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Misrepresentation and fraudulent non-disclosure consequences of Australians with endometriosis not disclosing cannabis use to life insurers</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Proudfoot, Andrew John & Duffy, Sarah & Sinclair, Justin & Mezyk, Robert & Armour, Mike <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>aq9d7_v2 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/aq9d7_v2.html">Longer-term effects of COVID-19 on the visitation of German Christmas markets</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Spennemann, Dirk Heinrich Rudolph <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>aq9d7_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/aq9d7_v1.html">Longer-term effects of COVID-19 on the visitation of German Christmas markets</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Spennemann, Dirk Heinrich Rudolph <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>97maz_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/97maz_v1.html">Pay-it-forward to Increase the Uptake of Pneumococcal Vaccine among Older Adults: A Two-arm Randomized Controlled Trial in China</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Qin, Jiao & Wei, Liangjia & Tao, Chunxing & He, Jinfeng & Wu, Da & Huang, Ting & Qin, Shiyu & Su, Qiuqian & Gao, Yanxiao & Chen, Shuiming <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>95qbv_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/95qbv_v1.html">Where to Draw The Line: Impacts of Threshold Choice on Measures of Transport Poverty</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Klumpenhouwer, Willem & Karner, Alex <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>q9ym5_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/q9ym5_v1.html">Dramatic Productivity Improvements through AI in a Minimal-Budget Organization: A Case Study of a Minor Sport’s National Governing Body in Japan (Japanese)</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Shinohara, Hajime <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>bsu95_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/bsu95_v1.html">Continuous Vs Discontinuous Data Imputation In Connected Complex Time Series: A Topological And Chaos Theory Framework With Evidence From U.S. Real Gdp Growth</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Gómez, José M. <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>yh94d_v3 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/yh94d_v3.html">Documentary films can increase nationwide interest in plant-based food</A></B><BR><I>by</I> thomas, anna & Hope, Jessica Elizabeth & Mathur, Maya B <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>c9q3b_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/c9q3b_v1.html">Comparative judgement as a research tool: a meta-analysis of application and reliability</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Kinnear, George & Jones, Ian & Davies, Ben <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>am92y_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/am92y_v1.html">A data-driven approach to spatial interaction models of migration: Integrating and refining the theories of Competing Destinations and Intervening Opportunities</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Liao, Mengyu & Oshan, Taylor M. <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>rgs87_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/rgs87_v1.html">Long-term lifetime trends of large appliances since the introduction in Norwegian households</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Krych, Kamila & Pettersen, Johan Berg <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>n7a9s_v2 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/n7a9s_v2.html">A Method for Imputing Ordinal Responses at the Intersection of Misfitting Items and Persons in a Guttman Scale</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Balbuena, Sherwin <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>n7a9s_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/n7a9s_v1.html">A Method for Imputing Ordinal Responses at the Intersection of Misfitting Items and Persons in a Guttman Scale</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Balbuena, Sherwin <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>t7qz8_v3 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/t7qz8_v3.html">Towards efficient and rapid fire suppression using interconnected fire-craft and continuous water supply</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Moustafa, Khaled <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>7s68d <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/7s68d.html">The lie of undocumented settlement and its permutations: Garo land rights and racial capitalism in Madhupur</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Scanlan, Oliver & Mankhin, Anitta & Ritchil, Parag <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>dc7p6_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/dc7p6_v1.html">Don’t Shoot the Pianist: Creative firms, workers, and neighbourhood gentrification</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Kitsos, Tasos & Nathan, Max & Gutierrez-Posada, Diana <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>7ay6p_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/7ay6p_v1.html">Liberal economic institutions predict decreases in relative poverty, but only in developed, individualist societies: a global analysis, 2000–2019</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Rutar, Tibor & Hočevar, Marko <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>7fdb4_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/7fdb4_v1.html">The "Opportunity-Based Approach" for Sustainable Development of Non-Profit Organizations: A Case Study of Japan Korfball Association Japanese version</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Shinohara, Hajime <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>s72zg_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/s72zg_v1.html">Critical Pathways to Resilience: Assessing Road Network Failures and Their Impact on Evacuation Accessibility in Borongan City</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Pabico, Jaderick <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>d7vu2_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/d7vu2_v1.html">Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-21) for Finnish-speaking Adults: Validation and Normative Data</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Vähäsarja, Luka Elliott Joonatan & Lipsanen, Jari & Kouvonen, Anne & Lahelma, Eero & Lappalainen, Raimo & Virtanen, Marianna & Lallukka, Tea <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>np64v_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/np64v_v1.html">Modelling the impact of lower speed limits on residential streets for cyclist level of traffic stress and car travel time in Greater Melbourne</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Jafari, Afshin & Pemberton, Steve & Tiwari, Sapan & Saghapour, Tayebeh & Chand, Nikhil & Zapata-Diomedi, Belen & Giles-Corti, Billie <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>6ja3b_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/6ja3b_v1.html">Health and Inequality in Under-Five Mortality Rates: A Longitudinal Multilevel Analysis in South America (2000-2020)</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Bietti, Federico U. & Bietti, Lucas M <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>m5sd9_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/m5sd9_v1.html">Aerial e-mobility perspective: Anticipated designs and operational capabilities of eVTOL urban air mobility (UAM) aircraft</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Marzouk, Osama A. <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>5am9q_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/5am9q_v1.html">Power Rules: Practical Statistical Power Calculations</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Rainey, Carlisle <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>g5hw7_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/g5hw7_v1.html">A Framework for Multimodal Document Intelligence and Fraud Prevention: Leveraging AI and Machine Learning-Enabled Device for Enhanced Decision-Making (Powered by DeepSeek-R1 and AI Agents)</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Kamlakshya, Tikhnadhi & Hota, Ashish <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>56wpj_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/56wpj_v1.html">Practical Benefits of Discounting Historical Audit Samples using Normalized Power Priors</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Derks, Koen & Mensink, Lotte & Smid, Wiert & de swart, jacques & wetzels, ruud <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>w5um6_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/w5um6_v1.html">From Singing in the Rain to Tears in the Rain: Socio-demographic Trends and Pessimism during New Hollywood</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Reiter, Daniel & Lamm, Claus & Martins, Mauricio <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>u5yn3_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/u5yn3_v1.html">Exploring the Influencing Factors of Public Electric Vehicle Charger Usage in Great Britain</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Feng, Zixin & Zhao, Qunshan & Heppenstall, Alison <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>s4gy6_v2 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/s4gy6_v2.html">Reinterpreting Maxwell with the General Field Quantisation Theorem has implications for the Yang-Mills mass gap</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Vrba, Anton Lorenz <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>4u62z <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/4u62z.html">The Continue Fail of African Countries: evidence of some countries stuck in underdevelopment</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Sandambi, Nerhum <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>4g6ws_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/4g6ws_v1.html">The Epidemiology of Alcohol Use and Alcohol Use Disorder among Young Adult Injury Patients in Northern Tanzania</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Mwita, Winfrida C. & Keating, Elizabeth M & Philemon, Rune Nathaniel & Muro, Florida & Mmbaga, Blandina & Msuya, Sia E. & de Oliveira, Aline Chotte & Staton, Catherine A <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>s4gy6_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/s4gy6_v1.html">Reinterpreting Maxwell with the General Field Quantisation Theorem has implications for the Yang-Mills mass gap</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Vrba, Anton Lorenz <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>c45us_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/c45us_v1.html">The "Opportunity-Based Approach" for Sustainable Development of Non-Profit Organizations: A Case Study of Japan Korfball Association</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Shinohara, Hajime <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>a4r3g_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/a4r3g_v1.html">Adaptive reuse in industrial farm buildings: nesting critical (infra)structures of trans-species care</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Sleigh, Ruby Natasha <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>nd3c9_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/nd3c9_v1.html">Analytic Methodology for Childhood Predictor Analyses for Wave 1 of the Global Flourishing Study</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Padgett, R. Noah & Bradshaw, Matt & Chen, Ying & Cowden, Richard & Jang, Sung Joon & Kim, Eric & Shiba, Koichiro & Johnson, Byron R. & VanderWeele, Tyler J. <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>3h9yp_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/3h9yp_v1.html">A multi-model relationship detection method to assist with naïve exploration of high-dimensional data</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Wiley, James Christopher & English, Simon & Church, Kinsey & Ward, Richard A & Flowers, James & Chamoun, Céline <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>hz3w7_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/hz3w7_v1.html">Institutional Deficit and its Effect on Afghan Political Order: Narrative of Decay within the Government</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Yaqubi, Abdullah & Hussainy, Sayed Mahdi <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>a3d6z_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/a3d6z_v1.html">Data-Driven Innovation for Trustworthy AI</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Siddharth, L. & Luo, Jianxi <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>us346 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/us346.html">Variance Explained (Vx): A General, Model-Based Approach for Explaining and Partitioning Variance</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Bednall, Timothy Colin <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>b2ds9_v2 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/b2ds9_v2.html">U.S. exorbitant privilege: Expected vs. realized</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Lewis, Angus <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>h29mq_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/h29mq_v1.html">Public sector culture does not increase honest behavior: Evidence from RCTs in five countries</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Sulitzeanu-Kenan, Raanan & Tepe, Markus & Alon-Barkat, Saar & Erlbruch, Florian & Yair, Omer & Jankowski, Michael & Prokop, Christine <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>b2ds9_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/b2ds9_v1.html">U.S. exorbitant privilege: Expected vs. realized</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Lewis, Angus <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>2gvy8_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/2gvy8_v1.html">The Price of Dignity: Measuring Migrants' Metaperceptions using Behavioral Games</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Zhou, Yang-Yang & , Rojas Daniel & Peters, Margaret E. & Kappos, Cybele <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>2u4jb_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/2u4jb_v1.html">Analyzing Risk Exposure Determinants in European Banking: A Regulatory Perspective</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Arnone, Massimo & Costantiello, Alberto & Leogrande, Angelo <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>hs23f_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/hs23f_v1.html">Is the self a blind spot in our approaches to achieving sustainability?</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Stark, Hendrik & Dorjee, Dusana & Trautwein, Fynn-Mathis & Frank, Pascal & Cooper, Kira Jade & Lutz, Martina & Braeunig, Matthias & Ericson, Torgeir & Lodoe, Tenzin & Schmidt, Stefan <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>bsu95 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/bsu95.html">Continuous Vs Discontinuous Data Imputation In Connected Complex Time Series: A Topological And Chaos Theory Framework With Evidence From U.S. Real Gdp Growth</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Gómez, José M. <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>95qbv <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/95qbv.html">Where to Draw The Line: Impacts of Threshold Choice on Measures of Transport Poverty</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Klumpenhouwer, Willem & Karner, Alex <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>wuyp9_v4 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/wuyp9_v4.html">CHOAMs are All You Need: Using Urban Chains of Activities to Uncover the Relationship Between Mobility, Diversity, and Value</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Baciu, Dan Costa <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>a9wbe_v3 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/a9wbe_v3.html">How important are environmentally unsustainable non-essential hotel service components to tourists? A discrete choice experiment</A></B><BR><I>by</I> von Briel, Dorine & Kemperman, Astrid & Dolnicar, Sara <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>wuyp9_v3 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/wuyp9_v3.html">CHOAMs are All You Need: Using Urban Chains of Activities to Uncover the Relationship Between Mobility, Diversity, and Value</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Baciu, Dan Costa <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>wuyp9_v2 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/wuyp9_v2.html">CHOAMs are All You Need: Using Urban Chains of Activities to Uncover the Interplay Between Mobility, Diversity, and Value</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Baciu, Dan Costa <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>cekm9_v2 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/cekm9_v2.html">AI Reliance and Decision Quality: Fundamentals, Interdependence, and the Effects of Interventions</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Schoeffer, Jakob & Jakubik, Johannes & Vössing, Michael & Kühl, Niklas & Satzger, Gerhard <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>9zadu_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/9zadu_v1.html">Extreme Weather Events: Perception, Pro-Environmental Behavior, and the Tools to Measure Them</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Donovan, Christopher & Shrum, Trisha <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>sc9wp_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/sc9wp_v1.html">Combining spatial clustering and spatial regression models to understand distributional inequities in access to urban green spaces</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Adorno, Bruno Vargas & Pereira, Rafael Henrique Moraes & Amaral, Silvana <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>9kwfp_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/9kwfp_v1.html">Examining the Dynamics of Saving Inequality between 1995 and 2018: Evidence from 10 Western Countries</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Moawad, Jad <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>rp9cj_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/rp9cj_v1.html">Enhancing machine-related safety on farms: A systematic review</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Surendran, Aswathi Ms & Mc Sharry, Jenny & Di Domenico, Rossella & Meredith, David & Meade, Oonagh & malone, sandra & O'Hora, Denis <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>f9rqg_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/f9rqg_v1.html">Bayesian beta regressions with brms in R: A tutorial for phoneticians</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Coretta, Stefano & Bürkner, Paul - Christian <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>vx9kq_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/vx9kq_v1.html">Provincializing exception: the creation of (anti) tribal spaces in British India, 1776 - 1874</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Scanlan, Oliver <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>dr9wn_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/dr9wn_v1.html">Dedução Fiscal Para Financiamento Sindical No Brasil: Um Caminho Sustentável Para O Fortalecimento Sindical</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Oliveira, Marcelo Alves <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>euy8z_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/euy8z_v1.html">Solution-System Fit: The missing ingredient for lean innovation within complex systems</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Dabash, Omar & Huckvale, Kit <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>ua8qz_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/ua8qz_v1.html">Beach Revolution: The Future of Coastal Areas Through Year-Round Sports Activities (Japanese)</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Shinohara, Hajime <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>8usxn_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/8usxn_v1.html">Stop Splitting Hairs: The Problems with Dichotomizing Continuous Data in Language Research</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Hemelstrand, Shawn & Inoue, Tomohiro <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>ch8uk_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/ch8uk_v1.html">Time Tetris: a longitudinal study on compressed schedules and workplace well-being at IKEA</A></B><BR><I>by</I> du Bois, Kristen & Baert, Stijn & Lippens, Louis & Derous, Eva <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>aqgf8_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/aqgf8_v1.html">The framing of opportunity to provoke high risk-taking decisions for radical innovation</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Carleton, Tamara & Cockayne, William <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>7ay6p <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/7ay6p.html">Liberal economic institutions predict decreases in relative poverty, but only in developed, individualist societies: a global analysis, 2000–2019</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Rutar, Tibor & Hočevar, Marko <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>7fdb4 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/7fdb4.html">The "Opportunity-Based Approach" for Sustainable Development of Non-Profit Organizations: A Case Study of Japan Korfball Association</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Shinohara, Hajime <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>d7vu2 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/d7vu2.html">Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-21) for Finnish-speaking Adults: Validation and Normative Data</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Vähäsarja, Luka Elliott Joonatan & Lipsanen, Jari & Kouvonen, Anne & Lahelma, Eero & Lappalainen, Raimo & Virtanen, Marianna & Lallukka, Tea <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>pywm7_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/pywm7_v1.html">The Effects of Fare-Free Transit on the Travel Behavior of Older Adults</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Vieira, Renato. S. & Pereira, Rafael H. M. & Emanuel, Lucas & Alves, Pedro Jorge <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>h7wte_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/h7wte_v1.html">Developing back-up plans to protect vital sectors in extreme pandemics</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Mulhall, James & Ozbek, Okan & Tial, Biak & Bowker-Lonnecker, Lin & Keßeler, Niklas & Kiilu, Natalie & Montazeri, Nadia & Misurya, Shreeman & Wescombe, Noah & Denkenberger, David C. <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>x7bes_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/x7bes_v1.html">Gravity Model applied on Trade Flows between Portugal and the OECD</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Sandambi, Nerhum <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>rj7yh_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/rj7yh_v1.html">Implementing Discrete Choice Experiments using Ngene and Qualtrics</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Simonsen, Nick <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>uyqn7_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/uyqn7_v1.html">Transition Design for a Sustainable Meat and Alternatives Supply Chain in Japan: Three Transition Scenarios Envisioning 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<B>tn5rx_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/tn5rx_v1.html">Decentralized Intelligence in GameFi: Embodied AI Agents and the Convergence of DeFi and Virtual Ecosystems</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Jia, Fernando & Zheng, Jade & Li, Florence <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>eb5rx_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/eb5rx_v1.html">Evolving Security Landscape In The Black Sea: Strategic Shifts, Regional Dynamics, And European Implications</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Tulun, Teoman Ertuğrul <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>tx5kp_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/tx5kp_v1.html">Evidence of Political Impact on California Fires in 2003, 2017-2018, and 2020</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Goldstein, Leo <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>vbrm5_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/vbrm5_v1.html">The right turn: Modeling driver yielding behavior to e-scooter riders</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Rasch, Alexander & Morando, Alberto & Thalya, Prateek <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>5enwk_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/5enwk_v1.html">Symmetric Sampling and the Discrete Laws of Physics (4): Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle is “incomplete”</A></B><BR><I>by</I> van Heel, Marin <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>a4r3g <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/a4r3g.html">Adaptive reuse in industrial farm buildings: nesting critical (infra)structures of trans-species care</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Sleigh, Ruby Natasha <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>j4ney_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/j4ney_v1.html">The Limitations of Closed-System Reasoning in NHS Improvement Initiatives</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Adamou, Marios <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>e4pwh_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/e4pwh_v1.html">Where Did They Come From, Where Did They Go: Analysis of Formula 1 Driver Career Paths</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Law, Imogen <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>hjp4z_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/hjp4z_v1.html">Forecasting rural depopulation in Spain</A></B><BR><I>by</I> González-Leonardo, Miguel <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>4bnqj_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/4bnqj_v1.html">Media Minds - ouder panel</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Lab, Connected Minds & van den Bos, Wouter <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>wqbe4_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/wqbe4_v1.html">Politicians from 12 countries rarely engage with researchers on social media, but this can change when expertise gains salience</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Ramirez-Ruiz, Sebastian <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>4kxsu_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/4kxsu_v1.html">Estimating Heterogeneity in Intuitive Prosociality</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Kvarven, Amanda & Strømland, Eirik & Torsvik, Gaute <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>nd3c9 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/nd3c9.html">Analytic Methodology for Childhood Predictor Analyses for Wave 1 of the Global Flourishing Study</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Padgett, R. Noah & Bradshaw, Matt & Chen, Ying & Cowden, Richard & Jang, Sung Joon & Kim, Eric & Shiba, Koichiro & Johnson, Byron R. & VanderWeele, Tyler J. <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>hz3w7 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/hz3w7.html">Institutional Deficit and its Effect on Afghan Political Order: Narrative of Decay within the Government</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Yaqubi, Abdullah & Hussainy, Sayed Mahdi <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>a3d6z <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/a3d6z.html">Data-Driven Innovation for Trustworthy AI</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Siddharth, L. & Luo, Jianxi <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>ncqz3_v2 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/ncqz3_v2.html">Knowledge of Technological Artefacts: Investigating the Linguistic and Structural Foundations</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Siddharth, L. & Luo, Jianxi <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>rx3vj_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/rx3vj_v1.html">Fractal Market Hypothesis: An In-Depth Review</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Ambati, Murari <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>ahkd3_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/ahkd3_v1.html">Unleashing the Potential of Large Language Models in the Finance Industry</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Lee, Heungmin <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>cyz3k_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/cyz3k_v1.html">The Relevance of Visual Backgrounds in Video Conferencing in Professional Telework Contexts</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Stautner, Stefan <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>ek3gd_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/ek3gd_v1.html">Renewable Energy Strategies in Oil-Dependent Economies A Comparative Study of Global Efforts with Focus on the Middle East</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Koul, Sanjay <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>2gvy8 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/2gvy8.html">The Price of Dignity: Measuring Migrants' Metaperceptions using Behavioral Games</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Zhou, Yang-Yang & , Rojas Daniel & Peters, Margaret E. & Kappos, Cybele <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>2u4jb <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/2u4jb.html">Analyzing Risk Exposure Determinants in European Banking: A Regulatory Perspective</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Arnone, Massimo & Costantiello, Alberto & Leogrande, Angelo <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>bg2uq_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/bg2uq_v1.html">Towards a decentralized geospatial web — risks and opportunities for GIScience</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Hoopes, John & Oshan, Taylor M. <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>wzq2b_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/wzq2b_v1.html">The Crumbling Ivory Tower: Academia's Fall from Knowledge Citadel to Status Marketplace</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Oliver, James <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>m2euv_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/m2euv_v1.html">Analysis of Immigration Travel Documents: Legal Framework and Practical Challenges</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Tambunan, Alrin & Wiyono, Satrio Bagus <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>t2vhj_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/t2vhj_v1.html">Ideas on a Model of Economic Growth for the UK: An Integrated Framework</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Adamou, Marios <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>u2tyv_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/u2tyv_v1.html">Wild Experiments? Restricting Narratives in Research on Alternative Food and Agriculture Networks</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Maurer, Moritz <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>kmvn2_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/kmvn2_v1.html">Understanding socio-economic struggles: A study of the experience of the poor in selected sub-Saharan African countries</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Sandambi, Nerhum <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>vnf2s_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/vnf2s_v1.html">Symbiosis of Gothic and Narrative: A Comparative Study of Lovecraft and Hedayat</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Madandar Arani, Sara <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>9zadu <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/9zadu.html">Extreme Weather Events: Perception, Pro-Environmental Behavior, and the Tools to Measure Them</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Donovan, Christopher & Shrum, Trisha <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>sc9wp <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/sc9wp.html">Combining spatial clustering and spatial regression models to understand distributional inequities in access to urban green spaces</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Adorno, Bruno Vargas & Pereira, Rafael Henrique Moraes & Amaral, Silvana <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>vx9kq <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/vx9kq.html">Provincializing exception: the creation of (anti) tribal spaces in British India, 1776 - 1874</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Scanlan, Oliver <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>8usxn <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/8usxn.html">Stop Splitting Hairs: The Problems with Dichotomizing Continuous Data in Language Research</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Hemelstrand, Shawn & Inoue, Tomohiro <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>aqgf8 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/aqgf8.html">The framing of opportunity to provoke high risk-taking decisions for radical innovation</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Carleton, Tamara & Cockayne, William <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>uyqn7 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/uyqn7.html">Transition Design for a Sustainable Meat and Alternatives Supply Chain in Japan: Three Transition Scenarios Envisioning Future Food Systems</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Fujisaki, Maoko & Fujimaki, Shiori & Mochizuki, Taro & Mashimo, Naoki & Taki, Kenichi & Takasaki, Kenji & Saijo, Miki & Taoka, Yuki & Nakatani, Momoko & Ohashi, Takumi <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>rksv7 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/rksv7.html">The global smartphone market</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Sandambi, Nerhum <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>x7bes <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/x7bes.html">Gravity Model applied on Trade Flows between Portugal and the OECD</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Sandambi, Nerhum <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>7kumt <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/7kumt.html">Symmetric Sampling and the Discrete Laws of Physics (3): The Mathematics of Discrete Physics</A></B><BR><I>by</I> van Heel, Marin <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>7dhqr <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/7dhqr.html">Household structure in Ghana: Exploring dynamics over three decades</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Ackah, Josephine Akua & Sear, Rebecca & McLean, Estelle & Awusabo-Asare, Kofi & Hassan, Anushé & Achana, Fabian Sebastian & Walters, Sarah <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>bn6tg <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/bn6tg.html">"Did I buy that just now?" – Investigating factors influencing the accuracy of food choice self-reports in a simulated online grocery store</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Manzke, Leonie & O'Sullivan, Kevin & Tiefenbeck, Verena <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>dac5h <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/dac5h.html">Giáo dục Phổ thông Toàn cầu năm 2024: Đổi mới và Cách biệt</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Hoang, Anh-Duc <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>tx5kp <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/tx5kp.html">Evidence of Political Impact on California Fires in 2003, 2017-2018, and 2020</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Goldstein, Leo <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>eb5rx <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/eb5rx.html">Evolving Security Landscape In The Black Sea: Strategic Shifts, Regional Dynamics, And European Implications</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Tulun, Teoman Ertuğrul <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>5enwk <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/5enwk.html">Symmetric Sampling and the Discrete Laws of Physics (4): Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle is “incomplete”</A></B><BR><I>by</I> van Heel, Marin <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>ezfx5 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/ezfx5.html">Ideas on a Model of Economic Growth for the UK: An Integrated Framework</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Adamou, Marios <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>tn5rx <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/tn5rx.html">Decentralized Intelligence in GameFi: Embodied AI Agents and the Convergence of DeFi and Virtual Ecosystems</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Jia, Fernando & Zheng, Jade & Li, Florence <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>hjp4z <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/hjp4z.html">Forecasting rural depopulation in Spain</A></B><BR><I>by</I> González-Leonardo, Miguel <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>j4ney <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/j4ney.html">The Limitations of Closed-System Reasoning in NHS Improvement Initiatives</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Adamou, Marios <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>e4pwh <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/e4pwh.html">Where Did They Come From, Where Did They Go: Analysis of Formula 1 Driver Career Paths</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Law, Imogen <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>4kxsu <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/4kxsu.html">Estimating Heterogeneity in Intuitive Prosociality</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Kvarven, Amanda & Strømland, Eirik & Torsvik, Gaute <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>uxzwv_v3 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/uxzwv_v3.html">Why Non-Scientists Are Needed to Advance Science</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Morales, Manuel <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>ahkd3 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/ahkd3.html">Unleashing the Potential of Large Language Models in the Finance Industry</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Lee, Heungmin <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>cyz3k <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/cyz3k.html">The Relevance of Visual Backgrounds in Video Conferencing in Professional Telework Contexts</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Stautner, Stefan <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>yfmve_v2 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/yfmve_v2.html">What They Don't Tell You About Conspiracy Theories: Genius-Driven Science and Informal Science Communication Predict Susceptibility to Conspiracy Beliefs</A></B><BR><I>by</I> D'Errico, Michele & Yasseri, Taha <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>uamxy_v2 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/uamxy_v2.html">Understanding the Paradox of Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior: Development and Validation of a New Thought Experiment Measure</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Liu, Chuanjun & Zou, Lemei & Wu, Junhong & Wang, Taolin & Abbas, Syed Zain <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>uxzwv_v2 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/uxzwv_v2.html">Why Non-Scientists Are Needed to Advance Science</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Morales, Manuel <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>u2tyv <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/u2tyv.html">Wild Experiments? Restricting Narratives in Research on Alternative Food and Agriculture Networks</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Maurer, Moritz <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>t2vhj <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/t2vhj.html">Ideas on a Model of Economic Growth for the UK: An Integrated Framework</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Adamou, Marios <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>jvkcp_v2 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/jvkcp_v2.html">Nexic Reasoning: Defining a Generalized Calculus Over Anthropic Parameters</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Benander, Ajax <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>kmvn2 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/kmvn2.html">Understanding socio-economic struggles: A study of the experience of the poor in selected sub-Saharan African countries</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Sandambi, Nerhum <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>m2euv <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/m2euv.html">Analysis of Immigration Travel Documents: Legal Framework and Practical Challenges</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Tambunan, Alrin & Wiyono, Satrio Bagus <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>eqwgn_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/eqwgn_v1.html">The Kids are Online: Research-Driven Insights on Child Safety Policy</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Luria, Michal & Bhatia, Aliya <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>btpdx_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/btpdx_v1.html">The Role of Social Protection During COVID-19 in Bangladesh</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Morshed, Monzur <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>kfvbp_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/kfvbp_v1.html">Monitoring and Removing Scored Test Questions for Biased Functioning: A Macro Ethics Case Study on Social Work Licensure</A></B><BR><I>by</I> DeCarlo, Matthew Peter <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>gszrf_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/gszrf_v1.html">Levelling the Playing Field? How Social Class and Internships Influence Perceived Employability amongst UK University Students</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Vines, Sarah & Gobel, Matthias S <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>uxzwv_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/uxzwv_v1.html">Why Non-Scientists Are Needed to Advance Science</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Morales, Manuel <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>ujyec_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/ujyec_v1.html">How Politics Percolates Through Science Assessment</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Choi, Dahyun <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>auzhf_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/auzhf_v1.html">Evaluación de la consistencia de la nueva Estadística de Migraciones y Cambios de Residencia con la Estadística de Variaciones Residenciales y la Estadística de Migraciones</A></B><BR><I>by</I> González-Leonardo, Miguel <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>wsryf_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/wsryf_v1.html">The Awakening Society: Conscious Anarchy as a New Beginning</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Marozau, Raman <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>wupyt_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/wupyt_v1.html">Ideas on a Model of Economic Growth for the UK: An Integrated Framework</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Adamou, Marios <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>xmwgy_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/xmwgy_v1.html">Assessing compliance with UK loot box industry self-regulation on the Apple App Store: a longitudinal study on the implementation process</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Xiao, Leon Y. & Lund, Mie <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>dhcxp_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/dhcxp_v1.html">Unlocking African bioeconomy through biodiversity genomics and bioinformatics</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Hayah, Ichrak & Ezebuiro, Victor & Kagame, Samuel Paul & Kuja, Josiah O. & Waruhiu, Cecilia & Nesengani, Lucky Tendani & Mdyogolo, Sinebongo & Molotsi, Annelin & Abechi, Priscilla & Abushady, Asmaa M. <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>gdrtn_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/gdrtn_v1.html">Dimensionless Fractals and the Emergent Universe: A Path to Unifying Quantum and Relativity</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Juegos, Adam <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>akuqn_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/akuqn_v1.html">Trends of Violence in Movies over the Past Half Century</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Fotouhi, Babak & Tohidi, Amir & Touserkani, Rouzbeh & Bushman, Brad J. <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>uscxh_v1 <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/uscxh_v1.html">What Lies Behind the Answers: Applying Machine Learning to Understand Tenants’ Reaction to Eviction</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Ren, Cheng & Thomas, Timothy A. & Chen, Xin & ZHOU, LEYI <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>xmwgy <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/xmwgy.html">Assessing compliance with UK loot box industry self-regulation on the Apple App Store: a longitudinal study on the implementation process</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Xiao, Leon Y. & Lund, Mie <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>gdrtn <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/gdrtn.html">Dimensionless Fractals and the Emergent Universe: A Path to Unifying Quantum and Relativity</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Juegos, Adam <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> <B>gszrf <A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/gszrf.html">Levelling the Playing Field? 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