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display:none;" title="" data-click-action="featured work | With research and data, professor empowers Indigenous communities"> <img alt="Michael Charles.”" class="marquee-img" src="assets/images/content/panos/1010_dine1.jpg"> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <div class="ie-shadowTop"></div> <![endif]--> <div class="container"> <div class="marquee-copy"> <h3 class="marquee-heading"> With research and data, professor empowers Indigenous communities </h3> </div> </div> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <div class="ie-shadowBottom"></div> <![endif]--> </a> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="marquee-controls"> <nav class="slide-controls transparent" aria-label="Pano navigation"> <button class="prev icon-arrow-left" aria-label="Previous slide" value="prev" data-click-action="slider | nav" data-click-label="previous"></button> <button class="next icon-arrow-right" aria-label="Next slide" value="next" data-click-action="slider | nav" data-click-label="next"></button> </nav> <nav class="pager" aria-label="Pano pager"></nav> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section" id="section-2-intro"> <div class="container"> <div class="cu-intro" data-click-action="introduction"> <p>Cornell is a global leader in sustainability and climate change research, teaching and engagement. Our campuses are living laboratories for developing, testing and implementing solutions that address these most challenging issues.</p> </div> </div> <div class="container stars-rating-section"> <div class="row stars-rating-row"> <div class="col-md-3 stars-rating"> <img src="assets/images/content/Stars_Seal_Platinum_RGB_72-150x150@2x.png" alt="STARS platinum rating" /> </div> <div class="col-md-9"> <h3 class="grid-title">Cornell earns fourth platinum sustainability rating</h3> <p class="grid-copy">For four years in a row, Cornell has earned a <a href="">platinum sustainability rating</a>—the top status—from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE), the international group that tracks environmental stewardship for more than 1,000 college campuses.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section sustainability-commitment" data-click-category="sustainability | stats" id="section-3-stats"> <div class="container"> <div class="page-block"> <h2 class="cu-title alt honeycomb-title">Commitment to Sustainability</h2> </div> <div class="page-block"> <ul id="statCount" class="stats-list grid grid-four" data-click-action="link"> <li class="stat"> <div class="stat-value"> <span class="animateNum">91</span><span class="percent">%</span> </div> <div class="stat-label"> of departments are engaged in sustainability-focused research </div> </li> <li class="stat"> <div class="stat-value"> <span class="animateNum">3</span>,<span class="animateNum">921</span> </div> <div class="stat-label"> tons of campus food and agricultural waste are composted each year </div> </li> <li class="stat"> <a href="" data-click-label="sustainability | Green buildings buildings"> <div class="stat-value"> <span class="animateNum">28</span> </div> <div class="stat-label"> Green Buildings on Campus </div> </a> </li> <li class="stat"> <div class="stat-value"> <span class="animateNum">85</span><span class="percent">%</span> </div> <div class="stat-label"> of students use sustainable transportation to commute to and across campus </div> </li> <li class="stat"> <a href="" data-click-label="sustainability | clubs"> <div class="stat-value"> <span class="animateNum">40</span><span class="percent">+</span> </div> <div class="stat-label"> Student-founded sustainability clubs </div> </a> </li> <li class="stat"> <a href="" data-click-label="sustainability | majors"> <div class="stat-value"> <span class="animateNum">117</span> </div> <div class="stat-label"> majors, minors, and concentrations focused on sustainability </div> </a> </li> <li class="stat"> <a href="" data-click-label="sustainability | Ivy ranking"> <div class="stat-value"> <span class="percent">#</span><span class="animateNum">1</span> </div> <div class="stat-label"> Ivy League institution in sustainability ratings </div> </a> </li> <li class="stat"> <a href="" data-click-label="sustainability | dining halls"> <div class="stat-value"> ><span class="animateNum">50</span><span class="percent">%</span> </div> <div class="stat-label"> Reduction in carbon emissions from the 2008 baseline </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section sustainability-videos" data-click-category="sustainability | research + engagement" data-click-action="link" id="section-4-research-engagement"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="cu-title alt honeycomb-title">Research and engagement</h2> <div class="page-block"> <div class="grid-boxes two-col"> <div class="grid-box"> <a href="" data-click-action="photo + caption" data-click-label="sustainability | Liquefied natural gas carbon footprint is worse than coal"> <img alt="A rendering of a green landscape with a glass globe." src="assets/images/content/features/iStock-473454180-sustainability.jpg"> <div class="grid-caption"> <h3 class="grid-title">Liquefied natural gas carbon footprint is worse than coal</h3> <p class="grid-copy">Taking into account processing and shipping, researchers found the carbon footprint of liquefied natural gas is worse than coal.</p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="grid-box"> <a href="" data-click-action="photo + caption" data-click-label="sustainability | Fused molecules are building blocks for safer lithium-ion batteries"> <img alt="Rows of batteries." src="assets/images/content/features/1003_molecules.jpg"> <div class="grid-caption"> <h3 class="grid-title">Fused molecules are building blocks for safer lithium-ion batteries</h3> <p class="grid-copy">Engineering researchers designed a way to uptake and transport lithium-ion electrolytes, which may lead to safer lithium-ion batteries.</p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="grid-box"> <a href="" data-click-action="photo + caption" data-click-label="sustainability | Decoy carcasses reveal how often stranded dolphins are found"> <img alt="Researchers digging on the beach." src="assets/images/content/features/0912_mammals1.jpg"> <div class="grid-caption"> <h3 class="grid-title">Decoy carcasses reveal how often stranded dolphins are found</h3> <p class="grid-copy">Biologists are using decoy bottlenose dolphins to help provide more accurate estimates of marine animal deaths and their causes.</p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="grid-box"> <a href="" data-click-action="photo + caption" data-click-label="sustainability | Bee antidote to deadly pesticides shows promise"> <img alt="A bee on a flower." src="assets/images/content/features/0910_bee.jpg"> <div class="grid-caption"> <h3 class="grid-title">Bee antidote to deadly pesticides shows promise</h3> <p class="grid-copy">Scientists may have found a critical antidote to pesticides that are contributing to regional and global declines of wild bees.</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <nav aria-label="Skip experts"> <a class="skip-link" href="#skip_tweets" tabindex="0" data-click-action="skip experts">Skip experts</a> </nav> <div class="section sustainability-experts-grid" data-click-action="link" data-click-category="sustainability | experts" id="section-5-experts"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="cu-title alt honeycomb-title">Thought Leaders in Sustainability</h2> <div class="page-block"> <div class="grid-boxes three-col"> <div class="grid-box"> <figure> <a href="" data-click-action="photo" data-click-label="faculty-experts | Linda Shi" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> <img class="img-circle headshot" src="assets/images/content/experts/LindaShi.jpg" alt="Linda Shi."> </a> <figcaption> <h3 class="topic">Sustainability and social justice</h3> <p>Linda Shi studies how to plan for urban climate adaptation in ways that improve environmental sustainability and social justice. </p> <a class="link-caret" href="" data-click-label="faculty-experts | Linda Shi" aria-label="Learn more about Linda Shi">Learn more</a> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="grid-box"> <figure> <a href="" data-click-action="photo" data-click-label="faculty-experts | Alistair Hayden" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> <img class="img-circle headshot" src="assets/images/content/experts/Alistair.jpg" alt="Alistair Hayden."> </a> <figcaption> <h3 class="topic">Disasters and geospatial analysis</h3> <p>Alistair Hayden aims to help communities increase their disaster preparedness and resilience using geospatial analysis.</p> <a class="link-caret" href="" data-click-label="faculty-experts | Alistair Hayden" aria-label="Learn more about Alistair Hayden">Learn more</a> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="grid-box"> <figure> <a href="" data-click-action="photo" data-click-label="faculty-experts | Anindita Banerjee" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> <img class="img-circle headshot" src="assets/images/content/experts/anindita-banerjee.jpg" alt="Anindita Banerjee."> </a> <figcaption> <h3 class="topic">Science fiction and the environment</h3> <p>Anindita Banerjee focuses on science fiction and technocultural studies, environmental humanities and migration studies.</p> <a class="link-caret" href="" data-click-label="faculty-experts | Anindita Banerjee" aria-label="Learn more about Anindita Banerjee">Learn more</a> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> <div class="grid-boxes three-col"> <div class="grid-box"> <figure> <a href="" data-click-action="photo" data-click-label="faculty-experts | Lara Skinner" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> <img class="img-circle headshot" src="assets/images/content/experts/skinner.jpg" alt="Lara Skinner."> </a> <figcaption> <h3 class="topic">Labor and Climate</h3> <p>Lara Skinner is an expert on labor and employment issues related to sustainability, climate protection and clean energy.</p> <a class="link-caret" href="" data-click-label="faculty-experts | Lara Skinner" aria-label="Learn more about Lara Skinner">Learn more</a> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="grid-box"> <figure> <a href="" data-click-label="faculty-experts | Sara Bronin" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> <img class="img-circle headshot" src="assets/images/content/experts/bronin.jpg" alt="Sara Bronin."> </a> <figcaption> <h3 class="topic">Sustainability, Law and Policy</h3> <p>Sara Bronin examines how law and policy can foster more equitable, sustainable, well-designed and connected places.</p> <a class="link-caret" href="" data-click-label="faculty-experts | John Tobin" aria-label="Learn more about Sara Bronin">Learn more</a> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="grid-box"> <figure> <a href="" data-click-label="faculty-experts | Ariel Ortiz-Bobea" data-click-action="photo" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> <img class="img-circle headshot" src="assets/images/content/experts/ortiz-bobea.jpg" alt="Mildred Warner."> </a> <figcaption> <h3 class="topic">agricultural sustainability</h3> <p>Ariel Ortiz-Bobea is an expert on how to promote environmental sustainability at the local level.</p> <a class="link-caret" href="" data-click-label="faculty-experts | Ariel Ortiz-Bobea" aria-label="Learn more about Ariel Ortiz-Bobea">Learn more</a> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> <div class="grid-boxes three-col"> <div class="grid-box"> <figure> <a href="" data-click-label="faculty-experts | Fengqi You" data-click-action="photo" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> <img class="img-circle headshot" src="assets/images/content/experts/fengqiyou.jpg" alt="Fengqi You."> </a> <figcaption> <h3 class="topic">SYSTEMS ENGINEERING</h3> <p>Fengqi You focuses on developing models and tools for smart manufacturing, digital agriculture, energy systems and sustainability.</p> <a class="link-caret" href="" data-click-label="faculty-experts | Fengqi You" aria-label="Learn more about Fengqi You">Learn more</a> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="grid-box"> <figure> <a href="" data-click-label="faculty-experts | Drew Harvell" data-click-action="photo" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> <img class="img-circle headshot" src="assets/images/content/experts/harvell-150x150.jpg" alt="Drew Harvell."> </a> <figcaption> <h3 class="topic">MARINE ECOLOGY</h3> <p>Drew Harvell studies the sustainability of marine ecosystems and the impacts of climate and ocean change.</p> <a class="link-caret" href="" data-click-label="faculty-experts | Drew Harvell" aria-label="Learn more about Drew Harvell">Learn more</a> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="grid-box"> <figure> <a href="" data-click-label="faculty-experts | Max Zhang" data-click-action="photo" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> <img class="img-circle headshot" src="assets/images/content/experts/max_zhang.jpg" alt="Max Zhang"> </a> <figcaption> <h3 class="topic">ENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT</h3> <p>Max Zhang studies sustainable energy systems and the effects of nanoparticle pollution on air quality and climate change.</p> <a class="link-caret" href="" data-click-label="faculty-experts | Max Zhang" aria-label="Learn more about Max Zhang">Learn more</a> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> </div><!-- //.grid-boxes --> </div><!-- 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