Vieille ville de Berne - UNESCO World Heritage Centre
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href="/fr/list/267/cartes/">Cartes</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" href="/fr/list/267/documents/">Documents</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" href="/fr/list/267/gallery/">Galerie</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" href="/fr/list/267/video/">Vidéo</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" href="/fr/list/267/indicateurs/" >Indicateurs</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class=""> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 col-lg-8 mb-4 mb-lg-0"> <div class="tab-content"> <div id="contentdes_en" class="tab-pane fade " role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tabdes_en"> <h6>Old City of Berne</h6> <div class="rich-text"><p>Founded in the 12th century on a hill site surrounded by the Aare River, Berne developed over the centuries in line with a an exceptionally coherent planning concept. The buildings in the Old City, dating from a variety of periods, include 15th-century arcades and 16th-century fountains. Most of the medieval town was restored in the 18th century but it has retained its original character.</p></div> <p class="source small text-muted">La description est disponible sous licence <a href="/fr/licences/6">CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0</a> </p> </div> <div id="contentdes_fr" class="tab-pane fade active show " role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tabdes_fr"> <h6>Vieille ville de Berne</h6> <div class="rich-text"><p>Fondée au XII<sup>e</sup> siècle sur une colline ceinturée par l'Aare, Berne s'est développée selon un principe urbanistique exceptionnellement clair. Les bâtiments de la vieille ville, de diverses périodes, comprennent notamment des arcades du XV<sup>e</sup> siècle et des fontaines du XVI<sup>e</sup> siècle. La majeure partie de la ville médiévale a été rénovée au XVIII<sup>e</sup> siècle mais a conservé son caractère original.</p></div> <p class="source small text-muted">La description est disponible sous licence <a href="/fr/licences/6">CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0</a> </p> </div> <div id="contentdes_ar" class="tab-pane fade" style="unicode-bidi:bidi-override;direction:rtl" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tabdes_ar"> <h6>مدينة برن القديمة</h6> <div class="rich-text"><p dir="rtl">نمت مدينة برن التي أبصرت النور في القرن الثاني عشر على تلة يزنّرها نهر الآر وفقاً لمبدأ مدني شديد الوضوح. فأبنية المدينة القديمة المرتقية الى مراحل مختلفة تتضمن بشكل خاص قناطر من القرن الخامس عشر وعيون من القرن السادس عشر. وقد خضعت هذه المدينة العائدة الى القرون الوسطى للتجديد بجزئها الأكبر في القرن الثامن عشر من دون أن تتخلى عن طابعها الفريد.</p></div> <p class="source small text-muted"> source: UNESCO/CPE <br>La description est disponible sous licence <a href="/fr/licences/6">CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0</a> </p> </div> <div id="contentdes_zh" class="tab-pane fade" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tabdes_zh"> <h6>伯尔尼古城</h6> <div class="rich-text"><p>伯尔尼古城于公元12世纪建在阿勒河环绕的山丘上,古城几百年来不断发展进步,但城市的规划理念却始终如一。 伯尔尼古城保留有15世纪典雅的拱形长廊和16世纪的喷泉等建筑,这些建筑的历史可追溯到各个不同的历史时期。这座中世纪城镇的主体建筑在18世纪重新修建,并保留了原来的历史风貌。</p></div> <p class="source small text-muted"> source: UNESCO/CPE <br>La description est disponible sous licence <a href="/fr/licences/6">CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0</a> </p> </div> <div id="contentdes_ru" class="tab-pane fade" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tabdes_ru"> <h6>Старый город в Берне </h6> <div class="rich-text"><p>Основанный в XII в. на холме в излучине реки Ааре, Берн развивался в течение столетий в соответствии с тщательно продуманной концепцией планировки. Постройки Старого города относятся к разным периодам: аркады - к XV в., фонтаны – к XVI в. Большая часть средневекового города была обновлена в XVIII в., однако Берну все же удалось сохранить свой изначальный облик.</p></div> <p class="source small text-muted"> source: UNESCO/CPE <br>La description est disponible sous licence <a href="/fr/licences/6">CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0</a> </p> </div> <div id="contentdes_es" class="tab-pane fade" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tabdes_es"> <h6>Ciudad vieja de Berna</h6> <div class="rich-text"><p>Fundada en el siglo XII, Berna se edificó en lo alto de una colina rodeada por el río Aar. Su crecimiento urbano a lo largo de los siglos se ajustó a una concepción de la planificación urbana excepcionalmente coherente. La ciudad vieja posee edificios de diferentes épocas y toda una serie de arcadas del siglo XV y fuentes del siglo XVI. La mayor parte de la ciudad medieval fue restaurada en el siglo XVIII, pero ha conservado sus características primigenias.</p></div> <p class="source small text-muted"> source: UNESCO/CPE <br>La description est disponible sous licence <a href="/fr/licences/6">CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0</a> </p> </div> <div id="contentdes_ja" class="tab-pane fade" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tabdes_ja"> <h6>ベルン旧市街</h6> <div class="rich-text">アーレ川の湾曲部に築かれた中世都市。19世紀にスイス連邦の首都となった。川に囲まれた旧市街の中心部にはゴシック様式の大聖堂があり、100mを超す高さの塔がそびえ立っている。町には噴水が至るところに見られ、時計塔や市庁舎など、スイスの大都市の中でも、最も中世の町並みを残している。</div> <p class="source small text-muted">source: <a href="">NFUAJ</a> </p> </div> <div id="contentdes_nl" class="tab-pane fade" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tabdes_nl"> <h6>Oude stad van Bern</h6> <div class="rich-text">Bern werd in de 12e eeuw gebouwd op een heuvel omringd door de rivier de Aar. De stad heeft zich door de eeuwen heen ontwikkeld volgens een concept van uitzonderlijke en samenhangende planning. De gebouwen in de oude stad dateren uit verschillende periodes en bevatten 15e-eeuwse arcades en 16e-eeuwse fonteinen. Het grootste deel van de middeleeuwse stad werd in de 18e eeuw gerestaureerd, maar het heeft zijn oorspronkelijke karakter behouden. Bern biedt vandaag de dag een contrast van oude monumenten en moderne gebouwen. In bepaalde gebieden zijn nog steeds traditionele oude straatjes met arcades te vinden, het merendeel daarvan is wandelpromenade.</div> <p class="source small text-muted">Source : <a href=""></a> </p> </div> </div> <ul class="nav nav-pills mb-4"> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link " data-toggle="tab" href="#contentdes_en" id="tabdes_en" aria-controls="contentdes_en">Anglais</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link active" data-toggle="tab" href="#contentdes_fr" id="tabdes_fr" aria-controls="contentdes_fr">Français</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#contentdes_ar" id="tabdes_ar" aria-controls="contentdes_ar">Arabe</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#contentdes_zh" id="tabdes_zh" aria-controls="contentdes_zh">Chinois</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#contentdes_ru" id="tabdes_ru" aria-controls="contentdes_ru">Russe</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#contentdes_es" id="tabdes_es" aria-controls="contentdes_es">Espagnol</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#contentdes_ja" id="tabdes_ja" aria-controls="contentdes_ja">Japonais</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#contentdes_nl" id="tabdes_nl" aria-controls="contentdes_nl">Néerlandais</a></li> </ul> <div class="border-top mt-4 pt-4"> <div class="w-100"> <a href="/fr/list/267/gallery/"><img src="" title="Vieille ville de Berne" class="w-100 border" loading="lazy"/></a> </div> <div> <a href="/fr/list/267/gallery/"><img src="" width="40" height="40" title="Vieille ville de Berne" class="border mt-1 mr-1 float-left" loading="lazy" /></a> <a href="/fr/list/267/gallery/"><img src="" width="40" height="40" title="Vieille ville de Berne" class="border mt-1 mr-1 float-left" loading="lazy" /></a> <a href="/fr/list/267/gallery/"><img src="" width="40" height="40" title="Vieille ville de Berne" class="border mt-1 mr-1 float-left" loading="lazy" /></a> <a href="/fr/list/267/gallery/"><img src="" width="40" height="40" title="Vieille ville de Berne" class="border mt-1 mr-1 float-left" loading="lazy" /></a> <a href="/fr/list/267/gallery/"><img src="" width="40" height="40" title="Vieille ville de Berne" class="border mt-1 mr-1 float-left" loading="lazy" /></a> <a href="/fr/list/267/gallery/"><img src="" width="40" height="40" title="Vieille ville de Berne" class="border mt-1 mr-1 float-left" loading="lazy" /></a> <a href="/fr/list/267/gallery/"><img src="" width="40" height="40" title="Vieille ville de Berne" class="border mt-1 mr-1 float-left" loading="lazy" /></a> <a href="/fr/list/267/gallery/"><img src="" width="40" height="40" title="Vieille ville de Berne" class="border mt-1 mr-1 float-left" loading="lazy" /></a> <a href="/fr/list/267/gallery/"><img src="" width="40" height="40" title="Vieille ville de Berne" class="border mt-1 mr-1 float-left" loading="lazy" /></a> <a href="/fr/list/267/gallery/"><img src="" width="40" height="40" title="Vieille ville de Berne" class="border mt-1 mr-1 float-left" loading="lazy" /></a> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> <div class="border-top pt-4 mt-4"> <h2 class="h3">Valeur universelle exceptionnelle</h2> <div class="rich-text"><p><strong>Brève synthèse</strong></p> <p>La Vieille ville de Berne, ville fédérale de la Suisse et capitale du canton de Berne, se situe sur le plateau suisse entre le Jura et les Alpes. Fondée au 12ème siècle selon un plan de fondation novateur sur une colline ceinturée par la rivière Aar, Berne a connu une expansion en plusieurs étapes depuis sa fondation au 12ème siècle. Ce développement reste visible dans sa structure urbaine, largement tributaire de l’implantation médiévale et se composant d’éléments clairement définis : de larges rues au tracé clair, utilisées pour le marché, une répartition régulière des parties construites, subdivisées en parcelles étroites et profondes, une infrastructure d’amenée et d’évacuation d’eau perfectionnée, d’imposants immeubles datant principalement du 18ème siècle, en grand partie construits en molasse, avec leur système d’arcades, les façades des maisons étant soutenues par des arcs. Les bâtiments publics des pouvoirs laïcs et religieux furent toujours placés à la périphérie, principe respecté également au 19ème siècle, lors de la construction de grands monuments publics affirmant la fonction de ville fédérale de Berne à partir de 1848.</p> <p>Berne s’est développée selon des principes urbanistiques exceptionnellement clairs. L’implantation médiévale de Berne, reflétant la lente conquête du site par des extensions urbaines du 12ème au 14ème siècle, fait de Berne un témoin impressionnant du Haut Moyen âge en ce qui concerne la fondation d’une ville, qui compte dans le cadre européen parmi les créations urbanistiques les plus significatives. La physionomie de Berne a été modifiée par les aménagements de l’époque moderne : au 16ème siècle, la ville voit s’édifier de pittoresques fontaines, tandis que se restaurent tours et murailles et que s’achève la cathédrale. Au 17ème siècle, de nombreuses maisons patriciennes sont construites en molasse, et vers la fin du 18ème siècle, une grande partie des zones bâties sont transformées. Ce développement moderne fut pourtant constamment, jusqu’à nos jours, mis en œuvre en conservant la structure urbaine médiévale de la ville. La Vieille ville de Berne est ainsi un exemple unique démontrant un renouvellement constant de la substance bâtie respectant les données urbanistiques du plan d’origine, présentant une variation du baroque tardif sur un thème du Haut Moyen âge.</p> <p><strong>Critère (iii)</strong> : La Vieille ville de Berne est un exemple positif d’une ville qui a conservé sa structure urbaine médiévale tout en remplissant, au fil du temps, les fonctions de plus en plus complexes d’une ville capitale d’un État moderne.</p> <p><strong>Intégrité</strong></p> <p>Le site comprend toute la structure urbaine historique, avec toutes les étapes de son développement du 12ème au 14ème siècle, ainsi que les aménagements du 19ème siècle comme les ponts et les grands monuments publics, tous conservés ; elle inclut par conséquent tous les éléments nécessaires pour exprimer sa valeur universelle exceptionnelle.</p> <p><strong>Authenticité</strong></p> <p>Bien que pendant les premières décennies du 20ème siècle, la sauvegarde de la Vieille ville ait été davantage concentrée sur l’apparence des bâtiments (façades, toitures), la grande majorité des bâtiments historiques de diverses périodes ont gardé leurs structures intérieures et le plan médiéval de l’ensemble est resté intact. L’état actuel de la ville se distingue par une bonne conservation des bâtiments d’une part, et par la vie contemporaine intense qui s’y déroule d’autre part.</p> <p><strong>Eléments requis en matière de protection et de gestion </strong></p> <p>Le site profite d’une législation spéciale depuis 1908, actualisée plusieurs fois depuis, qui prescrit de manière très détaillée la sauvegarde du paysage urbain et règle en détail le cadre d’éventuelles interventions. La pression due au développement impliquant des transformations potentiellement inappropriées est contrôlée par ce moyen légal.</p> <p>La gestion du site est assurée par un système administratif qui englobe toutes les autorités de tous les niveaux étatiques selon leurs compétences légales. Le service spécialisé de la ville pour les monuments historiques est responsable de la conservation du patrimoine bâti dans le sens étroit, tandis que d’autres services de la ville et du canton assurent la gestion urbaine plus large (planification et utilisation des sols, règlements concernant le trafic public et privé, sécurité, dispositions et structures pour la gestion des risques, notamment en ce qui concerne les catastrophes naturelles et environnementales, etc.). En tant que centre urbain vivant, le site a la capacité d’accueillir un grand nombre de visiteurs. Il existe deux centres d’information pour les visiteurs, ainsi que de nombreuses offres spécialisées. Selon les droits du souverain de la démocratie directe, la population locale est appelée à se prononcer par vote sur d’éventuels changements de textes légaux, ainsi que sur les investissements et projets urbains majeurs. Les organisations non-gouvernementales disposent d’un droit de recours contre les décisions administratives.</p> <p>Les enjeux à long terme consistent à la fois en la conservation maximale de la substance originale tout en prenant en compte son caractère vivant en tant que centre habité, lieu de travail et de commerce, ainsi qu’en le contrôle rigoureux des abords immédiats, notamment les pentes vers l’Aar.</p></div> </div> <div class="border-top mt-4 pt-4"> <h2 class="h5 anchor-target" id="links"> Liens </h2> <ul class="pl-3"> <li> <a href=" "> Official webpage from the office for monument preservation (City of Berne) (en allemand seulement)</a> <br /> </li> <li> <a href=""> <img src="/graphics/button_ourplace.gif" class="icon" alt="ourplace" loading="lazy"/> Découvrez les photos de OUR PLACE the World Heritage Collection</a> <br /> </li> <li> <a href=""> Office du Tourism officielle de Berne (en anglais seulement)</a> <br /> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="border-top mt-4 pt-4"> <div class="mb-3"><span class="h5">Activités</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary align-top">1</span></div> <a name="activities"></a> <div class="row row-cols-1 row-cols-sm-2 row-cols-md-2 row-cols-lg-4 row-cols-xl-4 mb-0 "> <div class="col mb-5 mb-lg-4" style="" id="list-47" > <div class="listContainer"> <div class="row"> <div class="listImg col-12"> <a href="/fr/villes/"><img src="" class="w-100 mb-2 border" loading="lazy" /></a> </div> <div class="listTitle col-12"> <a href="/fr/villes/" class="text-black ">Programme des Villes du patrimoine mondial</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="border-top mt-4 pt-4"> <a name="media" id="media"></a> <h5>Media</h5> <div class="mt-2"> <a href=""><span class="material-icons-sharp round round-sm">play_arrow</span> NHK World Heritage 100 Series (en anglais)</a> </div> <div class="mt-2"> <a href=""><span class="material-icons-sharp round round-sm">play_arrow</span> Vieille ville de Berne (UNESCO/NHK)</a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="sidebar" class="col-12 col-lg-4 mb-4 mb-lg-0 " > <div class="card bg-none border"> <div class="card-body"> <div class="row row-cols-2"> <div class="col"> <div class="d-flex mb-3"> <div class="mr-2"> <img src="/uploads/states/svg-min/ch.svg" class=" border" style="width:30px;" > </div> <div> <a href="/fr/etatsparties/ch" class="d-block"><strong>Suisse</strong></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <strong>Date d'inscription :</strong> 1983 </div> <div> <strong>Critères : </strong><a href="/fr/criteres/">(iii)</a> </div> <div> <strong>Bien :</strong> 84,684 ha<br /> </div> <div> <strong>Dossier :</strong> 267 </div> <div class="mt-3 small text-muted"> <div class=""> N46 56 53.016 E7 27 1.008 </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="box gmap mt-4"> <div class="" id="esriapp"> <div id="esrimenu"></div> <div id="infoWebGL"> <div class="alert alert-warning d-block" style="display: none">Web Browser not supported for ESRI ArcGIS API version 4.10. 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rootProperty: 'result', totalProperty: 'totalcount' } } }); /* Override to fix bug with pagination in EXT 5.1.0 */ Ext.define('WTCOMBO', { override: 'Ext.form.field.ComboBox', onBindStore: function(store, initial) { this.callParent(arguments); /* Deselect on container click is not required if paging toolbar exists*/ this.pickerSelectionModel.deselectOnContainerClick = false; }, /* if the fromComponent owner is picker then do not collapse boundlist. */ onFocusLeave: function(e) { var me = this; if (e.fromComponent.activeOwner && == { return; } me.collapse(); me.callParent([e]); } }); /* override to get label with HTML*/ if (!Ext.ClassManager.isCreated("Private.ui.TagFieldHtmlLabel")) { Ext.define("Private.ui.TagFieldHtmlLabel", { extend: 'Ext.form.field.Tag', alias: 'widget.tagfieldhtmllabel', /* TODO EXT UPGRADE. WHEN UPGRADING FROM 6.2.1 update this*/ getMultiSelectItemMarkup: function() { var me = this, childElCls = (me._getChildElCls && me._getChildElCls()) || ''; /* hook for rtl cls*/ if (!me.multiSelectItemTpl) { if (!me.labelTpl) { me.labelTpl = '{' + me.displayField + '}'; } me.labelTpl = me.lookupTpl('labelTpl'); if (me.tipTpl) { me.tipTpl = me.lookupTpl('tipTpl'); } me.multiSelectItemTpl = new Ext.XTemplate([ '<tpl for=".">', '<li data-selectionIndex="{[xindex - 1]}" data-recordId="{internalId}" role="presentation" class="' + me.tagItemCls + childElCls, '<tpl if="this.isSelected(values)">', ' ' + me.tagSelectedCls, '</tpl>', '{%', 'values =;', '%}', me.tipTpl ? '" data-qtip="{[this.getTip(values)]}">' : '">', '<div role="presentation" class="' + me.tagItemTextCls + '">{[this.getItemLabel(values)]}</div>', '<div role="presentation" class="' + me.tagItemCloseCls + childElCls + '"></div>', '</li>', '</tpl>', { isSelected: function(rec) { return me.selectionModel.isSelected(rec); }, getItemLabel: function(values) { /* UPGRADE - removed htmlEncode here*/ return me.labelTpl.apply(values); }, getTip: function(values) { return Ext.String.htmlEncode(me.tipTpl.apply(values)); }, strict: true } ]); } if (!me.multiSelectItemTpl.isTemplate) { me.multiSelectItemTpl = this.lookupTpl('multiSelectItemTpl'); } return me.multiSelectItemTpl.apply(me.valueCollection.getRange()); } }); } /* Create the combobox */ var tag = Ext.create('Private.ui.TagFieldHtmlLabel', { store: Ext.create('',{ autoLoad :false, autoSync: false, pageSize: 400, remoteSort: false, remoteFilter: true, id:'store_E4875CDA-BCC8-6E85-BBC9E4421EC6FC6B', name:'', model: 'app.model.selector_E4875CDA-BCC8-6E85-BBC9E4421EC6FC6B', listeners : { 'load' : function(store, records, successful, operation, eOpts) { store.getProxy().setExtraParam( 'list_selected', '' ); store.getProxy().setExtraParam( 'list_filter', '' ); } } }), autoLoadOnValue:false, listeners: { beforerender:function(field, newValue, eOpts){ }, change: function(field, newValue, oldValue) { var hiddenInput = document.getElementById('boxselectval_E4875CDA-BCC8-6E85-BBC9E4421EC6FC6B'); hiddenInput.value = newValue; this.inputEl.dom.value=''; } ,select: function(combo,record,eOpts){ /*if(this.getPicker().isVisible()){this.getPicker().alignTo(combo);}*/ } }, /*value : [""],*/ emptyText: '', queryMode: 'remote', scrollable : true, forceSelection: false, queryDelay : 300, pageSize: true, displayField: 'name', valueField: 'val', delimiter : ',', minChars : 1, submitValue : false, width:'100%', cls:'', style:'', padding:'', contentPaddingProperty:'' , editable:true, selectOnFocus:true, /*triggerAction: 'all',*/ renderTo: 'boxselect_E4875CDA-BCC8-6E85-BBC9E4421EC6FC6B', id:'idboxselect_E4875CDA-BCC8-6E85-BBC9E4421EC6FC6B', anchor:'95%', tipTpl: new Ext.XTemplate('{tip}'), labelTpl: Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate','<tpl for=".">','{name}','</tpl>'), multiSelect: true, listConfig: { tpl: new Ext.XTemplate( '<ul class="x-list-plain">' + '{% var lastcategory="",Category=values["category"]%}' + '<tpl for=".">' + '{% Category=values["category"]%}' + /* Only show region headers when there are more than 10 choices*/ '{% if ( > 5 && Category !== lastcategory) { %}' + '{% lastcategory = values["category"]; %}' + '<li class="x-grid-group-hd x-grid-group-title">{category}</li>' + '{% } %}'+ '<li class="x-boundlist-item" data-qtip="{tip}">' + '{name}' + ' <span class="small text-muted">{description}</span>' + '</li>'+ '</tpl>'+ '</ul>' ), typeahead : false, minChars: 1 } }); tag.inputEl.dom.removeAttribute('name'); }); </script> <script type="text/javascript" defer="defer"> Ext.onReady(function() { Ext.Loader.setConfig({ enabled : true, paths : { app:'/app' } }); /* Data*/ Ext.define('app.model.selector_E4875CDC-0890-871E-4557D59CA955F31E', { extend: '', fields: [ {type: 'string', name: 'id', mapping:'id'}, {type: 'string', name: 'name', mapping:'name'}, {type: 'string', name: 'val', mapping:'val'}, {type: 'string',name: 'category', mapping:'category'}, {type: 'string',name: 'tip', mapping:'tip'}, {type: 'string',name: 'description', mapping:'description'} ], sorters: {property: 'category'}, proxy: { type: 'ajax', actionMethods :{ create: 'POST', read: 'POST', update: 'POST', destroy: 'POST' }, url: '/include/lib_selector_json.cfm?list_name=statesISO', extraParams:{ list_selected:"", list_filter:"", l:"fr" }, reader: { type: 'json', rootProperty: 'result', totalProperty: 'totalcount' } } }); /* Override to fix bug with pagination in EXT 5.1.0 */ Ext.define('WTCOMBO', { override: 'Ext.form.field.ComboBox', onBindStore: function(store, initial) { this.callParent(arguments); /* Deselect on container click is not required if paging toolbar exists*/ this.pickerSelectionModel.deselectOnContainerClick = false; }, /* if the fromComponent owner is picker then do not collapse boundlist. */ onFocusLeave: function(e) { var me = this; if (e.fromComponent.activeOwner && == { return; } me.collapse(); me.callParent([e]); } }); /* override to get label with HTML*/ if (!Ext.ClassManager.isCreated("Private.ui.TagFieldHtmlLabel")) { Ext.define("Private.ui.TagFieldHtmlLabel", { extend: 'Ext.form.field.Tag', alias: 'widget.tagfieldhtmllabel', /* TODO EXT UPGRADE. WHEN UPGRADING FROM 6.2.1 update this*/ getMultiSelectItemMarkup: function() { var me = this, childElCls = (me._getChildElCls && me._getChildElCls()) || ''; /* hook for rtl cls*/ if (!me.multiSelectItemTpl) { if (!me.labelTpl) { me.labelTpl = '{' + me.displayField + '}'; } me.labelTpl = me.lookupTpl('labelTpl'); if (me.tipTpl) { me.tipTpl = me.lookupTpl('tipTpl'); } me.multiSelectItemTpl = new Ext.XTemplate([ '<tpl for=".">', '<li data-selectionIndex="{[xindex - 1]}" data-recordId="{internalId}" role="presentation" class="' + me.tagItemCls + childElCls, '<tpl if="this.isSelected(values)">', ' ' + me.tagSelectedCls, '</tpl>', '{%', 'values =;', '%}', me.tipTpl ? '" data-qtip="{[this.getTip(values)]}">' : '">', '<div role="presentation" class="' + me.tagItemTextCls + '">{[this.getItemLabel(values)]}</div>', '<div role="presentation" class="' + me.tagItemCloseCls + childElCls + '"></div>', '</li>', '</tpl>', { isSelected: function(rec) { return me.selectionModel.isSelected(rec); }, getItemLabel: function(values) { /* UPGRADE - removed htmlEncode here*/ return me.labelTpl.apply(values); }, getTip: function(values) { return Ext.String.htmlEncode(me.tipTpl.apply(values)); }, strict: true } ]); } if (!me.multiSelectItemTpl.isTemplate) { me.multiSelectItemTpl = this.lookupTpl('multiSelectItemTpl'); } return me.multiSelectItemTpl.apply(me.valueCollection.getRange()); } }); } /* Create the combobox */ var tag = Ext.create('Private.ui.TagFieldHtmlLabel', { store: Ext.create('',{ autoLoad :false, autoSync: false, pageSize: 400, remoteSort: false, remoteFilter: true, id:'store_E4875CDC-0890-871E-4557D59CA955F31E', name:'', model: 'app.model.selector_E4875CDC-0890-871E-4557D59CA955F31E', listeners : { 'load' : function(store, records, successful, operation, eOpts) { store.getProxy().setExtraParam( 'list_selected', '' ); store.getProxy().setExtraParam( 'list_filter', '' ); } } }), autoLoadOnValue:false, listeners: { beforerender:function(field, newValue, eOpts){ }, change: function(field, newValue, oldValue) { var hiddenInput = document.getElementById('boxselectval_E4875CDC-0890-871E-4557D59CA955F31E'); hiddenInput.value = newValue; this.inputEl.dom.value=''; } ,select: function(combo,record,eOpts){ /*if(this.getPicker().isVisible()){this.getPicker().alignTo(combo);}*/ } }, /*value : [""],*/ emptyText: '', queryMode: 'remote', scrollable : true, forceSelection: false, queryDelay : 300, pageSize: true, displayField: 'name', valueField: 'val', delimiter : ',', minChars : 1, submitValue : false, width:'100%', cls:'', style:'', padding:'', contentPaddingProperty:'' , editable:true, selectOnFocus:true, /*triggerAction: 'all',*/ renderTo: 'boxselect_E4875CDC-0890-871E-4557D59CA955F31E', id:'idboxselect_E4875CDC-0890-871E-4557D59CA955F31E', anchor:'95%', tipTpl: new Ext.XTemplate('{tip}'), labelTpl: Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate','<tpl for=".">','{name}','</tpl>'), multiSelect: true, listConfig: { tpl: new Ext.XTemplate( '<ul class="x-list-plain">' + '{% var lastcategory="",Category=values["category"]%}' + '<tpl for=".">' + '{% Category=values["category"]%}' + /* Only show region headers when there are more than 10 choices*/ '{% if ( > 5 && Category !== lastcategory) { %}' + '{% lastcategory = values["category"]; %}' + '<li class="x-grid-group-hd x-grid-group-title">{category}</li>' + '{% } %}'+ '<li class="x-boundlist-item" data-qtip="{tip}">' + '{name}' + ' <span class="small text-muted">{description}</span>' + '</li>'+ '</tpl>'+ '</ul>' ), typeahead : false, minChars: 1 } }); tag.inputEl.dom.removeAttribute('name'); }); </script> <script type="text/javascript" defer="defer"> Ext.onReady(function() { Ext.Loader.setConfig({ enabled : true, paths : { app:'/app' } }); /* Data*/ Ext.define('app.model.selector_E4875CDE-C93D-2337-517C839DE8B8DE46', { extend: '', fields: [ {type: 'string', name: 'id', mapping:'id'}, {type: 'string', name: 'name', mapping:'name'}, {type: 'string', name: 'val', mapping:'val'}, {type: 'string',name: 'category', mapping:'category'}, {type: 'string',name: 'tip', mapping:'tip'}, {type: 'string',name: 'description', mapping:'description'} ], sorters: {property: 'category'}, proxy: { type: 'ajax', actionMethods :{ create: 'POST', read: 'POST', update: 'POST', destroy: 'POST' }, url: '/include/lib_selector_json.cfm?list_name=regions', extraParams:{ list_selected:"", list_filter:"", l:"fr" }, reader: { type: 'json', rootProperty: 'result', totalProperty: 'totalcount' } } }); /* Override to fix bug with pagination in EXT 5.1.0 */ Ext.define('WTCOMBO', { override: 'Ext.form.field.ComboBox', onBindStore: function(store, initial) { this.callParent(arguments); /* Deselect on container click is not required if paging toolbar exists*/ this.pickerSelectionModel.deselectOnContainerClick = false; }, /* if the fromComponent owner is picker then do not collapse boundlist. */ onFocusLeave: function(e) { var me = this; if (e.fromComponent.activeOwner && == { return; } me.collapse(); me.callParent([e]); } }); /* override to get label with HTML*/ if (!Ext.ClassManager.isCreated("Private.ui.TagFieldHtmlLabel")) { Ext.define("Private.ui.TagFieldHtmlLabel", { extend: 'Ext.form.field.Tag', alias: 'widget.tagfieldhtmllabel', /* TODO EXT UPGRADE. WHEN UPGRADING FROM 6.2.1 update this*/ getMultiSelectItemMarkup: function() { var me = this, childElCls = (me._getChildElCls && me._getChildElCls()) || ''; /* hook for rtl cls*/ if (!me.multiSelectItemTpl) { if (!me.labelTpl) { me.labelTpl = '{' + me.displayField + '}'; } me.labelTpl = me.lookupTpl('labelTpl'); if (me.tipTpl) { me.tipTpl = me.lookupTpl('tipTpl'); } me.multiSelectItemTpl = new Ext.XTemplate([ '<tpl for=".">', '<li data-selectionIndex="{[xindex - 1]}" data-recordId="{internalId}" role="presentation" class="' + me.tagItemCls + childElCls, '<tpl if="this.isSelected(values)">', ' ' + me.tagSelectedCls, '</tpl>', '{%', 'values =;', '%}', me.tipTpl ? '" data-qtip="{[this.getTip(values)]}">' : '">', '<div role="presentation" class="' + me.tagItemTextCls + '">{[this.getItemLabel(values)]}</div>', '<div role="presentation" class="' + me.tagItemCloseCls + childElCls + '"></div>', '</li>', '</tpl>', { isSelected: function(rec) { return me.selectionModel.isSelected(rec); }, getItemLabel: function(values) { /* UPGRADE - removed htmlEncode here*/ return me.labelTpl.apply(values); }, getTip: function(values) { return Ext.String.htmlEncode(me.tipTpl.apply(values)); }, strict: true } ]); } if (!me.multiSelectItemTpl.isTemplate) { me.multiSelectItemTpl = this.lookupTpl('multiSelectItemTpl'); } return me.multiSelectItemTpl.apply(me.valueCollection.getRange()); } }); } /* Create the combobox */ var tag = Ext.create('Private.ui.TagFieldHtmlLabel', { store: Ext.create('',{ autoLoad :false, autoSync: false, pageSize: 400, remoteSort: false, remoteFilter: true, id:'store_E4875CDE-C93D-2337-517C839DE8B8DE46', name:'', model: 'app.model.selector_E4875CDE-C93D-2337-517C839DE8B8DE46', listeners : { 'load' : function(store, records, successful, operation, eOpts) { store.getProxy().setExtraParam( 'list_selected', '' ); store.getProxy().setExtraParam( 'list_filter', '' ); } } }), autoLoadOnValue:false, listeners: { beforerender:function(field, newValue, eOpts){ }, change: function(field, newValue, oldValue) { var hiddenInput = document.getElementById('boxselectval_E4875CDE-C93D-2337-517C839DE8B8DE46'); hiddenInput.value = newValue; this.inputEl.dom.value=''; } ,select: function(combo,record,eOpts){ /*if(this.getPicker().isVisible()){this.getPicker().alignTo(combo);}*/ } }, /*value : [""],*/ emptyText: '', queryMode: 'remote', scrollable : true, forceSelection: false, queryDelay : 300, pageSize: true, displayField: 'name', valueField: 'val', delimiter : ',', minChars : 1, submitValue : false, width:'100%', cls:'', style:'', padding:'', contentPaddingProperty:'' , editable:true, selectOnFocus:true, /*triggerAction: 'all',*/ renderTo: 'boxselect_E4875CDE-C93D-2337-517C839DE8B8DE46', id:'idboxselect_E4875CDE-C93D-2337-517C839DE8B8DE46', anchor:'95%', tipTpl: new Ext.XTemplate('{tip}'), labelTpl: Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate','<tpl for=".">','{name}','</tpl>'), multiSelect: true, listConfig: { tpl: new Ext.XTemplate( '<ul class="x-list-plain">' + '{% var lastcategory="",Category=values["category"]%}' + '<tpl for=".">' + '{% Category=values["category"]%}' + /* Only show region headers when there are more than 10 choices*/ '{% if ( > 5 && Category !== lastcategory) { %}' + '{% lastcategory = values["category"]; %}' + '<li class="x-grid-group-hd x-grid-group-title">{category}</li>' + '{% } %}'+ '<li class="x-boundlist-item" data-qtip="{tip}">' + '{name}' + ' <span class="small text-muted">{description}</span>' + '</li>'+ '</tpl>'+ '</ul>' ), typeahead : false, minChars: 1 } }); tag.inputEl.dom.removeAttribute('name'); }); </script> <script type="text/javascript" defer="defer"> Ext.onReady(function() { Ext.Loader.setConfig({ enabled : true, paths : { app:'/app' } }); /* Data*/ Ext.define('app.model.selector_E4875CE1-F5FF-838E-E6528BC0E8625C7A', { extend: '', fields: [ {type: 'string', name: 'id', mapping:'id'}, {type: 'string', name: 'name', mapping:'name'}, {type: 'string', name: 'val', mapping:'val'}, {type: 'string',name: 'category', mapping:'category'}, {type: 'string',name: 'tip', mapping:'tip'}, {type: 'string',name: 'description', mapping:'description'} ], sorters: {property: 'category'}, proxy: { type: 'ajax', actionMethods :{ create: 'POST', read: 'POST', update: 'POST', destroy: 'POST' }, url: '/include/lib_selector_json.cfm?list_name=keywords', extraParams:{ list_selected:"", list_filter:"", l:"fr" }, reader: { type: 'json', rootProperty: 'result', totalProperty: 'totalcount' } } }); /* Override to fix bug with pagination in EXT 5.1.0 */ Ext.define('WTCOMBO', { override: 'Ext.form.field.ComboBox', onBindStore: function(store, initial) { this.callParent(arguments); /* Deselect on container click is not required if paging toolbar exists*/ this.pickerSelectionModel.deselectOnContainerClick = false; }, /* if the fromComponent owner is picker then do not collapse boundlist. */ onFocusLeave: function(e) { var me = this; if (e.fromComponent.activeOwner && == { return; } me.collapse(); me.callParent([e]); } }); /* override to get label with HTML*/ if (!Ext.ClassManager.isCreated("Private.ui.TagFieldHtmlLabel")) { Ext.define("Private.ui.TagFieldHtmlLabel", { extend: 'Ext.form.field.Tag', alias: 'widget.tagfieldhtmllabel', /* TODO EXT UPGRADE. WHEN UPGRADING FROM 6.2.1 update this*/ getMultiSelectItemMarkup: function() { var me = this, childElCls = (me._getChildElCls && me._getChildElCls()) || ''; /* hook for rtl cls*/ if (!me.multiSelectItemTpl) { if (!me.labelTpl) { me.labelTpl = '{' + me.displayField + '}'; } me.labelTpl = me.lookupTpl('labelTpl'); if (me.tipTpl) { me.tipTpl = me.lookupTpl('tipTpl'); } me.multiSelectItemTpl = new Ext.XTemplate([ '<tpl for=".">', '<li data-selectionIndex="{[xindex - 1]}" data-recordId="{internalId}" role="presentation" class="' + me.tagItemCls + childElCls, '<tpl if="this.isSelected(values)">', ' ' + me.tagSelectedCls, '</tpl>', '{%', 'values =;', '%}', me.tipTpl ? '" data-qtip="{[this.getTip(values)]}">' : '">', '<div role="presentation" class="' + me.tagItemTextCls + '">{[this.getItemLabel(values)]}</div>', '<div role="presentation" class="' + me.tagItemCloseCls + childElCls + '"></div>', '</li>', '</tpl>', { isSelected: function(rec) { return me.selectionModel.isSelected(rec); }, getItemLabel: function(values) { /* UPGRADE - removed htmlEncode here*/ return me.labelTpl.apply(values); }, getTip: function(values) { return Ext.String.htmlEncode(me.tipTpl.apply(values)); }, strict: true } ]); } if (!me.multiSelectItemTpl.isTemplate) { me.multiSelectItemTpl = this.lookupTpl('multiSelectItemTpl'); } return me.multiSelectItemTpl.apply(me.valueCollection.getRange()); } }); } /* Create the combobox */ var tag = Ext.create('Private.ui.TagFieldHtmlLabel', { store: Ext.create('',{ autoLoad :false, autoSync: false, pageSize: 400, remoteSort: false, remoteFilter: true, id:'store_E4875CE1-F5FF-838E-E6528BC0E8625C7A', name:'', model: 'app.model.selector_E4875CE1-F5FF-838E-E6528BC0E8625C7A', listeners : { 'load' : function(store, records, successful, operation, eOpts) { store.getProxy().setExtraParam( 'list_selected', '' ); store.getProxy().setExtraParam( 'list_filter', '' ); } } }), autoLoadOnValue:false, listeners: { beforerender:function(field, newValue, eOpts){ }, change: function(field, newValue, oldValue) { var hiddenInput = document.getElementById('boxselectval_E4875CE1-F5FF-838E-E6528BC0E8625C7A'); hiddenInput.value = newValue; this.inputEl.dom.value=''; } ,select: function(combo,record,eOpts){ /*if(this.getPicker().isVisible()){this.getPicker().alignTo(combo);}*/ } }, /*value : [""],*/ emptyText: '', queryMode: 'remote', scrollable : true, forceSelection: false, queryDelay : 300, pageSize: true, displayField: 'name', valueField: 'val', delimiter : ',', minChars : 1, submitValue : false, width:'100%', cls:'', style:'', padding:'', contentPaddingProperty:'' , editable:true, selectOnFocus:true, /*triggerAction: 'all',*/ renderTo: 'boxselect_E4875CE1-F5FF-838E-E6528BC0E8625C7A', id:'idboxselect_E4875CE1-F5FF-838E-E6528BC0E8625C7A', anchor:'95%', tipTpl: new Ext.XTemplate('{tip}'), labelTpl: Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate','<tpl for=".">','{name}','</tpl>'), multiSelect: true, listConfig: { tpl: new Ext.XTemplate( '<ul class="x-list-plain">' + '{% var lastcategory="",Category=values["category"]%}' + '<tpl for=".">' + '{% Category=values["category"]%}' + /* Only show region headers when there are more than 10 choices*/ '{% if ( > 5 && Category !== lastcategory) { %}' + '{% lastcategory = values["category"]; %}' + '<li class="x-grid-group-hd x-grid-group-title">{category}</li>' + '{% } %}'+ '<li class="x-boundlist-item" data-qtip="{tip}">' + '{name}' + ' <span class="small text-muted">{description}</span>' + '</li>'+ '</tpl>'+ '</ul>' ), typeahead : false, minChars: 1 } }); tag.inputEl.dom.removeAttribute('name'); }); </script> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady(function(){ Ext.get('sites_search',true).on('submit', function(event, eltarget) { var els = this.query('input[value=""]',true); var elsSelect = this.query('select',true); Ext.Array.each(els,function(ael){ if(ael.value==""){ael.disabled=true;} }); Ext.Array.each(elsSelect,function(ael){ if(ael.value==""){ael.disabled=true;} }); }); }); </script> <script> /* Set the locale before the JSAPI loads */ esriConfig = { locale: "fr", log: {level:"none"}, request: {priority: "low"}, parseOnLoad: true }; </script> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var markersRendererCultural, markersRendererNatural, markersRendererMixed, layerPolybuffer, layerPolycore, onePoint, combinedExtent, layerextended = false, markerSymbol, graphicsCultural= [], graphicsNatural= [], graphicsMixed= [], graphicsCulturalDanger= [], graphicsNaturalDanger= [], graphicsMixedDanger= [] ; require([ "require", "esri/Map", "esri/views/MapView", "esri/views/SceneView", "esri/WebMap", "esri/WebScene", "esri/Basemap", "esri/widgets/BasemapGallery", "esri/widgets/Expand", "esri/layers/FeatureLayer", "esri/layers/SceneLayer", "esri/layers/ElevationLayer", "esri/widgets/Legend", "esri/config", "esri/request", "esri/widgets/Fullscreen", /*"esri/widgets/Search",*/ "esri/intl", "esri/Graphic", "esri/symbols", "esri/renderers/Renderer", "esri/geometry/Point", "esri/geometry/Extent", "esri/geometry/geometryEngine", "esri/geometry/projection", "esri/geometry/SpatialReference" ], function( require, Map, MapView, SceneView, WebMap, WebScene, Basemap, BasemapGallery, Expand, FeatureLayer, SceneLayer, ElevationLayer, Legend, esriConfig, esriRequest, Fullscreen, /*Search,*/ intl, Graphic, Symbol, Renderer, Point, Extent, geometryEngine, projection, SpatialReference, arrayUtils) { /*code to create the map and add a basemap will go here*/ const switchButton = document.getElementById("switch-btn"); const basemapsetellite = new Basemap({ title: "Satellite", language: "fr", portalItem: { id: "13a1167266ae4d3d8f76a6bf2edd17aa" } }); const basemapwhc = new Basemap({ title: "Base WHC", language: "fr", thumbnailUrl : "", portalItem: { id: "073cf5b02f654359b656f58ca9e67846" } }); const basemapdark = new Basemap({ title: "Dark", language: "fr", portalItem: { id: "600ffbf85c704aa5a492f018b1125863" } }); const basemapTopo = new Basemap({ title: "Topographic", language: "fr", portalItem: { id: "f14d34580ef7460ab71284cf19d1de24" } }); const map = new Map({ basemap: basemapsetellite }); const appConfig = { // log:'none', mapView: null, sceneView: null, activeView: null, container: "esrimap" }; const initialViewParams2D = { zoom: 9, map: map, container: appConfig.container, id: "2dview" }; const initialViewParams3D = { zoom: 2, map: map, container: appConfig.container, id: "3dview" }; /*create 2D view and and set active*/ appConfig.mapView = createView(initialViewParams2D, "2d"); appConfig.activeView = appConfig.mapView; /* create 3D view, won't initialize until container is set*/ initialViewParams3D.container = null; appConfig.sceneView = createView(initialViewParams3D, "3d"); /* Add a basemap toggle widget to toggle between basemaps*/ let Basemaps = new BasemapGallery({ source:[basemapsetellite,basemapwhc,basemapTopo,basemapdark], view: appConfig.activeView }); const bgExpand = new Expand({ view: appConfig.activeView, expandTooltip : "Basemaps", label:"Basemaps", content: Basemaps, group: "top-right" }); /* Add widget to the top right corner of the view */ appConfig.activeView.ui.add([bgExpand], "top-right"); /* stop zoom with mouse wheel when scrolling vertically */ appConfig.mapView.surface.addEventListener("wheel", function(event) { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); }, true); /**/ appConfig.sceneView.when(function() { /* View successfully loaded, show viewDiv*/ }).catch(function() { document.getElementById("infoDiv").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("infoWebGL").style.display = "block"; console.log("no webgl"); /* View was rejected, show webgl unsupported message and turn off the viewDiv*/ }); /* */ const stop1 = 6; const stop2 = 8; const stop3 = 15; const stop4 = 20; const stopdefault = 11; function symbolSizeScale(view) {"scale", (newScale) => { /*Update the symbol's size based on the scale*/ => { symb = layer.renderer.symbol; if (newScale > 36978595) { symb.height = stop1; symb.width = stop1; } else if (newScale > 9244648) { symb.height = stop2; symb.width = stop2; } else if (newScale < 1641615) { symb.height = stop3; symb.width = stop3; } else if (newScale < 18055) { symb.height = stop4; symb.width = stop4; } else { symb.height = stopdefault; symb.width = stopdefault; } }, { sync: true }); }); }; /*switch the view between 2D and 3D each time the button is clicked*/ switchButton.addEventListener("click", function(){ switchView(); }); /*Switches the view from 2D to 3D and vice versa*/ function switchView(){ let is3D = appConfig.activeView.type === "3d"; let activeViewpoint = appConfig.activeView.viewpoint.clone(); /* remove the reference to the container for the previous view*/ appConfig.activeView.container = null; if (is3D){ /* if the input view is a SceneView, set the viewpoint on the mapView instance. Set the container on the mapView and flag it as the active view */ appConfig.mapView.viewpoint = activeViewpoint; appConfig.mapView.container = appConfig.container; appConfig.activeView = appConfig.mapView; toggle.view = appConfig.mapView; symbolSizeScale(appConfig.activeView); appConfig.mapView.ui.add(toggle, "top-right"); switchButton.value = "3D"; } else { appConfig.sceneView.viewpoint = activeViewpoint; appConfig.sceneView.container = appConfig.container; symbolSizeScale(appConfig.sceneView); appConfig.activeView = appConfig.sceneView; toggle.view = appConfig.sceneView; appConfig.sceneView.ui.add(toggle, "top-right"); switchButton.value = "2D"; } } /* zoom to layer extent*/ /* convenience function for creating a 2D or 3D view*/ function createView(params, type){ let view; let is2D = type === "2d"; if(is2D){ view = new MapView(params); return view; } else { view = new SceneView(params); } return view; } /* zoom to layer extent*/ function pointToExtent( point, toleranceInPixel=4) { /* Function to convert a point coordinate into a rectangle area */ if(appConfig.activeView.extent){ mapextentwidth = appConfig.activeView.extent.width; } else { mapextentwidth= 1; } var pixelWidth = appConfig.activeView.width / mapextentwidth ; var toleraceInMapCoords = toleranceInPixel * pixelWidth; return new Extent({ xmin:point.x - toleraceInMapCoords, ymin:point.y - toleraceInMapCoords, xmax:point.x + toleraceInMapCoords, ymax:point.y + toleraceInMapCoords, latitude:point.latitude, longitude:point.longitude, spatialReference: { wkid: 4326 } } ); } /* Function to combine extents and set the view extent */ function combineLayerExtents(layers) { var extentPromises = { // case when the layer is of type point with only one single point if(layer.geometryType === "point" && layer.source.length === 1 ){ onePoint = layer.source.items[0].geometry; var pointExtent = pointToExtent(onePoint); var pointExtentClone = pointExtent.clone(); pointExtentClone.centerAt(onePoint); return pointExtentClone || null } else { return layer.queryExtent().then(function(result) { /* be sure it has the correct spatialreference */ /* Define the target spatial reference (WGS84) */ /* Return the extent if valid, otherwise return null */ if(result.extent){ var wgs84 = new SpatialReference({ wkid: 4326 }); var projectedExtent = projection.project(result.extent, wgs84) ; return projectedExtent || null; } else { return result.extent || null; } }); } }); /* Wait for all extent promises to resolve */ Promise.all(extentPromises).then(function(extents) { /* Filter out null extents */ var validExtents = extents.filter(function(extent) { return extent !== null; }); var combinedPolygon; if (onePoint && validExtents.length === 1) { appConfig.activeView.goTo({ target: [onePoint.longitude,onePoint.latitude] ,zoom:12 ,padding: { left: 50, right: 50, top: 50, bottom: 50 } }).catch(function(error) { console.error("Error zooming to extent1: ", error); }); } else { if (validExtents.length === 1) { /* Only one extent: add padding to prevent too low zoom level */ /* Set the view extent to the padded extent */ combinedExtent = validExtents[0]; } else if (validExtents.length > 1 ) { /* Combine valid extents into a polygon */ { }); var combinedPolygon = geometryEngine.union(validExtents); /* Set the view extent to the combined extent */ combinedExtent = combinedPolygon.extent; } else { } /**/ /*console.log(combinedExtent.width,"combinedExtent.width");*/ if(combinedExtent.width<1){ combinedExtent = combinedExtent.expand(1.1); } else if(combinedExtent.width<150){ combinedExtent = combinedExtent.expand(1.4); } else if(combinedExtent.width<180){ combinedExtent = combinedExtent.expand(1.2); } else if(combinedExtent.width<250){ combinedExtent = combinedExtent.expand(1.1); } else if (combinedExtent.width<360){ combinedExtent = combinedExtent.extent; } else if (combinedExtent.width<10000){ combinedExtent = combinedExtent.expand(.005); } else if (combinedExtent.width<300000){ combinedExtent = combinedExtent.expand(.000025); } else { combinedExtent = combinedExtent.expand(.00001); } /*appConfig.activeView.extent = combinedExtent;*/ appConfig.activeView.goTo({target: combinedExtent}).catch(function(error) { console.error("Error zooming to extent2: ", error);}); } }).catch(function(error) { console.error("Error fetching extents: ", error); }); } /* UI */ let applicationDiv = document.getElementById("esriapp"); appConfig.mapView.ui.add(new Fullscreen({ view: appConfig.mapView, element: applicationDiv }), "top-left"); appConfig.sceneView.ui.add(new Fullscreen({ view: appConfig.sceneView, element: applicationDiv }), "top-left"); /*specification for each field to create in the layer*/ let fields = [ { name: "ObjectID", alias: "ObjectID", type: "oid" }, { name: "element_serial_number", alias: "element_serial_number", type: "string" }, { name: "element_name", alias: "element_name", type: "string" }, { name: "element_state", alias: "element_state", type: "string" }, { name: "title", alias: "title", type: "string" }, { name: "url", alias: "url", type: "string" }, { name: "cat", alias: "cat", type: "double" }, { name: "id_no", alias: "id_no", type: "double" } ]; /* Set up popup template for the layer */ let pTemplate = { title: '{element_serial_number} {element_name} ({element_state})', content:'<div style="display: flex; justify-content: flex-start;align-content:"><div style=" margin: 10px 5px 10px 10px;display: flex; flex-direction:column; justify-content: flex-start;align-content:center;word-break: initial;"><strong>{title}</strong><div>{element_serial_number}</div><div>{element_name}</div><div>{element_state}</div></div></div>', }; /* */ markerSymbol = { type: 'simple-marker', style: 'circle', size: 5, color: [255,204,1,1], outline: { width: 1, color: [0,0,0,.5], style: 'solid' } }; markersRendererCultural = { type: 'simple', symbol : { type: 'picture-marker', url: '/graphics/1-0.svg', width: 11, height: 11 } }; markersRendererNatural = { type: 'simple', symbol: { type: 'picture-marker', url: '/graphics/2-0.svg', width: 11, height: 11 } }; markersRendererMixed = { type: 'simple', symbol: { type: 'picture-marker', url: '/graphics/3-0.svg', width: 11, height: 11 } }; markersRendererCulturalDanger = { type: 'simple', symbol: { type: 'picture-marker', url: '/graphics/1-1.svg', width: 11, height: 11 } }; markersRendererNaturalDanger = { type: 'simple', symbol: { type: 'picture-marker', url: '/graphics/2-1.svg', width: 11, height: 11 } }; markersRendererMixedDanger = { type: 'simple', symbol: { type: 'picture-marker', url: '/graphics/3-1.svg', width: 11, height: 11 } }; /**/ appConfig.mapView.when(function() { document.getElementById("infoDiv").style.display = "block"; /*add polygons */ layerPolycore = new FeatureLayer({ id:"allpolycore", title:"Bien avec polygones", url: "", // where:"property_id = 267", outFields: ["*"], /* capabilities:{ query:{supportsCacheHint: true}, queryRelated: {supportsCacheHint: true}, queryTopFeatures :{supportsCacheHint: true}, attachment:{supportsCacheHint: true}, analytics:{supportsCacheHint: true} },*/ elevationInfo: { mode: "on-the-ground" }, popupTemplate: { title: '{element_serial_number} {element_name_en} ({element_state}) / Bien', content: "<strong>{property_name_fr}</strong><br>Bien<br>{element_serial_number}<br>{element_name_en}<br>{element_state}", lastEditInfoEnabled: false } }); layerPolycore.renderer= { type: "simple", symbol: { type: "simple-fill", color: [232,63,64,.4], style:"solid", opacity:.5, outline: { type: "simple-line", color: [232,63,64,.8], width: 1.5 } } }; layerPolycore.definitionExpression = "property_id = 267"; map.add(layerPolycore); layerPolybuffer = new FeatureLayer({ id:"allpolybuffer", title:"Zone tampon avec polygones", url: "", outFields: ["*"], /* capabilities:{ query:{supportsCacheHint: true}, queryRelated: {supportsCacheHint: true}, queryTopFeatures :{supportsCacheHint: true}, attachment:{supportsCacheHint: true}, analytics:{supportsCacheHint: true} },*/ elevationInfo: { mode: "on-the-ground" }, popupTemplate: { title: '{property_id} {property_name_fr} - Zone tampon', lastEditInfoEnabled: false, content: '<strong><a href="{property_id}" target="_self">{property_name_fr}</a></strong><br>Zone tampon<br>{element_serial_number}<br>{element_name_en}<br>{element_state}', } }); layerPolybuffer.renderer= { type: "simple", symbol: { type: "simple-fill", color: [0,105,180,.15], style:"solid", opacity:.5, outline: { type: "simple-line", color: [0,105,180,.6], width: 1.5 } } }; layerPolybuffer.definitionExpression = "property_id = 267"; map.add(layerPolybuffer); /* add the results to the map*/ let urlrequest = ""; let request = esriRequest(urlrequest,{ handleAs: "json"}).then(function(response){[,];, i) { let mypoint = { geometry: new Point({ x: feature[4], y: feature[3] }), attributes: { ObjectID: i, id_no:267, element_name: feature[2], element_serial_number: feature[5], element_state: feature[7] } }; if(feature[0] == 0){ switch(feature[1]){ case 1: graphicsCultural.push(mypoint); break; case 2: graphicsNatural.push(mypoint); break; case 3: graphicsMixed.push(mypoint); break; } } if(feature[0] == 1){ switch(feature[1]){ case 1: graphicsCulturalDanger.push(mypoint); break; case 2: graphicsNaturalDanger.push(mypoint); break; case 3: graphicsMixedDanger.push(mypoint); break; } } }); /* create and add layer */ if(graphicsCultural.length > 0){ let layerCultural = new FeatureLayer({ source: graphicsCultural, fields: fields, objectIdField: "ObjectID", title:"Biens culturels (points)", popupTemplate: pTemplate, renderer: markersRendererCultural }); map.add(layerCultural); }; if(graphicsNatural.length > 0){ let layerNatural = new FeatureLayer({ source: graphicsNatural, title:"Biens naturels (points)", fields: fields, objectIdField: "ObjectID", popupTemplate: pTemplate, renderer: markersRendererNatural }); map.add(layerNatural); }; if(graphicsMixed.length > 0){ let layerMixed = new FeatureLayer({ source: graphicsMixed, title:"Biens mixtes (points)", fields: fields, objectIdField: "ObjectID", popupTemplate: pTemplate, renderer: markersRendererMixed }); map.add(layerMixed); }; if(graphicsCulturalDanger.length > 0){ let layerCulturalDanger = new FeatureLayer({ source: graphicsCulturalDanger, title:"Biens culturels et en périls (points)", fields: fields, objectIdField: "ObjectID", popupTemplate: pTemplate, renderer: markersRendererCulturalDanger }); map.add(layerCulturalDanger); }; if(graphicsNaturalDanger.length > 0){ let layerNaturalDanger = new FeatureLayer({ source: graphicsNaturalDanger, title:"Biens naturels et en périls (points)", fields: fields, objectIdField: "ObjectID", popupTemplate: pTemplate, renderer: markersRendererNaturalDanger }); map.add(layerNaturalDanger); }; if(graphicsMixedDanger.length > 0){ let layerMixedDanger = new FeatureLayer({ source: graphicsMixedDanger, title:"Biens mixtes et en périls (points)", fields: fields, objectIdField: "ObjectID", popupTemplate: pTemplate, renderer: markersRendererMixedDanger }); map.add(layerMixedDanger); } /**/ appConfig.activeView.when(function() { combineLayerExtents(map.layers); }); }); /**/ }).catch(function() { /* View was rejected, show webgl unsupported message and turn off the viewDiv*/ document.getElementById("infoWebGL").style.display = "block"; }); }); </script> <script> $('.lightbox').on('click',function(e){ e.preventDefault(); let iframeSrc=$(this).attr('href'); let myHtml = $('html'); let scrollPosY = myHtml.scrollTop(); //myHtml.toggleClass("scrollbarnone"); $('.lightboxIframe').on('',function(){ myHtml.css('overflow','hidden'); $(this).find('iframe').attr('src',iframeSrc); $(this).css('padding-right',''); }) $('.lightboxIframe').on('',function(){ /*myHtml.toggleClass("scrollbarnone");*/ myHtml.css("scroll-behavior","auto"); 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