Green Climate Fund strategy</a></h2> <p>Developed countries pushed for more focus on private money while developing governments wanted more public money from rich nations</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-8"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="Woman in field Green Climate Fund" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 112w, 768w, 600w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">Germany promises €2bn to global Green Climate Fund</a></h2> <p>The pledge sets the bar for other wealthy countries and puts the fund on track for what it calls a “mid” level of ambition</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Button --> <a href="" class="btn" role="button">Green Climate Fund</a> <div class="clearfix separator"></div> </div> </section> <!----------------------------------------> <section> <div class="home-colour frame-2 container"> <h1>Carbon markets</h1> <div class="row"> <div class="item-1"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 600w, 112w, 768w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">Is COP29 “breakthrough” on UN carbon market all it seems?</a></h2> <p>Azerbaijan presidency claims Article 6 could help countries save $250 billion a year – but experts warn UN carbon trading is still some way off </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-2"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="Verra's plan to review carbon credits faster raises integrity concerns" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 600w, 112w, 768w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">Verra’s plan to review carbon credits faster with fewer staff raises integrity concerns</a></h2> <p>Verra’s new CEO said that “faster does not equal to compromise on integrity” – but independent carbon market experts are sceptical</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="block-1"> <div class="item-3"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="UN oks carbon market safeguards to protect environment and human rights" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 600w, 112w, 768w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">UN approves carbon market safeguards to protect environment and human rights</a></h2> <p>Developers of carbon credit projects will have to carry out a risk assessment and minimise any social or environmental impacts</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-4"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="245" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="Guyana's carbon-credit deal to protect forests undermines forest protectors " decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 245w, 491w, 768w, 1000w" sizes="(max-width: 245px) 100vw, 245px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">Guyana’s carbon-credit deal to protect forests undermines its forest protectors </a></h2> <p>Guyana’s Indigenous communities are under siege from all sides – including an opaque carbon-offsetting scheme agreed by the government on our lands </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="block-2"> <div class="item-5"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="252" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="Robson Paes sits in the Amazon rainforest during an expedition of Munduruku people as they mark the frontier of the Sawre Muybu Indigenous Territory, in Itaituba municipality, Para state, Brazil, July 20, 2024. COP30 Amazon host strikes "largest carbon credit sale in history"" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 252w, 506w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w" sizes="(max-width: 252px) 100vw, 252px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">Amazon state that will host COP30 strikes “largest carbon credit sale in history”</a></h2> <p>A coalition of governments and multinational corporations promises to pay Pará state $180m to save its rainforest</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-6"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="Verra axing of Shell's rice-farming carbon credits in China fuels integrity fears" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 600w, 112w, 768w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">Verra axing of Shell’s rice-farming carbon credits in China fuels integrity fears</a></h2> <p>The carbon market standard found “serious” quality issues with the projects, prompting questions about their initial approval</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-7"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="297" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 297w, 596w, 112w, 768w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 297px) 100vw, 297px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">Renewable-energy carbon credits rejected by high-integrity scheme</a></h2> <p>The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market decided existing renewables methodologies don’t do enough to prove their emissions reductions are additional</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-8"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="US government backs the carbon credit industry's push to fix itself" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 600w, 112w, 768w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">US government backs the carbon credit industry’s push to fix itself</a></h2> <p>The Biden administration throws its weight behind the industry’s attempts to boost integrity in the beleaguered market</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Button --> <a href="" class="btn" role="button">Carbon markets</a> <div class="clearfix separator"></div> </div> </section> <!----------------------------------------> <section> <div class="home-colour frame-2 container"> <h1>Carbon bubble</h1> <div class="row"> <div class="item-1"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 112w, 768w, 600w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">Oil tanker investments at risk from climate action, report says</a></h2> <p>Strong action on climate change would shrink demand for vessels by a third, impacting investment decisions being made now, analysts say</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-2"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 112w, 768w, 600w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">Asset managers worth $15 trillion make climate risk promise to Macron</a></h2> <p>The French president gathered the world’s biggest investors this week to push them to back climate-friendly projects</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="block-1"> <div class="item-3"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 112w, 768w, 600w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">Gas companies face Californian wipe-out, say S&P, Moody’s</a></h2> <p> Ratings agencies say the state’s bid to go 100% renewable poses a ‘significant threat’ to gas generators’ credit stability </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-4"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 112w, 768w, 600w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">Australian bank sued over failure to disclose climate risks</a></h2> <p>Shareholders are taking the Commonwealth Bank to court, alleging that it is misleading investors about its financial position</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="block-2"> <div class="item-5"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 112w, 600w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">Planned gas investments will blow 1.5C climate target, say analysts</a></h2> <p>Report by Climate Action Tracker warns that overly bullish gas demand forecasts will lead to stranded assets or an unsafe future climate</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-6"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 112w, 768w, 600w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">Exxon shareholders win ‘historic’ climate vote against board’s advice</a></h2> <p>Shareholders in world’s largest private oil company won a victory that signals deep unease about climate change amongst major investors</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-7"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 112w, 600w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">Exxon shareholder rebellion gains momentum ahead of climate vote</a></h2> <p>Major investors BlackRock and Vanguard could tip the balance and force oil firm to publicly divulge risk clean technology and regulations pose to its business</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-8"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 112w, 768w, 600w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">UK is in no position to lecture Saudis on oil dependence</a></h2> <p>PM Theresa May has offered to help wean Saudi Arabia off oil, but her government’s subsidies to North Sea producers are a poor model for the Middle East petrostate</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Button --> <a href="" class="btn" role="button">Carbon bubble</a> <div class="clearfix separator"></div> </div> </section> <!----------------------------------------> <section> <div class="home-colour frame-2 container"> <h1>Climate finance</h1> <div class="row"> <div class="item-1"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="224" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 224w, 449w, 768w, 1280w" sizes="(max-width: 224px) 100vw, 224px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">Biodiversity market takes off at COP16, in shadow of carbon credit chaos</a></h2> <p>Several new guidelines for biodiversity credits were launched at COP16 in Cali, Colombia, where activists warned on risks to nature conservation efforts</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-2"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="An indigenous activist giving a speech to the COP16 main plenary in Cali, Colombia." decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 600w, 112w, 768w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">At COP16, countries clash over future of global fund for nature protection</a></h2> <p>Some biodiverse developing nations want to replace it with a new fund that would give them a bigger say in how it’s run and easier access to its resources</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="block-1"> <div class="item-3"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="252" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="Aerial view of a rainforest in the Colombian Pacific region, nestled within the heart of the Chocó Biogeographic Region, one of the world's most enigmatic biodiversity hotspots. Colombia adds nature to the mix with its $40-billion energy transition plan" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 252w, 506w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w" sizes="(max-width: 252px) 100vw, 252px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">Colombia adds nature to the mix with its $40-billion energy transition plan</a></h2> <p>The investment plan mirrors the model of Just Energy Transition Partnerships (JETPs) – and includes $8.5 billion to conserve and restore nature</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-4"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="224" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 224w, 449w, 768w, 1000w" sizes="(max-width: 224px) 100vw, 224px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">UN climate chief warns of “two-speed” global energy transition</a></h2> <p>Simon Stiell tells investors in NYC that rich countries are benefiting most from clean energy growth while poorer nations are deprived of finance for cheaper renewables </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="block-2"> <div class="item-5"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 600w, 112w, 768w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">UN climate chief calls for “exponential changes” to boost investment in Africa</a></h2> <p>Action on clean energy and adaptation can be the single greatest opportunity to lift up African people and economies, Simon Stiell says</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-6"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="252" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="After cutting fossil fuel finance we must unlock clean energy for all. Africa can create millions of green jobs in clean energy value chains if it gets more climate finance and international support" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 252w, 505w, 768w, 1000w" sizes="(max-width: 252px) 100vw, 252px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">Leaders are cutting fossil fuel finance – next comes unlocking clean energy for all</a></h2> <p>While international public finance for coal, oil and gas has fallen by two-thirds, little of that money has gone to boost green energy in poorer countries</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-7"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="EU hit with lawsuit over green labelling of aviation and shipping investments" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 600w, 112w, 768w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">EU hit with lawsuit over green labelling of aviation and shipping investments</a></h2> <p>Environmental campaigners take the EU to court over the inclusion of fossil fuel-powered planes and ships in green taxonomy</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-8"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="Climate disasters challenge right to safe and adequate housing" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 600w, 112w, 730w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">Climate disasters challenge right to safe and adequate housing</a></h2> <p>Climate-proofing homes is now an essential response to regular extreme weather events and can help prevent displacement</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Button --> <a href="" class="btn" role="button">Climate finance</a> <div class="clearfix separator"></div> </div> </section> <!----------------------------------------> <section> <div class="home-colour frame-2 container"> <h1>Divestment</h1> <div class="row"> <div class="item-1"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="India coal mining coal india" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 600w, 112w, 768w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">EU “green” funds invest millions in expanding coal giants in China, India</a></h2> <p>Climate Home found leading asset managers hold shares in coal firms within funds touting sustainable credentials</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-2"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="252" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 252w, 505w, 768w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 252px) 100vw, 252px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">G7 coal charade: Funding the fire they claim to fight </a></h2> <p>Rich countries should take concrete steps to stem the global flow of funds from their commercial banks which are fuelling expansion of the coal industry</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="block-1"> <div class="item-3"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="252" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 252w, 768w, 506w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 252px) 100vw, 252px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">World Bank’s private sector arm to stop supporting new coal </a></h2> <p>The International Finance Corporation is closing a loophole that allowed its financial clients to continue funding new coal projects </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-4"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 112w, 768w, 600w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">Climate fund considers India, South Africa to pilot $2bn coal transition scheme</a></h2> <p>Climate Investment Funds CEO Mafalda Duarte has been tasked with mobilising private capital to help wean developing countries off coal and create cleaner jobs</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="block-2"> <div class="item-5"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 112w, 768w, 600w, 798w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">Malaysian bank to phase out coal finance, in a victory for campaigners</a></h2> <p>CIMB has been hailed as the first major bank in an emerging market to publish a coal exit strategy, after investing $2.6 billion in the sector last decade</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-6"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="295" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 295w, 112w, 768w, 592w, 796w" sizes="(max-width: 295px) 100vw, 295px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">Coronavirus: investors and policymakers must shift to increase resilience</a></h2> <p>Incentives for long-term sustainability, an end to fossil fuel subsidies, more telework are all needed to make the global economy resilient to shocks like Covid-19</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-7"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="294" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 294w, 112w, 768w, 591w, 787w" sizes="(max-width: 294px) 100vw, 294px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">South Korea urged to exit coal by 2029 to stick to Paris climate agreement</a></h2> <p>Climate Analytics research group calls on Seoul to phase out existing coal-fired power plants, stop new construction and halt funds for coal projects in other Asian nations</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-8"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 112w, 768w, 600w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">‘Trundling over to Africa’ – Climate Weekly</a></h2> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Sign up</a> to get our weekly newsletter straight to your inbox, plus breaking news, investigations and extra bulletins from key events</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Button --> <a href="" class="btn" role="button">Divestment</a> <div class="clearfix separator"></div> </div> </section> <!----------------------------------------> <section> <div class="home-colour frame-2 container"> <h1>Green bonds</h1> <div class="row"> <div class="item-1"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="276" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="Participants of the inaugural summit of the Asia Zero Emission Community, or AZEC, are pictured after their photo session ahead of the meeting at the prime minister's office in Tokyo on Dec. 18, 2023. Japan backs fossil fuels in Southeast Asian "zero emission" initiative" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 276w, 554w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w" sizes="(max-width: 276px) 100vw, 276px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">Japan backs fossil fuels in Southeast Asian “zero emission” initiative</a></h2> <p>Japan’s Asia Zero Emission Community (AZEC) supported 56 projects using fossil fuel technologies in Southeast Asia — including LNG and carbon capture</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-2"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 112w, 768w, 600w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">Exclusive: Japan uses ‘environmental’ fund to finance Vietnamese coal plant</a></h2> <p>The Japan Bank for International Cooperation approved a loan to the controversial Vung Ang 2 coal project from a facility intended for “environmental preservation”</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="block-1"> <div class="item-3"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 112w, 768w, 600w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">European Central Bank should ‘gradually eliminate’ carbon assets: Lagarde</a></h2> <p>Nominee to lead the bank told MEPs it could adopt new measures to prefer green investments if she is confirmed</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-4"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 112w, 768w, 600w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">Ex-UN climate chief calls for green bonds to hit $1 trillion by 2020</a></h2> <p>Christiana Figueres is urging public authorities and corporates to scale up climate-friendly infrastructure investment by 2020, under the “green bond pledge”</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="block-2"> <div class="item-5"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 112w, 768w, 600w, 799w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">India raises $400m green bond to fund renewables drive</a></h2> <p>Money raised by the Power Finance Corporation will support solar and wind projects, contributing to national renewables target of 175GW capacity by 2022</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-6"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 112w, 768w, 600w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">Fiji announces $50m ‘climate bond’ ahead of COP23 presidency</a></h2> <p>Prime minister Frank Bainimarama says money raised with help from the World Bank sets an example for innovative green finance to protect the vulnerable</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-7"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 112w, 768w, 600w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">China is taking the green bond market by storm</a></h2> <p>Beijing’s sustainable finance push is bearing fruit, with a world-leading $36.9bn worth of green bonds issued last year</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-8"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-img"> <a href=""> <img width="300" height="168" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 112w, 600w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h2><a href="">Risky business: G20 panel to order climate stress tests</a></h2> <p>Donald Trump’s US election win may damage the Paris climate deal, but climate risk reporting rules for businesses could radically change the investment landscape</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Button --> <a href="" class="btn" role="button">Green bonds</a> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </section> <div id="donation_bar" class="footer navbar-fixed-bottom " style="background-color: #1d2f49; 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