Indoor / Ottomans / Poufs / Commercial / Mobilia

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<h5>DESIGNERS: E-H</h5> <a href="" title="Edward Van Viliet / Designers">Edward Van Viliet</a> <a href="" title="Eero Aarnio / Designers">Eero Aarnio</a> <a href="" title="Erik Gunnar Asplund / Designers">Erik Gunnar Asplund</a> <a href="" title="Ettore Sottsass Jr. / Designers">Ettore Sottsass Jr.</a> <a href="" title="Faye Toogood / Designers">Faye Toogood</a> <a href="" title="Franco Albini / Designers">Franco Albini</a> <a href="" title="Front / Designers">Front</a> <a href="" title="Gaetano Pesce / Designers">Gaetano Pesce</a> <a href="" title="Gamfratesi / Designers">Gamfratesi</a> <a href="" title="Gerrit Thomas Rietveld / Designers">Gerrit Thomas Rietveld</a> <a href="" title="Gianfranco Frattini / Designers">Gianfranco Frattini</a> <a href="" title="Gio Ponti / Designers">Gio Ponti</a> </div> <div class="col"> <h5>DESIGNERS: I-L</h5> <a href="" title="India Mahdavi / Designers">India Mahdavi</a> <a href="" title="Jaime Hay贸n / Designers">Jaime Hay贸n</a> <a href="" 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Whether it鈥檚 a heritage building with charming features, or a sleek, modern space, our showrooms in Melbourne and Perth offer an inspiring selection of designer furniture, rugs and lighting. We would love for you to come and take a look around in person.<br /></p></div> <p> 57A Bay View Terrace<br /> Claremont WA 6010<br /> (Headquarters) </p> <p> Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm<br /> Sat: Closed<br /> Sun: Closed </p> <p> <a href="tel:(08)92845599">(08) 9284 5599</a> <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#056c6b636a45686a676c696c642b666a682b6470" title="Email"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="2c45424a436c41434e4540454d024f4341024d59">[email&#160;protected]</span></a> </p> <button class="button enquiry" data-showroom="MOBILIA" data-notification="">ENQUIRY FORM</button> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <figure><img src=""></figure> <div> <h5>Melbourne</h5> <div class="text"><p>Housed in a Green Star-accredited building on bustling Church Street, the Richmond showroom is expansive with grand volumes and arresting design features. Design studio GOLDEN collaborated on the interiors, creating gallery-like spaces to celebrate each brand's unique personality. Unrivalled attention to detail reflects the calibre of the collections.</p></div> <p> 510 Church Street<br /> Richmond VIC 3121 <br> <a href="" target="_blank" title="View Map">View map</a> </p> <p> Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 5:30 pm<br /> Sat: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm<br /> Sun: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm </p> <p> <a href="tel:(03)99578799">(03) 9957 8799</a> <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#274a424b454852554942674a48454e4b4e460944484a094652" title="Email"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="402d252c222f35322e25002d2f22292c29216e232f2d6e2135">[email&#160;protected]</span></a> </p> <button class="button enquiry" data-showroom="Melbourne" data-notification="">ENQUIRY FORM</button> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <figure><img src=""></figure> <div> <h5>Perth</h5> <div class="text"><p>Designed by award-winning architects Spaceagency, the Claremont showroom sits on a prominent corner of Perth鈥檚 Stirling Highway, bordered by leafy streets. The multiple-level showroom features distinctive spaces with character-filled nooks and a relaxed atmosphere. Exposed brick walls, original Jarrah floorboards and ample natural light allow the furniture to shine.</p></div> <p> 312 Stirling Hwy<br /> Claremont WA 6010 <br> <a href="" target="_blank" title="View Map">View map</a> </p> <p> Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 5:30 pm<br /> Sat: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm<br /> Sun: Closed </p> <p> <a href="tel:(08)92845599">(08) 9284 5599</a> <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#e3808f8291868e8c8d97a38e8c818a8f8a82cd808c8ecd8296" title="Email"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="bad9d6dbc8dfd7d5d4cefad7d5d8d3d6d3db94d9d5d794dbcf">[email&#160;protected]</span></a> </p> <button class="button enquiry" data-showroom="Perth" data-notification="">ENQUIRY FORM</button> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <figure><img src=""></figure> <div> <h5>Sydney</h5> <div class="text"><p>As we eagerly anticipate the unveiling of our Sydney showroom, we can get you in direct contact with one of our dedicated Sydney-based team. </p> <p>Our knowledgeable team have an extensive array of finishes and samples at their disposal, ensuring they can meet all your project requirements and address any technical queries that may arise. Stay tuned to this space for the latest updates regarding the opening of our Sydney location. 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Swivel Ottoman</h4> <h6>Inclass</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-inclass des-christophe-pillet "> <a href="" title="Entropy Ottoman" id="p26"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Entropy Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Entropy Ottoman</h4> <h6>Inclass</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-poltrona-frau des-monica-forster tag-leather tag-low tag-ottoman tag-recyclable-content tag-round "> <a href="" title="Esedra Ottoman" id="p27"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Esedra Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Esedra Ottoman</h4> <h6>Poltrona Frau</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-moroso des-patrica-urquiola tag-bedroom tag-breakout tag-foyer tag-fully-upholstered tag-geca-certified tag-living tag-lounge tag-low tag-public-space tag-recyclable-content tag-upholstered tag-without-backrest "> <a href="" title="Fjord Ottoman Large" id="p28"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Fjord Ottoman Large" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Fjord Ottoman Large</h4> <h6>Moroso</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-moroso des-patrica-urquiola tag-bedroom tag-breakout tag-foyer tag-fully-upholstered tag-geca-certified tag-living tag-lounge tag-low tag-public-space tag-recyclable-content tag-upholstered tag-without-backrest "> <a href="" title="Fjord Ottoman Medium" id="p29"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Fjord Ottoman Medium" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Fjord Ottoman Medium</h4> <h6>Moroso</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" 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product-masonry-item bra-moroso des-gordon-guillaumier tag-3-leg-base tag-fsc-certified-timber tag-geca-certified tag-low tag-ottoman tag-recyclable-content tag-seat-upholstered tag-timber tag-upholstered tag-without-backrest "> <a href="" title="Free Flow Ottoman Semi Circular" id="p31"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Free Flow Ottoman Semi Circular" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Free Flow Ottoman Semi Circular</h4> <h6>Moroso</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-moroso des-gordon-guillaumier tag-4-leg-base tag-fsc-certified-timber tag-geca-certified tag-low tag-ottoman tag-recyclable-content tag-seat-upholstered tag-timber tag-upholstered tag-without-backrest "> <a href="" title="Freeflow Ottoman Circular" id="p32"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Freeflow Ottoman Circular" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Freeflow Ottoman Circular</h4> <h6>Moroso</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-moroso des-patrica-urquiola tag-4-leg-base tag-breakout tag-foyer tag-living tag-lounge tag-low tag-public-space tag-recyclable-content tag-seat-upholstered tag-steel tag-upholstered "> <a href="" title="Gentry Sofa Ottoman" id="p33"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Gentry Sofa Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Gentry Sofa Ottoman</h4> <h6>Moroso</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-poltrona-frau des-ludovica-roberto-palomba "> <a href="" title="Get Back Ottoman" id="p34"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Get Back Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Get Back Ottoman</h4> <h6>Poltrona Frau</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item 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</figure> <header> <h4>Glenn Footstool</h4> <h6>Poltrona Frau</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-poltrona-frau des-tristan-auer "> <a href="" title="Grand De Luxe Small Ottoman" id="p37"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Grand De Luxe Small Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Grand De Luxe Small Ottoman</h4> <h6>Poltrona Frau</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-poltrona-frau des-tristan-auer "> <a href="" title="Grant De Luxe Rectangular Ottoman" id="p38"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Grant De Luxe Rectangular Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Grant De Luxe Rectangular Ottoman</h4> <h6>Poltrona Frau</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-poltrona-frau des-tristan-auer "> <a href="" title="Grant De Luxe Round Ottoman" id="p39"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Grant De Luxe Round Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Grant De Luxe Round Ottoman</h4> <h6>Poltrona Frau</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-b-d-barcelona des-stephen-burks tag-footstools tag-fully-upholstered tag-leather tag-metal tag-recyclable-content tag-round "> <a href="" title="Grasso Footstool" id="p40"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Grasso Footstool" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Grasso Footstool</h4> <h6>BD Barcelona</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-poltrona-frau des-ludovica-roberto-palomba "> <a href="" title="Happy Jack Ottoman" id="p41"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Happy Jack Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Happy Jack Ottoman</h4> <h6>Poltrona Frau</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-moroso des-patrica-urquiola tag-2-seater tag-3-seater tag-fabric tag-fully-upholstered tag-ottoman tag-recyclable-content tag-upholstered "> <a href="" title="Highlands Large Ottoman" id="p42"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Highlands Large Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Highlands Large Ottoman</h4> <h6>Moroso</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-moroso des-patrica-urquiola tag-fabric tag-fully-upholstered tag-low tag-ottoman tag-recyclable-content tag-upholstered "> <a href="" title="Highlands Small Ottoman" id="p43"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Highlands Small Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Highlands Small Ottoman</h4> <h6>Moroso</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> 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John Ottoman</h4> <h6>Poltrona Frau</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-moroso des-patrica-urquiola "> <a href="" title="Klara Ottoman" id="p46"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Klara Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Klara Ottoman</h4> <h6>Moroso</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="half product-masonry-item bra-poltrona-frau des-kensaku-oshiro tag-fully-upholstered tag-ottoman tag-rectangular tag-recyclable-content tag-upholstered "> <a href="" title="Lepli Large Ottoman" id="p47"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Lepli Large Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Lepli Large Ottoman</h4> <h6>Poltrona Frau</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-poltrona-frau des-kensaku-oshiro tag-low tag-recyclable-content tag-upholstered "> <a href="" title="Lepli Low Stool" id="p48"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Lepli Low Stool" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Lepli Low Stool</h4> <h6>Poltrona Frau</h6> </header> <footer> 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tag-fabric tag-footstools tag-fsc-certified-timber tag-low tag-recyclable-content tag-seat-upholstered tag-timber tag-upholstered "> <a href="" title="Lilo Armchair Footstool" id="p50"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Lilo Armchair Footstool" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Lilo Armchair Footstool</h4> <h6>Moroso</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-diesel-living-with-moroso des-diesel-creative-team tag-4-star-base tag-bedroom tag-breakout tag-fabric tag-foyer tag-fsc-certified-timber tag-fully-upholstered tag-geca-certified tag-leather tag-living tag-lounge tag-low tag-public-space tag-recyclable-content tag-timber tag-steel tag-upholstered "> <a href="" title="Longwave Footstool Ottoman" id="p51"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Longwave Footstool Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Longwave Footstool Ottoman</h4> <h6>Diesel Living With Moroso</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-moroso des-patrica-urquiola tag-fabric tag-fully-upholstered tag-ottoman tag-recyclable-content tag-stainless-steel tag-upholstered "> <a href="" title="Lowland Ottoman" id="p52"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Lowland Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Lowland Ottoman</h4> <h6>Moroso</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button 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Ottoman" id="p53"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="M.A.S.S.A.S. Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>M.A.S.S.A.S. Ottoman</h4> <h6>Moroso</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-poltrona-frau des-roberto-lazzeroni tag-bedroom tag-executive tag-foyer tag-fsc-certified-timber tag-fully-upholstered tag-living tag-lounge tag-public-space tag-recyclable-content tag-timber tag-upholstered "> <a href="" title="Mamy Blue Footstool" id="p54"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Mamy Blue Footstool" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Mamy Blue Footstool</h4> <h6>Poltrona Frau</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle 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<header> <h4>Mex Cube Ottoman</h4> <h6>Cassina</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-moroso des-ron-arad tag-breakout tag-fabric tag-foyer tag-fully-upholstered tag-geca-certified tag-lounge tag-modular tag-public-space tag-recyclable-content tag-upholstered tag-with-backrest tag-without-armrests "> <a href="" title="Misfits Ottoman 1" id="p57"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Misfits Ottoman 1" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Misfits Ottoman 1</h4> <h6>Moroso</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" 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title="Mon-Cloud Ottoman" id="p59"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Mon-Cloud Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Mon-Cloud Ottoman</h4> <h6>Cassina</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-moroso des-scholten-baijings tag-4-leg-base tag-fabric tag-ottoman tag-recyclable-content tag-seat-upholstered tag-steel tag-upholstered tag-without-armrests tag-without-backrest "> <a href="" title="Ottoman Medium Ottoman" id="p60"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Ottoman Medium Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Ottoman Medium Ottoman</h4> <h6>Moroso</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" 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class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Pacific Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Pacific Ottoman</h4> <h6>Moroso</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="half product-masonry-item bra-inclass des-inclass-design-studio tag-fabric tag-fully-upholstered tag-leather tag-ottoman tag-rectangular tag-recyclable-content "> <a href="" title="Pau Ottoman - Rectangular" id="p63"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Pau Ottoman - Rectangular" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Pau Ottoman - Rectangular</h4> <h6>Inclass</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" 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tag-ottoman tag-recyclable-content tag-square "> <a href="" title="Pau Ottoman - Square" id="p65"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Pau Ottoman - Square" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Pau Ottoman - Square</h4> <h6>Inclass</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-moroso des-front "> <a href="" title="Pebble Rubble Large Ottoman" id="p66"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Pebble Rubble Large Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Pebble Rubble Large Ottoman</h4> <h6>Moroso</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" 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Rubble Small Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Pebble Rubble Small Ottoman</h4> <h6>Moroso</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="half product-masonry-item bra-moroso des-patrica-urquiola tag-bedroom tag-breakout tag-fabric tag-foyer tag-fully-upholstered tag-living tag-lounge tag-public-space tag-recyclable-content tag-upholstered "> <a href="" title="Redondo Ottoman" id="p69"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Redondo Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Redondo Ottoman</h4> <h6>Moroso</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" 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</header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-kettal des-patrica-urquiola "> <a href="" title="Roll Stool with Backrest" id="p72"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Roll Stool with Backrest" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Roll Stool with Backrest</h4> <h6>Kettal</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-poltrona-frau des-fratelli-achille-e-pier-giacomo-castiglioni "> <a href="" title="Sanluca Ottoman" id="p73"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Sanluca Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Sanluca Ottoman</h4> <h6>Poltrona Frau</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-moroso des-toshiyuki-kita tag-fabric tag-fully-upholstered tag-geca-certified tag-ottoman tag-recyclable-content tag-upholstered "> <a href="" title="Saruyama Giro Small Back Ottoman" id="p74"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Saruyama Giro Small Back Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Saruyama Giro Small Back Ottoman</h4> <h6>Moroso</h6> 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<figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Saruyama Island Medium Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Saruyama Island Medium Ottoman</h4> <h6>Moroso</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-moroso des-toshiyuki-kita tag-fabric tag-fully-upholstered tag-geca-certified tag-ottoman tag-recyclable-content tag-upholstered "> <a href="" title="Saruyama Island Small Ottoman" id="p78"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Saruyama Island Small Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Saruyama Island Small Ottoman</h4> <h6>Moroso</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD 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"> <a href="" title="Shanghai Tip Ottoman" id="p80"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Shanghai Tip Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Shanghai Tip Ottoman</h4> <h6>Moroso</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-moroso des-patrica-urquiola tag-footstools tag-geca-certified tag-low tag-recyclable-content tag-steel tag-upholstered "> <a href="" title="Silver Lake Small Ottoman" id="p81"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Silver Lake Small Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Silver Lake Small Ottoman</h4> <h6>Moroso</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-cassina des-linde-freya-tangelder "> <a href="" title="Soft Corners Ottoman - Large" id="p82"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Soft Corners Ottoman - Large" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Soft Corners Ottoman - Large</h4> <h6>Cassina</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-cassina des-linde-freya-tangelder "> <a href="" title="Soft Corners Ottoman - Medium" id="p83"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Soft Corners Ottoman - Medium" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Soft Corners Ottoman - Medium</h4> <h6>Cassina</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-cassina des-linde-freya-tangelder "> <a href="" title="Soft Corners Ottoman - Small" id="p84"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Soft Corners Ottoman - Small" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Soft Corners Ottoman - Small</h4> <h6>Cassina</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> 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Corners Pro Ottoman - Medium" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Soft Corners Pro Ottoman - Medium</h4> <h6>Cassina</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-cassina des-linde-freya-tangelder "> <a href="" title="Soft Corners Pro Ottoman - Small" id="p87"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Soft Corners Pro Ottoman - Small" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Soft Corners Pro Ottoman - Small</h4> <h6>Cassina</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 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<h4>Somewhere El-S Ottoman - Small</h4> <h6>Cassina</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-cassina des-afra-and-tobia-scarpa "> <a href="" title="Soriana Pouf" id="p90"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Soriana Pouf" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Soriana Pouf</h4> <h6>Cassina</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-moroso des-patrica-urquiola tag-fabric tag-fully-upholstered tag-ottoman tag-recyclable-content tag-upholstered tag-with-armrests tag-with-backrest "> <a href="" title="Spring Ottoman" id="p91"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Spring Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Spring Ottoman</h4> <h6>Moroso</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-poltrona-frau des-faye-toogood "> <a href="" title="Squash Ottoman" id="p92"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Squash Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Squash Ottoman</h4> <h6>Poltrona Frau</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-ceccotti-collezioni des-roberto-lazzeroni "> <a href="" title="Star Trek Footstool" id="p93"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Star Trek Footstool" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Star Trek Footstool</h4> <h6>Ceccotti Collezioni</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="half product-masonry-item bra-joquer des-joquer-studio "> <a href="" title="Suma Bench" id="p94"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Suma Bench" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Suma Bench</h4> <h6>Joquer</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-moroso des-edward-van-viliet tag-fabric tag-fully-upholstered tag-ottoman tag-recyclable-content tag-round "> <a href="" title="Sushi Collection: Donut Large Ottoman" id="p95"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Sushi Collection: Donut Large Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Sushi Collection: Donut Large Ottoman</h4> <h6>Moroso</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg 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des-edward-van-viliet tag-fabric tag-fully-upholstered tag-pouf tag-recyclable-content "> <a href="" title="Sushi Collection: Joy Ottoman" id="p97"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Sushi Collection: Joy Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Sushi Collection: Joy Ottoman</h4> <h6>Moroso</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-moroso des-edward-van-viliet tag-fabric tag-fully-upholstered tag-pouf tag-recyclable-content "> <a href="" title="Sushi Edition: Marshmallow Small Ottoman" id="p98"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Sushi Edition: Marshmallow Small Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Sushi Edition: Marshmallow Small Ottoman</h4> <h6>Moroso</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="half product-masonry-item bra-moroso des-alfredo-haberli "> <a href="" title="Taba Bench" id="p99"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Taba Bench" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Taba Bench</h4> <h6>Moroso</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-moroso des-alfredo-haberli "> <a href="" title="Taba Medium Ottoman" id="p100"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Taba Medium Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Taba Medium Ottoman</h4> <h6>Moroso</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-moroso des-alfredo-haberli "> <a href="" title="Taba Small Ottoman" id="p101"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Taba Small Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Taba Small Ottoman</h4> <h6>Moroso</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" 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<a href="" title="Tamburound Ottoman" id="p103"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Tamburound Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Tamburound Ottoman</h4> <h6>Cassina</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path d="M10 6.5H7.5V4H6.5V6.5H4V7.5H6.5V10H7.5V7.5H10V6.5Z"/> </svg> </button> </footer> </a> </article> <article class="qtr product-masonry-item bra-moroso des-benjamin-hubert "> <a href="" title="Tape Ottoman" id="p104"> <figure> <div class="lazy" data-src=""></div> <img src="" alt="Tape Ottoman" loading="lazy"> </figure> <header> <h4>Tape Ottoman</h4> <h6>Moroso</h6> </header> <footer> <h6></h6> <button class=" redirect" data-open="login"> <span>ADD TO PROJECT</span> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.5"/> <path 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