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His mission is to build the world’s most powerful asteroid tracking system to find asteroids on a collision course with earth. Watch his full story this Saturday at 2:30p ET on CNN’s “The Next List.”</em></p> <p>Next week on May 31, 2013, <a href="" target="_blank">a 1.7 mile wide asteroid, 1998 QE2, will fly past the Earth at a distance of <b>3.6 million miles</b></a>.</p> <p>If this asteroid were to hit the Earth (don&#039;t worry, it won&#039;t this time), it would be the end of human civilization.  Think about that.  Not only would it kill billions of people, but it would take with it our very history. Gone would be our cities, our culture, our languages, our art, our music, our scientific knowledge - everything that we as a species have built up during the past 10,000 years. Gone in an instant.</p> <p>Asteroid impacts are the only global scale natural disaster we know how to prevent. We have the technology to deflect asteroids, but we cannot deflect an asteroid that we haven&#039;t found yet. This is why the B612 Foundation is building the <a href="" target="_blank">Sentinel Space Telescope</a><b><a href="" target="_blank">,</a> </b>the world&#039;s most powerful asteroid detection and tracking system, to see the millions of asteroids we can&#039;t see today and could pose threats to our planet.  The B612 Foundation is a nonprofit organization, dependent on private donations for our mission. We welcome you to join our efforts at the <a href="" target="_blank">B612 Foundation</a> and help protect not only our planet, but our future.</p> </div> <div class="cnnPostFooter"> <table> <tr> <td> <div class="cnn_mugshot"> </div> </td> <td valign="top" class="cnn_padb20 cnn_author_info"> <br/><span class="cnnBlogFiledBy cnn_categories">Filed under: <a href="" title="View all posts in Future" rel="category tag">Future</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Innovation" rel="category tag">Innovation</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Science" rel="category tag">Science</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Space" rel="category tag">Space</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in The Next List" rel="category tag">The Next List</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Uncategorized" rel="category tag">Uncategorized</a></span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div class="cnn_clear"></div> <div class="cnn-large-embed "></div></div><!-- IE7 background fix --> </div> <div class="cnn_post_separator"><div class="cnn_gap"></div><div class="cnn_gap cnn_gap_right"></div></div> <!-- /blog post 7550 --> <!-- blog post 7535 --> <div class="cnnPostWrap cnn_wh1600_post_separator"> <div class="cnnWideImage"> </div> <div class="post-7535 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-design category-education category-entrepreneurs category-social-change category-the-next-list cnn_ie7_background_fix"> <div class="cnnLeftPost"> <div class="cnnFcIcon"></div> <div class="cnnBlogContentDateHead"> May 17th, 2013 </div> <div class="cnnGryTmeStmp">01:41 PM ET</div> <div class="cnn_share_links"> <div class="cnnOverlayMenuContainer"> <div id="cnnShare7535" class="cnnOverlayMenu"> <div class="cnnShareThisBox"> <div class="cnnShareBoxHeader"><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTL"></div><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTR"></div></div> <div class="cnnShareBoxContent"> <div class="cnnShareContent"> <div class="cnn_share_this_content"> <div class="cnnShareThisTitle"> <a href="javascript:cnnHideOverlay('cnnShare7535');"><img src="" alt="Close" title="Close" width="12" height="12"/></a><span>Share this on:</span> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareFacebook" title="Share Stanford's unique approach to teaching problem solving on Facebook" href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareTwitter" title="Share Stanford's unique approach to teaching problem solving on Twitter" href=";text=Stanford's%20unique%20approach%20to%20teaching%20problem%20solving&amp;hashtags=cnn" target="_blank">Twitter</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDigg" title="Share Stanford's unique approach to teaching problem solving on Digg" href=";" target="_blank">Digg</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDelicious" title="Share Stanford's unique approach to teaching problem solving on" href="" onclick="';partner=cnn&amp;noui&amp;jump=close&amp;','toolbar=no,width=700,height=400'); return false;"></a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareReddit" title="Share Stanford's unique approach to teaching problem solving on reddit" href="" target="_blank">reddit</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareMyspace" title="Share Stanford's unique approach to teaching problem solving on MySpace" href="'s%20unique%20approach%20to%20teaching%20problem%20solving&amp;" target="_blank">MySpace</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareStumbleUpon" title="Share Stanford's unique approach to teaching problem solving on StumbleUpon" href="" target="_blank">StumbleUpon</a> </div> </div><!-- /cnnShareThisContent --> </div><!-- /cnnShareContent --> </div><!-- /cnnShareBoxContent --> <div class="cnnShareBoxFooter"><div class="cnnShareBoxFooterBL"></div><div class="cnnShareBoxFooterBR"></div></div> </div> </div> </div> <span id="cnnsocial_2" class="cnn_widget cnnsocial_sharebar cnnsocial_sharebar_blogIndex" type="sharebar" version="0.2.2" templates="" data-bind="template: { 'name': 'cnnsocial_template_blogIndex' }"></span> <div class="cnnCommentsLnk"> <a href="" title="Comments for Stanford's unique approach to teaching problem solving">Comments</a> <span class="cnn_comment_count">(<a href="" style="padding-left:0px; padding-right:0px;" title="Comment on Stanford's unique approach to teaching problem solving">3 comments</a>)</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cnnRightPost"> <h2 class="cnnBlogContentTitle"><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link:Stanford's unique approach to teaching problem solving">Stanford&#039;s unique approach to teaching problem solving</a></h2> <div class="cnnBlogContentPost"> <p class="cnn_first"><em><strong>Editor&#039;s Note</strong>: Jim Patell&#039;s full 30-minute profile will air on CNN&#039;s &#034;The Next List&#034; Saturday, May 18th, at 2:30 P.M. ET.</em></p> <p>By <strong>James M. Patell</strong>, Special to CNN</p> <p>Last week, at the invitation of my niece Alexis, I video chatted with a sixth grade class in the South Jefferson Middle School about a unique course I teach. <a href="" target="_blank">Design for Extreme Affordability</a> is a graduate-level course at Stanford in which interdisciplinary teams design new products and services, together with the associated implementation plans, for the world’s poor.</p> <p>The class, offered jointly by the <a href="" target="_blank">Graduate School of Business </a>and the <a href="" target="_blank">Mechanical Engineering Department</a>, is now finishing its tenth year; by this June, we will have completed 90 projects with 27 partners in 18 countries. Cumulatively, these projects were conducted by 365 students from 27 programs across Stanford, including all seven schools: Business, Earth Sciences, Education, Engineering, Humanities and Sciences, Law, and Medicine.</p> <p>One thing the middle schoolers wanted to know was why we had chosen to mix students from various fields to work on the projects instead of limiting it to just engineers.</p> <p>They aren&#039;t the first to wonder. Conducting a truly interdisciplinary course is challenging for the instructors and for the students. The various schools have different grading systems, different registration systems and so on. Even the simple logistics of finding a class time-slot is difficult, because each department has its own norms that dictate which times of which days are reserved for required courses and other mandatory tasks. Why bother?</p> <p>Having fresh eyes and child-like curiosity is important. Seeing the world through different lenses also is important. Our engineering students recognize systems of forces and flows, while our business students see intersecting webs of potential consumers and producers. Medical students envision vectors of transmission for disease or treatment, while our international policy students identify competing interest groups. The different frameworks that they use to model causal relationships, and the different “mental filing systems&#034; and vocabularies they use to store and express their impressions, allow us to gain “3-D empathy” for our users, before we conduct the first brainstorm or build the first prototype.</p> <p>One of the founding tenets of the <a href="" target="_blank"></a> (the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford) is human-centered design. Rather than beginning with shiny new technology, we start by trying to establish deep, personal empathy with our users to determine their needs and wants. We must fill in two blanks: Our users need a better way to ___ BECAUSE ___. The <em>because</em> portion is a big deal.</p> <p>We are working across cultures, across geographies, across political systems and across myriad differences in the contexts of daily life. The hardest lesson for designers to remember is that we are not designing for ourselves. We must listen carefully and we must watch carefully. We must ask polite but probing questions about those elements of our users’ lives that strike us as &#034;curious.”</p> <p>We cannot assume we understand their preferences. We cannot assume that they can articulate those preferences in terms we will understand. We cannot assume that our users will emphasize elements that are so deeply ingrained in their daily existence that, from their perspective, &#034;go without saying.&#034; And we cannot assume that they are aware of the full menu of possibilities from which they could be choosing new ways of doing and living.</p> <p>Getting interdisciplinary teams to work well is not easy. We try to model the behavior we need in the teaching team, which consists of a business school professor, a mechanical engineering professor, a business entrepreneur, a practicing clinical psychologist and a recent graduate of the medical school.</p> <p>I am the Business School representative. My colleague Professor David Beach is a revered teacher in mechanical engineering and the patriarch of the Product Realization Laboratory - the &#034;machine shop&#034; in which our teams&#039; physical prototypes become real. Mr. Stuart Coulson is a high-tech serial entrepreneur who founded and sold two companies before volunteering to join the teaching team five years ago.</p> <p>Dr. Julian Gorodsky has been a psychological counselor to Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and companies for several decades, and previously served as a field assessment psychologist for Peace Corps trainee groups. Dr. David Janka took the course as a fourth-year medical student two years ago, and then joined the teaching team as a design fellow, the sixth Design for Extreme Affordability alum to do so. Ms. Joan Dorsey and now Ms. Rita Lonhart have been the coordinators who keep the course on an even keel.</p> <p>As with the students, even finding a time we all can meet is a challenge, but we have come to appreciate the different perspective that each member brings in selecting course partners, deciding which students to admit, determining where we need to up our game as teachers, and especially in counseling teams who are struggling.</p> <p>We have a straightforward mission statement: every student deserves a great educational experience, and every course partner deserves a great new product or service. We are convinced that interdisciplinary teams, of both students and instructors, give us a better shot at achieving those goals.</p> </div> <div class="cnnPostFooter"> <table> <tr> <td> <div class="cnn_mugshot"> </div> </td> <td valign="top" class="cnn_padb20 cnn_author_info"> <br/><span class="cnnBlogFiledBy cnn_categories">Filed under: <a href="" title="View all posts in Design" rel="category tag">Design</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Education" rel="category tag">Education</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in entrepreneurs" rel="category tag">entrepreneurs</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Social change" rel="category tag">Social change</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in The Next List" rel="category tag">The Next List</a></span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div class="cnn_clear"></div> <div class="cnn-large-embed "></div></div><!-- IE7 background fix --> </div> <div class="cnn_post_separator"><div class="cnn_gap"></div><div class="cnn_gap cnn_gap_right"></div></div> <!-- /blog post 7535 --> <!-- blog post 7537 --> <div class="cnnPostWrap cnn_wh1600_post_separator"> <div class="cnnWideImage"> <div data-video-height="406" data-video-width="640" id="cnnCVP1" class="cnn_video cnn_video_large" data-video-class="cnn_video_large" data-video-url="bestoftv/2013/05/14/the-next-list-jim-patell-preview-1.cnn" data-ssid="cnn.com_blogs_whatsnext_thenextlist" data-url="" data-context="640x406_stop_embed_onsite" data-image-url="" data-preset="blog_large" data-source="CNN" data-source-url="" data-video-headline="Raining ideas " data-actual-vid-height="391"><a href="">Click to watch video</a></div> </div> <div class="post-7537 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-education category-innovation category-social-change category-the-next-list category-thinkers category-video cnn_ie7_background_fix"> <div class="cnnLeftPost"> <div class="cnnFcIcon"></div> <div class="cnnBlogContentDateHead"> May 14th, 2013 </div> <div class="cnnGryTmeStmp">10:42 AM ET</div> <div class="cnn_share_links"> <div class="cnnOverlayMenuContainer"> <div id="cnnShare7537" class="cnnOverlayMenu"> <div class="cnnShareThisBox"> <div class="cnnShareBoxHeader"><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTL"></div><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTR"></div></div> <div class="cnnShareBoxContent"> <div class="cnnShareContent"> <div class="cnn_share_this_content"> <div class="cnnShareThisTitle"> <a href="javascript:cnnHideOverlay('cnnShare7537');"><img src="" alt="Close" title="Close" width="12" height="12"/></a><span>Share this on:</span> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareFacebook" title="Share Addressing tough poverty problems with innovation and design on Facebook" href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareTwitter" title="Share Addressing tough poverty problems with innovation and design on Twitter" href=";text=Addressing%20tough%20poverty%20problems%20with%20innovation%20and%20design&amp;hashtags=cnn" target="_blank">Twitter</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDigg" title="Share Addressing tough poverty problems with innovation and design on Digg" href=";" target="_blank">Digg</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDelicious" title="Share Addressing tough poverty problems with innovation and design on" href="" onclick="';partner=cnn&amp;noui&amp;jump=close&amp;','toolbar=no,width=700,height=400'); 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padding-right:0px;" title="Comment on Addressing tough poverty problems with innovation and design">1 comment</a>)</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cnnRightPost"> <h2 class="cnnBlogContentTitle"><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link:Addressing tough poverty problems with innovation and design">Addressing tough poverty problems with innovation and design</a></h2> <div class="cnnBlogContentPost"> <p class="cnn_first"><em><strong>Editor&#039;s Note</strong>: Jim Patell&#039;s full 30-minute profile will air on CNN&#039;s &#034;The Next List&#034; Saturday, May 18th, at 2:30 P.M. ET.</em></p> <p>Few people in our lives are as influential or important as teachers. The truly great ones not only educate their students, they infuse them with excitement and inspire them to make an impact on the world.</p> <p>Jim Patell is one of those teachers. For the past 10 years, he has given his students a unique opportunity to learn real-world skills and use them to improve the lives of the desperately poor.</p> <p>Patell is a professor at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. He is also the founder and driving force behind a groundbreaking graduate course called <a href="" target="_blank">Design for Extreme Affordability</a>. The course, offered at Stanford’s <a href=""></a> (the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design), is part education, part adventure and part entrepreneurship.</p> <p>Over two semesters, Patell and his team challenge the students to design low-cost products that can solve tough problems in the developing world. Forty students from across Stanford’s schools - engineering, medical, business and others - pair up with global partners who have concrete projects to tackle. The goal is to deliver nuts and bolts solutions, a way to implement them, and the means to sustain them over the long haul.</p> <p>“We’re asking students, are you willing to take a leap of faith?” says Patell, “Are you willing to commit yourself to something for which the solution is not immediately apparent and to take a shot, to give it the best you’ve got.”</p> <p>So far, the &#034;Extreme&#034; students, as they are known, have taken on 90 projects with 26 partners in 18 countries, and the results have been spectacular.</p> <div data-video-height="280" data-video-width="416" id="cnnCVP2" class="cnn_video cnn_video_medium" data-video-class="cnn_video_medium" data-video-url="bestoftv/2013/05/14/the-next-list-jim-patell-preview-2.cnn" data-ssid="cnn.com_blogs_whatsnext_thenextlist" data-url="" data-context="416x374_start_embed_onsite" data-image-url="" data-preset="blog_medium" data-source="CNN" data-source-url="" data-video-headline="Solving problems, one product at a time" data-actual-vid-height="265"><a href="">Click to watch video</a></div> <p>Here are some of their innovations:</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Embrace blanket</a> &#8211; It’s a kind of sleeping bag for premature infants equipped with technology that helps them maintain normal body temperature for up to eight hours. The company has been in India for four years with pilot projects in nine other countries. They say they’ve saved 5,000 babies so far.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">d.light solar lanterns</a> &#8211; These lanterns replace kerosene and candle light in villages with no electricity. D.light’s president says the product has “enabled 10 million people worldwide to upgrade from kerosene lamps to solar lighting.”</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">AdaptAir</a> &#8211; A new device to help treat childhood pneumonia. A team of Jim’s students invented an adaptor for a nasal cannula (a plastic tube for delivering oxygen) that provides a custom fit for babies and children of all sizes. Getting the right fit is critical to treating pneumonia effectively.</p> <p>Over the years, Jim Patell and his team have developed a kind of formula for success - a way for his students to become what he calls creatively “accident prone.”</p> <p>“It’s not, if I just squint and concentrate, that idea will come to me,” says Patell. “It’s, I don’t have that idea now. I don’t have that insight now, but I can go through a set of activities that I can execute, when I want, to enhance the probability that the great idea is going to occur.”</p> <p>By gaining deep empathy with their customers, brainstorming with partners and team members, and producing many prototypes quickly, students learn what works and what doesn’t.</p> <p>Ultimately, Patell says, “what the course produces is young men and women who we aspire to be able to drop down into any messy situation, have them land on their feet and make progress.”</p> <p>Jim Patell and his team and his students put their hearts, souls and backs into designing &#034;just right&#034; solutions to enduring problems for those at the bottom of the economic pyramid. He is not only helping to transform the lives of the sick and poor but giving a many of his students the experience of a lifetime.</p> </div> <div class="cnnPostFooter"> <table> <tr> <td> <div class="cnn_mugshot"> </div> </td> <td valign="top" class="cnn_padb20 cnn_author_info"> <br/><span class="cnnBlogFiledBy cnn_categories">Filed under: <a href="" title="View all posts in Education" rel="category tag">Education</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Innovation" rel="category tag">Innovation</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Social change" rel="category tag">Social change</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in The Next List" rel="category tag">The Next List</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Thinkers" rel="category tag">Thinkers</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Video" rel="category tag">Video</a></span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div class="cnn_clear"></div> <div class="cnn-large-embed "></div></div><!-- IE7 background fix --> </div> <div class="cnn_post_separator"><div class="cnn_gap"></div><div class="cnn_gap cnn_gap_right"></div></div> <!-- /blog post 7537 --> <!-- blog post 7483 --> <div class="cnnPostWrap cnn_wh1600_post_separator"> <div class="cnnWideImage"> <div data-video-height="406" data-video-width="640" id="cnnCVP3" class="cnn_video cnn_video_large" data-video-class="cnn_video_large" data-video-url="tech/2013/04/16/the-next-list-yosef-weekend.cnn" data-ssid="cnn.com_blogs_whatsnext_thenextlist" data-url="" data-context="640x406_stop_embed_onsite" data-image-url="" data-preset="blog_large" data-source="CNN" data-source-url="" data-video-headline="Yosef Abramowitz: 'Captain Sunshine'" data-actual-vid-height="391"><a href="">Click to watch video</a></div> </div> <div class="post-7483 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-environment category-science category-social-change category-tech category-the-next-list category-video tag-the-next-list-staff-cnn cnn_ie7_background_fix"> <div class="cnnLeftPost"> <div class="cnnFcIcon"></div> <div class="cnnBlogContentDateHead"> May 10th, 2013 </div> <div class="cnnGryTmeStmp">12:28 PM ET</div> <div class="cnn_share_links"> <div class="cnnOverlayMenuContainer"> <div id="cnnShare7483" class="cnnOverlayMenu"> <div class="cnnShareThisBox"> <div class="cnnShareBoxHeader"><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTL"></div><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTR"></div></div> <div class="cnnShareBoxContent"> <div class="cnnShareContent"> <div class="cnn_share_this_content"> <div class="cnnShareThisTitle"> <a href="javascript:cnnHideOverlay('cnnShare7483');"><img src="" alt="Close" title="Close" width="12" height="12"/></a><span>Share this on:</span> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareFacebook" title="Share Green power for all on Facebook" href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareTwitter" title="Share Green power for all on Twitter" href=";text=Green%20power%20for%20all&amp;hashtags=cnn" target="_blank">Twitter</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDigg" title="Share Green power for all on Digg" href=";" target="_blank">Digg</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDelicious" title="Share Green power for all on" href="" onclick="';partner=cnn&amp;noui&amp;jump=close&amp;','toolbar=no,width=700,height=400'); return false;"></a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareReddit" title="Share Green power for all on reddit" href="" target="_blank">reddit</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareMyspace" title="Share Green power for all on MySpace" href=";" target="_blank">MySpace</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareStumbleUpon" title="Share Green power for all on StumbleUpon" href="" target="_blank">StumbleUpon</a> </div> </div><!-- /cnnShareThisContent --> </div><!-- /cnnShareContent --> </div><!-- /cnnShareBoxContent --> <div class="cnnShareBoxFooter"><div class="cnnShareBoxFooterBL"></div><div class="cnnShareBoxFooterBR"></div></div> </div> </div> </div> <span id="cnnsocial_4" class="cnn_widget cnnsocial_sharebar cnnsocial_sharebar_blogIndex" type="sharebar" version="0.2.2" templates="" data-bind="template: { 'name': 'cnnsocial_template_blogIndex' }"></span> <div class="cnnCommentsLnk"> <a href="" title="Comments for Green power for all">Comments</a> <span class="cnn_comment_count">(<a href="" style="padding-left:0px; padding-right:0px;" title="Comment on Green power for all">5 comments</a>)</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cnnRightPost"> <h2 class="cnnBlogContentTitle"><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link:Green power for all">Green power for all</a></h2> <div class="cnnBlogContentPost"> <p class="cnn_first">By <strong>Yosef Abramowitz, Special to CNN</strong></p> <p>The world, especially the developing world, has an acute need for food, water and energy. Israel happens to have terrific innovators in agriculture and in water technology, which, if exported, could provide food and water security to the over billion people who are vulnerable.</p> <p>I’m a solar energy guy. Actually, I’m a trouble-maker, former anti-apartheid and human rights activist who stumbled into the solar world the second my family and I arrived to a remote desert kibbutz to begin a two-year escape-from-suburbia sabbatical.</p> <p>Sometimes you get lucky, which is what I consider myself for having met at Kibbutz Ketura Ed Hofland and from New Jersey, David Rosenblatt. Together we formed the Arava Power Company and fought the good fight and eventually won the battle to bring commercial-scale solar power to the Jewish state. We also pioneered in Israel, thankfully with success, the concept of Impact Investing—doing good while doing well.</p> <p>There are 1.6 billion people on the planet who do not have any electric power, despite the fact that the sun shines on them all. We learned some valuable lessons along the way in Israel that, with some luck and hard work, could be brought to Africa and elsewhere.</p> <p>The UN Secretary General has launched a new initiative called “<a href="" target="_blank">Sustainable Energy for All</a>,” to provide green power to everyone by 2030. While we support this idea, I believe that we can supply green power to everyone by 2020. The 2030 goal is ambitious with a<br/> world-view focused on raising non-profit, non-governmental funds, which are limited. I think the 2020 goal is ambitious and do-able, since we have developed a way to mobilize nearly unlimited for-profit funds to accomplish a similar goal but faster.</p> <p>While solar energy is also a business I see it as a human rights campaign. The UN Declaration of Human Rights guarantees lots of things that poor people don’t have: education, health care, and jobs. None of this is really possible in a world without electricity. In the best of scenarios, however, when a poor country begins to provide power to its people, they are hooking up polluting and dirty diesel generators. So some of the poorest people are the planet, as they try to work their way out of poverty, end up becoming part of the climate change problem rather than part of the solution.</p> <p>I want us all to be part of the solution to climate change and global warming, while also accelerating developing of poor countries. So we started a second company, Energiya Global Capital, to do just that.</p> <p>While we can’t do it alone, we do want to supply green power to 50 million people by 2020, which is about 10,000 megawatts—about the size of Israel’s energy market. And to give investors the opportunity to invest according to their values while creating value in the developing world.</p> <p>Time is against us.</p> <p>For the planet to be in balance, we need carbon dioxide levels to be at 350 parts per million. Today, we are at 392 parts, and accelerating quickly. According to some estimates, by 2017 the planet must level off any growth in greenhouse gas emissions in order for radical climate change to not be irreversible.</p> <p>Since 9 percent of the planet’s electricity is produced from burning diesel oil, we can do something historic by zeroing it out. Not only taking out the carbon footprint of that energy, but also cutting the cost of power in those markets. The price of solar panels has dropped so drastically in the nearly seven years that we have been working to bring solar power to Israel that our costs are sometimes about half the cost of diesel. And solar power has none of the volatility, pollution or money going to autocratic regimes that produce most of the world’s oil.</p> <p>I think what we have learned in our struggle to bring solar power to Israel can now be applied worldwide. And not to do so would be selfish. Just like with agriculture and water, Israel, through our efforts, has something to contribute in the realm of green power for the people. When President Obama was in Jerusalem last month, he singled out Israeli innovation in the field of solar energy, with its potential to help the world.</p> <p>This is our journey. We have succeeded in Israel to begin our solar revolution. We cannot afford to fail to spark a solar revolution in Africa and elsewhere.</p> </div> <div class="cnnPostFooter"> <table> <tr> <td> <div class="cnn_mugshot"> </div> </td> <td valign="top" class="cnn_padb20 cnn_author_info"> <span class="cnnBlogFiledBy">Post by:</span> <span class="cnn_author"><a href="" rel="tag">The Next List Staff -- CNN</a></span> <br/><span class="cnnBlogFiledBy cnn_categories">Filed under: <a href="" title="View all posts in Environment" rel="category tag">Environment</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Science" rel="category tag">Science</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Social change" rel="category tag">Social change</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Tech" rel="category tag">Tech</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in The Next List" rel="category tag">The Next List</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Video" rel="category tag">Video</a></span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div class="cnn_clear"></div> <div class="cnn-large-embed "></div></div><!-- IE7 background fix --> </div> <div class="cnn_post_separator"><div class="cnn_gap"></div><div class="cnn_gap cnn_gap_right"></div></div> <!-- /blog post 7483 --> <!-- blog post 7505 --> <div class="cnnPostWrap cnn_wh1600_post_separator"> <div class="cnnWideImage"> <a href=""><img src="" width="640" height="360" title="Testing touchscreen tables in classrooms" alt="Testing touchscreen tables in classrooms"/></a> </div> <div class="post-7505 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-education category-future category-innovation category-internet category-tech category-the-next-list tag-heather-kelly-cnn cnn_ie7_background_fix"> <div class="cnnLeftPost"> <div class="cnnFcIcon"></div> <div class="cnnBlogContentDateHead"> May 8th, 2013 </div> <div class="cnnGryTmeStmp">05:28 PM ET</div> <div class="cnn_share_links"> <div class="cnnOverlayMenuContainer"> <div id="cnnShare7505" class="cnnOverlayMenu"> <div class="cnnShareThisBox"> <div class="cnnShareBoxHeader"><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTL"></div><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTR"></div></div> <div class="cnnShareBoxContent"> <div class="cnnShareContent"> <div class="cnn_share_this_content"> <div class="cnnShareThisTitle"> <a href="javascript:cnnHideOverlay('cnnShare7505');"><img src="" alt="Close" title="Close" width="12" height="12"/></a><span>Share this on:</span> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareFacebook" title="Share Testing touchscreen tables in classrooms on Facebook" href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareTwitter" title="Share Testing touchscreen tables in classrooms on Twitter" href=";text=Testing%20touchscreen%20tables%20in%20classrooms&amp;hashtags=cnn" target="_blank">Twitter</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDigg" title="Share Testing touchscreen tables in classrooms on Digg" href=";" target="_blank">Digg</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDelicious" title="Share Testing touchscreen tables in classrooms on" href="" onclick="';partner=cnn&amp;noui&amp;jump=close&amp;','toolbar=no,width=700,height=400'); 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padding-right:0px;" title="Comment on Testing touchscreen tables in classrooms">26 comments</a>)</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cnnRightPost"> <h2 class="cnnBlogContentTitle"><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link:Testing touchscreen tables in classrooms">Testing touchscreen tables in classrooms</a></h2> <div class="cnnBlogContentPost"> <p class="cnn_first">By <strong>Heather Kelly</strong>, CNN</p> <p>Forget tiny iPads - the classrooms of the future might turn entire tables into interactive touchscreens.</p> <p>Given that many children can sit rapturously before a glowing touchscreen for hours, such gadgets seem like a natural for the classroom. But as with any new teaching technology, it&#039;s important to make sure it actually helps students learn and teachers teach before getting caught up in its &#034;cool&#034; factor.</p> <p>A <a href="">recent study by researchers</a> at Newcastle University in the UK took touchscreen tables into the classroom for some hands-on tests and found the technology (and training) still have to improve before they are fully effective. The researchers say theirs is one of the first studies of this type of technology in actual classrooms, instead of lab situations.</p> <p>The tables were used in real classrooms over the course of six weeks for lessons in geography, English and history.  The five teachers involved in the study prepared the projects based on what the kids were currently learning in class. Each table was used by two to four students at a time, though the table&#039;s creators say it can hold up to six students. On the screen were<span style="font-size:13px;"> a collaborative writing program and an app called Digital Mysteries, which were designed specifically for large tabletop PCs.</span></p> <p>These types of tables are already commercially available and can be seen in the wild in locations like museums. <a href="">SMART Technologies</a>, for example, makes a table with a 42-inch, 1080p display for $7,749. The prices for these interactive tables will likely come down in the future, but they will still remain a big investment for any school district.</p> <p>And before schools invest heavily in these kinds of tools, the study&#039;s authors say that more in-class research and tweaks to the software should be done.</p> <p><a href="">Read CNN&#039;s education blog: Schools of Thought</a></p> <p>A few of the issues raised were the same that come up in most group work. Some students would complete tasks faster than others, while others would lose focus and fall behind. Teachers in the study found they couldn&#039;t always tell when students were working versus just pretending to work and moving items around the screen.</p> <p>Suggested improvements to the tools included more detailed progress indicators for the individual students. Researchers also recommend that the apps add more flexibility so that teachers can control, change and pause the lessons. In an old-school twist, researchers also recommended that the programs include an option for exporting kids&#039; progress so they can print it out.</p> <p>Researchers also emphasized the need for more teacher-friendly features and control over the apps, plus proper training for any educator who plans on integrating these types of tables with their regular classroom curriculum.</p> <p>&#034;To make the most use of them teachers have to make them part of the classroom activity they have planned – not make it the lesson activity,” said Dr Ahmed Kharrufa in a statement.</p> <p>In other words, even the most advanced technology won&#039;t be able to replace good teachers.</p> <p>[Via <a href="">PhysOrg</a>]</p> </div> <div class="cnnPostFooter"> <table> <tr> <td> <div class="cnn_mugshot"> </div> </td> <td valign="top" class="cnn_padb20 cnn_author_info"> <span class="cnnBlogFiledBy">Post by:</span> <span class="cnn_author"><a href="" rel="tag">Heather Kelly -- CNN</a></span> <br/><span class="cnnBlogFiledBy cnn_categories">Filed under: <a href="" title="View all posts in Education" rel="category tag">Education</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Future" rel="category tag">Future</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Innovation" rel="category tag">Innovation</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Internet" rel="category tag">Internet</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Tech" rel="category tag">Tech</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in The Next List" rel="category tag">The Next List</a></span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div class="cnn_clear"></div> <div class="cnn-large-embed "></div></div><!-- IE7 background fix --> </div> <div class="cnn_post_separator"><div class="cnn_gap"></div><div class="cnn_gap cnn_gap_right"></div></div> <!-- /blog post 7505 --> <!-- blog post 7496 --> <div class="cnnPostWrap cnn_wh1600_post_separator"> <div class="cnnWideImage"> <div data-video-height="406" data-video-width="640" id="cnnCVP4" class="cnn_video cnn_video_large" data-video-class="cnn_video_large" data-video-url="bestoftv/2013/04/26/the-next-list-hugh-herr-new-promo-1.cnn" data-ssid="cnn.com_blogs_whatsnext_thenextlist" data-url="" data-context="640x406_stop_embed_onsite" data-image-url="" data-preset="blog_large" data-source="CNN" data-source-url="" data-video-headline="Bionic man plans to help amputee victims" data-actual-vid-height="391"><a href="">Click to watch video</a></div> </div> <div class="post-7496 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-events category-innovation category-science category-tech category-the-next-list category-video cnn_ie7_background_fix"> <div class="cnnLeftPost"> <div class="cnnFcIcon"></div> <div class="cnnBlogContentDateHead"> April 26th, 2013 </div> <div class="cnnGryTmeStmp">02:58 PM ET</div> <div class="cnn_share_links"> <div class="cnnOverlayMenuContainer"> <div id="cnnShare7496" class="cnnOverlayMenu"> <div class="cnnShareThisBox"> <div class="cnnShareBoxHeader"><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTL"></div><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTR"></div></div> <div class="cnnShareBoxContent"> <div class="cnnShareContent"> <div class="cnn_share_this_content"> <div class="cnnShareThisTitle"> <a href="javascript:cnnHideOverlay('cnnShare7496');"><img src="" alt="Close" title="Close" width="12" height="12"/></a><span>Share this on:</span> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareFacebook" title="Share MIT’s ‘bionic man’ offers assistance to amputees of Boston bombings on Facebook" href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareTwitter" title="Share MIT’s ‘bionic man’ offers assistance to amputees of Boston bombings on Twitter" href=";text=MIT’s%20‘bionic%20man’%20offers%20assistance%20to%20amputees%20of%20Boston%20bombings&amp;hashtags=cnn" target="_blank">Twitter</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDigg" title="Share MIT’s ‘bionic man’ offers assistance to amputees of Boston bombings on Digg" href=";" target="_blank">Digg</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDelicious" title="Share MIT’s ‘bionic man’ offers assistance to amputees of Boston bombings on" href="" onclick="';partner=cnn&amp;noui&amp;jump=close&amp;','toolbar=no,width=700,height=400'); 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Herr and his team have mobilized their resources to assist the amputee victims of the Boston bombings in some profound ways. <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Watch more this Saturday at 2:30 p.m. EST on CNN’s “The Next List.”</span></em></p> <p>By <strong>Jared Markowitz</strong>, Special to CNN</p> <p>The events in Boston last week were tragic in many ways: human suffering was on display for the world to see, a city was locked down while killers were pursued, and a nation was once again forced to recognize its vulnerability to senseless acts of violence. A week later, the wound is still fresh. Our community continues to mourn the dead, treat the injured, and search for ways to eliminate such attacks. Many lives have been altered irreversibly, yet there is also an abundance of resiliency and hope.</p> <p>The bombings on Monday left many people with significant injuries and, in many cases, missing lower limbs. The horror of waking up with a different body as a result of a random act of terror should not be understated. Yet thanks to recent advances in prosthetic and rehabilitation technology, many of those who have suffered these devastating injuries have the hope of returning to a full and normal life.</p> <p>There is now a bionic ankle, foot and calf system that allows the user to walk as quickly and efficiently as non-amputees. Computer-controlled prosthetic knees have been developed that adjust knee resistance continuously, allowing above-knee amputees to walk with improved versatility and stability. Lightweight, compliant running prostheses make it possible for amputees to excel in both sprinting and distance events, including marathons. These technologies are all improving rapidly, with researchers constantly striving to produce more comfortable, responsive and life-like prosthetic limbs.</p> <p>Despite these advances, the road back from severe lower limb trauma can be long, arduous and expensive. To help those injured in the Boston bombings, the MIT Media Lab’s Biomechatronics Group has partnered with the <a href="" target="_blank">Mass Technology Leadership Council</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">No Barriers</a> on two initiatives.</p> <p>First, we are working with the Mass Technology Leadership Council to ensure that each amputee is provided with the assistive and rehabilitative solutions that best address their injury. To that end, if you have a technology that you believe could help those who suffered traumatic injuries please contact us at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> <p>Second, the No Barriers Boston Fund has been established to give the victims devices that will allow them to lead full and active lives. The fund will provide these people with prosthetic limbs designed for athletic activities so that they can run, bike, swim and even dance again. To donate to this important effort, please visit<a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> <p>The symbolism of such events occurring around the Boston Marathon is difficult to ignore. Few endeavors provide such a ready analogy for the highs and lows of life as this race; it is a celebration of the city, running and the human spirit. While the motivations of those who run the Boston Marathon vary, everyone who participates has endured the grueling training required to qualify. During the marathon, runners are tested by the hills of Newton and the unavoidable &#034;rough patches&#034; that come with the marathon distance. However this all melts away during the triumphant finishing stretch on Boylston Street, an experience that validates all of the struggles up to that point.</p> <p>It is our hope that the trials the surviving victims are currently enduring will give way to an even greater victory.</p> </div> <div class="cnnPostFooter"> <table> <tr> <td> <div class="cnn_mugshot"> </div> </td> <td valign="top" class="cnn_padb20 cnn_author_info"> <br/><span class="cnnBlogFiledBy cnn_categories">Filed under: <a href="" title="View all posts in Events" rel="category tag">Events</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Innovation" rel="category tag">Innovation</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Science" rel="category tag">Science</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Tech" rel="category tag">Tech</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in The Next List" rel="category tag">The Next List</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Video" rel="category tag">Video</a></span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div class="cnn_clear"></div> <div class="cnn-large-embed "></div></div><!-- IE7 background fix --> </div> <div class="cnn_post_separator"><div class="cnn_gap"></div><div class="cnn_gap cnn_gap_right"></div></div> <!-- /blog post 7496 --> <!-- blog post 7477 --> <div class="cnnPostWrap cnn_wh1600_post_separator"> <div class="cnnWideImage"> <div data-video-height="406" data-video-width="640" id="cnnCVP5" class="cnn_video cnn_video_large" data-video-class="cnn_video_large" data-video-url="tech/2013/04/16/the-next-list-yosef-preview-1.cnn" data-ssid="cnn.com_blogs_whatsnext_thenextlist" data-url="" data-context="640x406_stop_embed_onsite" data-image-url="" data-preset="blog_large" data-source="CNN" data-source-url="" data-video-headline="'Captain Sunshine'" data-actual-vid-height="391"><a href="">Click to watch video</a></div> </div> <div class="post-7477 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-environment category-science category-social-change category-the-next-list category-video tag-the-next-list-staff-cnn cnn_ie7_background_fix"> <div class="cnnLeftPost"> <div class="cnnFcIcon"></div> <div class="cnnBlogContentDateHead"> April 15th, 2013 </div> <div class="cnnGryTmeStmp">04:14 PM ET</div> <div class="cnn_share_links"> <div class="cnnOverlayMenuContainer"> <div id="cnnShare7477" class="cnnOverlayMenu"> <div class="cnnShareThisBox"> <div class="cnnShareBoxHeader"><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTL"></div><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTR"></div></div> <div class="cnnShareBoxContent"> <div class="cnnShareContent"> <div class="cnn_share_this_content"> <div class="cnnShareThisTitle"> <a href="javascript:cnnHideOverlay('cnnShare7477');"><img src="" alt="Close" title="Close" width="12" height="12"/></a><span>Share this on:</span> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareFacebook" title="Share Bringing solar power to Israel, and the world on Facebook" href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareTwitter" title="Share Bringing solar power to Israel, and the world on Twitter" href=";text=Bringing%20solar%20power%20to%20Israel,%20and%20the%20world&amp;hashtags=cnn" target="_blank">Twitter</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDigg" title="Share Bringing solar power to Israel, and the world on Digg" href=";" target="_blank">Digg</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDelicious" title="Share Bringing solar power to Israel, and the world on" href="" onclick="';partner=cnn&amp;noui&amp;jump=close&amp;','toolbar=no,width=700,height=400'); 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Abramowitz, a three -time Nobel Peace Prize nominee, has been instrumental in helping Israel become one of the world’s major players in alternative energy.  <em>A 30-minute profile of Abramowitz will air on CNN&#039;s &#034;The Next List&#034; coming soon!</em></p> <p>As we approach Earth Day we will hear a lot about the threat of global warming and how solar power could be part of a solution to save the environment.</p> <p>Israeli innovator Yosef Abramowitz is so convinced renewable energy is the answer he’s made it his mission to install solar fields all over the world. The activist, dubbed “Captain Sunshine” because of his superhuman efforts to save the planet, pioneered the concept of “impact investing” to make his solar dream work.</p> <p>“I went in completely naïve about how hard it was going to be. We have to do something very proactive, very immediate,” says Abramowitz. “The need to replace burning fossil fuels is a clear and imminent danger to survival of our species. We’ve innovated an idea by bringing together technology, finance and regulation to save the world through solar power.”</p> <p>His idea stemmed from what he calls a serendipitous trip to the desert. In 2006, looking for a more laid-back lifestyle, Yosef and his wife, Rabbi Susan Silverman (sister of the comedian Sarah Silverman), moved with their five kids — including two adopted from Ethiopia — to Kibbutz Ketura in southern Israel. Abramowitz was raised in Boston but had fond memories of volunteering at the kibbutz after high school.</p> <p>Yosef says their plan for a quiet family sabbatical changed as soon as they arrived.</p> <p>“The sun, even though it was setting, was just burning our skin. I thought, ‘I’m sure the whole place works on solar power.&#039; ”</p> <p>But it didn’t, because solar power was non-existent in Israel. Abramowitz began taking classes in renewable energy and talking to people at the kibbutz about forming a company. He found partners with businessmen Ed Hofland, who lived on the kibbutz, and David Rosenblatt, based in New Jersey, and together they started Arava Power, the first company to sign a deal with the Israeli government for production of solar power.<br/> <a href="" class="more-link">FULL POST</a></p> </div> <div class="cnnPostFooter"> <table> <tr> <td> <div class="cnn_mugshot"> </div> </td> <td valign="top" class="cnn_padb20 cnn_author_info"> <span class="cnnBlogFiledBy">Post by:</span> <span class="cnn_author"><a href="" rel="tag">The Next List Staff -- CNN</a></span> <br/><span class="cnnBlogFiledBy cnn_categories">Filed under: <a href="" title="View all posts in Environment" rel="category tag">Environment</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Science" rel="category tag">Science</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Social change" rel="category tag">Social change</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in The Next List" rel="category tag">The Next List</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Video" rel="category tag">Video</a></span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div class="cnn_clear"></div> <div class="cnn-large-embed "></div></div><!-- IE7 background fix --> </div> <div class="cnn_post_separator"><div class="cnn_gap"></div><div class="cnn_gap cnn_gap_right"></div></div> <!-- /blog post 7477 --> <!-- blog post 7467 --> <div class="cnnPostWrap cnn_wh1600_post_separator"> <div class="cnnWideImage"> <div data-video-height="406" data-video-width="640" id="cnnCVP6" class="cnn_video cnn_video_large" data-video-class="cnn_video_large" data-video-url="showbiz/2012/04/05/the-next-list-peterson-creating-your-own-language.cnn" data-ssid="cnn.com_blogs_whatsnext_thenextlist" data-url="" data-context="640x406_stop_embed_onsite" data-image-url="" data-preset="blog_large" data-source="CNN" data-source-url="" data-video-headline="Creating your own language " data-actual-vid-height="391"><a href="">Click to watch video</a></div> </div> <div class="post-7467 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-innovation category-language category-the-next-list category-thinkers category-tv category-video tag-the-next-list-staff-cnn cnn_ie7_background_fix"> <div class="cnnLeftPost"> <div class="cnnFcIcon"></div> <div class="cnnBlogContentDateHead"> March 29th, 2013 </div> <div class="cnnGryTmeStmp">02:52 PM ET</div> <div class="cnn_share_links"> <div class="cnnOverlayMenuContainer"> <div id="cnnShare7467" class="cnnOverlayMenu"> <div class="cnnShareThisBox"> <div class="cnnShareBoxHeader"><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTL"></div><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTR"></div></div> <div class="cnnShareBoxContent"> <div class="cnnShareContent"> <div class="cnn_share_this_content"> <div class="cnnShareThisTitle"> <a href="javascript:cnnHideOverlay('cnnShare7467');"><img src="" alt="Close" title="Close" width="12" height="12"/></a><span>Share this on:</span> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareFacebook" title="Share David Peterson and the languages of 'Game of Thrones' on Facebook" href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareTwitter" title="Share David Peterson and the languages of 'Game of Thrones' on Twitter" href=";text=David%20Peterson%20and%20the%20languages%20of%20'Game%20of%20Thrones'&amp;hashtags=cnn" target="_blank">Twitter</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDigg" title="Share David Peterson and the languages of 'Game of Thrones' on Digg" href=";" target="_blank">Digg</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDelicious" title="Share David Peterson and the languages of 'Game of Thrones' on" href="" onclick="';partner=cnn&amp;noui&amp;jump=close&amp;','toolbar=no,width=700,height=400'); 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At the time, I really had no idea what the coming year held in store for me, so I did my best to look busy.</p> <p>I had recently joined Syfy&#039;s &#034;Defiance&#034; as a language creator, but hadn&#039;t yet done any serious translation work, and while I&#039;d finished my work on season two of HBO&#039;s &#034;Game of Thrones,&#034; there&#039;d been no discussions about season three up to that point. I remained hopeful, but that March I didn&#039;t really have much going on.</p> <p>During my first interview on the morning of twelfth, the &#034;Next List&#034; producer asked me if I&#039;d be working on the Valyrian language for the show&#039;s upcoming season. Immediately alarm bells went off, as I started to think back and wonder, &#034;Did I accidentally say anything?&#034;</p> <p>Though there had been no discussions, I and many assumed that some form of the Valyrian language would make an appearance in season three, but at that stage, any such discussion would have been premature, and certainly would have been covered by a non-disclosure agreement. Trying not to look too perturbed, I asked why she would ask that, and she told me that when she&#039;d interviewed executive producers Dan Weiss and David Benioff earlier, they&#039;d said I&#039;d be working on Valyrian this season.</p> <p>And that&#039;s how I learned I&#039;d be creating a new language for season three of &#034;<a href="">Game of Thrones</a>.&#034;</p> <p>For those tuning in to the &#034;Game of Thrones&#034; premiere this Sunday, you&#039;ll still have to suffer through a few subtitles, but the audio will sound a bit different from seasons past. Though there are a number of Dothraki speakers yet alive on the show, there&#039;s surprisingly little Dothraki this season. In its place is quite a bit of dialogue in two related languages: High and Low Valyrian.</p> <p>In George R. R. Martin&#039;s &#034;A Song of Ice and Fire,&#034; High Valyrian was meant to occupy the place Latin occupies in the Western world. Latin was the language of the Roman Empire, spoken commonly for several centuries in and around the Italian peninsula and beyond. It&#039;s the mother language for all the Romance languages spoken today (Italian, Spanish, French, Catalan, Romanian, etc.).</p> <p>High Valyrian, in turn, was the language of Martin&#039;s Valyrian Empire, an expansive domain that existed for several millennia before it was destroyed by a mysterious event cryptically referred to as the Doom. In its purest form, High Valyrian still exists as a language of scholarship and refinement, though its impact on the region was far greater.</p> <p>High Valyrian was taken up and creolized by the old Ghiscari Empire, where it&#039;s still spoken at the time of action in the books and the show. And it served as the mother language for the various Low Valyrian languages spoke in the Free Cities of Volantis, Braavos, Myr, Pentos, Lys, etc.</p> <p>This season, I worked on two of the Valyrian languages: High Valyrian (the oldest form of the language) and the Low Valyrian spoken in and around Slaver&#039;s Bay. To translate sentences into the latter variety of Valyrian, I would first translate them into High Valyrian, and then apply a series of phonological, semantic and grammatical changes to the text. The resulting language is approximately as different from High Valyrian as Old Spanish is from Classical Latin.</p> <p>If you watch the &#034;Game of Thrones&#034; premiere, you&#039;ll hear some of the Slaver&#039;s Bay variety of Valyrian. Both Nathalie Emmanuel and Dan Hildebrand do an outstanding job with their lines. I was extraordinarily pleased with their performances, and I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.</p> <p>And even if languages aren&#039;t your thing, I hope the Valyrian won&#039;t distract you from what I think is a truly superlative premiere for season three.</p> </div> <div class="cnnPostFooter"> <table> <tr> <td> <div class="cnn_mugshot"> </div> </td> <td valign="top" class="cnn_padb20 cnn_author_info"> <span class="cnnBlogFiledBy">Post by:</span> <span class="cnn_author"><a href="" rel="tag">The Next List Staff -- CNN</a></span> <br/><span class="cnnBlogFiledBy cnn_categories">Filed under: <a href="" title="View all posts in Innovation" rel="category tag">Innovation</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Language" rel="category tag">Language</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in The Next List" rel="category tag">The Next List</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Thinkers" rel="category tag">Thinkers</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in TV" rel="category tag">TV</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Video" rel="category tag">Video</a></span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div class="cnn_clear"></div> <div class="cnn-large-embed "></div></div><!-- IE7 background fix --> </div> <div class="cnn_post_separator"><div class="cnn_gap"></div><div class="cnn_gap cnn_gap_right"></div></div> <!-- /blog post 7467 --> <!-- blog post 7453 --> <div class="cnnPostWrap cnn_wh1600_post_separator"> <div class="cnnWideImage"> <div data-video-height="406" data-video-width="640" id="cnnCVP7" class="cnn_video cnn_video_large" data-video-class="cnn_video_large" data-video-url="health/2013/03/22/the-next-list-leslie-saxon-weekend-pkg.cnn" data-ssid="cnn.com_blogs_whatsnext_thenextlist" data-url="" data-context="640x406_stop_embed_onsite" data-image-url="" data-preset="blog_large" data-source="CNN" data-source-url="" data-video-headline="The Digital Heart Doc" data-actual-vid-height="391"><a href="">Click to watch video</a></div> </div> <div class="post-7453 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-science category-tech category-the-next-list category-video tag-the-next-list-staff-cnn cnn_ie7_background_fix"> <div class="cnnLeftPost"> <div class="cnnFcIcon"></div> <div class="cnnBlogContentDateHead"> March 22nd, 2013 </div> <div class="cnnGryTmeStmp">04:40 PM ET</div> <div class="cnn_share_links"> <div class="cnnOverlayMenuContainer"> <div id="cnnShare7453" class="cnnOverlayMenu"> <div class="cnnShareThisBox"> <div class="cnnShareBoxHeader"><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTL"></div><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTR"></div></div> <div class="cnnShareBoxContent"> <div class="cnnShareContent"> <div class="cnn_share_this_content"> <div class="cnnShareThisTitle"> <a href="javascript:cnnHideOverlay('cnnShare7453');"><img src="" alt="Close" title="Close" width="12" height="12"/></a><span>Share this on:</span> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareFacebook" title="Share Leading the Charge in Wireless Health on Facebook" href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareTwitter" title="Share Leading the Charge in Wireless Health on Twitter" href=";text=Leading%20the%20Charge%20in%20Wireless%20Health&amp;hashtags=cnn" target="_blank">Twitter</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDigg" title="Share Leading the Charge in Wireless Health on Digg" href=";" target="_blank">Digg</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDelicious" title="Share Leading the Charge in Wireless Health on" href="" onclick="';partner=cnn&amp;noui&amp;jump=close&amp;','toolbar=no,width=700,height=400'); 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Saxon, MD</strong>, Special to CNN</p> <p>Technologic advances don’t happen in isolation. There are many different elements— cultural and technologic — that must come together to turn an innovation into a scalable business product, and then, possibly—but rarely—a cultural phenomenon.</p> <p>The internet, for example, changed banking, journalism, and commerce in many parts of the world. But the connection, information, and convenience it afforded missed medicine because the innovation and the cultural desire hadn’t yet arrived. Advancing technologies will soon radically change healthcare. The cultural and technologic pieces are coming together like a rising storm. I remember, like it was yesterday, when we hosted our first University of Southern California Body Computing Conference. It was in 2007.</p> <p>I wanted to bring together various experts, from Academy Award winners to engineers, to imagine the future of healthcare in a digital world. In several instances, people left in a huff, or laughed off the notion of digital technology changing healthcare. Many of the physician-attendees said the change wouldn’t happen “for two decades.”</p> <p>The reactions interested me because, in my experience, where there is anger, there is also fear and irrationality.<br/> Just this week Congressional hearings debated digital medicine because lawmakers and regulators recognize that there are hundreds of millions of dollars—including the $10 million Tricorder X Prize—being invested in new, consumer-oriented technology. And these products will soon start hitting the market. At this point, some of the products are more marketing fluff than reality, while others are too difficult to use.</p> <p> <a href="" class="more-link">FULL POST</a></p> </div> <div class="cnnPostFooter"> <table> <tr> <td> <div class="cnn_mugshot"> </div> </td> <td valign="top" class="cnn_padb20 cnn_author_info"> <span class="cnnBlogFiledBy">Post by:</span> <span class="cnn_author"><a href="" rel="tag">The Next List Staff -- CNN</a></span> <br/><span class="cnnBlogFiledBy cnn_categories">Filed under: <a href="" title="View all posts in Science" rel="category tag">Science</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Tech" rel="category tag">Tech</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in The Next List" rel="category tag">The Next List</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Video" rel="category tag">Video</a></span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div class="cnn_clear"></div> <div class="cnn-large-embed "></div></div><!-- IE7 background fix --> </div> <div class="cnn_post_separator"><div class="cnn_gap"></div><div class="cnn_gap cnn_gap_right"></div></div> <!-- /blog post 7453 --> <!-- blog post 7439 --> <div class="cnnPostWrap cnn_wh1600_post_separator"> <div class="cnnWideImage"> <div data-video-height="406" data-video-width="640" id="cnnCVP8" class="cnn_video cnn_video_large" data-video-class="cnn_video_large" data-video-url="tech/2013/03/18/the-next-list-leslie-saxon-preview-1.cnn" data-ssid="cnn.com_blogs_whatsnext_thenextlist" data-url="" data-context="640x406_stop_embed_onsite" data-image-url="" data-preset="blog_large" data-source="CNN" data-source-url="" data-video-headline="The Digital Heart Doc" data-actual-vid-height="391"><a href="">Click to watch video</a></div> </div> <div class="post-7439 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-future category-innovation category-smartphones category-social-change category-tech category-the-next-list cnn_ie7_background_fix"> <div class="cnnLeftPost"> <div class="cnnFcIcon"></div> <div class="cnnBlogContentDateHead"> March 19th, 2013 </div> <div class="cnnGryTmeStmp">09:07 AM ET</div> <div class="cnn_share_links"> <div class="cnnOverlayMenuContainer"> <div id="cnnShare7439" class="cnnOverlayMenu"> <div class="cnnShareThisBox"> <div class="cnnShareBoxHeader"><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTL"></div><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTR"></div></div> <div class="cnnShareBoxContent"> <div class="cnnShareContent"> <div class="cnn_share_this_content"> <div class="cnnShareThisTitle"> <a href="javascript:cnnHideOverlay('cnnShare7439');"><img src="" alt="Close" title="Close" width="12" height="12"/></a><span>Share this on:</span> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareFacebook" title="Share Leslie Saxon: Better tech for better health on Facebook" href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareTwitter" title="Share Leslie Saxon: Better tech for better health on Twitter" href=";text=Leslie%20Saxon:%20Better%20tech%20for%20better%20health&amp;hashtags=cnn" target="_blank">Twitter</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDigg" title="Share Leslie Saxon: Better tech for better health on Digg" href=";" target="_blank">Digg</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDelicious" title="Share Leslie Saxon: Better tech for better health on" href="" onclick="';partner=cnn&amp;noui&amp;jump=close&amp;','toolbar=no,width=700,height=400'); 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For more on Saxon, watch &#034;The Next List,&#034; Sunday at 2:30 p.m. ET on CNN. </em></p> <p>What if tracking your heart rate and blood pressure was as simple as getting your e-mail?</p> <p>That’s the future <a href="">Dr. Leslie Saxon</a> imagines at the University of Southern California. She is chief of the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine at <a href="">USC’s Keck School of Medicine</a> and founded the university’s Center for Body Computing (known as the CBC). Saxon is determined to create digital tools that will allow doctors and patients to monitor and share health data.</p> <p>“It&#039;s almost obscene to think about how information is everywhere now and shared over the most trivial things, yet patients can&#039;t get even the data from an implanted device they have in their body. They&#039;re locked out,” says Saxon. “After 20 years, I finally understand that just telling the patient what to do in a paternalistic way doesn&#039;t result in good outcomes. Patients have to partner with you.”</p> <p>At the CBC, Saxon spearheaded a unique collaborative system with the university&#039;s schools of engineering, business and film, along with USC&#039;s athletics department, to research and develop wireless devices and health solutions.</p> <p>&#034;The essence of digital health is interdisciplinary connectivity,&#034; says Carmen Puliafito, dean of USC&#039;s Keck School of Medicine. &#034; And Leslie has been a true pioneer at that.&#034;</p> <p>“Within digital there’s a lot of ability to integrate different skill sets,” says Saxon, 53. “My brother’s a film producer. My husband’s a sportswriter. So I was always looking for a way to integrate what I did with the things I’m also passionate about.”</p> <p> <a href="" class="more-link">FULL POST</a></p> </div> <div class="cnnPostFooter"> <table> <tr> <td> <div class="cnn_mugshot"> </div> </td> <td valign="top" class="cnn_padb20 cnn_author_info"> <br/><span class="cnnBlogFiledBy cnn_categories">Filed under: <a href="" title="View all posts in Future" rel="category tag">Future</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Innovation" rel="category tag">Innovation</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Smartphones" rel="category tag">Smartphones</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Social change" rel="category tag">Social change</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Tech" rel="category tag">Tech</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in The Next List" rel="category tag">The Next List</a></span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div class="cnn_clear"></div> <div class="cnn-large-embed "></div></div><!-- IE7 background fix --> </div> <div class="cnn_post_separator"><div class="cnn_gap"></div><div class="cnn_gap cnn_gap_right"></div></div> <!-- /blog post 7439 --> <div class="cnnPostNavigation cnn_post_navigation cnn_post_navigation_home"> <span class="cnn_post_navigation_prev"><a href="">&#171; older posts</a></span> <span class="cnn_post_navigation_next"></span> <div class="cnn_clear"><img src="" alt=""/></div> </div> </div><!-- /cnnBlogContentArea --> </div> <div class="cnn_right_column"> <div id="cnnRightCol" class="cnn_right_col"> <div class="cnnRRBox"><div class="cnnRRBoxHeader"><img src="" width="4" height="4" alt=""></div><div class="cnnRRBoxContent"><div class="cnn_pksz_tp_hck"></div> <div id="sidebar" class="cnn_sidebar"> <!-- @start 2 --><div id="cnn_cnn_page_widget-3" class="widget-1 cnn_widget_first cnn_widget cnn_cnn_page_widget"><h3 class="cnn_widget_title">About this blog</h3><div class="cnn_social_icons"><a class="cnn_social_icon_rss cnn_social_icon" href=""><span class="cnn_social_icon_text">Subscribe</span></a> <div class="cnn_clear"></div> </div> <p>Welcome to “What’s Next” -- CNN’s hub for stories about innovation. 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