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It can be restored after renewal.<br> <p> 为避免域名被删除或被他人注册,请联系您的<a href="" class="tick_reference_tag">域名服务商</a>尽快完成续费:<br> 1. 若您是<a href="" class="tick_reference_tag">西部数码</a>会员,请登<a href="" class="tick_reference_tag">西部数码官网</a>,进入:管理中心->域名管理->已经到期,找到该域名,完成域名续费;<br> 2. 若您的域名服务由西部数码代理商提供,请您联系您的代理商咨询续费事宜。<br> </p> </div> </div> <div class="whoisinfo-layout"> <div class="get-time"> <!--查询框 开始--> <form action="" method="post" onsubmit="return submitchecken(this);" class="whoisinfo-query-form clearfix"> <div class="domext-wrapper f-l"> <label > <input checked value=".top" type="checkbox" /> .top </label> <label > <input checked value=".com" type="checkbox" /> .com </label> <label > <input checked value=".cn" type="checkbox" /> .cn </label> <label > <input checked value=".net" type="checkbox" /> .net </label> <label > <input checked value=".xyz" type="checkbox" /> .xyz </label> </div> <input type="text" class="whois-search-input f-l" onclick="javascript:if(this.value=='请输入您想查询的域名,例如'){this.value='';};'#444444';" name="searchedDomainName" placeholder="请输入您想查询的域名,例如" autocomplete="off" style="color: rgb(186, 186, 186);"> <button type="submit" class="whois-btn f-l">立即查询</button> <input type="hidden" value="domainsearch" name="module"> <input type="hidden" value="IntDomain" name="searchType"> <input type="hidden" value="check" name="action"> <input type="hidden" value="one" name="zxwpds"> <input type="hidden" value="" name="suffix"> </form> <!--查询框 结束--> </div> </div> <div class="westh5"> <a target="_blank" href="" class="tick_reference_tag"><img src="" alt="弹性云优惠升级"/></a> </div> <div class="west"> <div class="westpc"> <a target="_blank" href="" class="tick_reference_tag"><img src="" alt="弹性云优惠升级" style="border: 1px solid #eee"/></a> </div> </div> <div class="menu"> <ul> <li><a target="_blank" href="" class="tick_reference_tag" title="注册.com域名仅需29元!">注册.com域名仅需29元!</a> </li> <li><a target="_blank" href="" class="tick_reference_tag" title="用.chat玩转ChatGPT">用.chat玩转ChatGPT</a> </li> <li><a target="_blank" href="" class="tick_reference_tag" title="域名有什么用处?">域名有什么用?</a> </li> <li><a target="_blank" href="" class="tick_reference_tag" title="注册一个域名需要多少钱?">注册域名需要多少钱?</a> </li> <li><a target="_blank" href="" class="tick_reference_tag" title="如何拥有一个域名?">如何拥有一个域名?</a></li> <li><a target="_blank" href="" class="tick_reference_tag" title="注册.cn域名仅需9元!">注册.cn域名仅需9元!</a></li> <!-- <li><a target="_blank" href="" class="tick_reference_tag" title="如何建成一个自己的网站?">如何建成一个好网站?</a>--> <!-- </li>--> </ul> </div> <div class="news"> <ul> <li><p>常用域名功能</p></li> <li><a target="_blank" href="" class="tick_reference_tag" title="备案的域名过期了怎么办?"><font>备案的域名过期了怎么办? 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