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Information also provided for 3,600 nuclides and 4,400 nuclide decay modes.">Periodic Table</a><li><a href="/yogi/environmental/200912_nitrogen_dioxide_ozone_and_lead_endanger_children.html" title="Scientists from the University of California, Irvine have found that Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Ozone (O3) react with surfaces painted with lead based paint to increase the release of lead from said paint posing an even greater risk for children.">Nitrogen Dioxide, Ozone & Lead Partner to Increase Pollution Dangers to Urban Children</a><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/200611CO2globalwarming.html" title="Why is carbon dioxide, a life sustaining, compound considered pollution and how do scientists know that humans are responsible for the increasing levels of CO2 in the atmosphere and global warming?">CO<sub>2</sub> Pollution and Global Warming</a></ul><h3 class="H3M" title="Going green can save money and energy while helping to protect the environment.">Go Green</h3><ul class="PMenu"><li><div><A HREF="/gogreen/ecorenovation/70shouse/" title="A series of articles documenting the eco renovation a house built in 1970 and reviewing products used in the renovation. We expect the renovations ...">70s House Eco Renovation </A></div><ul class="SM"><li>Redecorating<ul class="SM"><li><A HREF="/gogreen/ecorenovation/70shouse/paintingwalls.html" title="Bright walls require less light, Low VOC options, recycled painting supplies.">Painting Walls</A><li><A HREF="/gogreen/ecorenovation/70shouse/replacingcarpets.html" title="Soybean based padding, recycled PET carpets, low VOCs, reduced health concerns">Replacing Carpets</A><li><A HREF="/gogreen/ecorenovation/70shouse/lightfixtures.html" title="Better ambiance, energy efficient CFLs">Updating Light Fixtures</A></ul><li>Bathroom Renovation<ul class="SM"><li><A HREF="/gogreen/ecorenovation/70shouse/showerhead.html" title="An easy DIY project that will result in immediate savings.">Installing a low flow showerhead </A></ul><li>Switching to Renewable Energy<ul class="SM"><li><A HREF="/gogreen/ecorenovation/70shouse/buycleanelectricity.html" title="One of the easiest ways for us to reduce our carbon footprint by around 1.5 tons per year was to start buying our electricity from a clean power pr...">Buying local clean power electricity</A></ul><li>Kitchen Renovation - Coming in 2010 or 2011<li>Weatherization - Coming late 2009<ul class="SM"><li><A HREF="/gogreen/ecorenovation/70shouse/initialenergyaudit.html" title="This energy audit was conducted on our house to help us prioritize weatherization and energy efficiency projects.">Energy Audit</A><li><A HREF="/gogreen/ecorenovation/70shouse/revisedreturnoninvestment.html" title="These are updated return on investment calculations for the energy audit that was conducted on our house and reflect updated information.">Revised ROI Calculations</A></ul></ul></ul><h3 class="H3M">Environmental Issues</h3><ul class="PMenu"><li><div>Consumer Health & Food Safety Concerns</div><ul class="SM"><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/200701fluorideininfantdiets.html" title="Based on American Dental Association recommendations, many infants and small children may be getting too much fluoride in their diets, which may po...">ADA Recommendation for Fluoride in Infant Diets</A><li>Asbestos<ul class="SM"><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/asbestoshistory2004.html">Asbestos, a Brief History its Uses & Health Risks</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/asbestosproperties2004.html">Asbestos, its Chemical & Physical Properties</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/asbestoshealthhazards2004.html">Asbestos: A Manufacturing Health Hazard Dating to Prehistoric Times</A></ul><li>Dry-Cleaning Chemicals<ul class="SM"><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/200603percholorethylene.html" title="According to the EPA, we all may be exposed to perc because it is found in the air and drinking water nationwide.">Looking Good, Feeling Bad; or, What's the Problem with Perc?</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/200605drycleaning.html" title="The vast majority of America's dry cleaners use perc - are there viable alternatives? The three most prominent non-perc cleaning options are examin...">Are there Realistic Dry-Cleaning Alternatives to Perc?</A></ul><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/200603tefloncoverup.html" title="Court records and internal documents have shown that DuPont has been covering up the true dangers of Teflon for decades.">DuPont's Teflon Cover-up</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/200804childrenautismadhd.html" title="While the generally accepted causes of neurodevelopmental disorders like Autism and ADHD include genetic and environmental factors, a wide range of...">Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Children: Autism & ADHD</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/200601pcbsinfood.html" title="PCBs a notoriously hazardous group of chemicals have infiltrated our food chain.">PCBs in the food you love</A><li>Seafood Safety<ul class="SM"><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/200511mercuryvsomega-3fattyacids.html" title="In spite of the health benefits provided by omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oils, people are decreasing fish in their diets due to high levels of...">Mercury in Fish vs. the Benefits of Fish Oils</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/200605norwegiansalmon.html" title="The quality and safety of Norwegian farmed salmon came into question with a Russian ban, illegal nitrate use and evidence of a Norwegian cover up.">Norwegian Farmed Salmon Raises Global Concern</A></ul><li><A HREF="/yogi/hazmat/200606lawnchemicals.html" title="Each year consumers paint their lawns with various fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides. These chemicals can be deadly if used incorrectly.">The Dangers of Lawn Chemicals at Home</A></ul><li><div>Energy & Sustainablity</div><ul class="SM"><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/200802biofuels.html" title="Whatever their motivation - be it energy independence for the U.S. or an attempt at fighting climate change for Europe - world governments are now ...">Biofueling to the future</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/200611CO2globalwarming.html" title="Why is carbon dioxide considered pollution and how do scientists know that humans are responsible for climate change?">CO<sub>2</sub> Pollution and Global Warming</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/200704compactfluorescentlights.html" title="Do compact Fluorescent lights really save money, how well do they perform? See what we found out, then calculate your potential savings.">Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs): Are They Worth the Switch?</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/200706energyinnovation.html" title="In a mere 100 years we have depleted the equivalent of millions of years' worth of solar energy captured by ancient organisms and locked up in oil,...">Global Trends in Energy Technology Innovation</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/200608hydrogenfuelcells.html" title="Energy sources of the future will have to be cleaner and more efficient than current sources - hydrogen fuel cells fulfill these requirements; howe...">Hydrogen Fuel Cells: Energy of the Future</A></ul><li><div>Environmental Disasters</div><ul class="SM"><li>Chernobyl<ul class="SM"><li><A HREF="/yogi/hazmat/articles/chernobyl1.html" title="In 1996 we revisited the Chernobyl disaster and looked at what the impacts were ten years on.">Chernobyl Revisited</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/hazmat/articles/chernobyl2.html" title="Agricultural and Environmental Impact of the Chernobyl disaster">Agricultural and Environmental Impact</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/hazmat/articles/chernobyl3.html" title="Chernobyl was a real turning point for nuclear energy.">A Turning Point</A></ul><li><A HREF="/yogi/hazmat/articles/bhopal.html" title="Why would anyone choose to work in the hazardous waste industry?">From Bhopal to Hazardous Waste Compliance</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/hazmat/articles/grownups.html" title="What was it like growing up in Love Canal NY, which became one of the Superfund Act's first Superfund hazardous waste site.">Love Canal NY: Grownups Don't Do Blue Goo</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/200606katrina.html" title="New Orleans communities were destroyed and lives uprooted as water came cascading onto the Bayou. Did the damage have to be so devastating?">New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina & the Oil Industry</A></ul><li><div>Politics and Policy</div><ul class="SM"><li><A HREF="/yogi/hazmat/articles/nimby.html" title="In whose backyard does our hazardous waste end up?">Environmental Justice and the NIMBY Principle</A><li>Prairie Dogs: Small mammal, big controversy<ul class="SM"><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/200703prairiedogs.html" title="In the Midwest U.S. the matter of whether prairie dogs are a threatened species or an over populated public health nuisance that causes severe econ...">Prairie Dogs: A Threatened Species or Public Health Nuisance?</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/200704prairiedogcontrolnonlethal.html" title="A discussion of differenct non-lethal prairie dog control measures.">Prairie Dog Control: Non-Lethal Techniques</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/200704prairiedogcontrollethal.html" title="A discussion of differenct lethal prairie dog control measures.">Prairie Dog Control: Lethal Techniques</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/200706prairiedogreconciliation.html" title="The concept of reconciliation ecology is to accommodate wild species within a human modified or occupied landscape. So how can this be applied to p...">Can Prairie Dogs be Managed Utilizing Reconciliation Ecology?</A></ul><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/pseudoscience2004.html" title="Pseudoscience that threatens the integrity of science in America.">Pseudoscience: A Threat to Our Environment</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/200608junkscience.html" title="Do you know how to separate science from pseudoscience? Many websites are sponsored by organizations that have specific agendas.">Sorting out Science from Junk Science</A></ul><li><div>Pollution - Air</div><ul class="SM"><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/200602airpollution.html" title="Air pollution caused by products you use every day can harm your health.">Effects of Air Pollution on your health</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/mercurypollution2005-pt2.html" title="Clean Air Act Amendments of 1970 and 1977 Set the Stage for the Mercury Calamity of the 21st Century.">Clean Air Act Contributing to Mercury Problem</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/200912_nitrogen_dioxide_ozone_and_lead_endanger_children.html" title="Scientists at the University of California, Irvine have found that Nitrogen Dioxide and Ozone react with surfaces painted with lead based paint to ...">Nitrogen Dioxide, Ozone & Lead Partner to Increase Pollution Dangers to Urban Children</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/200602outdoorwoodfurnaces.html" title="Emissions from outdoor wood burning stoves drift across property lines raising health concerns for neighbors.">The Heat facing Outdoor Wood Furnaces & Boilers</A></ul><li><div>Pollution - Water</div><ul class="SM"><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/200510hudsonriverpcbs.html" title="Many parties are responsible for the decades-long PCB contamination of the Hudson River. Who must ultimately pay the price for cleanup? Forensic ch...">PCBs in New York's Hudson River</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/mercurypollution2005.html" title="Outdated coal fired powerplants are contributing to increased mercury levels in lakes and streams.">Increased Mercury Levels Attributed to Industrial Activities</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/200512concordriverpollution.html" title="In Massachusetts, the Concord River, along with its tributaries, serve as an example of the implications that pollutants can have on our environment.">Environmental Pollution of the Concord River</A></ul><li><div>Waste & Recycling</div><ul class="SM"><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/household.html" title="There are a lot of dangerous chemicals in your home. Here are some things to do to make it safer.">Guide to Handling Household Chemicals</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/200604recycledpaper.html" title="Just like anything else, the recycled paper you buy may not always be what it seems.">How Well Do You Know Recycled Paper?</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/hazmat/articles/trash.html" title="Many municipal landfills have the situation well in hand; do you?">Protecting Wildlife from Trash</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/200702plasticrecycling.html" title="Where do recyclable plastics go? If a plastic makes it into the recycling loop, it will go through many processes before it emerges as a recycled p...">Plastics - From Recycling Bin to New Product</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/200705rohs.html" title="The European Union (EU) member states are taking action and holding manufacturers responsible for the hazardous materials in their products.">RoHS: Europe's Initiative to Control Technological Waste</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/medicalwaste.html" title="Gives insight as to how medical waste is disposed of in America.">Treatment of Biohazardous Waste</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/wastehistory.html" title="Do you want to be a Garbologist?">The History of Waste</A></ul></ul><h3 class="H3M">Chemistry</h3><ul class="PMenu"><li><div>Articles</div><ul class="SM"><li><A HREF="/yogi/periodic/atom_anatomy.html" title="Explains the structure of atoms and how this affects the way they interact with each other.">Anatomy of the Atom</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/chemistry/pcb.html" title="PCB, The Manmade Chemicals That Won't Go Away">The Chemistry of Polychlorinated Biphenyls</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/reference/molar.html" title="A tutorial on Molar mass calculations with examples and a molecular weight calculator to aid calculations.">Molar Mass Calculations and Molecular Weight Calculator</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/chemistry/MolarityMolalityNormality.html" title="Introduces stoichiometry and explains the differences between molarity, molality and normality.">Stoichiometry: Molarity, Molality and Normality</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/chemistry/200609fluorine.html" title="Fluoride's derivatives have many uses other than as a mouthwash.">What You Do and Don't Know About Fluorine</A></ul><li><div>Reference Resources</div><ul class="SM"><li><A HREF="/yogi/chemicals/" title="An indexed directory of common chemicals used in industry and household products.">Chemical Database</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/chemistry/dictionary/index.html" title="Defines many of the technical terms and acronyms used on this site as well as many other terms.">Chemistry Dictionary</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/periodic/" title="Comprehensive data for each element of the periodic table including up to 40 properties, common chemical compounds. Information also provided for 3...">Periodic Table of Elements</A><li><label for="PTOEDDD">Sort periodic table by: <select onchange="window.location='/yogi/periodic/'+this.options[this.selectedIndex].value+'.html'" id="PTOEDDD"><option SELECTED>select order<option value="atomicradius">Atomic Radius<option value="boilingpoint">Boiling Point<option value="covalentradius">Covalent Radius<option value="crosssection">Cross Section<option value="crystal">Crystal Structure<option value="density">Density<option value="electrical">Electrical Conductivity<option value="electronegativity">Eletronegativity<option value="meltingpoint">Freezing Point<option value="vaporization">Heat of Vaporization<option value="ionicradius">Ionic Radius<option value="1stionization">Ionization Potential<option value="mass">Mass Average<option value="meltingpoint">Melting Point<option value="name">Name<option value="index">Periodic Table<option value="series">Series<option value="symbol">Symbol<option value="thermal">Thermal Conductivity<option value="year">Year of Discovery</select></label></ul></ul><h3 class="H3M">Hazardous Materials</h3><ul class="PMenu"><li><div>Household</div><ul class="SM"><li><A HREF="/yogi/environmental/household.html" title="There are a lot of dangerous chemicals in your home. Here are some things to do to make it safer.">Guide to Handling Household Chemicals</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/hazmat/200606lawnchemicals.html" title="Each year consumers paint their lawns with various fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides. These chemicals can be deadly if used incorrectly.">The Dangers of Lawn Chemicals at Home</A></ul><li><div>Industry</div><ul class="SM"><li><A HREF="/yogi/hazmat/erg/" title="An online version of the USDOT ERG which is for first responders during the initial phase of a HazMat incident.">Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG)</A><ul class="SM"><li>List materials by<ul class="SM"><li><A HREF="/yogi/hazmat/erg/">UN Number</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/hazmat/erg/ob/name.html">Material Name</A></ul></ul><li><A HREF="/yogi/hazmat/table/" title="USDOT hazardous materials table from 49CFR 172.101.">49CFR USDOT Hazardous Materials Table</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/hazmat/placards/" title="Images and definitions of hazardous materials placards required by the USDOT when transporting dangerous goods.">USDOT HazMat Placards</A><ul class="SM"><li><label for="PlacardDD" title="Select hazard class/division"><select onchange="window.location='/yogi/hazmat/placards/'+this.options[this.selectedIndex].value+'.html'" id="PlacardDD"><option SELECTED> Select Class/Div.<option value="class1">1 Explosives<option value="class2">2 Compressed Gas<option value="class3">3 Flammable Liquid<option value="class4">4 Flammable Solids<option value="class5">5 Oxidizers<option value="class6">6.1 Poisons<option value="class7">7 Radioactives<option value="class8">8 Corrosives<option value="class9">9 Miscellaneous<option value="etc">Related Markings</select></label></ul><li><A HREF="/yogi/hazmat/compliance/quiz.html" title="Test your knowledge of USDOT HazMat placarding regulations (49CFR).">Placarding Quiz</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/hazmat/placards/PlacardingCD.html" title="Contains clipart versions of hazmat placards. Includes USDOT hazmat transportation training modules as a free bonus.">USDOT HazMat Placards CD & training modules</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/hazmat/compliance/200601ExceptionsExemptionsVariances.html" title="All Leniencies are not created equally, what are the differences?">Exceptions, Exemptions and Variances</A><li><A HREF="/yogi/hazmat/compliance/HazMatTransportionPermitSystem.html" title="Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's hazardous materials transportation permitting system.">FMCSA HazMat Transportion Permit System</A></ul></ul></nav></div></div><div class="VB ColumnHeight ScreenOnly"></div></div><nav><div class="BN"><ul class="BNUL"><li class="BNLI"><A href="/yogi/privacy.html" class="BNA">Privacy Statement</A><li class="BNLI"><A href="/terms.html" class="BNA">Terms of Service</A><li class="BNLI"><a href="/yogi/about.html" class="BNA">About Us</a><li class="BNLI"><a href="/" class="BNA">Site Directory</a><li class="BNLI"><A href="/contact.html" class="BNA">Contact Us</a><li class="BNLI"><A href="" class="BNA">Follow Us on Twitter</a></ul></div></nav><footer><div class="Copyright">Copyright 1995 - 2024 Kenneth L Barbalace (<a href="" title="Custom website development and database application development in Saco Maine.">J.K. 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