Law Society of Ireland
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} function validateEmailsMatch(oSrc, args) { var hasMatch = false; if ($('#confirmemail.ClientID').val().trim() === $('#email.ClientID').val().trim()) { hasMatch = true; } args.IsValid = hasMatch; } function validateConfirmCheck(oSrc, args) { var isChecked = false; if ($('#chkConfirmPassword.ClientID').is(':checked')) { isChecked = true; } args.IsValid = isChecked; } function validateCountyDropdown(oSrc, args) { var isValid = true; if ($('#ddlCountry.ClientID').val() == 98 || $('#ddlCountry.ClientID').val() == 222 || $('#ddlCountry.ClientID').val() == 74) { var length = $('#ddlCounty.ClientID').children('option').length; if (length > 2) { if ($('#ddlCounty.ClientID option:selected').val() == 0 || $('#ddlCounty.ClientID option:selected').val() == null) { isValid = false; } } args.IsValid = isValid; } } function validateCountryDropdown(oSrc, args) { var isValid = true; var length = $('#ddlCountry.ClientID').children('option').length; if (length > 2) { if ($('#ddlCountry.ClientID option:selected').val() == 0 || $('#ddlCountry.ClientID option:selected').val() == null) { isValid = false; } } args.IsValid = isValid; } function validateCountryDropdown(oSrc, args) { var isValid = true; if ($('#ddlCountry.ClientID option:selected').val() == 0 || $('#ddlCountry.ClientID option:selected').val() == null) { isValid = false; } args.IsValid = isValid; } function HideDuplicateEmailMessage() { var panelID = 'pnlRegistrationError.ClientID'; var panel = document.getElementById(panelID); if (panel) { = 'none'; } } $(document).ready(function () { $("#firstname").on("blur", function () { var isValid = true; var firstName = $(this).val(); // Required field validation // if (!firstName) { // isValid = false; // $("span[data-valmsg-for='firstname']").text("First name is required."); // } else { // $("span[data-valmsg-for='firstname']").text(""); // } // Regular expression validation var regex = /^[^\d]*$/; if (!regex.test(firstName)) { isValid = false; $("span[data-valmsg-for='firstname']").text("Numbers are not allowed in name."); $("#firstname").addClass('error'); } else { $("span[data-valmsg-for='firstname']").text(""); 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>Iran, Islamic Republic Of</option><option value='102' >Iraq</option><option value='98' selected>Ireland</option><option value='99' >Israel</option><option value='105' >Italy</option><option value='106' >Jamaica</option><option value='108' >Japan</option><option value='243' >Jersey</option><option value='107' >Jordan</option><option value='119' >Kazakhstan</option><option value='109' >Kenya</option><option value='112' >Kiribati</option><option value='115' >Korea, Democratic People's Republic Of</option><option value='116' >Korea, Republic Of</option><option value='249' >Kosovo</option><option value='117' >Kuwait</option><option value='110' >Kyrgyzstan</option><option value='120' >Lao People's Democratic Republic</option><option value='129' >Latvia</option><option value='121' >Lebanon</option><option value='126' >Lesotho</option><option value='125' >Liberia</option><option value='130' >Libyan Arab Jamahiriya</option><option value='123' >Liechtenstein</option><option value='127' >Lithuania</option><option value='128' >Luxembourg</option><option value='140' >Macao</option><option value='136' >Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of</option><option value='134' >Madagascar</option><option value='148' >Malawi</option><option value='150' >Malaysia</option><option value='147' >Maldives</option><option value='137' >Mali</option><option value='145' >Malta</option><option value='244' >Man, Isle of</option><option value='135' >Marshall Islands</option><option value='142' >Martinique</option><option value='143' >Mauritania</option><option value='146' >Mauritius</option><option value='235' >Mayotte</option><option value='149' >Mexico</option><option value='70' >Micronesia, Federated States Of</option><option value='133' >Moldova, Republic Of</option><option value='132' >Monaco</option><option value='139' >Mongolia</option><option value='245' >Montenegro</option><option value='144' >Montserrat</option><option value='131' >Morocco</option><option value='151' >Mozambique</option><option value='138' >Myanmar</option><option value='152' >Namibia</option><option value='161' >Nauru</option><option value='160' >Nepal</option><option value='158' >Netherlands</option><option value='8' >Netherlands Antilles</option><option value='153' >New Caledonia</option><option value='163' >New Zealand</option><option value='157' >Nicaragua</option><option value='154' >Niger</option><option value='156' >Nigeria</option><option value='162' >Niue</option><option value='155' >Norfolk Island</option><option value='141' >Northern Mariana Islands</option><option value='159' >Norway</option><option value='164' >Oman</option><option value='170' >Pakistan</option><option value='177' >Palau</option><option value='175' >Palestine, State of</option><option value='165' >Panama</option><option value='168' >Papua New Guinea</option><option value='178' >Paraguay</option><option value='166' >Peru</option><option value='169' >Philippines</option><option value='173' >Pitcairn</option><option value='171' >Poland</option><option value='176' >Portugal</option><option value='174' >Puerto Rico</option><option value='179' >Qatar</option><option value='180' >Reunion</option><option value='181' >Romania</option><option value='182' >Russian Federation</option><option value='183' >Rwanda</option><option value='246' >Saint Barthelemy</option><option value='190' >Saint Helena</option><option value='114' >Saint Kitts And Nevis</option><option value='122' >Saint Lucia</option><option value='172' >Saint Pierre And Miquelon</option><option value='226' >Saint Vincent And The Grenadines</option><option value='233' >Samoa</option><option value='195' >San Marino</option><option value='199' >Sao Tome And Principe</option><option value='184' >Saudi Arabia</option><option value='196' >Senegal</option><option value='247' >Serbia</option><option value='186' >Seychelles</option><option value='194' >Sierra Leone</option><option value='189' >Singapore</option><option value='193' >Slovakia</option><option value='191' >Slovenia</option><option value='185' >Solomon Islands</option><option value='197' >Somalia</option><option value='237' >South Africa</option><option value='86' >South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands</option><option value='65' >Spain</option><option value='124' >Sri Lanka</option><option value='187' >Sudan</option><option value='198' >Suriname</option><option value='192' >Svalbard And Jan Mayen</option><option value='202' >Swaziland</option><option value='188' >Sweden</option><option value='41' >Switzerland</option><option value='201' >Syrian Arab Republic</option><option value='217' >Taiwan</option><option value='208' >Tajikistan</option><option value='218' >Tanzania, United Republic Of</option><option value='207' >Thailand</option><option value='206' >Togo</option><option value='209' >Tokelau</option><option value='213' >Tonga</option><option value='215' >Trinidad And Tobago</option><option value='212' >Tunisia</option><option value='214' >Turkey</option><option value='211' >Turkmenistan</option><option value='203' >Turks And Caicos Islands</option><option value='216' >Tuvalu</option><option value='220' >Uganda</option><option value='219' >Ukraine</option><option value='2' >United Arab Emirates</option><option value='74' >United Kingdom</option><option value='222' >United States</option><option value='221' >United States Minor Outlying Islands</option><option value='223' >Uruguay</option><option value='224' >Uzbekistan</option><option value='231' >Vanuatu</option><option value='227' >Venezuela</option><option value='230' >Viet Nam</option><option value='228' >Virgin Islands, British</option><option value='229' >Virgin Islands, U.S.</option><option value='232' >Wallis And Futuna</option><option value='248' >West Bank</option><option value='63' >Western Sahara</option><option value='234' >Yemen</option><option value='236' >Yugoslavia</option><option value='238' >Zambia</option><option value='239' >Zimbabwe</option> </select> <span class="labelMsgError" id="cvCountry" style="display:none;">Please select a Country</span> </div> </div> <div class="row-div clearfix"> <div class="label-div"> <label for="telephone">Phone Number</label> </div> </div> <div class="row-div clearfix phone-input"> <div class="field-div table d-flex g-1 phoneNumberGroup"> <div class="Group1"> <div class="field-div table"> <select id="ddlPhoneCountryCode" class="drop-profile"> <option value="">Select a Country</option> <option value="3">Afghanistan (93)</option> <option value="6">Albania (355)</option> <option value="59">Algeria (213)</option> <option value="12">American Samoa (684)</option> <option value="1">Andorra (376)</option> <option value="9">Angola (244)</option> <option value="5">Anguilla (1264)</option> <option value="10">Antarctica (672)</option> <option value="4">Antigua And Barbuda (1268)</option> <option value="11">Argentina (54)</option> <option value="7">Armenia (374)</option> <option value="15">Aruba (297)</option> <option value="14">Australia (61)</option> <option value="13">Austria (43)</option> <option value="16">Azerbaijan (944)</option> <option value="30">Bahamas (1242)</option> <option value="23">Bahrain (973)</option> <option value="19">Bangladesh (880)</option> <option value="18">Barbados (1246)</option> <option value="34">Belarus (375)</option> <option value="20">Belgium (32)</option> <option value="35">Belize (501)</option> <option value="25">Benin (229)</option> <option value="26">Bermuda (1441)</option> <option value="31">Bhutan (975)</option> <option value="28">Bolivia (591)</option> <option value="17">Bosnia And Herzegovina (387)</option> <option value="33">Botswana (267)</option> <option value="32">Bouvet Island (47)</option> <option value="29">Brazil (55)</option> <option value="101">British Indian Ocean Territory (246)</option> <option value="27">Brunei Darussalam (673)</option> <option value="22">Bulgaria (359)</option> <option value="21">Burkina Faso (226)</option> <option value="24">Burundi (257)</option> <option value="111">Cambodia (855)</option> <option value="45">Cameroon (237)</option> <option value="36">Canada (1)</option> <option value="50">Cape Verde (238)</option> <option value="118">Cayman Islands (1345)</option> <option value="39">Central African Republic (236)</option> <option value="204">Chad (235)</option> <option value="44">Chile (56)</option> <option value="46">China (86)</option> <option value="51">Christmas Island (61)</option> <option value="240">Clipperton Island (0)</option> <option value="37">Cocos (Keeling) Islands (61)</option> <option value="47">Colombia (57)</option> <option value="113">Comoros (269)</option> <option value="40">Congo (242)</option> <option value="38">Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The (243)</option> <option value="43">Cook Islands (682)</option> <option value="48">Costa Rica (506)</option> <option value="42">Cote D'Ivoire (225)</option> <option value="94">Croatia (385)</option> <option value="49">Cuba (53)</option> <option value="52">Cyprus (357)</option> <option value="53">Czech Republic (420)</option> <option value="56">Denmark (45)</option> <option value="55">Djibouti (253)</option> <option value="57">Dominica (1767)</option> <option value="58">Dominican Republic (1809)</option> <option value="210">East Timor (670)</option> <option value="60">Ecuador (593)</option> <option value="62">Egypt (20)</option> <option value="200">El Salvador (503)</option> <option value="84">Equatorial Guinea (240)</option> <option value="64">Eritrea (291)</option> <option value="61">Estonia (372)</option> <option value="66">Ethiopia (251)</option> <option value="69">Falkland Islands (Malvinas) (500)</option> <option value="71">Faroe Islands (298)</option> <option value="68">Fiji (679)</option> <option value="67">Finland (358)</option> <option value="72">France (33)</option> <option value="77">French Guiana (594)</option> <option value="167">French Polynesia (689)</option> <option value="205">French Southern Territories (596)</option> <option value="73">Gabon (241)</option> <option value="81">Gambia (220)</option> <option value="241">Gaza Strip (970)</option> <option value="76">Georgia (995)</option> <option value="54">Germany (49)</option> <option value="78">Ghana (233)</option> <option value="79">Gibraltar (350)</option> <option value="85">Greece (30)</option> <option value="80">Greenland (299)</option> <option value="75">Grenada (1473)</option> <option value="83">Guadeloupe (590)</option> <option value="88">Guam (1671)</option> <option value="87">Guatemala (502)</option> <option value="242">Guernsey (44)</option> <option value="82">Guinea (224)</option> <option value="89">Guinea-Bissau (245)</option> <option value="90">Guyana (592)</option> <option value="95">Haiti (509)</option> <option value="92">Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands (692)</option> <option value="225">Holy See (Vatican City State) (379)</option> <option value="93">Honduras (504)</option> <option value="91">Hong Kong (852)</option> <option value="96">Hungary (36)</option> <option value="104">Iceland (354)</option> <option value="100">India (91)</option> <option value="97">Indonesia (62)</option> <option value="103">Iran, Islamic Republic Of (98)</option> <option value="102">Iraq (964)</option> <option value="98">Ireland (353)</option> <option value="99">Israel (972)</option> <option value="105">Italy (39)</option> <option value="106">Jamaica (1876)</option> <option value="108">Japan (81)</option> <option value="243">Jersey (44)</option> <option value="107">Jordan (962)</option> <option value="119">Kazakhstan (7)</option> <option value="109">Kenya (254)</option> <option value="112">Kiribati (686)</option> <option value="115">Korea, Democratic People's Republic Of (850)</option> <option value="116">Korea, Republic Of (82)</option> <option value="249">Kosovo (383)</option> <option value="117">Kuwait (965)</option> <option value="110">Kyrgyzstan (996)</option> <option value="120">Lao People's Democratic Republic (856)</option> <option value="129">Latvia (371)</option> <option value="121">Lebanon (961)</option> <option value="126">Lesotho (266)</option> <option value="125">Liberia (231)</option> <option value="130">Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (218)</option> <option value="123">Liechtenstein (423)</option> <option value="127">Lithuania (370)</option> <option value="128">Luxembourg (352)</option> <option value="140">Macao (853)</option> <option value="136">Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of (389)</option> <option value="134">Madagascar (261)</option> <option value="148">Malawi (265)</option> <option value="150">Malaysia (60)</option> <option value="147">Maldives (960)</option> <option value="137">Mali (223)</option> <option value="145">Malta (356)</option> <option value="244">Man, Isle of (44)</option> <option value="135">Marshall Islands (692)</option> <option value="142">Martinique (596)</option> <option value="143">Mauritania (222)</option> <option value="146">Mauritius (230)</option> <option value="235">Mayotte (269)</option> <option value="149">Mexico (52)</option> <option value="70">Micronesia, Federated States Of (691)</option> <option value="133">Moldova, Republic Of (373)</option> <option value="132">Monaco (377)</option> <option value="139">Mongolia (976)</option> <option value="245">Montenegro (382)</option> <option value="144">Montserrat (1664)</option> <option value="131">Morocco (212)</option> <option value="151">Mozambique (258)</option> <option value="138">Myanmar (95)</option> <option value="152">Namibia (264)</option> <option value="161">Nauru (674)</option> <option value="160">Nepal (977)</option> <option value="158">Netherlands (31)</option> <option value="8">Netherlands Antilles (599)</option> <option value="153">New Caledonia (687)</option> <option value="163">New Zealand (64)</option> <option value="157">Nicaragua (505)</option> <option value="154">Niger (227)</option> <option value="156">Nigeria (234)</option> <option value="162">Niue (683)</option> <option value="155">Norfolk Island (672)</option> <option value="141">Northern Mariana Islands (1670)</option> <option value="159">Norway (47)</option> <option value="164">Oman (968)</option> <option value="170">Pakistan (92)</option> <option value="177">Palau (680)</option> <option value="175">Palestine, State of (970)</option> <option value="165">Panama (507)</option> <option value="168">Papua New Guinea (675)</option> <option value="178">Paraguay (595)</option> <option value="166">Peru (51)</option> <option value="169">Philippines (63)</option> <option value="173">Pitcairn (870)</option> <option value="171">Poland (48)</option> <option value="176">Portugal (351)</option> <option value="174">Puerto Rico (1787)</option> <option value="179">Qatar (974)</option> <option value="180">Reunion (262)</option> <option value="181">Romania (40)</option> <option value="182">Russian Federation (7)</option> <option value="183">Rwanda (250)</option> <option value="246">Saint Barthelemy (590)</option> <option value="190">Saint Helena (290)</option> <option value="114">Saint Kitts And Nevis (1869)</option> <option value="122">Saint Lucia (1758)</option> <option value="172">Saint Pierre And Miquelon (508)</option> <option value="226">Saint Vincent And The Grenadines (1784)</option> <option value="233">Samoa (685)</option> <option value="195">San Marino (378)</option> <option value="199">Sao Tome And Principe (239)</option> <option value="184">Saudi Arabia (966)</option> <option value="196">Senegal (221)</option> <option value="247">Serbia (381)</option> <option value="186">Seychelles (248)</option> <option value="194">Sierra Leone (232)</option> <option value="189">Singapore (65)</option> <option value="193">Slovakia (421)</option> <option value="191">Slovenia (386)</option> <option value="185">Solomon Islands (677)</option> <option value="197">Somalia (252)</option> <option value="237">South Africa (27)</option> <option value="86">South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands (500)</option> <option value="65">Spain (34)</option> <option value="124">Sri Lanka (94)</option> <option value="187">Sudan (249)</option> <option value="198">Suriname (597)</option> <option value="192">Svalbard And Jan Mayen (378)</option> <option value="202">Swaziland (268)</option> <option value="188">Sweden (46)</option> <option value="41">Switzerland (41)</option> <option value="201">Syrian Arab Republic (963)</option> <option value="217">Taiwan (886)</option> <option value="208">Tajikistan (992)</option> <option value="218">Tanzania, United Republic Of (225)</option> <option value="207">Thailand (66)</option> <option value="206">Togo (228)</option> <option value="209">Tokelau (690)</option> <option value="213">Tonga (676)</option> <option value="215">Trinidad And Tobago (1868)</option> <option value="212">Tunisia (216)</option> <option value="214">Turkey (90)</option> <option value="211">Turkmenistan (993)</option> <option value="203">Turks And Caicos Islands (1649)</option> <option value="216">Tuvalu (688)</option> <option value="220">Uganda (256)</option> <option value="219">Ukraine (380)</option> <option value="2">United Arab Emirates (971)</option> <option value="74">United Kingdom (44)</option> <option value="222">United States (1)</option> <option value="221">United States Minor Outlying Islands (1)</option> <option value="223">Uruguay (598)</option> <option value="224">Uzbekistan (998)</option> <option value="231">Vanuatu (678)</option> <option value="227">Venezuela (58)</option> <option value="230">Viet Nam (84)</option> <option value="228">Virgin Islands, British (1284)</option> <option value="229">Virgin Islands, U.S. (1340)</option> <option value="232">Wallis And Futuna (681)</option> <option value="248">West Bank (970)</option> <option value="63">Western Sahara (212)</option> <option value="234">Yemen (967)</option> <option value="236">Yugoslavia (0)</option> <option value="238">Zambia (260)</option> <option value="239">Zimbabwe (263)</option> </select> <span class="labelMsgError" id="cvCountry" style="display:none;">Please select a Country</span> </div> <input type="number" id="phoneAreaCode" class="area-code" title="Prefix" placeholder="Prefix" /> </div> <div class="Group2"> <input type="number" id="phoneRegister" class="phone-number" title="Phone Number" placeholder="Phone number" /> </div> <span style="margin-left: 20px;" id="spanValidatorPhone1"></span> </div> </div> <div class="row-div clearfix"> <div class="label-div"> <label for="mobile">Mobile Phone Number</label> </div> </div> <div class="row-div clearfix phone-input"> <div class="field-div table d-flex g-1 phoneNumberGroup"> <div class="Group1"> <div class="field-div table"> <select id="ddlmobileCountryCode" class="drop-profile"> <option value="">Select a Country</option> <option value="3">Afghanistan (93)</option> <option value="6">Albania (355)</option> <option value="59">Algeria (213)</option> <option value="12">American Samoa (684)</option> <option value="1">Andorra (376)</option> <option value="9">Angola (244)</option> <option value="5">Anguilla (1264)</option> <option value="10">Antarctica (672)</option> <option value="4">Antigua And Barbuda (1268)</option> <option value="11">Argentina (54)</option> <option value="7">Armenia (374)</option> <option value="15">Aruba (297)</option> <option value="14">Australia (61)</option> <option value="13">Austria (43)</option> <option value="16">Azerbaijan (944)</option> <option value="30">Bahamas (1242)</option> <option value="23">Bahrain (973)</option> <option value="19">Bangladesh (880)</option> <option value="18">Barbados (1246)</option> <option value="34">Belarus (375)</option> <option value="20">Belgium (32)</option> <option value="35">Belize (501)</option> <option value="25">Benin (229)</option> <option value="26">Bermuda (1441)</option> <option value="31">Bhutan (975)</option> <option value="28">Bolivia (591)</option> <option value="17">Bosnia And Herzegovina (387)</option> <option value="33">Botswana (267)</option> <option value="32">Bouvet Island (47)</option> <option value="29">Brazil (55)</option> <option value="101">British Indian Ocean Territory (246)</option> <option value="27">Brunei Darussalam (673)</option> <option value="22">Bulgaria (359)</option> <option value="21">Burkina Faso (226)</option> <option value="24">Burundi (257)</option> <option value="111">Cambodia (855)</option> <option value="45">Cameroon (237)</option> <option value="36">Canada (1)</option> <option value="50">Cape Verde (238)</option> <option value="118">Cayman Islands (1345)</option> <option value="39">Central African Republic (236)</option> <option value="204">Chad (235)</option> <option value="44">Chile (56)</option> <option value="46">China (86)</option> <option value="51">Christmas Island (61)</option> <option value="240">Clipperton Island (0)</option> <option value="37">Cocos (Keeling) Islands (61)</option> <option value="47">Colombia (57)</option> <option value="113">Comoros (269)</option> <option value="40">Congo (242)</option> <option value="38">Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The (243)</option> <option value="43">Cook Islands (682)</option> <option value="48">Costa Rica (506)</option> <option value="42">Cote D'Ivoire (225)</option> <option value="94">Croatia (385)</option> <option value="49">Cuba (53)</option> <option value="52">Cyprus (357)</option> <option value="53">Czech Republic (420)</option> <option value="56">Denmark (45)</option> <option value="55">Djibouti (253)</option> <option value="57">Dominica (1767)</option> <option value="58">Dominican Republic (1809)</option> <option value="210">East Timor (670)</option> <option value="60">Ecuador (593)</option> <option value="62">Egypt (20)</option> <option value="200">El Salvador (503)</option> <option value="84">Equatorial Guinea (240)</option> <option value="64">Eritrea (291)</option> <option value="61">Estonia (372)</option> <option value="66">Ethiopia (251)</option> <option value="69">Falkland Islands (Malvinas) (500)</option> <option value="71">Faroe Islands (298)</option> <option value="68">Fiji (679)</option> <option value="67">Finland (358)</option> <option value="72">France (33)</option> <option value="77">French Guiana (594)</option> <option value="167">French Polynesia (689)</option> <option value="205">French Southern Territories (596)</option> <option value="73">Gabon (241)</option> <option value="81">Gambia (220)</option> <option value="241">Gaza Strip (970)</option> <option value="76">Georgia (995)</option> <option value="54">Germany (49)</option> <option value="78">Ghana (233)</option> <option value="79">Gibraltar (350)</option> <option value="85">Greece (30)</option> <option value="80">Greenland (299)</option> <option value="75">Grenada (1473)</option> <option value="83">Guadeloupe (590)</option> <option value="88">Guam (1671)</option> <option value="87">Guatemala (502)</option> <option value="242">Guernsey (44)</option> <option value="82">Guinea (224)</option> <option value="89">Guinea-Bissau (245)</option> <option value="90">Guyana (592)</option> <option value="95">Haiti (509)</option> <option value="92">Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands (692)</option> <option value="225">Holy See (Vatican City State) (379)</option> <option value="93">Honduras (504)</option> <option value="91">Hong Kong (852)</option> <option value="96">Hungary (36)</option> <option value="104">Iceland (354)</option> <option value="100">India (91)</option> <option value="97">Indonesia (62)</option> <option value="103">Iran, Islamic Republic Of (98)</option> <option value="102">Iraq (964)</option> <option value="98">Ireland (353)</option> <option value="99">Israel (972)</option> <option value="105">Italy (39)</option> <option value="106">Jamaica (1876)</option> <option value="108">Japan (81)</option> <option value="243">Jersey (44)</option> <option value="107">Jordan (962)</option> <option value="119">Kazakhstan (7)</option> <option value="109">Kenya (254)</option> <option value="112">Kiribati (686)</option> <option value="115">Korea, Democratic People's Republic Of (850)</option> <option value="116">Korea, Republic Of (82)</option> <option value="249">Kosovo (383)</option> <option value="117">Kuwait (965)</option> <option value="110">Kyrgyzstan (996)</option> <option value="120">Lao People's Democratic Republic (856)</option> <option value="129">Latvia (371)</option> <option value="121">Lebanon (961)</option> <option value="126">Lesotho (266)</option> <option value="125">Liberia (231)</option> <option value="130">Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (218)</option> <option value="123">Liechtenstein (423)</option> <option value="127">Lithuania (370)</option> <option value="128">Luxembourg (352)</option> <option value="140">Macao (853)</option> <option value="136">Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of (389)</option> <option value="134">Madagascar (261)</option> <option value="148">Malawi (265)</option> <option value="150">Malaysia (60)</option> <option value="147">Maldives (960)</option> <option value="137">Mali (223)</option> <option value="145">Malta (356)</option> <option value="244">Man, Isle of (44)</option> <option value="135">Marshall Islands (692)</option> <option value="142">Martinique (596)</option> <option value="143">Mauritania (222)</option> <option value="146">Mauritius (230)</option> <option value="235">Mayotte (269)</option> <option value="149">Mexico (52)</option> <option value="70">Micronesia, Federated States Of (691)</option> <option value="133">Moldova, Republic Of (373)</option> <option value="132">Monaco (377)</option> <option value="139">Mongolia (976)</option> <option value="245">Montenegro (382)</option> <option value="144">Montserrat (1664)</option> <option value="131">Morocco (212)</option> <option value="151">Mozambique (258)</option> <option value="138">Myanmar (95)</option> <option value="152">Namibia (264)</option> <option value="161">Nauru (674)</option> <option value="160">Nepal (977)</option> <option value="158">Netherlands (31)</option> <option value="8">Netherlands Antilles (599)</option> <option value="153">New Caledonia (687)</option> <option value="163">New Zealand (64)</option> <option value="157">Nicaragua (505)</option> <option value="154">Niger (227)</option> <option value="156">Nigeria (234)</option> <option value="162">Niue (683)</option> <option value="155">Norfolk Island (672)</option> <option value="141">Northern Mariana Islands (1670)</option> <option value="159">Norway (47)</option> <option value="164">Oman (968)</option> <option value="170">Pakistan (92)</option> <option value="177">Palau (680)</option> <option value="175">Palestine, State of (970)</option> <option value="165">Panama (507)</option> <option value="168">Papua New Guinea (675)</option> <option value="178">Paraguay (595)</option> <option value="166">Peru (51)</option> 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